Slut Houses as told by Chris Southern

Story by Liht Tarnussay on SoFurry

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Chapter 1- [The World of XXX](%5C)

Slut Houses as told by Chris Southern

Okay, I'm Chris, Chris Southern; I'm a brown wolf and I'm the owner of a small slut house on the outskirts of Sin's City. Now, you may be thinking that a slut house is like a whore house. Well you're wrong, it's worse; here the women aren't paid to get fucked. I'm paid by the state to take care of any sluts that come wandering in that don't have a provider. You may be wondering why I don't say mate...Well a mate is a symbol of love and care, but there is no such thing here. That died off 75 years ago, now there is only providers who think a slut is a good enough fuck to keep for breeding. Or a slut looks good enough to be bred and a man claims her as her provider. Then the state makes sure that any kids born are from the man. If not, then the child is euthanized unless the guy says otherwise.

To date, no man has ever agreed to take care of a bastard child. Even if they were born male or an excellent quality female, the female has no choice and they don't even care anyway. They never have to take care of the children and nine times out of ten they're too busy getting a post op fuck to care about even holding the baby. This world is so sick that even the doctors will fuck their patient right after she just gave birth.

But it doesn't end at that, no. Even worse is what happens if a statesman comes to a slut house. First though I should explain this, when a chip is implanted into a female it's set and no one can normally change it; except a statesman...The now aristocratic grand children to those who first passed the XXX laws that have ruined every female on the planet. If they visit a slut house it's to pick the best female and make them their sex-slave. The state never does anything else to a female; all are sex-slaves to a statesman and the state.

Still, these places are needed. If these females didn't have a place to go then they would just be out on the street begging for a fucking. I'm not gonna coat the truth though; I do get a damn good profit from these sluts. Everyone I have, I get paid over three grand a month for; and in this city, that makes sure I get a better profit than most; even though I'm on the outskirts of this hell hole. But at the same time, I do try my damnedest to make sure every female that comes into my doors are well taken care of. It's given me a good reputation, but I never cared about that. I just want to help these women as much as I can. I may not be able to free them; but I can help make sure they are comforted at least a little bit...Even if they show no gratitude for it.

Yet, even though I'm pretty famous for how well kept they are. I still get a stupid guy who stirs shit up every now and then. The worst was when a small raccoon came in. It was a normal day and pretty rushed that day too; so I never noticed him when he came in. But I do remember seeing him on the cameras that were in the front office.

He was young looking, yet he also looked ragged and almost homeless. Odd for this day and age, no one is homeless unless you're a woman and that's until you get to here. But I didn't care at the time, I was more busy watching a man who seemed to be treating one of my sluts violently; he was shoving her head against a wall every time his cock thrust into her and I was prepared to make him stop if it got dangerous.

But eventually I did notice the raccoon and what I saw made my blood run cold. He was fisting her in the pussy with his whole arm shoved deep into her pussy, but every time he brought it nearly out it came out bloodier and bloodier. I wanted to move then! I really did! But...I couldn't; it was like...I was stuck watching unable to do anything as it happened. Eventually though the woman finally did scream out in obvious pain instead of pleasure.

Thanks to her scream I was snapped out of it with just barely enough time to grab the .45 auto handgun and rush to the room; only, I was too late. The man had finally pulled his arm out of her when I had reached the room. I barely made a sound as I entered the room; the...Grin on his face, it stopped me from firing the moment I saw his face. H-he...Was happy for what he did; happy with what he held in her hand. The bulge in his pants was obvious; and he...He was holding her stomach; he had gone through her womb and tore his way through it. Just to get her stomach...I wanted to barf, I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry...But in that moment; everything froze except my arms. My arms raised the gun up and leveled it dead center with his head; and in less than a second his head had a hole in it. The blast from the gun didn't even ring in my head; I didn't even know the sound deafened me till I heard the large man scream in my ear to move out of the way.

I don't know what all happened after that, it was all a blur. I remember them asking me her grade and copies of the camera...I gave them the whole tape and said never bring it back. I was lucky she was 16 and a grade B. A grade lower and I'd have had to be arrested for homicide of a male. The day they warned me to check her grade before shooting a male was the day decided that this world is horrible...I care about this women in my house...But all the state cares about are their grades.

My name is Chris Southern, and I'm part of a group of fourteen others who will change this world, we will make it better. Because no woman should be treated like this...No woman should be set by a grade.

The world of XXX

Chapter 2- [Slut Houses](%5C) ~~~~~ The world of XXX as told by Roger Smith My name is Roger Smith. I am a fox in the SC, Sin's city. This place is the worst of a planet filled with only the worst. The sluts outnumber the men, and the...

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The end of Joseph, The Master of Deimos

This story is the prologue to a book I'm writing, so far it's the only place to have this and this is still a rough draft. So the actual prologue may be completely different. If I do change it, then this story will be a cut off alternate world...

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