New Boy Pt 1

Story by Shilvascat on SoFurry

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Everything in Shilva's life is as perfect as he is. He's got the friends, the looks, the talent, and most importantly, the money to go far in life. But when one of his friends moves away unexpectedly, things start getting strange for the pink fox.

3.8k words

So, I'm revisiting the first series I ever wrote on this site! I opted to go for a full rewrite, rather than touching up less than stellar parts, because the more I look, the more I see not just stylistic errors and typos, but poor pacing and timeline errors as well. This is gonna be a big one - the original first installment only came up to 1k, so this is already four times as large.

Self-inserting hoe appearance by LibrarianArti on FA, many thanks to him for helping me come up with ideas, figure out how to approach problems, and even do a fair amount of writing himself!

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It was a cool day at the end of summer, and the campus of Acronis High was awash with activity. Students rushed left and right, frantically preparing for the beginning of the school year. Whether it was a late arrival doing his best to move into his dorm, clearing the campus store of school supplies, hurriedly slapping together a summer book report, or even just searching for volunteer work to fulfil a credit, everyone it seemed was in a panic. Everyone, of course, except a single pink-furred fox strolling casually through the streets just outside of campus grounds. Dressed in a silk blue suit, which was something of a trademark for him, he nodded his head to the music blasting through his headphones. He was in his own world, and would have remained in it, except...

"Hey! Shilva!"

Shilva paused, pausing his music and pulling his headphones down. After a quick glance around, he spotted Arthur jogging to catch up to him, and the fox couldn't help but smile. The dragon was a good childhood friend of his, and Shilva couldn't imagine life without his chubby, fluffy presence.

By the look on Arthur's face, however, Shilva was going to have to do his best without him. The fox's smile faded. "I... I take it you couldn't change your folks' minds about sticking around?" The announcement was so sudden, it took the entire friend group by surprise. Shilva was still trying to cope with the fact that one of the few constants at his school was leaving.

Arthur finally made it to Shilva and bowed over, panting with his hands on his knees. "N-No," he said after catching his breath, "I couldn't. The sale's - oh god, I need to get in shape - the sale's already final, some guy came in and offered twice the asking price, I guess. In cash."

Shilva cocked an eyebrow. Even in their rich little bubble, being able to pay millions of dollars in cash was one hell of a flex. Briefly he racked his brain, trying to think of any CEOs with kids that would want to move here that badly, but nothing came up.

"That's strange." The fox couldn't think of anything else to say.

The dragon nodded in agreement. Finally recovered from his brief jog, the two began to make their way down the street to Arthur's house. The moving van was already being loaded up - by the looks of it, it was the last of them.

"Strange is a word for it," Arthur finally replied. "Really weird. I had the chance to meet who I... well, I think he's the father of the new family, anyways, right after my parents dipped to set the new place up. He gave me some really strange vibes."

If what Arthur was saying was true, and Shilva had no reason to believe his bookish friend would lie, that would certainly make the next semester or two of school interesting. Arconis Palms was rich, but it was steeped in a suburban culture of normalcy. Anything and anyone deviating from that was either rectified immediately or forced out as quickly as possible.

Then again, Arthur could just be reading into things too much, he did have a habit of doing that. "Look, I mean, I hear you bud, but... you sure you weren't just projecting your feelings or something? I'm sure it'll be fine. "

"No, dude, I'm being serious!" the dragon hissed. Shilva flinched at the uncharacteristic outburst, and Arthur blushed, looking away. Frustration and confusion were plain on his face. "Look man... just keep an eye out, alright? For your old buddy?"

Shilva sighed, sticking his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, yeah... you know I'll always take you seriously. I'll keep an eye out, but I won't let that color the perception of the family's new kid. He might be in our grade, and you know how seriously I take my job as class president." The fox paused, and a long, quiet moment passed. "Arthur, of course I'll keep an eye out. You just take care of yourself once you're outta here, alright? We both need to do our best if we're going to room together in Harvard!"

Arthur gave Shilva a long look before cracking a weary smile. "Yeah, of course. Of course, Shilva. We're going to take the world by storm, you and me. Just as soon as we graduate."

The rest of the walk passed quickly, and soon enough they were at the end of the street, standing in front of Arthur's house. Or... Arthur's old house. The two clasped hands, said their goodbyes, and after making sure they could contact each other in every way imaginable - telegram was even discussed - Shilva finally gave Arthur a parting hug, and made his way leisurely down the street.

The dragon watched with a wistful smile until the fox turned the corner. That was Shilva alright... not a care in the world, confident and genial with the genuine heart behind it all to complete the package. Arthur knew that Shilva would go far one day. There was a reason the kid was the star of the town, a shining beacon of brilliance in a school that was already one of the most elite places in the country. He could only hope to ride Shilva's coattails as he rocked his way to future fame.

Eventually Arthur sighed and shook his head. The only thing left in the house was his suitcase... he may as well grab it and take one last look at the place. He turned around to head in, only to practically run into a man looming directly behind him. The dragon fell to his tush with a yelp, his tail saving him from a truly rough fall.

"Oh jeez! I'm sorry, I... oh!" As Arthur apologized, his eyes adjusted to the sun shining behind the figure standing over, and he recognized him as the same black furred jackal from earlier, the father most likely. The same creeping feeling rang off inside him like alarm bells, but he forced a smile and heaved himself back to his feet, dusting off his pants. "Oh, right! They said you'd be coming soon, I just didn't expect you to get here before I left. You said you wanted to take a look at the basement plumbing, right?"

The figure said nothing, only grinning in response. Arthur stared at those teeth for a moment, unable to find his words. Was this what prey felt like, back in the olden days?

"Ahm, I uh, well... I-I can show you now if you'd like," Arthur finally managed. The figure nodded again, his smile growing wider, and the dragon suppressed a shudder. "Well, okay, follow me. I guess the quickest way to the basement would be through the garage entrance."

With that, Arthur turned and speed-walked into the garage, and the jackal followed close behind. The poor thing was in such a rush to get this awkward interaction over with, he completely failed to notice as his guest tugged at a tent in his crotch, all while the garage door slowly cranked shut behind them. It slammed to the ground with a heavy thud.


Shilva strolled into school Monday morning, sighing contentedly as he left the crisp autumn air for the heated comfort of Arconis High. Everyone seemed lively this morning -- they usually were the first day back at school, but something seemed different. It didn't take long for Shilva to find out why; there was a new student from the city, a jackal named Lynch. Perhaps the kid was from the family that moved into Arthur's old place? If so, Arthur couldn't have picked a better replacement. Everyone seemed to just be in love with him.

The fox smiled. As head of the student body, it was his job to welcome all newcomers to the school. If he was as easygoing and charming as everyone seemed to think he was, Shilva knew his job would be that much easier. Maybe he'd even make a new friend! With that thought on his mind, Shilva smoothed his white polo, made sure his pants were hiked up high enough, and pushed his way through the crowd, searching for a new face.

While searching the sea of heads, Shilva's eyes caught sight of two large ears bouncing over the rest, a cream color with a hint of a faded green dye job at the tips. "Alan!" he called out, and the ears perked, swivelling towards him. They made their way through the hall, finally emerging in a small pocket of space a few feet away. They were attached to a short, muscular rabbit, with large green eyes to compliment his highlights.

"Alan!" Shilva said again, falling in step with his friend. "I hear there's a new guy? A jackal, right? Don't have too many of those here." Because their kind can't afford to live out of the cities, Shilva thought, then immediately regretted it. It was his job to look past stereotypes.

If Alan knew what Shilva was thinking, he didn't show it. Instead he just adjusted his wireframe glasses, shrugging his backpack higher on his shoulders. "Yeah. I met the dude. Seems like a nice guy, we caught up around the fountain. Definitely out of place. Bet he'd be wearing a wife beater and jeans if he could get away with it."

Shilva nudged his friend teasingly. "Yeah, you're one to talk. You know very well there's no dress code here, anyways." Dressed in cargo shorts, a cloth belt, and a vaguely stained white tee, Alan wasn't exactly GQ himself. The school may have been private, but the founders were lax about the issue of dress. Most stuck to a polo and slacks, but scholarship kids like Alan tended to stick with more casual clothes.

Before Alan could form a comeback, the warning bell rang. With a quick nod, he hopped off to homeroom, joining the crowds as they rushed to beat the bell. Shilva just smiled after him, yawning and stretching as the hallways cleared. They might get penalized for being late, but Shilva was on official school business, and he didn't have to go to class until he found Lynch.

As the last sound of pattering paws faded away, Shilva turned around to head to the principal's office -- they would give him Lynch's homeroom so he could do his job and get back to class -- only to find someone else in the hall with him, leaning on a locker and staring down the pink fox with an uncomfortably predatory gaze. The honor student blinked and felt his fur bristle, but he forced his hackles down before approaching the jackal. A black jackal in ratty clothes... this had to be Lynch.

"G'morning!" Shilva said as he offered a paw. "Name's Shilva Goldwater, and I'm the head of the student body here at Arconis. I take it you're Lynch? Everyone's talking about you! Good things, I assure you."

Lynch was dressed just like Alan described, but what the rabbit forgot to mention was his body. The jackal was every bit an athletic beast, with muscles rippling through his tight jeans and arms flexing without even trying, but more than that, Lynch was every bit a rebel. His stance, the way he held his head, even the slight sneer on his face screamed lowlife. Shilva couldn't help but wonder how on earth he'd gotten accepted into the school, let alone get the student body falling in love with him... but those were just stereotypes, right? He had to remember to let them go.

A few long moments passed, and Shilva realized his paw was still hovering in air, ready for a shake it had never received. He let his hand fall to the side, hiding an uncomfortable grimace. Seriously, where was the charm he'd heard so much about?

"Well uh, alright. A quiet guy I guess, no biggie." Shilva forced a smile. "Do you need help finding your first class? The bell's going to ring any second, and we wouldn't want you to be late."

"Yeh... reckon that wouldn't be the best shit to do first thing, huh?" Lynch returned the smile, but that only made Shilva feel more uneasy. The jackal crossed his arms and leaned in close, making Shilva back up. Lynch matched his movements, and before he knew it he was backed up against the cold steel of the lockers. The combo lock pressed up against the fox's spine, but Lynch planted his toned arms on either side of Shilva to prevent his escape. The scent of sour tobacco clung to the jackal's breath.

"N-No... i-it wouldn't," Shilva whimpered. He could hear a group of stragglers giggling about something as they passed, something about Lynch already putting the moves on some poor girl. Was this what they looked like? Thank god they didn't recognize him, he couldn't have rumors going around about his sexuality. "So uh, so we should probably go."

Lynch nodded in agreement, but didn't budge. "So is there one of them queer clubs here? I bet yer the president, aintcha? Ya seem like a goody-two-shoes type."

Shilva gasped a bit, holding his books to his chest. "I don't know what you're insinuating, Lynch, but I think as a friendly piece of advice, I'd recommend you stay away from that kind of talk. Fags don't come to this kind of school, there aren't any gays here."

"Oh, really now?" Lynch's gaze raked Shilva up and down, dwelling on his hips and groin. "Funny you say that, cuz you look like a flamer. Where I come from dressing an looking like you would be a sure sign we could find ya in the football lockers after every game."

The fox flushed red now, trembling to keep his composure. "I, well, that's not here. We aren't depraved, we're better than all that. And I insist, absolutely insist you stop this line of questions and let me go at once! I don't want to be late."

The jackal's eyes flashed. He leaned down slowly, stretching out the moment for full effect, until he was eye to eye with the fox. "Maybe there's no fags here now... but there sure as hell used to be. Fat-assed dragon whore, banged the fucker right as he was moving away. Lucky I caught him, he definitely needed an introduction to my, uh, little friend." Lynch gestured to his groin, which looked flat... until Shilva realized that was because Lynch's cock was pressed against his leg, snaking down his jeans until they damn near hit his knees.

"I... you, Arthur? You can't... I can't believe..." No. That was the last straw. Shilva knew he did his best to stay civil in the face of startling incivility, he did his best to tell Lynch what a bad idea it was to get into queer politics, but spreading slander about Arthur, his closest friend? That was the one thing he couldn't stand.

Shilva snarled and began to bump his books against Lynch's chiseled chest with each word. "How dare you? How dare you lie like that, on your first day no less? I've done my job as class president, and I refuse to remain in your presence any longer. Never speak to me again, trash, or I'll make your life hell. You're going to get expelled acting the way you do, and I look forward to that day." The fox made a curt aboutstep and flicked his tail dismissively. "Now, go to class!"

That was the first time Shilva had ever told anyone off in his life, and it was invigorating! His confidence and fire grew with every step he took down the hallway away from that horrible man, and he felt like he could damn near fly.

"Hey, Shilva!" Lynch called from behind him. Shilva stopped sharply and growled, spinning to face the jackal.

"What do you need, Lynch?" Shilva growled.

Lynch looked him up and down one more time, an amused smirk on his face. Finally, just as Shilva was about to leave, he chuckled. "You're a feisty faggot, I'll give you that. It'll definitely be harder to lay ya than that dragon whore. But mark my fuckin words, you're gonna be mine by the end of the semester, sissy-boy. An you'll never want to go back."

Shiva stood there, gawping at the audacity of Lynch's words. Unable to come up with a retort, he just huffed and stomped down the hall to homeroom. With any luck, he would still make it on time.

As the fox rounded the corner, Lynch turned and casually strolled out the school's rear exit, whistling as if he hadn't a care in the world. Once in a more comfortable spot out back, the Jackal reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone. It was a new model, something much more expensive than what one would expect a high schooler from a poor neighborhood to have. He tapped it a few times and held it to his ear, humming away to some modified rendition of the dial tone, with his free hand resting down below, gripping onto that monster snake of his so clearly outlined in his jeans. The call connected, but no one spoke on the other end. The jackal waited a moment before speaking in a calm and collected tone entirely different from the one he'd used with Shilva.

"Aight, slut. Ya were right about that friend of yours. Meetin' that prissy lil' fox faggot got me all worked up... so ya got five minutes to meet me out behind the school."

Lynch sighed, ending the call and tucking his phone away. That fox had a nice, perky lil' ass, and probably was going to be his biggest challenge yet. He took a deep breath, letting his mind get lost in his lust for the pink fag, and nodded off with a smile, cock throbbing in the brisk air..

This was going to be fun.


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(second part of a series. For the original, see here: []( The sound of fellow freshmen chattering down the halls of my dorm echoed through my door. It was late night...

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