Random Trades Wrapup

Story by TanukiDragoness on SoFurry

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#4 of Junk Shop

The Junk Shop: Random Trades WrapupBy everyone's favorite furvert, TAN?UKI!Because you can never have enough gender fuckery!

Several months after its closure, the characters from Random Trades show up for the Grand Reopening of the "Mod Shop", and get the changes they really wanted all along!

The epic tale of gender-fuckery meets its exciting conclusion in this clusterfuck of transformation scenes.  Enjoy!

This story can also be found on...FurAffinity - http://www.furaffinity.net/view/34300770/SoFurry - https://www.sofurry.com/view/1524799Inkbunny - https://inkbunny.net/s/2045600

And you can find me on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/TanukiDragoness (I'm posting commentary and other FREE content!)Posted using PostyBirb

It was early November, a little over a month and a half after the Junk Shop had been shut down, and for the past week, there had been notices around town about the "Mod Shop" reopening, with the Junk Shop going back to what was supposedly its original name, advertising new management and improved services. It had opened for only pre-approved transactions for a few days, but this Monday, it had reopened to the general public.

The shop's sudden shutdown, along with the lack of information on whether or not they'd even reopen, had created a bit of a panic. For the first 12 hours of the day at least, there had been a line of people going out the door, all looking to get in any changes they'd regretted or been putting off, having spent all October worrying that they might be stuck with whatever they had for a long time.

There were many people who had genitals they didn't want, either from birth or a previous transaction, and many others who wanted some other change to their bodies, like the cybernetic implants that had become so popular, or the extreme recolors, tooth and claw replacements, and niche piercings the place had been known for before the junk machines.

It was well after dark now though, close to midnight, and the crowd had died down enough that people looking for more embarrassing or unusual requests were sliding in.

Two such people, Jeremy and Leeroy, walked through the newly-built parking structure, the first story of which was about 8 meters high to provide plenty of clearance for the largest of anthros, even a full-sized elephant, and the third of which hadn't been completed beyond a bare roof.

The front of the "Mod Shop" had been gutted and rebuilt, with the name in pleasant letters lit up and easily visible from the walkup, hanging on the windows of a sleek, modern looking storefront, with white panels and mirrored windows around five sets of sliding double doors, each on a track inside another.

The first pair was only half a meter high, clearly intended for rodents, while the second set was about 1 meter high, large enough for maybe a rabbit. The third was 2 meters high and wide, more than enough to accommodate the two goats, sliding open quickly as the sensors saw them approaching. The fourth was 4 meters, for even larger anthros, and the fifth was a massive 8 meters.

The setup was deliberately inclusive, creating a space where a fur of any height would be able to walk through the same door without it feeling too large or too small, but managed to not be obtrusive.

As they walked through, they felt the light whoosh of the blowers in the grate beneath them, creating an air-curtain as they walked into an entirely different atmosphere.

The place looked like it had been thoroughly cleaned and remodeled, with shiny white walls on all sides of the long front room, the faint smell of synthetic sanitizers the only thing that got through whatever was filtering the air.

The white, glass-like material they'd used for paneling was inset with colorful, dynamically angled ads, showing examples far more than just junk.

What stood out the most was a massive legal notice, with text big enough to read from across the room, which detailed what all customers were agreeing to when they used the machines, as well as some smaller posters talking about company policies and employee guidelines.

3 of the junk machines, all different sizes, were set up on a platform where a (surprisingly naked) female raccoon was talking to an opossum and a heyena as they sat down in the small and mid-sized machines respectively. On the walls were more machines, which looked like they had slots for other body parts, also in 3 different sizes.

Above them was a large sign stating that area re-colors would be free with all body-part transactions from now on, with signs below it reminding people they did "Piercings, Implants, Recolors, Tail-Extensions, and more!"

"Hello! Welcome to the Mod Shop!" a high-pitched voice trilled beside them.

They turned to the left to see small, very female husky, who'd greeted them, sitting behind a newly installed counter, not wearing anything but a nametag that said "Tina", the lanyard of which nestled in the cleavage of her huge, perky tits.

Her body was furless, covered instead by shiny, soft-pink skin, made to look a bit like latex, with white highlights, and bright cyan to make her look like she was permanently wearing eyeshadow, lipstick, and claw-polish, as well as on her large nipples and prominent labia, making them show up like beacons on her frontside.

Jeremy blinked, "You aren't wearing any clothing." He stated the fact.

"No." she said, with a smile looked almost like a grimace, as if she had spent the entire day so far trying not to scream, "Our new company policy is a dress code which shows off the company's work. And my body is a full work, so that means I don't wear any clothing."

Leeroy was too busy looking below her face to notice it. "Well, I approve!" he grinned, drinking her in with his eyes, "With a bod like that, you could be in porno!"

"Thank you sir." the husky managed to grind out politely through her gritted teeth. "You can go sit in the waiting area now."

"Come on bro..." Jeremy said with an eye-roll, pulling his brother with him, over to the lounge area she'd sent them to.

It was large, furnished with a very long couch, a wide bench, some chairs, a mat made of the same material, and some end tables with various photo-books and pamphlets about modding, what it could do to improve your life, and how to handle more extreme mods. All of it was donw in a post-modernist style, white-framed, with padding made of some sort of soft, black, shiny synthetic material.

The gray vinyl flooring that ran through the rest of the shop had also been replaced with the unknown material there like a floor-mat. It was clearly waterproof, as they could see a few beads of spilled water next to the cooler in the corner.

A sign above the couch mentioned that the company also owned the "Modder's Bar" next door.

The waiting area was crowded, as even at this late hour the backlog was still running: lots of people who hadn't wanted to come in earlier in the day for whatever reason. Even with some extra chairs they'd brought forward from the back, there were only a few seats left for them to choose from.

Jeremy recognized one of the furs there as the corgi from the party, who blushed when he recognized Jeremy coming over, and gave a little wave as they came over. The fox was sitting next to him, and looked up to wave shyly with him.

A massive elk sat on one side of the couch, easily 9 feet tall wearing an oversized polo shirt that hung down over his crotch, but not enough to hide the ridiculously large member hanging over the edge of the couch, past his knees. A small brown mouse sat fully-clothed on his leg, leaning back against him, content to ignore the massive member, larger than his own 12-inch-tall body, lying limp next to him.

Leeroy and Jeremy sat down next to each other on the open side of the couch, but only received passing acknowledgement, as most of the people there were transfixed on the little ferret lying on the bench, making a show of eagerly fellating that alligator cock between her legs. The testosterone flowing through her body had had some interesting effects over the past month, giving her more masculine features and swelling her muscles when she worked out, making her look bulky and androynous.

The alligator whose cock she'd gotten had come along, as well as the big brown bear he was dating, who'd come along for moral support. The bear gently stroked the little white and pink femboy bunny on his knee, who wasn't wearing anything but a pink pleather collar, bracelets, and anklets, letting the marks from the previous night's flogging show though his fur, the pink tint of them complemented by his highlights.

The only one not focused on the spectacle was the short, mix-breed, goth-modder dog who'd been selling hot-dogs and tacos, lounging in just a jacket and boots, his bare, sexless crotch on full display as he watched what was going on on the platform.

A tall, slim, female raccoon had turned on the swapping machines where the goth opossum and heyena were sitting. She had a long tail, extra shaggy headfur, and a few more black markings than usual. When she turned around, Jeremy was surprised to see that her entire frontside, from fluffy white chest to jet black vulva, wasn't an anthro's: she'd swapped her original chest, belly, and crotch for that of a feral raccoon!

She grinned, a set of cartoonishly sharp teeth, obviously synthetic, poking out cutely.

"Alright you two!" She gently tapped at her tablet screen with claws made from the same metal as the machines they sat on, "Almost done!"

She reached down to her belly, slipping her hand inside what looked like a pouch, pulling out a little drawing, checking it against the screen, "Oh, and Zero, the new machine is doing that recolor and piercing job you asked for on the fly, so you can go after this."

"Ah.. Yeah..." he groaned, squirming as the machine messed around with his insides and genitals, "Thanks Nuki!"

"No prob buddy!"

Reggie sighed as the machine finished, still in a bit of an afterglow from the awesome blowjob her boyfriend had just given her, just so she could feel that crazy pecker cumming one last time.

Next to her, Zero dropped his hands from where they'd been fondling the little mounds that had started to show up on his chest, his body slightly curvier from a month of the little opossum's estrogen.

He glanced down at her as she squirmed out of the machine, "You still sure you don't want the rest back?"

"Nah, I just figured I'd like to hang onto my own ovaries a bit longer, just in case I wanna have kits some day..." she looked down at her temporarily denuded crotch, "...And as fun as it was to play the guy for a month, male isn't really my style."

"Well you know what I say, you gotta be true to you!" Zero grinned, turning to leave, still rockin' that opossum pussy, now complete with a flame pattern and a shit ton of piercings. He kicked his skateboard up from where he'd laid it, zipping out the doors, enjoying the cool breeze on that empty space between his thighs.

"See ya later Zero!" the raccoon called after him, chuckling to herself, "He's been coming in since before we had the machines..." She turned back to the opossum, "So, Miss Didel was it? You wanted to swap a bit more than your genitals this time?"

"You can call me Reggie, and I had something kinda big in mind. As in, multiple parts." She glanced over at the ferret, who was still going to town on her own dick as the others watched with enthusiasm.

"Alright, well, the machine for bigger trades is in the back." Tanuki looked over at the husky by the door, "Tina, you're very familiar with that machine! Why don't you come spot for me?"

The pink, latex husky shivered slightly at the thought of the machine, but went back quick anyway, glad to get out of sight of the crowd.

Leeroy leaned forward to watch her jog by with a big fat grin, prompting an eye roll from Jeremy and a few others.

"So I was thinking," the opossum said to the nodding raccoon, "You've got a feral's chest... Can you do legs too? And how similar does it have to be?"

They disappeared behind the curtain, leaving everyone else unattended.

"So..." the little gay bunny said, "how's everyone been since the game?"

Jeremy sighed, talking in the closest thing he had to a masculine voice, "How's it look like I've been?"

The others looked over and blinked.

"Ohhh shit." the big bear said, "You're that goat boy who got Ramona's junk!"

"Well damn," the Elk gawked, "I could tell she had some strong hormones, but... damn!"

"Yeah, dude, she's a fuckin' beast!" the bunny cringed, "You really should've just swapped with me..."

He signed, "Yeah, I know... I'm sorry for nitpicking. I uh... had a lot to learn about not letting how others saw me get to me."

The bunny shrugged, "I understand. I've been going through a pretty ugly phase for the past couple months myself..." he reached down, pushing back his sheath, rubbing out the length of a hefty dog pecker, unerect, yet already 8 inches long. "Seriously, my stupid boyfriend had me on this size kick. I mean, do I look like a guy who wants to be packing?"

Jeremy's eyes widened at the sight, suddenly really regretting blowing off the bunny when he'd offered a trade: that dick was bigger than his own had been!

The rabbit just rolled his eyes, "I don't even like being the one on the giving end! I was happily neutered for years before we met!"

Before they could say anything else, the half-feral raccoon girl popped out of the back. "Ok everyone, who's next?"

The elk sat up a little, glancing down at the mouse on his leg, "I think that's us little buddy."

"Oh, it is?" he started to stand, but the Elk offered him a hand, letting him sit in his palm. The mouse smiled back at him as he climbed on, "Thanks Frank."

"No prob, buddy!" The massive Elk stood up, his 2-foot-plus cock swinging between his legs as he walked with the mouse.

Leeroy's eyes lit up as he watched that sausage swing, "If he's gonna get rid of that..."

Jeremy put a hand on his shoulder, "come on bro, haven't you learned your lesson?"

"Hi there!" the raccoon said with a smile, "My name's Tanuki, the new manager of this shop." she glanced down at his massive member, "Let me guess, looking to get something smaller?"

The elk nodded as he set the mouse next to the smaller machine, "Glad someone understands, I'm sick of this thing!"

Tanuki nodded, "Oh yeah, we see this all the time when small furs trade for big parts: can't wear pants, can't sit on toilets, and I bet erections are pretty uncomfortable."

He rolled his eyes, "You read it like a book little lady. I haven't even been able to put it in anyone since I was sixteen!" He scowled as he started trying to cram his massive manhood into the machine.

"Ouch!" she cringed, "Well, don't worry, we can definitely fix that for you."

"Good... Fucking... Riddance..." The elk growled: just as before, he struggled to jam his penis into the hole.

Tanuki raised a brow, trying not to snicker at his big-cock problem, "If you're having trouble, there's a bigger machine for giant species we could use..."

"Nah... I... I've got this... Gah! There!" Finally, it slotted in, and he was able to get his crotch to bump up against the padding. He leaned his head back and sighed with relief, "Ahh, I am not gonna miss having to fit this stupid fucker in anything ever again."

Tanuki grinned, "So, let's talk about your options, shall we?" she started the machine, looking over it, "Ok, let's see... twenty eight point four inches long... that... might actually be a company record for someone your size." she cringed, "Ah damn... I don't suppose you'd be happy with me taking just seven inches off? We ah... have a thing that can shrink it, but any further than that and things might get weird..."

"No can do little lady." the stag shook his head, "I wanna be able to wear pants!"

She nodded, "Ok then, let's see what I've got in cervine penises, and we can get you swapped." she started flipping through, "Any of these look good?"

"Hmm... Ahh..." he scowled slightly, "I don't think any of those are for me... actually, we could go pretty small... I wouldn't mind bein' a ways below average if it meant I could wear pants."

"Ok... How about this one?" she showed him another one.

He scoffed, "Well that's just gonna look rediculous."

"Would you be interested in some feline parts? They can be compact but still packin'!"

"Ah the hell with it!" he threw up his arms, "I don't really care about having a dick: not like I ever get to use the useless one I've got! Let's just get this thing off me so I can buy a pair of pants already!"

"So, you're selling? No replacement?" she said, a grin starting to form on her face, "Do you want me to take your balls too?"

He grinned back, giving a firm nod, "Hell yeah! No dick, no balls! Let's do it!"

Tanuki squealed, dancing a little in excitement as she cancelled the sale.

The mouse's eyes widened, "You... you're gonna get castrated, AND lose your cock!?"

He nodded, "Yep! Whatever makes you happy, remember?"

"Sound like he knows what he's doing!" she said, stifling her giggles, "You at least want a synthetic testosterone gland with that? I can make it just strong enough to keep away the withdrawal symptoms, but not enough to give you a sex drive when you don't have a dick to get off with..."

"Sounds good to me!" he chuckled, "Now, let's go ahead and get this thing offa me: I don't wanna live with it another second!"

"All-right!!" Tanuki cheered as she hit the "null" button, causing him to lean his head back and let out a moan as his genitals were completely removed.

She looked down at her tablet with unrestrained glee, "You have an impressive amount of money coming back from this sale! I'm sure you'll be able to buy some very nice pants now, sir." she glanced up at him, "Should I still call you that? Or would you prefer some other gender now?"

"Sir's fine..." he grunted, casually enjoying the feeling of losing his huge mass to the machine, which gave a shudder as it's capacity was pushed and it ended up having to take it in chunks, "Just 'cause I don't have a dick, doesn't make me any less of a man... Not that I care either way."

She smirked, "There's a good attitude. Don't let your genitals, gender, or lack thereof, define who you are!" she shook her head, "If only kids these days understood that."

Jeremy's jaw was slack. This elk was tossing away a massive cock, the kind men bawled for, like it was literally garbage to him. Granted, he understood why he didn't want it, or even want it replaced for now, but he'd never be able to make that kind of decision!

...Then again, he wasn't sure why he thought that: if the past month or so had taught him anything, it was that his body should make him happy, and he shouldn't care what others thought about it.

Tanuki turned to look down at the little mouse, who was still staring wide-eyed as his friend lost it all with a serene smile, "And what can I help you with, sir?"

"I um... I'd just like to change my genitals... I um... I'd like to still have male parts though."

"Yeah, I figured." she chuckled, "Got something weird from that Random Trades thing I take it?"

"Um... No... I uh..." he blushed, "It's my own uh..."

"Don't be shy about it, Dale." the elk sighed as the machine did it's work, "Whatever makes you happy, just go for it."

The mouse gave a weak smile, nodding, "Yeah... Whatever makes me happy." Taking a deep breath, he reached down and unbuttoned his pants, blushing deeper as he revealed his tiny penis. Not just tiny for a fur, but tiny for a mouse: a micropenis, barely functional, and not at all in the sexual way.

Tanuki's eyes widened a little,"Oh! Yes, I can definitely see what you're looking for." She leaned over, patting the machine, "Hop on and I'll get ya what ya need!"

The mouse climbed up into the seat, having to stretch a little, even though it was the small one.

"So, bigger..." she tapped at her tablet, "...anything in particular?"

"Something really big!" he held his arms out wide, "Like maybe a dog's?"

She raised a brow at him.

He blushed again, "...too much?"

"Do you really want something so big you can't walk?"

"Err... I guess not... Can you just get me something above average? Maybe an average rat's?"

She started browsing through the catalogue, "Yeah, I can find something like that, unless you just want me to enlarge what you have there."

"W-wait..." the mouse blinked, "You can enlarge it?"

"Yeah," she shrugged, "we've just recently acquired the technology to change the sizes of parts, though it's not exactly the most reliable yet, and there are serious limitations due to biomechanical physics, but I can definitely make your penis above-average without it looking or feeling too weird..."

"Yeah!" he grinned, "Let's do that!"

She nodded, hitting a button, causing the machine to whir into action, making the mouse squirm as he felt a gentle tug on his penis.

"One-point-seventy-five inches is on the big side for a mouse your size. What do you say about that?"

"Why not three inches?"

She gave him another look, "That would be bigger than your forearm. Do you want a big dick, or a freakish monster dick?"

He shrunk back sheepishly, "B-big... just big please."

"Don't worry," she chuckled as she hit the button, "I'm sure the ladies won't have any problem with that size."

The mouse's eyes widened, "Oh... Oh that... Oh!"

It felt like his penis was getting a very hard suck, almost painful, but it tingled along the length as it stretched further than he ever thought it could.

"Alright, here we go, one point seven five inches... aaand the protein-lathe is active!"

He started kicking his legs, "Oh... Oh my- ah! It didn't feel like this last time!!" he whined

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, this procedure was never really intended to be used on conscious subjects." Tanuki admitted offhandedly, "Just try to stay still while it pads out your shaft with more cell-matter."

The little mouse whimpered, trying to hold his pelvis still while the rest of his body jerked about.

She smirked, "It takes a minute too..."

"Bu-but I'm... Everyone can..." he glanced over at the other people in the room, blushing deeply at the impromptu audience as he shuddered.

Tanuki chuckled, "Don't worry, I'm sure they've all seen someone getting pleasured before."

"Thi-this feels like... It feels like it's..." his eyes widened, "Ohohoho fuck! It's inside my penis!!"

Tanuki gave a laugh at that, "Well yeah, it's gotta get the whooole thing, inside and out." she glanced down at the tablet, "Ya wanna have somethin' ta brag about, it's gotta be well proportioned too."

He whimpered loudly, "It's... It's in my... Why's it going up my..."

"Your penis isn't just what you see outside." she stated matter-of-factly, "Even when you're erect and on display, about half the length is anchored in the body, and if you said you wanted normally proportioned genitals, so it's making it all bigger."

"Even my balls?!" the mouse squealed as he clutched at the machine.

"Yep!" she glanced down, "Oh, I see, you can feel that."

"It feels so... I've never felt this... this..." the virgin mouse moaned, "Oohhh fuck! Is this what sex feels like?!"

Tanuki shook her head, "Nope. Better: it's how sticking your entire crotch in a vibrator feels." she thought for a second, "You know, it probably feels a bit like how I feel when I use a rabbit vibrator on full power..."

"Ohh, ohh, Ah, I- I!!" he was kicking now, craning his head back. "F-fuck I'm cumming!!" he squeaked.

The raccoon just watched, still wearing an intrigued smile on her face as the little mouse's face screwed his face up and started ejaculating into the machine, body jerking about uncontrollably.

He squealed, kicked, and thrashed for nearly another minute as he was inadvertently milked dry, finally ending up shaking and whimpering, giving empty ejaculations for a few moments longer before the machine finally finished.

She gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder, "Hokay, just take a moment to breathe."

She glanced back at the surprised audience, "Don't worry. Bodily fluid leaks is part of what the suction is for, and the machines self-sanitize." She chuckled, shaking her head as she went back to watching the mouse recover, "You won't get his semen on you."

The mouse had to sit there for a few moments before his body felt like it would work again, finally pulling himself back from the machine, sliding off the end and dropping to the floor to examine his altered manhood.

"O-oh wow... Oh wow!" he said, face lighting up with joy as he looked at his dick: sure enough, it was long and fat (for a mouse), and while it didn't look entirely normal, it looked natural enough that no one would know the difference.

He waved that semi-erect cock around a little, "Oh wow... I've never been able to swing it like this!"

Tanuki grinned, "Welcome to the big dick club. It's a little inflamed right now, because I had to do so much enlarging, but as soon as the swelling goes down, it'll look and feel just like any other dick."

"It's amazing!" he grabbed her leg, hugging her tight, "Thank you so much!"

"Okay buddy, calm down," she chuckled, patting his head, "I'm just the technician!"

He pulled away, eyes tearing up a little, "I-I'm sorry, it's just... I've spent my entire life ashamed, I've turned away girls from dates because I knew it'd just end badly, I've never worked up the courage to pay someone because I didn't even know what they'd do, I couldn't even use a public bathroom because someone might see it... You really changed my life!"

She laughed, "Hey, glad we could help: it's my job to satisfy you with your body."

"Way to go little buddy!" Frank cheered as he stood up from the other machine, but the sudden change in his body weight made him fall backwards onto his rump, the padded platform absorbing his fall like it was designed to do. "Oof! I wasn't ready for... for... woah..." His eyes widened as he looked at his bare crotch, a smile forming. He put his hand on it, feeling the bareness of it, "Ah yeah... Feels real nice..."

His little mouse friend just stared in stunned silence, glancing back and forth between his friend's newly denuded crotch, and his own newly endowed one. One of his hands went down to clutch at himself, a bit unnerved by the idea.

The big elk wasn't concerned: he leaned forward, pulling himself back to his hooves, grinning from ear to ear, "Ah damn, I'm definitely not gonna miss that thing slappin' against my thighs!"

The raccoon girl nodded, reaching down to pat at her own rounded crotch, "Yep! Male genitals really are overrated." she smiled, handing him his ID chip back, "If you'd like a pair of pants right now, you should go to the big used clothing store next door. They try to have things in every size!"

"Thanks little lady!" he grinned, reaching down for his little mouse buddy to grab his hand, picking him up and putting him on his shoulders before turning for the door, "I'm gonna buy me the tightest pair of jeans they got!" he chuckled, glancing up at the well-endowed mouse leaning over his head, "And let's get you somethin' that shows off that cock too, little buddy!"

"Enjoy!" the little raccoon giggled, "And if you ever want anything else done, just come by again!"

She turned back to the waiting room as they left, reaching in her belly pouch as she glanced at her tablet, "Let's see, I think the next one was... Candy?"

The little bunny jumped out of the bear's lap, running over with a grin, "Hey Nuki! Glad to see you working the shop again!"

She chuckled, pulling out a little green apple, "Glad to be back on the customer side!" she looked at her tablet screen, "Looks like you're on a big-dick kick right now... want something fat and fun?" She took a bite of the apple.

The rabbit scoffed, "No, I learned my lesson. No more big stuff."

She swallowed with a grin, "Good to hear! I remembered when I first snipped your nuts off, you were so excited by the prospect of having a cute little thing. Said you might even get that snipped too!" she took another bite of the apple, waving it in the air as she talked with food in her mouth, "These big dicks you've been cycling through just don't seem like you!"

Candy nodded, climbing up onto the machine's seat, "That's exactly what I've been thinking! Time to get back to my ideal: what's the smallest thing you've got?"

"Well, Ramona traded her husband's junk for a mouse set a while back, then neutered it and watched it shrivel before turning it in for a bare crotch today." she held up the pad to show him what she was offering, "I'd say, if you want to go small, you can't really go smaller than that."

Candy rubbed his chin, "A mouse huh? I've always liked mice..."

"Trust me, this is right up your alley." she smirked, biting through the core of the apple as she hit the button, causing the machine to whir to life.

"Nnf!" Candy closed his eyes, "Those stasis-fields sure do feel good... you ever gonna put that function back in that makes you feel like you're getting head back in?"

"You mean the 'No Transaction' thing that just pleasures you?" she shrugged as she chewed, "That's a test setting that's always been in there, I only ever turn it on for games these days..."

In the waiting area, Leeroy had been listening in, and his eyes widened, "W-wait... That really was a thing?!" he glanced at Jeremy, "I... I thought that skunk was just-"

Before he could form the rest of the sentence, 4 of the doors opened, and a pair of police officers came in, dragging the very skunk who'd swindled him over a month before, hands cuffed behind his back, pants yanked down from his ass, teeth gritting with every step from the pain of the pair of tiny plugs jammed up his scent-glands.

"That's the guy!" Leeroy shouted, pointing as he jumped out of his seat, but he winced as that feeling of warm wetness filling his diaper cut him off.

The male otter on the skunk's right arm chuckled, "Oh, he got somethin' from you too?"

The female beagle on his left chuckled along with him, "We've been after 'im for quite some time." the female beagle chortled along with him, "Real spree-criminal this one, lots of small-time crap. Goin' away for a good few years by the time the DA's done with him..."

Tanuki chucked, "Oh yeah, I think I've heard about him." She glanced at curtain to the back room where her lovely assistant had gone.

"You mind if we cut in line here?" the otter asked, "We gotta get his sprayer removed before we book 'im, and we didn't feel like waiting to get to the station: our buddy's already in the clinic after takin' one for the team before he stuck the plugs up there, and we're not riskin' him gettin' off another round." he smirked, "Or another 'assault on an officer' charge for this one."

"And ya might as well get his junk too while we're here," the beagle added, "save us the time in booking, and in case he tries to run off again, he won't have nothin' down there worth runnin' off with."

"Sure!" Tanuki said, crunching down the last of her apple, "Get his pants off and I'll get him after I finish with my little twink friend here!" She gave a gesture to the blushing bunny who was just finishing up having the tiniest penis in stock attached to him.

The officers nodded, the otter holding the skunk up by the arms while the beagle yanked his pants right off.

"That's it! That was my dick until he stole it from me!" Leeroy pointed at that caprine cock between his legs, "He's a cock thief!"

The beagle blinked, glancing at the goat-dick next to her face to compare it to the goat himself, "huh, sure looks like it." she shrugged, "Cock-Theivery is a class-A Misdemeanor in this state, so that's another charge."

Tanuki glanced over at the goat, "If he got your junk from some less than savory activity, I guess could just swap it back to you for free." she smirked at the criminal, "...leave him with whatever he gave you when he gets out on bail."

"What?!" the skunk got flustered, "No! That sucker's dick was way bigger than the one I gave him!!"

"That sounds like a confession to me!" Tanuki cackled, "Let's get these two set up."

Candy slid out of the seat, standing clear to watch as the two cops lifted the skunk out of his pants and shoved him into the saddle of the small junk-swapping machine.

Tanuki hit the button, causing him to cry out a little as the machine turned on without warning, keeping him locked in place. "Ah... You're so lucky these cops are here: I could have an absolute field day with a guy like you..." she glanced at the officers, "If I ah, was a mad scientist, I mean..."

The officers shared a chuckle.

The otter glanced over at Leeroy, "Alright kid, what'd he stick you with?"

Leeroy scowled as he unbuttoned his pants and carefully slipped down the front of his diaper, showing off that infantile penis.

Tanuki's eyes widened, "That doesn't look like my work..." she muttered.

The police saw the tiny pecker, stifling a laugh.

"Wow, he sure did stick you with a lemon in that one!" the otter sniggered, "Hey, raccoon girl, you think you can leave that on our little stinker here?" he chuckled, "Figure it'd be a good laugh to take him down to the station with just that..."

"Oh, I absolutely love that idea!" Tanuki's grin returned, starting to grow unnaturally wide.

"What? Are you serious?!" the skunk shouted, "I got that thing off a newborn!"

"And yet another confession out of the little stinker!" the Beagle chortled, "Rackin' up the charges today aren't we?"

"Ah, damnit!" the skunk cringed.

"Ok, if you're done blabbin', let's go ahead and start with those natural weapons..." She tapped another button.

The Skunk started squirm and whimper as he felt those implements poking around in his skunkhood, pleasuring him in a place he'd never felt it before, and would likely not be able to feel for a long time.

"Alright kid," Tanuki gestured to Leeroy, "You're up!"

Leeroy grinned from ear to ear as he jumped in the machine, giving out a little cheer of excitement as it turned on.

"Heh," the raccoon chuckled as she watched the diagram on the tablet, "Not much of a skunk anymore. Let's take that Junk now..." she hit another button, and both of them gave little moans as their junk was taken away, one happy to lose it, the other dreading the outcome as he tried in vain to pull himself out of the machine's grip.

Tanuki laughed, "You realize that, even if you were strong enough to break that thing's hold, the whole locking mechanism is a safety mechanism? I mean, you know you've got an open hole where your crotch was at this point, right?" she sneered sadistically, her lips peeling back so far they went up the side of her face like some sort of monstrous creature, showing just how massive her pointed teeth were, "This is happening ya little stinker, like it or not." she thought a bit, "Then again, yer not really much of a 'stinker' anymore, are ya?"

The skunk stopped squirming, just closing his eyes and whimpering as he tried to focus on the last pleasure he'd get down there for a while, knowing that what was being attached to him was nothing to be happy about.

Leeroy himself humped at the machine a little, the familiar heft of his junk tingling as it was reattached.

He let out a sigh as it powered back down. "Ah damn... Hey raccoon babe, you think you could turn it back on on that no transaction setting? I was kinda close to finishing..."

Tanuki rolled her eyes, "Sorry kid, but there's a line behind ya, and we don't sell orgasms here, just the tools to make 'em great."

Jeremy sighed as he stood, smiling down at the familiar parts swinging between his legs, ring and all, "Ohh I missed you boys!" he said, fondling himself for a moment.

The skunk whimpered as he was finally able to stand, stumbling as he tried to regain his balance. He looked down sadly to inspect the damage, eyes widening when he saw his crotch, "...n-no balls?"

"Of course not!" Tanuki trilled, "The balls are the one thing the victim can't replace. We can't risk anything happening to them, but I'm sure the parents won't mind when they hear what happened with the rest..." she grinned, crazy teeth starting to show again, "Of course, without those, you won't be getting any bigger than that even if it finally matures enough to stop pissing... But hey, at least you'll be the only guy in the slammer who's allowed to keep something down there!"

The two officers chuckled as they bent over to yank his pants back up.

"Wait! Not so rough!" The skunk yelled, but it was too late, and he could already feel the warm trickle in his trousers as he pissed himself.

Everyone in the shop started laughing, the officers as well, as the skunk stood there, the wet spot just growing and growing.

He tried to make a break for it during the distraction, but the big otter planted his foot on his tail, causing him to yelp as he fell, pissing himself a little more.

"Nice try buddy," he sneered, "but yer goin' back in the car now!"

The police took the whimpering skunk outside, not even bothering to deal with the dampness spreading down his pantlegs: he could only hope they had diapers at the station.

With the spectacle over, Leeroy reached for his pants, but slowed. "Hey," he winced, "You got a place I can throw away a, um... diaper?"

Tanuki smirked, hitting a few buttons on her tablet, "You wouldn't believe how often we hear that question."

A clawed, mechanical arm reached out of the machine he'd been sitting in, holding open for him.

"Give it to the machine."

Leeroy stared at it in confusion, "Really?"

She nodded absently, "Yeah, I've got an incinerator in the basement."

"It won't get dirty?"

She rolled her eyes, "Well, yeah, but unless something in your piss can survive six-hundred degrees of laser, a sodium-hydroxide rinse, and a second lasering, it's not gonna be a problem."

Leeroy's eyes widened as he handed the robot the diaper, and it was whisked away. "Y-you really do that?"

She nodded, "You think they'd let us run these things if they were carving people up without proper sterilization? We'd get shut down the moment someone came in here with an HIV infection!" she cringed, "And you kids make light of it, but trust me, that anti-retroviral regimen is a bitch to deal with." She blinked, glancing at the policewoman, who'd come back in, "Oh, uh... no offense, officer."

"None taken." the officer chuckled, "My boyfriend had it one time too. What a hassle!" She turned to Jeremy, "We're gonna need a statement, just so the DA has another witness on this one. You mind talking to us outside?"

"Sure! I've got a real bone to pick with that guy..." he glanced down at his junk, "Heh, 'bone'."

The officer chuckled, "I bet he's missing the bone he gave up for that lemon pretty bad right now.."


Leeroy grabbed his pants, walking over to the waiting area, "Hey bro, you mind if I leave you here for a bit? I'm just gonna talk to these guys..."

"Yeah, sure..." Jeremy shrugged.

"...are you?" he narrowed his eyes a little.

Jeremy rolled his eyes, "You really think I'm gonna start a gangbang in here?"

"I, uh... no!" he cringed, "I just uh... I'm gonna... I'll be outside..." he walked out the door, rolling up his baggy pants rather than putting them back on, enjoying the feeling of fresh air against his dry crotch again despite the cold.

With them out of the way, Tanuki turned back to Candy, "Need anything else today Sweetheart?"

"Nah, going back to my old neutered self is enough for one day," the bunny poked at his little penis with a grin, less than an inch long, "You gonna be at the bar tonight?"

"Yeah." Tanuki glanced at the waiting area, "Might be a little late from all these people freaking out over the shutdown."

"Alright, I guess I'll go see if anyone's over there yet..."

Tanuki nodded, "Probably. It's monday, but the shop just reopened, so..."

Candy nodded back, "Yeah, at the very least I can at least get some fun outta Sobek if it's not busy."

"If he's in the mood." Tanuki added.

"He's always in the mood for vore," Candy pointed out, "and vore always puts him in the mood for sex."

She nodded thoughtfully, "I suppose that's true. A wiggle in the throat is pretty satisfying..." she shrugged, "Anyway, you go have fun while I tend to these customers."

"Alright! See ya later!" he turned to leave.

"Oh, and Candy?"Tanuki called after him.

He glanced back, "Yeah?"

"You tell my you don't like that dick," she stated with a smirk, "I'm not even gonna ask before stickin' a pussy on ya."

That brought a blush to the little gay bunny, "Oh! Uh... You think that's...?"

She shrugged. "It's the next logical step for you."

"I don't think either of my boyfriends would go for that..." Candy cringed, glancing down, "One of them's already gonna be a bit turned off by the new junk."

"Then dump him." she waved it off, "Never make decisions about your body based on a partner's interests."

"I guess you're right..." Candy said thoughtfully, heading back for the door.

Tanuki turned back to the waiting area with a grin, "Ok! Who's up next?"

"That's us!" the gator said to the ferret with a grin, standing with his boyfriend.

The ferret looked up from where she was now lying back, a rope of semen still hanging from her muzzle. She casually licked it off, walking over with them.

"Hello!" Tanuki grinned, ushering them to the small and mid-sized machines respectively, "looking to reverse a swap I see?"

"N-no..." the alligator smiled bashfully, "We were talking and, well... neither of us want to go back to what we had before, now that we've seen the possibilities."

She turned to the ferret, "You feel the same?"

The ferret shrugged, adjusting her hips in the seat, "Yeah, the lizard dick was fun, but I'm not really comfortable with it anymore. I want to go back to having mammal parts, but... Not that." she pointed at her old pussy with a slight scowl.

The raccoon nodded, "Understandable. Reptile parts can be a bit awkward on a mammal, especially at that size difference. Did you have anything particular in mind?"

"Oh, I dunno... Something the boys will like..." the ferret thought, "The girls too, I guess."

"Here, why don't you take a moment to browse, then make a selection." the raccoon smiled, handing the ferret the tablet for that machine, "You can search by a few different criteria." she turned back to the alligator, "So, looking for a change of cock?"

"A-actually," the big burly alligator blushed, "I was wondering if you could, um..." he smiled as his boyfriend put a big hand on his shoulder, "I'm not a fan of the mammal parts, or the changes to my hormones, but... I don't actually miss my cock..." he smirked at his boyfriend, "I mean, I'd like it back, but I just love getting fucked in the pussy!"

His boyfriend grinned back, hugging and nuzzling him, "And I love fucking my man in it!"

Tanuki chuckled, patting her own vulva, "I hear ya there buddy!" She poked at her tablet, "So, do you wanna buy a female vulva and vagina, sans uterus and ovaries, and have me combine your old stuff in with them?"

"You can do that?" the gator grinned, "Because that'd be great!"

"Oh yeah, we do plenty of herm-jobs: all we have to do is hook both up at once." she smiled back up at him, "I recommend a female vent, just because those are more penetrable. You want a gator's, or something more fun?"

"Well..." the big gator shrugged a little, "I'd like a reptile one, but what did you have in mind?"

She grinned, hitting a few buttons before turning the pad around, showing it to him, "Feral Crocodile. Gnarly one at that."

Their eyes widened. "Oh wow," the alligator said, "You're saying that's female?"

She nodded, hitting another button, "Yep! Check out the insides!"

His eyes widened, "That's wild!"

"Literally!" Tanuki chirped.

"I bet that'd feel real good around my... um..." the bear blushed.

"I'll take it! Slit 'n all!" the big gator chuckled, his tail giving a little wag, "Here I was worried I'd have to settle for something girly..."

"Nope!" Tanuki nodded, hitting the button and turning on the machine, "It's your body, and it's our job to make it perfect for you!"

The Alligator let out a little sigh, his grinning boyfriend rubbing his shoulders as he swapped his cute little ferret pussy for a more savage looking one, old genitals included.

Meanwhile, the other machine was just finishing up. The ferret let out a sigh of contentment, taking a deep breath and pulling away, looking down to admire that fluffy new fox penis, which would've been small on its original owner, but looked pretty big on a ferret.

"Excellent choice! It looks great on you!" Tanuki cheered. "Would you like me to put in a change to your name and gender marker with that?"

"Sure!" the ferret followed the raccoon to the computer, looking down with a grin, one hand playing with his fat new pair of testicles.

Tanuki plopped down at the computer, pulling up the dialog, "Ok, so, male, right?"

"Yep!" He beamed

She nodded, clicking to the next part, "Name?"

"Cody!" the little ferret announced, "I've always thought that was a cool name!"

"Congratulations Cody! You're now officially male!" she cheered. "...And if you want anything else done, like a breast reduction or another change of style, you know where to get it!"

Cody smiled, reaching down to fondle at the little breasts he'd kept, "I'll think about it..."

"How about you big guy?" she called to the alligator, "Still feelin' male?"

"Yep!" the gator said as he walked up, crotch newly adorned with that gnarly slit, "I'm a real man, with a real pussy!" He grinned, putting an arm around his boyfriend, sharing a quick kiss.

Jeremy was gawking now: the ferret had just gotten what he'd spent hundreds of dollars, and several weeks trying and failing to get, and she... he now, hadn't even been a male to begin with! Same with the gator, who'd decided to just keep having a pussy without the hormones! If this place hadn't been shut down over a single mishap during a game they didn't even sanction, he would've never had to go through any of those changes at all!

Tanuki waved as they left to celebrate at a men's club, the ferret sitting on the shoulders of his newly be-pussied alligator friend, turning back to the lounge as the door closed, "Alright, who's next in line?"

The brown fox turned to his corgi friend, "That's you."

The corgi shrunk back a little, "I'm nervous..."

"It's ok," the fox leaned over to rub his friend's back, "I'll be right beside you the whole time."

"O- ok..." The corgi nodded, smiling back.

They both stood up, walking meekly over to the machine.

"Well, looks like you've got original parts there." the raccoon said as she admired them, "What're you thinking of swapping out for?"

"I'd like um... Well... I um..." the corgi blushed, climbing into the machine, "It's a bit embarrassing."

"Don't worry sweetie," the raccoon gestured down to her feral frontside, "Whatever you want, I've probably done it before. Our company philosophy is that it's your body, and you are the only person who should be making decision about it." she grinned, "And I personally love fulfilling unusual requests!"

He bit his lip a little, nodding, "Well, if that's the case... I um... I've always liked dressing up in, um... women's clothing." he blushed deeper, "Like, pretty dresses."

Tanuki giggled, "I understand completely! I love wearing pretty dresses when I'm not at work!"

"Oh." the corgi smiled, "w-well I heard that, if you get swapped for a female set, the hormones can make you look female?"

Tanuki nodded, "If I give you ovaries, then yes, you'll grow breasts, hips, and a feminine figure. I can also have it flush you with synthetic aromatase, which will convert all your testosterone to estrogen, and prime your new ovaries to make the changes set in quicker and harder."

"Oh my!" the corgi grinned, "So I'll look good in my dresses..."

Tanuki nodded, "You may even have to get them retailored to fit your new tits by the end of the month!"

"Can we do that then?" the corgi glanced back at Jeremy, blushing again, "I'd really like to be a pretty girl."

The raccoon poking at her tablet, "Certainly! I'd love to help you with that! You want canine parts, or...?"

"Canine please!" the corgi nodded, "Something that looks like I was born with it!"

The raccoon nodded, typing in "canine", "small", and "female", into her tablet as the machine turned back on, causing the corgi to shiver with anticipation.

The raccoon smiled, showing them the screen, "This look good to you?"

The corgi blushed at the sight of it, nodding happily, "It's adorable!"

The fox nodded along, blushing slightly as well when he felt a twinge in his loins from seeing it.

"Well, it'll be yours in just a second then!" she hit the button, and the machine got to work, causing the little corgi to giggle and squirm as a set of male parts was removed.

"And," Tanuki continued, "if you're not completely satisfied with what the hormones do, or you'd like something else about your body changed, just come back and we can use the bigger machines to finish it." she smiled cutely, "After all, it's your body, and you should be happy with it!"

The corgi squealed as the machine went all the way in, replacing those male organs a set of female ones, complete with a uterus and ovaries, ready for rapid feminization.

A few moments later, the machine was done, and the corgi slowly stood to look at her brand-new spade-shaped vulva, fur recolored to match her own, a little bit of pink flesh poking out. She grinned with utter elation, tail going into overdrive.

"You like the pink inside?" Tanuki asked, "Normally, it'd be black, but I thought it was a nice touch."

"It's perfect!" the corgi threw her arms around Tanuki, "Thank you so much!"

Tanuki laughed, leaning away a little, patting her on the head, "Don't mention it! I'm always happy to help another girl out!"

The corgi's eyes widened, a big grin appearing on her face, "Oh my gosh... I am a girl now, aren't I!?"

"You sure are, parts and all!" Tanuki laughed.

"...And a cute one at that." the fox pressed up against her with a smile.

She took his hand, leaning into him, "So... since you said you'd like to be my first boyfriend... You wanna try out my new parts after this?"

"Uh... I'd like to, but..." the fox said shyly as they approached the counter, "Are you sure? I mean, you know about my um... little problem."

"I'm sure!" she said, giving him a nuzzle, "I don't mind if we need a little extra work..."

"'Little problem'?" Tanuki's ears perked up, "Maybe we can help. Would you like to trade for something bigger sweetie?"

"Oh, uh, no! It's uh..." he winced, lowering his voice, "I can't uh... stop myself from, um... finishing."

"Oh!" she smiled, "I might be able to do something about that! Lemme take a look!"


"Yeah!" she gestured to the machine, "Take off your pants and climb on!"

He nodded, slipping down his pants to reveal his sheath and scrotum, seemingly normal for a fox, tail twitching uncomfortably as he climbed into the machine.

Tanuki hit a button, causing it to whir to life, making him squirm as he felt the scanners on his junk.

"Ok, I'm just gonna take a look inside you..." Tanuki furrowed her brow at the tablet.

He whimpered a little as he felt it messing with his penis and crotch, "Um, uh... I'm not gonna be able ta..."

"Do you have trouble holding your bladder?" she cut him off.

"Wha- what?" he blinked at her.

"How long can you hold it before you have to-"

"W-when I need to go, I can hold it for a couple minutes, if I'm awake." he offered hesitantly, "and um... everyone uh... wets the bed... sometimes... right?"

The corgi's eyes widened.

He winced at her, "That's not normal?"

She shook her head.

"O-oh..." the fox cringed, "W-well... I don't know how that-"

"Fixed it."


"I just fixed it." Tanuki pointed at the machine, "You're not about to cum, are you?"

He looked down at his crotch, still tingling under the hood of the humming machine. "Uh... I... I guess not..."

"Yeah, muscle deformity. Just a little retuck to put it in the right place, you should be good." she glanced up again, "You want a vasectomy while I'm at it? It's free, and only takes a couple seconds, both to get and reverse."

"You mean so I can-"

"-Have as much unprotected sex as you want? Yeah."

He grinned, tail wagging, "Yes please!"

She hit a button, the fox gave a little tremble at the feeling of something warm, like a tongue licking against the base of his scrotum. A few moments later, the machine turned off.

Tanuki sat her pad aside, "Yeah, it's crazy how many people don't realize they can get these every day problems fixed. Anyway, you should be able to last pretty long now. Should handle the incontinence too."

"W-wow..." the corgi stared down at the machine, "these machines can do all that?"

Tanuki rolled her eyes, "Please, they can go up inside people to give them the ovaries of someone who isn't even the same species. They can also modify and swap tails, if you turn around." she glanced back at her own elongated tail, giving it a flick, "That's another service we need to advertise more." she shrugged, "Honestly, if you asked to be turned into a wolf, I could do that with the machine in the back..." she grinned at him, "Do you wanna be a wolf? I haven't messed with full species-changes in a while."

He shook his head, "uh, no, I'm happy as a fox..." he glanced at his tail, "Although..."

She smirked, "You want a bigger tail too?"

"Uh... can I think about it?"

"Sure. Come back any time." she chuckled, turning to the corgi, "How about you?"

She looked back at her tail, less than a foot long, "Can you make mine as long as his?" she smiled hopefully, "I've always been a bit jealous of it..."

"You want to swap for a fox's?" Tanuki asked, "I can give it your fur-color free."

The corgi's face lit up, "Oooh! Do that!"

"Sit down backwards on the machine and slip your tail in, I'll get it swapped out for you..." she started poking buttons, "you want anything special? Or maybe something else back there?"

"Um, any fox tail you think will do, but, since you're doing colors... can I have one of those heart-shape patterns on my butt?" she giggled, "I think they look cute on girls, and my new boyfriend does too!"

The fox grinned, nodding.

"Sure!" the raccoon turned around, bending forward a little and lifting her own tail to show off where the white fur came up from her crotch to frame her ass cheeks in a heart-shape, "You mean like this right?"

"Exactly!" the corgi wagged her tail inside the machine as her boyfriend stared at the technician's butt.

Tanuki chuckled, nodding, "That's a real popular pattern, so it's just a quick button press to have the machine automatically give you one to compliment the shape of your cute little butt!" she hit the button and the machine whirred on.

"O-oh!" the corgi's eyes widened as she felt the sensation of her tail being engulfed in tingling and gently pulled rigid.

Tanuki smirked at her, "Yeah, it's a different feeling, ain't it?"

"Y-yes, it's um..." she blushed, "Does everything feel sexual in this machine?"

"I mean, it's taking claws, lasers, chemicals, and electromag fields to your ass right now. Would you want to use it if it didn't feel good?"

She winced, squirming a little from the pleasure, "I... guess it'd be less comforting." she let out a little moan, eyes widening, "Ah, ohh! Wha- what did it just..."

"Trust me, you don't wanna know," Tanuki mused, watching the diagram show a total severing of the corgi's tail from the base of her spine, "It'd probably hurt if the system wasn't blasting your nerve endings, but everything's working correctly."

"Oh, I guess I- AH!" the corgi blushed deeper, "Wha- wha-"

"That's the new tail being attached to your spine, nerves and all." Tanuki nodded, watching the little connections light up, "By the way, it's ok to cum from it. The machine self-sanitizes between uses."

"I... I... Ohhohohoho!" the little corgi kicked and whimpered.

"Yeah, it's firing every nerve at the base of your spine right now, just finishing up th-"

"AWRR!" the corgi screwed up her face, legs clamping down at the machine as her body jerked upright, and was left shivering like that for a few moments, before the feeling abated, leaving her panting and blushing.

"You ok baby?" the fox put a hand on her shoulder.

"I um... I think I had an orgasm." she blushed harder, "a-as a girl."

"O-oh!" the fox blushed too.

"Fun, ain't they?" Tanuki said with a grin, "Wait'll you feel what it's like to get one from a guy!"

"O-oh wow!" the corgi covered her grin with her hands, "I-I'm gonna feel that soon, aren't I?"

"You sure are babe." the fox nuzzled at her.

"Oooh I can't wait!" She giggled happily as the machine whirred down.

"All done, recolor and all!" Tanuki announced with a grin.

The corgi looked over at the raccoon, "Well... that was something!"

"Yeah, the tail thing isn't as common and is more invasive, so we haven't figured out how to make it fast enough that that doesn't happen, but hey," she grinned, "At least it got ya all warmed up for your man here."

The corgi stood, biting her lip as she felt the cold air on her damp crotch, and, as she stepped forward, a long, fluffy fox tail slid from the machine, swishing gently behind her.

"Oh my!" she gasped, forgetting her arousal when she saw it, "It's beautiful!"

"Ohh wow..." her boyfriend gulped, staring at that tail with wide eyes.

Tanuki chuckled, "Glad you're happy with it! Now, since you're gonna turn into a pretty girl, do you want your name and gender marker changed to complete the package?"

"Yes please!" the corgi grinned, wagging that big bushy tail as she followed with a giggle.

The fox leaned in to murmur in her ear, "H-hey babe, that stuff you just got is makin' me real... I don't think I can wait until we get back. C-can we do it on one of the benches outside?"

The corgi blushed again, but nodded, "Y-yeah... I... I'd like that." She gave Jeremy a blushing wave as she walked by, arm in arm with her grinning fox boyfriend as he walked her to the counter.

Jeremy waved awkwardly back, blushing as well. He'd picked up that the corgi was a bit odd, mainly effeminate, but he hadn't thought of him as being a closet transwoman. The ease and comfort with which he, now she, had given up his manhood to go through exactly the changes Jeremy had gone through unwillingly was a bit shocking: Jeremy had literally screamed and sobbed over it!

Then again, he wasn't sure he could blame the corgi. After all, Jeremy himself had admitted the changes were sexy, and he'd sure enjoyed the "attention" of those males a few days before. Maybe all she'd needed was to see what was possible.

"Sup bitches! How you like this?"

Jeremy was pulled from his thoughts as everyone's attention turned to the curtain in the back as Reggie stepped out, grinning wide, showing off her new and improved lower half.

The goth opossum had traded in her belly, and everything below the waist, save her tail, swapping it out with a female anthro alligator, using their new size-changing process to fit both the new and old parts to a frame which was slightly larger than the one she'd gone in with. The new parts had been recolored, so the scales would match her dark grey hide and the light-grey fur on her chest, and between her legs, that little reptile slit stood out, jet black, even on the inside.

"Aw Reg, it's awesome!" Seth shot up in his seat, his face alight, "Now I gotta get something while I'm here!"

Tanuki grinned as the Corgi and Fox left arm-in-arm. She waked over and handed him a tablet, "Here! Check out our catalogue, and remember, we can modify just about anything these days!" She looked at Reggie, "And Reggie, if you change your mind or want anything else, feel free to come back later."

"Hell yeah!" she grinned, putting her hands on that scaled belly, "I'm totally gonna get more of these!"

"I told you!" her boyfriend chuckled.

She grinned down at her sweet new body, "I'm definitely gonna look at some more colors, maybe some fur removal, maybe a bit more alligator stuff..." she glanced up at Tanuki, "Hey, if I miss having a dick, you think you can gimme another one without losing the vag?"

"Sure!" the raccoon grinned back, "We do that all the time!"

"Awesome," she looked at her boyfriend with a grin, "Maybe I'll have another cock for you to play with again!"

The dog grinned, "Ah, that'd be sweet! You were really good with it too!"

"Remember, we can do everything short of entirely new bodies... well," Tanuki smirked knowingly, "for now, at least." She turned to the little goat sitting alone on the couch, "...and I believe you're the last one in this batch!"

Jeremy glanced around at the waiting area.

Reggie and her boyfriend were looking at the catalogue she'd handed them, excitedly pointing out all the random little piercings, parts, implants, and various mods he could get to go with her swap.

"You know... I kinda miss having genitals..." the black dog said, glancing down at his girlfriend's slit, "Maybe something people can't see...?"

Reggie nodded, "Having sex with you was the best part of that cock. If ya wanna get somethin' small ta trib with, or maybe a lizard dick to put in my new slit..."

He considered it, "Definitely not going back to having a dick... But... that alligator sure seemed happy with a pussy..."

Outside, Leeroy was still talking animatedly to those officers about whatever else the skunk had done to him.

They seemed to be nodding a lot, writing things down... it would be best not to distract them.

With nothing else between the little goat and a transition back to being male, Jeremy stood up slowly, "I guess I am."

The raccoon brought the goat over to the machines, "My name's Tanuki, if you didn't catch it. I run the night shift for this shop, due to some changes in our employees..." she glanced at the curtain where the sexy pink husky hadn't come out. Jeremy had thought something was familiar about her, but still couldn't put a finger on it.

"What can we help you with today, sweetie?" she gave a friendly smile.

"Well..." Jeremy sat down slowly in the middle swapper's seat, "I don't feel comfortable with this um... mare's parts..."

"I'm sorry to hear that, but I can definitely help you." Tanuki said reassuringly, "Do you have something else you'd like to try?"

"Well... I was thinking I'd just go back to the kind of thing I used to have..." the little goat smirked bashfully, "No more genitals from strangers for me!"

"I understand," she nodded, hitting the button to turn on the machine, "Not everyone gets a thrill from having another species' parts between their legs."

She flipped through the display of her tablet, "This is a pretty well developed set of organs. All properly intact, tubal ligation, and what looks like one of our old sensitivity and depth enhancements," she smiled, "you'll be getting a sizable trade-in to spend on some top-quality stuff, and I'll even throw in a recolor to your whole pelvic area for your trouble if you'd like!" she pulled up something on the screen, holding it up to verify, "How about this one?"

"I... um..." Jeremy blushed, hesitating, staring at the set of very attractive genitals on the screen...

The raccoon girl frowned a little, "This is the kind of thing you'd be happy to have, right? I mean... I could find something else if you don't like it..."

"No..." Jeremy smiled, "...it's perfect."

Ten minutes later, the happy young goat strode out of the Junk shop, wearing nothing but a jacket and a smile.

Anyone looking would see a perfectly normal goat, with a fluffy tail, grey on top, white on the bottom, sitting in the crevice of an adorable heart shaped patch of white which hugged those plump ass cheeks just so, going between the legs and around to the front, where a smaller heart-shaped patch framed the cute, fluffy white hood of that sexy little goat vulva that rested there, just a little bit of pink flesh visible where the hood poked out, a little metal stud glinting in the sun.

Jeremy beamed internally at the feeling of being all-goat again, having thoroughly learned his lesson about swapping genitals while drunk.

No, not "his"... Hers: The little raccoon, once she realized her initial mistake, had even been kind enough to put in a gender-marker and name change for Jeremy, or "Jennifer", as she was now legally named.

She'd sold her big ram horns to that goth dog who'd been waiting for his girlfriend, and bought a pretty little pair of feminine ones, as well as 2 shiny rings in each ear.

She was all girl now, cute, sexy, and delighted with the way she'd looked in the mirror!

She laughed to herself as they passed that grassy alley, remembering just how upset she'd been, bawling on the ground, a little over a month before. If only she'd known just how much she'd appreciate what was about to happen to her back then!

Nearby, on one of the benches, the corgi was squealing in delight, big fluffy tail swishing excitedly as the fox continued to make ravenous love to her, having now been going at it longer than she'd been able to when she had a penis!

Jennifer blushed a little, thinking about how, soon enough, she'd be the one squealing beneath a handsome man... probably more than one.

Leeroy had been walking awkwardly next to her the whole time, still cringing as he looked over her body, "Hey bro, er... sis." he stuttered awkwardly, "I... Listen, I support you and all that, but... Are you sure about this? I mean, we could go back right now, tell her you made a mistake... I'd even pay up my savings for something bigger than mine, if that's what you want."

"Nope!" She shook her head, "I know I was hesitant at first but..." she looked down beaming at the sight of her adorable little vulva again, "...really, I love being a girl, even more than I ever liked being a boy, and now I have the cute little pussy to go with it!"

"Well... if this is what makes you happy... I'm happy to go along with it. C'mere sis!" he said, reaching forward and hugging his little sister tight.

She smiled as she cuddled against him, thinking she had to be the happiest girl in the world.

Today was turning out to be a great day for the goat brother and sister!

Tanuki grinned as she watched the goth couple leave the shop, the dog grinning as he felt at the almost imperceptible cat vulva on his crotch, the opossum going on excitedly about all the new changes she was considering... another pair of satisfied customers!

Tina frowned at her manager, "So, something I don't get... You can see the gender marker of every customer from their ID... Why did you act like you didn't know that goat was originally male?"

"Oh, I had a feeling he, or she now, was on the edge of making a decision that could change her life for the better. Sometimes, people hesitate to take what they really want, especially with society's annoying judgements and pressures, but all they need is a little push in the right direction!" she hit the button on her tablet to remove the courtesy hold she'd put on the male genitals the goat had originally had when the mare he'd swapped with had brought them in, seeing as they weren't going to be wanted anymore. "Now I just need to tell Ramona to come by if she wants her originals back." she glanced over at Tina, "She really wasn't doing well with that testosterone, it's a good thing she had my number, otherwise, she'd've had to reverse a lot more than the swap..."

Tina nodded, "Junk removal to escrow and an estrogen implant. I remember."

"Ohh! Maybe she'll come by at the end of the shift, so I can play with that husband of hers!" the raccoon gave a lusty growl, "Damn can he take a beating!"

"Right..." Tina cringed, "So... Um... Now that that's done, when are you going to turn me back?"

Tanuki giggled, "Oh Tina, you don't get to turn back in just one shift!" She stood on her tiptoes and reached up to boop the girly husky on her shiny little nose, "You need to learn the gravity of putting someone in a long-term situation, and for that, you're gonna need to have that body a lot longer..."

Tina, formerly Tad, felt his stomach sink. He wondered if he should try his luck with the law, watching that raccoon's long tail flick gently below that heart-shaped butt as she walked towards the back of the shop.

"Don't worry though!" Tanuki called over her shoulder, "I'm sure you'll get used to it..."

She smirked to herself, "...Eventually."