Kobold Week: Swapped Vanity

Story by JaffaBakers on SoFurry

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It's kobold week! No I don't know why it's kobold week, but it's kobold week! (Thanks to Koviell on FA)

In this story, a kobold messes around in his master's treasure hoard and activates a magical item without thinking better of it. What will his master do when the two are swapped between each others' bodies? Probably something lewd, that's for sure.

Vareth wobbled unsteadily on his feet, his body and mind seeking to grasp at two things that were wildly at odds with one another. Height and weight diminished, his head spun and he felt as if he were nauseous for a brief, sickening moment before the two finally worked out how to exist in tandem. Now he could focus on the details and work out just what had happened in that brief, blinding moment.

Two legs stood amid the coins and gems of his treasure hoard, the fingers of a hand clasping around a medallion of some sort, gold chain threading between them and drooping towards the coins. Above him was a great dragon, white and settling towards a middle age judging by the growth of his horns and the light discoloration of a once vibrantly blue mane that went from between the horns all the way to a tufted tailtip. Varenth had never seen himself from this angle before and the quivering lipped expression was unbecoming of a dragon like him, enough so that he stood up to an astonishingly small two and a half feet of height spoke in rapidly rising tones.

"You fool!" His voice pitched high, higher than he had ever thought he would hear since his immature youth. His finger wagged inches from the dragon's snout as they cowered, crouching lower and lower as the kobold advanced. Tail swishing behind, the kobold's own tufted tail dragging through the treasure pile and sending a smattering of gold coins clinking off the icy floor where it echoed. "You know better than to touch these treasures! I keep a great many magical items here and you have activated one of the worst ones!"

His scream, as laughable as it was, was at least having an effect on the kobold who'd taken over his body. That white-scaled frame seemed to be shrinking by the second, bending lower and lower as those forelimbs came up and clapped over the large dragon's head and a low whimper rose out of him. "Sorry, master! So sorry! Kreirik sorry!" The abasement looked all the more pitiful from Varenth's point of view, seeing tears rolling down the dragon's cheeks as mortal shame crept through the swapped kobold's heart.

Varenth pinched between his eyes and swore, grateful for the ability to do so as he could just feel a headache starting to linger in the back of his skull. Was that an after effect of the medallion? Perhaps. His fingers brushed over the tarnished gold artifact, tracing the runes along the edge. Lifting a hand, his fingers danced in the air and traced the patterns needed to activate magical seeing and he was grateful to find that his own abilities had carried neatly through the body swapping transition.

"Silence yourself, Kreirik. Now." He snapped, the sobs starting to disrupt his thinking. "I shall find out just what mischief you've caused us today." The sobbing paused for a moment, blue eyes peeking out from between foreclaws with sparkling tears still clinging to frosty-white cheeks. Varenth took the silence as he needed, turning the medallion over and over while following the threads of magic and translating the runes.

The dragon's mind struggled to trace the medallion's addition to his collection, pondering for a moment. Yes... a caravan filled his memory for a moment, a great many trinkets loading down its wooden frame. Trinkets that had added nicely to the pile along the floor of this part of his caves. Naturally, such objects were quite easy to come by in a dragon's hoard but none ever used any of them and he was no exception to such a rule.

He spat a curse under his breath as he snapped off the thread of both remembering and investigating the item. "It is temporary, but I can do nothing about it." He tossed the medallion back into the pile where it landed with a reassuring clink among the gems and coins. "Thankfully it is not permanent so you are not QUITE such a fool as I thought, but you are still a fool."

Kraerik was still cowering, but at least the ugly crying had stopped. He sniffed to clear his sinuses, coughing nervously as lay there as quietly as he could. At least they both had a natural knowledge of how to move their transformed bodies, it seemed, otherwise it would be awkward for both of them. "Kraerik... not in trouble?" That stupid speech tumbling in the dragon's own voice was bothering him, but he was doing his best to mentally slide over it. "Kraerik not get... punished?"

Varenth's eyes glittered like black coals for a moment as he eyed the dragon up, noting the monstrous difference in height. "You think you're free of punishment? You explicitly disobeyed my orders to never amuse yourself with my collection and you think for a MOMENT that you are NOT to be punished?" The kobold grabbed a hold of the tip of the dragon's nose horn, yanking it and making the reptile yelp aloud. "Turn and lift your tail!"

Kraerik whimpered as the kobold kept jerking a hand against the horn, making his head move this way and that between those shouts. But he obeyed the order after it was given to him, sniveling the whole while as he splayed his body on the cold floor of the cavern, tail lifting up and out of the way. It was dizzying for a moment to see his own rear high in the air, but Varenth shook his head to get the image out of his mind. His hand rose and he struck one of those flanks hard with his hand, the crack echoing through the cavern as the dragon's voice yelped out.

Three times more he struck that raised rear as hard as he could, doing his best to make sure that the dragon could even feel it through those thickly armored scales before he paused. The effort was too much for too little, he could barely see a flushed tinge to a white cheek where he'd been focusing. Still, it seemed to have at least been effective as Kraerik was back to croaking apologies through his shaken breaths as he hid his face between his claws.

"Damnable..." Varenth massaged the palm of his weak kobold hand, feeling more like he'd taken the brunt of the blows than the dragon's hide had. He sighed, breath fogging up the air as he looked at his own body and felt only shame to see himself like that. As he looked, though, he could feel something... stirring. A deep instinct of the kobold body he'd been temporarily cursed with was filtering through everything else as he gazed at the dragon. Yes, dragon. He was, for the nonce, a kobold, and his kobold was a dragon. The roles were reversed and yet he could not help feeling the same crawling sensation through his chest as he stared at that white-scaled body.

Varenth, the dragon's body, was a marvel. His body was sinuous, but stout with muscle beneath those scales. A strength that was equally dangerously fast and impossibly strong, he knew its many feats well enough. Moving the boulders out of the way of this cave so long ago had been a feat, sending those massive rocks half as big as he was cascading down the mountainside had been nothing to him but now it felt like an impossibility for the kobold body he inhabited. A feat for a god.

The crowned head was looking at him in confusion, but Varenth was imagining how it looked when he was piloting the body. Wise, aloof, a sense of superiority that had yet to be disenchanted from his brain that carried practiced ease. Magic was easy for the dragon, studying books upon books of the subject and practicing all manner of incantations and spells. Such as he'd done before came easily to him, many marvels as he'd created were but small tricks compared to the wonders they actually were.

Eyes followed along the body, taking in those details. The claws that could rend stone, the tail that kept him balanced with the cold blue mane trailing all the way down. Between those legs was a shaft that the kobold knew was far from modest, a sizable prick even for a drake of his age and size. Kraerik was following his eyes as he took it all in, drinking in the sight of his own body before he finally let himself stop and shook his head, clearing those instinctual thoughts away. Vanity was a sin, after all, and it wouldn't do... or would it?

He was sure that Kraerik was feeling something similar looking down at himself, the kobold so much like a miniature version of the dragon that the two might as well have been linked. The only thing that might discern the two if they were of similar size was the wetted nose pad the kobold had, much like a dog's, compared to the dragon's sleek and reptilian muzzle. Despite the light sniffing coming from the dragon, he was still exotic in his own way and Varenth was having some ideas creeping through his mind with a little lick of his lips. Oh yes. "Stay like that, Kraerik. For as much of a damned idiot as you might be, I think I need something to allay the wait and you have seen fit to at least bless me with a way to do just that."

Varenth stepped forward carefully, feet dragging through the coins as he brought himself flush against that warmed rear. His slim body stood barely two-thirds the length of the dragon's tail but that was high enough. He shucked the fur-fringed body wrap the kobold wore out of the way and hissed through his teeth as he felt the kobold's icy blue member brushing up against the dragon's... his... backside. It was enthralling, the sensation of touching a dragon sending instinct through the kobold's anatomy and making him feel only deep bliss at doing so.

Kraerik seemed to have caught onto what his 'punishment' was to be, now, the dragon's body arching slightly to bring his rear just right up to the height of the kobold's prick. Precum oozed from the tip and smeared over that ocean-blue pucker, spattering across it and leaving slick trails along the flesh and scales. They both moved against each other in that moment, one body pressing forward while the other arched back and both gasped as the intimate contact was made. They weren't quite compatible with each other, the kobold's shaft was barely anything compared to the dragon's mighty staff but it was servicable as soon as Varenth got his hips rolling against Kraerik's rear.

Soft, echoing slaps of flesh to flesh were muffled under their trills and throaty groans, Varenth hugging his arms around the tail and digging his claws into the furred mane that followed all the way along the creature's back. The last bit of that tail lay snugly around his shoulders like a scarf, keeping him snugly in place against the undercurve of the tail. Hips rolling, ice blue prick disappearing into a similarly colored pucker, lust overcoming Varenth as he growled lustily at the way those insides gripped around him.

He never could have done this the other way around, poor Kraerik never would have lasted. But like this? He could go as hard as he wanted and all it got was more fulfilled growls from the dragon's throat, even when his teeth sunk into the soft-scaled flesh just near the dragon's hip.

"Roll over." Varenth commanded, the firm voice sounding so much the sillier for the high pitch the kobold's vocal cords lent themselves to. He pulled free of the dragon's backside just long enough for Kraerik to flip himself over towards the pile of treasure as a bedding, looking up at the kobold from between his balled up legs and over his chest.

"Like this, master?" The drake's voice purred, lust echoing in those low tones. The dragon's shaft twitched and throbbed in the open air, precum pooling down from the tip towards the male's vent, though Varenth didn't dare let it get nearly that far. His tongue slathered over that spire of shaft, feeling the weight of it against his muzzle as it bent slightly. It smelled... spicy. Like a pot filled to simmer over a low flame for stew, the fluid itself was lightly bitter like a medicinal root.

"Yes, just like this." Varenth grinned as he lined himself back up again, though his time he had much more to do while he was breeding with the dragon's rump. His lips wrapped around the spire tip, taking a long drag off of it before his head bent further forward, feeling the tip bump against the back of his maw. Kobolds had no gag reflex and the swapped dragon was grateful for it as his throat flexed around the tip before he went further down.

The kobold thought how strange this may look to others as he took half of that shaft between his lips, feeling the throbbing heat twitch against his tongue. Here was a kobold fucking a dragon like a hen while seemingly thinking there was nothing undue about it. He grinned a little around his captured muzzleful, pulling off of the shaft with spit lingering between it and his lips for a moment before the strands broke off. No matter, he was enjoying himself with himself, and he wasn't about to let anyone take this moment away from him. A whole stampede of kobolds could stream in here and he'd still be making a show of it.

Hips clapped against backside, not once stopping those fervent thrusts while his arms kept those back legs lifted slightly, feeling them balance precariously over his shoulders. Time and again the kobold thrust in, savoring each moment he could feel his own body quivering underneath him as those weighty impacts fell, a lust-filled haze drifting between them. He could get used to this, to feel a dragon beneath him, whimpering his name. Their peaks were fast-approaching, care drifting to the winds blowing through the open air of the cavern as their fervent love-making happily carried them to new and definitively new heights.

Naturally, the dragon was the first to shoot. A heavy gusher of spunk spattered into the kobold's throat, surprising him enough that he coughed as he wrenched his head back up. That shaft flexed and shot rope after rope, the sticky pearlescent cum oozing down that spire, along the dragon's stomach scales, layering thin ropes across the drake's white scales where they seemed to almost vanish, though the light occasionally caught those ribbony strings.

Varenth was so enamored with watching his own body peak he never considered for a moment that his stamina was flagging as well. It wasn't until he felt the rolling shiver in the small of his back and the need to plunge himself to the very base that he might consider that he was close, but it was too late. Hot, sticky strings of seed spilled into the dragon's backside, the kobold pulling back out and letting that ice blue cock layer thick ropes of frosting over his own backside as he huffed into the cold air of the cavern with a shaking, lustful growl as he nuzzled his own twitching and oozing cock, smearing seed over his face.

For a moment, his vision blurred, a sharp pain jolting through his mind as a feeling like a lightning bolt snapped between his ears. When it was over, his view had changed once again. He was staring down over the length of his body, the sensation of heat pooling between his cheeks quickly cooling as Kraerik looked around from his position. He didn't seem eager to move as he nuzzled back against the dragon's cock with a purr, looking up at the dragon from over it with a shaking smile.

"Kraerik... good? For master?" The kobold's voice was unsure, looking nervously at his master without daring to move. The dragon smirked quietly to himself as he reached over towards the pile of treasure and pulled that medallion out from amid the glittering prizes. He traced a claw tip over the runes again, considering for a moment just what he might do if he could do that again.

"Kraerik was very good for master."

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