My Journey Through High School: Chapter 14: State Chess Championships Part 2

Story by Ryan-masterpaladin-Lewis on SoFurry

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#15 of My Journey Through High School


Legal Adult Rules apply. Reader discretion advised to those under the age of 18 and those who find homosexual content offensive.

Also a note for those who read the disclaimer from last chapter. This second part had extended so much longer than I thought it would, and therefore I have split it off into another part. For those waiting for the end please be patient, and enjoy this next installment.


We got back to our hotel room that night just about an hour after the evening darkness fell over the northern city of Salt Lake City. Coach Sundin was sitting on the bench in the lobby, as if he was waiting for us to come back. The human nodded at us, and made a couple scribbles on a clipboard before getting up and walking up to us.

"It's still nine o' clock," Coach began, "you can stay up for just another hour, but no longer. We need you all on top form for tomorrow, especially you Ryan." I nodded and high fived the coach, before he walked off. Morrell and I hurried up to our room, talking along the way.

"This should be enough time to distract me with something other than chess," Morrell said beaming. I opened the elevator door, and we walked in, pushing the button for a few floors up.

"Yeah, just nothing naughty alright? You do like to drag stuff like that on for hours," I pointed out.

"I wasn't thinking about it until you mentioned it," Morrell said smiling evilly at me, "but don't worry, I won't do it to you tonight. I'll just fuck good old Jake when he's not looking. I promise not to make any noise either, I have some tools just to keep the volume down." I looked up at him surprised.

"You snuck some sex toys on the trip?"

"You bet I did," he said smirking, "You never know when a horny football players going to need it."

"I guess I shouldn't be so surprised," I commented shrugging, "but don't stay up late doing it, we do need our sleep."

"I hear you hon," The elevator stopped and opened for us, and we had no trouble finding our room. When we opened it and got inside, we were both nearly expectant and surprised at what we saw.

"Jake?" I asked, "Why are you naked?" Sure enough, Jake was there when we walked in, and he had absolutely no shred of clothing on him, not even socks. He was not erect in anyway though, and he didn't notice us right off the bat. In fact he was too deep in concentrating on the game he was playing in front of him. It was a popular first person shooter that both he and Morrell played on a regular basis. He looked at us for a second before going back to playing.

"I like to stay naked after a nice hot shower, especially when I'm alone," He said, "clothes would stick to my skin too much, and I like the semi cold draft that comes from cooling off."

"That's nice and all," I said sitting at mine and Morrell's bed, "but did you have to leave the window curtains open?" The Orca behind me chuckled as he and Jake looked out the window.

"I don't think many people would look five stories up to see someone naked you know?" Jake shrugged, "by the way Morrell, I managed to break the outpost cable seals on the VCR here. So we can play some games."

"That's sweet, I'd love to play, although I'm more interested in playing with that joystick you got there," Morrell said pointing to the dolphins flaccid member.

"You could do both at the same time you know," Jake said chuckling, Morrell smiled.

"I guess so," he began, "although don't moan very loudly, Ryan here needs his rest."

"How do you plan to do that? You like to fuck very roughly you know."

"I brought a nice pink ball gag just for you," the Orca teased, "it goes so great in contrast to your nice gray skin."

"Gee thanks," The dolphin replied and chuckled. I got up and grabbed a pair of pajamas, taking them into the bathroom with me to shower. Morrell was already behind the dolphin as I walked in, slowly stroking his sides.

Yep, always a naughty orca he was. I chuckled at the thought as I started the shower up, which very quickly warmed up. The room itself was still nice and warm, signifying that Jake's shower was not that long before we got back. I showered very thoroughly, getting every inch of my body clean. And I did a double take on my hair. My body wasn't much to make a big deal about, as it was quite average. But one thing I could be proud about was my hair, and although I never went overboard taking care of it, I still did and took pride in doing so.

I could hear Morrell and Jake going at it the whole time through the shower, and I'll admit I was quite aroused from it. It seems they couldn't keep it down after all. Oh well, I thought to myself, before looking down at my hardening cock.

'Not this time,' I told myself in my head. I was too into the zone of thinking about the games to come the next day. Ignoring the moaning background noise and the needs of my own member, I finished showering and stepped out with towel in hand. I quickly dried off and sorted my wet hair out before changing into my pajamas and stepping outside.

Morrell was holding a controller in his hands, concentrating on the screen. He had Jake lying on the bed stomach down, and was thrusting in and out of him like the devil. Jake only made some loud but muffled moans through a hot pink ball gag tied around his mouth. The dolphin still held his controller and was mashing the buttons furiously. I idly watched the game as I got under the covers lying down, slowly unwinding my thoughts from the day. Morrell seemed to only speed up his thrusting hands free of gripping the dolphin below him. Their current versus round eventually came to an end, and once they did Morrell put the controller down, and gripped the dolphins hips tightly, before thrusting with tandem, grunting as he pumped his orca seed deep in Jake's bowels.

"Wow," I said, "I'm surprised that you still beat him while fucking him, and managed to get off."

"I guess I'm just that talented," he chuckled tauntingly and gave Jake's ass a playful slap, "so Jake, who's my bitch now?" The dolphin sighed and mumbled something through his gag. Morrell untied it and made him repeat it.

"I am," he said, "for now." Morrell gave a very hard thrust from him saying that, which caused the dolphin to groan.

"And don't you forget it," He said pulling out of him, "I guess that was enough time. I would like to get off some more shots, but I would like a chance to do better tomorrow."

"I'm glad you think that way Morrell," I told him as he climbed into bed with me, pulling the covers up.

"I can't let a couple losses get to me," Morrell said, and gave me a soft kiss before turning out the lights.


We were awakened by an alarm clock Jake set up shortly before 7 AM. I swear if there was anything teenagers were more annoyed by, it was the annoying beeping of the stupid alarm clocks. At least in my opinion it was. We were all up and at em shortly after, more then well rested.

"Good morning Morrell," I said to him smiling.

"Good morning yourself sexy superstar," he winked, grabbing some clothes out of his suitcase before heading off to the shower. Jake slowly got up and stretched slowly grimacing.

"My ass is sore," he stated bluntly, and I double over trying to not die laughing.

"That's what you get for letting him fuck you like that," I said, "just be glad he didn't bondage you, or you'd be even more sore. Good thing the only muscle you don't want sore for chess is this one." I pointed a finger at my forehead, to emphasize my point of what I was referring to. He chuckled and nodded. We were quickly dressed, in matching attire no doubt. We both sported on our chess team tee shirt. It was completely black with our school mascot, Shadow the Panther, in the shape of a knight, and bright maroon words saying Pine View Chess right under it. The back resided a grand eastern dragon, wrapping itself around the words St. George Dragonslayers. I was careful not to wear it around Altoryu, so he wouldn't get offended in anyway. We waited for Morrell to finish showering, and he came out wearing the exact same thing we did.

"A little small," He said examining himself, "but it looks good just the same."

"You look great honey," I said smiling, and took his hand. The three of us walked together downstairs to the lobby, where breakfast was out and waiting for us to choose from. Despite being a guy, I was very careful and aware about my diet on a tournament day, especially on tournaments like these that expanded out multiple days. I ate plenty of food to keep full in the morning, but I made a conviction to only eat a few bites of something in between each round, to keep myself full and focused throughout the day.

We were the first down to eat, but it wasn't long before the Lucian brothers, Eq and Snow joined us. Both were also dressed in the exact same garb as we were.

"Morning sleepy heads," Eq said grabbing their breakfast and sitting next to our table.

"Calling us sleepy heads after we got here first?" Jake teased.

"Au Contraire," Snow began, "We were two stories higher than you were." Adair joined us shortly after too, also like the rest of us garbed in the same clothing.

"You know black goes on very well with your white fur," I commented smiling.

"Thanks Ryan," The ferret said sitting next to Jake. Shortly after Alduin, Coach, and Warrior Scribe had come out together, talking about what to expect from today's events. Warrior took a seat right across from me, seeming like he had a question.

"Hey Ryan, has anyone ever cheated in chess before?" It was a good question, and one that took a bit of explaining to answer.

"The bottom line answer would be yes," I began, "then again most any sport has been cheated at, at least once. It is though harder for someone to cheat in chess than most anything else is. Timers are usually observed closely by both players, and in most tournaments bathroom usage in the middle of a round is prohibited until your game finishes. Does that answer your question?"

"More or less it did," Warrior commented, as we all quickly ate through our breakfast. Coach had hurried us in the car, wanting to get to the same waiting spot as yesterday, and we managed to get there with fifteen minutes left to spare before the next round, just enough time for us to settle in and gather our thoughts. Both of the other St. George teams were already there, just like yesterday. Dr. Martin really had his hands full keeping them in control as well as trying to help the tournament directors control the tournament. The wolf took a few minutes to come greet us as we settled down.

"Everyone is certainly showing united spirit," he commented, "Pine View High School how do you feel?"

"Doing good thanks for asking," I said. I stood up as everyone else settled down having already set up the boards. Coach had started going over specific strategies with Morrell when Dr. Martin ushered me to the side.

"Ryan, how are you feeling about today?" He asked, "nervous?"

"Being nervous is something that can't really be stopped sir," I said smiling a bit, "but I've been playing for years, I'm all prepared to give it my all, rain or shine."

"I'm glad to hear that," he said and looked around before speaking again, "did you know that most other school teams are cheering you on as well?"

"Really? What for?"

"You've been shown with the most potential to defeat Tony Chen and take the title. They've been hoping that someone will knock that kid down a few sizes, and you're the best shot we've got."

"I'll try not to let them down." I saw the main director guy show up from around the very far corner, taping a few sheets of paper up at the wall.

"Pairings!" He shouted, and everyone rushed over. I nodded at the good doctor and walked off grabbing a clock, score sheet, and pencil along the way. Morrell walked up beside me.

"I can't stop shaking, I'm both excited and nervous at the same time," he said.

"I know hon, don't worry," I said and hugged him, "just take a look at the board and think for a bit about the wood that made it. Then make yourself strong like that wood. You're oak man, so go show your opponent whose boss." Morrell and I looked at the pairings as soon as most of the crowd had already walked off. He was placed at the very bottom of the pairings. I was hoping for sure that he got himself a very easy opponent.

"Ryan you're on Board 3," Morrell pointed out, "who is Tyler Mc Intosh?"

"Uh oh," I said, "East High School's star player. He's rated slightly higher than I am too. He beat Adair out really badly yesterday."

"Good luck man," the orca told me as we walked to the room. The board were arranged a little differently today, and I found that the top boards were on an elevated level, which observed over the rest, and my table was situated right over Morrell's table which was good. I could observe how his game was going right from my chair.

Tyler was a dark red furred otter. Besides his species he was quite tall, and had a stare that was almost as intimidating as Tony Chen's was. We shook hands prematurely as I sat down across from him. Based on what Coach Sundin told me, he plays his best when he was white. That was quite unfortunate as I found myself playing as Black.

"Could I have everyone's attention please before we all get started here," The Tournament Director called over a microphone. Everyone turned to face him quietly. "First of all, welcome to the second day of competition, this will be quite a long day, so everyone be vigilant. The time limits have been extended today and will continue to be after a couple of rounds. Therefore bathroom privileges will be extended to those who ask an official. However one must not have anything on their person walking out and walking back into the play room."

"At least that prevents cheating somewhat," I heard Snow and Eq converse with each other as the TD talked.

"The blitz tournament will start out today right after this next round. All those who want to play wait to be called outside after you finish your game. We'll have a couple of blitz rounds in between the regular rounds to help speed things along. Blitz rules will be gone over when the time comes. Is there any questions?" No one raised his or her hand when asked this, and he continued.

"Thank you all, same rules apply. Please shake your opponent's hand, and start the clock. Good luck." Just like that the room was dead silent. Those who weren't allowed in the room quickly shuffled out, taking perch on the nearby windows to look into the playing area.

This match for me didn't take as long as the last one did last night. However, it certainly didn't mean I was going to get it done as quickly as my first two games. As Tyler took a few minutes to deliberate a move I looked around to see who my other teammates were playing against. Adair was going against a tough player from our very own Snow Canyon team. Jake got one of the two from Dixie. Alduin sat down just a couple boards from me, and he was playing another West high player. In fact, it was Alice Chen, one of Tony's sisters. If he didn't have a tough time before he will now.

Speaking of Tony, it was Lucian Snowclaw that got placed against him. They sat isolated from everyone else, right next to the windows, over a more lavish board. Lucian Equinox was paired up against another person from West, although that guy was one of the lower boards.

"Check," Tyler called on me, moving his Bishop to an aggressive position. I turned attention back to my game, calculating a quick good way to escape the threat. A simple knight block took care of that easily. These next two matches were a half an hour longer than before, and roughly 45 minutes into the game, I heard someone call checkmate to my immediate right. I turned to look who it was that said that.

"Thanks for the game," Morrell whispered as he shook his opponent's hand. I looked from him to his board, and sure enough, his opponent was in checkmate. The mate itself was done with two pawns none the less. I was proud of him, and smiled. He saw me and shot me a wink before walking off to report the win, and I did the same while returning to my game.

After another twenty minutes I pulled probably my most amazing move ever. I snuck a counter attack so effective that it put him in a state of zugzwang. It was a type of position where no matter where he moved, he'd end up in a losing position. After six more moves, he found himself three major pieces down, without any type of attack. I managed to pull out the move of the century, and it was my turn to attack. After 37 moves into the game, Tyler tipped his king down in surrender, and we shook hands.

I had four wins down in my belt, more than halfway through without a nick in the record. I ran right into Alduin as I walked out of the playroom.

"Ryan, I won, I beat Alice Chen," he said beaming, "boy was it a close one. Thank for showing me how to defeat the Colle system."

"I told you it would come in handy one day," I said and we high fived. "So what's the status of things. I know Morrell finally won a match. What about the others?"

"Both Adair and Jake are still playing," he said, "Snow lost against Tony, and he didn't seem too happy about it. Equinox got a draw on his match, against another player from West. He wasn't one of the top five though, so it only dents their tie breaking."

"Gotcha," I said, "guess we better go prepare for blitz eh?" We nodded and headed off to our waiting area. Morrell ran up to me tackled me in a hug when we arrived.

"I finally won Ryan," he said licking my cheek, "I'm so happy."

"I'm so proud of you too," I said kissing him for a bit, "great job." He helped me up and we straightened ourselves out, going back to our routine. Jake and Adair came out roughly around the same time. Both had lost their matches, putting us up at 15.5 points. I asked Coach how many West had.

"Four of their top boards won this round," he said bluntly, "they're up to 16 now."

"Great, losing by half a point," I said grimacing a bit, "This next round may make or break us." But before that it was time for the Blitz match. Pairing for it were called shortly after, and thankfully, these first two matches didn't matter, so I could stand upside down playing and still get seeded. We were paired and seated before the director came up to speak. He repeated the same rules that were described before the start of the regular tournament yesterday.

"Alright then," he finished, "start the clock." Compared to the first four games, these other ones went very quickly. There was very little time for thinking as it was more a make your best move as quickly as possible. Morrell seemed to find enjoyment in the faster pace, and actually won both of his first two matches. I was glad, he was already having a much better day than before. Alduin and I also both won our matches. Snow followed behind with 1 win and 1 draw. Adair and Eq came up even with 1-1 win - loss. Finally Jake followed behind with one draw and a loss.

Almost as quickly as it started, blitz was done for a round, and we were quite satisfied with the results.

"So how many more rounds are there of blitz?" Morrell asked.

"According to the amount of players, five more," Alduin said, "Two after this next regular round, two more after round six, and finally the last one after the last regular round." We nodded resetting our clocks just in time for round 5 of the regular tournament to commence.

Alduin and I knew we were going to have it tough. I was placed once again on board 3, against a top player from a different school than West. I thought it was quite weird how I haven't gotten up against a player from west yet. He was placed right next to me on board 4, against West once more, and yet another top player.

"Why do I always get stuck against them?" He asked.

"All the more incentive to win," I said, "we're all rooting for you." We high fived again heading to our seats in the playroom once more. Everyone else besides Morrell was playing down, which meant we might have a good round this time. One could only keep sharp and hope.

The match soon quickly began, probably to stay on schedule, and I was once again concentrating hard on my game. I was playing black once more, and my opponent took her sweet time picking out and opening move, so I decided to quietly watch Alduin's instead. I was shocked by what happened next.

His opponent made a fatal error right on the third move. He played a gambit and took with the wrong piece, leaving his kingside completely open for relentless assault. Alduin saw it in a pinch and like lightning capitalized on it. Within six quick moves, his opponent was down by a couple pieces, checked once more with Alduin's whole army already developed. The game was hopelessly lost for his opponent.

Alduin had walked out with a win before my game was even three moves in. I was in for yet another long match.


Alduin had headed back to the waiting room in a hurry, after reporting his score. Warrior Scribe walked up to him with a sack lunch as the cat sat down.

"Thanks," Alduin said smiling as he began eating. Warrior stood there smiling, and they chatted for a while as the cat ate.

"I'm surprised you finished so quickly," Warrior commented, "Coach had just barely left to grab food for the rest of the team when you came back. I had thought you forgot something."

"I made a very lucky break, he made a dastardly mistake that I managed to capitalize on." The cat finished eating when he realized something, "if coach went to get food, why did you give me a sack lunch?" Warrior smiled.

"I can't do something nice for a good looking guy?" Warrior chuckled and Alduin smiled.

"So that's how it is huh?" The cat teased. The vulpine laughed.

"Yeah, I found a hidden bathroom that's unlocked. Come on I'll show you," He stood up quickly, grabbing Alduin's hand and leading him onward toward the so-called hidden bathroom.


The bathroom itself was quite small, but definitely very clean. It looked as if it was never used before. Dark tiles covered most of the room, the only white being the sink and utilities as well as the floor tiles. Warrior locked the door behind them as Alduin stepped in to look around.

"Has anyone ever told you that you are very direct?" Alduin asked.

"Of course, in fact Ryan said that yesterday when we had time to talk," the fox replied, "why else do you think we have some alone time for ourselves?"

"Good point," Alduin said and put a hand on the vulpine's shoulder, before starting to make out with him. The dark fox was more than happy to return the cat's kissing. This session held no odd moments, nor were there any shy temptations. Both sides knew what they wanted, and with no one else coming into the restroom anytime soon, they weren't afraid to push forward.

They snuck into the very far stall and quickly roughed each other's shirts off in a hurry. Alduin licked his rough tongue over the now exposed nipples on Warrior's chest.

"You're moving like you haven't done this in a while," The vulpine commented.

"You're right," The cat said licking the other nipple to tease, before blowing on it a bit. This got a little meep from the vulpine that the cat wanted. "When your best friends are currently minors, it's a little hard to make a move you know?"

"I know what you mean," he said, "I have the same case." They started kissing again as they hugged against the wall, grinding into each other's groin. The arousal rose quickly, as did their pants. Due to this it wasn't long before the pants came off, and the underwear shortly afterwards. Although both the fox and cat teased each other tremendously when they were trying to remove each other's underwear.

Now naked in a bathroom stall, they decided to slow down a bit, looking at each other's fully erect cock, both leaking pre. They looked at each other for a bit nodding, and slowly reached down to stroke each other's members. As they did so seductively did they for a third time return to kissing. Their tongues wrestled furiously trying to get into each other's mouth to explore. That was a match that ended in a draw, and they slowly broke off, trailing a small line of saliva in between each other.

Warrior then knelt down in front of Alduin and took the feline cock in his mouth. The barbs from the member softly scratched the vulpine tongue, but Warrior didn't seem to mind. In fact he seemed all too happy to continue and started sucking the cat off. The fox then bobbed back and forth on the cock in a nice smooth rhythm. Alduin petted Warrior's head nice and softly as he did his work on the cat cock.

"You're really good at this," Alduin said softly muffling a moan.

"Thanks," Warrior said after pulling off the cock just long enough before sucking him off again. This kept up for a few minutes until Alduin moaned a little louder and pulled off. Warrior whined and pouted for a bit.

"Sorry foxy," Alduin teased, "I don't want to cum until I've tried another part of you out." The fox smiled seeming to get the message turned over and got onto all fours, winking as he raised his tail, teasing the cat eagerly. Alduin smiled and got on top of him, slowly pushing into the fox's tight entrance easily.

"Wow, bigger than I thought," The fox moaned as the cat's barbs lightly scratch the fox's velvety entrance.

"Don't worry, I'll go slow at first so you can get used to the barbs," Alduin said as he started slowly pulling out and pushing in. It slowly turned to a slow pace, and all this time kept the fox's cock fully erect and leaking a little more pre from the pleasure. After a couple more minutes of this, the cat slowly began to speed up.

With the cat speeding up, so did the volume of the moaning from both of them, and their moans soon reflected off the walls giving the usual echo produced from an empty bathroom. After another several minutes the cat's breathing stifled a bit, as the tense pleasure continued rising.

The fox moaned stroking his own member throughout as the cat sped up, but he was not so rudely interrupted when the cat masterfully knocked the fox's hand aside and stroked him off for him.

"Thanks," The fox moaned louder as he was quickly being brought to a torrential climax. It was only a few more minutes when he did cum, shooting several shots on his stomach and the floor, and the cat took the tightening opportunity to continuously speed up on the fox. The barbs from the cat cock made the fox moan even more deeply and loudly, until the hot torrential load of cum shot from the cat deep into the fox's ass.

After another few minutes of settling down, Alduin slowly pulled out and spoke.

"A little faster than I hoped, but it was still good," The cat said retrieving his clothes.

"Perhaps we can play again sometime," Warrior said smiling, sitting up a bit to bask in the afterglow.

"I'll give you my number, be sure to call when you're in town," Alduin said as both of them slowly redressed.

"Will do," said Warrior Scribe, "now let's get ourselves cleaned up."


After Alduin and Warrior Scribe cleaned up from their actions, there was still about twenty minutes before the next set of blitz rounds. So they decided to head back and look around. Everyone had finished their matches and was eating some fast food that Coach Sundin had brought back for them. Alduin walked up to the human coach.

"So what happened with who?" He asked.

"Ryan, Morrell, Equinox, and Adair all won their matches," Coach said, "Snow and Jake both drew their matches. Without a single loss this round it puts us at 20 points. Despite the good round, we're losing by a half a point tie breaker against West."

"So close," Alduin commented, "So Ryan and I are still playing up. I wonder who we'll play next."


I was glad with my results in the last round. It was quite a close call on one move in the mid game, and I was glad that she didn't notice my move. I had won with roughly thirty minutes to spare, and took advantage of that to eat lunch, which coach Sundin was nice enough to bring the team.

I was on my way towards the first elimination rounds of blitz when I was pushed aside a bit by Tony. He gave me a snide look as he walked past, but I shrugged it off and continued. I looked at the pairing sheet as I walked into the playroom. I was surprised. Morrell walked up right behind me.

"So who do I get?" He asked smiling.

"Um..." I began, "you got me."

"Woah, really?" Morrell asked, "why?"

"Blitz is a free for all hon," I explained, "you may have ended up facing me anyway."

"I guess so, don't go too hard on me ok?" he asked politely. We took our seats waiting for the round to start. After we were signaled to we were off. I finished off Morrell in under a minute, catching his king with a quick back attack from my bishops. Everyone else on the team won their first match shortly afterwards. It was then that the second elimination round began. We represented 6 of the remaining 16 players, while West only represented 4. Because of this I was matched against Adair next, while Eq got Jake. Eq and I found ourselves the winners really quickly. Alduin defeated Alice Chen once again out of blitz. Will he ever stop getting players from West? Snow also managed to defeat another player that I didn't know, leaving us with half of the whole competition still standing.

"Alright then Round 6 will begin shortly," The TD spoke and we nodded stepping outside and fixing up just in time for the round 6 pairings to come up. There were very few people with 5 points; in fact only four of us remained. Alduin, myself, Tony Chen, and his other sister Janice. This meant that I was finally going to play someone from West. We all looked at the pairings.

"Alduin you got Tony," I said, he looked very serious this time.

"Yeah, which leaves you with Janice," I nodded and we wrote our scores down, heading back into the room. I was sitting on board 2, with Alduin sitting on the lavish board 1. He sat across from Tony, who seemed to spark a conversation with him. I couldn't hear it very well from the low volume, but it went a little something like this.

"Too bad I'm not going to be able to play mr. Lewis," Tony said, "he doesn't stand a chance against Janice."

"If I could beat Alice then he can wipe the floor with Janice," Alduin said with a firm stare, "and I've practiced quite a bit myself."

"Don't lose too quickly then," Tony said, "and even so we'll see who is truly the best." The match had begun shortly afterwards. I was playing white again finally, and initiated my favorite opening, the Queens Gambit. It was an opening I have played literally for years, and know every line like the back of my hand.

While I was playing on safe grounds, Lucian Equinox was the first to finish his match, and to our dismay, it was a loss. He had shaken his head as he walked past me. I didn't break my concentration though, and as soon as Alduin was struggling against Tony, I was winning just as much against Janice. The Slav Defense against the Queens Gambit was my most favorite to play against, as I could point out every weakness in the defense. Within 16 moves of the start, I was a whole rook up in material.

Lucian Snow was the next to finish, and he gave me a sign that it was a draw. As he walked, he looked at Alduin's board, and grimaced. That wasn't a good sign. Adair finished a few minutes after and gave the same sign as Lucian Snow. If we didn't start getting wins soon, we probably would have fallen too far behind.

I was the next to finish the match. I caught her in roughly two traps in a row, and managed to get a whole Queen and Bishop for just a knight. I was at an infallible advantage by the end game, but she wouldn't give up. I was able to force checkmate on her shortly afterwards.

Morrell and Jake finished at the same time, and practically followed me outside.

"Add one more to our scores," Jake said smiling, "Morrell got lucky but still won."

"I sure did," Morrell said beaming, "I'm so glad I'm doing so well today."

"Me too," I said, "So that's 3.5 for Jake and 3 for you."

"And a perfect 6 for you Ryan," Morrell said, "Don't think I didn't see you make the mating move on that girl. Just one more and you're the champion."

"Yay thanks for the pressure," I teased the Orca and he hugged me. Alduin came out of his match last, and he shook his head as he reunited with us in the waiting area.

"His defense was too strong, he managed to tear at a hole in my own defense at the same time. Ryan, you're going to have a hard time." It was then that I started to feel nervous about the next match. Do I have what it takes to beat him?


The blitz round intermissions were getting shorter due to there only being 8 players. I was sitting at a nearby table relaxing for a bit after a win against Adam Milke once again. Lucian Equinox was pitted against Tony Chen, and sighed a bit as he walked out. Before he did I grabbed his hand.

"Good job Eq, you did your best," He smiled and thanked me before walking out. Both Snow and Alduin had won their matches, leaving us with 3 players left out of 4. Tony was the only one left for blitz. Because of this, there was no chance of two of us avoiding playing each other, and I figured out who it was when we were matched up.

"Ryan vs. Alduin," Snow said smiling, "this ought to be good." The captain and I looked at each other smiling, nodding at each other. Both boards were seated at the opposite ends of the room, which was nice, because it gave us a lot of free space.

"Ready when you are Ryan," Alduin said.

"Hit it," I said, and he hit the clock, beginning our ten-minute match. Alduin was definitely good at blitz, but I decided to be sneaky and tried an opening I never tried before. It was quite unorthodox and surprised Alduin a bit. It was quite nice because he then played a logical move that looks all right on the surface, but actually leads him right into a death trap. Within 14 moves and 30 seconds, I checkmated the cat.

"That was very graceful Ryan," The cat commented, "I didn't see that coming. You should teach me that sometime."

"Will do," I said getting up and walking out of the room. Alduin stayed behind to watch Snow and Tony play through their game. The tournament director didn't mind others staying to watch during blitz, as long as people stood completely behind teammates. I wanted to go outside and take some fresh air for a few minutes before the final match. A clear head makes all the difference, but before I got very far Janice Chen stopped me.

"Hey um Ryan right?" I nodded when she asked me that, "I was wondering if I could just take a couple minutes of your time. I've been studying the game we played and was hoping you could point out what I did wrong." I didn't see any harm in it and shrugged.

"Sure why not?" I told her and followed her down the hall. I didn't think there would be anything to regret in this decision. It was one I had done plenty of times before, where people would want to ask me what their mistakes were in their game, to help better themselves. If fact the same thing happened yesterday to, from my very first game. But this time, I really regretted not going outside.

We turned down a hallway, right past a flight of stairs when I was grabbed. A hand cupped over my mouth to keep my surprised yell from gaining volume. Whoever it was certainly was an adult, a very tall adult. I was lifted about a foot off the ground when I started to struggle. I tried to yell and kick and fight back, but my arms where pinned to my chest, and I was lifted at an angle where each kick started hurting my back.

"That worked better than I expected father," Janice said turning to look at us, "for a master he's quite gullible."

"Let me go damnit," I tried to shout through the hand, but Janice lifted her finger at me, turning it side to side.

"Not this time," She said, "you see Tony has a reputation of being the best and most feared player around. We can't have someone with a potential to beat him at his heels all the time, fearlessly challenging him, or people will question his authority." I was then quickly carried down the staircase, which seemed to lead to a basement area. It had quickly gotten dark. The apparent father carrying me then started to speak.

"So we'll lock you here in a basement closet, where no one will find you at least for a couple hours. Everyone will think that you chickened out and Tony will win by default. We'll keep you here until you lose it all." I heard a door open and I was thrown clean in a very small closet. It was empty except for a few brooms and mops and a mop bucket. I tried to get up and run out, but the closet was slammed shut right as I got up.

"Let me out," I shouted pounding the door and trying to turn the knob. But it was locked tight, and I knew nearly about to sob, that I was trapped. "You can't keep me here forever. Everyone will find out soon enough and you could go to jail."

"Gee, I wonder who they'll believe," the father retorted, "a little human crybaby, or the adult with all the cash." The father and daughter then laughed; as I heard them slowly leave the area. I knelt down by the door, and slowly started crying. How could someone stoop so low? It wasn't even big enough to sit comfortably let alone lie down in. My crying soon shorted itself out, as I slowly found it a little hard to breathe.


The seventh round pairings were up, and Pine View had their own copy at their table. They were surrounding it looking at the pairings.

"Tony Chen vs. Ryan Lewis," Adair pointed out, "right on Board 1 too." Everyone nodded.

"Speaking of Ryan where is he?" Jake asked.

"He's probably already seated in there," Eq said, "probably already preparing for the duel."

"These next two hours will sum up the whole tournament," Coach began, "we ended round six with 22 points. It's a great score, but West snuck themselves ahead to 24 points. Because of this close call, Most of you may get a top board from West to play. It all comes down to this, shake off all of your previous games and come back to win it all." Everyone nodded and did a quick team handshake before walking to the playroom. Everyone except Alduin and Morrell were paired up against West, and quickly got into the mindset.

But as everyone got seated and looked around, they saw Board 1, and only one person was seated there playing white, Tony.

"Weird," Jake said sitting next to Morrell, "usually Ryan is already in his seat roaring to play."

"Maybe he's using the bathroom," Morrell said to assure him, although he also said it trying to reassure himself too. He was getting a little worried about Ryan. Perhaps he should try to go look for him, but decided against it. He knew Ryan would be back and assured himself that, besides he had a game that he needed to win.


"The round has started but someone on Board 1 hasn't shown up yet," One mother pointed out.

"Who might it be?" Another person asked as the parents conversed in the waiting room.

"Ryan Lewis, whoever he is," Dr. Martin and Coach Sundin heard this and stood up. Something was not right. Ryan was never late for a match before, and for him to be now they knew something wasn't right.

"Perhaps he got cold feet and decided to sneak off somewhere more comforting," Another adult human male insisted.

"That usually doesn't happen on the top boards Mr. Chen," The mother from before said.

"Usually but it is possible," He pointed out. Dr. Martin and Coach Sundin snuck away from everyone else into a nearby hall.

"I smell a rat, and I don't mean Mrs. Furgesson and her kid," The wolf doctor began.

"I agree," Coach said, "but if someone has taken Ryan, he should still be in the school somewhere. None of the parents and coaches appear to be missing." They nodded and ran off to look for him. They didn't hear the rest of the conversation between the parents.

"Only 45 minutes before the kid forfeits," Mr. Chen said, "right Coach Black? Coach Black? Where did he go?"


Thirty minutes had passed since the round began, and I was still pounding on the door, hoping someone would hear. But there was still nothing, and I was slowly about to give up. Ever more so I was slipping into unconsciousness. This closet was small and had no ventilation, so I was running out of air. I kept praying into my head that someone would come rescue me soon. I was too weak to respond when I heard the distant sound of footsteps.


"Where could he be?" Coach asked getting angry as he hurried down another hall. He ran past a flight of stairs when a voice called out to him.

"He's down here," A familiar voice said. Mr. Martin stopped right next to the human coach as someone else waved from downstairs.

"Wait a minute," The doctor began, "it's you. Why are you here of all places?"

"I was just observing but happened to be in the right place at the right time," The figure stepped out of the shadows up the staircase. It was a dark furred wolf, wearing glasses and holding a large sketchbook, but the other two didn't care. The wolf was carrying an unconscious Ryan in his arms, and he set him down on the floor gently. "I found him unconscious in a small closet. Good thing too, all ventilation was cut off from the room, and it didn't look by accident."

"Someone tried to sabotage him? Who?" Coach asked, as Dr. Martin grabbed a bottle of water.

"Someone who didn't want him to win," The wolf replied, "even more so, the lack of ventilation also means that they meant bodily harm to Ryan, he might have died by the end of the hour." Dr. Martin opened the bottle and poured it over Ryan's head. The human woke with a stir, taking a huge painful gasp of air and brushing the water off his face.

"Oh my god what time is it?" He said jutting up.

"You have 25 minutes left on your clock," the wolf said, and the human looked at him in surprise.


"You? What are you doing here?" I asked the familiar face.

"Later perhaps, get going," He said, "and doctor take this." He handed the other wolf what looked like a blank cassette tape. "It's proof of his kidnapping." We nodded and hurried back up to the playroom. The breeze of the running was cold as I was still wiping water off of my face. The last thing I remembered was running out of air in that small room and then water splashed over my face thanks to Dr. Martin.

Mr. Chen who seemed to smile at us stopped us just short of the playroom.

"A little late to have a change of heart right?" He said, "come back next year when you gain a little confidence." A dark hand clutched his shoulder and turned him around. The adult human found himself faced with a very angry Orca.

"You better back off, or you'll be singing soprano for a very very long time," it was Morrell.

"Morrell," I hugged him tightly, "it was awful, they kidnapped me and put me in the basement closet." Dr. Martin rushed past us into the playroom, where he shouted for the TD to stop the clock.

"I thought as much hon," he scowled at Mr. Chen holding me close, "I was up on time so I decided to go looking for you." We hurried back in where Dr. Martin was talking to the tournament director. I looked at Tony, who was staring at the cassette tape with a worried look.

"See here?" Dr Martin said, "This is proof that he was kidnapped unjustly. They should be disqualified."

"Wait Dr. Martin," I said and everyone turned to face him.

"What for?" he asked.

"Sir, Tony himself wasn't the one who kidnapped me, just his father and sister. If any punishment, just take Mr. Chen away for trying to kill me."

"Kill you?" Alduin stood up, looking angry.

"They locked him in a basement closet, with the ventilation sealed," Coach Sundin explained. The tournament director looked at some of the other parents who walked in.

"Restrain the culprit until Police arrive," He said, "And as for you Mr. Lewis. What should we do?"

"Just keep the time as it is and let me play," I nodded, "The schedule needs to keep moving and I still have sufficient time to play him." They nodded and I sat down across from Tony.

"You've come just to be defeated, I'll make sure you pay for getting my father arrested," he said.

"Keep dreaming," I told him with a fearless face, making my first move and punching the clock.