1- Failed Negotiations

Story by ThePhantomintheTypewriter on SoFurry

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#1 of No Matter the Cost

After failing in peace talks, and an assassination plot, a princess, her siblings, and three other ambassadors of the Galactic Federation find themselves held prisoner by an alien warlord. Of course, said warlord plans to humiliate and ravage them all and broadcast it to the Federation as a warning.

Nervous didn't even begin to cover how Princess Sanya felt.

The terran adjusted herself once more in the longue, pocket mirror in hand as she inspected herself once again. She knew she wouldn't find anything wrong, like the last four times, but it was all she could do to take her mind off the negotiations to come...the negotiations she was to be part of, because her father couldn't attend.

Like the last four times, Sanya found nothing wrong. Her crème skin was still flawless, cerulean eyes wide with fear, and her blonde hair done up in a formal bun. Her curvaceous form was still bound within her frilly, regal blue and black dress with her legs clad in black stockings and high-heeled shoes. To complete her look a pendant hung around her neck, resting atop her hefty breasts, as said pendant bore her family's crest; the royal seal of the Terran Imperium, one of the 'forerunner races' for the Galactic Federation

Such a thing reminded her once again why they were doing this; the Federation wanted to negotiate a treaty with a Hostile race...the Tasoth.

Just thinking about them made Sanya's skin crawl; vicious, bipedal lizards who hunted others for sport and clung to strange, tribal cultures and traditions...it didn't help they had access to plasma weaponry, active camo, and even weaponized beasts of war.

It also didn't help the Federation didn't know where their homeworld was, so there was no way to force them to stand down. The Tasoth homeworld was a closely guarded secret, and so they were left with trying to make peace with a clan they located.

The door slid to the side and Sanya turned to see her husband stepped in, decked from head to toe in standard, terran combat armor. It reminded her of what an old-timey knight would wear, but form-fitting and with a glowing blue visor that stared at her...if anything, she only knew it was him because he was the only one to bear the royal crest on his breastplate.

"You good, Sanya?" He asked with his muffled voice.

"Somewhat, Paul," She sighed and closed her pocket mirror. "I'm just...trying to calm down. I mean, we are going to sit down with a clan leader for the Tasoth."

"Right, yeah...don't worry. If things get bad, I'll cover you with the security detail; I've killed lizards before."

"Right," Sanya nodded. "but the Federation's heads want us to make this work, at any cost. We can't afford a war with the Tasoth; not with how they fight." She read the files; with their active camo and brutal tactics, they could waltz right into the capital and take everyone hostage...namely because they did that to the Bluedonian queen; the Federation didn't even know it happened until they found her...in a pile of Tasoth seed.

The thought made her stomach turn. It was one thing to hold someone hostage, but another to rape them. Sent a harsher message.

"They said either make it work," Paul pat the blaster at his side. "Or take the clan leader out. If things get bad, I'm doing the latter." Sanya sighed. Paul was always like this; hotheaded and refusing to heed her word when she was in danger. She found the care a bit endearing...sometimes.

"Yo, sis! You in here?!" Sanya sighed when she heard her sister's voice. Sure enough, Keeya poked her head in, eyes locking onto her. "A-ha! Anul was right!"

Keeya, surprisingly, looked a lot like Sanya did, but with smaller breasts and a wider waist. Her hair was done up in a pair of ponytails and she wore a...less formal outfit, consisting of a short blue dress that barely ran past her thighs and a pair of sandals. Such an outfit made Sanya scowl; she specifically asked Keeya to dress appropriately for this peace conference, yet she looked ready to hit a club!

"Keeya, I specifically asked you to--"

"Hey, this is formal...least for me." She pouted and crossed her arms. "Also, I'm supposed to be visiting that fancy club after this; the Black Night or whatever it's called. So...didn't wanna go home and change."

"This isn't supposed to be a one and done deal, Keeya," Paul shook his head. "we may be there for hours. Maybe even a day or so. Goal's not to leave--"

"Yeah yeah, soldier boy. Let's leave this discussion to the ambassadors, 'kay?" Sanya fumed at her sister's tone towards Paul. She opened her mouth to defend her husband, but closed it when Anul stepped in behind Keeya, holding a data-pad in hand.

Anul was...a strange case. He looked a lot like Sanya too, sporting a feminine figure, short blond hair, and soft features. He wore form-fitting slacks and a blue dress shirt with brown dress shoes; appropriate attire for the negotiations. Sanya still found it, odd to associate with Anul, considering, if he wore a dress and had some makeup, he could easily pass for a woman.

Their genetics were weird.

"We should get moving," Anul looked up from his pad, giving a nod. "We're approaching the clan's dreadnought, and I for one want to use this as a liberal learning experience."

"Anul, calm down," Paul said with a sigh. "we're just meeting with some lizards and getting them to cut their shit and maybe join the Federation. It'd sure as shit help terrans everywhere to have access to their sort of tech."

"No kidding; I'm browsing the Federation files on Tasoth technology as we speak: personal energy shields, light-bending active camo, plasma-based weaponry. And their language? Guttural, but not too hard to learn with the right translators."

Keeya huffed. "Anul, enough with the dumb lizards. We both know terrans are better, anyhow. And I plan to make sure they know that--"

"Let's not, Keeya," Sanya interjected. "Just leave the talking to me and the other ambassadors. I'd rather not have you jeopardize this."

"Jeopardize?! Me?! Hah!" Keeya snorted. "I'll be helping with my remarks towards them; let 'em know crossing the Federation means they'll get their hides tanned!"

"...augh." Paul just shook his head and Sanya rose to start walking, hearing the others follow as the princess made her way down to the docking bay.

The rest of the ambassadors were already there, talking amongst themselves, with a few, white armored Federation soldiers standing around. Due to the nature of the 'negotiation' there were only a few ambassadors; three others, with at least ten terran soldiers from her father's army.

The first one was clearly a Drowite, or "space elf" to terrans. She looked human enough but possessed ash black skin, a dainty frame, and elongated ears. Her scarlet hair was done up in a ponytail and she wore a brown, regal gown that one would wear to a ball or another formal occasion. Clearly, she prepared well.

The second one was a Gripplite. The humanoid frog girl stood with crossed arms, clad in a sleek, form-fitting white, Federation jumpsuit, most likely to help her retain moisture. She had a petite, lithe form, slimy green skin, and messy black hair with a set of red eyes and an elongated tongue that poked out from between her plump lips every so often.

And the last one was...well a race she didn't expect to see; a Satyri. She looked much like the satyrs of mythology would: curled horns on the head and a pair of hooved legs. She had a toned, athletic body she encased in a flowing, white dress that left her brown-fur covered legs on display, barely, and exposed copious cleavage, too. Her hair was long and curly, a bang obscuring her eye as she gently uncorked a bottle of something she took a lengthy swig from.

The space elf looked their direction and narrowed her eyes. "Ugh, why did you bring baggage, terran?" She said in a haughty voice Sanya loathed to hear. Her gaze was on Keeya, who naturally puffed up in response.

"Hey, fuck off, space elf; I have a right to be here, just like you!"

"Yet the chairmen said to only send one representative. I suppose, once again, terrans feel they're entitled to pick and choose the rules they follow."

"H-Hey, let's calm down," The Gripplite said in a meek, timid voice. "We're here to make peace with the Tasoth, not fight each other."

"Stay outta this, space frog!" Keeya shot at her, causing the girl to inch back, arms no longer crossed and raised almost defensively.

"Now now, settle down, ladies," The Satyri said in a sultry, alluring voice that even made Sanya feel at ease...she forgot Satyri were notoriously charismatic. "Croka's right; we're here to bring the Tasoth to peace. That starts with us behaving one another, of course. Though, I do share in Ayela's concerns a bit, princess Sanya. Why did you bring your siblings?"

"Father...more or less forced Keeya to come. He wants her to develop better political skills, and felt a 'trial by fire' was needed."

"Mhm...as questionable as that is, what of him?" She gestured to Anul.

"I have an avid interest in the Tasoth," The prince spoke for himself. "as this could be the first and maybe only chance to learn from one of their major leaders about Tasoth culture. I mean, the most we know about these reptilian creatures is they're very serious about their customs, sightings of them are rare, and they're frequently found hunting. This isn't even accounting for the fact they have plasma-based weaponry, active camo, and even energy shielding systems!"

"Ah, good points, terran. I should convince our gracious host to share some of his knowledge too. Maybe his people know how to make a good wine~." She crooned, almost seductively.

Sanya hoped she wasn't going to live up to her people's stereotype and try to sleep with the chieftain. The princess went ahead and assumed that would be bad for the peace meeting.

A lurch brought her from her attention, and out the window, she could see the approaching visage of an utterly massive, black and green colored vessel. She wasn't an expert on ships but she estimated that thing to be nearly the size of a small moon, no doubt a dreadnought...which meant they were about to dock with the Tasoth.

Or, rather, to the Tasoth clan they had the fortune of finding...eerily named 'The Skullhunters'.

The doors close to her slid open and Sanya winced when she saw a Tasoth at last.

Like the files said, the creature was a tall, humanoid, lizard creature. It towered over her by a head or two and stood with a slight hunch. Its head was crocodilian in origin, with a shorter snout, a distinct underbite, forward-facing serpentine eyes, and a stout neck. The back if its head was covered in thin, spiny quills, ones that looked soft to the touch, strangely. The Tasoth had a muscular, broad shouldered frame, and a powerful tail thumped the ground behind it. Its legs were strange; caved in shins to form added joints, rendering them digitigrade, as its scales were a sharp brown color and its eyes gold in color.

The Tasoth's armor was...strange; minimal, yet ornate. Its upper torso, forearms, thighs, shins, and shoulders were coated in sleek, bronze colored metal. A cloth loincloth covered the reptile's groin area with a pair of pants underneath it. Said pants reached the reptile's knees, made from the same cloth as the loincloth, though darker. On the Tasoth's back was an ornate looking blade that looked ceremonial in origin, and one Sanya hoped was meant for appearance only.

The alien lizard's gaze swept the room for a moment before settling on Sanya. "Chieftain Nugruc is expecting you all," The creature spoke in a low, guttural voice. "Please, follow me to the dining hall. He wishes to conduct the meeting there."

"A-And we can't conduct it here why?" Croka asked, clearly intimidated by the reptile.

"Because he does not wish to, and a meal has been prepared. Now please, follow, else we will be forced to disembark and leave this area, and then this meeting shall be adjourned." Paul and the terran soldiers moved first, following the Tasoth guide as the others followed behind him. Sanya stuck close to her siblings, noticing Keeya still had her haughty, bold expression and Anul was buried in another document. The princess took a shaky breath to compose herself and pressed on...this was in the name of peace.

And peace would be had, no matter the costs.

The dining hall was...daunting, to say the least. The lengthy room reminded her much of her family's one, sporting the same elongated table, a simulated fireplace, and a few hanging chandeliers...but it differed immensely because of the décor.

Said décor was, really, lots and lots of trophies.

They lined the walls, the ceiling; everywhere! Preserved heads, skulls, tusks, horns, antlers; anything a hunter would call a 'trophy' lined the room, with a few trophies even being weapons! It made her feel...eerie, feeling those empty eyes staring at her from all angles of the room. It also didn't help she recognized some of the 'trophies'...and knew they were from Sentients.

So, that confirmed the harrowing idea that the Tasoth hunted Sentients, including terrans, judging from the human-like skulls scattered here and there on the walls and fireplace. All the more reason the meeting had to work. Each of them sat at the table, with the terran soldiers gathered together near the end, with Paul seated next to Sanya. She briefly remembered what he said earlier but, hopefully, such a thing would never come to pass.

"Ugh, what's taking that damn lizard?!" Keeya exasperatedly groaned, slumping back in her seat. "We've been waiting ages!"

"Keeya, it's been literally two minutes." Anul noted.

"So? We shouldn't have to wait for him; if he wanted this meeting, he should've been ready hours ago!"

"Hmph, the entitlement..." Ayela huffed across from Keeya. "Why couldn't you've been left outside like the dog you are, terran?"

"Um, excuse me, the FUCK did you just say?" Keeya seethed. Anul kept his head down and Sanya just sighed.

"Can you both please calm down?" Croka pleaded silently. "T-This is the worst time to--"

"No one asked you, frog!" Keeya seethed.

Sanya sighed. "Just...disregard my sister. If she becomes an issue, I'll take her outside to let her cool off."

"Don't talk about me like I'm a damn child, Sanya; you're less than a year older than me!"

"Yet you act like an impudent chil--"

The doors parted. Sanya looked over and felt all her strife fade, replaced by crippling fear.

There, in the doorway, was an utterly massive Tasoth. He stood taller than the one from earlier and was far more muscular, too. His gray hide was coated in an assortment of pink-tinted scars and one of his eyes was obscured by a cloth eyepatch. The quills on the back of his head were longer and darker, possibly suggesting he was quite old when compared to the one who escorted them all. His armor was...rugged, when compared to the one from earlier, but shared the same pattern, even having some metal spikes jutting from his upper back, no doubt for intimidation.

Sanya quickly realized said armor was made from the smelted armors of many others, namely because she saw a Federation helmet on his shoulder, fashioned to be a shoulder pad, and the breastplate of a Terran Confederacy soldier melded to his gauntlet. His trousers were also more rugged than the other one, more worn out.

She knew without a doubt this was the one they came to see. Nugruc, the Unbreakable.

"Hmm, I hope I haven't interrupted anything." He spoke with a calm, yet gruff voice, one that made Sanya guess Common wasn't his first language...made sense. The massive reptile moved to take his place at the end of the table, with a few, ornately armored Tasoth standing at his sides, armed with menacing glaives.

"Just...mild discourse." Ayela now looked frightened, but she was trying her best to hide it. "A-Anyways, we're here--"

"To discuss peace," Nugruc folded his hands on the table. "or, rather, trying to induct my clan into your Federation if I am not mistaken. So, thank you for coming all the way here to...try and convince me."

"Right, yes, well," The Gripplite cleared her throat and lifted a tablet. "The Federation has--"

"No," Nugruc cut her off with a wave of his head. "I refuse to do business without a meal. You all can eat gringor meat, correct?" Right on cue, the doors parted and several bronze armored Tasoth entered, setting down metal plates in front of each of them. When a plate was set in front of Sanya, she saw the meat looked like steak, but green in coloration.

The look made her stomach turn, but she saw the others digging in, so it wasn't dangerous, she guessed. And, thankfully, each plate was given a glass of wine to go with it.

"Now," Sanya looked back to Nugruc who, already, had half his plate cleaned. He was quite the eater. With a wave of his hand, the other Tasoth left the room, leaving Nugruc alone with them all. "Before we conduct this meeting, I would like the pleasure of knowing your names; always polite to give one's name before conducting strict business, after all."

"R-Right..." Croka was first to introduce herself, then Ayela, and then the Satyri, who was apparently named Gwin...strange name.

Finally, it came to her. "I'm Princess Sanya, of the Terran Imperium, and these--"

"The Imperium? How charming." Nugruc cut her off, setting his fork and knife down. "I have heard quite a bit about your...well...once expanding galactic empire. I would like to apologize, also."

"For what?"

He gestured to one of the skulls on the wall. "That came from one of your empire's men...actually, quite a few did. My clan brothers keep choosing terrans for their Rite of Passage." Keeya seemed visibly disturbed by that, whereas Anul...didn't even seem to mind it.

"Rite of Passage? Your people have one, too?" Her brother seemed far more interested in his pursuit of knowledge as opposed to the fact the Tasoth made trophies of their people.

"Of course," Nugruc nodded. "It is tradition for all Tasoth who come of age, and successfully completing the rite grants them the right to leave the homeworld and hunt across the stars."

"And...what exactly happens in this Rite?"

"Simple. A hunting pack is dropped onto a planet, armed with gear of their own choosing, and are required to honorably hunt and slay one creature, bringing back proof of their deed. Some do not return, but that is unavoidable."

"Preeeeeeetty sure it is." Keeya said. Sanya's face fell even more. "Just...y'know, stop being stupid fucks and stop hunting like dumbass, backwater savages. Get with the times and adapt like the rest of the galaxy. Simple as that."

Nugruc audibly snarled and Paul's hand went for his concealed blaster, though Sanya clamped a hand on his wrist to stop him. The Tasoth seemed to calm down, unblinking eye locked on a barely phased Keeya. "Apologies, but I tend to get...livid, whenever someone insults our sacred hunting. Considering it is such a key aspect of our rigid culture, insulting it is akin to spitting upon our culture."

"Well I--"

"She's very sorry," Anul's hand clamped down on Keeya's mouth, keeping her quiet despite her muffled protests. "Please disregard her."

"Hmm." Nugruc shook his head. "Regardless, what benefits does the Federation offer me?"

"Well, for starters," Gwin began. "joining the Federation grants a hefty sum of benefits, including access to the reservoir of Federation information and military access."

"Hmm...will I be allowed to keep my whores?" Sanya nearly choked on her wine from that, sputtering a bit.


"My whores, or, rather, my concubines. Due to my...stature, only the right females can accommodate my size and...well there are not any females aboard my ship. Female Tasoth tend to stay on the homeworld, rearing young. Thus, I bought these concubines from a dedicated buyer." He...bought women from a slaver?

"If...you bought them, they're slaves. Slaves aren't allowed in the Federation."

"That is unfortunate. Means I will have to consistently return to the homeworld for relief, then."

"On that note," Ayela tacked on. "It'd perhaps be in the Federation's best interest if you let the homeworld's location be kno--"

"The homeworld's location is to never be revealed." Nugruc shot her down swiftly. "Revealing it puts every Tasoth in danger, and I cannot allow that. Drop it and let us move on. What of my people's technology?"

"Y-You'd have to share it with the Federation; let it be dissected and added to the universal technology used to better help in saving lives, defending the worlds in the hegemony, and--"

"I cannot do that." Nugruc shook his head. "It goes against Tasoth customs to allow technology to fall into the hands of anyone non-Tasoth; that is why most armors are outfitted with a bomb that detonates when the wearer's lifeblood fades."

"Explains a lot..." Paul muttered.

"Indeed. So far, it sounds like I lose more in joining the Federation than I gain. And, this is me speculating, but my people's hunting would also be outlawed, yes?"

"Unfortunately." Sanya confirmed.

"Then our business is done. I formally apologize for you all coming this far out for nothing, but the Skullhunter Clan will not join the Federation. Good day."

"Wait," Sanya blurted out. "What would it take to get you to agree? W-We can negotiate and maybe allow some stuff--"

"Sis," Anul spoke in a hushed tone. "we can't let him have the slaves and the hunting. It'd be very bad if word got out the new inductees to the Federation enslave others and hunt Sentients. It'd make some lose trust in the Federation for letting such a thing go on."

"Yes, but we can't just walk away empty handed; father was insistent on us accomplishing this. Insistent on me accomplishing this." She didn't want their father to lose faith in her ability to handle peace talks, especially one of such great importance, because, plain and simple, the Imperium needed access to the Tasoth technology. Her father's empire only had access to, at best, conventional, ballistic firearms for warfare, and the Federation itself only had access to magnetic, particle energy, and sonic energy-based weaponry. But the Tasoth? They were leagues above the Imperium, and their technology would allow the Imperium to gain further power in the Federation and, potentially, take control of it.

While Sanya didn't agree with her father's end-goal, she could at least agree that Tasoth technology was necessary for improving terran way of life and preventing the Tasoth from hunting them any further.

"What could you offer me? You could be a worthy prize, princess Sanya." She tensed up when that single eye affixed itself to her. "The whores are fun to indulge in, but I have longed to claim a princess. To spend a night, ravaging her and filling her with my seed, potentially even breeding her, too. Tasoth are quite virile, after all." Sanya had a blush across her face the entire time Nugruc spoke. The chieftain let out a gaunt chuckle and sat back in his seat. "I jest. You entice me, yes, but you are mated."

"Yeah and said mate would like you to shut the fuck up about my wife." Sanya's confidence faded once again. She knew Keeya was hard to control, but Paul too? "And take a better look at the deal. You get access to the military, all resources, and access to Federation controlled planets. All you gotta do is stop hunting Sentients and offer up some of your tech and you can bed all the women you want who aren't my wife."

Nugruc shook his head. "As I have said before, I gain little and lose much. Hunting and fighting define the Tasoth. Removing it would lead to us growing complacent; weak. And if we were to become such a thing, we would no longer be Tasoth. Our ancestors would frown upon us. So, this negotiation is over." The chieftain rose and set his silverware on his plate. "Rhoz will be down in a few minutes. He will guide you all back to your vessel. Good day." Sanya felt her heart sink. That's it...he rejected their offer. Sanya blamed herself; she should have personally offered more, but she didn't really know what to offer; what to say. Her father didn't really give her a list of things to offer; he just said 'go with the others, follow their example'...sadly, their example was ineffective.

"Then you've left us no choice." One of the soldiers moved to the door, standing in front of it and drawing his blaster. Nugruc looked up as every terran soldier drew their blasters, much to the shock of the other ambassadors.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Ayela cried. "Why are you--"

"Orders, ma'am." Paul cut her off. "If this bastard doesn't agree, we're to terminate him. Nick, can you seal that door?"

"Already being done, sir!" Sanya remained tight-lipped as she watched the soldiers work to secure the room.

"Concerning," Nugruc drummed his fingers on the table. "I had a hunch this would lead to an assassination plot, yet I anticipated a smarter one."

"I anticipate it'd be a good idea to shut up." Paul kept his blaster trained on Nugruc, directing him to sit down. The chieftain sat back down, still drumming his fingers onto the table. "It's funny, I was sorta hoping this would happen. That you'd refuse."

"How? Because I made a pass at your mate? Speaking of," Nugruc's eye was on her. "Is your mate always prone to such anger? He reminds me of a young male."

"No, you fucking monster," Paul strode towards Nugruc, keeping the gun raised as he pressed the nozzle against the reptile's head. "It's personal because you killed terrans, and act like it's all fine and dandy. It's far from it."

"Hmm." Nugruc sounded...amused. It scared Sanya a bit.

"Paul, just kill the stupid lizard so we can go home."

"No, not yet. I want this fucker to understand why he gets his brains hollowed out. To understand you can't just do whatever the fuck you want in the gala--"

The door exploded inwards and one of the soldiers fell dead. More Tasoth stepped into the room, armed with strange, crossbow like weapons they had trained on the soldiers. Among them was a strange, silver armored one who approached Nugruc and looked over him, speaking rapidly in a tongue she couldn't understand. Nugruc responded in the language, motioning to Paul.

Sanya winced when one of the Tasoth struck him in the side of the head with the butt of their gun, sending him to the ground. "By the way," Sanya returned her attention to Nugruc who, now, was standing up and tenderly collecting the silverware. "That is Rhoz. I told him in advance to prepare breaching charges in case something like this happened. Seems I was not wrong. Speaking of, Rhoz, prepare to open fire on them. Just in case they are all assassins."

"Wait," Sanya interjected. The situation was a bad one, but there was a chance to turn this to their favor; at least ensure they wouldn't die. "Y-You mentioned earlier you were interested in me, yes? Interested in...a night with me?" She felt absolutely disgusted saying those words, but she didn't really have anything else she could barter.

"I was mostly jesting but do go on."

Sanya took a deep breath, looking down at Paul's injured form before she returned her gaze to Nugruc. "I-If I offer myself to you, will you spare us?"

"Hmm...tempting, but I have a better idea." He motioned to the others and they approached Sanya. She gave Paul one final look before closing her eyes and...hearing them walk right past her.

"Hey! Get off me! Get the fuck off me!" Instead, they grabbed Keeya, lifting her up and hauling her over to Nugruc's spot before dropping her onto the table, head left to dangle off the edge. One of them pressed their hand down onto her chest, keeping her pinned as Sanya watched him undo his loincloth and toss it to the side.

And then he tugged his pants down, giving Sanya the first ever sight of what a Tasoth cock looked like.

Monstrous aptly described it. Long, pink, and girthy, it was an absolute monster of a cock, with a narrowed head and coated in a sheen of natural lubricant. Below the obelisk of flesh were a set of large, scale covered balls, each one as large as her balled fist and sagging downwards from their weight. Sanya was ashamed to admit Nugruc was far larger than Paul, but those words didn't leave her parted lips.

A quick glance to the left of her confirmed that the other ambassadors were watching on: Ayela in horror, Croka in shock, and Gwin in...intrigue. Nugruc's cock slapped against Keeya's face and her struggles intensified, the younger princess doing all she could to free herself. "Fuck...why the fuck does...this dick smell so...weird..." She groaned.

"Natural Tasoth pheromones, exceptionally potent and powerful enough to put most females into a state of heat. It's why I always keep concubines in my quarters." Nugruc mused even going so far as to lift the slab of meat up to drop it against her face a few more times, smearing it with that clear, natural lubricant. Sanya felt an earthly scent tickle her nose, a scent that soon progressed to...relaxing. Even enticing! But she was on the other side of the room! Were the pheromones really that strong? She stole another glance at the other ambassadors and saw their demeanor had changed: Ayela was clutching her nose, backing away slowly. Croka was swaying in place, trying the same. And Gwin?

Gwin was openly fondling herself. One hand squeezed one of her massive breasts as the other snaked her dress up, teasing at her drenched folds with her fingers. Such a lurid display caught Sanya off guard, enough to where she almost didn't notice the other Tasoth leading the terran soldiers out the room, with another dragging Paul behind him.

"Fuckin'...ngh..." Keeya let out a groan that quickly transitioned into a moan. Sanya didn't even notice she was moving until she found herself standing closer to the alien lizard, standing close enough to him to fully see what was unfolding. The Tasoth was dragging his cock across Keeya's face in long, slow strokes. Her fight had completely evaporated by this point; now she was just laying there, head dangling off the table as she let herself be...humiliated in such a way.

Nugruc lifted his cock and stepped back. Keeya's face was coated in a sheen of his natural essence, and quick whiff told Sanya it was saturated in those intoxicating pheromones. Enough to where a mere whiff made her head swim and her legs grow weak.

"I usually like to devour my meals quickly, but this one I shall savor." She looked to Nugruc once more. The Tasoth had approached Keeya again, but this time one of his massive hands gripped her head, holding it in place with his thumb keeping her mouth open. She realized his intent quickly when, with his other hand, he guided the head of his narrowed cock to Keeya's mouth, pressing it against her tongue before he sank it into her mouth. Keeya's struggles began again but this time she wasn't trying to get away.

No, in fact, her hands shot down to her dress, yanking it up so she could tear away her drenched panties and plunge two fingers into her pussy! The sight almost left Sanya in lurid shellshock; she knew her sister was a promiscuous one, given her original plans after the peace talks, but she never witnessed it firsthand. Now, she was watching an alien lizard force his cock into her mouth as her sister relentlessly fingered herself, openly enjoying the depravity she was being subjected to.

The air was heavy with the stench of sex, now. The other ambassadors still stood by, watching the reptile claim Keeya's throat as, now, Gwin had her breasts out, squeezing and fondling them as, now, Croka stealthy rubbed her fingers against her concealed sex, trying to hide what she was doing to the best of her ability. Ayela still stood tall but her bit lip made it clear she was trying to refrain from submitting to the lurid atmosphere like the others. Sanya was too...transfixed to act on it. It was almost surreal to watch what was unfolding.

Especially because, as Nugruc pushed more of his cock into her sister's throat, she could visibly see it bulging her neck out, widening it and forcing it to accommodate his girthy mast. What would normally frighten and antagonize Sanya now...enticed her. She felt herself grow moist at the sight of her sister's throat being stretched, a notion she confirmed when she dipped her fingers under her dress, feeling wetness coat them.

Finally, Nugruc pulled back, only to shove his mast back into Keeya's gullet, causing his scaled sack to clap against her face, earning some muffled moans from her. He pulled back and repeated the gesture, doing so again and again as Sanya quickly realized he was fucking her sister's throat. Each time his hips surged forwards that bulge grew in size, forcing her throat to accommodate the reptile's mast time and time again. Sanya felt the urge to join in Gwin's depravity but she relented, at least for now. She didn't know why she relented but she...just relented.

Perhaps it was because she was still transfixed by the sight of an alien warlord fucking her sister's throat. And fucking it hard.

And then she felt herself reaching forward, nearly on autopilot, and rest a hand on one of his balls. It was heavier than she expected, and felt fuller, too; filled with virile swimmers that, if he was right, could impregnate even a terran! The thought both terrified her, yet excited her, too. The miasma of lust was clouding her thoughts and very quickly, Sanya almost wished it was her on that table, taking that cock down her throat!

Keeya sized up and let out a muffled scream. Her hands grew even wetter as Sanya realized her sister had just cum. "I will have to personally break this one in when this is over...but for now, I'll at least reward her with a taste of what's to come." He sped up, balls slapping against Keeya's face more and more. The others now watched with earnest at what unfolded, and then the moment came.

The moment she heard more than she witnessed.

Sploooort! Splooooort! Spluuuuuurch!

She could literally hear his climax; hear his virile cum escaping his cumslit. Keeya convulsed and spasmed with each jet of cum that was sent right into her stomach. Sanya watched with strange fascination as her sister's belly rose, bloating outwards. Nugruc finally pulled his cock out of Keeya's mouth as his thick, tar-like cum oozed from her mouth. The younger princess coughed and sputtered, dry heaving and coughing up some of the heavy cum she couldn't swallow as she sat up.

The moment she sat up, Gwin pulled her into a ravenous kiss, arms wrapping around the younger princess as Sanya quickly realized Keeya was sharing the cum with her, allowing the Satyri to indulge in the chieftain's cum.

"Now," She turned towards Nugruc, the Tasoth standing there with a slick cock, saturated with a mixture of saliva, his natural lube, and spent cum. "These are the terms. You all will live, but you will serve me until I say your punishment is done. The Federation will be made to watch this, too; I want them to see what happens when they send a fool to try and slay me, and to further discourage them from trying to strongarm my people into poor arrangements. But, for now," He lifted his cock, eye on Croka. "Clean it, frog. Rhoz will be back to relocate you all to your cell." The Gripplite dropped to her knees and hungrily took his cock into her mouth, tongue wrapping around the length to clean it and to savor the flavors coating it.

Sanya wasn't sure how to feel about the situation; they would get to live, yes, but...they were at this monster's mercy. They were at his mercy and he clearly planned to do far worse to them than what he did to Keeya. But this was how it had to be, sadly, because of Paul's rash decision to try and enact the Federation's assassination plot.

She knew she wasn't going to come out of this perfectly intact...but it was fine. She came to broker peace, after all, by any means necessary.

And this was one of those means; submitting herself to an alien warlord like a whore.