Renamon's Feelings ( A Vengeance Spin-Off)

Story by The Truth is a Furry on SoFurry

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#12 of Vengeance

Renamon's Feelings

To all of you Vengeance readers here's a little set of info. This takes place while Matt's around and is their first new year together. Also this is non-canonical so don't worry. Lastly it's a Matt POV, ENJOY!


It was a clear but cold night and I was searching for Renamon. It was new years and she had gone missing.

Matt: Where is she! I've been searching for 3 hours and it's freezing! I hope her fur is keeping her warm.

Despite all my anger I was extremely worried. We had been going out for a while and I didn't need my first girlfriend, not to mention partner, dieing on me!

Matt: Just need to check the neighbors trees again and then I'll have to grab a thermos or something!

?: Hic! Hey there you are.

I looked down and to my surprise Renamon was lying on the ground. Cans of beer littered the area around her and she looked drunk.


Renamon: Oh relax! Hiccup. I over heard what New Years was all about! Getting drunk and screwing the people you love! Hic.

Matt: I'm not ganna comment but where'd you get the beer and for that matter what possessed you to drink it!

Renamon: I took it from the neighbors! Drunk idiots didn't notice me! I thought I would share a drink with you as a gesture of love. Hic, hiccup! I took a taste and all of sudden I was here and then you were here!

Matt: Typical, can't hold your liquor. Come on let's get you home!

I reach down to help her up and she grabs my hand. Then she does something that surprises me! She pressed my hand up against her right breast!

Renamon: Matt . . . I want, no I need you!

Matt: Renamon I love you but I can't. It's to sudden I just, can't!

Renamon: FOOL!

She pulled something out. It was my d-ark! And she also had two cards. She scanned them.

Renamon: Clear Mind and Mental Link!

Matt: What did you just do?!

Renamon's voice resounded in my head.

Renamon: I linked our minds and cleared mine. Even now I know that your the one!

I just looked at her. I loved her more then anything and I wanted to make her happy but, I didn't want to have sex with her! I wanted to save that! I wanted to love her for her not her body!

Renamon: Calm yourself.

Matt: But!

She sent images into my head. Images of us together; our first date, our first kiss, sunset's shared together, and a cavalcade of others. I started crying.

Matt: Don't make me do this!

Renamon: Matt it's fine! I love you and you love me! Come on let's go!

Before I could say more she got up and kissed me. She wrapped her arms around me and I felt warm. I loved her, and I knew it. I started hugging her back and started wrestling her tongue with mine.

Matt: Hold on a moment.

Renamon: What is it? Aren't you happy?

Matt: More then you could ever now. But we might get caught, I'll use the d-ark.

We broke apart and I felt immediately sadder. I pressed a button on the d-ark and an orange portal opened. We walked through it.

We appeared in the AFT main lobby and took an elevator to a level marked transport. We got there and I was surprised to see digimon running around the room warping and arriving.

Renamon: Work never ends ah?

Matt: I guess! To the Japan portal.

Renamon: What? Oh who cares I trust you!

We walked over to a map of Asia an through a door. From there we followed a path to Japan. Then to a open terminal. I plugged my d-ark into it.

Matt; Tokyo, Red Light district, and set!

I unplugged my d-ark and pressed a button. After a little a portal appeared and I lead Renamon through it.

This time we appeared in an alley somewhere in Tokyo. We walked out and I found what I was looking for! A generic Love Hotel, Club Pudding.

Renamon: What's this?

Matt: It's a place where the Japanese go and have sex discretely. It's automated so you don't have to worry!

I pulled out a wad of 10,000 yen bills and we walked to the entrance.

Renamon: Where did you get those?

Matt: Well, blush , I uh, I was planning for this myself.

Renamon: Oh yes Renamon I want to wait! Hypocrite! HENTIA-KUN!

Matt: Oh relax!

After we stopped poking fun I picked a room and sent Renamon to go get it. While she did that I ran off and got a "toy." I arrived at the room a few minutes later and found Renamon watching porn on the TV.

Matt: Learning anything?

Renamon: I did! I learned things like this!

She reached over and zipped down my fly. Then she reached inside and pulled out my member. Realizing what she was after I pulled off my pants and took a seat in on the bed. She snaked her way down and started to suck now fully erect member.

Matt: You pick things up fast!

Renamon: You taste good!

That pushed my limits and I started to face fuck her. She also started to drool and lick with her oddly rough tongue.

Matt: Oh yes! Faster! FASTER! If you keep going you'll get something even taster!

Renamon: I taste something bitter!


I exploded in her mouth and she tired to swallow it all. But she couldn't keep it all down she lost a little around the cheeks.

Matt: Oh my gosh Renamon! That was fantastic!

Renamon: Hm, I don't know, I wished it wasn't so bitter.

Matt: Now it's my turn to service.

I pushed her down and started searching her lower regions trying to find her lips in all that fur. When I found them I started I plunged my tongue inside her immediately.

Renamon: OH! Your going to fast Matt!

Matt: I can't help it your so sweet! DELICIOUS!


I starts to finger her and nibbling on her clit, occasionally plunging my tongue inside. All of a sudden she forced my head right up against her lips an . . .


She released a torrent of sweet juices that a lapped up happily. Then licking my lips I pulled up from her panting form.

Matt: So how was your first orgasm?

Renamon: Excellent! NOW RIDE ME!

Matt: You need not say it twice!!

I took aim and shoot my member straight inside her. She came again and clutched my back. She was tearing up.

Matt: What is it?

Renamon: It hurts so much! But feels so good!

I looked down and released in my haste I had taken her cherry with a full on penetration stroke!

Matt: Renamon? I'm going to start to move. Ok?

Renamon: Go gently.

I slowed pushed back and forth. Eventually she started moaning and moistened up.

Matt: Here I GO!

I pushed everything in and pulled out again in about a second. I repeated this for a while. Then we changed positions. She flipped and I pulled out and then went back in. Doggy-style mode!

Renamon: Keep going Matt! I'm almost there!

Matt: I'm getting close to! ONE MORE THRUST!

I pulled all the way out and teased her a bit. Circling her lips with my members tip.



I slammed my member all the way inside and hit the wall of her uterus. She tightened around me and came. This added pressure made me cum as well! We just collapsed onto the bed and convulsed for a while.

Matt: Ready for more?

Renamon: YES!

We started with a little titty-fuck. She pushed her spectacular DD boobs together and I fucked them mercilessly. She licked the tip ever so slightly. This over stimulated me and I came all over her face.

Matt: Sorry!

Renamon: Hm, your first batch was bitter but now it's getting sweater!

Matt: Then I can give you some more!

For a while we just face-fucked. I just couldn't get enough of her lovely tongue and she had a thirst for my cum that seemed unquenchable.

Matt: I'm out!

Renamon: And I've had enough!

Matt: But you gotta admit that was pretty awesome!

Renamon: Ya. I can't believe something could taste that good!

Matt: It's my turn again!

Renamon: Um, I have an idea! Can I just sit on your face?

Matt: Face sitting? Good idea!

She sat on my face and I greedily licked her lips! Like with her with my cum, I just couldn't get enough of her delicious juices. After 5 orgasms I told her to get off.

Renamon; But I sucked you off more! Your not fair!

Matt: Relax! I just wanted to try a toy I picked up.

I produced a large dildo that looked feline in make.

Renamon: What is that?

Matt: It's a kitsune type dildo.

Renamon: What?

Matt: It's a dildo modeled after a male you!

Renamon: Whatever! Just make me cum!

I stuck it inside and it fit like a glove. I pulled it inside and out, this way and that. She came quite quickly!

Matt: So you're enjoying this?

Renamon: Yes! But I still like you!

Matt: Good!

I pulled the base off of it and pushed my member in side the newly made cavaity.

Matt: It's also a cock-sleeve!

Renamon: RIDE ME THEN!


I pushed my way inside and started humping here. The sleeve was ribbed so it felt great! We humped and humped. Renamon came a few times then after a long bout I felt some tension finally building!

Matt: I think I've got one more!

Renamon: So do I!

Matt and Renamon: IM CUMMING!

I came and it went through the slit in the sleeve and I filled her one last time. Her juices spilled out of her and also into the sleeve.

Matt: That was pant so pant great pant!

Renamon: You were pan** t good pant Matt pant**!

I rolled over and kissed her. And we knew, for know, all was well

Vengeance Set 3 (11-15)

V11: Letter He opened the letter and this is what it said: Dear Nathan, I bet this comes as a surprise ah? Le's get the big stuff out of the way first. One, I wasn't the boring kid you knew. I was a tamer, that's right a digimon...

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Vengeance Set 2 (6-10)

Hey its set 2! I few things to get out of the way. 1, This is my shortest and worst set. Just garbage! I wish I didn't have to upload this but I have to. Anyway enjoy the sub-par crap fest! 2, The last set for the near future is 3. Chapter 16 and up...

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Vengeance Set 1 (1-5)

Vengeance 1: Arrival The tale begins with a boy named Matthew. Though he went by Matt. He was surfing the web for more composite pictures. They were for his CGI Renamon, he had built it from pictures and movies on the internet. He was nearly...

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