Sold as a Clutch-Whore: Part 1

Story by Seracen on SoFurry

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This is a commission for Guri over on SoFurry, featuring @@evetheeevee as the eponymous character! She's been sold to a dragon that has some very specific things in mind for her...

Stories are available two weeks earlier on my Patreon!

Go there to see stories earlier as well as some other perks!

Eve squirmed in her bondage, the Absol twisting and turning, tugging on her wrists. She was naked, which wasn't all that good of a sign for a slave. Her old owner, in preparation for her sale, had fitted her wrists with cuffs with sturdier makes of the same locked around her ankles. A gag had been stuffed in Eve's muzzle, making her furious complaints into garbled moans and unintelligible grunts. The ball gag was also filled with holes that made her drool down onto her breasts as well, a further indignation that had her furiously tugging on her bonds, but she was helpless to stop it.

Her master had shackled her with her arms above her head in a covered wagon that was trundling off to who-knows-where. Well, her master -- former master -- knew: he'd been the one to sell her. For a good price too, apparently. That smug look on his face had made Eve want to punch him in the nose. As it was, she'd settled for trying to get him with her horn, but that hadn't worked either. Pity.

The ride to wherever her new master was had taken the entire day; they'd left early morning and had only reached their destination as the evening had begun to fall. They'd stopped outside a cave entrance, but it wasn't like any that Eve had ever seen before. It was elaborately carved for one, and large enough for two wagons to pass through side by side. "Out you get!" Eve's master said, unchaining her hands and then using another chain attached to her heavy metal collar to pulled her out.

"Mmph!" she protested angrily, glaring, but that was the extent of what she could do.

"In we go," her master replied, giving a powerful tug to the leash and forcing Eve to trot along after him at a quick pace. She pulled back as they reached the entrance to the cave, Eve looking up in awe as the passed over the threshold. The carvings were beautiful and like nothing that she'd ever seen in her life before. The Absol was so distracted that her master's next tug almost took her off of her feet. "Hurry up!" he snapped. She gave a huff but followed in.

The inside of the cave was smooth and the carving kept on going here and there, reliefs decorating the walls. There was a sharp right turn up ahead, the flickering light of fire visible from beyond the turn. When they passed it, Eve gave an audible gasp through her nose. A cavern opened up in front of them, the roof soaring high overhead. A massive chandelier hung down in the centre, blazing with magical light. Various other tunnels branched off from this one but the only thing in the room was a pile of rugs and cushions at the centre...and an odd bench in front of them.

Eve's master pulled her towards that bench, and it didn't take her long to realise what the buckles and straps attached to it meant. "Mmmph!" she complained, still drooling through the whiffle gag, but was helpless to stop her master manhandling her towards the bench, and then pushing her down onto the padded surface. Her ankles were locked far apart, keeping her legs spread. Another wide belt-like strap went over her waist to keep her bending over, and then he moved on her wrists.

She glared at him, trying to hit him the moment that he released her wrist binding, but he just grabbed her hand and forced her wrist-cuff down to the anchor point. She tugged on it furiously but it was impossible to work free. The same happened to her other arm and the Absol was securely bound. With her lack of clothes, she was very aware of how this made her present to whoever or whatever was behind her. "Mmph mmm!" she shouted at her master and to her surprise, he bent down to remove the gag.

"Let me ou--!" Even began, only to have something pressed to her lips. It was a bottle with a violently pink potion inside, glittering oddly. The first mouthful she swallowed out of surprise but then she closed her mouth firmly, craning her neck to try and move away.

"Uh uh," her master said, grabbing the Absol's muzzle and then using a pressure point to force her jaws open, dumping the rest of the potion down her throat. She coughed and spluttered a little but most of it went down into her stomach, where she could already feel some tingles. "Welp, I better leave," he said, and hurried out.

"Hey!" Eve shouted furiously, tugging on her restraints again and trying to turn to see behind her. What was even the point of all of this!? And what was that potion for? The tingling in her belly wasn't going away. If anything, it was getting stronger, and moving lower too... The tingling turned into the feeling of pins and needles before changing into something else. It was almost...familiar.

It was only when Eve began to drip onto her thighs that she realised what she'd drunk. "A fucking heat potion?" she exploded, her voice echoing around the cavern. "Why would he give me that?"

"Not just a heat potion, my dear," a deep, new voice said. Eve froze, looking around for the source, but she couldn't see anyone; the man speaking had to be behind her. There was the sound of heavy footsteps and Eve realised, as her stomach fell, that it wasn't a man at all.

A dragon stood in front of her, with blood-red scales and a crest of horns on his head. He was much larger than the Absol, looking down with a kind of predatory amusement. "There's a few other things in that brew," the dragon continued, giving a chuckle. He sat down in front of her and Eve saw that he was hard, his cock standing out from its sheath, with a pair of heavy balls just behind. "For one, it makes you smell delightful. Another is that you'll be harder to...break." His smile at the last word made Eve gulp.

"And a few other things," he continued, standing and circling the Absol instead.

"Wh-why am I here?" Eve said, her voice trembling a little. She couldn't help but think she'd been sold to be a snack or something.

"Oh, don't fear," the dragon said. "You'll be well taken care of here. I, Mithrax, am your new owner, and I don't allow my possessions to be damaged. No, you little slave, I bought to be my egg-whore, and perhaps my fuck-toy on other days as well. The effects of that potion are permanent you know. When you've been in heat for a week with no satisfaction, you'll come begging for me to fill you."

"Nnng, I won't!" Eve growled, but she couldn't deny the heat that was building in her cunt, becoming harder to ignore.

"Is that so?" Mithrax said in a dangerous purr. His head appeared in front of her so that Eve could see him. "Well then, let's see how you go this time, shall we? Even with the potion, you might not be good enough!"

The dragon gave a loud, booming laugh and then walked behind Eve again. She squirmed, trying to get free of what she now realised was a breeding bench, but the restraints were as strong and inescapable as they had always been. A puff of hot breath between her thighs made the Absol freeze, a little gasp of her own escaping her throat. For a moment, all she could focus on was how her sex was clenching hard on nothing.

She wasn't ready when a huge, wet tongue suddenly slathered across her folds, making the Absol squeal and jump on the bench. And she definitely wasn't ready when she felt the dragon step over her, its belly pressing down lightly against her back. Mithrax was large enough that he had his forelegs on the ground, standing normally with Eve below him...almost perfectly place to be mounted.

Her sex was more than wet enough already from the potion, and when the pointed head of the dragon's cock pressed against Eve's entrance, all of the breath seemed to leave her body. That was even before he started to move. "Get ready, toy," he growled, chuckling.

All at once, his length began to push into Eve's body. "Too...big!" she gasped, but there was nothing she could do to stop Mithrax as his tip pushed into her. The Absol's pussy felt like it was going to tear at any moment, wrapped paper thin around the dragon cock that began to fill her. She didn't though, just continuing to stretch as the dragon forced an inch in, and then another. Eve's arousal was pushed around the taut circle of her entrance. When she finally got some air back into her lungs, all she could do was whine, trying to relax her pussy as it spasmed and squeezed.

"Ah, nice and tight," Mithrax said in delight, humping his hips forwards in little motions. Despite his words, he didn't really want to break his new toy, but he wasn't going easy on her either. The potion was powerful, and it would be enough.

Before long though, the dragon couldn't go any deeper, his tip running into Eve's cervix. She jerked and gave a little moan at the pang that it sent through her lower belly. The dragon gave a grunt, a little disappointed with how shallow his new slave was, barely taking half of his cock. But he'd known that this was likely, so he just began to thrust.

Each one rocked Eve forwards on the bench, the end of each thrust ramming into her cervix and making her wince every time. The pain and discomfort from the stretching and too-large cock was beginning to fade though, replaced with sparks of pleasure that made her blush and squirm for another reason. She was so sensitive, she always was in heat, but this seemed magically enhanced. Before long, she couldn't stop biting back moans as she was fucked hard by the dragon.

She got a few minutes of pleasure before the discomfort began to come back for the Absol. Something was happening in her lower belly. The dragon's pointed tip was pressing against her cervix with every thrust still, but now it seemed to be spreading it as well. Eve whined as she started to feel more pangs and aches run through her again, feeling Mithrax going a little deeper into her with each thrust.

The potion did its work well and before long, the Absol's womb was almost completely pried open, the dragon giving a pleased growl as he felt the extra tightness around the tip of his length. Eve was having trouble parsing all of the sensations, feeling her belly cramping up painfully, but a thrill accompanying the feeling all the same.

Mithrax wasn't trying to hold back, giving a roar as he felt his new breeding slut squeezing his cock tightly. All at once, his cock erupted as he reached his peak, a flood of burning hot seed spurting directly into Eve's womb. She gave a yelp as she felt the heat, but couldn't stop herself from cumming hard as her heat suddenly rose up all at once. He pussy squeezed and milked around the dragon's shaft, even as her belly rounded a little against the bench from the amount of seed that was being forced into her.

It was only when the last few spurts had left Mithrax's spent cock that he pulled out, letting a waterfall of cum splash onto the ground from Eve's well-used cunt. "I wonder how long it will be before you start showing," he purred, giving an ominous chuckle. "I'll leave you there for a while, I think... Everyone knows you need at least three breedings to really break in a new slave, and it'll give me time to get your accessories prepared.

"Welcome to my hoard, egg-whore."