Reisen's Encounter with Miranai's Hoard

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A mechanical taursune teacher is late for a meeting of the PTA, having to call upon the aid of one of her students to handle her small hoard of overdeveloped newborns! What happens when a pair of them use their hypnotic abilities on their new babysitter...?

How could this have happened! On a night like tonight of all nights. The massive taur woman couldn't be late tonight, it was a meeting of the Parents and Teachers association, and her usual baby sitter had canceled on her! Miranai couldn't believe it. Not only was her clothing giving her a problem, being as busty and endowed as she is, but now she had to find a new baby sitter... and unfortunately the only name that could come to mind was one of her students. Reisen. Reisen Inaba. Giving a quick call to Reisen's mother, Miranai was assured that there would be no problems with having Reisen do Miranai's baby sitting while the three hour meeting was going on. Miranai had a thirty minute drive from where she lived to the school, so Reisen will be tending to the hyper taur's hyper children the entire 4 hours, well, nearly. She had to leave NOW or she wasn't going to make it, so, a hastily scrawled note was the best she could do, though if Reisen could read such rapid and panicked writing was yet to be seen. Door locked and the spare key under the second left stone of the pathway leading down towards her driveway, and with that, she was gone...

It was an odd request, getting a call from her mom saying that her teacher needed her help, just for four hours. She had to drop what she was doing to get there, but she didn't seem to mind it, already leaving her spot in the library and heading out to her little moped. It doesn't take her nearly as long to get there, parking up the moped close to the house and hopping off, calmly taking the spare key from the second left stone and unlocking the door as she heads in. And of course, first thing first is to close that door and lock it right back up!

She sets her bookbag next to the door and hums a little to herself, looking for the note left behind for her. Probably directions, names, and what.

The note is pretty brief, and hard to read. It has her phone number, to call if anything goes wrong for more instructions. Directions to the nursery and kitchen, with Reisen currently in living room. Down the hallway on the left, second door on the left leads... down to the nursery? It wasn't part of the basement? The kitchen was on this floor, down the right past the dining room. Her children's food was in the fridge and would only need warming up before serving, but that she should get that on the stove warming first thing. Some... something about don't look them in the... ears? Eyries? That made no sense. A few more things were written down, words like 'diaper', 'bath', 'do' 'never' but it is a scribbled up jumbled mess...

Reisen lifts an eyebrow at the note, rubbing the back of her head at it. She shrugs lightly at it, not sure of the instructions about the eyes, or things like 'diaper bath'. She heads on into the kitchen for now, note in hand as she does what is on there first, and get their dinner going! It almost meant getting the stove warming, so she gets that set up first. While she is waiting, though, she double checks to make sure all the windows and doors for the floor are locked. Don't need any unwanted visitors...

The kitchen is HUGE! As is the fridge! Then again, most things are larger than usual, but the fridge isn't a 'fridge' it is a walk in cooler! Inside there is an entire shelf labeled 'Dinner 3/25', well, that's today, but... was the entire shelf for today? Does she just... pick something? Looking at other shelves shows that days that have passed are completely bare, and tomorrow's was full. This being Thursday, if teacher had prepared meals for all week over the weekend, then stored them here to be heated up, it would make sense to have two more meals ready to go, but, these two shelves!? Between the two shelves it would be enough food for Reisen's family for... nearly two months! Not two DAYS...

The stoves are similar, massive, eight burners each, and there are eight of them! Written on each 'stove ready' pot, pan, baking sheet, etc is if it goes on a burner or in the stove, and at what temperatures, for how long... If it wasn't for nanotech, there would be no way to get this much food warmed up in thirty minutes, but, with it, and with this many cooking surfices, it's possible, but it is going to tire someone like Reisen out carrying it all around!

Reisen Inaba ... stares. She stares a bit more... and she sighs softly. She closes the cooler door up, and takes a moment to take off her blazer, and fix herself up. "This is going to take a while..." She then just gets to work. It's going to be the entire shelf, that's the only thing that seems to make sense. Everything for tomorrow would have to be untouched. But today's date, everything was getting cooked. Go ahead and insert a cooking montage here! Once it's all done, she's going to get what she can ready to take downstairs to that nursery with her. She didn't exactly notice any sort of baby chairs or anything on her way to the kitchen, so it all has to be there. Right?

It was indeed a hassle, but in addition to no baby chairs or high seats in the kitchen and dining room, there wasn't anything to serve food to children on. No little plates or little bowls. So whatever the tikes were to eat on or out of would have to be down stairs with them. The door down stairs was massive, then again, someone like Miranai had to get down there while perhaps carrying a massive pot of stew, or trays of cooked and still hot meats, and any other such things, so that made sense. It was well lit the entire way down, and the house keeper that everyone knew Miranai hired must do a good job, even the stairs are well swept and dusted.

The nursery itself is deeply carpeted and highly padded all around. Reisen has to unlock a rather complex looking thing holding the first gate closed. The same key that worked in the door into the house works in this lock as well. Here it is obvious that meals are served... but to whom could now be a question! It wasn't that the nursery wasn't attached to the basement, the house's entire basement WAS the nursery! The table looked like it could server 40... no... 50? Yeah, maybe 50 Reisens! There wasn't high chairs or anything like that, but cushions with straps that would allow something... horse like to be strapped gently to the floor against it... wait... Mrs. Kenit was... a 10'... maybe 11' tall taur... did she give birth to... similarly large children?! But even then, this was far too much food and space for even 3 or 4 such children... if Reisen's been paying attention to her math and geometry classes, she could estimate that between 10 and 13 children roughly what she can imagine 'smaller Mrs. Kenits' could be strapped in comfortable at the table... and counting the spaces to do so... her teacher had an even dozen...

Reisen brought down all she could comfortably bring first off. No need to go and do a balancing act with it -- and good thing, she needed a key to get in! She locks it behind her as she heads in, wondering just why the door had to be locked... and when she gets to the table, she begins to see why. Babies. Ms. Mirinai's size. A big huge table... Compared to her desk at school... yeah. Makes sense. She does take quite a few trips back and forth to get the food set up, but thankfully being a rabbit, she can be pretty quick on her feet. It's only once dinner is all served that she starts to wonder how to do this...

She begins to look around for just where the children might be down here...

She also looked over all she brought down, making sure things were as the needed to be. Food, drink, if they were even in bottles and such. It had to be perfect!

No bottles, no glasses, some silverware, some plates, but mostly bowls. Ms Miranai's... a taursune. Did she have to learn how to eat from a plate? Did she have to learn how to drink from a cup or a glass? If so... then eating and drinking from a bowl would be the best step between suckling from a teat and eating like a civilized being. Apparently everyone in Ms. Miranai's litter had graduated off of the nipple phase, but how many to set up with only bowls? And who sat where? There wasn't any labels, no information to really go off of. As she's working though, a very loud 'YIP' comes from a touch deeper into the room. The lights are off over there, very hard to see into... until one of them bounds up to the second gate! With breasts flopping her front comes into view, looking at Reisen, another 'Yipyap'chrrr'hekehkhek'yap yip!' and she spins around as if chasing her tail. Yeah, this one is likely still on bowls, but... wait? Her.. bowl, or... his bowl? Hir bowl? As she runs in circles sloshing balls and a cock are easily seen...

Reisen looks over and blinks, seeing the big... big taur thing come to the door. She looks down... back up... to the bowls... then sighs. "... I am so asking for extra credit..."

Hopefully the taurs have all been trained on where they eat what. This one probably knows where their bowl is, and Reisen heads on over. "You behave and sit at your spot while I get the others, kay?" She gets her key and -- wait. Why was she able to see those big shaft and balls? She looks a bit upset... and puts on his face, looking down with her hands on her hips. "... You're getting your diaper after dinner." NOW she opens it up, and stands way out of the way for the taur to come in and get what's needed. She then calls into the darkness 'Feeding time!', standing aside and waiting to see what will happen.

To say perhaps that was a mistake would probably be... unneeded just a few moments past when Reisen said it. It started as a sound, then a vibration through the carpet on the floor... a... shaking and rattling of the gate!! Soft yawns were heard, loud sounds of stretching, then, thudding! No thudding...? More thudding! LOTS MORE THUDDING! Giving a yip, the hyper active one bounds on the other side of the gate and holds it closed, her high, almost sweet voice saying "Shuna dun do dat..."

"...Uh oh." ... "Uh...-oh..." Reisen realizes her mistake. She then blinks as the hyper one moves to the other side of the gate and holds it closed! Reisen thinks quickly, and locks it back up, and almost instantly, "Be good children and line up at the door nice and neatly!" She hopes that's enough as she moves an arm to her forehead and holds it there, then looks to the former hyper taur, looking up at her and quietly going, "You can -talk-...? Can you help me with all this? Your mom didn't exactly tell me all of what to do here!"

The stamped continues getting closer and closer until there is a MASS of yipping, talking, yapping, barking taurs! All of them are varying shades of red, grey, and brown, and counting the one next to her, 12 in total. The first, and one other don't have their diapers on anymore, but the rest do... and while none are shorter than Reisen, they vary widely in height. The rut stands at 5'8, but the tallest of Mira's litter towers at 8', maybe 8'0.5"! After a bit though, they give some collective grumbles and sighs, "Diahana's alweady out!" one of them cries, "Yeah! shwes out!" It is a bit longer before they do make an orderly line, with... Diana was probably her name, giggling the entire time... and each laugh shaking and jostling her balls and breasts, both of which slosh with obviously a lot of fluid... in fact, all of Ms. Miranai's children had that sound coming from them... and the smell!! Three of them had DEFINITELY used their diapers, but... not for... anything a new baby sitter might expect. They all had a... slightly heated, slightly... musky scent to them, all of them in heat and rut!? ALREADY!? And those three... they had had wet dreams... that could be the only reason the same kind of scent was coming from them but MUCH MUCH more strongly...

Diana doesn't stop laughing for a while, then licks her lips and nods her head, "Most'a us chan talk! Kinda? All o'us chan talks, bhut not all o'us talks as good as I do!" She says, jamming her left thumb tight against her WAY oversized left breast! One of her siblings scoffs, "Nughuh! I talk, like, a bazzilions better then yoo do!" His? voice was deeper the Diana's, was that one male? Female? Both? The smell and looks of each said both, but... ?

"Now now, calm down, everybody! Who talks better than who doesn't matter right now. Diana is gonna be my little star helper in making sure we do things like mommy wants it done. And if your mommy tells me that you've been lying to me, that's not something we want, right?" She ... thinks that should work! But oh goodness the smell. She huffs and looks to Diana, blushing quite a bit. This was... way too much. "D-Diana, dear, mind just telling me what mommy does for you all? You're all my responsibility.

Diana yips happly, even jumping up and down, which doesn't do her sloshing any favors, and now her VERY packed... bigger than a Pringle's can sheath is completely impossible to notice. Lots of grumbling, a few gasps, and a couple even start to say something, only to be cut off by another. Her? voice is nearly as high as Diana's, "Reggie! Just shtoph. I'mma hungie, and wanna eat!" Both give a low, but short growl, before lining up and waiting for the gate to be openned again.

Diana looks to Reisen, then starts running around the table rapidly before slowing down and pointing to seats and shouting out names and if the person gets bowls or table wear! The girl's a blur and doesn't seem to mind the jostling of her nude form as she goes... If Reisen pays attention she can figure out how to set the table. And it seemed the while anyone is eating, everyone's supposed to stay strapped in.

"Ah, there we go. Okay, everyone, please calmly walk to your spot and get settled in, and I'll be around to help you all out! Remember, one at a time, got it?" She gives one more firm nod, before giving that gate an open once more and letting them out. If all does go to plan, she will go around and strap them in as needed, hopefully with Diana's help. Again, rabbit, she can be quick when she needs to be. And it isn't hard to figure out who gets tablewear and who gets bowls! She's actually almost as much as a blur as Diana was with how fast she can work!

Diana does help out, strapping in 'younger' and 'older' siblings alike, though getting a gruff growl from each as she goes. One even grumbling, "Hey! She no gots her didie!" That gets even more grumbles and growls from everyone. Plates and bowls served, they all turn to Reisen, "Thank yoo miss babiesittaur." They all say with varying degress of success. One looks ready to rip into their meal, but gets a growl from another and they all eat mostly with civility! Strapped down, they couldn't use their tauric legs, but could bend to reach with their muzzles or use safety forks and spoons to eat their food, lapping or sipping from their water and juices. Along the way though... Diana starts to give a few whimpers, testing the stretch and give of her straps...

Reisen nods and watches them eat... somewhat civil like too! She stands by the gate leading out, just supervising them as she watches, nodding some. Well, this went better than expected. She notices the whimpering of Diana and blinks, looking over at her. "Diana?" Reisen moves her way over, seeing her tug and pull at the straps. She shakes her head, and holds onto them, all while looking at Diana. "Are they uncomfy? It's only for a bit more, you can do it, right?" She does lean in and whisper. "What's after feeding time?"

Diana shakes her head, the pair next to her on either side giggle a bit as she struggles, "No... gotta go!" She says squirming and wiggling all the more... under her her cock has swollen, stiff, her knot expanded! She's going to blow... and blow now! With a yip, it happens, painting Reisen's front in seed as she barks and howls out her pleasure as her balls empty out! Rope after rope and wave after wave, splashing out over Reisen before she settles down and lays back on it, finishing her meal, after saying "I ok now! Umm... after eating it's outside play time util bathie timyn." It isn't much longer until everyone's finish their meals...

Reisen lets out an 'EEP!' as she starts bursting. She thought she meant need to go to the bathroom! And she instead gets painted in seed, but moves out of the way before any other bursts can get onto her. She frowns as she looks to herself. "Nnngh.. Why didn't teacher tell me about -this-..." She sighs as she moves to grab onto some napkins and clean up as best she can... and she looks to the other taurs. Once more she looks to Diana. "Do you all wear clothes outside? Or just as you are now?"

Diana shakes her head as the finally two finish eating. They look to each other, grinning and nodding. They were the first to start manifesting kitsune powers, they both having two tails. It was almost as if they could talk to each other with nothing but their minds. "No babiesittaur! We have clothesies. They in the shelves in the back!" Indeed, back behind the still unlit area they were using for sleeping, there are a great many outfits hanging or folded up in shelves and on hangers... including what could only be described as a Victorian maid outfit! Each were in various shades of black/gray or black and a dark color... "We gets unsat, then dressted, and go play!" She says excitedly despite the MASSIVE puddle of cum in front of her, it, and that which had splashed on Reisen's nose burning their scent through her!

Reisen nods gently, looking over at everyone. And she nods, moving to Diana first and unstrapping her from her spot. "Alrighty, lets get everyone unsat, all dresssed up and we can all go play for a while, right?" She gives a little nod, looking herself over. "I might need to see if I can have mom bring me a spare shirt..." She hmns a bit, looking at everyone one more. She has to wonder if maybe they all wear diapers as well... and if they too have color or patterns. Who knows! For now she tries to keep things moving, attempting to ignore the scents they all give up -- especially her own scents on her now cum-stained chest.

Indeed, diapers were included, and they should all be in them! While she's working though, the 'twins' make sure that they are at the back when getting changed and dressed! Once it is their turns though they smile to each other, staring deeply towards Reisen, "Hello Babysitter." For some reason it seems like what they are saying is perfectly clear, but somewhere in the back of Reisen's mind she knew that they hadn't said that quite right, but... "You are enjoying yourself, aren't you?" They ask, all while Reisen works, forcing themselves and Reisen to make clear consistent eye contact, "You love the taste and smell of what Diana splattered on you, don't you? The feel of it on you. You know, that is all we Taursunes give off, right? Our seed. Everything else is fully absorbed. The only reason we have these is to contain it all." They point at their diapers fully clothed. They were like reversiles of each other! Where one's maid suit was white, the other's was black, and where one was black, the other white! And they way they keep switching positions, the looks in their eyes... the words that they said... it all just made more... and more sense... but... was it true? Really? Sure it was! Or... maybe? There was something not quite... huh?

Reisen at least has a hand helping changing them all out -- and diapers as needed. once they're done, they're good to go up! But now she gets to the twins, and she blinks as she looks up, hearing clear English. She looks at the two, looking between... and making eye contact. They only reason they have diapers is to... hold it all. It isn't for toilet training, it's... their cum. She looks a little confused, dazed, eyes going half-eyed as she looks to the two of them again. "W...?" A bit of a rub to her eyes and forehead comes as she looks up again. "What... do you mean? Why are you... speaking in... so clearly...?"

The twins continue to weave about Reisen, until the poor girl can't tell which is which anymore, they are mirrors of each other, and yet not, they move around independently, but similarly, nearly in sync, but not quite... all while staring at Reisen, "Yes, it simply holds our cum, keeps it from splashing to the ground." "Indeed," the other continues, as though they took the other's place instead of simply picking up where they left off! Both of their breasts bouncing and swaying, sloshing and jiggling. Their diapered balls groaning and gurgling... "and you want to be contained by them too, to swim in the seed, to bathe in it, have it all over you, to taste it and feel it." "We've always spoken this clearly, now, it is time for us to play outside, isn't it? The best place for a babysitter is to keep close, riding in the diapers of each of us in turn would be the best way to say as close as you can to each of us..."Yes, take us outside, keep a close eye on us from our undersides."Let us play in the grass, as you play with our cocks, please them, so that they may give you what pleases you."Yes, this is what you want. More than the money that our mother has promised, more than the possible boost in your grades..." It all makes so much sense, it was the best way to stay close, right? Wait... which one had the black left side again? Which one had the... white sheep on their diaper... which... black and white bluring, combining as if the same shade, then separating out again...

Reisen eyes cross and blink... and she groans, rubbing her head some, looking up again. "I... Yes... It was... hot. Comfy... was... nice..." She takes a few steps back, and off come the Mary Jane shoes. She undoes her shirt, looking so out of it as it just falls to the floor, as soon does her skirt, and her panties. A hand absentmindedly moves to take off one sock, then the other, and she starts to approach... which one... both... It's hard to tell. They look the same. It looks like a mix of black and white to her, almost as if they were gray. She continues to just walk forwards, hand out. "Let... me in.... I... Have to ... Need to be in... and go outside with you..."

Both grinning, the one on the left points to the other, then the other points back with a very small bow, then nods and looks to Reisen, "We need the key." He says without even moving his mouth, that was neat, "Give it to my sister, then climb inside. Please me until you are coated and filled, then, leave and go to my sister's after the both of us are done, go off to another, and repeat until it is nearly time for mom to return home." She says licking on her lips as the other holds out her hand...

Reisen stops... and nods... "Key..." She goes back to her shirt, and kneels down. She fetches it... and grabs it from a pocket. She turns right around, and moves to the one she was pointed to, giving her the key as requested. After that, she goes straight towards the other tarsune, drooling just a bit as her hands reach out and try to find her way in. Under such a nice looking maid outfit was where she wanted to be, in that taped up fatly padded cushy place... She was just out of it. Her own mind, if the two could read it, was already starting to fill with so many lewd thoughts. The thought of pleasing others makes it seem like she might be here for a while...

The pair are indeed both reading and speaking into Reisen's mind. They weren't knowledgeable enough to be able to do it and trick Reisen into thinking they were here own thoughts, but they found that with a good combination of reading and speaking and the hypnotic way the pair of them could move in time with each other was good enough to put most into a deep suggestive trance. The lewd thoughts start to feed into Chelsie's mind as Raisen climbs into her diaper, the pair then leading the rest outside, Chelsie taking what Reisen was thinking and... subtly suggesting to her to do it, it would be so good for both of them...

Reisen tugs back on that strong diaper band, making room for her to stick her head in... and lift up. The rest of her wiggles in slowly through the top... until she slips in, and the diaper seals up behind her. She shifts and moves, and then lays on her back inside. The scents were so... intoxicating. And feeling Chelsie's hips move left to right as she walks was just so... relaxing. Her silky smooth legs wrap up around those balls, all while she hugs that shaft to her and starts to... nibble and suckle at the tip lightly. She felt so small compared to it, somehow, almost as if it was as big as her. Almost as if it could eat her! And they could pick up her thoughts. She wanted this. She wanted more. She wanted that 'bathie timyn' to be something... Oh, she secretly herself wants to be a baby now. In her own diaper, in a stroller, drinking cum and... oh. Oh it's the -taurs- that are taking her around, all giggling as she leaks their cum from her legs. That uh... that hypnotism may have unlocked some hidden side of Reisen.

This was different! Chelsie had done similar things to other replacement babysisters before, but this, this was an all new level that she'd never would have thought herself! That all was so hot! SO VERY HOT and she really couldn't take it. She's fully hard by the time her first paw is on the grass outside, dripping by the time she's completely off the porch... "H... hey sista, tish one is... mommy... she's... mmmmm..." She moans as she shutters, drenching Reisen in pre that is mostly sucked up by the diaper's padding. She feeds back to Reisen, giving her more. She was in a diaper, but not one coated, one flooded! She was in a stroller, she was drinking cum.... and not only was she there, but her whole family! Ms. Miranai collecting freshly filled bottles from her children, Reisen's... mothers? Yeah! Mothers... replacing the empty bottle at Reisen's pussy, so it can be squeezed into her next!

Reisen's ears splay out as she starts to get hot in there, and now coated in pre. She leans back and lets it run down the padding and coat into her, and fill it up a little, letting her have a bit of a pool of it. The thoughts return to her... and a small whimper comes out. The images just keep adding on... Reisen in that stroller, in a cute frilly and eye-catching outfit. Bunny paw booties and mittens, her hips quaking and wiggling as she sloshes in her flooded diaper, drinking bottles of cum to her lips. Was she... being adopted?

Each bit of information that Chelsie is given, she gives it back. A bottle of cum pushed into Reisen's pussy, squeezed empty, then her diaper placed back on her. Strangers coming up to coo at her, pinch her cheeks, stroke through her hair. All the while Chelsie's cock throbs harder! Now about half as long as Reisen is tall, and making her really swim in it all, pouring pre like a broken water hose! She moans out, gripping her breasts as her hips start rocking and working her rod over Reisen's body. Yes, she was adopted, and she was the favored play toy of the other dozen children Ms Miranai had! She was often stuffed in their diapers, drinking from their cocks, or willingly pushing herself onto them to soak up the cum inside her little womb! So far Ms. Miranai had kept Reisen up on her birth controls, but... she hadn't had one in... Reisen and Chelsie couldn't remember...

A soft moan, muffled and muted from that tightly taped up diaper, slips out of Reisen's lips as she squeezes that shaft to her body. She's sunk deep into that crinkly diaper, pushing that girth up into her chest as she rubs and strokes that thing with her delicately soft fingers, ducking her head down to take the brunt of all that pre coming out all over. Their minds continue to talk and add on things... Reisen often stuffed into thick diapers, at mercy to all the scents and liquids, and sometimes being pushed into them to drain them of seed directly into her womb! But being a rabbit means a lot of breeding, and strong birth control pills. But... did she have one now? She wasn't... sure. She rests her back into the thick padding as she starts to pull her legs up. She's moving it to start pushing the tip into her mound...

Chelsie isn't going to last much longer, and once Reisen's mound starts to push down upon her rod, it's the start of the end! She stops dead, leaning down, trying to help Reisen with her thrusting! She's going to make this babysitter pregnant! So pregnant that she isn't going to be leaving this house anytime soon, not that she'd want to. Rocking there, she starts working that into Reisen's mind, of her belly bloating first with all the seed of her siblings, then with all of their bunny and fox kits! Of her being taken care of, tended to, not like a princess, no, she wasn't the one who owned anything here, she was owned! But she was taken very careful care of. Like a favored toy, one that it's owner doesn't want to get too scratched up, let alone risk becoming broken, but still wishes to play with, to use, to stretch wide open, then dress in her pretty little dresses and two pieces... none of which covered her cum filled, then later kit filled dome!

Reisen pushes herself back, more or less 'upside down' in there as she lines it up... and just bites down on her lower lip as she's taken, arching her back and squeezing her legs around Chelsie's lower waist to pull herself up. She squeezes -tight- on that girth, letting it fill up into her body as far as it would allow, and oh how that diaper starts making quite a few struggling noises... Taken care of, not like a princess, she was a toy, property. And oh she had some tick marks on that tummy... Not that Chelsie would know, or Reisen right know, but she -is- on that pill. Pregnancy might have to wait, but who knows just how long?

It isn't any time at all once Reisen is down at the bottom of that cock, the knot has sealed, and with a long barking, yipping moan Chelsie's seed has a new home, deep inside Reisen! She isn't as productive as Ms Miranai, who could disgorge 100s of thousands of gallons, but it is still so much, so VERY much, maybe around 100 gallons herself, respectable for how young she is, still growing, still developing... but it is more than enough to give Reisen a larger cum belly than one might have ever thought possible! Throb after throb, blob after blob of thick, sticky seed coating all throughout Reisen's womb, all while the foxtaur feeds Reisen images of having an even larger cum dome, of her growing with kits, of her giving birth, repeating, over and over again...

Knotted, locked, and ... filled. oh so so filled... Reisen's eyes roll back a bit as they close, and her body goes lip. She tries so weakly to roll onto her chest, but too late. Her belly domes, pushing her into the front of that diaper and testing its durability. A nice outline of her frame -pushes- out from the inside of that diaper. But her mind continues to see those images... and Reisen loops it back. She sees the light... just enough to birth those kits... and then after not even a minute of rest, she's already tugged in and pulled into the darkness of musk, baby powder and crinkling. It was all dry and soft... but not for long.

With her first load out of her, Chelsie feels so much better, sighing gently and stopping long enough in the grass, just laying there, while the rest of her baby batter fills Reisen, then, "Ok little Reisen, all done, once the knot's done, go help out one of your other siblings." She says, content now to lay in the sun, just enjoy the feeling of the grass on her fur through the maid outfit, and the feeling of the heat upon her. Slowly the images stop, at least, they stop being renewed, they linger inside of Reisen's mind, and would linger. Not strong enough to turn her into perpetual diaper stuffing, but... enough to tug at her day dreams, at her wet dreams, to make these scenes and more like them a favored fantasy, but for now, the little wobbling, sloshing bunny had eleven other fox taurs to drain out!

Reisen does as told... she just holds out until that knot is gone... and weakly, so weakly, crawls her way out of that padding, through the leg hole even! She pants and hits the grass, leaking all that fresh seed as her body quivers. She goes for the twin sune, sheepishly smiling as she pulls apart the upper band of that diaper, sticks her head -right- in and slips herself inside. She of course moves to get herself first into position, but this time learns from her mistake with Chelsie. She rests on her chest inside, pushing herself up and bending over for that girth, prodding the tip in her already cum-ridden hole~.

Beckie yips out as Reisen picks her, the only other taursune around with developed mental powers, to get into next! The sloshing full belly doesn't do Reisen any favors, making wobbling over, sloshing her way over, all the harder. Enough has leaked out of her to let her slide in easy enough, but Beckie's a bit... different than Chelsie, feeding Reisen images of torment! Of her being bound to a chair and made to go hours... days... weeks without a proper bottle! Only given blecky baby food... and of course never quite enough of it either... her cock throbbing fast and filling Reisen's pussy back up quickly!

The bunny doesn't even groan as she slips on... but she frowns and whines at the images coming to her mind. Days, weeks without a bottle. Instead, blecky baby food. She whines out and rocks her hips regardless, now nuzzling and slurping up the cum that was -inside- that diaper to try and satisfy her new sudden hunger. Woah~

Eventually, she's unstrapped from the chair, her diaper, full of seed that's leaked out of her from the last time she was released, finally changed. Reisen is then taken over to a table, strapped down to it, and given a binkey... that is attached to a tube... which in turn is attached to a massive container of cum! Beckie pats on the container, "We all worked together to fill this up for you, and you are going to drink every drop, aren't you twarp?" Her English is perfect... unlike Reisen who struggles to do more than babble. "Meanwhile, I'm going to be dumping a second load into you from back her."

Meanwhile, outside of Reisen's mind, that cock has slid all the way up, and Beckie is leaning against the fence, Ms Miranai's neighbor, who was walking their dog, chatting up the little taursune, but then noticing the massive bulge in her diaper, "That's more than just you in there, what's going on sweetie? Did you stuff something in your diaper?" Asks Ms. Pendelton, a rather large and old bear woman. Even her grandchild are fully grown, having long ago given up having more herself. The twitching doesn't go unnoticed, "Or... someone?"

Reisen now looks ... happy. She smiles so stupidly, legs spread and head low, butt up to take that dick as it just -fills- her up. A soft groan slips out as she wiggles and rolls her hips on that dick, the more slipping in just makes her toes curl softly. She hears someone outside... and doesn't care. Almost as if it was perfect timing, she pushes her hands to the front of that diaper and -pushes-, making some nice hand prints form on the outside as she pushes back onto shat shaft, a hand moving down to her tummy to rub that girth around inside of her.

Beckie just gives a giggle and a few little yips, not really answering with words, but Ms. Pendelton gasps as the hand prints are seen! The images in Reisen's mind harden, having thousands of gallons of cum to guzzle down, and she can't get a breath in unless she's drinking the seed! And Beckie's busy pounding at her little bunny butt, cock wedged into her pussy!

"Oh, no no no, who's your babysitter today? Is it someone new? Did they look you in your eyes?" Asks the well aged bear, "Hey, if you can hear me, hold on in there, I'll get you out." She rushes as best she can around to the side with the gate, coaxing all the children away from it so she can open it up without having to deal with any escapees.

Reisen closes her eyes and just starts swallowing. Bucking. Moaning. She whines out and pushes back further on that shaft, her hips -really- moving to try and draw that thing to just let out every last drop into her form. She can barely even hear the bear moving to come and get her out -- to 'rescue' her. Is it even rescue at this point?

It isn't too long before Beckie is barking and yipping out herself, knot swelling up, sealing Reisen closed and pumping her full once more! Gallon after gallon flooding her already abused womb, bloating out her, even starting to spill back around the knot as Reisen runs out of room! A big, cum sloshing belly... and Reisen hears in her head, 'Keep it in. Don't lose any of it after I'm done.' A plug, in there with Reisen, once the knot softens... she should put it in, hold that cum inside of her...

Ms. Pendelton finally gets the gate clear and open, running her way over towards Beckie as best she can. Beckie's knot is softening again, Reisen needs to get that plug in... slowly, Reisen's mind is allowed to be released from the fantasies... but it still lingers. She's diaper stuffing, a cum dumpster. She can... kinda talk? Not well... and soon the diaper is just stripped off of the taursune, exposing Reisen to the sun!

Plug... plug...

Reisen moans out as she hears it in her head, and once that knot softens and pulls free, she grabs that knot... and moans out as she pushes the plug in towards the hilt! She bites her lower lip as she moans out... and then pants... and then it happens.

The diaper is stripped off of the taursune, and Reisen, naked as the day she was born, rolls out onto the grass with a blank vacant expression, looking up. Cum dribbles from her lips as a hand rests on her now bloated stomach. Babysitter: Defeated.

Ms. Pendelton looks on in shock at the bunny girl, leaning down carefully to help Reisen back up, "Oh, goodness, you don't look too much older than the rest of them." She says, careful of the belly, gently walking her back towards the house, "Come on, let's get you cleaned up, I'll make sure that Miranai's... heathens don't do anything more to you." A lot of collective 'awwws' and a few sniffles, "I newer gotta my toon!" Says one while the bear lady carefully brings Reisen back inside and up to the bathroom, knowing the layout of Miranai's house quite well.

REisen is carried off without a fuss... just... tired. Panting. Gasping for air as she twitches and murmrus in Ms. Pendleton's grasp. Now she's at a bear's mercy! Or maybe it's... just her being sincere now..

All Ms. Pendelton does is get Reisen cleaned up and back in her clothing, "There there, relax now, lets a'get you all back in your own head too, how you feeling?" She asks, "I'll go get you some hot chocolate." But her mind screams for cum... wet fur, mind still stuck inside of the diapers...

Reisen murmurs a bit to herself as she's in her own clothing, resting on a wall.. she pants, rubbing her eyes... and looking around. Mnn..

MS. Pendleton suddenly feels something press against her behind. Or, rather, hug it. Reisen has just hugged that big behind, and is nuzzling one cheek softly. "Mnnn.... Sooooooft...."

Startled, Ms. Pendleton carefully removes the big bellied bunny from her backside and takes her, along with the cup of choco, to a chair, "Now, you sit here and recover, I'll go take care of the little monsters." She says, shaking her head softly, "When will Miranai figure out she can't use subs for those..." The rest of her words trail off. Without their influence, the images and feelings the twins had put into Reisen soften, gently moving away, becoming clouded, but... not leaving, burying themselves... to jump back out at Reisen when she least suspects it... Ms. Pendleton does come back not long after, "You just sit there and sip that until Miranai gets home again, you hear?"

Reisen is carefully removed and placed in that chair... and it starts to clear up a bit. She starts to come to, groaning and rubbing her face... Then the cup is produced. She gives it a hold and sips softly... thinking quietly to herself. A little rub of her head and she sighs, shaking her head. "I need a shower... What happened...?"

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Heaving a sigh, Mirana looked around as shi waddled hir way through hir house. It was smaller than shi lived in before, but shi needed to move on anyway. Shi was a rather skilled physician, and living here was far from outside of hir means, but it was...

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A Cow Maid's Need

A tall rubenesque cow stood at a stove, a fetishized french maid's outfit clinging to her curves, fishnet stockings held up by lacy suspenders, her skirt barely hiding her bare nethers. Her breasts constantly seem at risk of popping free from her...

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Unfortunate Sisters Introduction

Inashi was always uncomfortable in such public settings, even if it was a party for her and her 'sisters' 'joining' day. It was strange to say the least of it. The two were the persons honored, as well as the unusual event that saw them conjoined in...

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