Part 2 - Seconds

Story by FapDragon69 on SoFurry

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#2 of Different Tastes

Heyo! Sorry for the wait! This chapter gave me a whole heap of trouble! It wanted to expand so much that I finally had to split it, because the second part still has a good 1k words left to write, and it's still too long on its own! Luckily, this portion expanded quite a bit as well, even if it is a little shorter than I'd like. Still, it's packed end to end with the good stuff!

And so, it is my distinct pleasure to present to you, at long-awaited last, the distinct pleasures of a familiar pair of drakes! Tender affections, enthusiastic raunchiness, and even a smidgeon of character/plot development await you!

Go ahead! Dive on in!

(and when your done, do leave a fave or a comment, if you wouldn't mind)

_This is the second part of a longer series of stories. To understand this one, it would probably be helpful to read the first part. _

After an incredible night, Asher wakes up slightly before Kiell, who treats him to a surprisingly enthusiastic morning romp upon being awoken.

Birdsong pulled Asher slowly from his sleep. He kept his eyes closed for a moment longer, dazedly wondering why the body pressed against his chest hadn't slipped away with the rest of his dreamed-of pleasures. The sound of someone else's slow, steady breathing drew him fully into wakefulness with its wordless answer. He laughed quietly at his own confusion and gave the supple green scales of Kiell's shoulder a gentle rub. The smaller drake cooed in his sleep, shifting. His wings twitched beneath the blankets. Asher wondered what he was dreaming about. Something to do with him, hopefully. The thought brought a smile to his face.

For a moment, he considered slipping out of bed before Kiell awoke and fixing them both something to eat, but he had no idea how light of a sleeper Kiell was. Or, for that matter, what sort of breakfast Kiell liked best. He cursed himself mildly for not finding out the night before. To be completely fair, he usually drew out that kind of information during pillow talk after the fun was finished. He certainly wouldn't want last night to have been any less exhausting, but falling asleep immediately had left him without that crucial bit of knowledge. He rather liked to surprise his lovers with little things like their favorite breakfast, and, as the smaller drake shifted again to press even closer against his chest, he felt a particularly keen desire to surprise Kiell. As adorably shy as he had been about being flirted with, let-alone wanted, Asher imagined he would practically overload himself at being surprised with his favorite anything. The little drake seemed starved for affection, and Asher found he was quite eager to give it to him.

He touched his snout to the top of Kiell's head, softly, gently, careful not to wake him. Kiell rewarded his care with another small coo. Asher smiled at the warmth budding in his chest and returned to mulling over his predicament.

The gesture of a surprise breakfast wouldn't be as special as a favorite breakfast, but it would certainly be something. He supposed that he could always guess, based on what he knew of Kiell, but guessing carried the risk that he might end up making Kiell's least favorite food. That might be awkward, to say the least. Better, probably, to fall back on the basics, things that most dragons liked. Like bacon. Bacon was a pretty safe bet, and it had a very distinct sound and smell that were generally regarded as pleasant to wake up to. He had plenty of bacon in the coldbox in his pantry. Bacon would do. In fact, bacon would do perfectly well, favorite or not.

Any breakfast, He had long believed, could feel quite intimate if one was thoughtful enough in preparing it. If one knew just what tone to say "good morning" in. If one was confident and warm enough. He grinned to no one but himself, quite certain that he could be more than confident enough to melt Kiell to putty.

That decision settled, he tried to shift his body, but found his foreleg trapped underneath Kiell's weight, making the issue of a surprise breakfast entirely moot. Kiell mumbled something inarticulate, following it up with a low, contented hum and a warm nuzzle into Asher's chest.

Fuck, that little drake was cute. How did he manage that? Was it intentional? He was actually asleep, right? Not just pretending?

Kiell shifted, finding the top of his little muzzle with a forefoot and mumbling again as he tugged at it.

Surely, he was awake. He had to be pretending. There was no way he could just naturally be that damn cute! It made Asher want to coax him out of the act with something far more intimate than flirtatious words and the smell of frying bacon. But, Kiell's breathing was too slow, too even. Asher had seen plenty of people play at being asleep before, and there was no way that Kiell of all drakes could hold such a straight, relaxed face on top of breathing so shallow and slow. Certainly not while nuzzled into Asher's chest. For that matter, if Kiell were really awake, he'd almost certainly be blushing furiously.

Resigning with the smallest of pangs to the fact that he would have to forego his usual practice of waking his lover with breakfast, Asher licked the top of Kiell's head and gave his shoulder another affectionate rub. Kiell flexed and relaxed, pulling his head back with a gentle hum and opening hazy eyes. It took a moment for those eyes to focus, and a moment more for the confusion in them to sharpen into understanding. They brightened instantly when they did, and he let out a happy sigh as he met Asher's gaze.

"Last night was real," he murmured, smiling. It wasn't a question. Asher smiled back, suppressing a laugh at the relief in Kiell's voice and giving that shoulder a little squeeze.

"It sure as hell was. Why wouldn't it have been? Were you just dreaming about me?"

Kiell laughed and blushed, tugging at his muzzle again. Asher felt the urge to pull him into a hug, to nuzzle at his neck, to roll over on top of him, to nip and nibble and get him to make all of the cute little sounds that he'd made the night before. The thought carried with it a heady wave of arousal that made him want to do much more than just that. His hips shifted of their own accord, and a stiff, pleasant tingle down below informed him that he'd been ready for that sort of "much more" as soon as he woke up. Or perhaps that adorable little drake was even more arousing to him than he'd quite realized.

As though sensing Asher's situation, a sly grin stole across Kiell's muzzle and his ankle slid beneath Asher's. The sharpness of intent in those eyes surprised Asher almost as much as the unexpected touch. Still grinning, Kiell slipped his snout beneath the edge of the blanket and lifted it up. He used his ankle to raise Asher's leg, and his grin deformed beneath the heat of a flustered blush at what he revealed.

"Oh, Asher," he growled, husky voice full of a flirty confidence that clashed adorably with both the furtive smile and the very flushed scales on his face, "Let me help you with that cock of yours."

Kiell's eyes danced furtively up, obviously trying to assess whether Asher had noticed how his voice had cracked over the word "cock." Asher had absolutely noticed, with a thrill and a fresh rush of blood to the organ in question, but he made no sign of that to Kiell... that is, he didn't tease him about it, even though he rather wanted to. Instead, he just shuddered and gave Kiell bedroom eyes and the tiniest of approving nods. He also began to pant, much to his surprise. Lords above, that little drake was cute!

Taking the encouragement with a small moan and a tiny quiver, Kiell reached down and gripped Asher's member in a forefoot. It jumped and twitched in his grasp, growing thicker and stiffer with every heartbeat. Asher moaned, thrilled at Kiell's newfound boldness, which somehow struck him as even more adorable than his bashfulness the night before. It made Asher want to shove him down and fuck him absolutely senseless. His whole body tensed with the urge, with the imagined pleasure of sinking himself into that precious little muzzle. But he resisted, instead raising his leg higher and lifting the blanket up over his own head so that he could watch Kiell explore. And explore Kiell certainly did, crawling completely beneath the covers to fit Asher's balls in his free forefoot while he drew that stiff wood up to his face. His tongue flicked out and in, and he held the taste of Asher's arousal in his mouth for a long moment, working it around ponderingly, as though considering it's merits. His forefoot stroked up and down while he did, slowing down and speeding up in obvious distraction. Then, he swallowed decisively, smacking his lips once and licking them in barely-restrained anticipation. Compelled again by barely-restrained desire, Asher's hips flexed, but didn't quite rock. Kiell squeezed the base of his member, watching a fresh bead of precum well up at the tip with a hungry sort of fascination. Asher thought, rather absurdly, of breakfast, and came up with a guess at what Kiell's new favorite was. He swallowed his laugh before it could slip free and embarrass his lover.

Kiell's eyes flickered up to meet Asher's, and his blush, impossibly, deepened.

"I've, um... I've always wanted to do this."

With a stiff shudder, he surged forward, took half a muzzleful of Asher's member, and sucked far harder than anyone could've ever been prepared for.

"Whoah!" Asher laughed, legs and wings twitching, struggling to keep from pounding his hips into Kiell's snout, "Damn, Kiell..."

Grunting, Kiell bobbed, eager and hungry. Asher let his hips rock slightly, just a tiny movement, enough to remind Kiell which of them was bigger. Kiell moaned, tugging at Asher's balls and squeezing at the base of his shaft. A laugh swelled in Asher's chest, and he gave another shallow hump. Kiell bobbed into the thrust and moaned again, longer, louder, hungrier. Catching Asher's eyes, he adjusted his position on the bed and bobbed his head down as far as he could. Asher gave his hips another bounce as his tip reached the back of Kiell's mouth, biting his lip as he sucked in a gasp. Kiell's tongue writhed against the underside of his shaft, a wild and unskilled thrashing that thrilled Asher all the more for its genuine, unabashed eagerness.

"Oh fuck, Kiell..."

Pleasure built up, already threatening to burst. Another couple of shoves, and he'd fill Kiell's little throat with seed. But Kiell, not satisfied with just under half of Asher's length, tried to push deeper, gagged, and tried again. He pulled back in a slight panic when he choked.

"I'm fine," he gasped, getting the words out quickly, before Asher could manage to voice his sudden concern, "I just wasn't expecting, um... that. Lemme try this way..."

Even hot and bothered as he was, Asher didn't feel entirely convinced, but Kiell flicked dismissive talons to ward off any further queries and gave Asher's length a long, sensuous stroke. Asher relented with a shudder, hips flexing into Kiell's grasp, and rolled onto his back to give him better access.

That settled, Kiell gave an eager laugh and flipped the blankets off of them both before moving his body a little further away and taking Asher's tip in his mouth again. Another little hump pulled a moan from his throat that vibrated pleasantly through Asher's wood, soothing any remaining uncertainties into forgetfulness. Kiell bobbed his head, filling about half his muzzle, and then again, filling it completely, before pulling back a few inches and pushing forward only to find that his throat still wouldn't quite accept the head, even when straightened out. He gagged, but kept himself from panicking. Instead, he pulled back, took a deep breath, and went down again. Again, he failed. His frustrated growl sent a shudder of lust through Asher's body that forced a large pulse of precum from his tip. Kiell suckled at that for a few seconds, briefly mollified by the volume and the taste, before making another ill-fated try. His tongue began to lash again, as though worried that Asher might somehow lose both patience and arousal. Such worries were, of course, baseless, but the urge to thrust deep had become a craving, and that had grown to a need as the pleasure mounted higher and higher.

"You have to swallow at it," Asher whispered, clutching at the sheets. A shiver wracked his spine at the thought of sinking into Kiell's throat with his climax already so very close.

Kiell took the advice and tried yet another time, managing to swallow an inch before pulling back. Giving a small, throaty laugh of triumph, he took another inch, pulled back again, swallowed another two inches. Asher wrapped his tail around Kiell's torso with a groan, tensing, teeth clenched with the strain of holding back. Kiell fell into a rhythm, advancing a mere half-inch at a time. Now a quarter-inch. To Asher's amazement, his pleasure plateaued instead of peaking, letting him relax again and still ride the edge for far longer than expected. But the pressure continued to build as Kiell made shorter and shorter bobs, always managing to advance a little further, but by less every time. Asher caught the gleam of mischief in his eyes, saw that knowing grin, and he knew.

What an insufferably adorable little fucking tease!

Kiell locked their gazes together, giving an especially long, slow bob, still barely advancing. He fondled Asher's balls gently, driving a huff from his chest as his torso tried to curl in on itself.

"Lads below..." Asher wheezed, utterly confounded and oddly helpless against the erotic boldness of his lover. Helpless beneath that blushing gaze. For once, he was the putty. His heart skipped several beats at that, spiking his blood with an adrenal thrill. Kiell drew back, sucked a deep breath, bobbed down again, and froze. His tongue worked slowly, methodically, along Asher's shaft, venturning past teeth and lips to slither down his length until it barely tickled at the swollen knot. Asher's hips jumped, not gaining any depth at that angle, but at least managing to release a little tension. Kiell laughed in his throat and pulled his forefoot from Asher's base while lifting up his balls with the other. Grinning, he knuckled experimentally at Asher's taint. Asher gasped and kicked feebly, powerlessly, precum surging at the unexpected touch, his toes clenching around the electric tingle building up inside of them.

Kiell laughed again and pulled back completely, drawing his tongue lazily across Asher's glistening tip while prodding at his taint with ever more confident digits. Asher shuddered again, groaning at the impossible pressure, his teeth snapping twice at the air. The tingle began to spread up his legs toward his hips, slow and inexorable. More precum erupted from his tip, a short, thin stream that shot into the air and splattered onto Kiell's muzzle as well as Asher's belly. Another eruption followed, slower, less explosive, oozing slowly down his length. Kiell lapped at it with a tense, thrilled confidence, letting loose a whimpering trill that reminded Asher of their relative sizes, of how nicely the other drake had fit beneath him the night before. How Kiell had mewled at being filled, how he had thrilled at Asher's dominance. He saw the nervous excitement behind the affected confidence in those eyes, how they flickered ever so slightly aside as Kiell treated his tip to another long suckle. He noticed the hunch of those slender shoulders, the angle of those ears as they pivoted to drink in his every grunt and moan and gasp... And realization struck.

Kiell didn't know that he was the one in control. He had no idea how helpless Asher was just then. Somehow, that made it all even more thrilling, more genuine. The tingling spread further, and his legs trembled. Kiell gave him another deep bob, and another, quicker, shallower. And a third. Eyes fluttering shut, he fell back into a quick rhythm, still going almost imperceptibly further with each dive, pulling almost all the way free every few times to suck in a quivering breath. The pressure on Asher's taint increased, pulsed, rubbed, traced ever-shifting patterns over those sensitive scales so that it never quite fell into routine, so that each second was fresh and experimental. His vision blurred as the tingling drew itself up along his legs, spreading up to his thighs, bringing his climax closer and closer. But the teasing, the teasing... he needed to sink deeper, he needed it more and more desperately with every breath, with every rapid beat of his heart, with every stiff throb of his racing pulse through his malehood.

Lust rose on the wings of a long growl in his throat, and he surged forward, curling over, grabbing the back of Kiell's head, pressing down. Kiell whimpered, and Asher plummeted back to himself, lifting his forefoot away with a half-articulate apology. But, Kiell nipped at Asher's claws with a small , reproachful growl, and an uncertain chuckle slipped between Asher's teeth. His voice came only breathlessly, but he somehow managed to find it.

"You... want me to force you down?"

Kiell suckled at his tip and stared up at him with hazy eyes, giving adorably tiny, meaningful grunts. He thought of Kiell's plea the night before, hot and heavy and earnest.

Fuck me.

Physical need roared back to the forefront of his thoughts, and Asher took the hint, grabbed the back of Kiell's head again, and shoved. Kiell swallowed, sliding down, gloriously wet and warm and deep. Two thirds of his length sank in before Asher let him pull back. Another push buried his meat even deeper into Kiell's muzzle, that tongue working at him furiously. The tiny whimpers in Kiell's throat set Asher's hips to humping and grinding, which only seemed to make him whimper more. Desperate, frantic digits rubbed and pressed on his taint, tugged his balls, grasped at the base of his knot. He thrust again, another release and push, deeper still, wetter, hotter, and unexpectedly tight as Kiell swallowed hard around him. The tingling reached his hips and filled his loins, spreading swiftly down his tail and up into his core. His balls tightened, and his toes curled, but he clung to the edge, trembling with the strain of holding back.


He bit at the word as he choked it out, as if to catch it by the tail and hold it back as well. His own tail began to lash about before fastening itself firmly around Kiell's shoulder. Kiell grunted, hips shifting, wings fluttering and flapping. Again, Asher released and pushed, deeper, harder. Kiell's lips bumped against his knot, and the swollen, tingling pressure exploded with a roar, casting his whole body into the glorious throes of release. Kiell swallowed valiantly, but the torrent overwhelmed him in a matter of seconds. He jerked his head back and pulled away, catching a heavy spurt across his snout before fitting the tip back into his muzzle and doing his best to swallow what gushed in. Seed spilled from the corners of his mouth despite those efforts, hot and thick, rolling down his chin and neck, falling to Asher's belly.

Asher growled, regaining control of his limbs and holding Kiell's head firmly in place with both forefeet, hips pumping with each heavy pulse and stopping just short of the back of his lover's mouth. A deep groan rolled from his chest, and he thought he murmured something appreciative, something sweet, something intimate. As he felt his climax finally begin to wind down, he grabbed Kiell's horns and pulled his head away so that the final few strings of seed would paint his lover's face. But Kiell tilted his head, opened his mouth wide, and stuck out his tongue, managing to catch most of it inside of his maw instead. Asher laughed at the heated blush on those cheeks, at the tightly-closed eyes, at how the corners of that mouth curved into an ecstatic smile. He pulled Kiell's head a little closer and laid his tip on Kiell's tongue, watching as slow, straggling pulses of seed pooled there. Panting heavily, Kiell held his mouth open for a long moment after Asher had truly finished, making a display that had to be intentional. Asher thought that he almost learned too fast, but that thought was overwhelmed by the euphoric satisfaction of seeing the mess he'd made all over that cute little muzzle. His breath came deep and heavy, slow, but certainly not even.

"Wow... Are you sure you've never done that before, Kiell?"

The honesty of his own question struck Asher a split-second later. There hadn't been too much skill, truly, and yet...

Kiell didn't acknowledge the question, instead closing that mouth slowly around Asher's deflating tip and giving it a long, gentle suckle. Asher's whole body trembled lightly, quivering from the enormity of his release and slightly overstimulated by Kiell's continued suckling. But, Kiell made the most adorable little hum of pleasure, beaming with self-satisfaction, and Asher surrendered himself to it with a shuddering sigh and a few errant kicks of his hinds. He laid his head back, letting his eyes slide closed for a moment, listening to the sounds of his own breath and Kiell's lewd, horny slurping. His tail relaxed and fell away, draping loosely across Kiell's warm flank, and he slipped into a half-doze for a short, pleasant eternity.

Stirring again, his mind hazy with slow lust, Asher lifted his head to look down and watch Kiell slowly but surely suck his malehood back to full mast. He felt pre dribble pleasantly from his tip onto Kiell's tongue, hot and slick. Kiell moaned at the taste, beginning to make happy, singsong grunts in his chest. Asher laughed feebly and stuffed a pair of pillows behind his head, more than content to simply bask in Kiell's fascinated attentions. His vision hazed again, and he slipped into a pleasant sort of trance, thoughts absent, aware only of the physical pleasure of that muzzle wrapping luxuriously around his tip and suckling at his arousal.

Suddenly, Kiell jerked and growled, eyes fluttering and hips bucking. Asher came to himself with a start, just in time to see Kiell's climax splattering across the sheets. He watched, fascinated, as Kiell convulsed and ground into the sheets in bliss, trying to keep his muzzle locked onto Asher's tip and failing adorably. Finally, Kiell fell still, panting. His forefoot came up, slick with both arousal and seed, and wrapped around the top of his blushing muzzle.

"Lords above, Kiell," Asher laughed, "I'd have helped you with that."

Kiell answered only with a small, embarrassed whimper, but crawled up and settled onto his flank beside Asher, head dropping to the pillows and eyes drifting halfway closed, panting. Asher dragged an indulgent look up and down his lover's body, messy all over with their combined seed. He was probably just as much of a mess himself, but he could never be as cute as that little drake. He rolled onto his side to face him, hips rocking ever so slightly, in spite of himself. His fresh arousal didn't want to be ignored, but he pushed it from his mind for the moment. He met that sleepy gaze with a smirk, brushing his tailtip gently across the warm scales of Kiell's thigh.


Kiell stirred, as though remembering himself.

"That's alright," he whispered, "It was just an afterthought. I was... I wasn't really thinking about it. I just... my claws went down there and started stroking while, um... while I was doing you, and I just... yeah."

He offered an awkward laugh. Asher grabbed his shoulders and pulled him to his chest, licking slowly at the top of his head and tugging at his horns with his teeth. Kiell sighed and surrendered to the attention, nuzzling into the crook of Asher's shoulder. The quiet, continuous churring in the little drake's chest was possibly the most gratifying thing Asher had ever heard. His erection forgotten and fading away, he returned the sound with a purr of his own. They lay like that for several long minutes, wordlessly enjoying each other's company, until a particularly loud pair of birds decided to squabble outside of the bedroom window, drawing Asher back to the present.

"How about we go get some breakfast," he suggested, laughing when kiell gave him an absolute look.

"We can clean up first, I suppose..."

He leaned over to lick at the drying seed around Kiell's lips. With no more warning than half a shudder, Kiell lunged and locked their jaws together. Asher grunted in surprise, grunting again as Kiell's tongue pried urgently at his teeth. Overcome by the earnestness of it, he opened up, sucking that tongue in and wrapping his own around it. The tang of seed teased at the edge of his senses, enticing him to make an exploration of Kiell's mouth in return. Asher never had been one to resist an enticement like that, and Kiell drew in a sharp, heated gasp at the sudden counter-invasion, shuddering hard and working his jaw with a soft moan. Asher moaned back, enthralled.

But Kiell pulled away sharply and averted his gaze, cheeks flushing, eyes falling, and ears pinned back. Embarrassed. Ashamed.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, soft and quick and penitent, "I shouldn't have done that to you. I'm sorry."

Confusion silenced Asher. For the first time that he could remember, his easy laugh was yanked back down into his chest and strangled before it could escape his throat. Instead, a single word slipped out, terse and thick with layered worry.


Kiell curled into himself rather than answer, posture both deferrent and defensive, tense and low, as if expecting Asher to strike him. His ears folded flatter, shoulders slumping.

"I'm sorry," he murmured, growing distant, curling tighter and smaller still, "please don't tell anyone. I was confused. I'm sorry..."

A worried frown creased Asher's brow. He bit back another monosyllabic question, instead laying a firm, gentle forefoot on Kiell's shoulder and giving him the smallest of shakes. Kiell snapped back into the present and looked up at him, but averted his gaze again, mumbling another apology, promising that he had only forgotten himself for a moment... insisting that it wouldn't happen again, that he should never have done it to begin with. Asher shook his head.

"Why not?"

He lifted Kiell's chin with a gentle talon, offering a cocked eyeridge and a warm, playful smile.

"I'd say you deserve a kiss after swallowing almost my whole length, not to mention everything we did last night."

Kiell met his gaze uncertainly, confused and hesitant, ears hanging limp. His eyes darted nervously away and back again. He swallowed, clearly unconvinced.

Asher's smile softened a touch more, and he stroked the side of Kiell's neck with a gentle affection that surprised even him a little.

"Kiell, I don't know what that was about, and you surely don't have to tell me..."

He paused, fighting away the thought that he very much wanted to know what had happened and just who had hurt his little drake. He rather wanted to splinter the bones of the dragon who'd done it, or at least give the bastard a thoroughly sound thumping about the head and flanks. He allowed none of that to show through. A long sigh leaked from his mouth.

"You don't have to worry about it, really. That kiss wasn't half bad."

Like a reluctant turtle, Kiell perked up, ears swivelling forward in hopeful attention. The earnest gleam in his eyes was almost too much.


Asher laughed, in spite of himself. How the hell was this drake so adorable? He felt the faint urge to take him again right then and there, but he swallowed it, somehow. That wouldn't exactly be what Kiell needed right now. Instead, he gave Kiell his best bedroom eyes and allowed a husky growl to edge the softness of his voice ever so slightly.

"In fact, I'd rather like it if you stole another one."

He scarcely got the sentence out before their jaws were locked again, Kiell's mouth and tongue working even more fervently than before. Growling softly, Asher kissed him back, hard, grabbing the back of his head and pulling him in deeper. Kiell whimpered in bliss, scrabbling at the back of Asher's neck and trying to pull Asher over on top of him. Asher complied, rolling over onto Kiell's chest and pressing down with enough of his weight to pin the drake to the bed. Kiell redoubled the fervency of the kiss, shuddering madly. Their tongues explored, writhing, wrestling, dancing. He was reluctant to break the union when Kiell started to pull away, but he relented. They parted, panting, laughing. Kiell looked at him with a hazy smile.

"I've, um... I've never kissed another boy before."

Asher gave him another raised eyeridge. He was fairly certain that the phrase and not been run off for it, or something painfully similar, was clinging unspoken to the end of that sentence. Even so, the kiss itself rather belied any inexperience. Or maybe Asher was just a sucker for a cute, enthusiastic little sub, and that fact dramatically skewed his perception. Either way, he couldn't remember ever enjoying a kiss nearly so much before, and he had kissed a lot of dragons.

"Really?" he asked, "You're pretty damn good at it then."

"Ha... thanks..."

Kiell's eyes drifted downward. And widened. He blushed again.

"Should I... help you out with that?"

Asher glanced down and laughed at the sight of an erection that he hadn't even noticed had returned. No, he definitely hadn't had a kiss like that before. Usually, if he got hard during a kiss, it was in anticipation of whatever was about to follow, not from the kiss itself.

Kiell gave him a look that said he wanted to kiss a part of him a bit further south than his mouth. Asher shuddered. Lads below, that little drake was so damn hot!


He certainly wouldn't mind another round of "help," but he also knew, or at least very strongly hoped, that it would only lead to another round, which would lead to another one that would, inevitably, lead to yet another.

"Let's not. I'd love to keep going like this for hours, but we should really save some for the festival."

"Oh," Kiell said, face falling slightly, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Asher smirked. He wanted to do Kiell right there. He wanted to do him right there and keep doing him again and again until they both passed out... but he also wanted to see Kiell at the festival, eyes darting furtively above a perpetual blush. He rather wanted to see his little drake's mind blown. He rather wanted to see how he'd react to a booth full of toys. And he rather wanted all of that just a tiny bit more than he wanted to go another few rounds right away.

Of course, that sure as hell didn't mean that they couldn't mess around some more later. Which was great, because that faintly sad look on Kiell's face was absolutely killing him. Asher nudged him with a wing.

"Hey, I'd love to try more of that kissing tonight though, if you don't mind."

Kiell perked up again.


Asher nodded.

"Yeah. I mean, unless you find yourself someone today that wants to keep you overnight, you're still gonna need a place to stay, right?"

Kiell smiled, blushing harder and averting his gaze. Asher's member jumped at that. Fucking hell, he was way too cute.

"Yeah, I guess I will."

"For now, let's get cleaned up so we can go eat something. I don't know about you, but after unloading like that, I'm fucking starved."

He also didn't much feel like cooking, not after an exertion like that. He'd get another chance to make breakfast tomorrow anyway, and again, he rather hoped, the day after that. And several days after that. Perhaps even longer. Kiell gave him a toothy grin, dragging him away from that string of thoughts and any intention he'd had to get at their implications.

"Well," he said, "I did just have a pretty big snack."

"I don't think that exactly counts."

Kiell's stomach growled in affirmation.

"Your belly agrees with me," Asher laughed, crawling over the edge of the bed and standing up with only the slightest of trembling in his legs, "Come on. Washroom is down the hall."

Kiell followed him with a small chuckle and a broad smile. Asher quivered slightly beneath an unusually powerful wave of excitement. This, he was certain, was going to be an absolutely incredible Midyear.


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