WG III - Dragon's Conquest

Story by Zantal on SoFurry

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This is a waaay late hatchday gift to an amazingly talented good friend of mine, avatar?user=20094&character=0&clevel=2 Zennith . He writes kinky stuff as well, but hopefully he'll enjoy my attempt at it :).

It's also my entry for the third prompt of the Writers' Guild. If you don't know what that is, check it out (http://sofurry.com/group/1045) - it's a cool project this summer for writers to encourage writing, get constructive criticism, push boundaries, and build community. If you're at all interested I highly encourage you to participate!

Anyway, I went way above and beyond the level of kinkiness I usually do, but hopefully it turned out well. Definitely an interesting experiment. I do worry that I may have rushed the end a bit; the orgasms happen kinda fast there, but hopefully it works.

PS I did start it before his hatchday, but didn't manage to get it done before then. Does that count? XD


The dragon walked down the alleyway, struck by just how quiet it seemed in the street compared to the concert he'd just left. It had been in a smaller venue in the seedier section of town - the band a little too edgy for the average consumer. He now he found himself in a deserted, poorly lit alleyway as he trudged toward the cracked, degrading city street he'd managed to find a parking spot on. The dragon had a relatively normal life - single, but with a steady job, an apartment, and an average name. What he didn't know was by the next morning, none of these details would matter anymore - he would never encounter any of those defining attributes of his former life, and he would never miss them.

It all started when a tiny sparkle caught his eye. A small reflection in the dim light was coming from what looked like a tail reaching out of a storm sewer grate. Curious and a bit benevolent, he changed course to have a look - maybe a snake or lizard had gotten stuck or fallen in. As the dragon approached, he noticed how oddly shaped and colored it was...no reptile he knew had a tail like that...it was almost like an eel, or maybe an octopus...

He approached, pulling his keychain flashlight out and peering into the darkness. As soon as the dragon was over the grate, two more of the 'tails' shot out of the opening, wrapping around his arms and pulling him down. He felt his paws hit the grating, and his flashlight fell within, his eyes catching a split-second glance of a mass like none he'd ever seen before. Quickly, the flashlight was engulfed, and it winked out. What he'd seen would best be described as tentacles, but how many and what kind was totally unexplained by any known creature. They were bumpy, but the skin was smooth and covered in some sort of goo - it had none of the telltale suckers of an octopus, and there were far too many...

Recovering from his shock, the dragon tried to get away, struggling against their grip. He flung his body side to side, tail waving wildly and wings flapping as hard as he could. He managed to get airborne for a few seconds, but his hopes were quickly dashed as more tentacles slid from the grating, and his hind legs were soon gripped tightly...strongly pulling him down...his wings' efforts useless. More and more of the tentacles swarmed, wrapping around his body, pulling him down and constricting him; as soon as he gave up flapping his wings, they were around them, holding them tightly against his scaly hide. His head hit the ground as another slid around it, holding his maw shut. Even his neck and tail were restrained; there was nothing left he could do but submit to...whatever it was....and whatever it was that the thing wanted.

One of those questions was answered sooner than he would've liked. One of the slimy things began sliding against his body...underneath him...sliding inside his pants...teasing against his scales as its size and movements caused his clothes to rip and fall from him. For a second, the dragon almost smiled, enjoying the feelings of his scales being rubbed, but that thought quickly vanished just after it slid over his chest, when the tentacle turned around, slid back, and pushed quickly into his tailhole. He gasped from shock and pain, the tentacle pushing, stretching him open with surprising speed and no regard for the tightness of the dragon's rim- the rim was now surrounding it, squeezing it as it tried to resist the entry - the rim that only tightened as the dragon tensed his muscles in a natural reaction to the surprise.

The startled sounds of the dragon were soon extinguished, however, as another tentacle used the opportunity of his open-mouthed gasps to fill his maw, forcing his jaw to stay open. Soon another tip was poking alongside, and these too kept pushing with little regard to the poor scalie. A few seconds later, his maw filled, the dragon felt them pushing back against his throat, his gag only a brief deterrence until they wormed into his larynx. Of course they didn't stop there - their slime and the dragon's own saliva lubricated their movements as they found their way down his windpipe. It took all of his willpower and fear not to struggle - he worried that any movements might rip his neck open - but they were blocking his airflow - he couldn't breathe! His eyes began to bulge, tail squirming in their grasp...did the beast know what it was doing? Did it know he couldn't breathe?

The dragon was nearly overcome with fear as he began to feel lightheaded...and deep inside a warmth grew. The tentacles had reached his lungs, and an opening in their end was filling them...but filling them with liquid! Feeling faint, in desperation, the dragon tried to inhale, even with the tentacles blocking him and his lungs filled...and to his relief and confusion, he felt a wash of oxygen. Whatever this being was, it clearly knew about the scaly's body - and how to manipulate it. He could feel the creature's tentacles and fluids inside him, and knew it was slowly becoming a part of him, his dependence on its life-giving fluid in his lungs just the beginning...

It was also only the beginning of how full the dragon would become. As the relief from his struggle to breath subsided, the dragon could feel the tentacles - more had entered with his thoughts focused elsewhere - worming deeper inside him. His head held down, he couldn't see the light convulsions taking place underneath his scales as the tentacles filled him, writhing and working through his innards. He felt so full, but it was only a hint of what was to come. Soon, two of the tentacles had found the place they were looking for...his stomach...and they began to drip their fluids inside. What began as a trickle was soon a flood, the dragon's middle feeling so warm - and then so full - his scales stretching as the pressure inside him increased, the fluid beginning to distend his stomach as the tentacles held it from escaping.

It didn't flow constantly though...no; it entered him like another fluid enters a tailhole - in bursts and squirts. He could feel small bulges of fluid traveling down the tentacle...stretching him just a bit wider as they crossed the barrier into his body. Ashamed, he realized his own rod was hardening, the bulges pressing against his prostate, sending lustful pulses into his groin. There was something else though...why was he starting to feel so comfortable with this? A dripping tentacle traced down his back, leaving warm liquid from its tip. It stopped on his snout, and the dragon soon had his answer . He watched as the light blue fluid dripped onto him, and his nose picked up a powerful musk. It's no wonder...such potent liquid being forced directly inside him...filling him...willing him to obey the creature now deep inside him...the one rapidly becoming a part of him - or was he becoming a part of it?

These thoughts faded as he focused on the sensation. The dragon could feel himself yielding, starting to allow himself to enjoy it more - the slimy caress of the tentacles both inside and out, the fill of the liquid as the creature completed him, the pressure on his sensitive spots...

As he began to submit, the tentacles forced his head around, the dim light illuminating a scene just like he would expect from the sensations. It was still shocking, but his submission had already reached a point where it was simple surprise - the revulsion he should have been feeling squashed under the influence of the musk. He stared at the writhing mass of tentacles, their movements beautifully in sync with the sensations inside him - his growing belly - the movements of the tentacles inside him visible as small twitches under his scales. As the dragon looked on, though, he saw spots on forming on his scales. Soon there were more, and they were spreading...what was happening to him? A tentacle dragged across one of the spots, and he saw it ripple...and he realized with a start that it was liquid. Even the musk didn't full stop the mild panic that entered his brain, but he soon found himself making sense of it -he wasn't just being filled with fluid - it was becoming him. As it seeped inside him, it was transforming him, the goo taking over and making him a part of it. A calm emanated from the liquid inside him, reassuring the dragon that it was okay, willing him to relax and let it happen.

The restraining tentacles had slowly been withdrawing - no longer needed as the dragon's submission to the musk became all that was needed. He watched passively as his body became more and more fluid. The last vestige of the dragon's original body was his head, and he felt even that begin to transform. He was entirely liquid, the transforming tentacles' musk coursing throughout him, the two now one and the same, though he could feel his consciousness remain. He knew some part of the liquid was his - that he could control it - but for the moment was happy not to, submitting to it. For a short moment he wondered what the mechanics behind the solid layer holding his body together were - clearly it could turn to liquid at a touch - but then he dismissed the thought, realizing the transforming liquid was clearly unfamiliar to any known science. His thoughts were focused again on the situation at hand as he heard a loud slurp, the tentacles pulling out of his body. As soon as they were all out, they shot around him - slaps echoing as they hit his new 'skin' - and pulled him down with surprising force. He felt his underside give way and the grating slide through his new body, the liquid dragon flowing through the grating and down into the storm sewer.

Knowing he had no choice, and controlled by the musk, the liquid dragon let the tentacles carry him where they wanted. They flowed down through pipes, twisting and turning until they reached a more open cavern. Feeling the increased space, he send a command to his new form with his thoughts, and his body reformed into its normal shape. He waited for his eyes to adjust and tentatively took a small whiff - there was no hint of the expected smell of stagnant water - there was only overpowering musk. He soon found out why, as a dim figure emerged - a dragon-shaped creature much larger than himself. This must be the creature in charge, he realized...unbidden, the thought entered his head that this was his new master.

The other liquid-dragon towered over him - no small feat given he was more than 9 feet tall. The other, though, looked at least 15 - and fearsome. His muzzle was narrow and long, and it hung just slightly open - rows of sharp, menacing teeth showed, all pointed - every tooth designed for killing, none for chewing. A forked tongue moved sinuously, seemingly mocking him. The horns at the top of his head were the most formidable - twisting a full 270 degrees so their tips faced forward, looking sharp enough to split flesh with only a slight touch. The base of the dragon had no apparent legs - simply leading into a mass of goo from which the many tentacles emerged. It did, however, have a distinct pelvis - and a very distinct maleness. Its large penis was dotted with bumps and ridges, and it was already dripping the fluid that made up both of their bodies. Underneath it hung a heavy pair of balls, no doubt hard at work churning out more of the musky, body-altering liquid.

"Welcome, slave." the larger dragon boomed. "Master" he called back, the word jumping into his mind. "Have you ever known greatness?" was the reply. This question gave the dragon some pause...much of his life, while fulfilling, had been average...he stammered as he tried to find a moment, but his thoughts were quickly interrupted. "No matter! No creature has known greatness as I shall, and you too shall be a part of it. This is the beginning of your new form, your new life, and your new desires. Serving yourself now means serving me, but you shall be rewarded in many ways. I see you have already noticed some of the pleasures of your new form." He said in a deep voice, a tentacle emerging to wrap around his hardness, indicating for the dragon just what he was talking about.

"It has been some time since I welcomed a new member to our ranks...let us take a moment to celebrate your transformation." Faced with such a powerful creature, it was clear the dragon couldn't resist...but he wouldn't even if he could have. The tentacles had given him welcome pleasure before, and he knew the larger dragon would be even more talented. Tentacles wrapped around his back and pulled him toward the other, their wet chests colliding with a smack. The large head leaned down and took a long lick against the slave. The smaller dragon returned the gesture, licking the big, strong neck of the larger - and saving the male musk that coated it. Tentacles began to encircle his body, but this time, it was for pleasure, not restraint. He moaned as they traced along his chest, teasing his nipples, and others slid around his groin, teasing his shaft. They wormed against his cock head, wrapped around his heavy testicles and squeezed softly, and slid against the sensitive scales surrounding his entrance.

Soon, one was pressing against his tailhole, wiggling until it opened enough to enter. Both liquid dragons moaned, and the larger one spoke "such a nice, tight new slave...feel how your grip squeezes against even just one tentacle...I can't wait to stretch you more...and I bet you can't either." The smaller dragon nodded meekly, wiggling back against the welcome intrusion and longing to please his master. He knew he'd have his chance; the liquid the tentacle was now pouring inside him wasn't for his own benefit...though it did make the smaller dragon squirm more, enjoying its warmth and slickness...and the thought of how it would help the larger dragon slide deep inside...

The dragon moaned as a tentacle wrapped around his maleness. The tip that was dripping liquid was pressed against the head of his rod, and it squeezed and stretched over it. He humped against it, loving the wonderful feeling of such a tight warmth, and his penis slid deeper inside the tentacle with a squish - liquid squeezing out around it and dripping down the tentacle as his length displaced it. A second later, the feelings intensified as the smaller dragon learned of yet another ability of the tentacles - it suckled around his maleness, feeling like it was swallowing. Each contraction squeezed him so exquisitely, simultaneously pulling him deeper and caressing all the right places. In just seconds, his rod was fully inside of the tentacle, surrounded by its tight grip and its milking convulsions.

Shots of pleasure rocked his body when the tentacle up his tailhole found his prostate. The larger dragon must have known just what he was doing as it pushed and writhed forcefully against it. The smaller dragon could feel his own body pouring more and more of its fluid into the tentacle that encased his hardness...he moaned and humped against them, staring up into the smiling face of his master. He began to whimper, feeling his climax drawing closer, but ashamed that he would do so before pleasing his master. "Cum for me, slave. Don't worry; we've only just begun. But show me how you love having my tentacles pleasure you...yield your essence to your master."

These words had such power over the new liquid dragon that it only took one more thrust before he was shooting his seed, his whole body convulsing as he poured the liquid that was their very makeup into the tentacle of the larger dragon. He moaned and humped along with each twitch of his maleness, enraptured in their lewd acts. The tentacle continued to swallow, teasing the hypersensitive head of the length inside it and sucking all of the fluid down greedily. All too soon, the waves of pleasure were subsiding, and the smaller dragon was left panting...but he could feel that his hardness and drive hadn't subsided. As he looked into the eyes of his master who had just watched him wantonly climax under his tentacles, the smaller dragon felt warmth seeping from his own tailhole - and realized how slick he must be down there, the tentacle in his anus having coated and filled his bowels with their fluid.

"D...Do me, master!" He begged and panted. "Let me feel your powerful rod stretch me wider than I ever have been before! Mark me as yours!" The smaller dragon was a bit surprised at himself, but the musk and lust he felt was overwhelming. "How did you know?" The larger dragon mocked as he lowered his slave's smaller body toward his maleness. The tentacle pulled free, and both liquid dragons watched a flood of fluid rush out of the stretched tailhole, followed by dripping. "Looks like you're good and ready too." "Yes, master...I need this so much..."

The smaller dragon knew the cool restraint of the master broke as soon as his slaves slimy body touched his rod. The very second he felt his tailhole line up with the large penis, he also felt tentacles grab his body and pull him down - what had looked like at least 4 inches of cock head was now inside him as he gasped, even the multiple tentacles from earlier inadequate preparation for this. "Ooh...such a good, tight slave..." The tentacles lifted him just an inch before powerfully pulling on him again, a lewd squish echoing through the cavern as his warm, wet insides gripped the maleness of his master - and he felt the beginnings of the ridges against his rim. Both liquid dragons were moaning loudly now with each slight lift and pull down, the slave happily becoming familiar with each bump and ridge of his master's cock as they slid inside him, gripped by his walls and the tight muscles of his entry.

The force from the multiple tentacles pulling them together pushed at least another inch in each time, and after a few thrusts, the stretched tailhole of the smaller dragon was sucking in another 3. By then, the head was deep inside, so far that the shaft was what was pressing against his prostate. The slave moaned as the uneven surface of the cock tickled and pushed his button, fluid already beginning to leak from his own maleness again. Lewd, wet sounds accompanied the occasional bit of fluid that squished out around the hardness. When the smaller liquid dragon felt his body collide with his master, he was shocked as he realized he now had the entire 2 foot plus length of his master inside...he certainly felt full enough...but he would never have imagined he could fit such a sizable rod inside.

The slave felt his master's thrusts remain forceful, as if there were more inches to go; their bodies smacked together. Each one sent both of their ballsacks flying, occasionally colliding almost painfully, yet he still loved increased contact. As he felt his own warm fluids reach the bottom of his shaft, a warm grip encircled his maleness - and he realized just how aroused he'd already gotten again as his shaft throbbed, shooting fluid over his master's paw, his second orgasm hitting suddenly and potently. He whimpered with each twitch, humping as best he could into the grip, fluid pulsing and shooting over his master's paw. "Ah...such a good, willing slave...show master how you love that cock nice and deep inside...give up your essence to my paw..."

Despite how he knew his inner muscles must be gripping and milking at his master's penis, the smaller liquid dragon never felt him slow - or moan - or even acknowledge the different feelings. His position of power was clearly demonstrated through his self-control. Looking up, he saw the master lick the fluid he'd given him from his large paw, obviously enjoying the taste of his musk and submission. He moaned as the larger dragon kept thrusting, his over-sensitive prostate continuing to be pegged and caressed by the master's textured length at the same rate as before. The low rumble coming from the larger showed he appreciated it, but the smaller dragon still felt a bit guilty at not having brought the larger over the edge yet. He 'mrphed' as he felt his master's paw return to his shaft, which was already nearly over the post-orgasm period and ready to go again.

The smaller liquid dragon felt the other paw of his master reach down to cup his balls; they gently smacked into his palm with each thrust as his claws scratched gently at the sensitive surface. He realized that the tentacles that had been pulling them together were mostly gone, leaving him more free to bounce against the larger male with each hump. His liquid body still rippled a bit with each collision, but their rhythm was more natural than forced - the slave's body clearly accepting and welcoming to the master, their bond no longer needing the force the tentacles had provided.

Their motions continued in this cycle for a number of minutes, both happy with the rhythm and enjoying the prolonged feelings. The smaller male's balls continued to be squeezed, tugged, and even lightly poked and he squirmed a bit with each collision, the shaft of his master wreaking pleasure through his prostate and across his entire body. He could feel fluid leaking slowly from his tip into the warm embrace of his master's paw. His own body leaned against the larger male, and he could feel the quick, happy rise and fall of his breathing. This moment of submission...of joining the ranks...of embracing his new figure...it was exquisite.

Even the careful control of the larger liquid dragon couldn't hold off the inevitable forever. The slave could feel his master's balls moving up, as they began to collide with his less often...he even felt them twitch a bit as they rested against his rump for a moment. His own irregular breathing and increased preeing proved what he could already feel - he was close, too. A deep rumble began to emanate from the larger, and his thrusts began to slow and become more powerful. "Such a good slave...are you ready to culminate your change? And finish the process?"

"Fill me master...show me I've pleased you...show me your pleasure with my new form, as I have shown you already...and will show you again..." he moaned loudly as he finished his pleas. He heard small grunts with the last few thrusts of his master, and the paw surrounding his maleness sped up...it pulled the shaft and worked over the head...he could feel the edge getting near...he was so close...but he didn't want to give in...not before his master was ready...

He gasped and felt his whole body twitch as the most powerful orgasm he'd had yet hit him hard and suddenly, but things only got better from there. The large organ deep inside him, caressed by the sudden contraction, began to pulse, and he nearly screamed in pleasure as the first wave of the larger dragon's cum shot inside him. They shared the fluid that made up their very beings, the smaller male feeling the warmth deep inside as he splashed his own over the squeezing paw of the larger. The tentacles returned and held their writhing bodies together as they came together, celebrating the changes in the smaller and the carnal pleasures they had enjoyed. This time, the smaller male found himself faced with his master's paw, covered in his seed, and he stretched toward it, wrapping his tongue around the digits, licking it clean. The musk-filled fluid was addictive, and soon he was licking between them for any remaining traces.

As the smaller male panted, still impaled on the impressive length of the larger liquid dragon, he felt himself get a little bit queasy. He had taken quite a lot of fluid inside, he reflected, noting with a smile the fullness of his nether regions and how the larger dragon's cock held it deep inside. A few seconds later, he felt and heard a couple of snaps in his legs, and yelped with both pain and surprise. "Don't fear my slave...your transformation is not yet complete. Though you will not be as big as me, you need to be larger - and more fearsome - if you are to help create others. You will have powers like mine as well - the tentacles and strong musk will be essential tools to you. Your powers are not unique; I have sired others like you. The ones you transform will likewise be under your command, though all ultimately serve me."

"I will gladly help others realize their potential."

"Good. I have but one other task for you, my newly transformed dragon. Currently, I cannot leave this cavern. My liquid is too weak to experience solar radiation. But as I acquire more organic material, I will soon be ready. You must collect and bring me the semen of the creatures you transform, for it is rich in the proteins I need. The rest of their bodies, you can transform. Now, relax and enjoy as my liquid shares my power with you..."

Though his new liquid form doubtless made the transformation easier, the smaller dragon was not without pain as he felt - and heard - and saw - the more solid exterior of his body begin to change. He looked on in a mix of fascination, horror, and desire as his body began to expand. The sound of snaps echoed in the cavern as his he watched his legs grow, cracks forming in his exterior and liquid flowing from them, only to reform a newer, more muscular shape moments later.

Vaguely, he noticed the tentacles were back, holding him in place as his master's essence combined and communicated his new form to the liquid that was now his very makeup. His back began to feel very strange, and he weakly twisted his neck - itself in the process of elongation - to peer at it. At first, the sight of a split in his body under his wings scared him. As the smaller dragon stared, multiple tentacles thrust into his body, and he shuddered as his nervous system suddenly became aware of a new addition...the tentacles...he could feel them!

He stared down at the fissure in his body and gave his first mental command. When the tentacle writhed back, he stretched his neck all the way out and gave a deafening roar, the feelings of power running through him. Let the citizens wonder what the powerful sound ringing under their feet was - they'd know soon enough! The liquid of both dragons quivered a bit as the echoing vibrations finally died down. He smiled a toothy grin, teeth visibly extending and sharpening as he did so. They would take the city; it would be theirs - he would be a part of the irrepressible new force...

The liquid, too, he could begin to feel connect and enter his own control. Staring at a paw, he explored his command over it. The smaller dragon's claws dripped, splashing onto his leg, where the liquid was sucked back inside, claws already reformed with other liquid from inside him. His neck snapped back around to look his new master in the eye, conveying his hunger, his lust, his happiness, the eagerness that filled him - and a knowing smile met his. "Patience my slave. Even this rush of new power has not completed you. We must meld once more before you will have the strength you need. And...I must show you how you are to collect their seed..."

Toothy grins of the two liquid dragons met as their red, reptilian eyes stared at each other, a grateful slave drunk with new power awaiting yet more new techniques from his master. Unexpectedly, the smaller male felt his master's large length begin to pull from him, and his expression quickly changed to confusion. "Clench...do not let my fluid escape you slave" was the only reply. The liquid body of the larger dragon rippled in pleasure as his slave complied, the tight grip making the insides catch on each and every ridge and bump, the slow pullout shooting pleasure through both bodies.

The slave gave out a small whimper, feeling empty as the thick length that had been against his prostate slide away, warm fluid taking its place but hardly pressing as exquisitely...unconsciously, a few tentacles from the smaller dragon tried to hold his master in, but the strong dragon pulled harder - he wouldn't punish his slave this time; his defiance was born of need for his master. The prominent tip finally popped out of the other dragon's hole, and the larger liquid dragon smiled as he saw his slave's liquid body quickly react, sealing his hole and holding his seed inside.

Seconds later, the master dove toward his slave, their bodies colliding with a smack, ripples shooting through each of them as the dragons fell on top of each other. Another smack sounded as they hit the stone floor, the larger dragon pressing the smaller one against it. A rumble came from deep in his chest, deep voice softly spoken into his ear "and in your new form, your master can mate with you in ways you never imagined..." The larger dragon bit the exposed neck of the smaller one, teeth pressing inside it - the slave yelped, but felt his liquid body unharmed - beginning to understand just how unstoppable these forms were as master dominated slave. He squirmed in pleasure at a fascinating new sensation as he felt the tongue of his master actually licking *through* him, licking *inside* his neck - tasting the liquid inside of his slave. He continued to shudder, overwhelmed with feelings and pleasures so unfamiliar - but so good.

Finally his master's maw pulled back, and a powerful paw tilted the slave downward to stare at their groins, their two dragon cocks pressed between them. One of the larger dragon's tentacles wormed between their bodies, rubbing at the smaller dragon's tip - and then it began to open, and he felt it move over his rod, squeezing it and pulling it into the tentacle. He gasped loudly into the damp darkness as it sucked him in, liquid squeezing and massaging around it. "And that is how it's done. Do it yourself, slave. You need more of my essence inside you; what better way to learn?" Powerful red eyes stared down into the smaller dragon's, which smiled right back.

"Gladly." The smaller issued his command to a tentacle, and he could feel its tip transform so it became hollow, an opening forming at the tip. He tested a new idea, asking it to swallow, and could see contractions move down the entire length, attempting to suck anything inside through the tentacle and into his body. He smiled and through about how many males he'd get to feel beneath him, submitting to the undeniable pleasure and feeding their essence into his squeezing, sucking tentacle...He grinned wider. It was time to get his first taste.

The smaller dragon moved his tentacle between them, feeling it squeezed by their bodies, finally pressing the tip of it's opening against his master's shaft, which was already dripping with anticipation. A wiggle and a push helped it expand around the tip; he told it to press harder...The slave moaned loudly as unexpected pleasure shot through the tentacle and his spine, the tip of his master popping inside - it occurred to him that now, the entrance to the tentacle was an entrance to himself, and it could be pleasured just the same as his other entrance.

The master and slave's powerful, intimidating heads began to nuzzle and nip at each other, liquid makeup keeping them from having to worry about causing pain in their rough passion. Their brains filled with sexual pleasure as their tentacles sucked each other off, the slave squirming more, the pleasures unfamiliar to him - each inch of his master's rod that disappeared into his tentacle exquisite! Their movements grew more intense, necks coiling and squeezing tight; yet another new trick displayed to the wide-eyed stare of the slave as his master turned his neck liquid, sliding it back out of their grasp only to twine it back with his slave's again.

The smaller dragon watched intently, new possibilities of their forms still occurring to him. His tail slapped against his master's body, then he commanded it to turn liquid, watching it run over the larger dragon's body and drip back onto himself, his own body sucking it back in. More actions like this repeated; both dragons engaged in wild play as their bodies melded in ways impossible for any others. A master's claw pressed into his slave until it was worming inside him, squishing in his very liquid; the slave's tail and tentacle pressed against his master's prostate from two different sides, embedded deep inside him...their bodies writhed, becoming liquid and reforming within and around each other, passion reaching new heights...all the while, their tentacles sucked and pulled at each other's potent, lengthy dragonhoods...

Loud pants of the larger dragon began to join the rushing, splashing, and squishing of their bodies, and the smaller dragon knew he must be getting close. His own peak was still far off, having cum so much already for his master, so he told his tentacle to speed up, squeeze harder, suck deeper...moments later, yet another new feeling began as warmth dragon liquid shot into his tentacle, which sucked it greedily back into his own body. He could feel it traveling down the length of the tentacle, shivering as it finally reached his body and joined his own fluid makeup.

He stared at his master, both dragons in the throes of pleasure as the smaller one's transformation began again...more growth...more power...more...more...the smaller dragon ordered his tentacle to swallow harder, to get every last drop of the master's essence, mind clouded with sensations. The pain this time was unnoticed, pushed away by the thoughts of what he was becoming. He watched his claws grow and sharpen, his body growing, new tentacles forming - the difference between him and his master growing smaller.

He was drunk on lust and power; he knew that. But his master - he too was drunk in the pleasure. An evil thought entered the smaller liquid dragon's head; he began to wonder how powerful he might be able to become. He squeezed hard on the larger male's prostate, keeping him hard and moaning - still coiling their necks, distracting the master from looking at his body. The smaller dragon sent a tentacle between them, rubbing it and coiling it around his master's balls. He felt a moan move through the neck his was coiled around, and his grin grew. The tip of the tentacle turned to liquid but continued to envelop that sack, squishing and flowing around the enclosed testicles, giving an exquisite massage like no other being could.

How much more attention would it take to coax another load from the lust-addled master? It didn't matter; he needed more of the power-giving musk, but the hardness inside the smaller male's tentacle was already dripping pre again - such full testicles could surely withstand three orgasms easily, the smaller dragon reasoned...but felt his thoughts beginning to slip away, need taking over - a deep need for more of that powerful seed. His own dragonhood was still being squeezed, but weakly, the larger dragon focused on the pleasure his slave was giving him.

The roughness of the slave began to increase too, his attempts to pull his master closer to orgasm becoming more adventurous. The liquid massage around those potent balls began to pull at them, and he commanded the inside of his tentacle to become more bumpy - small lumps formed and began to rub along the dragonhood inside, catching at each of its ridges. The sucking sped up, suction increasing and decreasing, pulling hard at the large length inside...

The smaller dragon grinned as he felt the balls his liquid was rubbing begin to move...he squeezed them more, pushing them toward the inevitable climax...finally, they contracted, and he squeezed in time; each and every drop the other dragon had to give, he was going to receive. Deep pleasure rushed through him as the larger dragon gave up another load inside his tentacle, warmth and strength flowing through the hollow, contracting tube, being pulled toward his body. His ears ignored the master's moans of happiness, focusing on the sensations inside him...

Yessss...the power flew into him...he could feel it coursing through him...his thoughts grew stronger; his suspicion became certainty. No; this creature who had brought him here was no master. He was a fool, unworthy of the talents he'd been given. The dragon would suck them away, embrace them for himself.

He was the larger dragon now; he knew that. Yet, the "master" was more experienced - though still too stupidly lost in lust to notice that his "slave" was the one in charge now. One more transfer of seed and he knew even experience wouldn't help enough to make up for the difference in their power. The now larger male continued to pull the other dragon's rod deep inside his tentacle and flow the liquid end of the other tentacle around those balls...could he get another orgasm out of the other dragon without him noticing the new dragon was usurping his power?

Multiple tentacles shoved deep into the now smaller male's tailhole. The larger male could tell from the grimace that the smaller one's liquid body took a moment to adjust to the intrusion, but his moans showed that the fullness and stretching must have quickly overtaken the pain. He pressed the tentacles hard against the other male's prostate, ordering the tentacle surrounding the smaller dragon's cock to keep up it's suction and massage. The other tentacle continued to work its liquid tip around the sack, but the larger dragon wanted to heighten the pleasure - he knew after the last orgasms, this one might be more difficult to draw from him.

The larger male moved his head close to the other's ear, whispering "make it liquid. Let my claws slide inside your sack." The other dragon stared back, wavering a bit - it was clear he was hesitant to accept a request from what he still perceived as a lesser dragon. Yet, as those tentacles pressed against his prostate, it was obvious that the need of the now smaller dragon was too great, and finally, he moaned and relented, moaning as he felt clawtips slide inside. The larger dragon gently rubbed the sensitive, fragile balls of his former master. He squeezed the testicles themselves and slowly rubbed up toward the vas deferens, tracing the path the other male's semen would take. Sharp claws slowly pressed right on the sensitive, powerful nerves, causing the smaller male to gasp and writhe his tail in ecstasy.

Watching the other male writhe under his paws, the larger dragon was curious how much he could dominate the other male. One of his paws slowly worked the other male's tentacle off of his cock. Grinning evilly, he moved his body closer and carefully positioned it, continuing to stimulate the other male so his sexual high would distract him. The tentacles pulled out of the smaller dragon's tailhole, and a moment later, he pushed the tip of his dragonhood inside. Now it was the larger male's turn to moan, as the warmth surrounded his sensitive head, but it wasn't to last. The empty feeling had gotten the other male's attention, and when he noticed what was happening, the smaller dragon's paws began pushing at his chest. "You can't dominate me" he gasped.

Though the larger dragon knew that might not be true anymore, he realized it was more important to get another dose of the power-giving musk than to dominate his former master. He resolved to let the smaller dragon think he's in charge until it was too late, and so he ruefully pulled back out. The other dragon, still thinking of himself as master, smiled and returned his tentacle to the larger male's dragonhood, making it suck gently again. The larger male only smiled back, and he sent three tentacles back up the smaller dragon's tailhole, wiggling and worming them deeper inside, pressing hard against his prostate.

Amazingly, he could tell the smaller male was already again close to orgasm, feeling the testicles contracting under his clawtips. The larger male smiled; as the other male got weaker, he must have been becoming more susceptible to sexual stimulation. The strong self-control from before was obviously long gone. A few more well-placed pokes at testicle nerves and powerful sucks from his tentacles and he felt the power-giving seed flow from the smaller dragon, white spurts hungrily pulled into his body by the hollow tentacle. He grinned widely - he'd done it. The other dragon was giving up another load of his seed, and it was over.

The finale of their sex would also be the finale of the now smaller dragon's reign. With this last orgasm, the former "master" liquid dragon shank more, and the newer one grew again. Ther larger dragon knew now for certain...it would not be the one who had brought him here who would rule the new creatures, who had already begun taking over - it was him. He had seized the power, power that should have rightfully been his to begin with.

The new master realized almost too late that this rush of power and constant stimulation was pushing him close - he was right there at the precipice... No! He wouldn't give up this new power, not for anything, especially not a simple orgasm. His tentacles all rushed forward and shoved the other, smaller male from him, pulling both of their tentacles off of each other's dragonhoods. He was so close though...he stretched his neck down and wrapped his maw around his length, only a few sucks and licks needed before he crossed the line.

His whole body twitched in pleasure as he drank his own fluid, keeping the power inside himself, climax hitting him hard as he swallowed. Many white ropes of thick seed were pulled down his throat before they began to die down, and his eyes looked tiredly up at the other dragon. He lay there in a state of shock, obviously still putting together what had happened, but lost in his own afterglow. The larger male realized with a start that he could also feel a connection to the other liquid dragons - yes, of course; he was the master now...they served him.

The new master took to the air, liquid body allowing him to fly straight out of the grating and into the night sky, ready to begin his conquest. He didn't need a name. The humans could call them the horror; the transformed would simply know him as father. It mattered not to him...soon they would all know the pleasure...though none so intimately as him, the new leader of the siege.

=====Extended Scene - Vore/Absorbtion Warning=====

If you're reading this for the Writer's Guild, don't feel compelled to read the following scene; it *is* vore. However, if you like that sort of thing, this scene goes right before the last paragraph.


He'd taken enough of the other dragon's power to put him in charge, but why not take all of it? Time and time again history showed the folly of leaving behind enemies. He smirked - and by consuming him, in some small way, he'd even give the other dragon the dignity of continuing as the leader - well, as part of him, anyway.

He continued to grin and stare at the smaller dragon, panting before him. He readied himself, and then, with a lightning-fast movement, he used the tentacles that were still deep inside the other dragon to pull his body to him, pushing the former master's head quickly into his stomach, ordering the liquid to be permeable. Before the other dragon had a chance to react, his head was inside the larger male, and the new master's grin widened, knowing it was all over. No matter how he tried to escape, the control center of his body was captured.

Not that he would be very effective at struggling anyway; the smaller dragon was still in the afterglow of 3 staggering orgasms, and he had been panting hard, but was now forced to hold his breath as the liquid body of the larger dragon surrounded his maw and snout. The new master felt sharp claws pressing on his stomach, trying to push the head back out, and he pushed harder with his tentacles. The sudden, strong pressure on his prostate made the whole body of the smaller dragon twitch, and the liquid form of the larger dragon continued to slip him inside, now surrounding his shoulders.

More tentacles from the larger dragon reached out and pulled on the smaller body, increasing the force. He felt the other dragon turn his body to liquid, letting the tentacles slide through him - at first, the larger dragon scowled, but then he held them inside the other dragon's body. He smiled at the now prone form of the former master, waiting for him to turn solid again. Impatiently, he ordered the liquid of his middle to tug, and a great liquid squelch was heard as more of the dragon was sucked inside.

Finally, he could feel the smaller dragon give in, solidifying his body again. The tentacled now embedded inside him pulled him in easily and forcefully. The new master looked on as more of the smaller male entered him, the opening in his body expanding around him, liquid insides enveloping the other dragon. A few more liquid squishes met his ears, and all that was left outside his body were weakly kicking legs. Slowly, he rolled over onto his stomach, squishing the last of the smaller dragon into his now fuller body, stomach rippling as it became solid again.

He rested for a few moments, feeling the entirety of the other dragon joining with his liquid, making him even larger and more powerful. As he slowly began to stand, he chuckled at the sight of so many of his tentacles reaching into his stomach. No longer was there another dragon for them to be embedded in; he pulled them back out with a slurp. The dragon examined his body - larger even than it had been, powerful, intimidating - nearly indestructible! Stretching, he flexed his large legs and wiggled his tail. The liquid dragon grinned and hissed happily, knowing this was his destiny, and overjoyed to meet it.