The Days That Changed Everything

Story by st-seven on SoFurry

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The Days that Changed Everything

**Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Any speech by the Pokémon that is in English is through telepathy.

This is the first Pokémon story EVER based on my character in my Pokémon gold version. Constructive criticism is welcome.**

The story begins with Steve a 21 year old Pokémon master of the jhoto and kanto regions, the Five Pokémon he had with him were Shadow the level 100 shiny male Umbreon, his daughter Krystal the level 63 Espeon, Power the level 100 male Raichu, Scout the level 90 male furret, and Psyla his level 100 female mew . Steve had successfully completed the jhoto and kanto pokedex including the legendaries which were released after being caught other than the mew who wanted to tag along with him , this made Steve feel he had accomplished his goal of filling his pokedex with the Pokémon from his home region and one of the others. Early retirement was not an option for the champion of the jhoto league; the task of taking challengers had become a chore that was enjoyed by all of Steve's Pokémon, this all had happened after Steve had beaten the champions Lance and Red.

This day started like any other in the summer; Steve stirred in his bed due to the loud sounds of his Pokémon waking up. Steve had trouble waking up so Shadow helped him by pulling the covers off of the bed taking Steve with it, who woke up groaning "Shadow did you really have to do that!" "Umbre" came from the Umbreon with a snicker. After being encouraged to move by having Krystal lick his cheek he began his usual routine. Krystal was always affectionate since Steve had raised her from an eevee luckily she didn't have her father's disposition but did retain the caring that all of his Pokémon displayed when he raised them. Steve usually would sleep with Krystal and Shadow out of their pokéballs when at night, the others had preferred to sleep in their pokéballs. Steve had started his day after the rude awakening from Shadow, but it turned exciting just after he left his home in New Bark Town. Steve's usual weekday consisted in having Psyla transform into a large Pigeot and after returning Krystal and Shadow would hitch a ride to Goldenrod City where he would take the magnet train to Saffron City he would then travel to Viridian City where the trainer house was located, this is where Steve would spend most of the day battling new opponents which were all determined to beat him lucky for him none of them could win against his Pokémon's overwhelming power. This would be put to the test with each new challenger.

Today would be different but Steve did not know how yet. The challenger was a short man around 5 feet tall with six pokéballs on his belt wearing a red blazer and what appeared to be sweatpants. After squaring off the battle started; the opponent pulled a pokéball off of his belt and tossed it into the ring a large Machoke appeared flexing his muscles "Choke" He bellowed. Steve grinned and tossed his first pokéball from his belt and Krystal appeared with a resounding cry of "ESPY!" Krystal adopted a battle stance ready to unleash an attack. Steve motioned to the challenger to make the first move. "Strength" he called, the muscular Pokémon responded with a roar and tore a piece of the ground up and hurled it at Krystal who waited for a command "dodge! Then follow up with psybeam!" Steve exclaimed watching as the Espeon he had raised dodge gracefully to the side and fire a purple beam at the opposing Pokémon. The attack hit with a small explosion when the dust cleared the Machoke was kneeling panting heavily. Steve's opponent didn't seem surprised at the outcome of the attack, grimacing at the damage the trainer made his next command "knock it off balance with low kick" the lumbering Machoke charged the Espeon with the last of its strength landing its first and last blow of the battle hitting Krystal's leg making her stance falter; Krystal was able to quickly recover and on Steve's command sent him flying with a final psybeam, the Pokémon slumped to the ground unconscious. "Great job Krystal" Steve shouted to her, Krystal let out a happy cry and trotted back to her place on the field waiting for the next Pokémon to be called out.

The next Pokémon was a slight surprise a Weavile appeared Steve did not recognize the Pokémon and for the first time in a year pulled out his pokedex the device sprang to life and in a robotic tone of voice said "Weavile the sharp claw Pokémon and the evolved form of sneasel." with that Steve knew having a sneasel of his own; he should switch out his Pokémon. He called back Krystal and sent out Scout "Furret!" the long body Pokémon cried. "Scout you should be careful we don't know what this one can do" "FUR!" Scout responded enthusiastically. "Weavile start strong use blizzard to slow him down" "Weave" he responded unleashing a blast of freezing wind that dropped the air temperature easily ten degrees, Scout however was able to endure the hit shivering slightly from the powerful ice attack. "Scout!" "Strike him fast with headbutt!" "Furret" Scout launched himself at the opposing Pokémon slamming into him with bone crushing force, an audible crack was heard as the two collided with the back wall of the ring. The Weavile was damaged but still standing and able to fight. "Weavile use ice punch!" The sharp claw Pokémon curled his claws into a fist and it became coated with ice when it was finished the Pokémon lunged at Scout striking him in the chest, Scout staggered and was slowly encased in ice; this caused Steve to recall Scout for now to defrost. "Power, I need your assistance!" tossing out the raichu's ball he appeared in a flash of light standing tall wanting to do his trainer proud. "Power use zap cannon!" "Raichu" with his cry came a ball of energy that formed in his mouth, which rocketed across the field and struck the wall with an explosion that rocked the building. When the smoke cleared the weavile was unharmed and grinning. Steve changed the strategy from ranged attacks to Power's specialty, physical attacks. "Power! Iron Tail!" Power dashed across the field with his tail glowing. His tail swung forward with all hopes on ending his opponent only to be countered by the weavile's own glowing claws. Steve had not heard the command given but would now concede. A memory flashed in his mind back when this had happened before and knew how to counter his counter "Power you know what to do." A quick nod showed confirmation. The Raichu twisted and struck the weavile in the side with his foot causing the Counter attack to send him flying. After skidding a short distance the Pokémon came to a stop with swirls over its eyes and was recalled by his trainer.

The next Pokémon to be called out was an Alakazam, the imposing Pokémon seemed strong enough to take out power so Steve did what would most likely be his last substitution. "Power great job thank you" a small salute was given as he was recalled to rest. "Shadow end this with faint attack!" "Umbreon!" Shadow disappeared reappearing behind the Pokémon striking faster than the eye could see, after one solid hit the Alakazam crumpled to the ground defeated. Shadow looked back to Steve with a smirk knowing he would be rewarded after this fight along with the others and wanted to please his master by defeating his current foes. The next three were a beedrill which had the unfortunate experience of being on the receiving end of Shadow's psychic attack. A strong Typhlosion that did some damage with flamethrower and fire punch but Shadow was able to shrug it off and strike him with psychic then faint attack to end that battle, the final one was a challenge a very large and angry Blastoise was sent to fight Shadow he was covered with bite marks from Shadow's bite attack. Shadow was severally beaten but his moonlight recovery move helped him stay in for the long haul. Even with all of Steve's battle experience he was not expecting a high powered submission attack that put Shadow near fainting. After careful consideration he returned Shadow with a sigh knowing his last chance would surprise the trainer that was across the field from him. "Psyla show time" "Mew" she called once released. "Finish this please, Psychic!" Steve said with a hint of pride watching such a strong Pokémon being taken down so quickly after Psyla's arrival, Psyla's eyes glowed as the Blastoise was thrown off his feet and into the already heavily damaged wall, finally giving in to exhaustion it lay on the ground unconscious. After the final Pokémon fell the ref announced the winner. After the end Steve called out all of his party after defrosting Scout, thanked them for their efforts Steve happy that the team as a whole had a victory. "Nice work everyone, because you all worked hard today you can do what you want after we get home." Unknown to Steve his life would change from that day forward.

Upon arriving home Steve released his Pokémon and went inside to get a drink. Shadow had moved into the shade with Krystal, while Scout ran into the bushes to chase pidgey, when this was happening Power walked off into the woods to find a place to train. Psyla was sitting on a branch above where Krystal and Shadow were resting; unknown to Steve but well known to the others among themselves each Pokémon had a high level of sexual attraction towards their trainer these kinds of relationships are frowned upon so the Pokémon were happy with just being near their trainer when he needed them to battle and during the off time when they were able to relax. The sexual tension of the situation was gnawing at the mischievous behavior that Shadow exhibited was only for fun he truly cared for his trainer and wanted to try and mate with him, nervousness would keep him in check but whenever Steve would drop him off at the daycare center he would be sexually insatiable. Krystal was raised like her father from an early age by Steve; this created a strong bond that was more than just caring but genuine love towards Steve, she harbored similar feelings for her trainer that her father did however she had the presence of mind to ignore it to the best of her ability. Psyla had similar thoughts only because she had listened for too long to the thoughts of her teammates, her curious nature would eventually get the better of her. Power was raised from an egg this made for a similar bond with Steve that most of his Pokémon in his party shared he would train in the off times in order to impress his trainer the results paid off and Steve had noticed his growth and started to use him in battle more, his strength lead to Steve's victory over lance several years ago. Scout was one of the first Pokémon that Steve caught which made his connection the longest of all other than Steve's starter Steve had always trusted Scout to do his best even if it would be ultimately a losing battle. The connection with Scout was tested each battle which he fought hard. Steve's starter Typhlosion was named Lava he had been left with another to train, Steve was happy that Lava had found a good home and wished him well. This day was a particularly hard battle with Steve even having to recall Shadow which was rarely done. The Pokémon had thought about that Steve had said they could do what they want would this include him if they chose to try and tag team him? The question would be answered after dark that evening.

Each Pokémon one by one were called in for dinner. After dinner was finished the team relaxed with their trainer while planning their next move towards mating as a team with their trainer. Shadow was the first to suggest it after Psyla had broadcast their trainer's thoughts to the group this was hard for Shadow being that he was a dark type but over the years had been able to selectively hear telepathy from the other members of the group. Their trainer's thoughts were frustrated at having been so cocky towards is opponent that he let his guard down and really wanted to reward every one for their efforts today but could not think of a way to do so. Psyla brought up the suggestion of mating among the other Pokémon and each silently agreed that they each would work together in order to get what they want.

When it came time for bed Steve had recalled all but Krystal and Shadow both of which had asked via telepathy for the chance to mate with him, Steve was surprised by this, but felt that they deserved that and each party member could have a chance if they wanted because of the hard battle they all had fought, when he finished thinking about this he called out the rest of the team and relayed his answer to all of them. Each one was happy for the chance that they may express their feelings in an intimate way. After a quick conversation as to how to go about this the team settled on a strategy where they would try to mate him on separate nights in groups of two. Shadow and Krystal would start, the next night Power and Psyla would get a try and on a third night Scout would be allowed a turn. After a shower Steve had started with Shadow and Krystal, the beginning started with petting and massage getting in the mood. It was Shadow who took the first step past cuddling; Steve noticed this when Shadow's eyes were glowing a soft blue color making his eyes glow green as Shadow used psychic to undo Steve's night clothes allowing all of his Pokémon to view him unimpeded. Both liked what they saw as his length was partially ready, they helped that along with a swift lick on the base and the tip simultaneously. This action from his Pokémon cause Steve to tense up and close his eyes as he watched the lewd images that Shadow was projecting into his head about his escapades while he was at the daycare center. Krystal began to move downward towards Steve's balls giving each an experimental lick and after seeing that her trainer like what she was doing she sped up her efforts. Meanwhile Steve felt a very wet, warm sensation begin to cover his member, so he slowly peeked downward and saw that Shadow had graduated from just licking to sucking his cock deeply trying his hardest to pleasure his trainer with the trick he had learned at the daycare center. Both of their efforts paid off when they noticed Steve's breathing and pulse speed up along with mumbled moans that became strangled as Steve suddenly shouted "I'm gonna cum" in the next few seconds shadow motioned for Krystal to stop sucking him and join him at the tip where they shared at the last second a very perverted father daughter kiss right on Steve's cock head. The resulting spray showered them with cum causing both to mull over the taste deciding they both wanted more and began to clean their trainer's shrinking cock of all the excess fluids.

When that was finished Steve noticed a lustful grin from his Pokémon. "Thank you both that was amazing!" after catching his breath Steve gently placed a hand under both of their chins bringing them all into an impromptu kiss sharing the left over fluids and exciting all of them further. Steve gently motioned for both of his Pokémon to lie on their backs so he could have a turn pleasuring them. They each complied with his request and were pleasantly surprised to feel a hand on each of them trying to find the best position to pleasure them both. Steve settled for fingering Krystal while attempting to take most of Shadow's member into his mouth. Steve accidentally found her clitoris causing her to whimper with need hearing this Steve began to concentrate his motions on that one spot. Steve had begun to massage Shadow's balls with is other hand causing an involuntary hip thrust from the Umbreon. The room was full of loud moans and squishing noises and Steve began to work faster to pleasure both of his Pokémon as much as they had pleasured him. He was rewarded for his actions as both of his Pokémon tensed at the same moment releasing their pent up urges onto their trainer's hand and into his mouth when this happened he began to swallow greatly enjoying the taste of his beloved Umbreon afterwards Shadow rolled to finish the cleaning himself. When he had finished he lewdly sucked on his fingers that were covered Krystal's juices, he finished cleaning her by using his mouth on her for the first time again focusing on her clit to prolong her pleasure, Krystal folded herself in half to lick out the rest of her own cum from her pussy. Everyone was sweating heavily, when Steve called "Shadow use moonlight, Krystal use morning sun!" both Pokémon glowed as they were healed. Thanks to their trainer's initiative they were ready for a second round. This time Shadow's eyes glowed once again with psychic this time he flipped Steve onto his hands and knees near Krystal who had moved back onto her feet then bent down with her rear in the air. Shadow then used his tongue to bring Steve's member back to being fully erect. After a questioned look was given by their trainer, a telepathic message from Shadow was given "I would be honored if you would take my daughter as a mate." "the honor is all mine, I will but only if Krystal will let me" Steve stated seriously Krystal's response was "take me master show your mate what you can do with more than your hands." This statement broke any restrain the trainer had. Steve quickly positioned himself behind Krystal and pressed his member inward causing both of them to gasp at the warmth. Steve stopped giving Krystal time to adjust to the intrusion when the short moment ended Steve began to thrust slowly causing both of them to moan loudly at the new sensation. Shadow was aroused by the fact that his trainer and daughter were mating in front of him his seven inch long inch and a half wide member was standing at full attention at the sight. A grin shot across Shadow's face as an idea of how he could vent his pleasure and send it to his trainer at the same time crossed his mind, he was determined to mate his trainer like he had Krystal's mother Rings. Shadow approached Steve from behind and nuzzled his trainer's rear asking telepathically for entrance; all Steve did was lean down and moan "Shadow! Take me now while I'm taking your daughter" a blush rose on all of their faces as Shadow mounted his trainer. Steve stopped thrusting after Shadow had entered him for a few seconds to adjust to being taken by one of his strongest Pokémon. All three were gasping as Shadow began to thrust hard and true to his word Shadow was mating Steve as hard as he had Krystal's mother. Steve could not suppress a moan as Shadow's speed and intrusion coupled with the feeling of a vice that he was getting from Krystal's pussy was driving him to the edge of a climax with a vengeance. Steve was trying his best to make Krystal cum before he did so he reached between their union and pinched her clit hard this sent Krystal over the end clamping down so hard it would have put a cloister to shame. Steve began to kiss her as she rode out her climax. The resulting spray coated Steve's member and weakened his resolve so that when Shadow was reaching his climax he aimed and struck Steve's prostate causing a new sensation that made Steve's knees want to buckle but he held himself up for Krystal's sake so he would not hurt her with his and Shadow's combined weight. Shadow hilted Steve one last time smashing into his prostate causing the pent up energy to be released in a powerful climax this made Steve collapse and roll to face his Pokémon slowly disengaging Shadow in order to cuddle with both of them. After then settled in Steve thanked his Pokémon once again which in turn caused them to thank him for a wonderful time after which they all drifted off to sleep.

The next day didn't start as it usually did this time Steve was awakened by a warm sensation around his member and saw that Shadow and Krystal were sucking him again. He tensed up as the eons managed to draw another climax out of him before he could start the day. After the daily routine finished the daily battle started. This opponent was a kid around Steve's age with a green jumpsuit on and a blindingly reflective neon green sleeveless jacket a grin across his face he was holding a pokéball with a confidence that would be seen in either someone who is strong or someone who was overconfident, Steve suspected the former. They had agreed on a three on three Pokémon battle. Steve had changed his order up slightly ready to take on what this new challenger had to offer. The trainer tossed his pokéball revealing a venusaur the grass Pokémon bellowed as it firmly planted its feet into the ground. Steve fingered a ball and tossed it "Psyla showtime!" "mew" she replied the trainer was slightly startled by the new species Pokémon. "Venasaur use sunny day!" the opposing trainer yelled the Pokémon responded with a roar and the room got much brighter, knowing what surly would follow Steve acted quickly "Psyla use fly!" she responded by flying very close to the ceiling. "Solarbeam!" the trainer yelled his Pokémon responded with another roar building energy in the flower on his back which happened faster than normal because of sunny day. The beam flew at Psyla and missed causing an explosion that rocked the building. Psyla's fly struck the venusaur in the nose and flipped it on its back as it tried to roll over Steve issued his next command before the opposing trainer could "Psyla finish this with psychic." Steve said calmly. The blast of energy mad the venusaur almost hit his trainer. The ref called it.

The trainer sent out his second Pokémon a meganium which looked intimidating due to its size. The trainer yelled his command as soon as meganium hit the field "meganium solarbeam!" the beam shot across the field and hit Psyla before she could dodge it. The hit made her stagger as her body took the blow she was left smoking and covered in burnt hair, this made Psyla the normally happy and playful Pokémon angry. Steve had do this once in a bizarre magnifying glass accident and could not get away fast enough before being sent flying by a unhappy mew lucky for Steve he was able to get caught before he hit the ground by a apologetic Psyla this meganium was not so lucky. Psyla was seeing red it would take Steve and her hours to fix her microscopic hair, she unleashed her rage at the grass type with a mind bending psychic attack that sent the meganium flying into the newly repaired wall breaking it once again. She turned away from the downed Pokémon telling Steve telepathically "he got what he deserved for messing with the fur didn't he" "yeah he did" Steve nervously responded.

The third and final Pokémon the opponent sent out was a Shiftry for the second time in as many days Steve needed to pull out his pokedex to find out what this Pokémon was. The pokedex's robotic voice responded "Shiftry the wicked Pokémon in the wild it will go out of its way to harm others" "a grass and dark type huh I know Psyla take a rest" "Come on out Power show him your strength with thunderpunch!" the Raichu darted towards the strange Pokémon and struck it hard in the chest with his fist only to realize that the Pokémon was not very damaged by the attack. Shiftry countered with megapunch to Power's jaw sending him stumbling backwards. Power recovered and heard Steve shout "Power electricity will not work well strike back with iron tail!" several strikes later the shiftry was down for the count. The ref saw this and ended the match declaring Steve once again the victory. The trainers shook hands and went their separate ways.

Later that night Steve had promised yesterday that he would mate with his current party and may continue with this if the others wanted more he knew that Shadow and Krystal were waiting for another chance but it was Power and Psyla's turn tonight. After Steve had helped Psyla to fix her fur he had been tackled to the ground by Power who wanted his turn. Psyla had mimicked Shadow by using psychic to remove his clothes. Power began to cuddle and explore his trainer's body with his hands and tail quickly finding his cock and wrapping his tail around it began to not only jerk Steve off but also play with his nipples which Steve had never felt before and was thoroughly enjoying it. Psyla felt left out Steve noticed this and motioned for her to come closer. Steve gently grabbed her and began to rub her clit while eat her out as Power continued to pleasure him. Power's strokes started to lessen as he felt Steve tense up Steve paused and asked why he had stopped, after a quick comment to Psyla she responded "he asked for you to take him like you did Krystal" Power's member was fully erect and throbbing with need seeing this Psyla turned around and started to suck him off as he readied himself for penetration. Power asked for help which Steve provided by lifting him so that he was aligned with his member and slowly began to enter him pausing when he was fully embedded within the Raichu. Power was moaning loudly because of the new feeling, Psyla was feeling left out until Steve grabbed her again and lined her up with Power's member seeking to have her join their fun. Psyla gladly accepted the offer lowering herself onto his member cooing at the fulfilling sensation having never been so full in her life. Power groaned as the speed of Steve's thrusts increased and Psyla's pussy was clamping his painfully erect member hard. Steve noticed that Power was close and rammed his member in hard striking Power's prostate causing the Raichu to buck with pleasure and blow his load in Psyla. The climax caused Power's anal muscles to contract putting a large amount of pressure on Steve's embedded member this extra pressure caused Steve to climax. Psyla followed soon after Power had blown her body could not take the pleasure giving her sweet release. They all collapsed in exhaustion, although even when he was riding out his climax Steve was able to think of a way to pleasure them all more, "Psyla use softboiled to heal Power then yourself" an egg shaped ball of energy formed in the mew's hands and when placed on Power chest made him glow as the healing properties of the move took effect. The process was repeated with Psyla on the receiving end this time. Steve looked down on his Pokémon that had just been healed thinking if he should repeat what he had done with Shadow and Krystal the night before, deciding that he should he whispered to Psyla his plan wanting to surprise Power with his plan that Power would be happy about. Psyla carefully removed the Raichu from Steve's member and she from Power's then she closed her eyes in concentration as she maneuvered everyone into position Power behind their trainer while she was under him. Power caught on quickly and began to lick the juices off of Steve's member causing him to moan. Power then positioned himself for penetration aiming for the hole and hitting it the first time this drew a gasp and a moan from everyone, this happened because Power's eager push had sent Steve deep into Psyla and with that penetration the motions began. Power had created a rhythm when he pulled out Steve would as well they both would thrust at the same time causing a Psyla to writhe in ecstasy at the sensations she was getting. Steve tried to heighten all of their pleasure at the same time so he felt for Psyla's nipples and pinched then lightly while clenching his anus to give power a tighter hole to use. These actions set off a chain of events starting with Psyla's orgasm that triggered Steve's which in turn triggered Power's. All of them were writhing as they rode out their combined climax to its fullest extent. When the feelings diminished Power slipped off of Steve and Steve withdrew from Psyla who was matted with juices as was everyone else they each shared a kiss and drifted off to a restful night sleep.

The next day was Scout's turn to shine having been frozen in the last battle his true potential hasn't been shown yet. Steve woke to another pleasant surprise having Psyla and Power licking his face and cock causing his morning wood to lengthen however Steve had to stop them because he wanted his stamina to be high today for the battle this did not get through to Psyla who was tired of licking and had just worked Steve's cock into her pussy trying to get him off since she was unable to do this last night before they fell asleep. Steve involuntarily thrust up into her noticing that she had transformed into a vulpix causing her pussy to heat up as she continued to grind into her trainer the new sensation was too much for Steve this caused him to grip onto Psyla hard as he blew his load in her pussy this blast caused Psyla to climax as well shuddering as the pleasure washed over her. After about one minute Steve withdrew from Psyla. Power noticed his trainer was no longer distracted and motioned for his trainer to suck him to which he finally agreed to after some coaxing. Power was on edge all morning so Steve didn't have very long to wait before Power shot into his mouth filling it to the brim with his seed. Afterwards both of them thanked him for a wonderful night and would like to have another chance sometime in the future.

Today's opponent looked like a mad scientist wearing a lab coat and holding a beaker filled with a strange liquid. Steve couldn't help but laugh at his seriously outdated costume. The scientist took offense to this and swore that he would win today a three on three Pokémon battle was decided on by both trainers. Scout was first appearing in a flash of light. The opponent sent out a large muk Steve looked at this and told scout "don't let him touch you fight from a distance with surf" with a nod Scout summoned a wave of water that engulfed the muk knocking it back towards its trainer. "Scout use surf once more to keep pushing it back." Steve shouted confidently. "muk use sludge bomb!" the opposing trainer. The blob Pokémon responded by lobbing a poisonous wad at Scout who deftly avoided it by jumping to the side. "Scout we need to heavily damage it iron tail now!" "furrr!" Scout responded by charging across the field with his tail glowing which struck the muk in what Steve could only guess was its face finally knocking it out as the trainer recalled his first Pokémon.

The next was a crobat which seemed to be a high level this did not deter Steve in the slightest. He started with his command "Scout use headbutt go for the knockout!" Steve shouted confidently. Scout rocketed across the area crashing into the crobat with incredible force causing the Pokémon to falter and pass out from the hit. This made Scout's first one hit knock out in a while.

The third and final Pokémon was a Weezing this caused Steve to be cautious towards the floating gas bag of a Pokémon. "Weezing start with toxic" a dark green and purple blob hit Scout causing him to look weakened due to toxic's poison effect. Steve know with a hit like that he would have to end the battle quickly if he wanted to have scout win against all of his opponents today. Thinking quickly Steve called "use headbutt" scout executed the move perfectly causing the weezing to rock backward but it was able to recover fast enough to counter with poison gas causing Scout to feel unsteady Steve noticed this "Scout hang in there just a little longer finish this with one last headbutt" this headbutt contacted in the same spot as the previous one did causing more damage and finally knocking the Pokémon out. After the ref called the victor Scout collapsed Steve rushed over and applied an antidote and a max revive to him but let him sleep for the time being.

Tonight was Scout's night and Steve wanted to congratulate him on a great battle and a decisive victory. Scout woke up around seven o'clock which was the usual dinner time for Steve and all of his party. Scout was greeted positively by the rest of the party all congratulating him for a job well done. Scout had certainly earned his special time with his trainer and his favorite food fresh gold berries which were hard to find but worth the expense. Steve checked Scout's stats and noticed that Scout had leveled after the last battle to level 91 this was a great achievement for Scout because he was trying his hardest to level for his trainer's sake. That night after getting ready for bed Steve carried Scout into the bed room and asked him ho he would like to start, through hand motions Scout was able to convey that he wanted to pleasure his trainer with his mouth first. Steve refused saying that it was his night so he would start by sucking him. Steve started by lowering Scout onto the bed and caressing him slowly causing Scout to moan with pleasure just from being touched. Steve continued and decided to get adventurous and planted a soft kiss on Scouts lips this was responded to with a smile and a coo as Scout was enjoying his treatment. Steve slowly reached for Scout's member which was starting to peak out of his sheath and began leaking precum on the sheets, Steve noticed this and moved to lick up the juices the contact with Scout's member caused him to tense up and lightly grasp Steve's head. Steve took the next step and wrapped his mouth around Scout's member drawing a lustful moan from the furret and made him start humping Steve's face as the trainer pleasured his Pokémon. Scout wasn't able to last long under the strength of Steve's suction this caused the furret to grasp Steve's head tightly as he climaxed senting waves of cum, into Steve's mouth after being pent up for years the release had drained the furret and it took a short time for him to come down from his high. Scout wrapped his body around his trainer's bare skin causing him so shudder. Scout undid Steve's pants and gently caressed Steve's member with his paw after it began to grow the furret slowly wrapped his mouth around Steve's member and began sucking and bobbing his head this caused Steve to let out a pleased moan from the ministrations. The furret herd it and increased his sucking and added his paws back in stroking what he didn't have in his mouth at the time at double the pace of his bobbing. Steve could not take the attention any longer and was barely able to get a warning out as he climaxed in Scout's mouth. The spray caused Scout to swallow everything that Steve gave him with a happy smile on his face. He was happy to have given his trainer so much pleasure. Steve then removed his night clothes and motioned for Scout to mount him which the furret gladly accepted the invetatioon mounting him with the blinding speed his species was known for. The sudden penetration raked across Steve's prostate causing him to feel nothing but pleasure from the act. Scout hearing the moan took it as a sign that his trainer was enjoying it and wanted him to speed up this caused Scout's thrusts to double in speed. The change in speed made Steve's pleasure grow teen fold he began to push back maximizing the penetration of Scout's large six inch long two inch wide member into his anus. Scout could hear that Steve was close so he bent his body around him and grasped his member stroking it in time with his thrusts while sucking the head, this new sensation drove Steve over the edge causing him to climax which created a pressure on Scout's member that was the last straw for both of them as Scout climaxed hard flooding Steve's bowels with his seed. Steve was the first to recover from this and carefully remove Scout from him and cuddle the sweat soaked furret thanking him for all of his work. Steve let Scout rest because of his hard work that day otherwise he would have wanted to go another round with the skilled Pokémon. Steve woke the next morning feeling Scout rubbing against him trying to keep him warm since it was summer the extra heat was not needed so Steve motioned for Scout to move which he did between his legs and began caressing his balls with his paws this drew a shudder from Steve. Seeing this Scout moved again giving his trainer a hard lick up his hardened shaft and when he was finished he gently took the head in his mouth and began sucking and bobbing his head. Steve gently grabbed his head making Scout suck even hard this brought Steve to the breaking point making him climax for the first time that day. When he was climaxing Scout withdrew his head and let the last few sprays of cum hit his face. Steve found this to be cute and when he was done helped Scout to clean up before starting the day. These last few days had changed Steve's life for the better now his Pokémon would fight harder for him out of love and for the reward that he was happy to give. This day and every day to come would most likely end the same way.

How To train Your Dragon A Continuation

**How To Train Your Dragon Fan Fiction** **Disclaimer no copyright infringement intended may contain scenes that are inappropriate for young children and should be not read also if you are under 18 or 21 in your area please leave...

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