Obscene Orc Obligations

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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And so we come to the last of a-lycotonum's stories with the orcs, at least for now. Who knows, maybe they'll want to continue later? Certainly, Riona's story only seems to be just beginning, and there will be some of you that will hate me for the cliffhanger, hehehe.

Commissioned by a-lycotonum

If you're interested in contributing more frequently, consider visiting my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/draconiconlibrary?ty=h for good rewards and better stories.

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Part 1: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1551974

Part 2: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1551976

Part 3: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1551979 (You are Here)

Obscene Orc Obligations

For a-lycotonum

By Draconicon

Riona had been used for hours, teased and stroked and fed potion after potion until her legs no longer worked, until her head was spinning with the lust that the potions enforced in her. Her tusks had clipped her lips a number of times, leaving her with wounds that healed with other potions and lips that were more sensitive than they had any right to be. They'd forced her to keep going, force-feeding her everything that they could shove down her throat to see just how far the potions would take her.

She didn't know how long they kept it up, but eventually the experiment came to an end with her being unchained and thrown back into the prison tents. Not into the pit, but into a tent, left naked on the floor as her body continued to shake and spasm from miniature pseudo-orgasms that rippled through her.

"Don't leave alone. No touching. Belongs to Sorceress," one of the orcs that had carried her said. "Sorceress says no touch."

Barely hearing the command, Riona focused more on trying to stop shivering. Her body was shaking from head to toe, unable to stop as more and more pleasure rippled through her, aftershocks of the potions' forced lust. Every time that she shifted her position even slightly, she clenched, her pussy and her ass trying to squeeze and milk at something that wasn't there, her insides craving seed for a child that she didn't want.


Even her thoughts were grunting, bestial, almost like a pig rooting through dirt for some sort of treasure. She hated the feeling of being so slow, of her mind feeling so...so stupid.


Riona made herself open her eyes, made herself look at her hands in front of her face.

Green, thick, hammy compared to the more delicate features that she'd had before. They were nothing like the human hands that she'd had for all her life up to this moment. If she'd seen such hands on a human male, they would have been large. For her, for a female, they were downright hideous.

It was enough to quell the fires between her legs, at least for now. The constant potions had stopped, which meant that she had a chance to control herself, to bring herself back from the brink.

The transformed woman slowly rolled onto her back, huffing, puffing from the exhausting feeling of cumming her brains out again and again. Her pussy still felt hot and puffy, and the cool air of the night felt pleasant against it as she slowly spread her legs, letting it expose itself.

Sweat rolled down her chest, between her breasts, and down along her sides. She could feel it on her face, running through her hair. Even that had thinned, and she imagined that if she had gone full orc, she would have gone bald, like them. The idea of being completely bald, of losing the braid that she had left, sent another shiver down her spine.

She was already mannish enough, considering the greater expanse of body hair that covered her chest and ran down along her abs. She could feel it, fine, but far too present as she touched herself. It made her look and feel like less of a woman, despite...

Well, despite the huge breasts on her chest. Riona didn't want to touch them, but she made herself do it, lifting her hands to her chest and feeling the softer flesh there. She grunted as she squeezed the green globes, a hint of the lustful fires burning again between her legs. Grimacing, she pulled her hands down, shaking her head, doing what she could to ignore what the potions wanted her to do.

I am better than that. I'm not one of them.

Not completely, at least. She knew that the transformation had been partial, that the sorceress wasn't best pleased.

How far had it gone? She knew that she'd gained green skin, greater muscle, but had she become that much of an orc? There were the tusks in her mouth, but they weren't as big as the ones that the males she'd seen sported, nor were they sticking that far from her mouth. Was that a female orc thing, or was that a sign that she hadn't been completely transformed?

Or was it all in her head? Was it merely her mind that remained safe compared to the rest of her body?

It was hard to tell, and she hated not knowing. It meant that there was something that she could get wrong.

Groaning, Riona forced herself to sit up, pulling her feet back and resting her bare soles against the earth floor. It was another reminder of what she'd lost. Bigger. Everything was bigger than it used to be, and all her clothes would just rip if she tried to put them on now. She'd need to take something like a cloak, something that would cover her from head to ankle, and hope for the best.

If I can get out of here at all...

That was the question, wasn't it? She looked up at the tent flap, and wasn't surprised to see that there was still an orc watching her. He grinned at her, groping his crotch over his loincloth, and Riona looked away. Not in shame, but in anger...

And arousal, much as she hated to admit it. Her pussy had clenched as soon as he groped at himself, and she knew that her body would start betraying her if she kept watching. Even now, she could feel the twisting, hardening feeling of her nipples getting stiffer on her chest, and despite her best attempts to ignore it, she knew that it had to be pretty damn obvious. She had grown a lot down there, after all.

I have to get out of here, she thought again. No matter how hard, I have to get out before...

Before what? Before her instincts drove her to do something so shameful that she would never be able to make up for it? Before she did something stupid? Before she became stupid?

Those were all possible, considering that witch woman. She didn't know what that human had done to her, how she had made such potions, but they were too powerful for her to risk taking any more doses. She had to...

She looked at the orc again. He was obviously interested in her, groping himself and grinning like an idiot every time that she looked back at him. His cock was up, throbbing between his legs, making a hell of a tent in his loincloth. She probably could do something with him, push him to make a mistake.

He can't touch me...but...

Riona couldn't believe she was thinking of it. A human did not fuck orcs. The witch woman was an exception, an abomination to think of putting those green dicks anywhere near her. The idea of putting something so foul between her legs or anywhere else made Riona feel sick to her stomach.

At least, a little. She felt a hated fire between her legs at the thought, too, and grimaced at the ramifications of that.

It's just one. Just one. You can deal with one.

She remembered how the Warlord had looked at her, how he had been pushy, how he had dominated her with his strength. It should have been humiliating, horrifying, and in a great number of ways, it was...but at the same time...

Riona remembered how wet she'd been hanging in the chains as he looked at her, as he touched her pussy, as he looked into her soul and demanded obedience. How he had growled at her, how he had been bestial and rough, and demanded her judgment as well as her obedience.

That wetness had not just been from the potion, she was ashamed to admit. That one...that one had her attention.

The fact that he made her wet didn't mean that all orcs did, though. That was what she told herself. It was just that one orc, just the one that had those strange eyes, the bits of intelligence to him that made him different from the other orcs. She didn't have the hots for the entire species. Just him.

Even if she did feel wet looking at this guy. Even if she did feel a bit horny and curious about how the thought of his big green dick would feel inside of her.

Riona shivered as she kept pulling herself upwards, dragging herself from the floor to her feet. The orc guard watched her the whole time, his eyes going from her tits to her sex and then back again, grinning and huffing, snorting even with that pig-like nose. One more thing that she did not have, she realized, for which she was thankful.

She looked at him one more time, then shook her head.

"Are you going to fuck me, then?" she asked.

"Heh, want to, but orders not to."

"You follow orders?"

"When they come from Warlord and Sorceress."

That was a surprise. Most of the warbands of the orcs were very disloyal, able to obey in the thick of the fight, but as soon as accountability went out the window, so did that loyalty. She had never seen a soldier that was willing to follow an order from above without the warlord there to keep an eye on things.

This was new. This was...dare she say it...interesting.

Riona put on a bit of a smirk, which felt weird with the tusks in her mouth. She took a step forward, feeling the new weight on her hips moving with her, forcing her into more of a sway than she meant to take. It was good, though, since it kept the orc's eyes on her.

"Heh, you like what you see, then?"

"Heh. Like a lot."

"You're not going to touch, though?"

"Can't. Orders."

It was...weird. She had expected to be thrown in here, raped, fucked as soon as her other guards were gone. She thought that she'd have to deal with trying to defend herself, trying to keep what little bit of her dignity that she had left. Instead, the orc seemed to be determined to make her give it away, to offer it up for something.

He said that he couldn't touch her, but that didn't mean that she couldn't touch him. If she was going to tempt him to let her go, if she was going to do anything that might get her her freedom, then she needed to do something more...drastic.

She took another hesitant step forward, feeling the jiggle in her chest, the bounce in her ass. There had never been that much bounce there before, and it was strange to feel the shift. If it wasn't for all the muscle that she had gained through the transformation, her new tits would have been enough to yank her forward with every step with the weight that they had.

Yet, for all that, she felt...strong. Strong and obscene, but strong nonetheless. If she had any training, she might have been tempted to take on the orc warrior in hand to hand combat rather than pushing herself to seduce him, but...

Well, things were what they were. Riona took one more step forward, and she was finally in reach of the orc.

Looking at him up close, she felt her pussy quiver. The idea of touching him, of doing anything to give him satisfaction, was still like rancid meat in her stomach, but the way that he made her feel was...definitely different to what she expected. She wanted to hate this completely, to want to puke at the idea of touching an orc like this.

But when she looked at his cock, when she took in the scent of him up close, she couldn't help but drip a bit down there.

It's the potions, she told herself as she reached out slowly, taking the orc's hand from his cock and replacing it with her own. Nothing but the potions. Nothing but the foul things that the witch made me drink...

Yet, at the same time, she was tempted to slide forward, tempted to take her hand from that cock and guide the head between her thighs, to see how that thick, uncut meat would feel inside of her.

Not me...not me...

Despite her attempts to push her lusts to the back of her head, she still felt them as she squeezed the fat orc cock. It was thicker than she'd expected, thicker than the farmhand that she had fucked a summer or two ago. It would spread her wide, fill her to an extent that few others could have done as a human. And the smell...

Her nostrils flared as she took a breath, that heady musk settling into her mind, pushing at buttons that she didn't know she had. Her legs shook, going weak, and she slid down to her knees as much out of practicality as any other reason.

It was a mistake, as it put that fat cock right in her face as she kept squeezing it, bouncing it between her fingers, jerking it off as hard as she could as it dripped down on her nose. The hot, thin pre-cum was like a hot bath on her face, the thick scent only getting stronger as more of it came out.


She panted, her pussy clenching down on nothing, her ass not much better. The hunger from the potions was coming back with a vengeance, that scent making it so much worse. Riona whimpered, feeling her mouth watering already, eager to take that meat down her throat, to suck on it, to pleasure it with her entire body.

The orc was humping her hand, grunting dumbly, bestially, and that was the only thing that kept her from doing what her body wanted. She would not take something that was so dumb that it might as well be a talking animal into her holes. She...

She had other ways that she could satisfy him.

Using her other hand, she brought her breasts up. The huge size of her tits suddenly seemed to make sense as she pushed herself up, letting them grind on either side of his shaft as he kept thrusting away. She took her hand off of his cock and brought it down to her chest, pushing her breasts together.

That was just what he seemed to want, and he started thrusting away like a madman, slamming his cock between her breasts and fucking the space between them like there was nothing in the world that would feel better than that. Each thrust, each smear of his soaked cock tip left more of his scent on her, and it kept her head swimming, her pussy drenched.

Riona was glad of the fact that she needed both hands on her breasts. It kept her from touching herself, kept her from soiling herself that much more by enjoying this in a way that she shouldn't. He kept thrusting, kept fucking the space between her breasts, his wiry pubic hairs grinding against her nipples and giving her a slight sense of pleasure from the action.

But her pussy...oh, it dripped. It dripped and ran in strings of thick, slick juices right down to the ground, making her feel like there was a gooey web or net between her thighs.

Gods...please, let him cum soon. I don't know...I don't know if I can take this much longer...

She trembled, pressing her soft breasts against him, bouncing them against his cock, whimpering as she tried to make him cum. The orc moaned over her, humping her, grabbing her by the back of her head and shoving her head down. The tip of his cock slid between her breasts and bumped her lips, smearing her with his taste, his musk, his pre-cum.

She opened her mouth, and the head popped past her lips. Riona gasped, and the orc guard came.

The first shot was salty, foul with his musk, foul with that strange, salty, bitter, hot smell and flavor that seemed to permeate all of their race. It ran across her tongue like oil, clinging to everything and yet sticking to nothing. It was everywhere, constantly soaking against her, making it impossible not to taste it, not to smell it.

And it went down her throat as he pushed his cock all the way into her mouth, forcing it down into her neck, making her swallow everything that he had to offer. She gagged around his cock, unable to help herself, swallowing desperately to keep up with him.

When he was finally done, slumping back and wobbling, she knew she only had a second or two to react. She swept her leg out, cutting his out from under him. Before he could scream, she jumped on top of him, smothering his face with her ass.

There was a lick or two back there that felt far too good before he was out cold. She shivered, shaking her head, her entire body covered in goosebumps as she sat on her guard, outside her tent...in public...

Thankfully, the sun was down and the orcs seemed to be sleeping, so she had a moment of peace. The fact that she was so close to being completely exposed, the fact that she might be shown off as some whore prisoner...


She hated her body for its responses there, how it felt when she thought of being given away as some sort of prize. She hated the way that her pussy clenched down, how it begged to be filled.

As she slowly lifted herself off of the unconscious guard, she looked back and saw that he was still hard, his cock still up and throbbing. The eight inches of green meat tempted her, her sex spewing more of its copious fluids and drenching the guard's face all the more, but she...

Riona whimpered, a little tear in the corner of her eye as the temptation pushed at her harder. She started to reach out, her hand inches from that big, emerald shaft before she was able to make it go still. She told herself to stop, to pull away, to get back to escaping. The urge to fuck fought against her, driving her up the wall, telling her how badly she needed to get something inside of her. The hunger, the desperation was so powerful that she nearly succumbed.

But she didn't.

The mostly-orc woman shivered as she walked over the body of her guard, her pussy running in rivers down her legs, her asshole clenching in petulant annoyance that it didn't get the chance to have anything, while her pussy at least got to touch someone's mouth. She wanted more, but she told herself to wait.

She told herself to run.

She told herself that she couldn't stop moving.

Every step she took was a step of fear and anxious arousal. The fact that she was making her way through the camp with nothing on, that she was as naked as the day she was born and looking like some whore on an aphrodisiac, didn't help. There was something horrifying and exciting about that sort of risk.

If any orc saw her, he would take her, she was sure of it. There was no way that the order not to touch her had been passed around the entire camp. All it would take was one orc soldier waking up, seeing her, wanting her...

The idea of being thrown to the ground, of her ass being shoved in the air as orc cock after orc cock ran trains on her ass and her pussy, of being fucked and used and bred, sent shivers down her legs, and Riona almost collapsed where she stood. She grabbed for one of the barrels of alcohol that were by the bar she was passing by, biting her lip and forcing back a tear or two.

Just a bit further...gotta...

Get out. That was the plan. But there was no way that she could get out and keep going without a weapon, or something. She doubted that she could steal a sword off an orc without waking them, but...

But the sorceress had had an abundance of potions, and Riona was still a bit smart. She could probably figure out the ones that were more useful. She hoped.

The mostly-orc stumbled through the piles of sleeping greenskins towards the center of the camp. The more she saw, the more she was glad that she wasn't armed. She'd be tempted to kneel down and stab them, but with that stink of cock in the air, of orc sex...

I'd be sucking them off rather than stabbing them, she thought, and she wasn't sure if she was turned on or disgusted by the fact that she had become so weak.

Past the Warlord's tent was the sorceress's one, distinguished from all the others by being a slightly darker shade of black and being more silken rather than covered in the same sort of canvas as the other tents. Riona hesitated for a moment, then ducked to the ground, poking her head in from floor level.

There was no one on the bed, which meant that the sorceress was probably in another tent. Possibly with the Warlord, now that she thought about it. The way that they had been together...

Husband and wife? she wondered. She'd been a bit too out of it to understand what they were saying during the whole transformation thing, but she had remembered them being close, of the sorceress gripping the Warlord's dick and pulling him out of the tent at the end of things. Possessive...

Putting that out of her mind, she stepped into the safe tent, pulling herself through the darkened interior towards the chest at the far end. It was unlocked, which surprised her. She started to open it, then stopped.

Sorceress. That meant that there might be magic that would blow up in her face if she tried to open it without being careful. Just because she was an orc now didn't mean that she had to go completely dumb.

She reached down to the side of the lid, feeling for any grooves in the wood. It took her only a few seconds to find it, a rune that had been burned into the smooth chest, one that had been hidden in the dark. She remembered enough from what the adventurers that had come through the farm before had said to know that opening the chest would trigger the rune unless she did something to break it first.

A knife would do, but it wasn't like she had one of those, was it? She looked around, hoping that the sorceress had left something out that she could use, but she saw nothing.

But...she did have one thing, she realized. She looked down at her hands, at the rough nails that had grown out of her fingers rather than the softer things that humans had. They weren't great, weren't claws, but they were long, rough, and tough enough that she could probably scratch the rune out of existence if she tried.

A few hard grinds of her nails against it did the trick, and she was able to open the chest safely.

Inside were four different potions, each one tucked into a different sort of padding. Probably to keep it from breaking if the chest was moved. Riona reached inside, pulling the first one out, holding it up to the slit in the tent to try and see what it was. Moonlight and distant torchlight didn't do much to help, though.

Red, maybe? she thought, guessing at the color. With that witch, that could mean blood, it could mean lust, could mean berserk...

And she was a little afraid to open it, just in case it was something that'd turn into a gas and screw with her. The last thing that she needed was more transformation. She was barely keeping hold of herself as it was.

She put it back, checking the next one, and the next after that. Neither one was in any way identifiable, which meant that they could just as easily be poisons as anything else. She put them back, taking out the fourth.

When she saw that it was green, just like the ones that she had been taking, she hissed under her breath. Another dose of that, and she might just be as dumb as all the other orcs here. The idea of going that far, of losing her mind to the potions rather than just her body, sent a horrible chill down her spine.

Dumb. Muscular, but dumb and...

She shuddered, feeling her pussy clenching again, that heat not dying off. She wanted to think straight, but that heat just kept coming back, kept pushing at her to give in and get off, to show off and be a good little orc slut.

The urge to bring her fingers down to her pussy was overwhelming, and her hand started moving on its own to its obscene destination. The glass vial between her fingers pressed against her like some sort of dildo, rubbing against her sex and then sliding slightly inside of her.

Riona covered her mouth to stifle the moan that came to her lips, her eyes rolling back in their sockets. She wanted to...she wanted to fuck...she wanted to cum. She wanted so much from this, needed so much from it.

She started to ride the vial, lifting and lowering her hips against it, grinding her sex against the corked green potion. The risk that she was taking, the fact that it was already inside of her...

If the cork comes out, I'm going to get dumb, she thought. I already got the bimbo tits...the bimbo ass...muscles...If this comes out, I'm going to have a bimbo orc brain...

Yet, the thought that should have scared her only pushed her to take it further, to grip the vial by the cork rather than by the glass edge. She whimpered as she risked herself more and more, hunching her hips, fucking herself on the glass tube like some sort of animal. Her juices were running over her fingers, making her grip less and less sure with every slow grind along it.

Mmmph...I'm stupid...this is stupid...I'm going to...going to...

Riona whimpered, biting her hand, holding back every sound that she could, but the pleasure was getting worse and worse the more that she fucked herself. She wanted more, she wanted green cocks, she wanted rutting, breeding, full use. She wanted to throw herself on weaker humans, dominate them, make them worship her orc cunt, she wanted -

A sudden spasm rocked her, and Riona slumped forward, one hand on the ground, the other holding tight to the potion vial in her. She gasped, clenching down, cumming, squirting...

And sucking the vial right into her. Her slippery grip on the cork top disappeared, and the vial itself went right into her sex, going deep with each spasm. Her eyes went wide as she realized that it was gone, out of her reach, and that the potion was probably lodged somewhere up near her womb.

Oh god, oh god. One fuck and it could break, turn me into an idiot...stupid, stupid, stupid!

Riona struggled to her feet, grabbing the other vials. Whatever they were, she'd have a better opportunity to figure it out by daylight. Staying here, feeling sorry for herself, wondering what might happen: none of that would get her any closer to her freedom.

Grunting, she pulled the vials out of the chest again, tucking them under her arms before getting back to her feet. She could feel the glass vial inside of her, the coolness starting to fade with the heat of her body, but worse, she could feel the cork top, and could feel how it was pushing out just enough to catch on her inner walls.

Slow. Move. Slow.

The worst thing that an escaping captive had to hear, but she knew better than to push herself too hard now. If she broke that open, if she spilled that inside of her, she'd be lost even if she didn't get caught by the orc soldiers. They'd be able to take her, fuck her, use her, break her, because she'd have broken herself.

The humiliation of her own stupidity made her cheeks burn, but it also left her feeling hot under the collar, a reminder of her own orcish need, of what she could become if she just gave in. One mistake would become three, four, more, and that would lead to all the cocks that she could want.


She gritted her teeth as she walked slowly, moving in stretched, exaggerated movements across the camp. The moon was high in the sky, brighter than she'd like, but all the orcs seemed to be sleeping off the booze of their party. That was fine with her, as long as they didn't wake up and start making problems for her.

One more step, then another, and then another. Every so often, she'd feel the vial shift inside of her, reminding her of what could happen, and she'd whimper and bite her lips, twisting herself around until she felt it go back to where it was supposed to be.

Even if she escaped, Riona had no idea of how she was going to get that out of her. She'd have to find someone that would be willing to talk to someone that looked like an orc, someone willing to reach inside of her and get it out, and someone that wouldn't report her for the weirdness.

Where the hell am I going to find someone like that? she wondered.

Step by step, she pushed herself towards the edge of the camp. She reached the perimeter, looked behind her to make sure that no one was watching, then stepped over.

There were no wards, no runes that kept her back. There was no sudden alarm, no hue and cry to chase her across the fields. There was just the forest in the distance, the road to the east, and the knowledge that she was almost free.


Where did she go from there? It was the question that she'd been avoiding asking herself the whole time, mostly because she didn't have an answer.

The farmstead was raided, and even if some of her family had gotten away in time, there was no guarantee that they'd be here. More to the point, there was no guarantee that they'd believe her about what had happened, that she was who she said she was and that she needed help.

And if her family had summoned the guard, if those guys were there, waiting for any orcs that decided to make a second raid...Well, she might as well just stab herself in the heart right there and then.

Taking the road anywhere else would only take her to bigger cities, places that feared the orcs and thought them rough, horrible savages that would rip apart anyone that looked at them funny. Not entirely wrong, but not helpful for her. The forest had a reputation for having witches inside, people that would know how to get things out of her and wouldn't ask too many questions, but it was a witch that had gotten her into the situation to begin with.

Riona gritted her teeth, telling herself that she had to pick one, that she had to try something before one of the other orcs woke up and saw her just standing there, but what the hell was she supposed to do, really? None of the options were good. None of them would fix things for her without making them worse at the same time.

She grimaced as she fought the urge to slump to her knees. She'd spent so much time getting free, getting out of the camp, escaping, and now it felt like it was all for nothing.

Why? she thought, looking up at the moon. Why me?


The soft grunt of an orc broke her from her tearful thoughts. She froze where she stood, every muscle tense, including the ones between her legs. Any twisting motion would pull that cork free, she was sure, and then she'd be doomed no matter who had seen her.

Don't break. Don't break. Don't break.

Footsteps filled her ears, then a hand landed on her shoulder. Rough, green, as expected. Riona whimpered, biting her lips, her hands bunching into fists. Could she fight? Would she? Or would this be another moment of stupid weakness?


The grunted word was familiar, and she did as she was told, forcing herself to relax as much as she could. It was barely enough to make her feel safe with that vial inside of her, but it was still enough.

She turned...and found herself staring up at the Warlord. He was a bit sweaty, his cock out and half-hard and wet, but he looked at her in curious amusement.

"Heh...the hell you think you're doing?"

The End