The Quest For Godhood

Story by David FoxMoare on SoFurry

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Two wolf hunters are out to collect some food in The Frozen Wasteland of Multi-Earth. However, there day goes from good to a total mental destruction of a nightmare. To those that wish to indulge in this little supernatural/psychological horror mind trip I present: The Quest For Godhood. Note: This is an earlier piece of writing I did some time ago so don't criticize to harsh. Please.

The Quest For Godhood

A nice stroll, Full and New Moon, are shirtless. It's cold, but their white fur gives some warmth. Their quest, to bring back food for camp. Full shivers, shakes, sneezes, grips his rifle. He pulls out a handkerchief from his orange pants, blows into it, and puts it away when done. New on the other hand, he's fine, keeping his eyes set on something. A paw of his goes up, the pair stop. New pulls out a pair of binoculars, sees them, penguins near a cove. Full gets a peek.

"Looks like dinner has been found," says Full.

"Yes, but let's get a bit closer and pick a few off."

"Got it."

The two move, creep slowly through the snow. A few more feet, they're in perfect position. Full and New aim their rifles. One, two, three, executions, four in total. The penguins flip, run off into the cove. Full moon and New grin at one another. A high five slap for a job well done. The pair run to collect their prizes. Something hits Full. He turns to the cove. A shiver runs up his spine.

"Hey, New, don't you find it strange."

"What's strange, Full?"

"That the penguins aren't making any noise in the cove."

New turns his head. "Maybe they're sleeping."

Full shakes his head. "No, seriously, it's like the whole world has gone quiet around us."

"Look, you hear the ocean, don't you?"

"Actually, I don't, do you?"

The two listen. They close their eyes. Not even the wind is making a sound. New drops a paw into the snow, picks some up, and crunches it. Nothing, not effects. Full is right, something is off where they are. They need to get back to base with the killings quickly. Danger is close by.

New picks up his penguins by the legs. "Listen, I'm heading back to base now. Grab your prey and let's get out of here."

Full turns his head, but falls back in the snow. "Dear sweet, my kills!"

New turns his head, sees Full's penguins have rotted, frozen. "How in the world did that happen?"

Full looks up, screams and points. "New! Your penguins!"

New shifts his focus to his own catch, they're like Full's, instant drop. "My penguins! I lost them! They're bad! How?"

Full stands up, the two watch New's kills freeze in a flash. They stare at one another. Has the temperature gotten worse? And what's with silence where they are? They need to get back now for sure. Something isn't right. Their guts are telling them trouble really has found them.

"Come on, let's forget the penguins," says New. "We can explain it to the others later."

"But what about food?"

"We've got beans and fish for the night."

Full sighs. "Ok, if that's what you want."

"You want to die out here?"


"Then quit the whining and let's go."

Full sighs again, heavier this time. "Fine, let's head back to base."

The two crunch the snow, head away from the cove. Full looks back, watches the scene, the view of the cove and sea vanish into a small blip of sight. The two find nothing has come back to normal. No sounds of any kind can be heard. It's making the hearts in these two hunters beat and pulse intensely. The pain, their stomach is overwhelmed by the sensation, making their brain ache. Their eyes, can't see one hint of base, or anything. Cursed crazy weather there be.

New stops, holds up a paw. "I think I see it! Camp is up ahead!"

"Great! Now let's get in so I can get something to eat! I'm starving!"

The two take off running, a light ahead, stop. No camp ahead, only the sea and cove with a light coming out of it. New's blood is boiling. Full's fear level is at the maximum level.

Full turns his head. "What's going on here? I thought you saw the camp!"

"I thought I did! I mean, the light looked like one of ours!"

"Do you think someone is inside there?"

"I don't know, but let's turn around. We have to get back to base."

Full rubs his head. "We'd better find camp! My stomach won't stop growling!"

The two turn their backs. They go out, search for base, but no luck. They find themselves back at the cove and ocean.

Full grabs New by the neck, fear has snapped him. "What the hell is going on?"

"Let me go! I will punch your face, Full!"

"Are you just leading us in circles?"

"You think I want to be lost?"

"Do you think I like being hungry and scared?"

New laughs. "Maybe, you're acting more like a pup than an adult right now."

Full throws New to the ground and aims his rifle. "I'm going to blow your brains out!"

New holds up his paws up. "Calm down. You're just hungry..."

"You know I'm going nuts because I've got no food in my stomach!"

"Yeah, and how is killing me going to solve it? How will you explain my death to the others? You going to lie? Can you do that to yourself? Can you keep your mouth shut for the rest of your life knowing you killed not only a team member, but your brother as well?"

Full pants heavily, his brain hurts, a finger on the trigger. "I...I..." he starts, trail off, stop aiming the rifle. "I can't. I'm sorry, New. I'm just really scared. I really want things to go back to normal and to have a good meal in me."

New starts to stand, sound returns. The ocean, wind, crunching of snow, it's all back, or at least until one piece is found to be missing. The penguins. No penguins can be heard, but a light does present itself from the cove still. The brothers, they stare at it. New decides to investigate whether it be alone, or with Full. Full quickly catches up. He wants to know too despite being scared.

The two stop at the cove, peer inside. A fire crackles in the back. Strung upside down by ropes and gutted with their entrails hanging are the penguins. The pair stare, is this a warning to them, or something else? The pair see there are two penguins not hung up. They have sticks that go through their rear out their mouth with apples in their mouths. The penguins are cooked too.

Full's mouth salivates, the cooked penguins. "Oh man, I want one of those birds."

"Something isn't right," says New. "We need to get out of here. Head to camp now."

Full runs into the cove, to a cooked penguin, starts to eat it. "Forget that, let's eat."

"Full! Stop that! This isn't ours! We could get into serious trouble!"

Full stops biting and turns to New. "Nah, come join me, New."

New stares at Full, hears the sound of metal clanking and clicking. "What was that?"

"What was what?"

A collar, cuffs, anklets, waist chains connected to chains, slowly reveal themselves to be on Full. Full drops his penguin, screams. A sound, familiar to a penguin makes both heads turn to the back of the cove. A penguin, six foot nine, frozen rotten body wearing a skull mask that has a carving knife in its left hand reveals itself. The penguin grips the chains that link to everything on Full. Full screams, attempting to get up, run for his life. The penguin pulls him back, restrains him from leaving.

"Help me!" Full screams. "Help me, New!"

New raises his rifle and pulls off shots. Penguin drops to its knees. "Yes."

The penguin rises, its eyes glow red. Full stares, drops his rifle. He turns and runs away out into the snow. All the time he can hear him, his brother screaming for help. In a flash the cries to help are silenced by one high pitch whine. New turns his back and starts to shake all over.

"I'm sorry, Full," says New. "Forgive me. Please forgive my cowardice."

New keeps running, the sounds of nature, he fears them. Down onto his knees, he can't run anymore, shake what he saw from his head. Everything. He stands though. Camp must be close by, right. Got to keep going. Off he goes again, only, he ends up back at the cove that has gone dark. He hears the sound of whining from within it. It's similar to Full's. Guilt moves him.

New stops in horror, his brother is like the penguins they found. "Dear lord, why?"

New spots a journal in Full's mouth. He takes it. One entry: To be a God, one must kill.

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