Blood & Carrots - Episode 23

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#23 of B&C

So, you wish to hear the old bunny-tales of the misadventures of Alice Blackpaw, do you? Hmm, I suppose I can, but you may be here a while. My life was a simple one once, not unlike your own, but time and circumstance changed that. You ask if I'm a vampire? Yes, I suppose that is partially accurate, but there's so much more to the story than that. Love, lust, war, reinvention...

I see you're determined. Very well, I'll tell you the tale of how I came to be who I am today. It may be a long tale, but after all, we have nothing but time. So, rest your head on my lap, my pet, but I warn you... storytelling can make me a tad thirsty.

18+ Mature sexual content.

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

Did you enjoy the little vacation episode for Alice and Lorelai? Me too! Did I mention I love that sheep? Yeah? That many times? Hmm...

Hey! Are you curious about what might have been going on during that little holiday? Why don't we mix things up a little this episode, eh my lovely?

Let's jump right in!


Episode 23:

Do you fear I would hurt you?

My council business had kept me busy for almost two weeks so I was tired but happy to be back home when I stepped into the main entrance of the house. I gave a fatigued sigh before dropping my luggage to the ground, It was nice to be surrounded by the familiar scents and sights of my home.

She was there waiting for me and in a heartbeat, I found myself pushed up against the wall. There were no words, she simply shoved her mouth to mine and I was thrilled to have it. I felt her will and energy surge into my tired body as I moaned out happily, our tongues playfully flicking against one another.

"Welcome home, my beautiful cat..." The words filled my ears once we parted from the kiss, my tongue still lolled slightly before I tucked it back into my mouth and offered a coy grin.

"Thanks, I missed you," I purred the words to my rabbit and moved in to kiss her throat, my hands already eager to explore her body after not having it for weeks.

"I can tell by your energy you missed me terribly... H-however..." Her words came to me with some hesitation and I knew there was a 'but' waiting in there.

"Alice... Do not tell me you have to leave..." I hissed, narrowing my eyes and folding my ears.

"O-only for a few hours... it's council-related and not in a good way, I swear!" My rabbit huffed the words as she frowned at me, her red eyes having already shifted back to blue.

I pulled from her arms before folding my own and looking at her. "Fine..." My ears lifted, finally feeling the unfamiliar presence in the house. I shifted my green and copper eyes to see you standing off to the side, further back from the two of us. "Ah... so that's them eh?"

Alice offered me a smile and gave a cute nod. I felt my irritation fading, I never could stay upset when looking at her bobbing ears. "Yes... they are on day twelve now."

"Is that right?" I flicked and coiled my black tail, then shifted my gaze back to my bunny. "Are you taking them with you?"

"Alas, I cannot... This is official business only." She lamented the words to me and gave me a frown.

Gritting my teeth I sighed. "Alright... let me guess, you want me to bond with the potential new blood while you're busy?"

She placed her fingertip on her cheek and gave me a sinful smile. "I would be ever in your debt, my love."

I felt my heart pound and bit my lower lip. "Fine... but once you're back, I get you to myself for the rest of the night, deal?"

The rabbit showed her teeth and spread her arms. "All yours Katrina, you may even feed on me if you desire it."

A purr bubbled up from my throat at the thought and I nodded. "Alright..." I move to my rabbit and pushed my lips hard against her own. I felt her jerk slightly from my dominant display before she grew weak in my arms.

My tongue pushed forward, feeling her own meet it eagerly. I opened my left eye to see you staring upon us intently as I pulled from her mouth and gave a coy grin. "Hurry back... I'm feeling aggressive tonight, I will happily take the lead."

She gave me an excited huff and nodded her head before quickly turning to exit the house. I saw her give a quick wave to you as she fled. "Y-you have fun with Katrina, my pet!"

I watched her leave, seeing the skip in her step then shifted my gaze and crossed my arms to stare upon you. You seemed to stay fixated on my lover for a long moment before shifting your gaze back to mine. We stare at one another for a moment before you finally made a courteous bow to me.

"Well... let's go for a walk in the garden and you can catch me up," I said as I walked past you, moving right back out the front of the mansion. You paced up quickly next to me and I lifted my ears. You reek of her, my rabbit had no doubt been doting heavily upon you the last several days.

"Alice tends to get long-winded with her talks, but she does it for a reason. She wants you to know just what you're getting into with this life. You understand?" I showed my teeth and coiled my tail, flicking it hard.

You gave me a nod and I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to do this, I wasn't the storytelling type. "So anyway... has she already fed upon you?" You nodded and I clicked my tongue before following up. "Both ways?" Again I see you nod and I show my teeth in a grin. "Of course she has... Rest assured what she has let you taste of the embrace is but a drop."

My ears lifted at your curious words and I smiled before giving a shake of my head. "Oh no... you've heard of our laws. She cannot engage you in full-on lovemaking, be it physical or in your dreams, until you are a member of our court in earnest. The touch she has given you while feeding upon you is but a drop in the sea."

You finally spoke your concerns about my jealousy and I smirked. "Are you kidding? Of course, I'm not jealous. She is my rabbit and that's enough, she can lay with whom and what she wants. If she chooses to full-on lay with you when the time comes, I will not come for your throat, nor resent her."

Another question, I could tell you were the curious type, no wonder she liked you. I rolled my eyes and frowned. "How much has she told you?"

I got the details and placed my hand to my forehead, groaning at the elaborate details. "Gods, that rabbit loves to talk..."

My ears drooped at your eager question that came next. "Y-you know I'm not as good at telling the saucy stuff as she is, right?"

I shook my head and kept walking as we paced by the pond. "Yeah... it's fine... She puts on this dramatic elegant act, but she really is pretty laid back after you get settled into the family."

My tail coiled and I stopped at your question. "You want to know about me and Alex? If we ever got together?"

I folded my arms and sighed, "Nah... we had a long talk about that... Uhm... well, I guess I could go into detail... even try to throw some kinky details in for you?"

Your eagerness answered a lot of questions for me and I shook my head. "That rabbit... alright uh... so Alice was away with Lorelai on their little vacation... I was uh... spending time with Elias."

My cheeks darkened and I gritted my teeth. "D-details? Fuck... you're one of those types huh? Well, I can see where this is going to lead if you stick around with us. F-fine... I can try to humor you, but I'm not a succubus, no promises it will be as fun to listen to..."


I blinked my red eyes open as my fox pulled the sheets up to look upon me. He was almost fully hard and I popped my mouth free, giving him a coy grin.

"Good evening, Master..." I purred the words and moved my hand to pump the base of his shaft, pushing the tip back into my mouth to resume suckling. I felt his pre dribble over my tongue and shivered, loving the taste of his musky feral flavor.

"Katrina... huff... this is the third day in a row you've woke me like this..." Elias panted the words and tossed the sheets back, letting them drape over my back. A heavy purr filled my throat as I felt his hand rest gently upon my head as he began petting me.

I wanted to answer, but I was also happy to keep pleasing him. My black ears flicked at his fingertips while he stroked them and after a few more moments I pulled his tip from my mouth with a sigh. "Of course... I've got you to myself for a week, I want to take good care of you."

"You're such a good girl..." The fox panted the words while rubbing at my ears and hair. I shivered at his praise and coiled my tail, my ears flicking, the golden rings in them shining in the low light of the bedroom.

"Thank you, Elias... give me a lot again this morning, I promise not to spill a drop." I moaned the words while pumping at his length, my tongue lapping at him. I parted my lips and moved to push him back into my mouth, then gave a huff as he gripped my ear. I recognized the sign to stop and blinked back up at him. "N-no?"

The fox showed me his sharp teeth in a grin and I felt a shiver roll down my spine. "No... turn around, lose your panties and let me get a taste of you."

I bit my lower lip hard and nodded my head obediently. I climbed from the sheets and peeled my red panties free. With some hesitation I turned around on his chest, lifting my tail up to lean back. I didn't get the chance to properly move into position. I felt him grab my hips and pull my crotch right down over his face.

"Ah... M-master..." I shuddered and sighed out happily as I felt his tongue working my folds. My hips swayed while I straddled his head and braced my fingertips on his stomach, feeling the strong defined muscles of his abs against them. I grinned drunkenly and flopped down on my chest, moving to grab the base of his length. I parted my lips and shoved his dripping tip back into my mouth, happily suckling upon him.

The fox dragged his tongue against my slick folds and sensitive spot while I suckled happily upon him. A few moments of enduring him was too much and I parted my lips from his length before moaning out in relief. I felt him coax forth my honey and coiled my tail tightly, shivering while he lapped at my folds in the afterglow, tasting what I had given him.

"Get on it." I heard his words come to my ears as I moved from his face and climbed back down into his lap.

"Is this position okay, Master?" I purred the words as I straddled him, still facing away from him and biting my lower lip, glancing back at him for approval.

Elias showed his teeth and grabbed my hips, I huffed out and felt him line his length up with my entrance. He said nothing and simply pulled my small body down onto him. My tongue lolled and I shivered as I felt him plunge into my tight walls, his tip resting snug deep inside me. "Master... ha... so deep... like always..."

The fox sat up and I felt his chest on my back as he pulled me closer. My black ears perked and I leaned close to him, purring like mad while he ground against me. I panted out and slid my hands over his own while he held my hips, feeling his tapered head jab into my core with each push. "I love having you in me, Master..."

"My beautiful cat..." The fox growled the words into my ears possessively and I shivered at them.

I nodded my head eagerly and pushed closer, purring and digging my nails into his wrists, panting and crying out as his thrusts increased in strength until he drew another from me, his bulging knot obvious now. My tongue showed as I cried out once more in relief, folding my ears.

"Ha!" I gasped out and blinked my eyes, feeling him not slowing, he was simply pushing through my orgasm to take me at his own pace. My teeth clenched and I shuddered, my eyes rolling up at the pleasure. "Guh... M-master..."

"Katrina... bare your throat!" The fox barked the command and my body responded without hesitation. I tilted my head to the side and willed my heart to race harder than he was already making it.

I heard my fox snarl and make a few more heavy vicious thrusts into me, then he bottomed out hard with a final push, forcing his knot past my entrance to lodge nice and deep. I gasped out as his left hand reached up to grab my breast hard, his right gripping my chin and pulling my head further to the side.

There was a flash of pain, large canines piercing my flesh and then my blood was erupting forth. I yowled out from the euphoria as he took several heavy gulps from me before his fire erupted deep inside my womb. I whimpered and panted, my body giving in violently from the whole ordeal.

Shivering in his grip, I panted faintly in the throes of it, feeling him fill me again and again while drinking deeply of me, that knot keeping it all inside. The lightheadedness started to come but he stopped short of it. I felt his hips make a final jerk beneath me, the last of his lust filling me, then a soft drag of his tongue healed my throat.

My body collapsed fully into his chest from behind, feeling him embrace me and hold me possessively. "Ngh... Master... are you happy?"

"You always make me happy, Katrina. You and Alice both do." His words came to me gently, the ragged feral tone having slipped away. I sighed blissfully at the moment. I didn't get the same kind of energy my rabbit did from this, but the pleasure was still all so intense, especially with my fox.

We stayed like that for several minutes, a constant purr in my throat. I pushed closer and spoke out gently, "Master."

"Yes, Katrina?" He said softly into my ear.

I shifted to glance at him over my shoulder, my eyes back to green and copper. "I have not heard it in some time... tell me."

The fox hesitated before giving me a gentle smile. "You wish me to say I love you, sister?"

I shook my head and lifted my ears. "Yes, but not as your sister. I am not Alice. I have been with you for several decades. Tell me... please?"

He folded his ears and I felt him hug me tighter. The words did not come and I frowned after several moments of silence. "It is just as well. I understand, Elias..."

"Forgive me. I do truly care for both of you. Know I would die for either of you." The fox growled into my ears and I nodded.

"I understand... I know that Sar- She, still holds a piece of your heart." I felt his grip tighten slightly and could feel his irritation at the topic.

"That's not the case..." Elias snarled and I frowned.

"Is it not, my Master? Then perhaps... fear?" I quirked a brow, showing the fox I would not so easily back from the topic as the rabbit would. "Do you fear we... no, not we... do you fear I would hurt you? After everything we've been through?"

He clenched his teeth and said nothing. I pulled from his arms and turned to face him before settling into his lap once more. "Nearly a century I've been on this earth, most of that by your side."

"I know that and I am eternally grateful for your constant companionship," Elias said and pushed a hand to my face. I felt his will wash over me, trying to calm me. Nearly a year with constantly mating and having my dreams invaded by a horny succubus had tempered my will like iron though.

I blinked at him and lifted my ears, showing him I was not moved by his gesture. "I am pleased you have such kind words. however, you have not answered the question."

"Katrina..." His words took on more of an edge and I saw his teeth show faintly. "Must we do this right after making love?"

I frowned and shook my head. "What better time?" I looked away and folded my ears. "It weighs upon her you know..."

"Does it?" Elias spoke at me curiously.

"Do not play the fool, fox. You know damn well it does. She has sobbed in my arms several times questioning if she were good enough for you." I spoke the words pointedly and fixed him with a strong look.

The fox frowned and looked away. "You know I do not wish either of you to be hurt. In time..."

"She is still thinking like a mundane. It has been nearly a full year of sex and affection without you committing to your obvious love for her." I glared at my fox and shook my head. "You can't think of her as some decades-old creature that doesn't age. She is still very much a young female in love. You and I are that love, Elias."

The fox clenched his teeth and jerked his gaze from mine. "You don't understand. I can't tell her right now... I can't tell her that I love you both more than life itself."

I felt my proverbial breath catch at the plain admittance and shook my head. "So you do love us in earnest then?"

"Do not play the fool, Katrina. You know I love you and her. You know I love you as much more than a sister." He barked the words at me, fixing me with a strong stare.

My cheeks darkened at his words but I felt pain fill my heart to know only I had heard them. "I love you too, Elias... but what of Alice? Won't you tell her?"

"I won't... not yet." He growled the words and I saw he was set in this.

"Why ever not?" I asked him gently, moving my hands to rest upon his chest.

"She is not ready to hear it... As cruel as it sounds, she still needs to understand what she is. To confess my love to her now, would leave her placated and satisfied. She would not seek to temper her resolve." He growled the words while looking away.

"This isn't fucking training, Elias. This is our rabbit's heart you play with!" I spat the words out, my cheeks darkening in frustration.

"I know that! But..." He clenched his teeth and growled. "I know what I'm doing, okay? You have questioned my authority enough for one day."

I narrowed my eyes and bit my lower lip hard. "Elias... will you truly use rank to silence my concerns for our mate?"

He hissed through his teeth and I saw the hesitation before he spoke. "No... that was unfair of me, but I do not wish to come to odds with you over this, my cat. Can you please just trust me on this?"

"You piss me off, Elias..." I hissed and glared at him.

The fox nodded and looked me in the eyes. "I use your own words upon you. Will you not trust me after everything we've been through?"

I snapped my teeth together and looked away. "V-very well... that is only fair... just tell me you have her best interests in mind."

The fox gripped my hand and kissed my palm and fingers gently. "Always... both of you... I swear I do not do it to hurt her. Just give it time."

I felt my tension ease and pushed my palm to his face gently. "Fine... but do not speak of loving me in her presence. It would crush her..."

The fox nodded. "I shall keep it to myself."

My black ears perked and I spoke out quickly. "I-I did not say that! Tell me you love me and say it often, simply when we are alone."

The fox smiled and nodded. "Of course, my love." He kissed my palm and smiled.

I tilted my head. "Will you wash my back?"

"Of course... let us go get cleaned up. I will heat you up something to drink as well." The fox grinned at me and rubbed one of my ears gently.


"You know... Alice has been playfully prodding at me over Alex for a while now," I hummed while the fox gently scrubbed my back in the hot shower. I sighed happily to have him pampering me and coiled my tail about.

"You two have a bit of history... Are you interested in him in such a way?" Elias spoke gently into my ear while rinsing my body off.

"I... I'm not sure. I've not really thought about it too heavily until recently." I frowned and looked over at my fox. "Would you resent me if I did?"

Elias gave me a grin. "Silly cat... I hold you to the same restrictions I do the rabbit."

"Do you really though, Elias?" I looked at him over my shoulder. "Unlike Alice, I do not need to lay for sustenance or ability. For me, it would be purely for pleasure."

"I learned centuries ago to let go of such toxic ways of thinking. So long as mine is the bed you return to and I am the one you call Master in earnest. You have my blessings to do what makes you happy." He gave me a smile and turned the water off before handing me a towel.

I quickly fluffed my hair and ears, then wrapped the towel around myself. "I do not know... I appreciate your consideration, but there are so many factors with Alex..."

"Do you wish to talk about it?" Elias spoke to me gently, wrapping a towel around himself.

"I fear losing the bonds we already have over frivolous pleasure. I will never love him as I do you and Alice." I frowned and stepped from the shower, flicking my tail about.

"Perhaps neither of you need anything but to be friends with benefits? Not all sex and adoration needs to end in professions of love, my cat." The fox hummed the words playfully while walking over to the sink and mirror.

"I never looked upon it that way. With the rabbit running around spouting off about love at every turn. I suppose I just felt it was par for the course at this juncture." I laughed at my words and flicked my wet ears.

"Would it bother you if I laid with another?" Elias asked me point-blank.

"You mean other than me, Alice, and your goat boyfriend?" I showed my teeth in a playful grin.

The fox pursed his lips and gave me a level look. "He is not my boyfriend."

I showed my teeth again in an amused grin. "You've visited him at least every few months and always come home reeking of him. If not a boyfriend, then a friend with lots of benefits?"

He grumbled and started brushing his hair out. "I suppose I should take that as a no."

"You are correct. I hold the same stipulations. Please do not claim any others but me and your rabbit. So long as you do that, I hold no ill will if you lay with others." I moved to my fox and hugged him from behind, purring as I pushed into his back.

"Then simply talk to the wolf and see what you two come up with. Alice is not a cherub and though I do not assume her intentions to be self-serving..." Elias gave me a knowing smile. "Well... if you two started sleeping together, you know what her next suggestion would be."

I grinned and nuzzled at my fox while hugging him from behind. "What a troublesome rabbit..." We stayed like that for several moments as I mulled over thoughts in my mind. I had almost let her name slip and old feelings came rushing back in. I hesitated before speaking out. "Master... I want to talk about her a moment."

Elias tensed, his teeth showing in a snarl before he shifted his gaze to me with a mixture of remorse and hatred. "I can see no benefit to it, the answer is no."

A glare was my answer before I put a hand to my chest, feeling my heart start to beat again both in anger and frustration. "I understand why you hate her, but-"

"I do not hate her!" He practically shouted the words at me with a snarl and whirled on me to face me directly. "Over five centuries and even now, my love has not waned in the slightest!"

My ears folded as I looked away. "You think mine has? You are not the only one that misses her, Elias."

He grunted and pushed a palm to his forehead, his ears drooping heavily. "Katrina... I know you also had unresolved feelings for her, but... we both know that ship has sailed."

I hissed out through my teeth and rolled my eyes. "Is that a joke because she used to captain a ship with you?"

The fox cast his eyes downward for a moment, as if reliving old memories, then shifted back to my gaze and shook his head. "No, it had nothing to do with that... She told you those tales eh?"

"She spoke fondly of her days as Captain Silverpaw, yes." I folded my ears and smiled. "I was always jealous... I always wanted to ask her to teach me to sail, but..."

"Yeah... she did well to hang on at all those days..." Elias growled the words and turned from me. "Katrina... I will not offer her my throat, I gave my word on that. However, you must understand that I never wanted anything but for her to be happy."

I frown and look away, "I wish I could have helped..."

"I thought that very thing for the last few centuries. I knew she was suffering even before she came out with the full extent of how much it weighed upon her." Elias clenched his teeth and shook his head. "I want to cease speaking of this now, we've expunged it enough, Katrina."

"I understand... just know you're not alone in missing her." I nod then click my tongue, putting my hands on my hips. "But if she hurts you or Alice..." The fox said nothing but just gave me a nod of understanding before turning from my gaze, and returning to his post-shower grooming.


We met down in the training facility at my request. I asked him to come ready to practice with me. Alex showed up in his stretchy workout pants that wouldn't shred apart if he shifted, as well as one of his cheap white T-shirts that hugged his chest and arms in all the right ways.

"It's been a while since we trained together, Kat." The wolf showed me his teeth in an excited grin as he rolled his arms and neck.

"Well, you've been spending so much time on my rabbit..." I hummed the words and smiled at the wolf.

"Kat... you're not upset with me are you?" He frowned and folded his arms, looking worried.

"Don't be silly you dumb dog," I said and blinked a few times. I found my eyes wandering his form. I suppose I never tried to pay his physique much mind, but now that I had him here to talk about the issue, I could see just how well built he was. He was larger and stronger than Elias in every way, even if he didn't have the same air of power the fox did.

Alex had always been a carefree sort around me, but his recent activity with both my rabbit and his new dog girlfriend must have heightened his awareness. He clued in right away to my staring upon him and looked away, his tail awkwardly wagging. "Ah... are you okay, Kat?"

"Of... of course, I am!" I snapped back, feeling the heat in my cheeks before I hissed and turned my back to him. I shivered and glanced over my shoulder to see the wolf looking my figure over in my workout tights. He had playfully mentioned my rear several times in the past and I knew the wolf was very much an ass guy.

"So... we gonna spar?" Alex asked me with some hesitation, his brown ears lifting curiously.

"Ah... in a minute... actually, I wanted to talk to you first. A-and... this seemed the most private and comfortable place for us." I spat the words out awkwardly and clenched my teeth, hating the way I was handling this so far.

Alex gave me a slow nod and simply took a seat on the floor, his tail lazily wagging against the training mat. "What's on your mind, Kat? You seem different..."

I frowned and put my palm to my face. "Ah... has Alice talked to you about us? I mean you and me?"

The wolf tilted his head and I saw a smile curl at the corner of his mouth. 'Sure... she thinks we have some chemistry, and that we should bang the hell out of each other."

He said the words so plainly and I felt my heart lurch into my throat at them. I glared at him and folded my arms inadvertently pushing my breasts out heavier into my workout top. "S-stupid dog... don't say it so plainly like that!"

His eyes averted as he pulled his gaze from my chest and body. "S-sorry... what do you want me to say?"

I felt my feet begin to pace as I moved back and forth before him. "I don't... I mean... what do you think?"

"Me? Well, Kat... do you promise not to claw my eyes out?" Alex gave me a direct look, his ears lifting.

"I don't! But... say it anyway." I showed my teeth as I hissed the words and flexed my right hand.

Alex snorted through his nose and clicked his tongue before speaking out plainly. "Sure. It's crossed my mind a few times. Tearing your panties off, tasting you... bending you over and having you like a bitch in heat." The wolf fixed me with a matter-of-fact glance. "Is that direct enough?"

I felt my cheeks flush and clenched my teeth, pushing my palm to my face. "Damn... you don't hold back these days do you?"

The wolf shrugged a shoulder and found his feet once more. After standing he walked toward me casually. "I won't lie. Between Alice and Gloria, my confidence has improved."

He drew nearer and I could faintly smell Gloria on him. I had never met her but I smelled her plenty of times on Alice. I felt myself take a step back, not wanting to get too close to his musky scent.

Alex dropped to his knees and I found his hands resting on my hips. He pulled me closer to look into my face. "But... what do you think, Kat?"

I bit my lower lip feeling his hands on my hips. I could feel him rubbing them and feeling my body, exploring my curves in a way I never thought he would do. His grip was strong and confident and I felt my body growing warmer by the second for him. "I don't know... I'm scared..."

That took the wolf by surprise and his large brown ears lifted. He looked right in my eyes, his amber irises meeting my green and copper ones. "Scared? I'm not going to hurt you, Kat... I would never dream-"

"Not that kind of scared you idiot!" I spat the words out at him and glared with a frown. "I... I'm scared of losing... us?"

"Us?" Alex frowned and tilted his head curiously. "Kat, I'm not going anywhere..."

"I know that... but can we survive something like this, Alex? Can our friendship?" I pulled from his grip and put my hands on my hips. "I love you, Alex. I love you like a brother in the family, like my best friend, and like a comrade in arms."

I showed my teeth and clenched my fist. "No one else... Not Alice and not Elias... There is no one else I would dream of asking to stand with me and watch my back in a fight."

The wolf showed me a grin and I could see the pride in his eyes. "Thank you. I feel the same. We've been through hell together and I would stand down the whole world with you at my back."

I sighed and shook my head, stepping before him once more, feeling his hands go right back to my sides. "But I don't think I will ever love you past that... I do not want to be another girlfriend to you, Alex. I don't want to lose you as my best friend." I hissed the words, pushing my palm to his face, gazing into his amber eyes.

The wolf gave me a slow nod and smiled up at me. "Kat... I love you in all the same ways and I feel the same. I'm happy with how we are and what we are. I don't want us to date or be together like that."

Relief filled my chest and I felt myself relax. Then I realized he was drawing me close and before I knew it I was pushed to his chest. My hands brushed over his shoulders and I blinked into his eyes, biting my lower lip. "Y-yeah... but where does that leave us with this?"

Alex showed me a smile and pushed his forehead to mine. "Well... that's up to you Kat... I want you and I'm happy to please you. I can promise you, no strings attached and we stay friends even if you let me have you." He pulled back and I felt his hands ease their grip. "Or we can avoid the whole thing and go back to how we have been. I won't jeopardize what we have over this. I love the idea of laying with you, but not at the cost of losing us."

The wolf gave me a shrug and a gentle smile. "What do you think and want?"

"I want you but..." I frowned and thought about things, then I picked up her scent again, the smell of that other dog upon him. I pulled from his arms and raised a finger. "What would Gloria think?"

"Uh..." His ears folded at the question and I could see I caught him off guard with it. The wolf folded his arms and gave it some thought. "I... don't know..."

"You two are dating now, are you not?" My arms folded as I tilted my head curiously.

"Y-yeah... we kind of are." Alex grinned and rubbed at his head.

"Alex... I'm not Alice, who is her girlfriend, and you're not an incubus." I gave him a shrug. "Could be she will not be okay with it. Do you want to show up to see her and stinking of me? I know how good of a scent you dogs have."

He frowned deeply and huffed out, his tail and ears drooping. "No... you're right. I should talk to her first. My situation is different from Alice's and she may not be okay with it."

I gave him a sad smile and flicked my tail, clenching my fists slowly. "Yeah... I don't want to cost you something special. You said it yourself, neither of us wants anything but friendship. Gloria sounds like a good dog though, I would hate to ruin that for you." I was lying to him though. The retriever sounded like an irritation more than anything else to me.

"Thanks for considering that, I will talk to her later and find out," Alex spoke the words with a grin and put his hands on his hips.

"Hey honey, you mind if I bang my long-time friend? No, it's casual, I still only love you and our mutual girlfriend." I parroted the question and showed him in a grin.

The wolf flinched at the realization of the words and looked down awkwardly. "W-well when you put it like that..."

"I would say wait until you have a good lead-in, don't just barge in with the topic. Perhaps find a way to ask nonchalantly about it." I hummed the words and wagged a finger.

He nodded and smiled at me. "Thanks... I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

I laughed and gave him a grin. "I never said I would definitely sleep with you."

"That's true..." He growled the words and rolled his shoulder before giving me a challenging grin. "So are we still going to train?"

"Of course, we are, silly." I rolled my neck and purred the words. "It's been a while, let's see if all your sparing and sex with my girlfriend has done you any good."

Alex gave me a cocky smile and flicked his brown tail. "Don't forget she's my girlfriend too..."

"Yeah, yeah... we know who she really belongs to though." I showed my teeth in a grin.

"Lorelai?" The wolf spoke out playfully.

I pursed my lips and looked away. "Ha... maybe so... she stinks of that sheep every time she returns from council meetings. Now she is off for over a week with her? Elias better watch out."

The wolf barked a laugh and shrugged. "I guess they thought multiple showers would hide their scent."

"Well, she lives in a house full of predators, of course, we have a good sense of smell." I smiled and gave a shrug. "It seems important to them to hide it, so we should play along until they bring it out in the open."

"Yeah, I agree." Alex shifted his stance and clenched a fist. "Enough of that, let's do this!"

"Alright alright... impatient dog." I gave him a challenging grin and shifted my feet. "Don't hold back on me now!"


"I just finished checking in on every member of our house, my lord. Two members are overseas right now and Alice is on council business. The others are all accounted for." I gave Elias my report as I stood before his desk, both of us in our all council business mode.

He peaked his fingertips and nodded. "Well, that's one small relief then. It may be they came in from the outskirts of the city."

My arms folded and I lifted my ears. "My lord, how did you hear of this?"

"Believe it or not, that celestial contacted me about it." The white fox flicked an ear seeing my stance shift slightly.

"I didn't know she had your number," I said, shifting my gaze away in thought. That dog again, what was she up to? I would be lying if I said I trusted her.

"Neither did I. Apparently Alice gave it to her for emergencies." Elias drummed his fingertips together while he spoke the words.

"Are you upset with our rabbit over it?" I returned to gaze at him, my tail coiling and flicking.

He shook his head, hearing the concern in my voice. "No... Like you, I do not put full trust in the celestial. However, she has done nothing to garner our ire. She has been nothing but forthcoming with us and treated our lady with the utmost respect."

"Could this all be some elaborate subterfuge to garner our trust and expose us to them?" I fold my arms, contemplating the thought of it.

Elias met my gaze and shook his head once more. "I've dealt with celestials on plenty of occasions in my life. That's not how they think or operate. Not to mention if that were their plan, she could have tracked Alice or Alex back to our home months ago."

I relented and sighed. "Fine... so what's the plan then?"

The marquis frowned as he spoke. "The attacks have been happening multiple times a week and she is certain it's one of our kind."

"It's like that lycanthrope thing a few seasons back..." I sighed and shook my head. "Is this a sign of things to come, Elias? We dealt with things like this maybe once a year, this is the second incident in half that time."

"It could be our network of intelligence simply wasn't finding all the incidents. Perhaps the celestials and mages were snapping things up before they reached our eyes. Regardless, here we are." He gave a shrug.

"This timing is awful, Alex is away on his full moon thing and Alice is off on council business," I muttered the words and showed my teeth, my black tail snapping about in agitation.

"I will accompany you to deal with it." Elias spoke the words calmly and nodded.

"Like hell, you will." I showed my teeth and clenched my fist. "You've got to keep things running here and deal with council things, remember?"

Elias gave me a smile. 'Keep what running? There's nothing to do and regarding council affairs. Well the head of the council is on vacation."

"So it is a vacation?" I showed my teeth and purred the words.

The fox gave me a knowing grin. "Do not be too harsh upon them, my cat. They simply underestimate our sense of smell."

"Or underestimate their own stink of lust." I purred and folded my arms, giving the fox a curious look. "Still... Lorelai... damn... that sheep could have been the mascot for an ice queen."

"You and I were pretty closed off sexually before she came along as well." Elias gave me a grin while speaking.

"Yeah but... Lorelai is... she is on a whole other level... No offense my lord." I frowned and folded my ears, hoping I hadn't insulted him.

"No, you're right, Katrina." The fox nodded and smiled. "I already know I'm one of the young pups on the council and Lorelai is easily thrice my age. She is a walking force of nature, to say the least."

The white fox folds his arms and leans back in his chair. "Still... if I'm being honest. I'm happy about it. I like the idea of Lorelai being happy and enjoying herself for once."

"You guys have history, my lord?" I quirked a brow curiously, seeing I had caught the fox in a curious mood.

He waved a hand dismissively. "Nothing romantic or sexual. However, I've known her for centuries, since I was a puppy amongst our kind. I was a member of her house before she took the head position, some four hundred years ago. She gave up the position as head of her family to focus on the council."

"What house was that?" I asked curiously. I saw the reaction on his face and knew right away I wasn't getting my answer.

"We are derailing, my cat. Another time..." He waved a hand to brush the topic aside.

"As you wish my lord." I nodded and composed myself.

"I will accompany you, and we will deal with this accordingly." The fox rose to his feet, his tail flicking about.

"My lord... there is no need for you to soil your hands. I will go myself, it is within my capabilities." I hissed the words and met his eyes defiantly. Part of me loved the idea of hunting with him, however, part of me wanted to prove my capabilities to him.

The fox gave me a long gaze before tapping his fingertips upon the desk. "Katrina... This is not a place for pride, we have a rogue on the loose and we don't know its powers."

I frowned at his words but gave a nod, he was right of course. "Forgive me, I simply wished to show my reliability..."

"There is no question of that, my sister... my love." He gave me a smile and continued. "Be that as it may, we stand a better chance of-"

Both our ears lifted as the phone upon his desk began to ring. He picked it up and I could tell by the exchange it was council-related. I gave him a knowing smile and stood there with my arms folded.

"Y-yes... I understand. I will make arrangements to leave within the hour. Yes, see you soon." Elias hung the phone up with a growl.

"Well, guess I'm hunting alone after all." I hummed the words and turned on my heel to leave.

"Hold your steps, sister." Elias growled the words out towards me. I froze in place and looked back over my shoulder. "Work with the celestial, I won't have you go alone."

My eyes widened and I turned to face him, my composure shattered. "Are you out of your mind?" I spat and showed my sharp canines as I hissed.

He folded his arms and I felt his will push out as he spoke the words. "Did I stutter my words, sister?"

My tail snapped about as I gave him a defiant glare. "I do not need that dog's help. Just because you all trust her doesn't mean-"

"I do not trust her!" He barked the words out sharply and I felt myself flinch. He moved around his desk to me as he continued to speak. "That is why you will work with her in this hunt. You will not be swayed by your emotions as Alex and Alice would be."

I blinked up at my fox and widened my eyes in the realization of his words. "Ah... so you mean to-"

"I mean for you to have a partner to keep you safe. However, yes. My intent is two-fold. See what this celestial is all about, see if you think she is a boon or a bane to our family." Elias folded his arms and showed me a grin, giving me a nod.

Clearing my throat, I gave him a nod. "Very well my lord. I have many questions for that dog anyway, so this could be of many merits."

"Katrina..." He spoke my name gently and I blinked up at him, feeling him draw me against his chest.

I pushed my hands to his chest and stared into his blue eyes. "Y-yes, Elias?"

His hand was against my cheek and he moved down to push his mouth to my own. My black ears folded and I threw my arms around his neck, pushing into his kiss and pressing my body to his own. He held me and I held him as we kissed deeply for several long moments.

"Please be safe..." He growled the words against my lips after breaking the kiss. I nodded my head a few times and pushed back to his mouth for more, drawing out our embrace a while longer.

"Yes... I promise to be..." I whispered the words after pulling from his lips.

His palm pushed to my cheek and he stared into my eyes for several heartbeats. The words came to me like the sound of mist on a lake, like a feather on the wind. A whisper meant only for my ears. "I love you, Katrina..."

I shivered and nodded my head several times. "I love you... I always will..."

The fox pulled from my arms and I saw him take a moment to compose himself. I could see I had cost him something with the admission. He gave me a gentle smile and then nodded his head. "Give the dog a chance, but keep an eye on her. If you feel she is up to no good, breakaway and return home. We can always deal with the rogue on our own."

"I understand. Please text me her address and inform her I'm on my way." I gave the fox a quick nod, meeting his blue eyes with my green and copper ones. "Have a safe trip, my love."

"You as well." Elias gave me a smile and a quick peck on my lips.

I left his office and moved right to our bedroom to find suitable clothes. I donned the tight pair of flexible black pants I enjoyed wearing while hunting, followed by a snug red top that matched my hair. A heavy set of black boots and a black jacket of faux leather finished the outfit off.

I wasn't so fancy as Alice to wear my guns on my back. I held my revolvers in custom sewn pocket holsters inside my jacket. Content with my wardrobe I grabbed a small duffle bag and filled it with a few spare sports bottles of blood. Slinging it over my shoulder, I made my way to the garage and found what I was looking for.

Most people liked to refer to their vehicles in a female pronoun but not me. Alice had her little red sports car she fancied but I had my own baby. He was an old monster of a bike from the heydays of biker gangs and disco. My boy couldn't keep up with a sports bike but he made up for it with sheer power and size. It was the kind of bike you would go cruise a day away seeing the countryside on.

I hadn't ridden the motorcycle in several seasons and I felt myself growing excited at the thought of it. I climbed on and slid the helmet on, then quickly queued up a playlist, the music feeding in through the speakers of the helmet. The bike came to life with an angry rumble and I felt my teeth show in a grin. I pulled the bike out of the garage and began my way to the city.

It took me under an hour to get into the city but I found the ride therapeutic in the moonlight. It was a full moon and I thought about Alex stalking the woods with his pack right now, the thought of it making me smile for some reason.

I pulled up to the small apartment building and killed the engine on the bike. Pulling my helmet off I ran my fingertips through my jagged red hair before moving inside and finding the number I was looking for. I stopped at the door and hesitated for a moment, I could feel the energy from the threshold and it was unreal, a divine being was most certainly on the other side.

I shored up my resolve and knocked on the door a few times in heavy raps. I wasn't sure what to expect but there were no second-guessing things now. The door opened and the female that stood before me was a little taller than me. Her curly golden locks flowed down her back and I saw her brown tail ever so slightly wagging behind her.

"Katrina?" The retriever asked me, a slight smile on her face.

"That's me. I can smell my rabbit all over you and in your apartment, so I must have the right place." I showed her a grin and offered my hand to her. Gloria flinched at the offer and I saw the hesitation to grip my hand. I lifted my ears and frowned. "Have I already offended you, celestial?"

Her head shook rapidly, making her curls bounce around. "No! But... Uhm... my touch might hurt you." She spoke the words gently and shifted her gaze away.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed her wrist, pushing my other hand into her palm. "Relax, Gloria... it's fine." I showed my teeth and grinned, feeling the dog jerk at my touch, then her hand began to return the grip and shake.

Her eyes looked down upon our hands and frowned before she gently withdrew her grip. "Ah... Alice told me you were strictly a vampire unlike her."

"That's right, got the full kit and everything." I parted my lips and opened my mouth, letting her see the large canines. "I would show you my membership card, but I left it in my other purse."

The retriever gave me a soft giggle and a playful smile. I couldn't help but find her disposition a little cute. I could understand why Alice and Alex had taken a fancy to her.

She turned from me and stepped into the apartment then looked back at me curiously. "Ah... are you coming in?"

I folded my arms and gave her a shake of my head. "You think I could? You've got a divine threshold before me. I would probably erupt in flames if I tried."

"Oh! I'm sorry, Katrina!" The dog gave me a polite bow and moved back to me, extending her hand once more. "Please... be welcome, with my hospitality of course!"

I took her hand and stepped forward, feeling the pressure of the threshold still bare down on me slightly, despite the invitation, a testament to how truly powerful it was. I cleared it and felt a little winded as I stepped into her small apartment. I rested a hand on the nearby kitchen table, taking a steadying breath, despite not needing the air in my lungs.

The dog looked at me with concern and frowned. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah... it will pass in a moment. You've just got some serious security in this place..." I sighed the words and shook my head before standing up straight. I looked around the small modest apartment, it stunk of Alice and Alex. "This place smells so strongly of them."

"So do you." Gloria smiled at me, then I saw her gaze avert from mine. "Even of him..."

I felt my eyes widen, getting a glimpse of the answer to mine and Alex's question previously. I cleared my throat and composed myself. "Gloria... are you implying something?"

Her ears lifted from their droop and her blue eyes met mine. They were a deeper shade of blue than Alice's I noted. "I was not implying anything, he is his own wolf after all."

A bitter laugh escaped my throat and I put my hands on my hips. "Ha... Do you think I would lay with that dumb dog? I stink of him because we were training intensely during the last few days." I showed her a knowing grin. "You've laid with him enough by now to tell the difference, you would smell his musk on me, yes?"

I saw the look of relief cross her face and she gave me a nod. "Ah... You are right. Forgive my assumption, even if it had been... I had no right to-"

"Would it bother you had I laid with him?" I stabbed right at the heart of the matter, this seemed the best time to get it out.

"I... I'm not sure. We have not made any commitments to one another. I allow Alice her freedoms, would it not be also fair to extend such courtesy to him?" Gloria folded her arms over her stomach, giving me a gentle smile.

"Gloria... if we're going to be working together on this thing, we might as well get this sort of thing out in the open now." I rolled my wrist and clenched at the fingerless gloves I had worn. "Alex is my best friend and I want to know... what do you expect from that dog?"

The retriever's cheeks darkened and she pushed a palm to one of them, blinking her blue eyes at me in thought. "Ah... I did not expect to be interrogated in my own kitchen by you, Katrina..."

I frowned at the words and folded my arms, leaning against the wall. "I'm sorry... I'm just concerned for him, I've known him almost two decades now."

She nodded at my words and flicked her tail gently. "If I'm being honest... the idea of him with another other than Alice. Yes, it troubles my soul a bit, I am quite fond of him."

"If Alex is anything, he's loyal, Gloria. Tell him as much and he will see to it." I gave her a nod and pushed off the wall.

"But is that not selfish of me to restrict him?" The angel looked at me with concern in her eyes.

I frowned at her display. What did she think I was, her fucking therapist? Isn't it bad enough she had my rabbit and now monopolized the wolf from me? I cut my eyes away and closed them, swallowing down the thoughts. I spoke out without opening them. "No. The selfish part would be letting him do as he pleased, then resent or leave him over it. Just tell him, Gloria, he will be happy you did."

The dog gave a quick nod. "Alright, thank you for giving me the courage to speak with him. I shall try to express myself in earnest to him."

"Cool..." I hissed the word before meeting her blue eyes with my green and copper ones. "So what's the plan?"

"Well... before that... why didn't my touch hurt you? You're undead... it should have been like touching blessed silver." The celestial asked me curiously, putting a finger to her cheek.

I hissed at the words, I had never liked the term 'undead', I wasn't some fucking mindless zombie. "Hell if I know. I came into contact with blessed silver many times in the past and it pretty much set me on fire."

The dog pursed her lips and moved to a drawer near the sink and produced a butter knife. She walked over to me and presented it. "Uhm... could you try holding this?"

With a grin and lifted my ears. "You worried about your toast getting possessed while you spread jam on it, Gloria?" With an amused purr, I moved my hand to the knife. I hesitated, recalling the painful burns of the past that blessed silver had done to me. My teeth grit and I snatched the knife up quickly, ready to drop it at the first sign of pain.

My ears lifted and I blinked at the small dull knife in my grip. "Uh... is it turned on?"

Gloria gave me a giggle in response to my words. "Ah, it most certainly is. I blessed it as I brought it to you."

"Huh... what's up with that?" I flicked the knife a few times in my fingers before passing it back to her.

"I cannot say... It is a mysterious turn of events to be sure. I was equally shocked when Alice did it." The angel shrugged and moved to put her cutlery away.

"Couldn't you ask your superiors about it? Maybe they would know." I prodded curiously.

The angel gave me an apologetic smile as she spoke out. "Sir... my lover who is a demon-vampire is unaffected by blessed silver, so is her full vampire girlfriend. My werewolf boyfriend is still quite affected by it though..."

I looked away feeling foolish and clicked my tongue. "Right... that was a dumb question, wasn't it?"

Gloria giggled and shook her head. "Oh not at all, but not a question I could ask under the circumstances..."

"Time will tell I suppose..." I sighed and flicked my tail. "Well let's get down to business. Tell me about these vampire attacks."

The celestial nodded and gave me a smile. "Of course. I will heat you up some blood and we can talk while I have tea."

"You have blood here?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, I asked Alice to bring a surplus over for me to keep so that she had extra while visiting." The retriever wagged her tail cheerfully while making her way to the refrigerator.

"Clever... do you let her feed on you? I mean by drinking your blood." I had been curious about it but it never came up between us.

Her cheeks grew dark as she looked at me out of the corner of her eye. "I have... It's very... intense..."

"I bet it is. I've heard stories about divine blood... never had any myself." I gave a shrug and looked around the small kitchen of the apartment.

"Let us dispense of business tonight and if you would like, you may have a little of mine. Think of it as a reward?" The retriever smiled at me with a gentle wag of her tail.

My eyes widened at the offer and I felt my body grow ravenous at the prospect of it. I calmed my demons and spoke out cautiously. "That is... why such an offer?"

She gave me a smile while setting a small saucepan upon the eye of her stove and pouring some blood into it. "Because I have enlisted your aid and you are the lover of my lover. I wish to show I mean you no ill will."

I pursed my lips and nodded. "I will consider your offer but understand I do this for the good of my family, not for a reward. We would have to put the rogue down eventually anyway."

"Will you not try to commune with them first?" Gloria lifted her ears curiously while stirring the blood with a wooden spoon.

"I will unless they are too far gone with hunger and mindless." I shrugged. "Let's hear the details and we will go from there."

The retriever poured the now hot blood into a coffee cup before moving to the small table in the kitchen. She held a second cup of tea in her other hand. "Of course. Sit and let us go over things."


To be continued.

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Blood & Carrots - Episode 24

Episode 24: You have me by your side, Knight "So three mundanes, all having been clearly drained and the bite marks were still there?" I folded my arms while mulling things over as I spoke. Gloria nodded while sipping at her tea. "Yes, right...

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Blood & Carrots - Episode 22

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Patreon](

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Blood & Carrots - Episode 21

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Patreon](

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