Learning The Trade

Story by Lunar Creations on SoFurry

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#2 of Sun

As Sun rose his head and let out a loud yawn, he looked to his side and smiled, the dragoness was right there beside him, He lowered his head and huffed out softly, she twitched abit and snuggled more up to him, he had to admit..she had a good grip 'What am I going to do, young one....' He then closed his eyes and felt a moist sensation go up the side of his neck.

As he looked, It was sonya, her beautiful purple eyes opened and looking at him, he muddered out "Yes?..." and then with a smile, she nuzzled against him "Thanks for everything." he then put one of his skinny arms around her, he was quite majestic and full of beauty, he held her close and nuzzled against her.

Then she spoke "So what are we going to do today, master?" He then smiled "I have been looking for a apprentice, a student to teach all of my medical wisdom onto.."

She looked at him "M-me....?" he then nodded and kissed her softly on the forehead "We start, now." As he got up, she soon followed and he headed outside, looking inback of him and seeing her following him.

Then, he stopped infront of a few materials, a pot with a dust in it, a flute and a book in the middle of the mix.

"These are the only things you will need.." he said looking at her, she looked down at the objects and nodded, "Um...master, can you tell me what to do first....?" Then Sun smiled and nodded"Of course I can."

He looked at the flute and picked it up "I use this to sooth the surronding, when one is hurt they are vunerable to the evil that surronds us, I use the flute to keep these demons astray.." He then reached and smiled "The dust, leaves and bottles are the ingrediants, the book is your 'cook book' He then spoke "Come here."

As she went to him, taking in a nice scent of the daytime air. He softly lowered her "Every technique I know is written in this book. Anything you will ever need is in this book... I want you to read it.." he said picking up the old book, the pages looked ancient.

She took the heavy book into her arms and sighed "T-thank you m-master..." Then as he looked at her go back into the house, He walked back in the house as well. "Sonya, I promise you in a few years, you will be a very great healer." He smiled at her and then yawned.

Sonya turned "Master maybe you should take a rest.." Then sun laughed "Ah, I may be old but im still as energetic as you.." Then sonya went to him "Um, I read stories back in the village, how did you get up here?..."

He sighed and then looked at her "Sure, but...after this im taking a nap.."he then picked her up and sat her down.

"When I was a hatchling, humans and dragons of my race lived peacefully, we were worshipped. Then, all the peace and harmony ended, the emperor of the time hated us, and set out a law, that any dragon spotted were to be hunted and killed, many of us fell to the human's blade, I witnessed as my brothers and sisters were butchered like cattle, some of us fought back but the numbers were to much, Most of us were still young, our strength was nowhere compared to the adults, and the adults were pretty much dead, the killed dragons were skinned for their scales. One night, me and some of my surviving siblings made one last attemtp to escape, and some of us were able to escape, we left with 7, only came back with 4.... I choose to stay on the moutain top, wanting to enrich in the land of my ancestors, my brother went to korea, my other sibilings went to china, mount fuji and somewhere near russia. I haven't spoke to any of them since. I still have a dislike for humankind...."

Then sonya held sun "you have every right to." Sun smiled and kissed her softly "Well im going to go to bed, goodnight." then as he got up, he turned and headed to his room.


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