Swole Goals

Story by SorenBluebird on SoFurry

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#5 of Comissions

Man, this one got a bit over the top. Hope you enjoy anyways!

"So... W-what you're saying is... All I have to do is sign this contract and I'll be better with the ladies?" The nerdy-looking antelope asked and looked up at Allan.

The sly feline demon gave a nod and chuckled lightly, assuring the timid wimp that his fears were unwarranted.

"Absolutely. You'll be better with any sexual partners you may want, especially girls." He said in response while waiting patiently.

The antelope pushed up his glasses excitedly and looked back at the contract floating in front of him. His entire body was shivering in excitement as he thought about all the good things in his future! He took the magic quill next to the contract and signed his name with shaking hands. His signature was scraggly at best, but it seemed to do the trick.

Being like many of Allan's clients, the antelope didn't bother reading the fine print.

The cat couldn't hold back his wicked grin as the contract caught fire immediately after being signed. The antelope in front of him would immediately begin changing as soon as the blue flames finished devouring the parchment. Allan shut his eyes and took in that tell-tale bleats of confusion and worry.

The antelope swiftly and unceremoniously began to shrink and reform. His head pulled in to his body, as did his arms and legs, and left him in a cylindrical shape while he shrank smaller and smaller. His mouth forcefully shaped itself into a permanent "O" shape as his facial features disappeared entirely. His body curved a bit and became pointed at the tip while his lower half bulged out into what would become his 'knot' and base.

Allan grinned as he picked up the newly-made dildo, rolling it over in his paws to inspect his handiwork. He could feel the slight squirming of the 'antelope' as he gave him a firm squeeze around his new knot. The whole thing would vibrate intensely for a moment as immeasurable pleasure shot through the nerd's new form. The poor sucker could still sense everything around him and was nice and warm still.

"See? Now you'll be better with 'any' sexual partners!" He said with a chuckle and tossed the still-shuddering phallus into his backpack, "you just probably won't get to choose which partner that is..."

The Nekomatta smiled a wicked, toothy grin.

Another job well done! He hefted his backpack of various newly-transformed toys and headed back towards home. He kept thinking how much his pet, a small and eager little rabbit, would love these new toys to be forced to use. He would be completely unaware that they had been people just hours before, and the thought of that made Allan even more excited.

However, the feline wouldn't make it home before being confronted with something he hadn't seen in this area before. A new gym stood between him and his home. He had walked this stretch of land for years and this place had never been here. Hell, he had been around this area 'yesterday' and this place hadn't been here, but here it was now. Allan narrowed his eyes in suspicion as he went to get a closer look.

As he walked forward, he could finally see what this place was called. It proudly (and disgustingly un-ironically) had "Swole Goals" over the front door in huge, gold letters. He could see massive people of all species working out on all sorts of equipment. It looked just like a regular gym until he inspected further.

He noted a few things very quickly.

Firstly, the sign outside the entrance proclaimed that one could "Get Swole in Minutes on Our Machines!" He was skeptical at best, but he could smell something fishier going on than just wild claims. Nekomatta like Allan were very territorial against other demonic beings, so the idea of another demon giving him competition made him instantly annoyed and on edge.

Second, there seemed to only be strength-training equipment inside: no treadmills, no exercise bikes, no steps. It only had weights, barbells, ab crunch machines, and other things of the sort.

Lastly, and most intriguingly, there wasn't a single scrawny person in there. There wasn't a single "normal sized" person in there!

Everyone that he could see through the windows out front was absolutely massive, their bodies swollen to ridiculous proportions with raw muscle. Male, female, it didn't matter. Everyone inside was absolutely yoked and there was no way that they had gotten that way without magic of some sort. The only average-sized person he saw in there was the blue bird behind the counter.

He decided that a swift detour was in order. There was no way that this place was any type of normal. Something magical was going on here, and the feline wasn't about to let some new guy muscle (quite literally) into his territory. He pushed the double doors open and 'immediately' the stink of sweat and masculinity hit his nose. He downplayed his reaction a bit, but anyone observant enough would notice his heartbeat quickening and a paw shoving into his pocket to readjust a growing hard on.

"Hello, welcome to Swole Goals!" The bird behind the counter chirped happily at him. "My name is Soren; how may I help you?"

Allan looked over at the avian and frowned. Looking at him up close told the cat that something was off.

Soren's body seemed entirely two-dimensional, even though he existed in the three-dimensional plane. There was an 'outline' that was visibly black, and any time he turned the outline would shift to stay in the direction the feline was looking from. To the old-fashioned demon, it would seem like he was a construct or avatar of someone very powerful.

"What kind of operation are you running...? You weren't here yesterday, and already you've got this many meatheads working out solely here?" He said, narrowing his eyes and studying Soren carefully. "Your master or creator may have not told you, but this is my territory. And I don't take kindly to would-be intruders."

Soren smiled brightly with the composure of someone who had dealt with tough customers before.

"Oh, I have no masters." He said back, "I created this place myself."

"I do apologize for doing so in your territory though. I simply wanted a place where those looking to get big quickly would have an easy means to do so! If you'd like, I can give you a free lifetime membership to show you how sorry I am and to make things right between us." He said, quickly pulling out a hefty contract and resting it on the desk in front of him.

Allan smirked as he saw the paper, and his eyes gleamed. Deals were where he shined, especially those that were written and signed. He was almost in disbelief with how easy this was going to be. He would simply rewrite the contract with more vague wording and force the gym to shut down forever!

"See, this sort of thing?" He sneered, walking over and grabbing the contract, "That's 'my' thing. I make deals that ultimately get me what I want, and I..."

He stopped short, having read through the whole contract while he was talking.

There really was no fine print, at least not in the way that he thought there would be. The contract plainly stated, "Gain hundreds of pounds of muscle in minutes or your money back guaranteed! Become the Adonis god you've always wanted to be." The rest of the contract was more business formal than anything else, describing each part of that guarantee in painstaking detail, with the last page being the cost of it all. It didn't even have a contract length, stating that he could back out any time he wanted. Not a single part was left vague, making Allan all the more frustrated.

It was an airtight contract, with no ways that it could be used against Allan, but...

It also didn't seem like a bad deal. He was getting all of this for free, and the idea of being bigger really did turn him on to no end. As a Nekomatta, he had illusion magic. He could make it seem like things appeared and disappeared, and he could teleport things from one place to another (as he did with his contracts). He could not, however, change matter or transform things directly.

All of it seemed way too good to be true, but after rereading the contract for a fifth time he was convinced. Besides, since it didn't have a contract length, he could get out of it at any time and go back to working on shutting this place down.

"Like what you see?" Soren said, breaking the feline out of his deep thinking.

He took the contract back and waved a wing over the last page, making 'waived' appear in all the spots for the payments.

"It's usually upwards of about $5,000 for a lifetime membership, but obviously that's waived for you. Also, if you're not satisfied with the results then you'll actually 'receive' that 5 grand as part of the money back guarantee. I just want to make sure that there's no hard feelings between us."

Allan looked back down at the contract, then back to the bird. There was no way that this contract would screw him over. He would come out of this on top no matter what, and even if this bird brain 'tried' to screw him after it was signed his own magic would keep Soren bound to the contract's details.

The cat gave a wide grin and nodded.

"Okay, alright. I'll take you up on that offer." He said with a chuckle and quickly signed the bottom of the paper.

As he did, he rapidly looked for any shenanigans: any words shifting on the page after the fact, glowing runes hidden somewhere, but nothing happened. He thought for sure that some loophole existed somewhere, but the paper stayed stationary (pun very much intended) in his hands. No glowing, no disappearing, it was just a regular old contract. He finally handed it back to the bird who simply put it under the desk and nodded.

"Thank you for your understanding. You're welcome to use our facility as much as you'd like starting today." Soren said, still chipper as ever.

Allan's sizable cock throbbed down a pant leg as he turned to look at the machines around him. The idea of getting ripped in a few minutes made him more excited than he had been in a long while.

Now that he was inside and had a moment, he could actually watch as the animals around him grew bigger with each rep or squat or set. The room reeked of sweat, worse than any other gym he had been in, but that only worked to spur the cat on more. His nostrils flared as he took in the smell, and he let his dick grow harder as he imagined himself producing it.

He walked over to an empty lifting bench and looked at the weight bar above it. It looked pretty standard, but on closer inspection he would realize that the bar itself weighed 100 pounds, with another 300 pounds of weights being locked on either side of the bar. That was 700 pounds in a single rep, which was intimidating even for a demon like him!

Despite his trepidation, he figured whatever magic had made this place appear could at least help him start out.

He took out his phone and texted his pet, telling him to get to where he was right now. That little rabbit of his was going to absolutely adore his new form. After some issues with the technology, he sent his location and put his phone to the side.

A looked down at his street clothes made the feline shake his head. This outfit wouldn't do. He snapped his fingers, and a blue flame consumed his current outfit. It was quickly replaced with full gym attire. He nodded and smiled as he was left in a loose white tank top, gym shorts, and a jockstrap that was already being strained by his erect member.

He turned and laid down on the bench, half-excited and half-mortified as he felt a wet 'squelch' drench his back in what his nose told him was someone else's sweat. He huffed and shook it off quickly, focusing on the weight bar above him. He gripped it firmly with both paws and began to push, carefully trying to get it off the hooks holding it in place. It didn't seem to budge at all, and instead he was overtaken by an unexpected feeling instead.

He would look in slight awe as the single attempt at pushing up that 700-pound beast caused his muscles to bulge outwards. At first it could have easily been mistaken as him flexing, but they didn't retract back in after he stopped pushing.

After trying only once, his muscles had grown to a point where it looked like he was still flexing. It still certainly wasn't anything compared to the rest of the folks in here, but it was noticeable to Allan. His dumbfounded look quickly turned into a wide grin as he pushed at the bar again. Once again it didn't budge, but again his muscles "flexed" themselves bigger.

Now it looked like he was flexing while his muscles were as big as they were a moment ago. It was building on itself, making him 'flex' and then making that the new default. His arms and chest already looked disproportionately large to the rest of his body after two failed attempts at lifting the bar. He could only imagine what was in store when he actually got it off those hooks.

He gave a few rapid-fire pushes, feeling his muscles inflate almost comically fast! He had easily added 50 more pounds of muscle to his upper body alone after only 8 or 9 tries, and now he could feel the bar loosen from the hooks and begin to push into the air. By the time Allan had managed to free the bar and begin doing actual reps with it, his whole upper body had grown to the point where he could easily be mistaken for a pro-wrestler.

He could feel the muscle fibers growing and building. It even started to affect legs and ass where a bench press usually wouldn't help at all. He couldn't stop himself from letting out a barreling laugh as he finally took the bar off the hooks and did an actual pump with it. The deep bass rumble of his own voice surprised him, but that didn't slow him down at all.

After a single pump of that 700-pound iron he would feel the growth rate nearly triple. By the time he had lowered it down, let it rest on his already-straining tank top, and pushed it back out, he would feel his body gain another 50 pounds of muscle at "least". He would laugh again as he gave another pump, his whole body rippling with the added muscle mass. It felt absolutely amazing, and soon enough even the 700 pounds of metal seemed to be too easy for him.

His cock was completely hard throughout all of this, and it had seemingly been growing with the rest of his frame. His balls were definitely bigger too. They strained even the loose gym shorts he had on, with a very defined wet spot right at the tip of it all. He could feel his own sweat dripping like he was in a sauna, but it only added to the lust he felt. Instead of some other guy's stink reeking up the place, it was his own overpowering scent pervading through the air.

He was so lost in pumping that magical iron that he didn't even notice when his pet arrived.

The little rabbit Sammy would be very confused by what he found at the address his master had given him, and would quickly come inside to investigate. This very quickly proved to be a bad idea as that intense musk hit him hard. The poor lagomorph boi had been conditioned to go into heat whenever he caught a whiff of his master's masculine scent, so having so much of it hit him all at once nearly took him off his feet.

Soren tilted his head and looked at the rat, who definitely didn't seem like his usual clientele.

"May I help you?" He asked as the bunny's knees shook underneath him from the smell alone.

"I... U-uh, I'm here... to uh, meet someone..." He stammered, looking around the room and finally spotting what he could only assume was his master.

Hearing the little slut's voice, Allan would stop his reps for now and sit up. He would grin menacingly as he nodded to Sammy and shouted in an impossibly deep, bassy voice towards Soren.

"He's with me!" He said simply, Sammy walking up to him and looking up in awe.

The feline was easily over half a ton of defined muscle. It had spread pretty evenly throughout his body as well, despite the fact that he had only been working his upper body. He still would have looked top heavy if it weren't for the immense, unwieldy bulge in his extremely strained shorts.

His pecs were easily bigger around than hubcaps, and his ass and thighs were heavier by themselves than the rabbit's entire body. His biceps were big enough that the feline probably wouldn't be able to reach his own face, and he had 12 washboard abs that could easily be seen through the fabric of his sodden shirt. His entire body was coated in a thick layer of glistening sweat. He had completely burst out of his shoes as well. His massive feet were now barely covered by socks that were quickly becoming Swiss cheese under the strain of such massive footpaws.

"M-ma... M-master?" Sammy sputtered, his own small cock already threatening to spurt just from the sight and smell of the overwhelming beast.

Allan grinned and gripped the bunny's goofy ears firmly before shoving him underneath that bulging cock-head.

"Why don't you take a sniff and tell me if it's your Master or not!" Allan let out, chuckling as the rodent was quickly overtaken by that smell.

Sammy's mind was gone in an instant.

He had been well trained to crave his Master's musk, but with so much of it pouring into his sensitive nose it was impossible to do anything to stop his brain from breaking. He immediately creamed himself, not even needing to touch his crotch to shoot a sizable load into his briefs. His torment had only just begun though. He moaned and began lapping mindlessly at the front of those gym shorts, drinking down that sweat like water in a desert. He had wiggled out of his clothes in an instant, getting Allan ever so slightly worried.

"Now wait, pet. We can wait until we get home for this..." He said, glancing around at all the people that were now staring at them.

Usually he wouldn't mind a show of public force to humiliate his pet, but he didn't want to be kicked out of an establishment that could benefit him as much as this one could.

Sammy didn't respond. Instead, in a haze, he continued to lick. His heat was all his shattered thoughts could wrap around, and like a feral animal he would get himself fucked at any cost.

He turned his nude body around and began to grind against that bulge. The only noises he could make were pitiful whines of need. Allan couldn't help but grunt as a thick shot of pre shoved its way into his grimy, ruined jock and dripped down onto the rat. Sammy let out a loud moan as it splashed against his back and ass, making his advances all the more fervent.

Allan sighed and shook his head.

"Fine, if you want to make a slut of yourself in public, that's fine by me, but go take some other poor sucker's cock. That's an 'order'." he said as he got back onto the weight bench. He wasn't even close to being done beefing up just yet!

Sammy would walk away obediently for the time being, allowing the feline to continue getting sets in to make himself bigger.

He got lost in the growth once again, so much so that he barely even noticed when something shoved against his gargantuan footpaw. He would set the bar down and look to see a hugely bloated, dazed rabbit trying fervently to shove his loose tailhole down over a ginormous toe. He sighed and was about to reprimand his pet before noticing something.

A quick survey of the room would show that every guy in the gym was totally spent sexually. There was cum everywhere, snail-trailing to where the rodent now sat. Allan would feel his toes getting wet and squishy with other people's cum as his pet finally managed to get his big toe into that gaping hole.

"Rrrh... Fine, can't wait until we're home? Then I hope you're ready for everything you asked for!" He said, gripping the rodent and putting all his newfound strength into 'shoving' his foot into that ass. A loud yelp would cut through the sounds of beefy grunts in the room as that nearly size 40 foot would shove in it's entirety into the unprepared rodent! Sammy would moan and shoot another pathetic load weakly onto the floor as his Master's paw stretched him wide, his beefy calves keeping him plugged up.

"There, fucking needy slut..." Allan growled, doing his best to ignore the warm goop that was now coating his right footpaw. He laid back down on the bench and began working out again. "You can be my new shoe until we get home, you're certainly stretchier than my last ones..."

And with that, the feline would continue to grow. He would spend the better part of the night in this new gym, getting bigger and bigger. The little fuck-sock would continue moaning, but would be pliable enough to take every new shoe-size his master added to himself. His hungry ass was sated enough by the huge appendage still roughly plugging him up.

On and on it went until Allan's body took up nearly the entire gym space. His poor pet was nothing but a cum-soaked sock for him at this point, as a perfect outline of those gargantuan feet could be seen through his stomach.

He finally set down the barbells he had been lifting, having moved on to putting one in each hand, before looking down at the bird who was still standing behind the counter.

"I see you've enjoyed yourself. I'm glad that we could make this work." Soren said with a wry smile as Allan stomped towards the door.

"Absolutely!" The macro-muscled man replied in a voice so deep and strong that it shook the entire building, "and I'm sure I'll be back tomorrow!"

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