
Story by pentrep on SoFurry

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#115 of Commissions

A commission for Toronia on FA about an arrogant yordle who finds science is not the way to go about improving ones image

Purification by Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. Any resemblance to people alive or dead is purely a coincidence. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect. This work contains transformative and suggestive sexual content. You have been warned.

"Nothing happens until the pain of remaining

the same outweighs the pain of change."

-Arthur Burt

Doesn't it suck when things don't go according to plan? When everything seems like, nothing seems to go right. The whole world facing its grimacing grin towards you with an otherwise unruly visage. These are the times that are the most trying when we are feeling the most lost and uncertain of what to do. It is in these moments that we must try out best to deal with these trials as they come and overcome them when they present themselves.

Asriel was a young man who lived in the towering Kingdom of Noxus. It was a huge metropolis that dominated the western half of Runeterra. To its neighbors Noxus was a warring nation, with a thirst for nothing short of world domination. But to its inhabitants very much enjoyed the cosmopolitan nature of the city. All sorts of people lived their; from humans to aliens and even the occasional yordle. Asriel was a member of the yordle clan and lived in the area known as the "Slums"

The Slums was a somewhat misleading name, sure there were poor people around and certainly plenty of them were present of the streets in the area. But the most defining feature of the slums was its run-down nature. There weren't many buildings around that weren't destroyed. It was one of the few places that were left ignored by the great war. Asriel had grown up there and despite being enlisted in the Grand Army of the Kingdom, he had yet really seen much of the outside world.

At 22 years of age, Asriel lived with many of his own kind. He shared a communal flat with many other yordles but mostly kept to himself, except when work rolled around. Asriel worked at the research facility, which was nothing more than a glorified center of Alchemy. Despite his young age the yordle was pretty well known for his work in science as well as magic. Already in his first few years of employment, he had mastered transmutation, a skill he acquired from his mother who was now retired.

But Asriel wasn't content with life the way things were. He was one of those guys who always sought to better himself. One thing that really annoyed him was the way he looked. He was pretty much your standard yordle, except that he had horns and a snake as a tail. It was one thing that set him apart from all his friends. Perhaps the thing that annoyed him the most was his size. He very much suffered from a Napoleon complex.

Now comparatively speaking, he wasn't that much smaller than his friends. But whenever humans were around, he felt especially inferior around them. There were even a new avian species that had immigrated into town and they were some of the tallest critters he could recall. All he knew is that he felt really insecure around them. His insecurity only made him extra anxious at work. The stresses at work seemed to be compounding the issue when his boss told him he'd be working on a new project of a classified nature.

You would think that such a responsibility would be a great honor for a nationalist such as Asriel. However, the yordle was one of those guys who gloated about what he did. He was quite arrogant about his work and loved to show off. One could say that he often overestimated his abilities and this sometimes resulted in some unwanted results. But none of that mattered to him, he always walked into every experiment with the highest of expectations.

Over the last few weeks, Asriel had been posting for a test subject. The young man had planned to try a new plan to make himself bigger. He knew that every living being had it's essence, figuring that if he could drain it then maybe he could grow even if just a little bit. The yordle figured it was worth a shot but that very much depended on if he could find a willing subject to participate. As the days rolled on, he almost forgot about his little flier.

About a week later there was a knock on the yordles door. It was later in the day, so Asriel had already finished work for the day and was toning down while preparing dinner. The young man was reading the paper when the rapping occurred. He got up from his chair and put the paper down sighing dejectedly, assuming it could only be bad news. On his way to the door, Asriel lit a candle so that the entrance had some light.

When he opened the door a tall blackbird stood in front of him. Asriel craned his neck so he could look up at the bird.

"Yes? How can I help you?" The yordle felt a little nervous in front of someone so big.

The blackbird knelt down, so he was more on an eye level with the other man. "I'm here about the job."

Asriel scratched his head a moment. "Oh, yes...right the job."

"Yes, well is it still available?" The avian was wearing rather tattered robes and looked to be on the end of his luck.

Asriel looked up and down the bird, feeling a bit bad for him. "Sure, we still need people but we're closed up for the day. Can you come back tomorrow?"

"Sure, I have nowhere else to go anyways...I'll just hang right outside if that's alright." The bird's voice sounded exasperated.

The yordle overlooked the other man's body. He couldn't but feel bad for him. "Nah, you can stay here...for now."

"Oh, really? Thanks...I appreciate it." The avian's face seemed to cheer up a bit.

Asriel nodded. "Sure, I guess...just stay on your knees...hahah. What's your name anyhow?"

"Oh, you an call me Ezra. And yours?" Ezra slid his way past the little one as the door was held open for him.

The yordle shut the door behind them and locked it. "They call me Dr. Az, but my name is Asriel."

"A doctor huh? Maybe you can help me mend my broken wing." The bird lifted his left-wing and showed some burnt and sundered feathers.

Asriel pointed his left hand towards another room in the back. "Sure, I have something for that."

The smaller male led the bigger one into his kitchen, where he kept his medicine cabinet. Pulling out a cloth wrapping to use to act as a splint and restrict the movement of the injury.

"Make sure not to move it. Help yourself to some food. You can sleep on the floor in the living room. We'll get to work in the morning." Asriel figured a happy patient was better than a distraught one.

The yordle made his exit from the kitchen while Ezra helped himself to a small snack. It was pretty late so it wasn't long before either hit the sack. Asriel, was pretty tired too and with the help of some hay, he was able to make sleeping on the floor at least a little more bearable.

The next morning came before long. When Asriel awoke, he hit his head on the ceiling forgetting all about the fact he was in a yordles home. Luckily it was well-built house and the roof only showed minor signs of cracking. Sitting back down, he remembered where he was. The avian could smell the scent of fresh meat being cooked and pulled his body along the floor, guiding himself to where he thought the source was coming from.

"Morning, Birdo."Asriel had heard the commotion from the kitchen.

Ezra huffed at the joke. "Morning, pipsqueak."

The yordle turned his gaze and gave the taller man a death stare. Still, he focused on preparing the meal and gave the avian a small bowl of porridge to eat.

"Eat up, Bird boy. Today you work" Asriel smirked as he had already had planned out the day for the two of them.

Ezra scooted himself up to the table and drank down the porridge. "Thanks, it's great."

"Come out back when you're done." The yordle made his exit out a door near the back of the kitchen.

Asriel had already moved all of his equipment outside to accommodate the larger size of the avian. He was going to test a brand new device that he invented.

It was a steampunk invention that he had created out of scrap metal he had found throughout the city. The idea was to drain the very essence of his patient and transfer it into him. The goal was to make himself larger. He had never tried it before but the sheer pride he took in his work, meant that it had to be attempted at some point. Asriel figured the time was ripe and now was better than never now that he had a fish on the hook.

Soon Ezra made his way outdoors. It was pretty warm outside and the fixtures above the little home dripped off some water, showing signs of rain from the previous day. He could overhear the bustle of the nearby town. The area was fenced in with large metal pickets. Not much could be seen but the yard seemed to be overgrown and unkempt. He could see the yordle over towards the left side busy on a wooden workbench.

"Try to lay down in the middle." Asriel as occupied putting the lest finishing touches on his gun.

The avian did as he was told and shifted his body so that it was in a laying down position. Soon the yordle made his way over to the flattened bird. A very small metallic gun in his hand. It looked quite ordinary to the bird but had a small spiral around the tip. Ezra watched as the little creature fiddled with a dial, spinning it back and forth on the side.

"Now, this might hurt. A little...a lot. Who knows?" The bird shrugged a bit as the gun made a buzzing noise.

Ezra began to shake in apprehension. "W-Wai-t!"

But it was much too late for second thoughts. The yordle had arranged his yard so that little cuffs had fastened the bird into place. No matter how much he moved, he couldn't budge.

"Tsk Tsk birdo won't get his reward if he runs away. Now, will he?" The yordle elevated the gun so it was pointing directly at the bird.

Ezra writhed and struggled, his feet and wings powerless against the restraints. ""SStt!"

Asriel pulled the trigger and the gun instantly began to heat up. The yordle struggling to handle it as it grew too hot for him to hold. The lazer protracting from tip to his captor in a split second.

The moment that dart of light hit him, Ezra found himself stunned. He no longer had the will to fight and simply laid there motionless. His entire body remaining limp but a burning fury of heat building inside of him. It felt like he was being cooked and within moments he was sweating. Asriel couldn't kick the feeling on his finger either. It reminded him of when he had pricked his finger recently. Shaking his fist, the sensation seemed to course more consistently through his fist.

It was if he had shocked himself. Ezra flinched and tried to caw out in need of assistance. Opening his beak did nothing. In fact, his mouth wouldn't even cooperate. A gasp of air simply escaped from his lungs as he tried to vocalize his fear and sense of desperation. Asriel watched his prey struggle and smirked a bit. He had dropped the gun, once it had shocked him but looking around it appeared as if it were nowhere to be seen.

Asriel shook his fist vigorously. No matter what he did he couldn't get rid of the sharp pulsating throb in his hand. But he couldn't worry about that now. He had wasted enough time messing around with his project. Feeling that it was a failure, he shrugged it off. Although he was disappointed, he knew he couldn't let him weigh it down. Surely he would have to try again. After all, he cared about nothing other than results.

The yordle rushed his way out of the back yard and into his house. He had to hurry to work as he was already late. He knew he didn't want to hear the bosses' incessant nagging. Of course, when he arrived his boss was waiting for him at the door, tapping her foot. She was quite a good deal older than he was, but since she was also a yordle she didn't have much of a size advantage on him.

"Dr. Az....you have some explaining to do. Why are you 5 minutes and 23 seconds past your scheduled time?" The woman put her hands on her side expectantly.

Asriel did some quick thinking. "Well, I was testing a new project to enhance plant growth at home. I thought our client could take advantage of it."

"Enhance plant growth? We don't have anything to do with the farming district and they want nothing to do with us. Why bother?" The boss didn't much believe his story.

Asriel blushed heavily thinking his white lie had been discovered. "I'll show you later. I wasn't thinking of the farmers. I was thinking of the gardeners at home."

"Hmm, that does sound promising." The woman scratched her chin showing intrigue. "You will have to show me when you finish it. Don't be late again..."

The smaller yordle made his way past her, glad that the episode had passed itself. Work was as it normally was, boring and repetitive. Asriel had been working on a longstanding project for the Kingdom. The goal was to harvest steam and turn it into energy. The usage of coal was becoming dirty and many parts of the city were showing large deposits of coal dust, despite being nowhere near the refinery itself. They had been tasked by the King who had promised them a rather lucrative reward. The ordeal had been ongoing for some time, and they'd made very little progress on it.

No matter the importance of the project, Asriel wasn't particularly fond of his role in the task. His role was to create the engine which was supposed to convert the raw energy to a usable one. Every time he thought he had made a breakthrough, one of the parts seemed to break. Today was especially frustrating. Even though he had just come into work, he couldn't think straight. Occasionally the thought of Ezra came into his mind but it was only glimpses of the bird, not quite prevalent enough to show he was feeling regret.

By the end of the workday, he hadn't gotten much done. Asriel only managed to complete a single part of the engine. He had spilled some oil and no matter how hard he tried, some of it stuck onto his finger, regardless of how much he washed it in a sink. It was time for the day to end and the yordle had almost forgotten about his captive audience. Still, the persistent feeling of static shock had left his hand almost numb at this point.

Asriel contemplated going to the medical ward in order to tend to his wounds, but his own hunger was much too pressing and he simply ignored the issue. The young scientist made his way home at a hurried pace, not even bothering to say bye to his coworkers. All he knew is he was looking forward to having some leftovers. He knew he had some pork loin he had kept in the fridge. Once he walked into the door, he quickly rushed into his kitchen to gorge himself on a snack.

The entire time Asriel had been gone Ezra had been sacked out on the lawn in the back of the house. Unable to move, his body had remained limp. He had passed out soon after the yordle had left him for work. But now that the smaller male was in the building, he started to come around again. Blinking, the avian realized that his vision was blurred. After a few attempts to free himself, he found there was little hope in removing his restraints.

His whole body was weak and it took all of his strength to even lift his arms, those few times that he did. Still sweating, he realized that felt incredibly hot. What was even more strange was the fact that overcast shielded him from the sun's rays hitting him Still, his forehead was dripping with sweat and he found his entire body was experiencing the same burning feeling he had gone through earlier. Ezra still felt rather groggy and had very little willpower to continue fighting to free himself.

Asriel soon finished his meal, wondering if he should go to the medical ward now. The black stain still remained on his finger as he stared at it, swearing that it had covered more of his finger now. All of a sudden he began to overhear the sound of rain pouring down. He didn't feel quite as eager to go to the medical ward now and decided that he would pop his head outside, just to be sure that it was actually raining.

The yordle headed back to the rear door, opening it and looking up as he stepped out. Sure enough, the heavens had opened up with sheets of tears descending from above. As he looked up, Asriel's face was doused in water, it cascaded down his body and quickly made him soggy from head to toe. The idea of wetness seemed no longer bothering him. However, a sudden weight seemed to be clutching him from his foot.

The scientist looked down and sure enough, he was stepped in a puddle of black. The bird was nowhere to be seen. Only the occasional black feather and a huge pool of black water remained. Asriel tried to walk through the water, the liquid seeming to stick to his right foot Once he moved his left foot, it too trudged through the muddy water. The slime adhering to both his limbs now as he became much more frantic about getting free. Yet each and every time he moved the blackness seemed to creep every further up his legs.

Now Asriel could no longer lift his feet. It was as if a tremendous weight had pressed upon him. A piercing and loud "CAW" resounded through the village. Looking up birds flocked down from the heavens and stormed above. All of them black as night, making him finally recall the day before. Where had Ezra gone? This thought resounded as the yordle gazed back downward. The black goo now creeping towards his kneecap.

A renewed sense of panic began to kindle inside of him. Each lift of his leg reminded him that he could not move, no how hard he tried. Every attempt was met by a tremendous pain in his lower body. He knew he could not give up and bent over, the black ooze was now creeping towards his lower thighs. No longer could he see many signs of his pants. The slime making his whole body warm despite the otherwise cool nature of the rain pouring from above.

"HCH!" Yelling out the yordles voice was interrupted by gasps of water as he gasped for air and spit out water.

That small show of hesitation allowed the ooze to shift onto his hands. Now he was bent over and his hands were being quickly consumed by the sludge. Soon he felt himself being tugged ever so slightly. The force was light at first but soon the undertow became more and more problematic. Asriel continued to fight, trying to hold his semi-upright position. His knees buckled first and then the rest of his body followed. Soon he found himself submerged face first in the viscous liquid beneath him.

Within moments the slime began to consume him. Asriel tried holding his breath but didn't have much lung capacity. When he gasped he passed out. The water pooling in his fence, his body floating to the surface. Strangely he was not drowning. The black ooze acting as a cocoon, protecting him from a more dire fate with the reaper. The yordle found himself slipping into the dream world. His mind filling with a facade, driven on from the toxins from the venom in the slime.

A bright light flashed in his mind. Asriel immediately thought he was dead. A blur in the light occurred as he rubbed his eyes. The void of black seemingly expanding into the crow he had so recently met.

"The price for your brash arrogance must be paid in full." The voice reverberated in Asriel's ears but the visage's mouth made no movement.

The yordle tried to speak and yet...no sound came out.

"The finality of your action...we shall become one and the same. Such will be the course of your lie." The cloud of smoke exploded into a flock of ravens before dispersing.

It was several hours before the yordle finally came around. His eyes fluttered as his body awoke from a state of slumber. His whole body was sore. The skies above were still dark. Only an occasional tear dropped from the sky as the rain shower had long since past. No signs of daylight remained. Asriel had no sense of what time it was. His head was throbbing and his bones hurt. Slowly but surely his body came around and more receptive to what he wanted to do.

As he started to rouse, Asriel lifted his left arm. His formerly tan fur showing some black feathers in between his skin and body hair. A noticeable webbing forming beneath his arm. Looking at it, Asriel could have sworn it resembled a win. A sense of shock came over him, turning his gaze to his forearm where he found more of the same. Turning over his hands, his nails more appeared like claws than anything he had grown used to over his life.

He began to think he was in a dream, after all, he was still feeling rather groggy. The yordle dragged his claws over the side of his legs. Sure enough, it caused pain. Slowly he picked himself up from the ground. His bones creaked a bit as he stood up. Asriel had to use his arms to prop himself to stand upright. Once he was on firming footing, he still felt a little wobbly and eased himself over to his table to use it as a crutch.

Looking around, the black puddle had dissipated without a sign. The yard was still a little wet but it didn't seem like it had rained nearly enough for the flood, he thought he had experienced. Some tatters of the sleeves of his shirt were blowing along the floor of the area. Asriel struggled to keep himself upright, using whatever strength he had left to stand. It was mere moments before he collapsed once again.

The yordle knew he needed to get inside to call for help. For once in his life, he wasn't sure of what else to do. Still, his upper portion remained strong enough to crawl. Bit by bit he pulled himself back inside the house. Soon he was out of the open and back inside. The fire seemed to be already lit, but he didn't recall ever lighting it. Yet, he couldn't remember much of anything of the day. He could see the table where the call station was. All he needed to do was get to it.

He crawled along the floor and neared ever closer to the nightstand. Before long the wooden base of the furnishing was in arms reach for him. He grasped it and tried to topple the table from below. The yordle made a quick swiping motion that tripped the foundation of the piece of furniture. The device that was his phone crashed onto the floor with a loud bang, cracking the headpiece into two separate ends.

A sense of defeat came over him. There was no sense of hope remaining for him. Asriel allowed his body to collapse, flat on the floor. He began to wonder if he'd be able to make it to work tomorrow. His body still sore, but his energy seemed to be returning to him. Maybe if he called out for help, someone would come to his aid? It was the only thought in his mind.

Taking a deep breath he tried to scream. "CAW!"

The yordle covered his mouth, a bit surprised at the sound he had just made. Sure enough, when he touched his mouth, it was a different shape when he recalled.

Instead of being rounded in shape, it was more pointed. There didn't seem to be any fur on his snout either instead the texture was smooth yet still a bit sticky. The tip was sharp enough that it pricked the end of his finger. At this point, he knew something had to be up. His arm and face were both obviously different. Asriel felt the need to go to a mirror and sooner rather than later. Once again he began to crawl, keen on getting into the bathroom as soon as possible.

If nothing else, the yordle had incredible will power. Even despite his sprouted wings, he was able to pull himself along the floor quite easily. Eventually, he ended up in his own bathroom where Asriel used every ounce of strength he had to open the door and pull himself behind it. Luckily for him, it was a full-body mirror and he got a good look at himself. A sense of shock and awe set over him as he looked into the mirror.

His arms definitely had an angular shape to them. Black feathers formed into wings from his arms. His tan fur still dominated much of his body. Perhaps the most shocking change about him was his face, where a very prominent beak was quite obvious. He began to feel and touch it. It felt the same way when he had run his paw across it. The claws on his hand seeming much more pronounced as he watched them glide across his face.

A sense of terror came over Asriel as he finished looking over himself. He looked quite similar to a hybrid between himself and the bird who he had ensnared the other day. Asriel was having rather mixed feelings about the situation. It was becoming very apparent to him, that perhaps he shouldn't have dabbled in energy theft. Though a lingering thought occurred of how he might use it to his advantage in the future. After all his primary objectively was first and foremost the pursuit of science.

However, now he faced a very interesting reality. What would people think of him and how would he explain himself? He began to soul search himself as he crawled into his room. It was quite light and his body was both sore and tired, despite being knocked out for most of the day. Once he pulled himself into bed he couldn't help but feel more relaxed. Personally he was glad the day was over and figured it possibly couldn't get any worse.

It didn't take long for him to fall asleep, not even bothering to shower. Forgetting all about the fact that his clothing was both dirty and tattered. But none of that mattered as he faded into the dream world. His dreams encompassing a grander and more idealized version of himself, flying into the horizon. Looking below watching a peaceful world without war, where all the critters of Runeterra got along and lived happily ever after.


Vacation By: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. Some are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect. Others have been created for the...

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Trial and Error

Trial and Error by Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons alive or dead is purely coincidental. They have been created for the sole use of within this story and are not meant...

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Warped By: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect. This work contains underaged content...

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