Starting the Weekend Right

Story by Orfeous on SoFurry

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After a long day at school, Jailean decides that she and her boyfriend need to start their weekend on the right foot. Although, it seems she's particularly impatient about getting things started.


Here's a story I've spent maybe two months working on. The early drafts were really different. Initially it was going to be a story about the character's neighbor, and his strange relationship with her. Then, I kept relooking and reworking the drafts, it started to take more shape into what you'll read now. More of an intimate story between two lovers. I'm a sucker for these kinds of stories and don't nearly write as many as I would like. But diversity is the spice of life! I don't think they'd be nearly as enjoyable for me to write if that was ALL I wrote!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this more low-key story! I'm definitely proud of how it turned out. I hope you enjoy reading it just as much as I've enjoyed writing it!

Our professor gathered his notes, stuffed them all into a little blue satchel that he always carried along with him, and took a look around the comparatively small amphitheater style classroom. There weren't many of us here, on the fringe hours of midnight. Like the rest of us, he was tired, but he made the effort to look the few of us in the eyes - the ones that actually bothered to show up to class. I think it might have been some attempt at letting us know that he appreciated our attendance, without outright saying the words.

He had such large ears. It was one of his most striking and distracting features. More so than his height, which set him as the smallest person in the classroom. It came with being a fennec, I assumed. But the professor seemed intent on defying expectations and initial impressions. The way he projected his voice and how he carried himself demanded the respect of the room. The walls would have bowed down to him had they the means to do so.

"We're a little over time," he began to explain while adjusting his rimless glasses just a little bit higher over the bridge of his nose, "so we'll stop things here and continue next week." Two students ahead of me immediately got up and began to walk out. The professor ignored them and continued talking. "Remember that next week we'll be going over the review for the upcoming exam." Another two students got up and left. "Are there any questions?"

It was just me and Jailean, the hyena girl who took up a perch beside me. She raised her hand and spoke up with a clear and loud voice when our professor gave her some attention. "Is there any possibility that we could go over chapter 3's content sometime next class?"

He replied, but I wasn't paying attention to him anymore.

Contrary to how she sometimes presented herself, Jailean was not a model student. Not many of us were. But she took the cake. The only reason the hyena even bothered to question the professor right now was because her grades were starting to tank. Her wild black hair was shaved along the side of her head. Numerous silver piercings lined her ears, and a matching pair were embedded into her lower lip. She stood up, squared back her shoulders, and slipped into a sleeveless black hoodie as thin as her shirt.

Eyes were the windows into the soul, as my English teacher had once put it, but I couldn't work any of it out with Jailean. Her wide violet eyes were simply a promise of uncertainty. She carried herself with a usually mellow and calming attitude, as if there wasn't a care in the world that could ruin her day. Now, the hyena was not outright intimidating - she didn't try to present herself that way. But she also wasn't the kind of person that others would have messed with. She wasn't one to let herself get pushed around.

Naturally, we became friends.

"Mr. Taryn! Are you with us, sir?" My professor's voice boomed across the small classroom. I nearly jumped out of my seat, blinked, and turned to look at him. How long had he been calling my name for? Flustered, I stuttered a meek reply.

"Y-Yes sir! Sorry!"

"I was trying to ask you if you had any questions?" He nudged his head towards Jailean and pointed an accusing finger in my direction. "You've been awfully quiet today."

"Sorry. Just a little tired, that's all." Off to my side, Jai snickered. "Uh... No. No questions tonight, sir!"

Our professor huffed, though he seemed satisfied with my reply. "Very well. I'll be seeing you two next week. Enjoy your weekend." He packed up what little he had and left without another word.

Jailean stood up and stared me down with a wild grin plastered across her face. Her hair fell over one of her eyes and obscured half of her face. That old brown beanie completed the bum and uncaring look she was probably going for. I followed her hand as it dipped down to adjust at the hem of black jeans. She tugged them down slightly, revealing the fringes of a lacy black thong, and then pulled them back up again. With a click of her tongue Jailean snapped me out of my daze, and with a gentle hand she rubbed under my chin. Had I been a cat, I would have purred with contentment.

"Distracted tonight, huh boy?" The violet orb that watched me with curious intrigue widened, her smile growing more so. The amusement was almost palpable. "You're letting Matherson get to your head. He was just asking a question."

"Y-Yeah. I know." I leaned closer into her touch as she dipped her fingers down to idly scratch my neck. Her claws, though hard and sharp, ran no risk of breaking skin. She was too careful to do something like that. "He just caught me off guard. That's all."

"That's all?" she questioned with a tilt of her head. Jailean didn't believe me for a second. "Wish you could have seen yourself. Like a deer in headlights, all wide-eyed and confused. Hah!" Jailean punctuated her snorted laugh with a growing grin. "Should have taken a picture..."

"Argh, whatever." Her hand moved back up again, turning so that she could wrap her fingers around my lower jaw. With no small amount of force, the hyena tilted my head upward when I tried to look away in defiance, and held it there in place as she stared into my eyes. "What do you want, Jai?"

"Hmm..." Jailean paused and quickly glanced to the door our professor had disappeared into. Those dish-like ears of hers swiveled and twitched as she carefully listened for any activity outside. I couldn't help but do the same, even with how laser focused Jailean wanted me to be with her. I didn't catch any strange sounds, and after a few seconds it seemed like she hadn't either. "Do you really want to know?"

I gulped; my attention was drawn downward. The way she held her arms together caused her cleavage to almost pop out of her low-cut top. Jailean wasn't wearing a bra either. Never did, but it was undisputedly obvious tonight. Even through two layers of admittedly thin clothing, her hardened nipples strained against the fabric. I lost my breath for a second, swallowed a wad of saliva that formed at the back of my tongue, and did my best to clear my throat as well as my mind.

"Yeah. I... I wouldn't mind."

It was an impossible thing to do, trying to clear my mind that is. Jailean was neither blind nor stupid; she quickly caught on to my staring. Instead of backing away, trying to make herself look even half descent given the situation, she chose to arch her spine and push out her breasts with a slight huff of air.

She had me salivating.

"For starters, I think you're awfully stressed." She once again nudged my head up with a tightened grip on my jaw. I could feel her claws trying to dig at the skin underneath, as if aching to break through. They didn't hurt, but it did keep me steady and still. "Slow down. Breathe." Jailean eased into me, holding her legs tight to either side of my body as she took to straddling my lap. "I swear, your mind is going a thousand miles an hour right now."

"Maybe a couple hundred." I placed my hands on her sides just as her arms found their spot looped around the back of my neck. Idle claws nicked and scratched what was a tender spot for me, and for a moment I forgot all about where we were.

I simply closed my eyes and allowed the sensations to overtake me: that exciting tickle on the back my neck, which sent a wave of feint chills through the surface of my skin and forced my fur to stand on end; the rhythm of her breathing that worked to match my own excited pace; the surprisingly comfortable weight of her body on top of mine, and the comforting warmth it came with; how her hips rolled, slow and steady, down against my painfully obvious erection, teasing and enticing with feint promises of inexplicable pleasure.

Her snout was just inches from my own now. I didn't have to open my eyes to know. Her breath was a strange amalgamation of weed, strawberries, alcohol, and mints. Some might have found it off-putting, but I couldn't help but be drawn closer to the hyena.

My body moved by its own accord as I pressed up against her, forcing the thick bulge that strained painfully in my pants to squeeze in between her thighs and against her warm and moist core. I gave the underside of her chin a small lick; the texture of her coarse sandy fur was no longer as discomforting as it once had been. Jailean reciprocated the gesture, and with a satisfied sigh nuzzled her head against my own until our noses were pressed softly to one another.

With a hitched breath and my heart hammering against my throat, I finally opened my eyes to a familiar sight.

There was a previously unseen depth in that intense pair of eyes. Like a shadow had fallen over them. It was as if I was staring into an abyss with a beautiful violet core to draw me in. I stammered, trying to find words, but Jailean silenced me with a gentle kiss as she once more settled into my lap with a gentle wriggling of her hips.

I couldn't help but moan with approval as I tasted her. Our tongues met halfway, prodding and rubbing and twisting into each other. Her gentle growls thrummed through my chest like beating drums and echoed in my head. We held each other tighter still. The only way we could have been any closer was if we were both naked. Then, with a moan that vibrated my teeth, I felt her tongue forcefully push past mine. I hardly put up any resistance as she fed herself deeper and deeper into the depths of my maw.

Every time she paused, I thought that was it, that there couldn't be more. Then she'd prove me wrong, huffing a warning, and I'd find myself breathlessly gasping as yet another inch of tongue wormed its way deeper toward my throat. Its impossible length finally settled just at the back of my throat. Jailean groaned, almost with appreciation at how accommodating I had been, as I felt her explore my maw with renewed fervor, leaving no centimeter of it untouched.

She held me in her perfect spot and had no intention of letting me go just yet. It wasn't like I was in any rush to get her off from me either.

Jailean's kiss finally forced me to stop and do as she had earlier commanded. She forced me to breathe. Slow down. Take it easy. I could feel my will melting into hers every time that her tongue rolled against mine, taking the shape she wanted it to have. Tension ebbed out of me with every short breath I took. What worries I had seemed trivial by now, no longer dominating the forefront of my thoughts.

Minutes passed before we finally parted from one another. Jailean watched me with a salacious look about her half-lidded eyes, humming with satisfaction as she licked up what little bit of our saliva that coated the fringes of her chin. Then, just to further emphasize how much she had pushed into me, the hyena grinned and let her tongue droop down to just past her chin. I stared at it, almost breathless, and then glanced back up at her.

"Breathe," she hummed as her hands slipped from around my neck and worked themselves over my shoulders. "There, that's it. In.... and out. Just like that. See, isn't that better?"

I nodded as her hands moved lower toward my chest. "Yeah. That... that was amazing." I couldn't help but smile, and choked out a laugh. "You're fucking amazing."

She rolled her eyes, trying to seem annoyed, but I caught that slight giggle she tried to hide. "Shut up... you always say that."

"Because it's true. I..." I paused, throbbing hard under her. She felt it too, because what had been a previously satisfied smile quickly formed into a devious smirk that left a lump in my throat. "Jailean, I don't think - we should -"

The words left me as she once more began grinding herself against me. She spoke to me concisely and clearly, like she had done to our professor just earlier on.

"You don't think we should... what?" She cocked her head and, briefly, she paused. I whimpered and desperately pressed up against core, savouring how wet she was even through both our pants. "A-Ah! That's what you want!" she mocked with a click of her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "Well then, now that I've calmed you down a little, there is something else I want too."

"Jai - ooh f-fuck!" Without warning, and with no desire to hide her lustful impatience, Jailean pressed herself harder against me. "Please... not..." I gasped, my cock twitching with every little bit of pressure she put down on it. The hyena was expertly milking the precum out of me, moisture pooling at the spot where the tapered head of my dick met with the rough fabric of my pants. Jai wasn't oblivious to it; she knew just how to angle herself, how to move, and how much pressure to apply so she always kept me at a loss of control. Every painful, incredible throb was her reassurance that I really did want this. With nowhere left for it to go, the watery precum soaked through the denim and dribbled down my leg.

"... not here," I finally managed to gasp, even as I let my head loll back against the chair's backrest and allowed my hands to find themselves on her firm ass. "Jai. Jai please. We can't." With a mind of their own, my hands helped her along and pressed her harder against my length.

"We can," she spoke between breaths, then added with a dangerous snarl. "Here. Now!" Her hips lifted off from mine, then crashed down on me with a surprisingly forceful shove. With her legs spread the way they were, her covered pussy rubbed hard against my fully hardened bulge.

I squirmed under her as she lifted off from me again. She even gave me a second to breathe, to feel what it was like to not have her directly on top of me. The cool air burned against my straining cock. I sucked on my lip and whimpered, silently begging for Jailean to come back down again. She smiled at me the way she did whenever I said or did something that she liked, and with another forceful shove came back down on me.

If she had told me that she could stare right into my soul, I wouldn't have doubt it. That wide unblinking stare screamed for more, and more, and more. I groped and squeezed her ass, molding her cheeks under my fingertips. "... too public. Someone's gonna see," I breathlessly said, shivering as her hands finally fell down to the hem of my pants.

"So what if they see us?" she asked while leaning back on my lap. Her hands were deliberately slow, one of them fiddling with the button of my jeans while the other began teasing the base of my cock. Her small hand wrapped around the base of my bulge, just below the knot, and gently pressed down, forcing my dick to rub up hard against my leg. A full body shudder overwhelmed me, and with one hard throb I felt a powerful jet of precum squirt against my knee. Jailean's eyes moved down from mine to the hem of my pants. It had her undivided attention.

"It never stopped you before." Relief - her fingers finally popped the button free from its clasp, relieving some of the pressure that had strained my lupine cock so thoroughly against my leg. "Like when Clarice walked in on us with her boyfriend, last Summer?" She grinned. One hand found purchase atop my knot, the other began to sloooowly unzip my pants. Too slowly. It was torture. I whimpered into my hand, pushing up against Jailean, trying to get her to go faster. None of it worked. "You loved it when they watched then. You'd probably love it if someone walked in on us now, huh?"

Jailean finally looked up at me, a dangerous glint in her eyes reflecting from the lights overhead. With one sudden motion, she pulled the zipper down to its end and swiftly tugged my pants and boxers down to my knees. "Pervert."

I inwardly moaned as her fingers wrapped around the base of my shaft, just below the slightly inflated knot. Her eyes were on me, studying my pillar of flesh as it twitched and throbbed in her grasp. Angry veins ran along the length of its reddish pink skin, almost pulsing with every beat of my heart as blood rushed to my erection.

Her eyes darted back up, her smile faltering just slightly. "Only if you want this," she murmured. Her hands moved down my shaft and fondled my balls, forcing out another long dribble of precum that flowed down my shaft and coated her fingers. "We can stop."

"No!" My body pressed in against her hand, my dick throbbing with need. I wanted her. And she was right - I couldn't care less about where we did it or who could walk in on us. The world be damned, I wanted her! "Please Jai, don't stop."

Jailean nodded, her hyena grin showing through as her fingers gently squeezed down on my balls. Little trembles of pleasure coursed through me as I felt her other hand wrap around my cock. With how lubricated I'd become with precum, her hand easily slid upwards with minimal friction; it was all just enough that I could _feel_her perfectly.

And not once did she stop looking into my eyes. Not as her hand slowly worked itself up and down with a slight twisting of her wrist, polishing me from my knot to the tip. Not when I pressed against her hands, muttering words of praise at how well she treated me. Not when my own hands came down on her ass time and time again, giving her light spanks meant more to encourage her than they were to cause pain.

I closed my eyes, snout parted slightly as once more I struggled to find my breath. It did not surprise me that the hyena's lips met mine again. Her gentle kiss distracted me from her hands, if only momentarily. Enough time for me to focus squarely on her. I brought a hand up to her back and held her close to me, breathing a sigh into her.

"There you go," she murmured after having accommodated herself against my erection. I could feel a warm dampness as her juices soaked through the fabric of her pants. With a soft giggle, she said, "Ready for me, huh?

"Do I have to answer that?" I whispered, and managed a stifled laugh. She teased a claw under my chin and drew me in close to herself, all the while she grinded up against the base of my shaft. She breathed in sharply with every time she angled herself against me.

Jailean nodded, nibbling on her lip, and with a dark smile she spoke; "Say it."

I gulped, fighting every temptation I had to hump into her hand. Whenever it rubbed upward along my shaft, it seemed to follow yet another batch of precum. Her fingers would press against my cumvein, feeling it swell slightly with every throb while her thumb gently pressed against my sensitive tip.

There was no backing out now - not that I wanted to in the first place.

"I'm ready." I lifted her slightly from my lap, watched as she undid her pants and tugged them down just enough expose her slick, dark pussy, and then slowly lowered her until her lips squeezed against the underside of my shaft. "God, you feel amazing," I praised as she trembled in my hands. Her sleek excitement easily coated my cock from top to bottom.

Every time I pressed against her entrance, she'd pause and mumble something under her breath.

First, they were commands, ordering me to penetrate her and take her already. I'd back out and tease upward until my cockhead rubbed against her sensitive clit. When I had her so perfectly ready for more, I lifted her slightly and prodded my tapered head against her wet hole once more, just barely pushing in slightly as another gout of hot precum gushed out of me and into her.

Her commands turned to urgent requests. "Come on," she'd tease with a sultry tone and hungry look as her hips rolled circles against my cock, trying to nudge more of it into her. "Take me. Fuck me. Pound it into me until -" The hyena moaned as I pushed into her a little more, her lips spreading wider as her entrance struggled to accommodate my girth. She groaned with frustration and gnashed her large canines at me as I once more brought myself out completely.

Her patience had finally worn thin. Hips desperately bucked against my throbbing flesh, forcing her pussy to squeeze in against my shaft and nearly fist-sized knot. Rather than words, the only things that came out of Jailean's mouth were angry snarls and dangerous growls, as if her conscious mind had finally broken, giving way to the savage animal underneath. Her hands explored every part of my body, pushing and poking and touching while her claws desperately scratched through my fur to the skin underneath, threatening to draw blood if I didn't hurry up.

"Say you want it," I teased with a devilish smirk as her violet eyes settled on mine, dark and clouded over with lust. I pushed in against her, forcing Jailean to feel every inch of my length press against her waiting hole and swollen clit. "Say it."

I lifted her up by her ass, giving it a tight squeeze in the way, and pressed her entrance down against my throbbing member. She didn't say anything until she felt the tip push part her lips and prod into her entrance, deeper than it had been before, but not nearly enough.

"Fuck me!" screamed Jailean, her voice trailing off to a loud whimper as I unceremoniously dropped her on me, instantly impaling her with nearly seven inches of my cock with an audible squelch.

"Yeeeeesssss!" she slurred. I felt her instantly cramp up, her walls clenching and releasing tight around my dick, milking me for every inch she could get while she desperately pressed down against my inflated knot. "Fuck me! Fuck my pussy and tame me!"

Even with how thoroughly soaked through she was, her hot walls made it hard for me to move. They held on like a vice, unwilling to let go of my dick as I started to draw myself back while Jailean lifted off my lap. Even her lips seemed unwilling to let go, gripping tight to the skin of my cock until only my tapered head was still inside. Jailean braced her hands against my shoulders and with a slight huff once more dropped herself down on my cock, down to the knot.

I couldn't help but moan in appreciation, almost breathless when Jailean started to bounce on my cock. Every time I pushed into her felt like I was carving out her hot, wet, and tight insides; molding her out to the perfect shape of me.

"So fucking wet," I hissed. Jailean only moaned in response as she pounded down with long, rhythmic, and forceful strokes that were only interrupted whenever she grinded down her pussy against my sensitive knot, which forced a whimper out of the both of us as my head pressed upward against her most sensitive spot. "God, you're amazing!"

She gasped, raised her hips, and rolled her pussy against my cockhead. Through panting breaths she smiled wide as I squirmed under her, and with a satisfied moan she felt as I gushed yet another batch of my watery hot precum into her pussy. Mixed with her own juices, she spread it across the length of my shaft as once again Jailean forced herself down on me and repeatedly began bouncing on my dick with renewed vigor.

"Harder," she snarled, and answered her own question by digging her claws into my shoulders and slamming herself harder against me while I met her halfway with shorter thrusts of my own. "H-Harder. Deeper! I... I..." Mouth agape, the hyena completely lost her words as started thrusting harder and faster against her, as much as I could afford to do from where I sat. Even for a few moments, she held herself still and simply allowed herself the sensation of being so thoroughly filled over and over again, all the while my knot slammed against her entrance with threats of breaking her in like a proper bitch. "Fuuck. I'm going... I'm going to...!"

I stole her kiss before she could say anymore. As I pushed my tongue deep into her mouth and wrestled with her own, I felt her walls clench tight against my cock. Holding me tight, to the point that I could hardly move inside her, her walls uncontrollably trembled and clenched time and time again in an almost endless wave of orgasmic pleasure.

She moaned hard into my snout, nearly screamed in the process, as her own body seemed to fight against itself. One part desperately tried to pull itself off from my still hardened and throbbing erection as the pleasure became nearly overwhelming, while the other part of her held on for dear life absolutely unwilling to let go of me until she completely rode off her orgasmic high.

In the throes of her body-shaking orgasm, Jailean desperately held on to any part of me that she could grab. Her hands didn't know where to go, moving from my shoulders, to my neck, and then down to my sides as she scratched and clawed little painful trails of blood wherever she made contact with my skin. At the same time she sucked on my tongue and nibbled down on my bottom lip, breathing a hot and heavy air into my lungs that I couldn't get enough of. At this moment, Jailean felt incredible. I couldn't get enough of her.

Jailean finally pulled back from me, her violet eyes staring pointedly at the thick string of saliva that bridged the couple of inches we were from one another. Even as she continued to rock herself against me, shooting dull shivers through me as I swelled inside of her, she let out a satisfied sigh and smiled wide. "Gods... y-you're the amazing one, love."

"Stop," I mumbled dumbly, unable to help a wide grin and hot blush while briefly turning away from her. "You can't say things like that."

"After that show?" she teased lightly, flashing me again her massive, drool-slobbered canines, "I can say whatever the hell I want. Fuck... I'm still fucking throbbing." We leaned against one another, bumping our wet noses together while staring into one another. This moment could have lasted forever, I'd never get tired of it. With a shaky breath of air, she whispered; "Thank you."

"Anytime, cutie."

"Just have to - f-fuck that... ooohhh..." She pushed off from my lap, slowly easing herself from my dick. She was clearly enjoying the sensation, savouring as each inch slipped out of her in a single hesitant motion. I couldn't keep my eyes off, watching as her lips swelled along my girth until, finally, my dick slipped free of her tight wet grasp. "Just... Hah... Need to take care of one last thing."

I closed my eyes and slumped back on the chair as Jailean fell between my legs. If I hadn't already been so painfully erect, it wouldn't have taken me long to stand at attention for her. Her breath brushed against the underside of my head - a cool breeze against the layer of precum and fem-juice that so thoroughly coated my shaft and balls. Even with her face obscured from where she knelt, I could vividly picture her smug smile. When a hand wrapped itself along the bottom of my inflated knot, I instantly humped against it.

"Eager boy, aren't we?" she spoke, her hold on me making every throb feel painfully tight. "Don't worry. I'll take care of you."

"Quit fucking stalling," I groaned, partly frustrated as well as amused. "Fuck... please." I bucked my hips toward her, trying to entice Jailean. I felt her breaths brush lower and lower along my shaft, to the knot that her hand held so firmly, and finally to my balls. "God... you're killing me, Jai."

"Nah," she teased, with quick flick of her tongue pressed a slight slick against my balls. "Not yet, love." She hardly gave me the time to react or prepare - before I could say another word, I felt that long wet tongue slowly press harder and harder against my balls, licking and caressing in a strange, slimy, and fucking wonderful massage. I caught a giggle out of her as her hand no doubt felt my knot swell again, right as I squirted quickly thickening gouts of precum against unto her. "You taste really good, you know that?"

"Stop. Fucking. Teasing."

She didn't listen, and instead repeated those same painfully wonderful ministrations against my other orb, shuffling her head from side to side as more and more of her tongue wrapped itself around my balls. I gasped, breathless, hanging on for deal life to the armrests of my chair as the tip of her tongue traced lazy circles and invisible signs across the surface of that taut skin. If I hadn't known any better, I would have placed my bets on her being able to hear the cum churning in my balls, that's how backed up I felt.

"So fucking full..." She pulled back, parting from my balls with a wet lick, and only briefly glanced up at me. "Bet you want to spray it all over me, huh?"

I nodded, met her eyes, and with a short laugh muttered; "Or down your fucking throat."

"Naughty!" she teased, before diving back under my dick. "Maybe we can work something out." With her hand still holding steady and still by my knot, Jailean licked one ball, then the other, and then slowly opened her mouth until -

"W-Wait... what are you doing - oh... oooohhh shit!" Jailean took my balls into her snout, closed her lips tight around them, and moaned loudly into me. The hyena knew exactly what she was doing, and there was no denying the effect it had on me as my dick throbbed hard and with little of my control in her grasp.

Long, steady, and thicker streams of precum gushed from my tip in near unending waves. I felt them flowing down, following the contours of my cumvein and my engorged knot, dribbled toward my balls, and in turn unto Jailean's face. She only seemed to moan harder in appreciation at my little display, suckling harder on my balls as her tongue lashed them at every point it could reach from inside. That dual sensation of the suction and that warm unconventional massage was enough to leave me panting like a mutt as I struggled to keep my thoughts in line.

With an audible pop and an exaggerated "Aaaah!" Jailean pulled back from me while letting my nuts fall from her snout. "That's a good boy!" She sat up a little higher and glanced at me with that smug, devilish, lusty smirk. "Ready for your reward?"

I nodded eagerly, tempted to cry out with need as she slowly got back down to eye level with my dick.

Her tongue fell flat on the base of my shaft, just above my knot. Its wide surface spread itself out completely against the underside of my throbbing erection. The hyena moaned lightly, no doubt tasting herself on me as her tongue massaged and collected that mix of her juices and my own precum. She squeezed down on my knot and slowly began to work her way upward, loudly gulping down what juices she collected from my shaft, rolling her tongue up and down and from side to side, until finally she stopped at the very tip of my crown. She expectantly held herself still with her mouth open, her tongue still tight against the underside of my tapered head; as if on cue, I throbbed and felt yet another hot load of precum squirt, this time straight into her waiting maw.

Without ever having moved her tongue off from my shaft, Jailean dipped her head down and in one glorious motion wrapped her lips around my dick and slid down, and down, and down until her nose pressed up tight against my knot. Nearly balls deep, I moaned her name in what was only pleasure filled appreciation. She wasted no time in getting to work, bobbing her head up and down, lashing at my cock with her tongue, while that hand that had so tightly held me captive by the underside of my engorged knot began to massage that angry ball of flesh in a way that - I swear - followed the beating of my heart.

I wasn't going to last long. I closed my eyes, toes curling tight to the point that they ached with pain, and struggled to hold a steady breath and calm the beating of my heart. It was desperate, an attempt at making this last as long as possible. Nothing in me wanted it to ever end. Yet, I so desperately wanted that release. And Jailean knew that.

The hyena moaned into me and redoubled her efforts. Every time she pulled back to the tip, Jailean eagerly suckled on the head of my cock and teased my urethra with the tip of her tongue, savouring my salty precum hot and straight from the source. Then she'd shove herself back down, and I could only watch mesmerized and amazed as every last inch up to my knot disappeared into her eager maw. I felt myself slip further and further inside, until I nearly hit the back of her throat, and yet Jailean didn't so much as grunt her discomfort, even if she gagged slightly. If anything, that only seemed to entice her further, and if hadn't been for how painful engorged my knot was, she probably would have taken me all the way down to my balls.

"Fuck, Jai! I-I'm so close!" I only sat up a little, enough to get a better look at her as my hand fell on her head. I simply held my hand there as I started to thicken and throb harder and faster inside her snout, and scratched between her ears in a spot I knew she liked. The hyena practically purred with appreciation as her violet eyes glanced up at me. "You're so fucking incredible Jai. I... God, I'm close!"

Where she wanted me to cum didn't even need to be asked, since it looked like she had already made up her mind. As soon as I uttered those words, Jailean instinctively dipped her head as far down as she could go, nearly kissing my knot in the process. Her tongue massaged my cumvein, coaxing out her hot reward, while her hand wrapped tight and tugged on my knot as if simulating me finally breaking a bitch in. It broke me, and with all my willpower gone I finally got the release I needed.

Hips bucking, legs trembling, I pushed into her throat and felt my cock swelled in her maw. The first spray of cum, so thick and heavy, seemed to last forever like a torrent. It splattered against the back of her throat. She was barely done swallowing it down as my cumvien swelled again, my urethra dilating as another hot batch sprayed into her, and another, and another. Each one coming thicker and harder than the last, as Jailean swallowed every last drop I gave her.

It seemed to drag on. When those powerful jets of cum finally phased into a more manageable gushing, Jailean get to work on massaging my dick with her tongue, edging out every last bit I had on offer, to the last drop. She was insatiable.

The only thing that could have made this even better was if I had properly tied her in, but at this point, I had no right to complain.

After what felt like minutes, Jailean finally slid me out of her maw. I whimpered, too sensitive at the tip, and she knew this as the hyena left me with a parting lick. She grinned, easily eased herself back into my lap, and wrapped her arms around my neck.


I blushed hard, tied between laughing at her stupid remark or dying of embarrassment. She idly licked at stray strands of cum that still clung to her lips while staring into my eyes. Then I kissed her, not with the same intensity that we had while I fucked her, but still with the same care and passion. I could taste my own cum on her tongue.

"Thank you," I whispered, and gently licked the bottom of her chin. "You were incredible."

"I know," she teased while planting a kiss on the bridge of my nose. "You weren't so bad yourself, you know that?" Jailean moved closer to me still, unwilling to let go. I could feel her short, busy, sandy tail wagging ferociously from side to side, almost as much as mine. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," I whispered. "Much, much better."

Her fingers traced lazy circles on the back of my neck. It was comforting. "Good. Now... how about you come over to my place for the night. Unless... you're busy?"

I shook my head. No way in hell would I be missing out. "What are you planning?"

"Movie night," she teased. Even though it was midnight, I couldn't put it past her. "To start the weekend right. And then..."

"... and then?"

"... maybe if I'm in a good mood, we can try some other things." She eased her ass back against my dick, smirking when she felt it start hardening again under her. "Sounds good?"

"Sounds perfect," I mused.

"Good. Come on," Jailean hopped off without another word, groaning lightly as she stretched her arms out over her head. "I'll drive!"