C.J.'s Best Stream Ever

Story by kamikazetiger on SoFurry

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Hello everyone! This time we have a story commission that I wrote for MobianBirb!

First of all yeah, I'm taking more story commissions. Specially ones about rule 34 ones like this! My price is six dollars each one thousand words. So if you're interested just send me a pm or if you know someone that can be interested just spread the word! Any money I get with this will be used for more commissions~

Animal Crossing have lots of cute villagers and the new game called Animal Crossing: New Horizons is obviously no exceptions! In fact it seems the internet began to ship two of the new villagers quite hard since they're just too cute haha. Yes I'm talking about C.J. and Flick. So it's no wonder that MobianBirb commissioned me to write the very first story about those two!

The story was finished before game was even out though I asked my friend RandoBear to be my proofreader and edit stuff and such which is why I'm only posting it today~

Avatar is a pic from unboxyguy. You can see the full pic in https://twitter.com/unboxyguy/status/1234295623647559680

"Aaaand one more. I'm on a roll today!" C.J. exclaimed, clearly satisfied with both his progress and skill. Flick could tell why; it was the twentieth fish that his friend managed to catch, impressively fishing one right after the other. Guess he really wasn't the guy responsible for the Fishing Tourney for nothing.

It was a beautiful day in the vacation island and since both had a few days off work, C.J. decided to go fishing and called Flick to join him. While Flick didn't really enjoy fishing - especially as much as that beaver - he liked to just watch him do it. Flick's main things were bugs and catching them, so he could understand C.J.'s passion about fish and especially about going to one of the many spots of the island to just sit there and to fish for hours.

"Oh maaaaan...if I knew I was going to be this good today I would have brought my streaming camera! I wonder if my fishes will believe I caught so many fishes without footage..." he looked a bit sad as he throws the last of the fishes he captured back to the sea as a good sportsman would do. Flick sighed hearing that; lately C.J. was obsessed about this whole streaming thing. It started slow with him doing it to promote his Fishing Tourney but eventually it turned into a big thing for him. He started to do it almost everyday even when doing casual things like just walking around the island! It didn't take long for it to get big and he even started to take donations from his viewers to do things like capture a particular fish or something.

"If it's you I'm sure your "fishes" will believe just in your word." Flick said with his eyes rolling up as he already was used with the way C.J. called his viewers his "fishes" but it was annoying how he couldn't stay without 5 minutes without mentioning anything related to his channel or stream. He missed the times he didn't have to share his friend with so many other people at once. Flick was more serious and composed than the rodent whom was quite cheerful and had this happy nature which would easily appeal to anyone. No wonder he was quite a popular villager and that certainly helped him when he started to stream.

"Yeah but having footage of stuff like this is always more fun you know!" the other male explained while putting a new bait on the hook, throwing the fishing line on the sea. He clearly was going to keep the streak going or at least try to. "Besides I really love to show new stuff to my fishes! It's so exciting to know so many people, most whom you will never ever know are watching what you're doing or showing. Plus, you know..." his tail wag a bit against the ground as he briefly looked up to the standing chameleon with a sly expression. "The ladies also love streamers if you know what I mean...beta believe it!" he chuckles when he managed to conclude his talk with one of those silly fish puns that he loved to do.

"If you need to be a streamer to make girls like you...I don't know, I just don't think it's right." It's not like he wanted to be rude but when Flick worded it like that, he might have struck a nerve there. Why else would C.J. stop fishing to look at him and ask:

"Oh yeah? How many girlfriends you had again?" noticing that C.J. really looked annoyed the red male did understand that he shouldn't have said something like that to an actual streamer. But still...

"T-that has nothing to do with it!"

"Suuure it doesn't~" C.J. probably also felt he was about to strike a nerve there so he immediately added: "Look I'm not blind Flick. I know most of those girls just want to hang around a popular streamer ok. But hey...I can have some fun with cute girls and they will have a very nice story to tell their friends! You know how it's easy when you can just drop dating and just get to the fun part? So, it's a win-win for everyone!" or at least that's how the beaver seem to think about that issue. So, he never really cared or...loved any of those girls? Flick wasn't sure what to think about that. A part of him understood but other got sad since it means...what about him? Where was he in the middle of all of this?

Would C.J. just throw him away like trash after he was finished with him as well...?

"Fine have it your way. I just think it's best to wait for the right girl you know." Clearly the red male looked annoyed as he said that and C.J did catch on that; he seem to give it some thought for a bit and he must have an idea since he stop fishing and started to put all of his fishing gear away while he asked:

"Look...I know you're not much fan of guys that stream since you don't like watching people do stuff like that but what do you think about being in the other side of the screen?" Finishing up everything he had to pack, he stood up and happily pats Flick's shoulders. "I have an idea for a stream I've wanted to try for a while and I really would love if you could join me in it!"

"E-eh...? Me join... one of your streams...?" Flick blinked, still not sure he heard that right. Especially looking at C.J. this close to him and feeling himself wondering if that beaver's eyes were always this beautiful with such a nice cyan like color...as pristine as the sea that surrounded their island...those black silly spots on his brown face making the rodent look so cute...wait snap out of it Flick!

Trying to hide his embarrassment and thankful that the natural red color of his body helps with that, he snaps C.J.'s paws over from his shoulders and he gave his answer to the proposal, very upset though, maybe more at himself than at the other villager. "Don't joke about this! I'm not going to show up in your stream only for you to make fun of me or my bugs!"

"Nooo it's not like that! I'm serious Flick." C.J. looked a bit sad; perhaps a bit hurt that the chameleon thought he would want to have him show up in a stream only to do such a terrible thing? "It's been something in my mind for a while and I want to do it with you. I think it would be great for both of us and I'm sure my fishes would love to see!"

"What are you talking about? What you want me to do with you in a stream? I don't play games or anything like that, you know this. And you don't care for bugs either sooooo what you need me for?"

It seemed that C.J. was about to answer but then changed his mind and grinned a bit as he thought about the right words to say. "Well, you've never had a girlfriend before, right? This stream should help in more ways than one. That's all I can say right now though, I don't want to ruin the surprise for you."

Wait, so he was supposed to participate in a stream and had no idea what it was supposed to be about before it started?! That was just crazy! Flick was already thinking of saying no. C.J. knew him too well, he could see the fear in his face. That's why he added after a bit of hesitation:

"I know I can be annoying but please give it a try. Come to my place tonight and I will show you what it is. I'm sure you will love it as much as me. Besides..." the brown rodent was picking his stuff from the ground as he finished talking and turning to face Flick, not fully so his eyes weren't visible, he said: "I really want to do that stream with you and nobody else."

There was something about the way he said it that gave chills to the chameleon's body. Even the wind that suddenly blew over them didn't feel cold. It felt so warm like the island itself was telling him to accept. "...fine whatever. I will go but if I don't like your idea I will just leave! I don't care if that will ruin your stream or not ok!"

"You won't! I'm happy you will show up! I'm going ahead to get things ready so see ya there Flick!" C.J. said very enthusiastically as he usually was and left in a hurry. If he knew him well, he did it not only to get whatever ready but before the reptile could change his mind.

Sighing Flick wondered: "What the heck did I just get myself into..."

The rest of the day went by quite fast or so it seemed to the red male. Before he knew it, he was already in front of C.J's home, mumbling to himself; why he has agreed to this...he should be preparing for the next Bug-Off tournament and not getting himself into that beaver's shenanigans! Yet here he was. Flick just hoped he wasn't going to regret this but just before he could knock on the door it suddenly opened.

"Aaaand there he is! The fish of the hour! Or maybe I should say chameleon? Nyuk nyuk!" he chuckled and before the reptile could even what was going on, he was suddenly pulled inside of his house.

The beaver didn't waste time in bringing him directly to his bedroom and Flick was surprised with all the amount of fish equipment all over the place, plus some other stuff like that notebook computer on his bed...wait it was turned on and it seems to be open in a chatroom or something? And C.J. have something on his hand that he was waving around...it looked like a...camera?

"Now that our guest is finally here, we can start folks! Sorry to keep you all waiting but the show is going to start!" wait he was talking to it...it wasn't a normal camera. Ah it was a stream camera yeah. C.J. explained about it to him once and...waaaaait...that chat open, him talking to his stream camera right now... They were in his stream already? They were live?!

"So Flick, could you hold on this for a bit?" he offered his stream camera for the chameleon to hold on and still confused and not sure even what to do or say he accepted it though soon he decided to ask.

"C.J...what is going on...?"

"I told you already before! I asked you to join me on a stream, right? Though I didn't tell you what the stream..." C.J. talked while taking off his shorts and that's when Flick noticed that his friend was only wearing them before he took them off and now the reptile was inside of C.J's home with the beaver all naked "...was about~"

Well, except for that stupid hat and shades that he still liked to wear for some reason. Still, there he was now wearing only his birthday suit! Flick never saw the other like this; the brown fur of his entire body all visible to him and he also could see how the beaver was a bit chubby here and there though not as bad as the owner of the island, a tanuki called Tom Nook. Of course, it didn't take long before he spied on C.J's malehood and it was bigger than he expected and not only that, but he was uncut, unlike himself. He was so surprised with the sudden vision he almost let go of the streaming camera and hated that he could feel his own member hardening just from checking out C.J. like this.

"But...what the...?" Flick could barely speak as he started to understand what this was about but as if seeing the confusion all over his face the beaver came to the rescue.

"Yup. It's a sex stream...isn't that right boys and girls? Nyuk Nyuk~" he said while making a silly pose to the stream camera and Flick felt like hitting that cheeky beaver on the head with it.

"Y-you can't be serious.... doing something like this in the middle of a stream?! A-and...we're both guys you know..." he was sure that there would be a thousand things wrong with this idea though those are the two main issues he had. It was worse than if he caught someone cheating on a bug-off tournament, though at least he wouldn't be looking at C.J naked like this.

The other male did look a bit disappointed with that answer at first, but soon he reached to get his stream camera back and while keeping it aimed at both of them he lays a paw behind the reptile's back pulling them quite close together.

"Come ooon dude! You don't have to feel embarrassed; this is a private stream. It's only for some people that are willing to pay quite a bit to see something like this; of course, I will share the money with ya." He explains sounding very eager about this making Flick more nervous; this close to him C.J naked and all..." Plus...you never had a girlfriend, right? I can imagine how pent you are and that's not healthy. I can help you Flick. This is first time I'm doing it with a guy too and I really want it to be you...so...Pleaseeeee! It's a great poor-tuna-ty don't you think? Nyuk!"

Uhh even in a time like this he can make those silly puns and somehow still look so...so cute! And naked...damnit why was he getting horny? He wasn't gay or anything though the idea of C.J making such a lewd proposal was just so...so...

"Fine...FINE!" the red reptile said before he would regret it and disappoint not only C.J but who knows how many of his followers. How could he really ask him to do this...? Heck how could Flick himself have even accepted it...and why?! Was he really that pent up? Curious about doing this with another male villager?

Or because C.J said he really wanted to do It with him?

"And there you have it my dear fishes!" C.J. already let him go and was speaking towards the streaming camera which pulled Flick from his thoughts. "He has agreed so you better hit on that button to make sure we get plenty of donations!" Then he turned the camera towards Flick. "Now he will take off his clothes too so we all can see what we're going to work with here."

Of course, that was obvious and he should have seen it coming but actually thinking that he was supposed to do it in front of who knows how many people watching it was enough to make the chameleon gasp in terror.

"I...but shouldn't we..err..."

Seeing that reaction C.J kept the camera aiming at his friend while he quickly moved to get his notebook and have it at the edge of the bed so Flick could see what was in it.

"No time to be shy! Look, everyone is counting on ya! They already saw me..." C.J said while squeezing his cock making Flick swallow dry. "So it's natural they want to check on you too! Just look at the comments over there!"

Flick looked at the notebook and realized that the chat there was full of comments of people, certainly C.J's followers posting one comment right after the other. "He's so cute!" said one. "Can't wait to see his dick..." said another. Comments like "HURRYYYY! I LOVE CHAMELEONS!" and "Damn this will be so hot seeing those two going at it!!" were also common and just made him feel more aware that he wasn't alone with the beaver; far from it in fact. So many people!

All of them watching him with C.J! They all saw the rodent naked and now they wanted to see him only in his birthday suit too. Even going as far as to donate money for it. It was crazy sure but it also was quite exciting and it's why Flick knew he was getting hard just from letting the reality he was in sink in.

Flick wasn't really sure himself how much was him wanting to do this or just feeling the pressure of both C.J and those comments but he began to take off his clothes. Of course, he was still very shy about doing something like this for the first time ever so he couldn't do something like dare to put a striptease show - like a comment dared to suggest! The nerve...! - but he did take his time in taking off all of his clothes and when he saw that smug face of the beaver, he threw most of them at his direction!

It was funny since it landed right on his streaming camera and C.J was in quite a hurry to take it off. Flick could imagine how it would seem for his followers though since he imagined they were looking at him beginning to take off, then suddenly the screen was all black and now...they could see the villager responsible for the Bug-off tournament in all his naked glory.

By instinct he was about to cover himself but what was the point? Plus, he thought that he didn't need to hide anything since he was proud of his body, quite slender and fit since otherwise the bugs would never catch themselves. His cock was clearly cut, the mushroom head quite exposed and he didn't do any effort to hide anything; the chameleon just stood up on his side with crossed arms wearing nothing else aside from his black necklace. He tried to not look nervous or anything but the erratic movements of his reptile tail right behind betrayed him easily.

"Nyuk...not bad at all." C.J. looked at him not like he was a beaver but as a big predator stalking his prey, checking everything he got. It was strange and exciting at same time, especially when he keeps in mind that he was still holding that streaming camera; how many were looking at his body right now? Random villagers? Other coworkers? Maybe Tom Nook himself? "Now we're ready to get started! Of course, I will follow the most suggested course of action you guys back home chose for us!" Flick was confused for a bit; wait...why did he say that to the camera? Could it be that...

"You made a poll and they choose the most popular act or something? Isn't that too...perverted? What kind of guys are your followers anyway!" it was clear that while the idea was - well, he had to admit - kinda of hot, what bothered him was to let them choose something like this. Shouldn't he have a say in the matter since he was the one about to do it with the owner of the stream?

"That's where the donations come from too you know! You've heard of giving people what they want...same as giving fishes the best bait possible. Plus..." he got closer to Flick, both still close to the notebook where Flick tried not to look at that chat of guys asking him to hurry up and do it or I'm paying you slut, among other things," You will enjoy it, I'm sure! It's the kind of thing that you can only do with another guy and I do think it's a good way to start us off."

Before the red villager could even ask what he was talking about, he didn't need to anymore when C.J closed the distance between them further and each of their cocks rubbed against each other. Both males gasped not expecting how it felt.

"Huh that felt...hold on guys!" C.J briefly addressed the streaming camera before he looked down and with his free paw brings both his and Flick's penises together. He didn't hesitate, so if he was nervous, he didn't show it, but maybe he had nerves of steel after streaming for so long which couldn't be said about the chameleon.

Flick was going to ask him to wait to at least put the streaming camera down for now or at least drop those stupid shades and hat - really? At a time like this? - but he felt two things for the first time; someone else other than himself touching his member and feeling it being pressed against another's.

It's no wonder he couldn't help but blush and moan. And of course, everything was caught on camera!

Seems C.J wasn't expecting it since he took a few moments to talk to his camera again while still grabbing both cocks firmly with his paw. Like it was a big, single fishing rod which fortunately was a thing he had plenty of experience with. "Huuh...what a surprise! Flick looks quite cute right now! Doesn't he guys?"

At that moment Flick didn't know what got on his nerves more; C.J teasing him...or doing it in a stream! 'SHUT UP! You're feeling good too you stupid beaver!" deciding to play fire against fire he reached down and squeezed C.J's sack and a bit of his own, making both gasp as C.J grins and started to move his paw on both penises at once. Ghn that felt...damnit...he couldn't win against him! He just was too much experienced!

"Nyuk! Of course I am. But this feels even better to you yeeeees?" he teased as he started to pant, clearly enjoying it but there was no context that Flick was just...more into it. It was the first time that someone else was playing with his cock after all and the cursed streamer wasn't holding back. Feeling his paw going up and down like this on both of them...was too much. He had his scaly hands on C.J.'s shoulders letting him do as he wanted. And he sure as "flick" did! Soon both him and the mammal were rock-hard and maybe because he was curious, he stopped to check on both of them and compare.

"Now let's s...gha!" It was obvious that C.J wasn't expecting to see this result. Flick was taller than his friend and seems that this was true in more ways than one! While C.J's cock was fatter and have around 5 or maybe 5,5 inches long which was nice but Flick was just longer and therefore the "champion" if this was a fishing or bug-off tourney; he have a member with 7...well, actually 7,5 inches but he didn't felt the need to brag about it now. Just seeing the look on that beaver's face was making it worthy it!

"D-don't get the wrong idea! Everyone knows size doesn't matter...right guys?" he asked towards the camera which was starting to piss Flick off. Not only this was supposed to be HIS moment and C.J. was sharing it with the world like this but he still had the nerve to say that his size doesn't matter???

He was about to complain when the beaver resumed his work and so instead of doing that, he ends up letting out a cute moan. "What's that? Want to say something Flick?"

"What is it? You're right C.J., size doesn't matter at all! Who cares about the size of your fishing rod! What matters is the bait you use with it! "he claimed and that's when Flick realized that indeed being bigger than C.J. wasn't a thing that he was expecting; especially in front of his followers. Geez... he could be so childish at times! Like the only time he won against him in a fishing duel- and he only accepted because the other villager really insisted- C.J didn't talk to him for weeks! This was way worse though.

Flick was panting and he felt himself starting to thrust against C.J's paw and cock. Part of him wanted to just let himself go completely and fuck that paw and feel that beaver cock rubbing against his own like this until he just lost himself in pleasure and cum. For the first time with someone...a male villager. With C.J. Even if that means that it would all be recorded and show to who knows how many other people.

While the red male was starting to get ready for that, he saw C.J reading on the notebook and he grins; soon he just...stops. He let go of both cocks and Flick immediately felt something was wrong. It was the first time that he experienced orgasm denial and it really sucked! Worse than when he tried to catch a particular bug for an entire day and just being unable to find it!

"Why did you stop? Does it really bother you that much that my co-"

"NO!! It has nothing to do with that!" he shouts and Flick realized that he never really saw C.J like this before, flustered about such a thing. It was kinda cute!! "This is a stream remember? I told you before gotta give what my fishes want! And they already made very clear what they want..." he says with an evil grin and that worried the chameleon. When he turned to read the messages displayed in the notebook, he immediately understood what the other male meant.

"That's very hot but how about he sucks you off now C.J.?"


"Hahaha that sounds hot! Have Flick suck you off dude!"

...and so on.

"Y-you can't be serious! That's going too far compared to what we were doing!! A-and...and I never did anything like this before! And...GHA!" he grunts as C.J gently just slaps his cock, making it bounce lewdly since he was still quite erect. It was worse when he remembers that the streaming camera must have caught all of that too.

"Stop trying to give excuses! You betta believe this IS going to happen...Nyuk!" he squeezes Flick's member a bit with his free paw before letting it go. "Especially if you want to have more fun down there. So be a good little chameleon and give our followers back home a nice show Flick~" just like that he puts a paw on Flick's head, taking care to avoid the small horns there to force him on his knees.

Flick couldn't resist, everything was just too much for him, but he couldn't quit now... It's like he felt the pressure of all of C.J.'s followers plus the promise of more pleasure later and... seeing the beaver acting dominant like this was hot too...before he realized, he was already on his knees and that brown foreskinned penis never looked bigger than before.

"Now watch it folks! Flick will suck cock for the first time in his life. And to those of you have suggested that it was me doing it for him well...when you have a buck tooth like this it can be very hard to do such things! Good thing it doesn't get in the way of fishing huh!" he chuckled as he talked to the streaming camera. He really sounded excited about getting a blowjob from him and in front of his followers. Flick wasn't sure if that should make him feel good or embarrassed. But he could at least now just stop talking to them and-

His line of thought was interrupted when C.J literally moved his hips to cock-slap the chameleon.

"Eh...?" Did...did C.J. just...?

"What you're waiting for man? Come on! Be a good boy and suck my cock!" That lewd beaver... talking to him like that! And in front of other people...but Flick felt his own member throb under such humiliation; He hoped that at least that wasn't caught on that damn camera. Imagining that, he better start before C.J. got hornier and tried something crazier he looked at his cock and squeezed the base, about to get to work.

He never did something like this before but holding the member at the base and looking at it like this, knowing it was all hard and eager for him was so exciting. More than enough to make someone like him excited too. So, he was willing to do it, streaming or not.

"Hmm..." C.J sighed as he watched Flick starting to get to work; first the chameleon kissed his cock and from there he began to lick around the member while stroking the base. Just watching it was very hot but to have it all on camera forever and ever, the first time his friend was working on some other guy's cock and it was his own! "Watch it my dear fishes at home! See how Flick is getting into it?"

Flick tried not to imagine that just as he was starting to appreciate the musky but pleasant taste of C.J.'s cock as it was all being recorded. But even that wasn't enough to make him want to stop. Far from it; while it was very annoying how C.J kept talking to his followers even in the middle of stuff like this, it also felt... exciting doing it out in the open. It made the reptile eager to be more daring and that's why he started to pull C.J's foreskin with his mouth, making cute wet noises that made the beaver clearly appreciate that as he gasps with pleasure.

In fact, C.J. wanted nothing more than close his eyes and just face fuck Flick's pretty face with all he had but, he was a professional! He needed to keep the stream rolling! "I didn't think that...nhgg...he would try doing this. Nothing bad at all Flick...keep going!" he demanded holding firmly on the streaming camera as he was afraid it might fall off while gently petting Flick's head but being careful to don't let his paw get in the way of the camera. Damn this was hot...

It's no wonder that soon he began to drip pre in that eager chameleon's tongue. Flick's eyes widened as he tasted him, but he didn't stop. Instead it felt like he wanted more, he wanted to taste the real deal!

C.J watched with surprise as his friend started to take his cock in his mouth and sucking quite eagerly on It while looking up at him with shame all over his expression...but clearly horny.

The beaver had to close his eyes for a second, he needed to calm down or he would just let go of the streaming camera and focus completely on this. "S-see guys...I knew he loved cock. Especially mine. He just needed to be honest with himself...doing a good job down there, Flick!" he said amused and he start to read the chat.

Flick was trying to take more of C.J's cock inside of his mouth and since the beaver wasn't that big it was working but despite that he noticed how the streamer seemed to be busy with something. He looked up and noticed that he was reading the chat and soon he found out what he was worried about.

"Err...come on guys! I did say that there would be no limits and all but, to ask Flick to finger me is...that's not going to happen ok? I understand if that can disappoint some of you and-FLICK?!" the chameleon heard enough and that's why he immediately grabs C.J's rear, spreading it quickly. He knew that he needed to hurry or he would feel C.J.'s strong beaver tail slapping his hands so as he sucked harder on his friend, he started to finger him, meeting some delicious warm resistance inside.

"Ny-nyuk! Flick...I'm...!" Flick felt that cock throb in his mouth and he understood too late what the other male was about to say; being fingered while being sucked at the same time was just too much for the fisher and soon, he came right inside of his mouth.

Flick had to be careful as he took C.J's cock out since he didn't want to hurt him with the spikes over his face but he held the cock in place, fapping it as he came one more time right over his face. The taste of a male's cum...C.J's cum...he licked his face clean, still tasting it in his tongue. He did enjoy it. He was about to say that when he heard: "Phew...see that folks? Flick is a great cocksucker! And he even did what you guys wanted so please remember to donate to reward him accordingly!" wait he was still recording...? Yes he was! There was no limit to this? How many villagers saw him hold a penis and have it cum over his face?!

Flick couldn't even complain as soon as he stood up since C.J pressed him on the bed, forcing him to lean over it. "Hey what gives?!"

"Nyuk? Complaining after what you did? But you just gave the people what they wanted to see right? Guess what?" he picks the notebook and put it next to Flick's head. "I'm about to do the same thing."

Reading the chat Flick gasp realizing what he was about to do.

"That was so hot! Now how about you fuck your friend C.J?"


"Good idea guys I want to see that too! Already fapping as hard as I can, want to cum watching them fuck!"

And more like that. But for the chameleon it was too late as he felt his tail being raised, paws squeezing over his delicate virgin rear.

"Nice hips dude. I guess you do need to exercise to catch bugs. So, let me taste your efforts!" he said before Flick felt the beaver, without any hesitation, press his mouth between his cheeks and to shove his tongue inside.

The reptile gasped, he never felt something like this before. He could feel it, that wet tongue moving inside of him. It felt so weird but it also made his cock, still erect and all, throb against the bed. Damn...wait..yeah it did felt good but the reason why he was even doing it was...! That's right the comments!

"C.J...wait...please don't-"

"And now it's time to well...sink in! Nyuk!" the beaver was already talking to the streaming camera again right after he picks it again from the floor. "Don't worry Flick. I'm sure my rod will fit right at home inside of you. And you know I can't go against what my fishes want." He grins as he puts the camera on the bed aiming at him, as he keeps Flick's asscheeks spread while aiming his cock at the pink hole.

There was nothing the poor chameleon could do but to give the cheeky beaver his virginity. And who knows how many followers were watching it?

At least they didn't see the expression of his face when C.J pushed it in since he has the camera aiming at him.

"Uh...ah..." it was so embarrassing, being a male and feeling another male have his cock inside of you like that! It did hurt a bit but at least C.J was being gentle and wasn't going that hard. Or at least that's what he though before he started to hear him talk to the streaming camera...AGAIN.

He wanted to try and complain since well, it was HIS ass on the line here! But C.J slaps his rear while he tries to let more of his cock sink in. He gasped, feeling worse knowing that it was still caught in camera.

"Such a nice tight ass! Gonna love claim it! You're a virgin back here that's obvious! Nyuk. You were saving it all for me weren't cha...slutty reptile..." he said such things making him blush even more and he couldn't believe how it felt just "full" inside of him. A living cock belonging to a beaver like him really felt too different comparing to his cock.

Slowly he got used to it though, panting and feeling that by reflex he would tighten his rear, squeezing C.J's cock. It certainly made the damn beaver feel even better since he moaned quite loud when he did that, making him stop for a bit.

However just as he was about to ask the beaver if it felt that good and that he could try and be rougher if he wanted...

"Hmm...feels so nice inside of him! You folks have no idea. I should have done this stream long ago..!" he says as he starts to pull his cock back and push it back in right away making both of them gasp. "Nyuk...yes...should I fuck him real nice or be a gentle beaver? What you guys say?"

Was he seriously asking THEM and not HIM about how to fuck him? In his first time? That's IT! Flick had enough of that! The entire night he was sharing this supposedly private time with C.J. and he always talked to that damn camera every chance he got. Well fuck him...wait...

Flick grinned since he has a wonderful idea. Good thing that C.J. wasn't holding on his tail or it probably wouldn't work.

"I know what the people want C.J, I read the chat."

Having his attention called back to him thanks to his words, he was caught off guard; as soon as he realized this, C.J was stopped in his tracks, Flick turned around, taking the beaver's cock from his butt and forcing the beaver on the bed. His camera fell on the bed, aiming at them so the followers would end up hearing and watching what the reptile claimed: "What they want is REVENGE! It's time you get punished!"

"F-flick...? What are you...?" the red villager was pressing C.J against the bed, holding his arms and keeping them to his back. Damn just looking at him like this, scared and embarrassed...it got him so damn horny! He couldn't stop now!

"This is for you doing this all the damn time! Ignoring me and talking to your "fishes"... when you should be talking to ME!" he explain as he started to grind his cock between C.J's ass. "All night...pissing me off...I'm not one of your girls! I'm your friend damnit! Don't you see doing this with you was embarrassing but I still was into it? Even when you asked me to do it for your stream?" he asked with his tone mixing sadness and anger and who knows what else.

"But...but Flick this is my job. I need to talk to them and I told you! I really wanted it to be with you and-

"NO EXCUSES! You WILL taste my "rod" now!"

Flick was too hard to care for excuse at this point. He let go of C.J's arms only to hold on his rear and spread It before shoving his cock inside with a strong, decisive thrust.

"AHH! F-flick...I'm a virgin too! Nyu...take it easy..." the beaver said with pleading eyes that Flick saw and couldn't believe how he could look so cute like this. At this moment he knew he wanted to claim this villager all to himself. From his stupid hats and shades, to his big buck tooth to his beaver tail.

"OH YEAH? Take it easy like...THIS?" he needed a moment to get his composure back since it felt far better inside of C.J that he expected! But when he did, he shouted those words and moved his hips, feeling his cock getting all warm and fuzzy inside. It felt GREAT. No wonder C.J loved doing this.

"N-nyuk! Flick...!" ahhh so cute...that expression...his cock inside of him...Flick couldn't believe he found someone that brought him more pleasure than catching his lovely bugs. As he moved his hips, loving to hear C.J's faint moans his big, reptilian tail hit something on the bed and he saw it was the streaming camera.

That's right they were still online right? So...

He grabs it and positioned it so it would get the action from the frontside, so C.J's face and his would be fully visible. "Heya there folks! Hope you're enjoying this at home. I know I am...C.J has an AMAZING ass!" he announced slapping the beaver's brown rear making him let out a cute "yiip" sound. "So... what do you guys think? You think this beaver deserves to be fucked right?" he asked and as he quickly put the notebook close to their side so both of them could read it he have a good idea how much perverted C.J's followers really were.

"It was quite a nice but great twist! You two are so hot..." "FUCK YEAH! FUCK HIM! BEAVER SLUT!!!! OMG! >:3333333"

"Already fapping here loving how you're dominating C.J...!"

"G-guys..." C.J seems shocked about it but he still moaned when Flick thrusted inside a few times and the chameleon still felt amazing. Heck the villager even squeezed his ass around his cock so he must be enjoying it too!

"See? They love seeing you like this...BEAVER SLUT!"

"N-NYUK!" the poor rodent groaned as his rear was slapped and now the chameleon could fit his entire cock inside of his no longer virgin ass.

"This is your fault anyway...I'm your friend! You can't ignore me...like you did after you started those fucking streams!

"Flick...I...I didn't know you were feeling like-

Realizing that he was speaking too much he buries himself in a different angle making both villagers moan lustfully for each other.

"SHUT UP! Just tell me you're a dirty beaver slut! That you NEED to feel my cum inside of you!"

"Ehhh? B-but we're still streaming! The others will...NYUK!" expecting that C.J would try to protest, he grabs and squeezes C.J's cock, still erect and wet. The spot on the bed under it was already dirty with pre.

"SAY IT!!!" he demanded and C.J didn't even need to even read the comments on the chat to know that their own followers were asking for the exact same thing.

"Uh...f-fuck me Flick! I-I'm a dirty beaver slut...I need you...your cock...your cum...all the way inside. Please! Fuck meeeeeeeee....nyuuk!"

Well fuck... That was too much for the reptile. He was fucking the streamer in his own stream so hard that C.J's shades and hat fell on the bed but of course it didn't matter as much to him as those dirty words.

Flick pushed his cock inside a few more times, squeezing C.J's firm rear, groaning as he came, while still deep and hard inside of him. The submissive beaver on the other hand reacted by having his own orgasm, making quite a mess on the bed, grabbing on the sheets and squealing like a female in heat during the whole thing. All of that caught in the camera of course.

When he was done, his cock was still inside when he laid right on top of the beaver, panting as hard as him. Calming down, he noticed the comments on the chat. Things like people saying "CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" or "AMAZING! CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT STREAM!" and many amusing ones such as "GRRR you guys made me cum all over my keyboard...but it was totally worth it!!". He looked for the stream camera and aimed it closer to their faces.

"So...hope you guys had your fun. This is it for today and...uh...see ya in next stream? Whatever...can't believe I did this..." he turned the camera off and closed the notebook, letting out a loud sigh and finally turned away, his member sliding off from inside C.J. Now he was laying on his side, face to face to the other male.

Now that he had his revenge and all he was calmer and feeling a mix of embarrassment and excitement about what he just did...and in front of a camera! "Hey...C.J I'm...err..." he just didn't knew what to say.

But apparently C.J did. "Nyuukkk...feeling a bit sore...so this is how doing it with other guy feels like. It's different but, nice. And..." he looked up directly at him. Damn he really looks cuter without that hat and shades...those beautiful eyes...! Right now, he knew he had C.J.'s full attention. He wasn't sharing him with any follower right now; he had that on his mind when the beaver continued: "I'm really glad it was with you. I'm so sorry though...I didn't realize you felt like I was more into streaming than spending time with you. But you're my best friend Flick! You're very important to me."

It was quite rare to hear that cheeky beaver be so...honest and speak from the heart like that. And what he heard after it made his tail hit the camera with so much force that might have broken it.

"That's why I love you..."

"...!" the reptile was blushing and he wasn't sure what to say but soon C.J. was back to his old self.

"...since you knew how to spice things up! It caught me by surprise and sure, you were rougher than you needed too but my fishes LOVED it! I'm sure we will be rich in no time like this! You were fintastic there! Nyuuk! Now we just need to-NYUUK!" he was about to go on and on but an upset reptile had his paws over his face and was busy seeing how much further he could stretch it out.

"What was that for?!" C.J. complained massaging his cheeks while Flick just sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Nothing." He said simply, his own cheeks puffed like an angry cub.

"Hmm...so Flick?"


"...You wanna...I mean...do another stream like this? You said until next stream to my followers s-so...b-but if you don't want to I can just..."

He closed his mouth when the chameleon put a paw over his own and their fingers intertwined. They looked at each other and while still naked, with the memories of what they just did fresh in their mind, both knew.

There would be lots more of a similar stream like today in the future.

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A Very Special Job

Yohei was in a tavern looking at the job board. There were various wanted posters and several witch hunt ones, but the white tiger beastfallen was pretty tired and wanted something else. Hunting witches was an annoying thing to do; they were tricky to...

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Agumon's Capture

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