Shifting Consequences--Chapter 11: Experimental Relations

Story by zmeydros on SoFurry

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#12 of Shifting Consequences

Zack and Bella work some things out before Zack conducts a little experiment.


Zack and Bella work some things out before Zack conducts a little experiment.

Shifting Consequences--Chapter 11: Experimental Relations

By: Zmeydros AKA Lucien Quinn

zmeydros (Twitter), Malfedrosti (Mal Twitter),

The next morning Zack wakes up in Bella's arms. Her breasts are pressing against his back and her hips are against his ass. It feels as though she's trying to touch his scales with every inch of her skin. She must really be fond of him... An urge to fuck her surges through his mind. He just got up and he wants to do it again already? This is ridiculous. He takes hold of his arousal and chains it up--he will not be a slave to his lust. Slowly, his arousal fades.

With his libido under control, he's able to enjoy her embrace without wanting to fuck her brains out. It's more relaxing and it better fits his mood. The way she's holding him feels so tender and loving that he feels touched. Why does she like him so much? Wait, what's the soft fleshy thing in her crotch that's pressing against his tail? That's right, she gave herself a human penis when she changed back last night. He smiles to himself--she really is at least as kinky as he is.

The sound of Glenn's typing grabs his attention. Looking over at Glenn's nude muscular form, he tilts his head. What is Glenn doing this early in the morning? He'd go over there and check, but doesn't want to disturb Bella. She gave him a wonderful time yesterday and she deserves her rest. Right now, as he lies here in her arms, in the herm dragon form that she enabled him to become, he feels thankful and angry at the same time.

Without her, he would never have met Glenn, or learned that there was a god of absurdity. Without her he would have never gotten to fuck a gorgeous orca herm with a huge cock. But she did this to him out of anger. Someday, he needs to talk it out with her, but that won't be today. Her embrace is too loving today. Her touch is too alluring. Today she's a potential lover, not a betrayer... A lover? His ears fold down as he ponders his feelings and then they stand back up and he smiles.

Yes, a lover. All those times he chatted with her about chemistry, the little gifts she used to give him without any holiday. The best one was the credit-card-sized calculator that he still has in his wallet. Then there was the dozen white carnations that he got last Valentine's day and never found the person who gave them to him. Were they from Bella? He probably told her that he liked carnations more than roses at some point...

Does that mean that it was also Bella who dropped a fifty--dollar iTunes gift card in his locker a few months ago? It was the same day he bought his iPhone. He had talked to her about getting one the night before. Hopefully she will wake up soon so he can stop speculating.

"Are you already awake, Zack?" Bella's voice is a bit groggy.

"Yeah, I wass lying still so I wouldn't wake you up." He starts to extract himself from her arms.

"I've been waiting over ten minutes for you to wake up so I could do this." She gropes his breasts and playfully humps against his tail.

Zack moans and stops trying to move away from her. He can feel her erection forming as her pussy lips rub against his tail. "Mmm, that feelss nice." As she plays with his breasts, his resolve to stand against his lust strengthens. Normally, he would just let the animal inside him take over, but he feels like he's lost control of it. Like his desire is taking him for a ride he can't get off of. "Let's save the sex for later. I'm pretty satisfied from last night and I've had sex just about every day since I transformed."

She lets go of his breasts. "What about me? I want to be an orca herm again."

A sigh escapes his scaly lips. "I'm sure Glenn wantss to be a raccoon again, but we need to focuss on the next part of our journey and I need to see if I can control my urgess."

"Why would you want to control them? Just give in and fuck me already. I've wanted you for so long and now that you're a herm dragon I want you even more. I promise I'll let you be for a day or so if you give me a morning screw." She grinds against his tail and moans in his ear.

His urge comes back with a vengeance and his cock starts to come out of it's sheath. When he reaches down to touch his clit, he stops himself. "Please don't make thiss any harder. I want to jump you right now, but I also want to stop myself from becoming a slave to my desire."

She balls up her hands in frustration and then takes a deep breath. Her hands relax. "That makes sense."

He turns around to face her. "Plus, if we have sex right now it'll be hard for me to talk to you about us."

"Us?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, give me a moment to talk to Glenn and then I'll talk to you about my feelingss."

"Ooh, a guy who can talk about his feelings... Wait, you're not a guy and I'm not technically a girl right now." She reaches down and grabs her cock. "Mmm, I like being ambiguous."

Zack chuckles. "So do I. Let's just refer to each other as our original genderss for simplicity."

She lets go of her cock. "That should make things less confusing." Looking into Zack's eyes, she takes his hands into hers. "Did you want to ask Glenn something?"

"Oh, right." Zack turns his attention to Glenn. "What are you up to?"

"I'm planning our escape from Wisconsin." Glenn doesn't even look away from the computer.

Letting go of Bella's hands, Zack sits up. "Need any help?"

Glenn types something on his laptop and then hits enter. "Not right now. When I'm done I want you to explain to me what happened between you two."

"Sure." Zack turns his attention back to Bella.

She kisses him up and down his snout before leaning against him. "So, tell me about your feelings."

"I'm not that mad at you anymore and I've been thinking about some of the thingss you used to do for me. I realized that you must have had a crush on me for the last two years." He touches his snout to her nose.

She nuzzles him playfully. "I would have told you if you weren't going out with my best friend."

He puts his arm behind her. "Did you give me a dozen white carnationss on Valentine's day and the iTunes gift card the day I got my iPhone?"

"Mmmhmmm, I'm glad you're finally catching on." She runs a hand through her hair. "Now I can finally ask you to go out with me. Will you?"

"You mean we'd be girlfriend and dragonfriend?" He smirks.

She giggles and then her face takes on a serious expression. "Yes, I've waited long enough--those two years felt like two centuries." Her voice is distant, as if she's recalling her sadness from those years.

"Can I think about it? A couple dayss ago you looked like you wanted to kill me." His ears fold down in uncertainty.

"No, I know what I did was wrong and I apologize for it. If I'm with you I want to know where we stand. I don't want to worry about whether I'm good enough for you or whether we're going to get together. You're either attracted to me or you're not, you either forgive me or you don't." The seriousness on her face is disheartening. It looks as if she's preparing to be hurt.

He puts a hand on her shoulder. "I didn't even know that you were interested in that kind of relationship until today. This is a bit sudden."

She takes his hand off of her shoulder. "Fuck it. I don't want to go out with you. I've had feelings for you for so long that I don't even remember what it's like to feel this way about someone else. I can't wait any longer. I was grief stricken for weeks after I cast that spell on you and I've been waiting to apologize to you ever since. I can't handle--"

Pressing his lips to hers, he puts his arms around her. The kiss doesn't last long before Bella pushes him away.

"I need an answer. I'm not asking you to marry me, I'm just asking you to be in a amorous relationship with me. I'm not even asking you to only have sex with me. I just want to be your love interest." She crosses her arms over her bare breasts.

How can he make a decision like that now? He likes her, but taking her as a girlfriend? Her directness and honesty are refreshing. She has a strong presence and she's gorgeous. Her kinkiness is very fun... A realization about something she said a moment ago distracts him. "Wait, I just realized that you said you were grieving for weeks. Only a few days have passed since--"

"No changing the subject. I'll explain why what I said makes sense when you answer my question." Her arms are still crossed.

Her expression of angst causes his ears to droop. If her feelings for him are this strong, how can he deny her? He may grow to adore her as much as she adores him. All he has to do is give this relationship a chance. She's even kinky enough that she doesn't mind him having sex with other people. The other great thing about her is that she shares his enjoyment of the gray area between genders. "Yes. As long as we both look out for each other's happinesss and we try hard to make thingss work before we give up on each other."

Uncrossing her arms, she pounces on him and starts kissing him all over his snout. Then she looks down at him with a beautiful smile. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

He looks up at her and smiles. "I'm glad we worked this out. I'm looking forward to being in a relationship with you."

"So am I." She gets off of him and lies next to him. "I'm going to try and explain something. Just bear with me because Mal is involved and it might not make complete sense." Sitting up for a moment, she looks at Glenn. "Glenn, can you come here for a moment?"

"What's up?" Glenn types something and then scoots his chair away from the desk.

"I said, can you come over here for a moment? I want to try and explain something confusing." Bella points at the bed.

Getting out of the chair, Glenn obediently walks over to the bed and sits down. "Confusing?" A faint smile appears on his face when he looks at Bella and Zack cuddling.

"I want both of you to listen without asking questions or interrupting me. This might not make complete sense--Mal's involved and the nonsense is his responsibility. So, when I got pulled out of our of our reality by Mal, I got dumped in another reality... dimension... whatever... and Mal told me that I had to stay there until I got control of my anger problem." Bella pauses and looks at the ceiling with a thoughtful expression. "Actually, I'm going to open it up for questions here. I'm not quite sure what details about the reality I was dumped in would interest you two."

Zack sits up and leans against the headboard. "This sounds like a good idea on Mal's part so far. What did the inhabitants look like?"

"Furless lavender-colored anthro lemur--fox herms with three-pronged prehensile tails. Oh, and their irises had concentric rings of color in them--their eyes were beautiful, like shimmery gems. Almost all of them were fit--they take physical and mental health very seriously. I wish I could take you to see them." A wistful expression is on Bella's face.

A puzzled look is on Glenn's face. "That's random. Why do they have three prongs on their prehensile tails?"

"Keep in mind that Mal guided their evolution. They use the prongs on their tails like fingers. They can manipulate tools with their tails--oh, and they can deliver immense amounts of pleasure with them." She smiles impishly.

"You had sex with them?" Zack chuckles.

"Of course I did, they were hot. Their penises had bumps on them that felt amazing. I still can't decide whether I liked their penises or their tails better. The one that was my psychologist... life coach? I'm not sure that there is a term for it. Anyway, shi had an amazing sex drive and was extremely good with hir tail--" Her hand brushes her clit. "Mmm..."

"Wait, you had sex with your counselor?" Putting a hand on her shoulder, Zack gapes in surprise.

Bella nods. "Yep, when you get a life coach, you get to pick the exact one you want and they get to decide whether to accept your offer. Once that's over, anything--that both of you agree on--goes. They live with you and help you reach a more healthy state of mind and body. Their system is very effective and efficient. They even give you sex tips, by example. That was the best part."

The fascination on Glenn's face is adorable. "That's got to be the oddest style of therapy I've ever heard of."

"I think so too, but I don't think any other method would have helped me get over my temper faster... Oh, I should explain the time thing. You see, I was in their reality for about four months." Zack starts to say something, but Bella puts her hand on his snout. "I'll explain, just give me a chance."

"Since it's a parallel reality, the time I spend there doesn't matter. The only thing I can't do is come back to either of the realities before I left. It would screw up the causality of that reality and create an alternate reality where I arrived before I arrived... Or something. I hate time paradoxes. I actually got mad in Physics class when the teacher told us to write a one-page paper that dealt with the implications of a time paradox." A frown forms on Bella's face.

Zack kisses her on the cheek. "I remember that. You told the teacher that what we were writing was completely useless because there was no solution."

"Yeah, I wanted to punch him when he said that I was just upset because I didn't like being faced with things that I couldn't understand--which is false! I like absurdity and nonsense quite a bit, but writing a paper trying to make sense out of nonsense is ultimately impossible." She makes a fist and then relaxes her hand.

Glenn nods. "Well put. Was the teacher Mr. Sands?"

"Yes, the short balding fucker that almost doused my enjoyment of physics. He was a good teacher, but I swear he would just say things to piss people off when he was bored." Her face is scrunched up in annoyance.

Pointing a finger at an invisible Mr. Sands, Glenn frowns. "He once told me that being openly gay as a minor was stupid. I told him that it was none of his business and that I was sick of his immature attempts to upset me. He never mentioned anything about my orientation again, but I still hated him by the time I was free of his class because I got sick of the arguments he would drag the class into."

Zack shrugs. "He never really bothered me. Whenever he said something I didn't like, I just acted like he hadn't said anything at all. It took him two weeks to give up on me. My best friend used to try and drag me into arguments and I used to argue with him, but eventually I realized that he was just arguing for the sake of arguing, so I quit responding to his goading. Our friendship improved quite a bit after I started doing that."

"I did my best to ignore him too, but eventually my anger won. I think I'd have an easier time dealing with him now that I'm less hot headed..." Bella runs a hand along the scales on Zack's arm.

Her touch feels nice and Zack finds himself smiling faintly as she idly feels his scales. "Your thinking about transforming aren't you?"

"Yes." She doesn't even look up.

Putting a hand on Bella's shoulder, Glenn says, "I know how you feel. I'm sure Zack'll be ready for another romp in a day or so."

A pensive expression forms on Zack's face. She really wants to transform again and he might be able to learn something from granting her wish. "If you'll help me with a little experiment, I'll help you transform."

Bella's face shines with an almost blinding smile. "You will? I thought you didn't want to give into your lustful side."

"I don't, but I also don't want to deny you the experience of being your sona." He puts his arm around her. "I want you to be happy."

She snuggles up even closer to him. "What's the experiment?"

"I want to find out some specifics about my ability to cause transformations." He looks at Glenn and then Bella as he speaks.

Glenn leans forward. "Can I be part of the experiment?"

"Sure, but before we do that, I thought you might want to tell us what you've figured out." Zack plays with one of Bella's breasts and she squirms slightly.

With a nod, Glenn looks around the room. "First, I have to ask Mal a question... Mal, are you listening?"

A disembodied voice comes from nowhere in particuar. "Always."

"Good, how long can we stay in this hotel for free?" Glenn's face is very serious.

"More than a few days, less than a few months and certainly not without continuing to entertain me. I look forward to watching Zack conduct his experiment. I'm also wondering whether you will continue to be annoyed by nonsensical statements like: how is a wildebeest like a cherry picker?"

A tinge of annoyance flits across Glenn's face.

Bella speaks before Glenn decides what to say. "They both were in your query and they sound ridiculous in most sentences that contain both of them. The sentence 'I once used a cherry picker to lift a wildebeest out of a concert hall,' for instance."

The sound of a crowd clapping can be heard. "Bravo, Bella. As a more serious answer to your query, Glenn, I offer this information. I would very much like it if you stayed in this hotel for a few days. I'm about to send a surprise your way."

"If that's the case, I'm not sure I want to stay." Looking for the source of Mal's voice, Glenn cranes his head. "Could you provide a visual manifestation so you're not just speaking through a disembodied voice?"

"Maybe later... I'm saddened by your statement that you may not want to stay and wait for my surprise. Do you have any reason to doubt that I have your best interests in mind?" Mal's voice sounds a bit overly sweet.

Glenn opens his mouth, but Bella slaps him lightly on the shoulder and holds a finger up to her lips. After Glenn nods in understanding, she removes her finger from her lips and speaks. "You don't want to answer that. Mal doesn't like it when people appear to be ungrateful for his help."

"Ah, Bella, sometimes I wish you would just let people make mistakes. It is probably best that Glenn didn't answer my question, however. Glenn, you must know that my gift is mainly for you. I predicted that Zack and Bella would become a pairing. I don't want you to be lonely for ass lovings." Mal emphasizes the word 'lonely.'

"Ass lovings? Are you trying to upset me?" Glenn holds up a fist and looks around the room as if he's expecting to see some hint of where Mal's voice is coming from.

Bella and Zack burst out laughing.

"Yes." Mal's voice is full of pride.

Glenn starts to say something, but catches himself and forces a smile onto his face. "So you're going to add another member to our team?"

"In more ways than one... Look at the time, I have to prepare your surprise." A 'pop' sound follows Mal's statement.

Zack chuckles. "Our help is certainly a wild card."

Leaning toward Glenn, Bella puts a hand on his shoulder. "Trust me when I say that Mal has our best interests in mind. Especially now that I'm around. He may be difficult at times, but if you treat him respectfully, he'll make up for it. I wouldn't call him a good entity, but he is an honorable one and he takes care of people he likes."

"I trust you, but he really gets on my nerves sometimes. I don't like the fact that he has the power to screw us all over on a whim." Glenn puts his hand on hers.

"He can, but he won't. He has strong principles." She lets go of Glenn and snuggles up to Zack again.

Feeling Bella's curves againgst him once again, Zack smiles inwardly. "What do you suppose will become of his surprise?"

She Shrugs. "My advice is to not worry about it until it happens. Our new team member could be a duck with a red cape for all I know."

Glenn chuckles. "I don't doubt that one bit."

A giggle comes from Zack. "I betting that it's a duck with a red cape that has a huge penis and speaks in Klingon riddles."

They all burst out laughing.

Bella recovers first. "So Glenn, how was Mal's input important to your plan?"

"My plan is to plan more. I'm not quite sure where to go from here. We can discuss possibilities after Zack does his experiment. The suspense is killing me." Glenn turns to Zack expectantly.

Looking from Glenn to Bella, Zack explains his idea. "I want to figure out three things. First, I want to know the approximate amount of my fluids that is required to initiate a change. Second, I want to know how long you will remain in a transformed state without sexual stimulation or release. Third, I want to know how long we have to wait after you climax before you can transform again. We don't need to figure out all three today."

Bella immediately moves so that her face is inches from Zack's sheath. "Me first. Are you ready?"

Zack playfully pushes her head toward his crotch. "Go for it. Just one lick of the lubricant in my sheath."

"Heh, Bella's not wasting any time." Glenn smirks.

Before Zack can respond to Glenn's comment, Bella's tongue enters his sheath and he moans.

She sits up and looks into Zack's eyes as she concentrates on transforming. A few seconds later, she feels pressure on the skin above of her tail bone. That's all it took? Her tail bone starts pushing out against the skin above it, but the pain is not as bad as she expected. Closing her eyes, she deepens her concentration.

"I didn't expect it to be that easy." Zack's voice is full of amazement. "Maybe it's because you've already transformed once."

His words are far away right now--all her effort is going into this transformation. Suddenly a tide within her flows and she feels many parts of her changing at the same time. Her ears are shrinking, her skin is getting more rubbery, her breasts are getting a bit larger, her hair is disappearing, her legs and her hands are cracking, and her face is pushing out. The changes happen so fast that it elicits a gasp from Zack and Glenn. Skin continues to stretch and bones continue to crack as her body takes on her true shape, the embodiment of her desires.

The pain is subdued by her concentration--it feels as though her body is changing in a more organized fashion than before. The last part she focuses on is her penis; she wants to enjoy its transformation as much as possible. Focusing on her now erect human cock, she slowly changes it. The foreskin starts to move down and she squirms at the feeling of her shaft being exposed to the cool air of the hotel room. Once the foreskin has moved all the way down and become a slit at the base of her cock, she concentrates on changing the shape of her phallus. A spike of pleasure causes her to breath to catch as she makes the changes. Now for the fun part. She starts making her cock grow bigger. The pleasure caused by the causes her to moan and squirt pre.

"Mmm, you got it on my thigh." Zack says playfully.

Grabbing her breasts, she continues forming her penis. As it gets bigger, she can't help moaning and shaking. A few moments later, it's as big as her sona's. WIth a smirk, she adds a some little ridges and bumps to her otherwise smooth shaft.

"Your cock looks even more fun now." Zack french kisses the head of Bella's penis.

Her eyes shoot open and she thrusts against Zack's snout. "Ah! That feels so good." She suddenly pushes her penis into Zack's mouth and he quickly lets it go.

"Ack! That was too much too fast. You got the back of my throat and I still want to wait a day or so before I do stuff like that." Putting his hand on her thigh, Zack looks into her eyes.

"That's okay, my cock reacted before I had time to think about what was happening." Bella rubs the scales behind Zack's ear. A look of contentment is on Zack's face until she stops and gets distracted by her transformed body. As she looks at herself, she feels her eyes grow wet. The first time wasn't a fluke--she really can be her sona again and again. A thought occurs to her as she sees Zack reach a hand toward the pre she squirted onto his thigh. "Glenn, why don't you try some of my pre? Maybe it can transform you."

Glenn crawls onto the bed. "That's an interesting thought."

Getting a bit of her pre onto her finger, she offers it to Glenn. "Focus on transforming."

He licks it up and focuses on transforming into his sona. A half-minute passes without anything happening, but he keeps imagining himself changing. About five seconds later every inch of his skin starts to tingle. The tingling turns into an itchy feeling as grey fur sprouts from his skin. The itching sensation is overshadowed by pain as the bones of his face push against his skin.

The pain is doused as his muzzle becomes covered in gray and black fur. Just as he notices his ears shifting, he feels pain from every limb and from his tail bone. The pain is less than he's experienced from transformations in the past, though. Bones pop and crack as his limbs and tail take on their more raccoon-like shape. His changes aren't going as fast as Bella's, but they are happening at a pace that he can barely keep up with.

Extreme pleasure from his crotch causes him to moan and fall backward on the bed. His balls and penis are changing rapidly as his muscles get a bit bigger. Running his paws through the soft fur on his chest, he smiles widely. It feels wonderful to be his sona again and it feels as though his body is fully transformed. Sitting up, he takes a look at his large balls and sheath. "Mmm, I feel great," he says while he swishes his tail.

"I wonder if this means that people who I transform can transform other people." Zack tilts his head.

"Hmm, that kinda makes sense." One of Glenn's ears folds down in concentration.

Moving her fluke, Bella gets in a more comfortable position. "Based on the data we have, we can't be certain of that conclusion. Someone other than Zack would have to fuck a normal human to know for sure."

Zack nods. "True. I'm not sure I want to figure that out just yet. Maybe when we finally are safe enough, we can go to a furry convention and find a willing test subject."

Glenn laughs hard. "You better be careful or we'll get trampled by willing test subjects. I think finding willing participants would be the least of our worries."

"Oh, I don't doubt that." Bella smirks. "I know who I'd ask first: a guy I RP with who plays a sexy lemur herm."

"I'm with you there. I have a guy I RP with who's done joint commissions with me. My gallery has lots of images of us fucking. I got some pretty good artists for some of those commissions... Anyway, I'm really looking forward to going to a convention." Glenn looks silly with a crooked smile on his muzzle.

Bella crawls to a postion that gives her a good vantage point on Glenn's crotch. "Oooh, I like what I see." She reaches down and gropes Glenn's heavy balls.

Stiffening his tail and folding his ears down, Glenn tries to scoot away. "Warn me before you do something like that."

She removes her hand. "Sorry, I couldn't resist."

"It's okay, but I'm going to need a break from breasts and vaginas. My gayness has been asserting itself ever since we had that very hot romp last night." Glenn shrugs. "I'm actually pretty satisfied even though I feel weird about the fact that I got pussy."

Zack chuckles. "I'm glad you got pussy, it felt amazing."

A shy smile forms on Glenn's muzzle. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Bella sighs when she realizes that her penis is back inside its slit. How much longer does she have?

"Well, it looks like it's been seven minutes and Bella's still a herm orca." Zack smiles. "I wasn't sure it would last even that long."

Before Bella can respond, an idea occurs to her and she bounces with excitement. "I think I can make this change last a couple hours if I cast a sustain spell."

"Let's see how long it lasts. You can try your spell after we have an idea of the duration." Reaching toward Bella, Zack strokes her fluke.

Glenn pounces on Zack and Bella, and both of them yelp in surprise. "Let's just cuddle until it wears off." He lies on top of Zack.

The feeling on Glenn's fur on his breasts causes Zack to feel very comfy. He stares into Glenn's blue eyes. "I thought you'd had enough of breastss."

"They're comfy and I'm in a cuddly mood." Glenn kisses Zack on the cheek.

"Don't leave me out." Bella cuddles both of them from the side.

For another fifteen minutes, they all cuddle. Bella does the most groping and trills each time she gets a moan or a yip out of the two males. Eventually, an itching sensation covers her body and she immediately sits up. "Okay, it's wearing off. Can I have more of your transformative elixir?"

Looking at the alarm clock, Zack gapes in surprise. "Almost twenty-five minutes without having sex? That's not what I expected. Glenn, give her access to my sheath."

"Sure." Glenn rolls off.

Going for Zack's crotch, Bella takes a few licks of Zack's sheath and smiles mischievously when his head pokes out. When Zack gasps in pleasure, she stops. Concentrating, she makes her body revert to its orca-herm state. The transition is very quick since she wasn't fully human when she began changing back. "Okay, Zack and Glenn, watch carefully. I want you both to learn some magic eventually. This spell's a bit complex, so don't worry about remembering it."

"I just realized something. I've never seen magic before or thought it was real... How did you learn to cast spells?" Glenn's face is twisted into an almost comical look of confusion.

"I found a book that talked about summoning extradimensional deities when I was thirteen, and I kept performing the spell for summoning the god of absurdity until I did it perfectly. I had no idea it would work, I was just bored and figured I wouldn't know for sure if it worked unless I got every part of it right. I wasn't sure I had succeeded until Mal made my stuffed animals fight each other while each of them yelled the word 'aardvark." When I finally stopped laughing, he asked me if I wanted to learn to cast more spells." Bella gets off the bed as she speaks. "I said yes--he filled my blank notebooks and journals with information on casting spells that channel his power." Now she's standing at the base of the bed in an open area.

Zack nods. "It surprises me that you started casting spells at such a young age."

"You strike me as a fast learner, but it surprises me too." Glenn nods.

"I've always been good at learning things from books. I better start casting the spell just in case my transformation doesn't last as long this time." She moves her hands in a very intricate pattern involving octagons and hexagons. Then she chants. "Loraum mortaued ixupbum tane tho thes messrik ssertum." A mist of purples and blues flow from her fingers as she entwines them. "Eramine ghax glantas." She pulls her fingers apart and the blues and purples become greens, reds and oranges before a bright flash and crackling sound comes from the space between her hands. Her body glows every color of the rainbow for a few seconds before all the colors dissipate.

Clapping his hands, Zack nods in approval. "That was impressive and beautiful."

"Wow, just wow." Glenn's mouth is hanging open.

"I could have cast it with just my hands a lot faster, but the more effort I put into a spell the stronger it is. Let's just hope I haven't gone overboard and made it so that I can't change back for weeks. I could try to end the spell, but sometimes I do so well casting a spell that I have trouble dispelling it." She looks at Glenn's gaping muzzle and giggles. "I just realized that we'll need groceries if we're going to stay here. Why don't you two go and get them once you're both in human form?"

"You just want to masturbate." Zack gets off the bed and pecks her on the cheek.

"Maybe." She gropes Zack's balls and gives him a big french kiss.

Zack turns toward Glenn when he hears the cracking of bones. "Wow, you lasted a lot longer than she did. Maybe it was because you've changed more times? As Bella said earlier, I don't really have enough data to form a strong hypothesis, though."

"I'm not sure, but it does make--ouch--sense." Glenn feels a bit of pain as his body starts to revert to his human form. His muzzle pushes in along with his tail. Then his ears shorten and move back to their human position. He concentrates on changing back and the pain becomes more manageable as the speed of his transformation increases.

"Looks like we'll be getting groceries pretty soon." The paw pads on his hands start to disappear as the fur on them goes back into his skin. The rest of the fur on his body goes away and soon he's fully human again. "Your turn, Zack."

With a reluctant sigh, Zack sits on the bed and concentrates on returing to his female human form. His body obediently gets shorter as his scales give way to human skin. He feels no pain this time and his changes occur rapidly. As he shrinks his sheath and balls, he frowns. An erection at the grocery store would get him way too much attention.

The feeling of his tail going back in causes him to clench his teeth. It's happening so rapidly that he gets a very weird sensation from it. His muzzle, horns and ears are the last things to change back. Running a hand through his hair, he tries to enjoy his female form. A hungry look from Bella distracts him. "Don't even think about it. Your huge cock would tear me in two."

"A girl can dream, can't she?" Bella tries to look innocent.

Zack rolls his eyes and starts getting dressed.

Following Zack's lead, Glenn puts on his boxers.

The tip of Bella's penis is poking out of her slit. She rubs it with a finger and moans softly as more of her shaft comes out. "Mmm, you two better get out of here before I tie you up and force you to double team me."

A flash of arousal runs through Zack as he imagines himself and Glenn taking both of Bella's holes. He concentrates on buckling his bra and putting on his shirt to distract himself.

"Now I'm sure that you're more kinky than Zack." Glenn puts on his shoes and walks toward the door.

"You better believe it. I've got years of experience." Bella walks over to the bed and lies on her back.

Walking toward the door, Zack looks at Bella's beautiful body once more and walks right into Glenn. "Oops."

"You sure you don't want to stay here? I can go to the store alone if you want more Bella." Glenn smirks.

"I'm sure. I know she'll have plenty of fun without me." Zack winks at Bella.

"I'll tell you all about it when you get back," she says, groping one of her large breasts.

After staring at Bella for a moment, the two men leave the room and shut the door.