Fired Up

Story by pentrep on SoFurry

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#126 of Commissions

A commission for Paleumi about a growlithe going a little too far to get the promotion he felt like he deserved.

Fired Up By: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: Some characters in this story and have been created for use within the context of this story. Others are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect. All characters are fictional any resemblance to real-life persons, or anyone other characters, is purely coincidental. Furthermore, there is a prominent micro-macro theme presented in this story. You have been warned.

"I am building a fire,

and every day I train,

I add more fuel"

-Mia Hamm

Excellence, Perfection, Supremacy, or whatever you want to call it; the desire to be the best is at the core of many who partake in the niceties of competition. Of course, there are those whose only enemy of themselves. Those who can accept nothing less than what they perceive to be paramount. Always striving to be the best in whatever they chose to excel. However, there are some times when these individuals take it too far, and often the results can be ones that they don't expect.

Caleb was a young man who lived in the suburbs of Hearthome City in the Sinnoh Region. It was a sprawling metropolis with huge buildings dotting the skyline. Caleb was a growlithe who had lived there much of his life. At 21 years of age he had landed a rather lucrative job as a bouncer at a night club. Despite still only being a growlithe, he was well known for being quite the fighter as he had avoided capture up to this point and even defeated quite a few trainers who often had more pokemon than just one.

He worked at club Amity, which was known throughout the region as being one of the most trendy and hip places to be. Every of-age Pokemon visited the place for its live music as well it's occasional events which were held bi-monthly. Even trainers were sometimes in the place, though they were segregated from the furs, who found themselves sometimes to be a little bit cautious around humans. It was Caleb's job to make sure everyone behaved as was dictated by club policies and throw people out when the need called.

It had been 3 years since that fateful day and since then Caleb had become a head bouncer. All of the locals knew him as a no-nonsense type of guy. But in actuality he was just your regular pokefur with all of the same concerns as everyone else. Especially since he was finding it harder to make ends meet after he had moved out from his parent's home. He even had to go as far as taking as many hours as he could, which his boss was more than happy to give him.

However, it was becoming hard for him to maintain a healthy work and fun balance for him. Even outside of work, he found himself trying to keep in tip-top physical condition. This meant that he trained whenever he could. Sometimes going to the gym, other times going to the stadium to test his skills. It was his goal to be the very best bouncer he could no matter how sore or tired he was. Caleb always went the extra mile in order to meet his own expectations.

One day at the end of his shift his boss called him to her office. She was a bullish person who never took no for an answer. Like Caleb, she had started as a bouncer and worked her way up to becoming a part-owner of the club. Now in middle-aged, she wasn't seen as much, and very seldom did she actually show her face on the club floors. Though she did come to club meetings as well as showing her face during training and community events.

She was a Tauros who was known for her short temper even if she was fair with dealings with her employees. Even still, she was respected all the same for her long-standing contribution to the club over the years. Regardless of every time he was called, Caleb couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He knew he had to go, even if every fiber of his being wanted to avoid it. Once his day was over, he made his way down the hall and knocked on the door that led into her office.

"Come right in." She beckoned from within the room.

The growlithe allowed himself inside and approached her desk. She was turned around in her chair awaiting him.

He stood next to the leather chair, awaiting her instruction. "You wanted to see me ma'am?"

"Indeed, I did. Take a seat, Caleb." The Tauros spun around on her chair to look at the young man.

The dog sat down on the chair and crossed his legs to get comfortable. "How may I help you?"

"Well, I heard that you're wanting to be the head of security not just the head of the bouncers. Is this correct?" She folded her hands in her lap.

The canine nodded. "Yes, ma'am. I do"

"I am willing to give you a shot if you comply with a simple request that I have from a client." She pushed forward a single piece of paper.

Caleb looked down at it. The handwriting was illegible. "What's this?"

"It is a contract from the Poke Center. They want me to try a new supplement with our bouncers. However, I can't just go and give it to everyone. So I've decided to pick you as a guinea pig." The Taurus pulled out a small vial from her pocket and showed it to him.

The growlithe gently grabbed the container from her."What's it supposed to do?"

"They wouldn't tell me. However the money they offered a good sum of cash for trying it out. So if you agree, I will not only give you a chance with the promotion but offer you a bonus if you try it out. The only stipulation is you have to submit to a clinical trial next week. Sound good? Sign the bottom the line on the bottom if it does." She handed him a pen, certain he would accept the deal.

The young man looked over the paper and signed it without delay. "Deal."

"Great. You will start in your new position tomorrow. Make sure you drink it with food. You can even grab a bite before you leave, free of charge if you like. Now off with you, I have people I need to call." She turned back around in her chair and began dialing on her cell phone.

The growlithe looked at the vial and then stuck it in his pocket for safekeeping, deciding to take her up on an offer for a free meal. The club didn't have great food but free food wasn't something he was about to turn down. Besides he had worked all afternoon and wasn't looking forward to having to make dinner. So before exiting, he made his way to the bar. A tall fearow was manning the bar and grabbed a nearby glass, assuming he wanted a drink.

"What can I get for you, Cal?" The man dumped some ice into the glass.

The growlithe scratched his head, thinking for a moment. "Wings and some sparkling water."

"Ah, no gin today?" The bird began to pour some seltzer into the cup.

Caleb shook his head. "Maybe tomorrow."

"Very well. I'll put in the order now. Shouldn't be long since it's pretty slow." The fearow handed him his drink and stepped away to cater to other people.

The canine fished the vial out of his pocket and mixed the contents of it into the drink, figuring it to taste poorly. He downed it in one swig. It didn't taste nearly as bad as he thought.

It wasn't long before his food was served up. The bars buffalo wings were infamous for their secret sauce and he was rather fond of them. The barkeep refilled his drink and the young man ate the rest of his meal without much of a word to his co-worker. After all he knew the real customers were the important ones here. Caleb knew when to mind his place and this was one of those times. He left his friend a tip and waved him a short goodbye before making his way out of the restaurant.

Caleb decided that he would hit the colosseum before he went home. It was often where he trained his skills for battle, in case he needed to use them. The young growlithe was always keen on bettering himself in nearly every way. It wasn't as if he had never had to use his skills in combat before. He'd been in more than enough scuffles in his life and he rather prided himself in not having to rely on anyone else to get out of a tight spot.

The colosseum was towards the far end of town, tucked away in the corner off to the side of where the gym was. Upon exiting the bar, Caleb found that it was becoming dark outside. Street lights were just starting to flicker on for the day. Still he was keen on going to the colosseum, as he knew it closed near dinner time. As he approached it, he saw that many furs and some trainers were leaving the establishment.

The growlithe made his way inside. In the front office, he checked in and was instructed to change before going to do his workout. It was the place's policy that every combatant had to wear a training suit. The one he wore was kept inside his locker and was a form-fitting latex suit that transitioned between red an orange. It was something he figured matched his fur color and one of the few ones that could accommodate his bushy tail.

Once he was changed, he exited the small room and headed back into the lobby into the main area. A sliding glass door led into the main complex. He could hear grunts and yelps of pain as he looked around. He wondered how long it would take him to find a sparring partner. Fortunately for him it wasn't long before he was approached by a somewhat lanky looking Dewott.

"Up for a bout, growly?" The otter-like pokemon crushed an orb of water in its palm seeming keen on a battle.

Caleb nodded. "You're on, Dewey."

The two had spared before in the past and despite the type advantage were regular partners at the Colosseum.

The two friends stepped over to a free arena, which was walled off from other competitors. However, you could hear the noise from other matches on the other side.

"Ready?" Dewey generated another orb in his paw showing he was prepared.

Caleb gritted his teeth and immediately got on all fours, his feet generating some fiery sparks on the floor. The growlithe bounded forward trying to use his speed to his advantage. The canine lurched forward in an effort to grip his teeth on the other Pokefur.

Dewey was able to guard himself with his shells, brandishing them forward as he popped the other fur on the head with them, sending the growlithe reeling on the floor for a moment. It took a moment for the dog to get back up as the attack had dazed him, but he wasn't about to give up just yet. Caleb swiped one of his feet outward in an attempt to trip the Dewott but Dewey was able to hop right over it like it was nothing. The canine jumping forward once more trying to tackle his friend, but the otter summoned a huge wall of water that shielded him from the attack.

The water cascaded forward and sent Caleb reeling back on his behind. He was getting frustrated as every attack seemed like it was falling short. His fury was building inside of him as a fire built inside of him, making him feel even more energetic. An aura of flame engulfed his body. Dewey just shook his head as he knew the other had been consumed y his own rage. The growlithe's body was soon consumed in a ball of flame. Of course the fire had no effect on the Pokemon as his body had long since gotten used to the stress of flame.

Dewey rolled his eyes as he knew his friend was losing himself to rage. Caleb rushed forward on all fours in an attempt to quickly attack his friend. But this was a trick he had tried before and the Dewott was more than prepared for it. The otter raised his right hand into the air, summoning a dark cloud over his body even know they were inside. Soon rain began to trickle down on top of them, a steady stream of water surrounding the water Pokemon with Dewey standing defiantly in the middle, knowing full well his attacker couldn't get to him.

Caleb stood in front of the steady stream of water waiting for it to subside. His body felt strange and his clothing tighter than it normally was otherwise. Some condensation was forming on his body, a phenomenon he had never experienced before. His body heat was at its peak, even if his attack had subsided he couldn't get rid of the sensation of the fiery fury inside of him.

"Give up, doggo?" Dewey's face had a huge smirk on it.

The growlithe frowned. "Fine. I admit defeat."

Dewey snapped his finger and the rain cloud disappeared, leaving him undefended. Caleb knew this was his chance and got up further feigning defeat. The otter approached the other male, though not as cautious as he otherwise should.

Just as they were within a personal distance of one another, Caleb reached forward to took his friend by the shoulder and pinned him to the floor.

"Really? Can't just play fair? So be it.." The dewott placed a paw into the floor and summoned a pool of water and submerged into it.

Caleb whined a bit as he watched the dog virtually disappear right before his eyes. Within moments the Dewott reappeared from above and descended upon the growlithe without delay. It wasn't long before Caleb was completely pinned underneath the larger male.

Dewey pushed Caleb's face. " nice and I'll let you get up."

One thing that Dewey noticed was how hot the dog's body was. It wasn't hot enough to cause him any pain but it was definitely noticeable. It was also apparent that the canine's battle suit was somewhat small on him.

"Okay...okay. I won't play dirty anymore." Caleb was squirming underneath the larger male's weight.

The Dewott pushed himself lightly off the growlithe. "Good boy."

The otter stood up and soon his friend followed. The two brushed themselves off and Dewey looked directly into the other male's eyes. It seemed strange. He had always been a bit taller than his friend and yet now they stood eye to eye.

Caleb was still feeling rather balmy. In fact, so much that perspiration was beginning to drip off his body. It was strange, especially considering the fact his body was normally used to his increased body heat. Even though things had settled down, the Growlithe very much still had an aura about him. The dog looked at his hands and saw that his long-sleeved battle suit no longer reached his wrists. The entirety of his wardrobe was feeling rather tight on his form.

"You feeling okay?" Dewey noticed Caleb looking himself over.

Caleb shook his fist. "Just can't shake this weird feeling and my clothing feels less comfortable than otherwise."

"What do you mean?" The dewott crossed his arms patiently awaiting an answer.

The growlithe brushed himself with his paw, scraping off some perspiration onto his paw pads. "See?"

"Sweat? I mean I sweat sometimes...just not where my fur is. But I guess that's strange for you since your a fire Pokemon and more used to heat than I am." Dewey reached out and touched Caleb's red fur.

Even though the young man's body warmth, he could feel the ever-present wetness on his body.

The growlithe was still breathing quite hard even despite the elongated respite they had after finishing their battle.

A beep was overheard and a voice followed. "All combatants, please prepare to exit the building. Closing will be in 15 minutes."

"Guess it's time to head out. Let's go then." Dewey put his arm over Caleb's shoulder and the two walked out to the main area.

Once they arrived back at the main lobby, which was full of people at this point. Many of them were waiting to go into the changing rooms which were divided by gender. The two filed into the line where they proceeded to wait their turn to go into the changing room.

It took a while before they managed to get through the line in its entirety. By the time they made it to the front, Caleb was sweating bullets. It was so noticeable at this point that the drops were dripping off his body and onto the floor. The heat emanating around the growlithe's body was becoming even more obvious as time passed on to. Even Dewey was feeling hot which was a somewhat rare occasion for him. All the growlithe wanted was to get to the shower and sooner rather than later.

Another few minutes passed before they finally managed to get inside. Caleb rushed on his own to the shower stalls, not even bothering to take his battle suit off. It was getting more uncomfortable on him but it didn't bother him anywhere near as much as the increasing heat of his body did. Once he arrived at the shower stalls, he wasted no time in turning on the water. Normally water bothered him but he was much too sweltered to be worried about that right now.

Upon entering the cubicle, the water poured onto him and immediately formed into steam. The fumes rising up around him and making the space around him quite foggy. The clothing on him was beginning to rip as his body began to surge and grow bit by bit, the elastic fabric no longer able to maintain it's form-fitting style. His body was beginning to tense and pulse, fleshing out with each passing second, still exuding an uneasy warmth over his figure.

Not only this but he was getting rather worked up. His bulging member was pressing hard against the fabric, which only very loosely clung to his body due to the ripped nature of its fabric. For whatever reason he was rather worked up and impulsively felt obligated to indulge himself. Immediately he struck out his claw and ripped the fabric keeping his sheath and cock constrained. He ripped the remainder of the latex off and freed himself.

Caleb reached out and touched his sheath, rubbing it. Already his red rocket was semi-hard and upon touching it, He began groping himself and placating his need in order to satisfy his primal urge. Slowly he started to thrust his grip against his member back and forth, rocking against his balls. With each motion, his need became more urgent and his movement became more rapid. Gradually he allowed his back to rest against the wall in an attempt to get comfortable.

He allowed his grip to thread over the knot. Stretching over his fleshy member with each stroke. It wasn't long before his tip began to leak precum. He knew he was getting close. It took every fiber of his being to not to moan. Instead whining a bit as he felt himself inch towards his limit. Deciding to slow down a bit, he teased himself a tad. His cock aching for more and tantalizing him to pick up the pace. Of course, he didn't last much longer and cummed before long.

Caleb sighed in relief as his body finally eased up. The burning sensation in his body seeming to dissipate with his own relief. Much of the fibers on his body, being torn at or otherwise torn from the stress on his body. His body felt different and he couldn't' be sure why. He finished up in the shower, cleaning himself of his own decency and washing his indulgence down the drain as a secret never to be shared.

Before stepping out he shed the remainder of his clothing, taking it in his right paw to dispose of. He knew there was a towel outside that he could wrap himself in. Once back outside, he covered himself in the towel and found that Dewey was waiting for him. The other male had already gotten dressed. Caleb assumed he had taken too long in the shower but even still, he didn't seem to be bothered by the wait.

"All done?" The Dewott got up from his seat.

Caleb nodded and approached his friend. "I just gotta get dressed and then I'm ready."

The Growlithe went to his locker and got dressed, finding that his clothing only barely fit him. Though he decided to ignore it as he wanted to get home and relax in order to put his defeat behind him. Now within personal distance, Caleb saw he had to tilt his gaze downward to meet the other man's gaze. It was apparent that he had gotten bigger. But the real question was why.

" did you get bigger than me?" Dewey felt a bit awkward having to look up at his friend.

Caleb wasn't entirely sure so he thought about it, then remembering about the vial he was given by his boss. He then proceeded to explain what he thought was the cause to his friend, sharing the reason why he had decided to take part in the trial. The Growlithe couldn't help but wonder if he would get any bigger and found himself rather enticed by it. But for now he decided to drop the issue and discuss it with his boss who he figured would have an explanation for him.

So the two exited the colosseum together. It was dark by this point and the street lights to the city had been turned on. The two recanted their day, Dewey trying not to rub in his victory since he knew Caleb wasn't the best at losing. Though all in all the two were the best friends and they would look forward to further battles. The growlithe already thinking of next time and how his improved size would benefit him at work.

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