Alijin's Allegiance 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The gradual change to Alijin continues, this time with the maze doing more and more to her mind as well as her body. It won't be long before she meets the owner of the maze, either, but what will she do when she gets there?

Commissioned by Engy

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Alijin's Allegiance 2 A Hugo's Maze Story For Engy By Draconicon

With her transformation from elf to dragoness, Alijin found that things weren't quite as bad as she'd feared. Though she had become something of a monster - and there was no calling a dragon anything but a monster - her sense of morality was still intact. She didn't feel an additional urge to rut or to collect treasure. She didn't feel a need to take over the countryside or feed on cows. Nor did she feel the urge to go out and take over whole cities.

All in all, it was a decent transformation, and one that she felt had to be better than some of the alternatives in the other rooms.

Of course, without her armor, things were going to be a bit more difficult. Her scales were something, but...

Alijin looked down at her body again. The curves notwithstanding, there were definite vulnerabilities now. No dangly bits, thankfully, but her breasts were definitely soft and heavy, heavy enough to throw her off her game if she wasn't paying attention. She could end up swinging her blade and going down hard, falling right on them.

Or her ass. She could feel the hefty weight back there, and she didn't know how it was going to affect her fighting abilities. She knew that she didn't have a choice, really, and that she had to keep moving forward, keep fighting regardless, but...

Well, that fat ass was going to be a problem, and so was the hunger between the cheeks.

Alijin reached back, blushing as her tail went up as soon as she touched her ass cheek. There was a twitching going on down there, the fat rump cheeks begging to be spread, to have her...other

No one is fucking my vagina, she thought.

Unfortunately, she couldn't think the same about her ass. That pucker was clenching and twitching like mad, and it had been for some time. Ever since she had gone through the first portal, the first cursed passage, she had felt it going crazy back there. She didn't know why, and she didn't know how to stop it. All she could do was try and -


She gasped, pulling her hand away. Her fingers had only barely brushed her pucker, and it had felt better than anything that she had done as a man before taking her vow of chastity. Holy...

No, that was not holy. Unholy, perhaps, but not holy in the slightest.

Clenching her fists at her sides, Alijin took one breath, then another, and then another. They didn't help her get rid of the lust under her tail, but they didn't make it worse, either, and that was all that she could hope for at this point. Feeling the way that her nipples were going hard, feeling the wetness between her legs...well, it meant that there was a lot to deal with right at that point in time.

I am a paladin. I am going to take care of all the bad things in this dungeon. I am going to deal with all the monsters that might have threatening others. I am going to get rid of anything evil.

That was the paladin oath. That was their duty. And that was what she had come here to do.

She just hoped that she could still do it.

When the shivers running up and down her spine stopped, she reached for her blade. It felt small compared to what it had been, what she was used to, but she supposed that meant that she could just swing it faster. She tapped the sharp side against her arm, testing the blade, and she was surprised to feel nothing. A little pressure, perhaps, but no more.

Apparently, the blade was no longer sharp enough to penetrate her scales...or her scales were hard enough to resist the blade.


It seemed strange for a creature to enchant his maze to make it so that the people coming in got stronger rather than weaker. Alijin wanted to think that it was down to arrogance, but she had yet to meet a minotaur that seemed overweening in that way. Confident, yes, and even occasionally cocky, but...

The further she got into the maze, the more she wondered if she was wrong about the minotaur that had taken refuge here. He seemed to be less angry and evil and more just...different.

I will have to judge him when I see him.

Shaking her head, she sheathed her blade as best she could, and then made her way out of the chamber. She had yet to find any minions in the dungeon, and she didn't know if she actually would. The place seemed remarkably empty.

The hallway was her next destination, and she could feel something pulling her along towards the end of it. She turned -


Something hit the floor, and the dragoness tilted her head down. A potion vial? Shattered and broken, the pieces of glass were scattered among something bright and shimmery on the ground, spread out and -


And just as she was tilting her head back up, a pair of frog feet that were coated in the same goo pressed down against her face, one pair of webbed toes over her nose, the other over the back of her head. The ooze slipped into her scales, soaking in, and her head went blank.

"That's it...just relax..."

There was a feminine voice above her, something that was soft and easy to listen to. She cocked her head to the side slowly, taking in a breath -


"Heh, that's it. Just breathe it in. Some dragon cum mixed with some bull seed, some reagents...yes...Just breathe in...listen to your new mistress..."

Mistress. There was a...something wrong...something very...

Alijin would have been able to push back from willpower, once, but the elf was no longer there. Instead, she was a dragoness, and the dragoness seemed remarkably weak to this. She groaned, taking in another breath after another, her eyes rolling back in her head as she breathed in the soft musk, the smell of dragon and kappa and minotaur all rolling together and getting stronger by the second.

"You're going to listen to me, now. My little minotaur needs a good little helper. He needs someone to help keep him in line, and someone that can help care for all the minions that he's going to have. You'll be perfect for that. Just make sure that you do what I say."


The dragoness felt the pressure on the back of her head and the end of her snout forcing her to nod, so she did as she was told, her head bobbing forward, then back, then forward again.

"Good girl," the voice said. "Now, let's talk about...puns..."


Time passed, and Alijin 'woke up' in the middle of an armory. She didn't know how she'd gotten there, but she felt like it was where she needed to be. The dragoness looked around, seeing the walls laden with magical equipment, from armor to weapons to the obscene.

She looked at her sword, then tossed it away. There was no reason for her to carry that. Her best weapon was herself, now that she'd been transformed. She had the strength to deal with anything, minotaur included.

"Let's see how his fate weighs on these scales," she said, slapping her chest a bit.

There was a soft groan in the background, but she quickly forgot about it. Instead of taking a weapon, she stood on the central circle, and as soon as she did, it lowered her down into an arena.

The dragoness glanced left and right, taking in the sandy floor, seeing the little panels for traps all over the place. They were standard, something she'd seen and dealt with in a number of different mazes. She knew how to handle them, how to avoid triggering them, how to fight around them.

But it was the minotaur that had her attention more than anything else. Alijin looked at him...

And she smiled. Already, she was sure that there was no evil there. Detect Evil should have had him glowing with a red aura if he had even a smidgen of it, but there was none. Only a hint of pink, more of a lusty glow than anything else.

"Well, this fight certainly won't drag-on."

She had said it just loud enough for the minotaur to hear, and he groaned, slapping one hand over his forehead. More than that, though, she saw that it had an effect on his loincloth.

She'd only just noticed the bulge down there, and Alijin blinked as she realized that it was shrinking from her pun ever so slightly. Even so, it still stood out at a good twelve inches, maybe more, and she could see the edge of his balls underneath it. She cocked her head to the side as the minotaur looked her up and down...and yes, there it was, the bulge went right back up, growing by two or three inches.

"Well, you aren't evil, but you certainly are sporting a...weapon," Alijin said as she walked across the arena.

"Well, um, yeah. It's kinda my best weapon," the minotaur said.

"What's your name?"

"Hugo. You?"


"Um, nice to meet you. I have to say, I didn't expect, um..."

The paladin gestured down her body, and as she did, the minotaur's eyes went up, down, up, down, and up again, scanning and seeing everything. More than that, his cock rose further, going up so far that the front of his loincloth lifted up around it, falling to the sides and revealing...well, something massive.

The dragoness had never been a cock-lover as an elf, but this...this was something that was worth admiring. Her asshole started twitching again, begging for the feeling of that thing buried deep inside of her, even as her pussy went wet.

No. That stays closed, she reminded herself, and it was...surprisingly easy, she found, to think that. The more she thought about her pussy being closed for business, to so speak, the easier it got.

However, it only made her need it up the ass that much more. She could feel her ass cheeks tensing, almost bouncing from how hard her hole clenched, begging to be filled. She groaned under her breath, shaking her head.

"Um, are you okay?" Hugo asked.

"Yes, yes. I just have something that we need to take care of."

"We? Don't you want to fight?"

"Not really. You're not evil, so there's no real point."

"...Are you sure? I mean, you did come here to take care of me, so..."

Alijin shook her head, waving her hand.

"No, no, I came here to deal with any evil that might be around. Since your species usually are - no offense -"

"None taken."

"I thought it'd be a good idea to take a look. It seems I was wrong...but..."

She could feel that hunger, that need. Despite her promise to keep her chastity, to never allow something to fuck her pussy - and how easy a choice that had been - she couldn't help but wonder how good that cock would feel in her ass. There was literally every reason to try, and she blushed ever so slightly as she imagined how that massive member would feel inside of her. It was over a foot and a half long, the tip flared like that of a horse, and she could just imagine how it would make her ass feel all...all open...

The dragoness reached down, taking hold of that fat cock. Hugo jumped, but she pulled him close instead of letting him step away. The long-horned minotaur left footprints in the sand as she dragged him back from the center, then pushed him off his feet, sending him flat on his back.

"What are you - ooof!"

Sitting on his chest, she poked him right on the nose, then proceeded to hook her finger through his nose-ring. Hugo grunted under her.

"Ah. I told you that I have something that we need to take care of."

"Mmmph. We?"

"Yes. You see, you did this..." She gestured at herself, from her tits down to her hips, from her non-existent dick to her swollen ass. "You did this to me. And you're going to take responsibility for the consequences."

"Nnngh. What the - ow - what are those?"

"You made me curious about anal sex. And you're going to deliver on that until I'm satisfied."


"Now, instead of dragon-ing this out, let's get this flapping show on the road," she said, flicking her wings up and down.

"Uuuuugh, stop..."

"Too bad. The pun-ishment has only just begun."

She grabbed his cock, feeling it starting to wilt from her puns. She didn't know why she was doing that, but it felt she had to. Like something was drawing the puns out of her depths and refusing to let her stifle them.

Still, it was useful to have a tool to control his cock, to make it go up or down as she saw fit. She gripped his cock just under the flare at the tip, holding it against her asshole, and pushed back -


Even that little bit of rubbing along her rim was enough to leave her gasping, her pussy juicing and dripping right then and there.

Oh...oh, this is...this is going to be intense...

The End