Dragon Balls - Untimely Heat

Story by Belleamore on SoFurry

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A young dragon finds herself in a strange place,

far from home where she happens to enter into

a rather untimely heat.

(With Art!)

A shadow flitted across the shining white marble towers as the slender reptilian beast made her way forward. Ghidori flared out her wings which let the stretchy membranes catch air and put a serious brake on her flight, efficiently slowing the dragon down for the final descent towards her home. She was aiming for the upper floor balcony located on one of the many marble towers dotting the elven city. Normally her landings were quite graceful, however this time heavy iron weights were tied to her wrists, ankles and wings.

The result was an undignified flop as the dragon hopelessly misjudged the timing of reaching out her hind feet in order to dampen her approach. There was a terrible ruckus as Ghidori inevitably planted her face onto the balcony floor before the momentum of her flight sent the rest of her body sliding across the slippery marble through the open painted-glass doors and into the living room.

"What are those supposed to be?" Asked the small kobold who had been waiting inside the sparsely decorated living room the dragon had so crudely entered.

"I was trapped by a band of nasty dragon hunters who attempted to chain me up and sell me as a snack to the local ogres." Ghidori snorted while remaining flat on the floor of the living room, her arms and hindlegs flopped to either side in moral defeat.

Her kobold servant tilted her head. "There aren't supposed to be any ogres on this island, the elves said so. Is this another part of your training?"

Ghidori withheld a sigh of defeat while weakly raising one of her forelegs to show off the spherical iron weight that had been crudely tied around her wrist, the dragon giving it a disgusted look as if she had just dipped her claws in a vat of acid. "Yes, Duro put these on me, please get them off."

"Duro is supposed to know what he is doing, the elves said so as well." The small kobold yapped before scurrying forth to start undoing the sturdy ropes that held the iron weights in place. "They say he is a legendary dragon trainer, to be trained by him is supposed to be a great honour."

That statement earned the kobold a quick glare from the dragon before the first ball of iron fell to the marble floor with a great thunk. "Well it isn't, I'm surprised other dragons didn't eat him a long time ago, or at least gave him a good roasting." Ghidori muttered before losing patience as she began to gnaw on the ropes holding the iron weight to her other foreleg.

"You can do this, you are strong and powerful." The kobold said as she moved down the young dragon's side to begin freeing her wings from the remaining weights. "You should at least give it a few more tries, Albrek is letting you live in his tower just for this purpose after all."

The dragon rolled her eyes toward the kobold before turning her attention onto pulling the weights off her second wing once she had bitten off the rope plaguing her foreleg with its iron ball. "He is letting you live here too Kip Kip, besides he owes me, I let him live in my cave back home after all."

Neither dragon nor kobold spoke after that, instead letting silence fall over the two as they worked on getting the heavy iron weights off. One after another they would fall onto the marble floor with grand bangs until no more remained tied to the annoyed dragon.

"Finally." Ghidori was the first to speak once she was released from her bonds and took the opportunity to stand up and stretch out her long slender body and wide impressive wings. "That old Duro is a fool, but I'll humour him for now, I can endure his torture if only to be allowed to live here with the elves and enjoy their food and admiration."

Feeling somewhat replenished after being rid of the iron weights Ghidori firmly shook her body to get rid of any loose scales that the ropes might have chafed out of place, a motion which sent quite a few of them scattering across the floor. "Look at me, I'm literally falling apart! My beautiful copper scales! Did you at least draw up my bath for when I got home like I asked this morning?"

The kobold who was already in the process of scooping up some of the scales from the floor nodded rapidly. "Of course, I-"

"Good! Then please get rid of those iron balls, I don't wish to see them for the remainder of today, and could you then run down to the market and pick up some fresh meats? I'm in the mood for something chewy after all the tiresome flying I've done today. Take it to the inn and tell the cooks to season it and roast it for us."

Her kobold servant hastily stuffed the remaining floor scales into a small pouch of hers. "As you say!" She yipped before tending to her given duties which included rolling each of the iron balls out of the way, conveniently hiding them on the balcony.

"Great, it will be just me, you and a delicious roast for dinner then." Said Ghidori as she turned around to head on over towards the 'cleansing area' as the elves called it, taking great care to mind her long tail as to avoid knocking anything over. She winced as she remembered having nearly knocked over several vases during her first few days staying at Albrek's study tower, and one time almost sending a priceless bronze statue crashing into the ground had it not been for the quick reflexes of her kobold servant.

Ghidori was not used to living inside buildings like this, back home she had lived inside a cozy cave where she could move about and swing her tail around as she pleased. Normally she would not have minded knocking over a few dusty old vases truth to be told, but Albrek was a good friend of hers and a powerful wizard whom she respected, he did not deserve to have his home demolished by her somewhat clumsy draconic frame.

A wave of pure godly relief surged through Ghidori's body as she lowered herself into the pool of warm steaming water, it was always such a cleansing feeling to sense each of her scales be flushed clean as they were submerged. Of course the 'cleansing room' and its marble pool were not really big enough to accommodate all of her, the copper dragon had to slide into the pool with her rump first and then rest her arms and legs outside the water along the pool's edges, but it was nice for what it was despite being built for humanoid shapes like the elves.

She fit well enough and from her half-sitting position she could reach the small vases containing liquid soaps and nice-smelling herbs. Her big clawed hands were not very dextrous but she only had to fiddle a little to grab onto the small vases and fill her bath with the soap that soon caused countless bubbles to foam across the surface as she splashed the water around. She did not stop until she was nearly covered with bubbles and the scent of herbs so strong it almost tickled her spiky nostrils with every breath.

Ghidori was not one of those aquatic dragons so she took care to not unknowingly dunk her head under the water now that the surface was completely hidden beneath the bubbles, instead carefully leaning back until she could feel the six horns, three on either side of her head, protruding out from her skull make contact with the marble floor behind her. From there all Ghidori had to do was exhale and let her body fall limp, and soon a sensation of pure relaxation overtook her body.

She completely forgot about Duro's training, the old elf was of the strict sort without a lick of humour. He respected her, to a point, but more so as his student than anything else. Most other elves had never seen a dragon before in their lives and always flocked to her the moment she walked the streets of the elven city. They offered her gifts, snacks, trinkets and competed with each other to invite her to social gatherings and events. The elven nobles loved hosting their famous garden parties after all, and whoever could convince Ghidori to attend theirs would be the envy of the local nobility. She paid little mind to their silly politics however, she just enjoyed the food, drink, beautiful gardens and the well-spoken elves who admired her.

Ghidori smiled as she thought about her rather lovely situation, life sure was perfect right now, until Duro's strict serious face popped in front of her fantasies once again, okay almost perfect. She tried banishing him from her thoughts but his visage remained and she could hear his words echo in her ears:

"You mustn't be naive, people oft act nice,and elves especially may be beautiful to look at and pleasing to listen to but many hide bad intentions behind honeyed words and pretty clothes. Always question why someone seeks your trust, and never give it lightly."

_"They seek my trust because I'm beautiful and friendly, why would I question that?" _Ghidori heard herself asking in her mind.

_"You are strong and powerful and will become even more so as you grow older, and you are easily manipulated. That is a dangerous combination, my young dragon." _Her teacher retorted.

"And you are paranoid, why would you be so suspicious towards your own kind, you are an elf as well!" The dragon frowned already at the end of her patience with the conversation.

"That is how I know." Duro answered simply.

The dragon's eyes shot open only to be greeted by the dull visage of the wooden rafters above, she would not get any rest this way as apparently her supposed training was still too fresh in her mind. Dragons had, or so her old elven trainer kept telling her, exceptional memories on account of being such long-lived creatures. Ghidori sighed heavily and inwardly cursed her 'good memory' as she abandoned her naive plans for a nice post-training nap in the bathtub. If the thing about dragon memory was true then why could she never remember what the elves called their 'cleansing rooms'? The word was a bad direct translation but the elven tongue for it completely eluded her.

_"You're not always right it seems you old elf." _The dragon sheepishly thought as she grabbed a big sponge from among the soap and herb vases to start rubbing down her sore wrists and ankles.

A deal of time had definitely passed once Ghidori emerged from the 'cleansing room', bathtub, no - Dragon water lair, yes that had a good ring to it, later. The elves had some sort of fancy way to tell the exact time of day through their magic and sundials scattered about their city, in fact Albrek had one of the latter out on the balcony but she had never bothered to learn how it worked. Ghidori was fully content keeping tabs on the time of day through just looking at the sky so that was exactly what the sopping wet dragon did as she carefully moved across the slippery marble floor of the living room toward the balcony leaving a trail of water behind herself.

Sadly the first thing she noticed were those hideous iron weights her kobold servant had hidden around the corner out on the balcony. "Great." She thought before steeling herself, she was not about to let her free afternoon after an entire morning of training be spoiled by some iron balls and instead elevated her gaze into the sky. It was still a sunny midday outside with a slightly more orange hue to it, she could not have been inside the dragon water lair for more than one hour at most, maybe two? On top of that she had not picked up the smell of food as she had emerged after her bath which likely meant that Kip Kip had yet to return as well.

That suited the dragon just fine as she placed her front paws on the chiseled railing of the balcony while flexing the impressive muscles in her hindlegs, she could feel them swell like thick ropes pulling a mighty ship-of-the-line into harbour before spreading her wings wide. The thin copper-tinted membranes stretched out between her wing phalanges and promptly caught the rays of the sun which coloured the marble wall behind her in a bronze tint. Ghidori puffed out her chest and took a vain moment to admire herself, if Duro was right about anything it was that she was powerful, she felt full of energy right now!

With a mighty "SCRYAAAH!" The wet dragon pushed herself off the balcony and folded her wings tight against the barrel of her chest to enter into a freefall from the top of the marble tower. The air was screaming past her but did little to slow her descent, her draconic frame being especially formed to be as aerodynamic as possible which allowed her to reach staggering speeds like that of a dreaded ballista shot piercing the air, which conveniently was also a great way to get dry after a bath.

Unfortunately Albrek's marble tower was merely one of the mid-sized ones and Ghidori had to cut her freefall short by throwing out her wings to even herself out. Upon slowing her fall she angled her wings so that she was pulled into a glide instead, the ground a mere thirty feet below her. Still maintaining a portion of her speed Ghidori began to zigzag between the other marble towers protruding out of the beautiful gardens and parks below, not many elves were enjoying them this time of day as most would be at the busy markets, but she did spot a few who waved and threw greetings her way. She had no mind to land and talk with them today however, they would no doubt blabber her ears off, and even with how much Ghidori enjoyed a good conversation today was reserved for herself only, even dragons need some time for themselves after all.

A few powerful flaps of her wings would gain her some altitude before she doubled back and took the scenic route around the towers instead of zigzagging through them. Being aerial hunters dragon eyes were excellently designed for swift flight. To the casual observer a dragon's pupils looked like vertical slits, however looking closer one could see a second iris and pupil within the first. This second iris and pupil allowed them to shift and rotate within the eyeball itself and this neat little trick allowed the inner pupil to overlay and align with the outer one to form an ocular structure which gave the dragon extremely accurate depth perception and focusing ability.

Further flapping of her wings took the dragon above the conical rooftops of the marble towers as she gazed down below to admire the elven city. The sparkling white outer wall, the elegant boats crowding the harbour intermingling with the more crude designs of non-elven vessels, the marble towers of course and even the shining mithral breastplates worn by the proud city guard caught the dragon's gaze.

"Oh Karador, you are the perfect city for me, and almost as beautiful!" Ghidori pondered with a smile as she slowly cruised across the sky, allowing herself another moment of vanity before a pang of guilt hit her. She did miss her home and the people that lived there, they may not be as well-spoken, nicely dressed or live in marble towers with sapphire-painted roofs but they were honest and hardy. She soon shook these thoughts out of her mind however. "I'm a dragon, I can live and fly wherever I want, I don't have to choose!" she thought to herself but it failed to sound very convincing in her head.

An indeterminate period of time later Ghidori landed on the balcony to Albrek's study tower for the second time today, and without those iron balls weighing her down and making her clumsy the landing was as graceful as ever. In fact she had hoped her little kobold servant would be returned to witness this second landing to make up for the travesty of her previous one but Kip Kip was nowhere to be seen. _"Probably still at the market." _The dragon mused while turning to inspect her body for any signs of moisture after her bath, being quite pleased to find that she was extremely clean and dry after her flight.

The upper floor of the tower where they lived consisted of the large living room area that served as Ghidori's bedroom, well a rather massive pile of silk pillows bunched up in the middle of the floor did, most of the other furniture had been moved up against the walls to make room for her large draconic bulk. From the living room one could see into the open kitchen area, a somewhat small nook for the preparation and cooking of food. There was also the 'cleansing area' or dragon water lair as was a more appropriate name for it now which could be reached by a short narrow corridor, fortunately it had a magically enchanted gem which conjured water at will so that poor Kip Kip did not have to carry buckets of water up all those spiraling stairs. Lastly there was a locked door leading into Albrek's personal bedroom and study chamber, the young genius wizard was rarely home and his personal chambers were the only room off-limits to the dragon and her kobold which was something she could respect, she did not want her friends snooping around her treasure hoard back home either.

With no food, no kobold attendant and an aching body after her morning training there was only one thing left to do. "Where is my book?" She mumbled while sliding onto her pile of pillows like a snake making a nest. She kept poking around the fluffy silk bed and moving pillows around until she found the object of her search, an old worn tome with an emerald green cover and silver letters elegantly inscribed across its front spelling 'The Silver Wing'.

Ghidori fumbled after the book and stabilized it between her large front paws before using one of her claws to pry it open and search for where she last left off. She had a bad habit of folding the corner page as her way of bookmarking which meant that after enough reading sessions quite a lot of pages sported crooked corners. It had not been easy to get this book, the original was written in elvish which she could not yet speak. Her teacher Duro was fluent in draconic, the ancient dragon language in which the two conversed and fortunately most other elves had a grasp of common speech, even though they would have preferred to not sully their tongues with such a crude language.

Kip Kip had found an enchanter who kindly translated the book into the common language for her dragon mistress and that was that. The translation was not always perfect in places but Ghidori got the gist of it. The book was about an ancient elven prince of old, he was the leader of his people who he led to safety after the destruction of their home. They were hunted by a cruel red dragon named Mahatnartorian who sought the destruction of the elves. But there existed a prophecy, the prince had to become a dragon rider himself to face the great red wyrm. He came into possession of a dragon egg which hatched into a beautiful silver dragon he named Silverywing.

Needless to say Ghidori did feel a connection with this dragon and was excited to continue reading about Silverwywing's training beneath the prince and his allies. The silver dragon was kept hidden in a magical dimension the prince had set up for her and she was only allowed to view the outside world through scrying. _"That feels a bit like imprisonment... But the red dragon might find her otherwise so it's a necessary compromise." _Ghidori thought for herself as she found the page where she last left off, it was the beginning of a new chapter where Silverywing was about to embark on an important trial of her training, likely having to put all she had learned so far to use in order to make it through!

"Put these on."

The copper dragon tilted her head to the side as she viewed the collection of iron balls piled up neatly on the floor, there was a small hole poked through each sphere and a collection of ropes right beside them.

"Why?" She asked apprehensively.

"Is it not enough that I ask you to do as I say as your teacher?" Duro replied calmly. The elven man was old, so old in fact that he actually looked old with wrinkles, silver hair and wise deep eyes, like humans did when they became old which meant that for elves who remained young and beautiful for hundreds of years that Duro must be really old, not that the young dragon had mustered the courage to ask. She had a strange kind of respect for him like his presence alone commanded it from her.

"No, I want to know why, they look heavy!" The dragon complained as she cautiously approached the neatly stacked iron spheres to prod at the topmost one with one of her claws. 'Clink!' Yep, it was indeed real iron through and through.

"Elven warriors train with wooden swords that are far heavier than their normal blades. This allows them to hone their skills into perfecting each swing and the strength of the arm wielding the weapon. Once they have mastered their training swords their real blades will feel light as feathers in their hands." The old teacher instructed slowly, Ghidori had never known him to be hasty with anything so she perked her leathery ears up and listened. She had learned the hard way that zoning out and mishearing what Duro said would only cause him to go through it all again.

"I don't intend to fight anyone though, I'll just fly away if trouble comes." Ghidori promptly replied as she leaned in to sniff at the pile of ropes next to the iron balls, they looked coarse and uncomfortable.

Duro folded his arms as he studied the copper-scaled dragon before making his way over to the pile of iron balls. He moved slowly but with purpose and as he reached down he grabbed one of the iron spheres within his hand and lifted it like it was made out of air. "Sooner or later you won't have a choice, and that is what you need to prepare for. As a dragon you don't need blades or breastplates, your body is a weapon in itself and you need to hone it like one."

Ghidori winced badly at that, she hated thinking of herself as a weapon or something dangerous, she was a dragon, magnificent and beautiful yes, but a deadly weapon? No!

Duro however paid her discomfort no mind. "These weights will be your wooden training sword, I want you to fly your usual morning route thrice a tenday to start with, and then we will include them in your other training activities as you become more used to them."

"But-" Ghidori began but was interrupted by her trainer as he placed a boney finger against her chin so swiftly that she completely failed to register the movement.

"No buts, give me your paw." Duro ordered softly. The dragon felt a surge of rebelliousness wind up within her core, she felt an irresistible urge to push the old man away with a flick of her wing, when she agreed to come and train under the old elf she had never intended to just be bossed around like some common mutt teached to do tricks. Ghidori locked her eyes with the old man ready to do the deed, however those deep blue wise eyes of his had a surprisingly calming effect on her, she got the feeling he knew exactly what she was thinking and still did not budge an inch. Instead she merely grunted as she gave him her paw in which he casually dumped the iron weight he had been holding. The iron ball was so unexpectedly heavy that Ghidori nearly dropped it and had to stumble forwards and use her second paw to stop it from slipping out of her claws, she gave her teached a confused stare, he had been holding it within the palm of his hand like it was made from clay.

"Now put them on, all six, around your wrists, ankles and wingtips. Take your time, I know ropes are difficult for you."

Defeated the dragon set about her task, every last shred of resistance had been drained from her by Duro's methodical mannerisms. Just threading the ropes into the holes in the iron spheres took her far too long than it should have done, or so she imagined it as she struggled to fasten the first iron sphere around her wrist. That part was much easier, just tie it around each limb and pull the knot until it was secured into place, her scaly hide did a good enough job of protecting her from the ropes chafing too bad. She had far more troubles with her ankles, there was just no natural way for a dragon of her build to interact with her hindlegs and feet in any practical way. After much struggle she eventually ended up on her back, halfway curled across herself to reach her hindlegs so that she could wrap the coarse rope around her ankles with the attached iron sphere.

It was in this peculiar position that Ghidori first noticed something was off, it was usually such a common everyday part of her that she had completely failed to notice it until being this close to the underside of her tail. Normally the genital vent between her hindlegs was nearly indistinguishable from the rest of the rows of underbelly plates running from her chest to her tail tip. To the untrained eye it was just another place where the soft plated overlapped each other, or so should it have appeared but now her slit looked somewhat swollen and protruded out from between her plates. Mesmerized by this strange event Ghidori cautiously reached her paw down to prod at her vent only to bite her lip as it tickled uncomfortably. That was strange, she did not feel any different, was she getting sick? Even more carefully than before she brought her claw back down to gently pry part of her swollen vent open that exposed a hint of shiny pink flesh which was moist and shivered upon coming into contact with the cool air.

"How are the weights coming along?" The sudden voice yanked Ghidori straight out of her intimate inspection, she had momentarily forgotten about her old teacher who had went to fetch the map where he had mapped out this morning's flight route. Feeling awkward about her inability to figure out what was happening to her body she quickly resumed fastening one of the iron weights to her remaining hindleg while giving Duro an impatient wave of her wing to indicate that she was still working on her task.

Normally Ghidori got into the 'zone' while reading about the adventures and trials of Silverywing, she could get completely hooked and drawn into the story to a point where hours could pass without her even noticing. This was especially true as Kip Kip had yet to return from the market, which in itself was not unsurprising, the markets were busy during the afternoons and the many tall elves hardly noticed a tiny kobold trying to do her errands, Kip Kip might well not come back until early evening if she got particularly unlucky.

There was something else that was bothering the dragon however, a weird sensation that caused her to become unfocused and thusly pulled out of the 'zone' she had immersed herself within while reading. Ghidori caught herself having reread the same page five times now, it was a really exciting part where Silverywing had to overcome her fear of vast open spaces by flying across a gigantic windy chasm to reach the end of her trial. But whenever Ghidori read the page she accidentally skipped a few sentences or words which made the story further down lose its context so she had to backtrack to where she messed up and start again.

"Raah!" A growl of frustration echoed off the marble walls inside the living room as the dragon pushed the book away only to then smack herself across the snout as she realized she had forgotten to bookmark the page. _"Whatever, I'll find it next time." _She thought sourly while rubbing her eyes. She was not tired yet her body felt weirdly exhausted and overheated which was strange since the balcony doors were wide open and she could literally feel the afternoon breeze run across her scales. That was yet another neat way that dragons worked, their scales might be hard and near impenetrable at places, yet each scale had small webs of nerves running just below the hard surface which let the dragon pick up on temperature, moisture and airflow during flight, all important data to collect for any accomplished flyer.

Yet despite feeling the pleasant air from outside run across her hide it did little to cool her down, her body felt like an oven that simply evaporated any chilled air that dared come close. Grunting Ghidori began throwing some of her pillows across the floor to dig herself out of the cozy silken reading pile she had burrowed herself into but as she did that she only kicked a weird unfamiliar scent into the air. Noticing that one of the pillows had a wet stain she leaned forward while flaring her nostrils as she took in this new smell with a hint of worry. She had heard of human children wetting the bed but had never experienced it herself, could it even happen to dragons?

Her long coppery snout initially grimaced as she expected the strong punch of urine to hit her sensitive nose yet it never came. Instead she was met with a deep earthy musk of sort, the air coming off the wet patch was warm and smelled like warm met moss that was cooking on a rock under the strict gaze of the sun. It was not an unpleasant scent, yet not pleasant either, it was strong and powerful like it was trying to tell her something she could not quite understand. After a moment of apprehension she allowed her forged tongue to flit across the moist silk to taste the offending substance. Ghidori grimaced, salt. It tasted of salt and warm earth, it was hard to explain, like when you dig your claws into a sun-baked grassy field and tear up some fresh dirt, it tasted like what that smelled.

"Oh no..." Ghidori exhaled as she suddenly remembered the event from this morning before clumsily sitting down on her hindleg while hoisting the other into the air to inspect her nethers. She was indeed the source of this mess, if her vent had been a bit puffy this morning it had turned into an engorged swollen monstrosity by now. Both lips of her slit were protruding out from between the soft plates covering her belly, each having swelled to the point of them prying the other aside which showcased the blunt sopping wet pink flesh within. A constant slow trickle of the weird earth-smelling substance kept leaking from her plump vent and despite Ghidori gripping the pillow already damaged from before and wiping herself off with it her crotch was soon soaked once more.

She threw the pillow which was now hopelessly stained aside before using both paws to try and push her engorged slit back between her overlapping plates where it belonged yet the action only forced a deep stimulated growl out of her throat which took her by surprise. Earlier this morning she had felt uncomfortable touching her vent due to how sensitive it had felt, now however it had sent a surge of pure delight down her spine, what an odd contrast of sensations.

_"Is this..." _Ghidori's mind was a mess as she sought an answer to what was happening. Everything felt so natural and right so she had no instinctive reason to be afraid, yet she was cautious enough to worry slightly, but then again how could something that felt so good be bad?

_"This must be... Heat!" _She suddenly realized. Normally a dragon would grow up and be taught by its parents for their first hundred years, Ghidori was not one of those. She had been hatched among humanoids who had helped care for her so she knew little to nothing about what it meant to actually be a dragon, at least according to other dragons she assumed. She had nothing but her raw instincts to go off, inside every dragon deeply ingrained memories existed that had been passed down from their parents as the mother's body formed what would become the egg. It assured that even dragons who somehow lost their parents would know their way around the world, their ingrained memories from their parents would help them know what races were dangerous and prone to violence, such as war-thirsty orcs and enslaving ogres, what prey was the best to hunt and how to pick up the signs of another dragon's territory.

_"I'm ready to make an egg..." _The copper dragon mused while inspecting her plump engorged vent while curiously prodding at the leaking pink flesh. "What an undignified mess I'm making." Was her second thought as she ran her claw along the swollen lip of her slit. The air inside the living room was almost misty from her powerful scent forming like a barely noticeable heat haze around her scattered pillow bed. Curious and eager for that pleasant feeling from before Ghidori gently dipped her scaly digit into her vent, watching the plump folds spread with ease to accommodate her finger, her being careful of course to not let her claw rake against her insides as she did so.

_"Wow that's stretchy." _She thought bemusedly while curiously pushing a digit from her other paw in next to the first which also slid inside her with little resistance. The feeling was nice but at the same time unfulfilling in a weird way that frustrated her somewhat. Ghidori was of course not entirely unfamiliar with her sex, often she would push a digit inside her vent as she cleaned herself, yet when she had done so in the past it had never felt this good, and it was far tighter, usually to the point where she had to wriggle her digit inside just to reach and scrub her inner pipework clean.

_"This is entirely different." _She noted for herself as she tried prying her two digits apart, curiosity overtaking her due to this interesting new elasticity of her ventral passage. Fascinated Ghidori kept stretching herself open, impressed that she seemingly could just keep going as her engorged passage opened up like a blooming flower to present the entirety of her inner pink passage to her naked eye. It was so hot in there that the air warped as heat escaped her stretched tunnel and the curious dragon could not help but bend her long neck further down to take a peek inside herself, after all this was a part of her body she had never before witnessed. Her draconic passage was beautiful, or so she thought, it was akin to a flowery tunnel of oiled pink flesh that would aid any precious eggs she would lay on their journey from the protection of her powerful body into the dangers of the outside world.

Ghidori suddenly shook her head and let go of her tunnel, gasping mildly as she felt her walls nimbly close up around itself and return to their previous plump puffy state. "Fat chance, there is no drake out there worthy enough to make an egg with me, and how long before my hatchlings would start clamouring for my treasures?" She was quick to dismiss her instinctive motherly musings before slowly hoisting herself up on unsteady legs. "Curse this heat..."


The more she thought about the itch between her legs and the warmth flushing through her body the worse that unspoken need for stimulation got. Her digits would not do, she was far too clumsy with them to trust herself with their claws inside the delicate walls of her vent for too long, instead her seeking gaze lingered onto the soaked pillow she had tossed away. She knew the silk felt nice against her scales, that is why she had picked them for her bed, but surely they would feel nice elsewhere?

She haphazardly snatched a few of the dry pillows and stacked them on top of each other before maneuvering her body so that she had all four legs steadily placed around the pillows which let her awkwardly squat over them. It felt like an eternity of herself slowly lowering her crotch until she finally felt the smooth surface of the silk pillow push against her dripping vent, effectively coaxing a raspy exhale out of the aroused dragon. She kept that position for a while before slowly starting to roll her hips back and forth, which worked... Somewhat okay. The pillow did not rub against her like she had hoped but rather followed along with her motions only tickling her plump vent a tiny bit. Frustrated Ghidori tried to push down even harder which only caused the pillows to flop out beneath her.

Undeterred she instead looked around for something bigger to stabilize the pillows against, and in her short-sighted horny haze she reached for one of the large decorative vases she had nearly knocked over during her first few days in the tower. It was about as big as a barrel and should work perfectly for whatever dastardly plan the aroused dragon had cooked up. The process was simple, first she placed a row of pillows across the floor, then the vase went on top of those pillows to protect it, and then a bunch of pillows went on top of the vase! Now she had both the height and stability needed to put her plan into action.

"Submit to the beautiful Silverywing, Mahatnartorian! Your spree of terror is at an end!" Ghidori growled as she mounted her makeshift 'device', to her delight the weight of the big vase was enough to keep it steady on the pillows as she began to rub her swollen slit back and forth across the silken pillows on top. It worked almost too well as sensations of pleasure shot through her body with each pass of her vent across the slippery surface of the pillows. The silk quickly became moist and oily from her natural secretions but the wet surface also made them crinkle at the seams which helped stimulate the hidden button of pleasure within the folds of the dragon's sex.

"Gnnh... Your punishment will be to give me your eggs, and then your hatchlings shall serve the elves to repair the damage and suffering you have caused!"

Ghidori could not help but stutter the last part of her sentence as she invoked the image of a mighty Silverywing who had managed to best the great red wyrm after her training and was now now reducing the once mighty Mahatnartorian to nothing but a submissive breeding drake. She had decided that keeping her instinct-driven desire for eggs strictly limited to her fantasy which the dragon was quite well-versed in putting to good use. This time was no exception as the horny young copper desperately humped away at her embedded vase wholly uncaring that her excessive lubricating liquids were not only ruining the pillows but also soaking down onto the beautiful decorative vase as well. Quite ironic was that the vase had depictions of mighty equines galloping across endless grass fields considering the vase's current misuse. Its rider was too far gone to appreciate that particular observation however as she steadied her hind feet against the marble floor, sharp claws dug in best they could as she increased her efforts upon feeling that terrible itch slowly reach some sort of climactic peak.

Then a great many things happened at once. Ghidori bit down on her lip as she felt herself reach that unexplored peak of no return, she had no idea what would happen once she crossed that threshold but it was too late for her to stop now even if her kobold servant should suddenly barge into the living room. Which is exactly what happened. "Y-yes, I'm the best!" Ghidori blurted out as she pushed herself over the edge towards her first powerful climax, completely unaware of the door leading to the spiral staircase being pushed open by Kip Kip who had her little arms full of wrapped meats, drink and fruit. The kobold froze as she beheld the sight of her dragon mistress desecrating their host's expensive vase with an eruption of fluids from her swollen crotch.

The climax was so intense that plumes of acidic vapour erupted from Ghidori's cheeks which was yet another draconic aspect, one related to her specific sub-species of being a copper dragon. Her legs then began to wobble as the orgasm seemingly drained all strength out of her mighty body which promptly caused the vase to crack before imploding onto itself as the full weight of the adolescent dragon came crashing down upon it. Karma did not wait to punish her as Ghidori slammed the underside of her head into the floor from the fall before falling still as she recovered, completely and utterly out of breath from this wild new experience.

"Ghidori! Are you okay?" The kobold yipped as she hurried over to check on the large dragon while still clinging on to the many paper-wrapped meats she was holding on to. Her scaly mistress only groaned before popping open one of her eyes to squint up at the kobold.

"I'm in heat, Kip Kip." She boorishly stated while carefully using a paw to inspect her aching jaw, fortunately nothing seemed to be broken. "Do you think I could bother you to tap another bath for me before opening some windows?"

The kobold who was mostly shocked from the display over anything else did not quite know what to say and so opted for simply nodding worriedly before running off into the 'cleansing room', or dragon water lair. Ghidori on the other hand slowly stood up after a brief moment of self-pity before taking a closer look at the remains of the former vase beneath her, no amount of glue was going to fix that. She quickly ran her paw across her belly and slit to make sure she had not jabbed herself on any shard or porcelain before turning to walk out onto the balcony where she took a deep breath of fresh air seeing as she had stunk up the entire upper floor with the thick haze of her heat. Her eyes wandered across the city below before peering over onto those stupid iron balls that were still tucked away in the corner. "Training is going to hell with this going on."


Feedback is greatly appreciated and sought after! As English is not my native tongue I am a bit self-conscious about my writing and would love your honest opinions~

Art owned by me and drawn by InsomniacOvrLrd