Life Changing Issues

Story by Allester Darkflame on SoFurry

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#4 of Commissions

Darkflame Studio Productions


Life Changing Issues


STORY CONTENTS: Virgin, Vaginal, M/F, Wet & Messy, Nudity, Tragedy, Incest, Love, Fem-Dom

COPY RIGHTS: All Characters & Story are © Allester E. Darkflame

Commission Story for Rajan Wolffang


Screams rang out everywhere around the area, all muffled by a hazy glow that seemed to be everywhere. Pain seared through this haze as the young Gypsy vanner horse laid on his side with a throbbing headache. He could feel heat on him, like fire blazing near his body. He tried to move, but could only roll a little bit. Through his haze filled eyes, the young horse could see train wreckage all around him. But the dinner car he was looking at was the one that worried him the most. "M-Ooomm..." he tried to call out, but only made a muffled squeak that caught in his throat. The pain ravaging his body soon gripped tighter and he felt his eyes going blank as he started to pass out.

His oblong oval shaped ears flicked at a sound, like sirens in the air, and then hands grabbing his shoulders. He could hear a voice as his eyes rested half open, "This one's alive! I need help!" the woman screamed. A beam of light flashed in his eyes but it didn't seem to bother him at first, until she grabbed his eye lid and held it open. Without the shield for his pupils, he wrenched his body in a spastic motion and groaned, but more hands gripped his shoulders and held him down on his back. He could hear more voices as something was slid under his back and he was lifted in to the air. The feeling was almost magical, as if his spirit had finally let go of his body and he began floating in the air, his eyes finally closing as he passed.


The world soon began to center as the man woke up slowly. His eyes parted open at a teasing pace that slowly exposed the world... or at least the room - to his eyes. Four blank white walls surrounded him, a small overhang TV attached to the ceiling and wall across from him. The wall to his left had a vast box-window with cushions on the lip so that one could sit in the window with its clean white curtains. To his right was a hall of sorts leading to two doors he could see, one obviously went to the halls outside of the room, the other could have been a bathroom or storage closet, he didn't know and he didn't care.

His eyes turned to his right arm where a needle was injected in to his arm pumping some clear liquid through an IV drip. Another needle was pressed in to some gauze on his right shoulder, his left forearm pursed in white cast plaster. He couldn't move his legs, but he could feel them still, and they were restrained. His face felt sore as he turned his head to the hall and tried to speak up - however nothing spilled from his lips, instead he felt a long catheter in his lips. He gurgled on the tube a little bit, but then gave up as he remembered the train wreck. Tears rolled down his cheeks while his nostrils flared wide and then shut as he pouted.

Beeps to his right began to pick up, louder and faster, the beeping increased. After a few seconds two people rushed in through the door scrambling to check his vitals before they realized he was crying. "He's awake! Get Dr. Terriz." One nurse exclaimed as the other ran out.

The ermine woman that stood on his side was short, slim, and rather flat chested, but she held herself proudly with a feminine figure. "Garland... Garlic?" she blinked at the clipboard in her hands and the notes on it. "Wow, interesting name, but I guess it's good to see you awake. You're at your name sake, your parent's hospital Garland's Grace. You were in an accident, if you can understand all this, blink your eyes."

He responded by blinking his eyes and then trying to speak around the tube, but all that came was gurgles and spittle. The ermine smiled and nodded her head "Right, want that out." She said as she reached her hands up "Alright, take a deep breath and 'blow' when I start pulling ok?" she asked.

Once he took a deep breath through his nose, he let out his breath along with a choking sound as she pulled the tube from his mouth and lips. Once it was free, she walked over to that other door and went in, returning with a cup of water. "Sip, don't chug no matter how thirsty you are." She said, helping him take little sips of the water to wet his throat muscles and lips slowly.

"I see our patient is awake. That's good." A female voice called out as a tall Giraffe woman walked in through the door, having to duck down a tiny bit. "Tube's out, water down, vitals looking nice... I'd say he's coming through. Mr. Garlic - ahh Rosemary and Ebon's son, well I'm glad you're still with us young man."

"W-where are..." his voice cracked, low and choking still as he let out a cough, "my parents?" Garland asked.

The two women went quiet while the ermine lowering her head told him all he needed to know. His head rolled back as he started to cry again. Dr. Terriz stepped closer and cupped his chin. "Now stop those tears young man, your parents fought really hard. Your father passed before we got to him, but from what we could make of it, he pulled your mother from the train - badly burned. Your mother passed from her burns and loss of blood, I'm sorry to be so foreword but you have head trauma and we can't have you crying or you could cause further damage, so calm down." She said, her voice stern and doctorly, but hidden under it all was a caring mother of two trying to save him, so he listened with a few sniffs later.

After a few moments, Dr. Terriz nodded her head and smiled "That a boy. Now, you fractured your forearm and tore the muscles in your legs - that's why we have your legs bound so that the muscles heal properly. You also got a very deep cut on your upper bicep which we had to stitch shut with staples, it'll leave a nice war scar for you to show off to girls. All in all, you survived that crash by some miracle with only those injuries. But you should be up and moving around in about two months if you keep your legs still."

Garland nodded his head up and down in a slow motion at every detail and explanation given to him. After a little bit of thinking, he grunted some "Bathroom..." he managed to squeak out.

Giving a light snerk, Dr. Terriz lowered her head with a smirk. "Nurse, that's your field." She said and turned "I'll be back to check on you in a bit, bring you some lunch." She said over her shoulder as she walked out.

His nurse had a full blush on her face as she looked at the young stud in the bed. "Ohhh, this is going to be 'fun'." She sighed heavily, embarrassed at her current job.


Seven months after the accident, Garland sat on a bus heading away from the city he grew up in. His brilliant blue eyes clouded with depression as he watched the road coast away under him. He was on his way to his uncles Ranch as he was the only family Garland had and the law required that he be put up with a legal guardian until his eighteenth birthday. He had lost everything, his loving parents, his home, the hospital he practically lived in when his parents brought him for their days work, and the family treasury. His parents Will had everything set with all of their money going in to a trust fund that he couldn't touch until he was twenty years old. The hospital would be run by the funds gained every month as normal with paychecks paid out and any updates to equipment governed by Dr. Terriz the Chief medical officer.

Broke, Broken hearted, and broken in body, Garland had to hide his face to keep people from seeing his face as tears spilled down his cheeks. He hardly noticed the voice over his shoulder, but eventually he turned and blinked. "So-sorry." He said.

The elderly chicken woman smiled as she held out a tray of food. "Your lunch sir." She said in a soft voice.

Taking the tray, he smiled a bit "Thank you Ma'am." He murmured, watching her trot over to the next rider. He opened up his tray and let his nose flare at the smell of steamed carrots, glazed apple slices, and some oatmeal with cherry syrup. His meal went down quickly and he relaxed back, sighing as all the warmth from his lunch filled his belly and warmed his body from the cold outside, the bus was a run-down clunker with no heat.

The ride was a full day and a half, and the further from his home he got, the more the country took over. Tree's, fields of green grass over grown from disuse, and small farms speckling the countryside. Eventually he ended up at his stop, and crawled off the bus slowly. Wearing a tuxedo that his father bought him, black with white dress shirt and special hoof covers to protect his hooves. The driver walked up to him and offered him his two suit cases of luggage before offering more luggage to others getting off at this stop... two people.

Standing up tall at six feet and five inches of tall Gypsy stallion, at his ankles and hooves a shaggy mane of white hair was properly trimmed and tailored to stay out of puddles and mud while still showing off his hoofed feet by parting at the front ankle to the sides. Muscled legs held him up with a round ass and long hairy tail that was groomed and trimmed with the base and end tied up by silver ribbons. His blazer tucked over his slacks hiding his belt from view but a white dress shirt helped restrain the barrel of his muscled chest and arms. At his wrist, some more hair over grew his hands, but like his hooves, the hair was drawn back at the wrist and tied like coat sleeves to free his five fingered hands.

A thick neck held up his bulky head, wedge shaped muzzle of white milky fur ended at his cheeks and transferred to a chocolate brown tone up to his blue eyes. Over his right eye a thin ring of white fur surrounded his eye with blots of white dots - like a garland of garlic, his name sake. Topping his head between his oval shaped ears a mane of silver-white hair rose up and traveled down his neck to just about his shoulder blades. The hair itself was long enough to be combed over to the back of his neck in a slick fashion.

"Garland? Good lord you've grown huge!" a male voice called out. Tall, bulky with more muscle then his own, the man had another two feet on him as well.

"Uncle Veradin?" Garland asked, his right eye lifting in speculation.

The man chortled a heavy laugh that resonated in the air. Blue jeans and a white tank top with a low brim leather cowboy hat on his head. He crossed his arms around his chest with a smile "Come on lad, uh..." the man looked over the boys outfit. "You might wanna strip down there boy, you can't ride in those clothes."

"Uh Ride?" Garland asked.

His uncle smirked and nodded his head "Come on boy, lemme show you to the Tardins."

Veradin walked a few feet to the right and then stepped off the platform and walked over to a pair of massive beasts. The animals stood on all fours at nine feet at the shoulders. They were covered in an ultra thin coat of fur that was a mottled black and grey coloring, while the heads were a mass of shaggy red hair. Large triangular ears and razor sharp gold beaks protruded from their heads. Their four paws were massive, giant pads with four knuckles joined by large blunted claws. Each had a saddle on its back just behind the shoulder blades.

"I... I've never ridden before." Garland choked out.

Veradin looked at his nephew and chuckled "So... huh. Maybe I should brought the truck, figured your parents woulda taught you. Mah Rosemary was a master rider she was." He said with a smile.

Garland looked at the long lizard like tails that swept out from the beasts flanks another four feet from their bodies. He knew his mother owned a couple of Tardins. But he'd never been near one before, let alone ride one. Veradin took his luggage and hooked the bags to the saddle on his mount and slid up rather easily. "Come on lad. Mount up, it's easy. Left leg in the stirrup, swing your right leg over after putting your weight on your left hoof." Veradin commented.

Setting his left hoof in to the stirrup, he tried to do as his uncle told him, putting his weight on to his foot while lifting up. However the Tardin decided to shift its footing, making Garland topple over the side and land on his back. Veradin laughed some as he smiled from his mount. "Come on lad, Try again, practice makes perfect. They smell fear and unease. Just calm down, grab that horn on the addle and hold it firm, show him who's boss."

Once more, Garland tried to mount up, this time he managed to get in to the saddle, but leaned forward a little too far and ended up with his muzzle against the Tardin's neck while holding the reigns tight. Immediately the animal started a fast pace, not galloping - just trotting faster than normal. The other Tardin ran up alongside him, his Uncle riding tall in the saddle. One hand on his reigns, the other reaching out to grab the reign's on his nephews mount. With a firm tug on both sets, the animals slowed to a standstill.

"Alright Garland, seems I need to teach you better. Sit up, let's go." Veradin said with a smile.

The ride to his uncle's farm was a good thirty minutes, but the farm he saw was massive. Fields properly tilled spanned at least a hundred acres with small saplings peeking from the soil. That was just the initial farm land on the right. In the middle was a massive barn with a pair of small houses and on to the left of there were a few grazing fields and a large car port. With his uncle guiding the Tardins to the barn, he held still to let Garland dismount - shamefully, falling on to his butt firmly with a sigh.

"You'll be in the house closest to us. Second room on the right is your bedroom. I have to go help your aunt with the rest of the chores. You'll have a week to settle in, then I'm gonna need your help in the fields. I know it's a rough change in life style, but you're going to be here for another two years at least, you'll have to pull your own weight." Veradin said, stowing the two animals in their pins and bringing Garland's luggage to him. "Ohh, and your cousin will be sharing that house with ya, she's coming home from college. Graduated finally, last time you saw her... you were what, four?"

Garland tilted his head as he grabbed his luggage and dusted himself off. "Uhm... I honestly don't remember having a cousin."

Veradin chuckled and nodded his head some. "Right, well Lace will be here in a couple of days. So rest up and be ready." With that said the man left the barn and marched for the larger of the two houses.


After a couple of days settling in to his new bedroom and home, eating next door with his aunt and uncle, Garland was finally settling down in a much smaller space then he was used to indoors. He felt enclosed all the time, claustrophobic almost. So here he was, walking the back lot of the farm near the car ports where there was a parked 1977 Custom soft top roadster with detailed paint job from a master of fiery art, and with an engine block that put most muscle cars to shame.

Its only problem was a mass coil of spark plugs that refused to fire now-a-days, a problem that would set his uncle back almost five grand to have repaired. The car wasn't important enough to stuff that much cash in to it, so his uncle had a running bet, anyone who fixed it could have the car that was blue book valued at over half a million in working condition since everything on it was original save for Air-filter, and spark plugs.

However, today Garland found himself staring at the ripe apple shaped ass cheeks stuffed in to a skin tight pair of blue jeans that hugged muscled thighs and calves like a tight glove. That ass was delicious looking, round and shaped like carved melons ready to be grabbed and squeezed to test for ripeness. Wide hips of soft blond fur was exposed on the woman's hips that spread upward in to a tight bleach white button up T-shirt that wasn't buttoned, but instead tied in a knot at the center point of two large globes jostling under the mare's broad chest. Her head was hidden under the flip top hood of the car.

"Excuse me miss." Garland called out, trying to step aside towards the car.

"Perfect timing, hand me the three eighth's - it should be in the case on the front seat." She responded without looking at him, her head still pushed deep under the hood as a ratchet's cranking turn shimmied out in to the air. Every shift of her arm slapped her tit and caused the flesh to jiggle.

With no response to give her, Garland looked around the front seats and found the requested tool adjustment. "Might want to try checking the fuel pump, guy that owns this thing doesn't think I'm right and says I'm too young to own a car anyhow." He chuckled, trying to make some conversation and flirt at the same time.

The mare paused in her ratcheting, her figure stood still for several seconds before her head popped out. Her mane was pulled back in a pony tail, crimson red and pulled back between her large ears. She had beautiful greenish-brown eyes that sparkled at him. "Really? Huh..." she stuffed her head back under the hood, and shifted around until she stood back up holding a small device. "Well I'll be damned... it wasn't the spark plugs. Good job stud." She said in a southern lilt that had a seraphim tone to her words.

"T-Thanks." Garland responded as he looked the mare up and down. Her thighs pushed tight together with a crooked hip stance, her shirts ties teasing her flat belly. Her right hand moved a broad leather cowboy hat on top of her head, ears pushing through a set of holes in the brim. "I I'm Garland, N-nice to meet you." He smiled, offering his hand.

She took it and shook firmly, "Ahh my roommate and lil' cousin 'ey?" she asked, her hand squeezing firmly to his fingers. "Name's Ginga."

"Ginga?" he asked.

She shook her head and chuckled "Sorreh, mah accent's actin' up again. Get's that way when ahm embarrassed. Is Gin-g-er." She said slowly.

Nodding his head, Garland finally let go of her hand. His nose flared and he caught the scent of motor oil, and banana cream on her. "Well uhm.. Uncle Veradin gave me some cash, wanna go pick up the part and fix this hotrod up?"

Taking a few minutes to consider the offer, she flicked her long tail and smiled. "Sure, lemme go wash up mah hands and we can ride - in?" she paused as she noticed a grimace on his face. "Or we could put ya up on mah bike." She chuckled.

Garland waited out front of their little house before Ginger walked out and smirked. She led him to a low rider hog that looked trimmed in steam-pink fashion with gold rims and rusted looking covers. Blacks and reads, and fake duct tape wrapped around pipes and the handle bars. "Ever riddin' a'for?"

He smiled "My dad had a 1982 switchblade." He responded, to which her eyes lit up at such a rare bike.

Climbing on behind her, his ears pinned to the back of his head as he realized he had a massive bulge pressing square against those cheeks of her rump. Her head just shook as she reved the bike and speed off down the road. A massive rumbling sound of triple set pistons and a hefty seven hundred horse power motoring down the roadway with them. To Garland, it was like being in the city again, strong winds whipping up his face and mussing his hair. For several minutes of the ride, he swore Ginger was rubbing and rolling her hips against the bike - and his crotch.

The trip to the auto-parts shop was a good forty minutes in to town, searching for the right parts took almost an hour since there was no organization to the shops shelves or baskets. But eventually they found a replacement hole, spray nozzle, and injection computer parts to match what they needed. They also added a few spark plugs just in case. But on the trip back, Garland could really feel his cousin's bum pressing in to his crotch.

As they rounded the corner to the farm again, Ginger parked closer to their side of the farm and by the time the engine was off, Garland was already half way to the car with his new parts he paid for. Pocketing her keys, she walked with a slow and saucy sway to her hips, right hoof over the left, then left over the right as she moved with a grace of womanly beauty. Once she got there, she opened the opposite flip-top hood to give Garland more light and allow her in there to help uninstall the entire fuel injection system.

Reinstalling the parts went faster, and all of the spark plugs were replaced with the newer ones. "She's already to fire up." Garland said.

Ginger nodded her head and threw him the key to the engine that had an "insane eight-ball" key chain on its end. "You found the problem, bought the parts. She's your car kid." She smiled.

Garland was shocked at first, but then hopped in to the driver seat and put his hoof on the break. A few seconds later, the key was in and the roar of the engine thundered to life like a beast awakening from its slumber months before it was meant too. He popped the e-break as he held the clutch and break in tight. "Hop in."

His cousin didn't waste any time, hopping in to the passenger seat and hitting the control for the soft top to fold back. Garland eased the clutch back as he let go of the break, dropping it in to first gear and giving it some gas. The engine rumbled eagerly, rattling under the open hoods on either side of the hulking custom machine. As they rounded the corner of the back shed, Veradin stood on the main houses porch with his wife, both of them staring at the old hot rod moving on its own. "I'll be damned, she did it." Veradin chuckled.

Garland smiled as he took the car out the front gate and on to the main road. "Hey, Hey!" Veradin called after them as he clomped down the steps of his porch. "GARLAND! Yer not ol' enough ta drive boy!" he shouted.

His wife caught his overalls straps and yanked him back. "He has his driver's license from the city which is valid here dear. Besides, Ginger's in the passenger seat. So... why don't we go find ourselves in the back room 'ey?"

There were no more words spoken... just the sudden roar of an engine shifting seamlessly in to second and then third gear in the distance.


Both Garland and Ginger's hair whipped around their necks and shoulder's with the open wind flowing past them, Ginger's hat was on the floor to keep from being blown off as she hooted out a loud holler. Even doing only forty-five miles an hour, they seemed to be speeding down the road thanks to the wind blowing around them. She gave directions to her cousin with loud shouts that he followed. He drove like a pro, handling the beastly engine and manual-transmission with ease. But eventually the sky dimmed and the moon rose. Stars filled the sky as they parked on a hillside overlooking the town.

"Here we are. Used ta come here with mah friends in high school." Ginger said.

Garland looked around calmly, eyeing the sky for a few minutes before he smiled. "What, you guys use this as one of those lovers allies?" he teased, turning to look at her.

To his surprise she had undone the tie on her shirt, and her ample E cups jostled openly in the air. She smiled as her hips lifted and she unbuttoned her pants, and then unzipped them. Her wide hips made it take some work to shimmy her pants down her long legs and offer, leaving her in literally just her panties, open shirt, and once more - her cowboy hat. "What do you think stud?" she asked, straddling him quickly and pressing an impassioned French kiss to his muzzle.

He was too shocked to resist, his hands grabbing her wide hips firmly and pulling her in closer so that her large breasts smashed against his chest tightly. His kiss... had a lot to be desired, but she rolled with it and broke the kiss with a smirk. "Now come on then lil' cousin. You a virgin?" she asked bluntly even as she ground her wet panties crotch against his engorged pants crotch.

Blushing to the point his ears wilted to his head, he nodded up and down with a bashful gaze down to her cleavage. His hands still kneading the firm and tight cheeks of her butt while she rested in his lap, slowly her hand came up and pressed his head to the large breasts he was staring at. She gave a light moan as he nibbled on her tits inner line and slid around to the front of her left orb. His lips wobbled and wiggled against the fat nipple and soon his teeth began nibbling on the nub which made her back arch as she moaned.

"Ohh fuck cousin... that's great." She moaned, grinding harder against his crotch as her left hand slinked down to the bulge in his pants. "What a bit piston you got though baby..." she crooned as her grinding stopped so that her large hand could rest against that bulge and rub up and down. "Think it wants free." She teased as she bit her lip and took in a deep breath when he sucked her tit in to his jaws and began chewing very lightly on her entire orb.

He could feel just how wet and ready she was through those panties. Her skilled fingers popping his pants open and unzipping them slowly to find out Garland went around commando. His large staff sprang out and slapped her gut. "Woo! Good lord Garland... I don't know if I can take that whole thing!" she said, lying of course, but with him being a virgin she wanted his confidence high and mighty. "Yer gonna have ta be gentle with meh baby." She coo'd and stood up to peel her panties down slowly.

His hands caught hers as he smiled, "Wait..." she froze in terror, as if he was going to deny her. "Can we uhh... do it with you bent over the hood?" he asked.

Ohh how her grin grew, forty times the size of her own muzzle, at his question. One long leg swung over the door, and then the other before she hopped from the car and waltzed with a sway of her hips to the hood. She closed the flip top hoods on both sides and leaned over the still warm hood until her breasts smeared the constantly washed paintjob of the car. Her ass wiggled side to side as her panties hung between her thighs near her knees. "Come get it baby." She whinnied softly.

As Garland climbed out of the car, he started pushing his pants down, but she stopped him with a cold stare. "'round yer knees just like me babe." She winked at him. He did as she obliged, shifting his hips some to lean down some. He could see a nice landing strip of red hair crowning the vulva of her black pussy lips. Her clit was huge, jutting out as her cunt lips winked at him. His flared head pressed against her pussy lips, already slick with her lust, and pressed in slowly.

Her moan echoed in to the air with a loud whinny noise as his dick did prove to be on the larger side. Her muscles squeezed down on the flesh, kneading around the fleshy pole being driven in to her like the drive shaft of a transmission. She leaned her head foreword as she tried to push back, but found his hands cupping her firm ass and denying her that. His thrust in to her was long and slow, taking his time to enjoy his first piece of ass. Once he felt his sheath bunching up against the lips of her pussy, he started to pull back slowly - a pace that made her pussy gush while at the same time hitting every nerve of her desire and pleasure possible... it was driving her nuts.

"Come on sugah, fuck me like a woman... we can do lovey dovey stuff in the back seat." She teased, wiggling her hips side to side slowly. He smiled at her and nodded his head. Hunching his hips, and grabbing her flanks firmly in his grip, he started to thrust like a wild beast against her back side. Her moans hit new levels of octaves in the air as she leaned up on her arms and felt her large breasts slapping the hood of the hot rod, waxing it with her sweat and soft hide. Her head rolled as she felt that shaft sliding swiftly in and out of her needy muscles while his hips slammed in to her up turned ass cheeks.

The pressure in her body was building fast from the original teasing and slow pace. This new pace still hit every soft spot inside her passage, but only in grazing passes. Her fingers raked along the hoods decorative flame painting as her breasts smeared the hood harder. Her eyes opened as she drooled a little on to the finish, "FuuuuCKk..." she screamed as an orgasm ripped over her body and her juices squirted out of her passage around his plunging prick. Her pussy lips winked faster and in longer open moments, clit bulging out long enough for his balls to slam in to that fat nub.

She was quaking on her legs, knees already bucked as she dug her hooves down in to the dirt. "Garland!" she screamed out in pleasure as a second orgasm seared through her senses from the sensation of her clit being slapped. The back to back cunt muscles squeezing his member had him lurching in foreword roughly, his body shuddering as she began to unload his seed in to her pussy well. Ginger's head snapped up at this, her eyes rolled back in her head as she drooled all the more, sighing out in a deep pleasured tone as she collapsed.

His own legs were weak, but his hips lurched and shoved against her body as he grunted heavily.


The night was long, filled with the moaning of a wanton mare and hungry stud exploring each other's bodies. But in the morning, a drowsy mare with red hair frizzled and bed head sat up from the back seat, completely naked and sighing. "Shit... Garland... you are the best fuck EVER!" she whickered, huffing out. "Gods no man has ever made me cum like that or keep me going so long." She hissed out in a heavy breath.

Garland sat up from underneath her, her cowboy hat on his head now. "Thanks cousin..." he huffed, breathing heavily as well.

Ginger slowly slid off of his dick as a gallon of sperm gushed out of her gapping pussy hole and she smiled. "Think it's time we got home babe." She winked. He nodded as well and they began to get dressed before they left.


After getting home, and showering, the lunch bell sounded and Ginger stepped from the bathroom. "Ok, you wash up and come on over." She winked, slapping her cousin on the ass.

He just nodded as she left to the house. As she walked in, her parents were arguing over something, what didn't become clear until she came closer.

"Garland's too young to have a car! So what if he has his own license!" Veradin snorted to his wife.

She retorted every which way she could, but Ginger popped off first "Daddy, you made a deal to ANY ONE living in his town. If they could get that hot rod working, it became theirs, no questions asked. You saying you're a man who backs out on his given word? That don't sound like my daddy, the man who raised me in to a grown woman and sent me to school to learn mechanic's. He fixed the car, he knew what happened - bought the parts himself, and pulled and reinstalled the system. I didn't even think about the fuel injectors, I thought it was the spark plugs failing to fire. So man up Daddy. A Man of your word, or a two bit snake in the grass lyin' about the size of his rattle?" she snapped, her voice deep and strong.

Veradin blinked at Ginger for a long, passed time as she chewed him out. Even her mother was silent during the entire ordeal. But her words sunk in true and Veradin moved over to a lock box and pulled out a pink slip. "Yer right Gingah dear. I gave mah word of honor as a Southun man, by Gods I'll keep mah word." He murmured in a proud tone as she signed his name on a line and then printed.

At the same moment, Garland walked in freshly washed. Ginger smiled and gave him a wink as her Dad offered him the pen. "Come on boy, the car's yours. Just sign yer name and print it there."

Confused, but not passing up the chance, Garland signed his name down on the paper. His life had gone from horrible, to wonderful in just a few short months... he had a sexy girl on his side, money through hard labor, and now his own car... and one that his father would have killed for. He was proud of himself, so proud he kissed his uncle square on the lips and then stopped. He shrunk down and sighed "Sorry Uncle Veradin... just excited."

"Well I'll say boy, but keep that gay shit in yer pants. I'm a woman only kinda man, and I got mah woman." He responded.

"And he's got himself a hot woman Daddy." Ginger added as she sat down in Garland's lap. The boy was baffled at this, he thought they'd keep it a secret!

Veradin just sighed "I knew bringing him 'round would cause trouble. Boy you better not be fuckin' her till yer married proper!" he snapped.

"Yes Daddy-" Both Ginger and Garland responded.

~~ The End.

~ Allester E. Darkflame

Little Red Ridding Wood: Ch. 2

DARKFLAME STUDIO PRODUCTIONS Presents: Little Red Riding Wood Ch. 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STORY CONTENTS: Vaginal, Wet & Messy, Bestiality, Mild Domination, MiLF, GiLF, Semi-NC, Breeding COPYRIGHTS:...

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Project Zolaris: Ch. 4

DARKFLAME STUDIO'S PRODUCTIONS Presents: Project Zolaris Ch. 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STORY CONTENTS: Apocalyptic Future, Love, Miracles COPYRIGHTS: All Characters & Situations © Allester E. Darkflame...

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Project Zolaris: Ch. 3

DARKFLAME STUDIO'S PRODUCTIONS Presents: Project Zolaris Ch. 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STORY CONTENTS: Blood, Violence (Not in Yiff), Apocalyptic Future, Carnage, Tragedy COPYRIGHTS: All Characters &...

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