Taking in a Stray

Story by Canis Fenrir on SoFurry

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Hey Furs!!! Ok, well here's another story that popped into my head while at work. I hope you enjoy it!!

The alley way was dimly lit. Smoke from the nearby vent filled the cold night air. The sound of sirens in the distance echoed against the brick walls. In the shadow of the alley way a young man sat in silence. Taking a drag from his cigarette, the young Ferret looked up at the starless sky. Shivering in the frigid winter air, the young ferret closes up his jacket unable to zip it up due a broken zipper.

"Fuckin' cold tonight." The blonde ferret takes another drag from his cigarette, finishing it off and tossing it aside. Curling in a tight ball, the ferrets long blonde hair dangles in his face. Time passes and the night goes on. The cold night gets colder nipping at the ferrets slender body. Shivering he stands, his faded blue jeans pitted in holes, the wind sending chills up his spine.

"Got to get out of the wind." Walking briskly out of the dank alley way, the ferret finds himself on the corner of a deserted street. Losing track of time he stumbles across a train station. Walking inside he finds it is deserted. Sighing in relief he sit on a bench lighting up another cigarette. Taking a slow long drag he lays back staring at the tiles on the ceiling. Finishing the cigarette and tossing it aside he slowly falls asleep.

A sound arouses the young man from his sleep. Looking around he finds the station empty. Sitting up slowly he wipes his eyes. Yawning lightly he stands up scratching his head, he walks over to the restroom. Entering the dimly lit room he notices the smell of musk and urine. The smell arousing him lightly, his cock swelling at the intoxicating smell. Deciding it is too much the young hob walks over to a stall, pushing it open.

Suddenly the young ferret is dropped to his knees landing in a puddle of musky piss. Looking up he is met by a tall thin raccoon. The raccoon's athletic build exciting the young hob to the core. The grey and black coon's striped fur accentuating his abs and chest. Suddenly the ferret boy is tapped on the nose. The coon's long thick cock dripping pre onto the ferret's sensitive nose.

"What's your name boy?" The raccoon stares down at his catch. Blushing hard the ferret starts panting, licking his nose clean of pre; his long slender tongue brushing the coon's tip pulling a moan from him.

"M-my name i-is Luca..." He blushes harder sliding his paw down his pants groping his swelling cock. Luca's blonde hair is pushed aside by the thin raccoon's paw. Looking up into the young raccoon's eyes expecting a name he is met instead by the coon's throbbing cock pressed against his lips.

"The name's Bo. Get sucking." Luca driven by lust and excitement licks shyly at the cock in front of him. Lick after lick drawing another bead of pre and a moan from his raccoon captor. Panting hard Luca slowly sucks down on the cock in his maw, bobbing along the first four inches of coon cock. Bo look's down at Luca; a smirk come across his lips.

"You're pretty good at this. You like suckin' my cock, don't you slut?" Bucking his cock further into Luca's hungry maw spurts of pre splash against the young ferret's throat, causing him to swallow frequently. Luca nods lightly wrapping his tongue around the phallic intruder. Bo grins slyly grabbing the back of Luca's head cramming his cock down the hob's throat. Luca gags around the thick cock jammed in his throat.

"Hehe, boy... You'd better get rid of that gag reflex!" Bucking hard into the tight throat wrapped around his cock, the coon spurts copious amount of pre down Luca's throat.

"Cause if you don't~ You'll find this to be unpleasant." Pulling his cock free, Bo grabs Luca by the waist lifting him to his feet. "Strip boy. Now!" Luca blushes hard at the order. Closing his eyes Luca grips the base of his jacket, pulling it up and off his body, exposing the tight pink shirt adorning his slender chiseled chest. Panting harder Luca pulls up the tight shirt throwing to the floor, showing off his matted fur. A bright pink heart dyed in his fur standing out against his blonde fur adorns his abs. The heart sits just above the young man's waist line; his pants tented hard with his erect cock. A large pre stain build at the front of his pants.

"Now the pants..." Bo strokes his cock slowly, pre dripping onto the floor. Luca looks away obeying the tall raccoon's order. He slowly unbuttons and unzips his tight blue jeans. Slipping his paw down the waist he slides them off to the floor before kicking them aside. Luca's blush deepens, his breath becoming scattered. Panting in both excitement and lust, he pushes his paws down his boxers, slipping them off and letting them drop. Bo just stares and paws.

"Good... Good..." Bo walks over to the nude and shivering ferret before him. Grabbing him by the waist, the coon lifts Luca up throwing him over his shoulder and exiting the restroom. Luca's head comes to rest directly in front of Bo's cock; unable to resist the urge Luca slurps over the coon's cock murring around the thick length.

"Hah! You cock whore... You can't wait to taste my cum, can you?" Bo thrusts hard into Luca's muzzle causing the young mustelidae to gag. Luca pulls off the procyon cock gasping for air.

"W-where are we going?" Luca looks up at Bo with concern. Suddenly Luca is assaulted by the cold winter winds; Bo opened the door walking outside into the open air. Both furs naked, the wind blowing across their fur chilling them to the bone.

"I-it's fucking c-cold o-out here!! W-what are w-we doing outs-side?!" Bo looks down at Luca blankly. Twisting him around swiftly Bo tosses the chilled ferret to the snow covered ground. Luca shivers hitting the cold frozen ground.

"W-w-w-when d-d-did it s-s-snow?!!" Bo looms over the shaking ferret grabbing his hair and pulling him into a kneeling position. Luca looks up concerned as Bo just grabs his stiff cock in hand pointing it right at Luca's nose.

"You're gonna want to close your eyes..." Luca begins to ask why but is immediately given an answer as a jet of hot salty coon piss soaks his fur. Having his mouth open for just a second, the salty musky coon piss splashes against his tongue causing the ferret to cough and gag. The coon laughs and continues spraying his salty brew across Luca's chest and abs. Luca pants and shakes when the stream crashes against his rock hard ferret cock, dripping down his sack staining the snow beneath him. Bo shudders gripping his base hard stopping the stream.

"Bend over slut!" Luca blushes hard unable to resist the order. The smell of the coon's brew sending him into a lustful drive. Bo stands over Luca as he turns in the snow lifting his tail exposing his tight pink tail hole. The young ferret pants hard anticipating a swift rough fuck. He yips as the coon releases his cock; the hot stream splashing against Luca's pink pucker. Bo grabs the flustered ferrets hips driving his thick cock deep into Luca; the stream acting as lube, Bo pushing his cock deep hilting the ferret swiftly. Luca gasps and moans as the hot musky piss fills his ass; the stream finally slowing and sputtering the last few drops deep inside him. Bo stands still momentarily before pulling out completely, his piss sloshing around inside Luca's tight ass.

"God... You are one tight slut! Luca, right?" Bo leans down cramming two fingers in his Luca's trembling ass.

"Aah! Y-yes... M-my name is L-Luca!" Shuddering feeling the hard cock pulse in his ass, Luca pushes back impatiently grinding the cock deeper. Pushing harder back the coon's thick cock rubs hard against Luca's prostate. Each hard throb sends pre spurting from the blonde ferret's cock.

"Eager aren't we? Well, I guess I'll indulge you!" Pulling back completely Bo slams back in hard, sending Luca into a fit of pants, gasps, and moans. Giving him no time to adjust Bo begins pounding into Luca's tight tail hole. Piss and pre slosh around the ferret's full ass, lubing up Bo's thrust to insane speeds. Every time Bo hilts he drives his cock hard against Luca's prostate pulling hard gasp from him.

"Fuck boy!! If your ass keeps sucking me back in I might blow inside you!!" The tight tail hole wrapped around his hard cock clenches with every crash against his prostate sending Bo close and closer to cumming. Repeated pounding drives Luca over the edge. He gasps deep slamming back into Bo's cock.

"Ah!!! I-I'm cumming!!!" Luca's lithe body shudders and writhes his cock jetting cum up across his chest and abs. Ropes of hot sticky ferret cum spurt up onto the blonde ferrets muzzle. Losing his balance lost in euphoria, Luca topples over catching himself in the frigid snow. Bo follows him down pounding deep into Luca still, slamming harder and harder driving Luca into the snow till his arms give out. Luca slides chest first into the snow panting hard and moaning as his cock tip presses into the cold snow sending shivers up his spine. Without warning Bo pulls out completely.

"Gonna cum in your ass you fucking cock slut!" Driving his cock in slamming deep Bo screams out shooting ropes of searing hot raccoon cum deep into Luca. Bo shudders panting hard and moaning as he bucks hard against the tight pucker clenching around him. Luca screams out being hilted rough, cum rocketing out and splashing against his prostate.

"Oh.... God, so f-full!!" Cum and piss spurts out around Bo's cock soaking Luca's furry butt. Bo keeps bucking in as he continues cumming; more and more of the mixed brew leeks out. Slowly the copious volley of cum stops, Bo pants hard his climax falling.

"B-boy... I have t-to ask you s-something..." Luca turns to look at Bo panting in unison.

"W-what is it B-Bo?" Luca blushes feeling Bo's cock pulse hard.

"Why were you out in the train station sleeping? Don't you have a home or a place to stay?" Bo picks Luca up pressing his cheat to the blonde ferrets soaked back.

"My dad kicked me out of the house cause I'm a fag. Mom's been dead since I was little and I have no friends to stay with..." Luca's eyes tear up his breathe becoming ragged. Bo holds him tight letting the fur cry silently to himself. Bo sits silently in the snow buried deep inside the ferret in his lap.

"Well, why don't you come stay with me? I have plenty of room and I live alone..." Luca stifles his tears looking back at Bo confused.

"I... I met you less than an hour ago... You ambush me... Piss all over me... Throw me in the snow... Fuck me hard... Cum in my ass... And then ask me to live with you?!!" Bo looks down unsure of what to say. Some time passes in pure silence.

"I thought at the very least I can repay you for what I've done... Besides you looked lonely sleeping on that bench." Luca looks down contemplating what to say...

"Well... At the least, I could use a shower..." Bo blushes looking away.

"Yeah, we both could boy..." Bo pulls out of Luca the mix of piss and cum spraying out seeping down the pairs sack and ass. Luca shudders feeling it run down his thighs causing him to get hard again.

"I'll take you up on the shower... Can we get our clothes first?" Bo chuckle standing up pointing at the door.

"Sorry boy, the door locked behind us! Luckily though I only live a block away." Both furs stand naked in the alley way. Drenched in piss, sweat and cum both furs suddenly get blasted with the searing cold wind. Luca yips feeling the wind whip past his soaked fur. He rushes to Bo grabbing him tight.

"C-can we g-g-go n-n-now?!" Bo grabs Luca by the paw and starts running, the brisk air surging past them. Running down the main street a tall muscular pit bull turns the street corner only to be met by the sight of the naked, soaked furs running past him. Turning back to look, his eyes fixate on the pairs furry buns, his tight jeans tenting instantly. Bo and Luca turn into an apartment building disappearing past the front door.

"Hehe, oh this is interesting!" The pit bulls broad chest heaves getting excited. Walking casually he enters the apartment complex looking down the hallway seeing the furs enter a room. The pit licks his lips smiling wide.

"Fresh meat! Should be fun~" The muscular pit walks down the hall way stopping at the door pressing his ear against it to listen. Pulling his head back he smirks wide licking his lips again.

"Showtime!!" The pit swiftly kicks the door open. The two soaked furs looking back in horror as the big dog walks in slamming the door behind him.

"Hello boys~" The pit unbuttons his pants letting them fall to the ground tossing them aside. Exposing his massive cock and knot, he chuckles gripping his knot squeezing hard. Pre spurts out onto the floor as the pit stares at Bo and Luca.

Yay!! Done with this one, hope you guys like it. I might do another one but not sure... Kinda have to with the ending I gave it...

Well, anyway hope you liked it!! COMMENT PLEASE!!!! Critique is really welcome!!