A Dragon Slayer's Heart : Chapter 1- A test of Love and Faith-

Story by Murry on SoFurry

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#1 of A Dragon Slayer's Heart

Hey guys! First story on SoFurry! However! PLEASE READ THIS: There are more chapters to this story! Just go to my profile and look them up to find them! Sorry if I am a bit inexperienced on how to link them all in the beginning, I dont know how to >< sorry! XD ENJOY!

Chapter 1: -A test of Love and Faith-

James peered through the tiny slits in his helmet, gazing at the moving figures that surrounded him inside of a comfortable cabin. The figures were jerking around in many directions and to much of his displeasure, he felt a little bit sick. The airship they were in was encountering turbulence in the high skies, the strange wind patterns causing them to jerk around uncontrollably while they attempted to maintain stability.

Many of the figures in the room were James' friends, but it didnt matter, they would all be dead soon like the rest of the soldiers who tried the path of a Dragon Slayer. For many dragon slayers, their first mission was their last, but that wasnt the case for James, he had slain many dragons during his career, and it was indeed a tough and hazardous job.

He had not began his career as a spunky teen looking for the high life, but as a vengeful spirit seeking vengeance for what he had been put through as a child. During his childhood, a black dragon named Talon , delivered death unto his small town of Larian. He had been an orphan since he was seven years of age, and was never adopted by a sympathetic family.

He could remember it all... the blood... the heat of the flames... the screams of his parents and neighbors... the splinters that pierced his skin as the dragon destroyed his home... and most of all... the sight of his parents falling victim to that black dragon's teeth...

Images of horrific event flashed before his eyes, bringing a sense of brief insanity down upon him as he felt the flames within his soul begin to grow in intensity.

With one last image he cried out and slammed his fist into the wooden armrest of the chair that he was sitting in, panting heavily as he regained his former self.

Several of the soldiers that were in the room looked at him questioningly, including a couple of veterans that tossed back several crude words in retaliation to the diversion of their slumber.

"James..." a female voice said softly.

"Sarah..." He said, looking into her deep blue eyes through the slits in his helmet.

There was a long pause between them as she sat down next to him in a velvety chair, completing her looks. She was beautfiul woman, her eyes were an ocean blue, while her hair was tinged with the hue of flames, and her skin was as pale.

"I remembered it again... I remembered everything..." James said through gritted teeth.

"You must leave what has happened in the past alone... or it will haunt you forever..." Sarah replied softly, "you have to learn to-"

"What? Let go?!" James roared. "I will be damned if I let my parents' death go unavenged!!!!!!!"

Sarah looked down into her lap and sighed deeply.

James looked down as well and grabbed her hand softly. "I am sorry Sarah..."

"It is okay James... I would feel the exact same way if I was an orphan in the same situation as you are," Sarah replied. "It is human nature."

"I cannot deny that..." James said solemnly.

Sarah slowly began to reach her hand across his shoulder and underneath the lip of his helmet, gently tugging at it. "Why dont I remove this so I can see you better?"

James offered little resistance as she succeeded in revealing his dashing face, his scraggy hair, and his emerald eyes. "Now what did I tell you about taking off my helmet?"

"Oh you boys and your egoes! You're all the same!" She said, pretending to be angry.

"Or are we?" James replied, grinning smugly.

James put his hands around her face as he brought her in for a kiss, sealing their mouths with an undying passion that they shared for each other. Each moment felt like an eternity in heaven as they shared the kiss, neither one of them wanting to end it.

The kiss was abruptly ended however by another large bump as the airship continued experiencing turbulence.

Each of them blushed intensely as they regained their former composure, but even though the act of love had distracted him from his rage, he could not resist the thoughts from flowing back into his mind once again, filling him with hatred once more.

"I swear... I will drive my lance deep into the heart of that blasted dragon if its the last thing I do. It is the only way I can rest in peace... knowing that I have avenged my family," James said, donning his helmet once more.

"You should not dwell on revenge all of the time, it will eat you alive," Sarah said.

"Perhaps you are right... But that will not stop me from getting it," James replied sternly.

"That is fine! By all means! Kill that dragon and save the world! But also learn to be relaxed... and let loose every now and then you know?" Sarah replied.

"Sarah, I care about you," James smiled, "but you're just too pursuasive you know that?"

Sarah giggled as he put his arm around her.

"Oh brother..." one of the tired soldiers remarked.

As they sat there, Sarah looked out of one of the many gothic windows that lined the cabin of the airship, gazing at the seemingly endless sea. The reflection of the afternoon sun dazzled her eyes as she made out several sea hawks diving down into the water for prey and emerging from the glistening pool with a meal. Nature had always had a nack of catching her eye, as well as James.

A loud knock on the door broke her fantasies however and amazingly overpowered the loud sound of engines struggling to maintain stability.

James stood up and walked towards the door, expecting another one of the exhausted soldiers wanting to enter their comfortable cabin once again, but instead as he opened it, his commander looked him straight in the eye and beckoned him with his hand to exit the door.

Sarah looked concerned, but decided to revert her gaze to the natural beauty of nature once again.

"What seems to be the problem commander?" James asked, shutting the door behind him.

"This turbulence is not what we think it is... we think it may be having to deal with a dragon that does not want to be caught! This wind serpent has eluded us for quite some time now and we think we are on its tail once again! This time, we will be ready to take it out however with minimal difficulty. However, it is hard to catch up to it with such complications facing us," the commander replied.

"But are you sure that this is indeed a dragon? We are flying pretty high commander," James said, throwing out the idea into the playing field.

"We are positive, these anomalies are unnatural and we should have exited the turbulence already if that was the case. Wind doesnt aim at you James," the commander replied. "We might have to get our hands dirty today."

"If thats the case... then this could also be a trap. Dragons are pretty crafty you know," James replied, analyzing it all.

"I'm the commander around here and I will tell you that I have never been wrong before, nor does the money stop flowing in whenever I we complete a job. Never before have we been wrong about things like this, and I do not intend to be wrong today," the commander replied.

"Commander Roland!" A finicky-looking soldier shouted, running over to them.

"Report private!" Roland commanded.

"We have the dragon in our sights! Or... we did... the cloud cover is too intense for our targeting! The cannoneers cannot find this dragon within the clouds!" the soldier said franticly.

"So it is a dragon... then this must be the one we have been searching for some time now... ready our troops," Roland replied.

"Aye aye sir," the soldier shouted, bursting into the cabins.

"Are you sure we should even engage an enemy we cannot see?" James asked, puzzled.

"I will not let this dragon escape again! This has gone on far too long! I will not let our name be soiled by this humilation!!" Roland shouted.

At that moment, a loud roar was heard overhead, along with a large dispersion of clouds, rendering them unable to see more than five feet in front of them.

"What is this?!" A soldier shouted running out from the cabins in nothing but his undergarments.

"Hurry!!! Get to your weapons!!!!!!!" a loud voice shouted.

"Sarah!!! Where are you?!" James shouted.

"I'm over here!!!!" Sarah called back behind him.

James ran to the sound of her voice and slowly her image came into view, her smiling face, her beautiful hair, and her mesmerizing eyes.

As he was about to reach for her hand however, he was knocked to his feet by an immense force slamming into the side of the airship.

"What was that?!" Some of the fresh recruits shouted.

"Watch out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The captain cried as a large tail slammed into the middle of the ship, cracking the wooden floors.

"He's here!!!!!!!" Commander Roland shouted. "Cannons!!!!!"

As he ordered, several cannons took aim from their domed protectors and fired large explosive ballistae towards the dragon's tail, managing to hit it in several locations, but barely injuring the dragon.

"He's playing with us!!!!" Roland shouted, "soldiers!!! To arms!!!!"

With a loud battle cry, the soldiers swarmed the decks and awaited the next attack, their Crimson armor showing up vividly in the whiteness that surrounded them.

James struggled to stand to his feet, but eventually took the hand of Sarah, who had already drawn her blade. "He's around here somewhere..."

With another loud roar, a large claw scraped across the surface of the deck, killing several of the soldiers as its claws impaled them through its black talons.

James took the initiative and lept through the air, bringing his lance down upon its leg, latching onto it.

"James!!! Be careful!!!!!!!!!!!" Sarah cried out to him, but he wasnt paying attention, he had only one thing on his mind... and that was to kill the vermin.

As the pulled his lance free of the dragon's leg, the beast roared in pain and attempted to shake him off, but James was too quick and used the sudden violent movement to jump onto its back, lance in hand.

The beast roared loudly and snapped back at him with rows of sharp teeth. The head of this dragon looked like most others, but it was a pure white, and the horns on its head curled inward instead of like most other dragons' horns which curled outwards.

James was unaffected by the threatening rows of teeth, he had seen it all already, and this was just another round of practice he would need to defeat his nemesis...

James quickly drew a sword from his belt and charged up the dragon's back, sidestepping and jumping to maintain his balance on the dragon as he made his way up the neck.

The dragon looked at him from over its shoulder and in a violent rage, shot a blue flame from its mouth, barely missing him, but managed to singe the edges of his cape, which billowed violently in the air. It was then that he noticed that he was nowhere near the airship anymore, and instead was locked in combat with a dragon by himself.

"Heh...piece of cake...You dragons are all the same," James grinned, jumping towards the head of the dragon.

The dragon saw this and opened his jaws, but instead of flying into the jaws of the beast, he quickly plunged his spear into the dragon's throat and used it to swing himself onto the beast's head thrusting the tip of his sword swiftly downward into the beast's brain, spewing blue blood in all directions, ruining his red cape.

As he felt the dragon's life die away, he became invigored once more, and pulled his lance free of the dragon's throat, leaving his sword buried into the skull of its victim. There was not much time before he, too would fall off of the falling dragon, wondering if he made a good choice.

As he looked frantically around, he spotted the roatating propellors of the airship close by and grabbed his hook shot from his side, aiming it at the railing on the side of the ship.

"I hope I have good aim... Never had to use this thing," he said, aiming at the railing with the keenest eye he could despite the cloud coverage.

With a loud pop and whizz, the hook was successfully launched and he felt resistance as he tugged back on the handle of the crossbow-like tool. He grinned and jumped from the back of the dragon as it fell and swung towards the airship with his lance in his hand, holding onto the hook shot for dear life.

As he began to approach the airship however, he noticed that he had miscalculated his trajectory and, instead, slammed into the wooden frame of the airship with a loud thud.

"James! Is that you?!" Sarah cried out, seeing the hook attached to the railing.

"Its me! Help me up!!!" James cried out, trying to reel himself in, but the tool was malfunctioning.

Sarah and several others took the rope the hook was attached to and heaved him over the edge, his body soaked in blue blood.

"Are you all right?" Roland asked.

"I'm fine, the beast is dead," James said, out of breath.

"That is bloody good news to hear my boy!!!" Roland said, helping him to his feet and giving him a slap on the back.

Their victory was short-lived however, as another intense object hit the ship, this time, the shouts of men and splintering wood filled the air, spraying them all with tiny bits of wood and to their horror, flesh.

"What is going on?!" Roland shouted, "I thought you said it was dead!!!!"

"It is a trap...." James hissed.

"How many are there?!?!?!" Roland shouted, but his answer was clear as the sky was cleared, destroying the clouds, and revealing five more wind dragons.

"What in the?!" Roland shouted, but was swiftly grabbed and flown away by one of the dragons who proceeded to devour him.

"Man the guns!!!!!" the captain shouted.

"Fire!!!!!" James shouted, assuming command of the ship.

The wind serpents saw this and began to beat their gigantic wings, blowing the ballista arrows right back at the airship.

"Take cover!!!!" The captain shouted, trying to steer the ship away from the dragons.

James readied himself to use his hook shot again to swing to one of the dragons once more but was shocked at what happened that instant.

With a loud roar, a wind dragon attacked the ship once again, this time taking Sarah in its talons.

"SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" James roared, but before he could do anything, her eyes widened as the dragon pierced her armor with its sharp claws, its black tip surfacing on the other side before letting her fall to the world below.

"NOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" James cried out, gripping his lance with such hatred that his fist turned as white as the bone.

In anger, James aimed at the dragon and shot his hook shot, the hook hitting its mark and digging into the flesh of the dragon.

The dragon screeched in pain as its neck was torn open by the hook, but roared once again as James thrust his lance deep into the beast's heart, causing it to go limp.

As he fell, he saw the ship being attacked again, this time, what he saw broke his heart. The ship split into two whole pieces as the tail of a dragon slammed down into it, splinters and bodies flying in all directions ultimately leading up to a large explosion.

Tears rolled down from his eyes as he took his helmet off. It was too much to bear...

Falling, he noticed that he would not be able to survive the fall, but to his amazement, a dragon was swooping down, ready to kill James and to end his life before he was able to hit the ground.

"Do it... finish it!!!!! YOU HAVE NEVER HELD BACK BEFORE!!!!!!!!!" James roared, throwing a sword from his belt at the dragon.

The dragon hit its mark, but it continued to pursue him, even angrier this time.

The dragon was too busy to see something green rapidly approaching him from his side until it was too late. A green blur slashed the face of the dragon, nearly taking its jaw with it, but intsead allowing it to keep its facial composure.

The beast roared and turned to look at its assailant and managed to slash at it, sending blue blood spraying everywhere.

The green object, which James quickly recognized as another dragon, yet smaller, appeared to be... defending him!

"What in the?" James said quietly, then looked at the rapidly approaching world beneath him.

The green dragon quickly slashed at the wind dragon's neck and bit inside the exposed flesh, ripping out its arteries in a swift, speedy motion.

The dragon's roar was gurgled as it rapidly passed on into the next life, but thats where James was soon heading, the world beneath him was getting closer and closer, each second bringing him a second closer to being a splatter on the earth beneath them.

As the green dragon swiftly approached him, he readied his lance, aiming at the dragon's body as his duty as a dragon slayer kicked in once more.

The dragon roared threateningly at him, warning him.

"Eat steel!!!!" James shouted, throwing his lance at the dragon.

The lance quickly met its mark, but didnt impale the dragon, instead it tore a hole in its wing, causing it to screech in pain, but as it did, he felt his heart give a lurch like he never had felt before.

"S....st.......s......stop!!!!!!!!" He heard a female voice calling out in his mind.

He felt the dragon's pain once again in his body as the telepathic communion began to take place.

In his confusion, the dragon quickly grabbed him in her clutches, but exhaustion quickly overtook him as he felt somewhat... at ease....

"What's...going....on...?!" James managed to mutter as he fell into a deep sleep...


James awoke hours later, to a very warm feeling. It felt like hwas sitting right next to a fireplace at home, except when his memory came back to him, he knew that he had no home... not anymore. And he felt something very wet and warm sliding against his exposed body.

As he opened his eyes, he saw the green dragon licking his wounds, her long tongue lapping up the blood, and to his amazement, healing his wounds with an etheral green light.

"What in the-?!" James shouted out, startling the green dragon who hissed back at him, startled.

"Relax..." he heard a voice cooing to him in his mind.

When he looked down, he noticed that his scratches and wounds were completely healed from the fight before, and that he was snuggled up to the green dragon, his body wrapped by her tail.

"Thank you... for saving my life..." James replied, looking at her deep emerald eyes. They were just like his.

"My clan is an enemy of the wind clan... We are the Earthen Clan. We rely on nature to guide us, and to aide us in our battles. The wind clan has too much pride... and have committed many crimes against our clan in the past, making us more than rivals... enemies," she said.

"I....cant thank you enough for what you did... and... I'm sorry for hurting you..." James said quietly.

"I dont blame you for your judgement... Seeing another dragon speeding down towards you after you have been attacked by many of them, watching your men being killed by those savage beasts that call themselves dragons!" the green dragon hissed.

"The truth is... we are the antagonizers... we are Dragon Slayers..." James said quietly.

The green dragon quickly unrolled her tail and backed away slowly, hissing ferociously, her eyes narrowing on him intensely.

"If you would but hear my story... I am sure you would understand... after all...what can I do to you... I have no weapons, and I dont know where my armor is at... I beg of you... listen to my tale," James pleaded.

"Why should I trust one who kills my brethren! Enemies or not, we are all dragons!" the green dragon roared.

"Because I... I cannot lie... my love was slain in battle... I have nobody else left but you..." James said, a tear rolling down his face.

The green dragon looked him over and then sat down, still looking towards him with caution.

"My parents... they were killed when I was barely a child... They were murdered by a black dragon that they call Talon... he took my childhood away from me, along with my future that was yet to come... A happy family... and a love-filled life..." Jame said, lowering his head.

The dragon's ears perked up as she heard this and began to feel sympathetic towards the human, slowly walking towards him.

"I became a dragon slayer to get my chance to strike back at those who stole my life from me... my dreams as a child... everything... and to eventually kill that accursed dragon who took it all away..." James said, his hand slowly forming into a fist as tears fell into it.

"We dragons all have a common enemy... and that is of who you speak... To us, he is the Nightmare , but to you humans, you seem to have another name for him... His clan is more powerful than ours combined, and with the factions and clans battling against each other, we cannot form a bond in hopes of destroying him," the green dragon said.

"I am sorry... I have such bad manners, even to a dragon. My name is James..." he said.

"I am Taraelixindria! But you can call me Alex for short, thats what everyone else calls me!" She replied, mustering a smile.

"So, tell me of this love of yours... or is it too painful for you to speak of...?" Alex asked quietly.

"It is no bother... She was not exactly my lover, but we were almost there... You could almost say that we were dating, but... it was not yet at that point exactly, but it was about to be," James replied. "She was beautiful, and her hair was the color of fire, and her eyes the deep shade of the ocean..."

Alex snuggled up to him once more and laid her tail around him to comfort him. "It must have been tough..."

"It was..." James said, finally taking time to look around.

They were in a cave, but to his amazement, large glowing crystals dotted the wall, creating an etheral light that illumniated the entire room with colorful lights, including the small lake that was at the center of the cave.

"You know... I once had a love too... but he died in the battle against the wind clan long ago... We had just found out that we had loved one another but... things did not go according to planned, just like you and your... what was her name?" Alex asked.

"Her name was Sarah..." James replied, looking down into the lake.

"Ahhh... Sarah... A beautiful name if you ask me," Alex replied, "Much more easier than mine by far!"

James managed to muster a grin and laid against his newfound friend. She felt so warm against him, and he felt his heart begin to race as he laid his head onto her neck. She wasnt nearly as big as the other dragons were, and she had the heart of a woman like Sarah was. "The lake looks so beautiful... Sarah would have loved it..."

"Its a sight I am able to see every day," Alex said, "lovely insit it?"

"Its actually quite a romantic sight..." James said, but then noticed that the fold in her wing still had a nasty hole in it. A clench of guild built in his stomache once again.

"I am so sorry about your wing..." James said quietly... "I dont want to hurt you ever again... I was wrong about dragons..."

"Its okay love... I will live," Alex said, nuzzling him.

It was then that he felt a deep bond with her... was it truly love? No! It couldnt be! He had just been heart broken yet... he felt strange inside... a feeling like he had never felt before... was this dragon pulling a trick on him?

Suddenly the dragon turned her head away from him swiftly and looked like she was crying.

"What's wrong?" James quickly asked.

"I'm sorry! I was trying to cast another spell on you... one that would make you fall in love with me... I have just been so lonely......" Alex sobbed. "Ever since Elredor left me alone...."

James quickly felt his cheeks turn red as he laid a hand on her thick scaly hide. "You dont need to cast a spell on me to earn my love. Even though I do agree that it was a little bit... hasty... I can forgive you... I have no one else left either... Alex... and I want to make up for what I did to you..."

"Are... you saying...?" Alex began to ask.

"Yes... It is the least that I can do for you... and well... I cant help but feel the same way back... You have saved my life... and... well... have taught me that not all dragons are bad... and that if we stand together, we can defeat our common enemy... but most of all... you are lonely... like me... we are two halves of a broken heart. And I know that love between a dragon and a human may be considered an abomination... but It will not stop me from doing this..." he said, quickly grabbing her muzzle with his hands and kissing her passionately.

At first her eyes widened, but then she relaxed into it, allowing the flow of love surge between them, enjoying the first contact of love she had recieved in many years. It felt so good to her... and she wanted more.

Suddenly she slammed his body against the ground, her talons preventing him from moving.

"Whats going on?" James asked, concerned, but he was quickly answered as he felt his clothing being ripped off by the large dragoness.

"Wait! Wait Wa-...ohhh...." He began to say as he was overcome with pleasure. Alex's tongue worked her way around Jame's member, slowly arousing him and licking at it playfully until it was at its full length, allowing her to begin nibbling on it gently.

"Ohh~!" James called out in ecstasy, his world spinning as the dragon pleasured him from below. He had never experienced this before, and it was a new world of pleasure entirely!

Alex began to suck harder on his manhood, until he began to slowly thrust back into her mouth instinctively, pleasuring himself more as he enjoyed the sheer pleasure of it all.

A wave of pleasure crashed down upon him as he began to feel it, he was almost near his climax as his entire body began to twitch in ecstasy, his body begging for his release.

"Come onnnn give it to me~" Alex purred, sucking intensely on his dick until finally, he released his seed into her maw.

Warm jets of his human seed coated the insides of her mouth in a constant flow, almost filling her entire mouth (To her amazement)!.

"My my you are quite the productive young man~" Alex said, purring deeply.

James simply laid on his back, his world spinning as he enjoyed the aftermath of the previous events that had unfolded.

But when he looked up, what he saw aroused him once more, his once-limp member growing rock hard in surprise.

Alex was laying on her back, with her legs spread apart, revealing her cute dragon slit. "Make love to me, I want to feel your love!!!"

James struggled to stand to his feet but obliged willingly and slowly mounted her, slowly pushing himself into her warm dragon slit.

James moaned loudly as he felt it for his first time, the pleasure of his first fuck, the pleasure of his penis sliding into the warm depths of a female, he was a virgin. But as he drove down deeper, he also felt a resistance. Alex was also a virgin.

"Are you...sure you want to do this?" James asked, concerned.

"I am sure!! Just make love to me! I need you!!!!" Alex cried out, spreading her legs as far as she could, allowing him to slip in even easier.

As he slowly pushed past the resistance, Alex screeched in pain for a few brief moments before relaxing and allowing James to slowly thrust into her.

"Oh yes..." Alex cooed to him, her wings full spread out on her back against the cold stone floor.

James began to thrust deeply, but slowly into her, allowing her to feel every inch of his human manhood. Even if it was not as nearly as large as a male dragon's, she seemed to be enjoying every minute of it.

Alex moaned deeply as James began to pick up the pace, resting his body on her slowly rising and falling belly as he began to let instinct come over him, thrusting his hips deeply into her as she roared and moaned loudly.

Her vagina clamped down on his manhood and it felt almost like it was massaging it, trying to milk him for his seed as he thrust deeply into her, the pleasure was more than he had ever imagined!!!! He was in heaven, and even though he was fucking a dragon, he felt like it was meant to be.

Alex roared loudly as a stream of dragon cum rushed out of her vagina and onto the stone floor beneath them, lubricating her passage and allowing him to quickly thrust in and out even quicker.

"Oh yes! Fuck me!!! I want you!!!" Alex roared in pleasure as James brutally pounded her dragon slit. "I want you!!!!"

James threw back his head in sheer pleasure, his entire body twitching as he thrust deeply into her, he couldnt take much more of it, he was going to explode.

"Yes!!! I want you to fill me with your seed!!! Yesss!!!!"

"Alex....!!! I Think Im going to.... Im going to~ AHHHHH!!!!!!!!" James shouted as he felt his second climax hit him.

Thick jets of warm seed flew into Alex's unprotected womb, filling it with his human sperm, and as his last spurt of cum landed inside of her, she felt another wave of pleasure wash over her as her own dragon cum shot out of her once again, causing her eyes to roll to the back of her head.

James laid his head down on her rapidly rising and falling chest, spent. It had been a first time for the both of them, and it was more than he had imagined!

"You were like a beast unchained, little one," Alex grinned as she finally recovered her senses, still breathing deeply.

James smiled and pulled out of her, but before he could say anything else, she wrapped her tail around him and brought his lips to hers in a passionate kiss. James was no longer alone... and Alex had found her love.


Greetings friends!!! How was it?! That was my first attempt at a story on SF! I know I might not have the proper grammar all the time but hey, how was it? I would like to know! Honestly! I do intend to continue this story if people really like it! So comment please!! I Would love to hear some feedback from viewers, and to all of you who love dragons, Kudos!!!