The Dream That Turned Real Part 2 Alternate (Unfinished)

Story by Triple xXx Werewolf on SoFurry

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Second part of my story. Rules from the first part apply here. Time in-story, right after part 1, is 7:58.

We were still hugging, kissing, and sharing our puke and his cum back and forth when we heard a voice say "aww, isn't that cute?"

I passed the vomit back to Ryan, who held it in his cheek pouches like a squirrel did, before breaking the kiss, and we looked to see where the voice was coming from. Believe it or not, it was the silver fox from the bar, with Diablo at his side. Wide eyed, i let out a short "AHH!" before ducking into the wolf seed. Ryan looked down at where i was, before tilting his head back and swallowing the vomit load and turned to Kraig.

"Hey, guys" he said in a relaxed tone as i rose up from the stuff and sat up. "Kraig, can i talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure. About what?" Kraig said, padding over to Ryan. Ryan pulled Kraig in close to him until their noses were almost touching.

"Kraig, why do you think i told you not to come here tonight?"


"Well, what? and why'd you bring Dee with you?"


"Because why?" Ryan said, irritated, then calmed down and said "Look. Just go. Take the camel, and go back to the bar."

Their 'conversation' went on as Dee came over and tapped me on the shoulder, drawing my attention from Ryan and Kraig to the camel. Eyeing him from top to bottom, i noticed he had a moderate build on him, with blueish-gray eyes, standing at roughly 5' 9" tall.

"So, ah, havin' fun tonight?" Dee asked.

"Yeah, everything's great, why? i said back.

"Cuz i want to... apologize about what i did to ya back at the bar earlier. Kraig owns half the place, and has this rule about furres bringin' humans to the bar, so i was doin' my duties, so when i saw you, i thought, 'Whazza human doin' here?' But then after Ryan pinned me like i'd done to you, i felt bad about doin' what i did, so i had Kraig bring me here so i could apologise to you."

"Okay, apology accepted" i said. "And if kraig owns half of the bar, who owns the other half?"

"His mate. He left the fox to go traveling. Plus, the rule was there before i was hired as security. Why they made it, i don't know." he said.

"Interesting." i replied as the conversation between Ryan and Kraig subsided. We turned to see the silver-white fox who had already taken his shirt/vest off, showing off his muscles, which, even for a fox, was impressive.

"So, uh, Ry, what are you guys soaking in right now? Smells kinda--" Dee said before waving his hand in front of his nose.

Ryan and i looked at each other, before Ryan stood and showed off, and grabbed his balls before sitting back down.

"All i needed to know." the camel said.

"So..." Kraig said, getting our attention, "I take it you've mated already?" I blushed at that, embarassed. And i never blush. Ever.

"What?" Ryan said, pretending he was deaf. Dee just rolled his eyes.

"Have you two had sex with each other?" Kraig said, playing along.

"What?" Ryan asked again.

"DID YOU GUYS FUCK YET?" Dee shouted, indirectly in my ear.

"Ow, dude!" i half shouted.

"Oops, sorry. I-i'll make it up to you later." he apologised again as i rubbed my ear.

"HELL YEAH WE FUCKED!" Ryan bellowed, covering my ears just in time for the blast. "I mean, how else would the tub be full of this stuff?" he said, holding a pawful of cum in the camel's face.

"A little t.m.i., don't ya think?" Dee said after Ryan pulled his paw back before making gestures to the fox, indicating he wanted the fox to ask something, which the fox nodded to. The three of us looked at the fox.

"Um, Ryan, you dont mind me asking if we can join you guys and continue the fun?"

"And why is that?" Ryan asked back as we heard a bike pull up, blaring 'Land Down Under' before the bike was shut off.

"Cuz two's a couple, but six's a pahty, mates!"

We all turned to the direction the voice was coming from, to see a dingo, standing around 6'8" digitigrade, with hyena markings on his fur, and an outfit that could best be described as a mix between 'indiana jones' and 'crocodile dundee', with Dundee's clothing, with Jones's hat and whip. Behind him was a slim bear, around 7'2" plantigrade, with a 50/50 mix of black and brown fur, with a lighter brown up front, from his throat that faded to polar bear white midway to his pants, as far as i could tell, with more muscle than fat that could rival Ryan's, wearing the opposite of the dingo: Indiana jones's clothing, with Dundee's hat and knife. They walked over, the dingo saying, "What're we havin' 'ere, a pool pahty?" i swore he sounded like the guy that did the voiceover for the older 'outback steakhouse'commercials.

"My woofy! you're back!" Kraig said, running over to the dingo.

"Ah, there's mah little gila monstah, cum'ere and give Dingie a hug!" as he picked up Kraig with almost no effort at all.

"How the hell does everyone find this place?!" Ryan said, amused.

"Probably from all the noise." Dee said.

"Wrong answer, camel." Ryan said. Kraig and his mate broke the hug and padded over to us, and the dingo put a paw on the tub next to me. "Evening." he said to Ryan.

"Ya think?" Ryan said. "Naw, i'm kidding, but, yeah, back atcha buddy."

"Say, just what's this thing filled with, anyway?" the dingo sniffed the tub. "Smells loike... I can't quoite put my paw on it." After a pause, he asked: "Care ta tell me?" He looked at Ryan, who looked at Dee, who the dingo turned to look at, before Dee pointed to Ryan while touching his own crotch. The dingo turned back to us and said "Must'ave been one heckuva pool pahty." The dingo then stood behind me, put a paw on my shoulder, making Ryan flatten his ears back and pin the dingo with a look that said 'touch my boyfriend anywhere else, is the last time you're gonna use that hand'. The dingo then bent over me, locking eyes with me. "G'day." he said as his hat brim was inches from the surface of the liquid. Time seemed to freeze. 'Ew,' i thought, getting a load of whatever he ate as he blasted my nose. That would be one of four things i could think of that would match the stench: 'Vegemite, Marmite, Cenovis, or-' i didn't need to think about that last one, lest i say something stupid about it and he makes me eat whatever he had, as i looked at the open-mouthed smile he was baring, and saw what i knew it was. 'Yep, answer's D.' i thought, uttering it low enough to be barely audible to the predator above me. Time then unfroze. My eyes widend as he surprised me like he did. "wah!" i said in half-shock.

"Sorry 'bout that, little fella. i ain't gunna hurt ya. Name's Dan, i forgot ta say. What's your's?" Dan said softly, blasting more rankness in my face.

"That's my boyfriend, Mike." Ryan saidthrough clenched teeth, putting a strong paw on Dan's shoulder, opposite the one Dan was supporting himself on me with. Dan looked up to see Ryan, staring at him, with a wicked, psychotic angry look, the right eyebrow angled low, one angled high, coupled with a dark, wicked smile pulled up the left side of his muzzle, looking like he's ready to bite Dan's head off. Dan just pulled himself up and stepped away from me as i sat there, only to get in Ryan's face now. Ryan growled low in his throat and said "You'd best back off, dog, before this is the last thing you see."

Dan just cocked an eyebrow and in a cocky voice, said "I ain't scareda you, mate, so you back off."

Ryan growled hard enough to make the pool shake as a now well-muscled Kraig stepped in between them and said "Well, i'm not scared of either of you, so break it up boys, come on."

"only thing i'm gonna break is his hand!" Ryan growled as Dan copied his growl.

"Should we step in?" Dee said to the bear. "Y'know, separate them?"

The bear looked down at Dee and said "You get the dingo, i got the wolf."

The camel instantly stiffened up as he recognized the voice. "M-Master?"

"Call me Horscht now." the bear said. "Now lets go get those two away from each other b'fore the Human freaks an' bails."

"Yessir!" Dee affirmated, saluting him. They walked over to them, Dee behind Dan, Horscht behind Ryan. In a team effort, Horscht held Ryan in a bear-hug as Dee struggled to keep Dan at bay, away from the werewolf. Kraig just stood his ground between the two. Ryan struggled against the bear's hold until he got tired and groaned in disgust like a dog would. Dan, on the other paw, was trying a lot harder than Ryan to break free of the camel's uncanny strength, so Dee decided to put Dan in a sleeper hold, and right when he moved to do it, Kraig caught him and said "Uh-uh, don't do that, camel." Dee had to obey Kraig's order, and just held Dan tight. Kraig walked over to Dan, whose eyes were bloodshot by now from straining against the camel, and whispered sweet nothings in his ear, making the dingo go limp in Dee's arms, and Dee almost fly backwards from the sudden lack of force. I looked up at Ryan, who was still in the pool, but now he had his arms folded on the rim of the pool, his big canine head laying on top with a grin on his muzzle, looking at the trio, Dee, still holding Dan, who looked to be almost comatose, while Kraig was talking to Dan in a sweet voice, trying to make him forget about his near-clash with Ryan. Ryan noticed me staring at him and simply grinned before apologizing. "Sometimes our instincts like to get the better of us." he said. I nodded, before looking at the bear, who smiled and winked at me before padding back to Dan.

I was caught off-guard as Ryan licked my face with his long lupine tounge.

"I love you, Ryan DuBon." i said.

"Love you too, Mikey." he replied as we went back to hugging for about two seconds before we were interuppted by Dan saying "Yeah i feel betta, hon, thanks.", followed by Kraig replying "Welcome, dear."

Once again we broke the hug and saw Dan and the others come up and Dan asked "So, as Kraig was sayin', Ryan, you guys don't mind havin' us over tonight, do ya? Ya know," he shook his body like he was dancing,"have a little 'fun'?"

Ryan turned to Dan with a look that said 'Seriously?', and said "Well, since the whole crew's here, ah what the hell? We're cool with it!"

"Gnarly, mate." Dan said in his thick aussie accent. "Coz i got somethin' ta show ya guys."

"Loike whot?" Ryan said, mocking Dan's accent. Dan just rolled his silver-greenish-jade eyes and shook his head, before he said "I taught the bear a few tricks."

"Loike...?" Ryan said, now making fun of Dan.

Dan ignored it and continued. "Loike... Okay, it's easy if i show ya. Cum on everyone, Simon Says 'Strip down and get into the pool now', then."

Ryan covered my eyes for me as everyone got naked and got in, save for Dan and Horscht, as Ryan pulled me close to his huge muscley frame as we sat (from Dan's point of view) on the left. "Good idea, Ry. Now then, Simon Says 'everyone find your mate and pull him close'." He looked at everyone. "Roight then" he said under his breath, "Lessee... Mikey and Ryan, Dee, Kraig, hmm... Noone find their fuck-buddie?"

"Only pairs here are me and Mike, Dee and the bear, and you and Kraig, man." Ryan told Dan.

"Hmm, ya gotta point there. Okay then, Horscht, wait for my sig." Dan said, before stripping down and climbing in next to Kraig as Ryan pulled his paw from my face."Wait a minute, this ain't roight. Dee, be a dear and get between us an' them." Dan said, pointing his thumb at us. Dee shuffled to get between us, probably to keep Ryan and Dan away from each other as i turned toward Ryan so as not to see the camel's butt.

"There, now. This is roight."

"Whatever, Goldilocks." Dee said as Horscht padded up to the pool, clothesless except for his underwear, which was housing some massive equipment, and put his paws on the rim, looking at Dan for a signal, when Dan said "Ready everyone? Ready Horscht? Okay, Horscht, letter rriipp, mate! Everyboday, mouths open!" in a growl.

We all opened our mouths as we saw Horscht grow to the size of a pickup truck and, making choking noises, he lurched foward as gallons upon gallons of hot bear slime poured all over us, burying us in Horscht vomit.

After the puking stopped, Ryan was the first to come up for air, pulling me up with him. He was about to lick me clean before Dan ate his way out, Kraig doing the same, and with his maw full of bear puke, said, "No need for that, mate, We'll let Horscht do that." as i noticed the bear was back to his normal size. 'Size-shifter' i noted in my head. 'cool.'

Ryan raised his eyebrow. "How?"

"It's anutha one of the tricks i taught'im. Simon Says 'everyone outta the pool, then, front and centah'."

We pulled ourselves from the slop and got out, front and center, like he said.

"Now then, Horscht has the ability to- Well, it's basically being swallowed alive, but without the death and digestion. Now he's more of a, ah, 'washing machine' as you blokes call it here. And i've trained him to keep his throat open to make sure that you don't suffocate while you're in him, as well as some other stuff i'll leave out 'till later."

"And who's first, then? Dee asked.

"Why, the 'uman, of course!" Dan said. Ryan put a paw on his face and his mouth had a look that said 'oh, crap'.

"Hold, up. What?!" i exclaimed in surprise.

"No worries, it's safe. Why, i've done gone through him more than a few times myself. You can trust me, mate."

"Are you sure it's safe?" Dee asked, raising his arm.

"Yeah, Dan, is it?" Ryan said, protecting me.

Dan sighed. "Foine. I shall now demonstrate Horscht's ability to be used as a living washing macine." With that, Dan and Horscht turned toward each other before Horscht grew to the size of a large elephant.

"Whoa," i said as the vomit-covered Dan was picked up and gently placed on the giant bear's tounge. "Macro." Dan must've heard it, as he said "not quoite. But just as large as a bull African Elephant! All rightie Horscht, do yer thing, mate." before sliding down the bear's throat and into his stomach. Horscht then grabbed his now huge gut containing the dingo, and moved it in circles, tossing around Dan inside as we heard him grunting and laughing. For a bear, he had to have had a thin hide to be able to hear the dingo sloshing around in him. After about five minutes in the bear, he told Horscht to throw him up. Horscht made retching actions before coughing up Dan, his fur wet, but clean. Everyone, save for me, 'ooh'ed at the sight of dan being undigested before Horscht raised his arm containing the dingo far above his head, Dan jumping off one of his fingers like a diving board before diving back into the bear, who now shrank to about the size of an appaloosa horse times two.

While Dan was in the bear's gut for the second time, we saw an impression of his paws and face as he asked "Should i come out the way i came in, or go all the way through him?"

"Go down low mate!" Dee said, snickering.

"Got it." Dan said. "Right, Horscht, open the gates, then."

Horscht then turned around and ripped off his underwear like Party Boy's velcro pants, before getting down on all fours and pushed the dingo out through his ass. "Ooh, oh , heheheehee, that tickles!" Dan said, going through the bear's system.

We all watch as the bear's balls shook violently, meaning Dan was at the colon. Dan came out, feet first, from the bear's loose hole, and once they touched the ground, Dan was fully out of the bear, tail and all, and Horscht was back to normal size again.

"Wait a minute." Dee said, walking over to Dan, sniffing him. "He doesn't stink like bear shit, he's clean!" he said, walking back to us. We looked at Dan, his fur gleaming in the artificial light. "'Kay, moike, yer next!" Dan said, waving at me.

"If you don't wanna do it, just let me know and i'll take your place." Ryan said to me.

"You're the best, Ry, but i'll be first." i replied.

"Now or nevah, mate!" dan shouted.

"A'ight, les do this." i said as Dan whispered something to Horscht, using both paws to cover the side of his mouth that was facing me. Horscht then grew to the height of a standard door, before picking my naked body up and asking, "Head or Tail?"

"Tail." He then placed my butt on his rough but smooth, sandpaper-like tounge. "Werda advice, mate. Make loike yer on a water slide as you go down, you shuld know how." Dan said, putting his arms like King Tut on the lid of his coffin. I nodded and copied his action as i slid down Horscht's throat, before i hit his uvula and made him puke in his mouth, all over me again. I heard Dan laughing his furry ass off as a punch landed, followed by Dan landing flat on his back with an "OOF!" and a weak "ow."

'goodbye cruel world', i thought as a joke to my current predicament as Horscht swallowed me down with his powerful throat muscles, massaging my cock enough to make me cum, and as i slid down, i licked at the spot where it was, getting a loud chuckle in return, as i slid further down, and finally dropped into the bear's stomach, where i found myself sitting in more bear puke up to my chest. "Damn, bear, you're a fuggin' puke machine!" i said to Horscht, knowing he would hear me as he replied by shaking his gut, shaking me around. I honestly could not tell up from down, as i felt part of his stomach push in, in the shape of a paw.

"How's it in there, mate?" Dan asked.

"There's more bear puke in here!" i half shouted.

"Horscht?" Dan asked the bear.

"On it." he replied, before i felt him walking, stopping and then his stomach pushed up as both the puke and i were evacuated through his mouth, the trip up faster than down, as i landed in cold bear slime. i instantly scrambled to regain my bearings before a big paw scooped me out of the stuff. I cleared the shit from my eyes and opened them to see Ryan's face.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Who got the bright idea to dump me in the soup?" i said, finding my sense of humor better than normal.

"Soft landing?" Ryan chuckled, licking my face clean. We turned to see Horscht, in his normal muscular size, with a hose up his tailhole, being pumped with something that looked like Windex to the point where it was literally coming out of his mouth, much like my experience with Ryan, except in his case, it would be classified as 'projectile vomiting', as the stuff flew out like Larry the Cable Guy in that one 'gravy place' skit. I traced the tube back to the bike, where i noticed it had a sidecar, and the sidecar had a tank of what was being pumped through Horscht, as i looked at him, it was as if he was enjoing the high pressure liquid going through him, i snuck a peek at the bruin's cock, which was dribbling with pre, trailing a line to the ground.

"Okay, i've run him through with bile; He's good for anutha go."

"Hydrochloric acid?" i asked.

"Looks like someone's got his brains sorted out. But it's the same strengh as what's inside'ah you, pal." Dan said, moving to poke my belly with his finger, before Ryan quickly targeted the digit, and tried to nip at it, inches from my body, making Dan pull it back. "Yoick! what's up yer arse, mate?"

"A lotta shit that i'm gonna make you eat if you keep it up." Ryan said with a laugh as he stood up.

Dee overheard this and simply shouted "Dan-ger Alert!". Ryan looked at the camel, relieving himself on a tree.

"Hey, Camel! Knock it off!" Ryan shouted to Dee.

"What? Just taking a piss, dude."

"Yeah, on my territory!"

Dee just let out a "Chuh" and resumed his 'duty'.

I looked at Horscht, who decided not to cover himself; rather displaying his full pride and glory to whoever decided to look. I then turned my focus on Dan.

"So, Horscht, how's that bile taste?" he said to the bear, who was padding toward us, holding his now- full gut.

"Ohh, kinda funky, Dan. I think sumthin' might've gotten--" Horscht groaned before his dam burst with full force, puking so hard, there wasn't a spot on any of us that was dry, as he shot the warm acid all over us like a geyser. After about two minutes he was completely empty. The camel, still next to the tree he was marking, looked in amazement as the bear spat a few times, wiping his mouth.

I was literaly stunned at what just happened: the bear puked acid on us, yet, it didn't burn, or melt, for that matter. I opened my eyes to find Ryan doing the same. "RAARGH!" Ryan growled. "WHAT THE HELL, MAN?!" he shouted.

"Well,sorrey, mate." Dan defended himself. "That part of the brain's unpredictable."

"Yeah, like what i'm about to do to you!"

"You guys! Break it up already and call a truce!" the fox said, annoyed. "Otherwise, what of the human? Have you no respect?"

The three of them continued arguing as i slipped past their radars and over to a patch of grass that wasn't 'dirty', if you get the meaning, as Normal Horscht decided to follow me. Dee decided to join us as well.

"Sorry 'bout that, mike. Sometimes i cant control that part of me."

" Is okay. i wasn't predicting it either."

"Bummer." Dee chimed in. I looked at the camel questioningly until he came up with the excuse "I know the Road Rovers, so when you said that, i knew--" i cut him off. "Yeah, right. Dude, their show lasted only one season."

"Wait." Dee said, before sniffing me. "Ew, what th-" i managed before he grabbed my arm and licked it and smacked his rubbery lips. "Really, it's only as strong as my piss."

"Seriously?" i asked before licking my lips as he did. In fact, it wasn't strong at all. Really, it tasted kinda sweet, with the actual bile taste being as strong as orange juice, with as much sting as a lemon.

"Huh, not bad. Kinda like a Sour Punch Straw."

"Really?" Horscht said.

"Yeah. In fact... i think i'll have a second go through you."

"Awesome!" the bear said as he turned to the other three. "Hey, Ry! Kid wants another go! You cool with that?"

Ryan stepped away from Dan, flipping him off in the process, walking towards us. "Yeah. If you let me do some stuff while he's in ya."

"I getchya." Horscht replied, then looked at me and asked "How big you want me to get?"

"I'll let you know. First let's try it as you are right now." i responded. Ryan watched as Horscht picked me up with little difficulty, and asked 'head or tails' again. i gave him my first answer, tails. Horscht then opened his maw as wide as it could get in his normal form, trying to put me in feet-first like the last time. Unfortunately, i couldn't fit, so Ryan saw this and said "Half a foot, Horscht." He then grew to that half foot and tried again, with only my feet going in. "Let's try foot and a half." Horscht grew again, before my legs went in to the knees. Kraig, seeing us, ran up with a tape measure and measured me at the shoulders. "Seven inches wide, Horscht. with your current size you should be able to gulp him down." And gulp he did, Using his throat muscles once again, easily pulling me back down, the feeling unmatched by anything else, yet. I felt my feet touch the stomach floor, and as my head went past the sphincter going to the stomach, i dropped down, experiencing the feelings i had the first time i went in, but now without the puke. Horscht's throat was still open, proving Dan's boasting, and i looked up to see the bear pointed his mouth toward one of the lights Ryan put up in the trees, before i felt Horscht ask, "So, how does it really feel like?"

"Like... Being in a sleeping bag, a 'mummy sack' almost." Ryan chuckled at my humor. "'Cept it's warm, and moist."

"Loike a fine-tuned piece of-" the fox cut Dan off. "You mean, like taking a shower in a mummy sack?"

"What is with you guys tonight?" i asked before Horscht rumbled, Wanna go out the back after we're done?"


"You get squeezed out his ass." Dee finished for me.

"Sure." i said as i felt Horscht go down to all fours, and i flopped on my belly as he went horizontal. It didn't take me long to figure out up from down, before something blocked the bear's maw, and something warmer than my surroundings flooded the bear's gut. It smelled like...

"Aw, man." i muttered as some got in my mouth, making me spit. After a few seconds the torrent of piss stopped, and the appendage removed itself, allowing the bear to take a deep breath, flooding his gut with fresh air.

It took me awhile to identify the scent when something pushed against the bear, pushing me facefirst into the urine, swallowing a bit of it on accident. "Ugh- wait..." i said to myself, identifying the piss' scent. "OH, come on!" i half shouted as Ryan mounted the bruin's face, and came on command as if taking my words for a cue. I was suddenly flooded with werewolf urine and cum as his fire-hose cock stopped after a short while.

"'Kay, bear, start shaking!" i heard Ryan say, followed by the bear shaking me around as if he were dancing around like he had to piss. I was shook up for a good three minutes before all the liquids were absorbed by the bear. I started to think ' Oh boy, not good." If the bear accidentally absorbed me right now, well, whatever happens, happens. Luckily he didn't, and just moved me down the line toward his bottom. It felt warm and weird at the same time, the intestinal walls pushing and pulling on me. The small intestines were indeed small, but not tight, constricting movement to a few inches, but i remained still and went along for the ride. At the rate Horscht was pushing me towards his rear end, i almost fell asleep as i felt the sphincter to the large intestine going past me, the sudden transition from small and tight, to large but the bear kept his slimy grip on me as i was pushed into his colon, and the bear stopped, to let in a reverse fart, pushing bits of fresh air up to my head to breathe. I then felt Horscht ask "Ready?" I tried to project "Yeah" to him, but then he said "Just wiggle around a bit for 'yes'."

I did just that, wiggling around like i was a cock in there, before my feet passed out of his butt, being licked by someone. Being kinda ticklish, the licking sent jolts of electric-like feelings to my dick, which was spurting again as i was pushed out all the way, closing my eyes just in time for my head to pass through his anal ring so as not to be flooded with light once i came out, opening them just a little to see Ryan, with his cock out, but limp.

"How'd it feel?"

"Weird... but in a good way."

"Wanna go through again, but in reverse?" Dan asked.

after a quick pause to catch my own breath, i replied "yeah, but could we make it go a little faster? I almost fell asleep in there."

The bruin behind me just chuckled and said "You got it."

"By the way, how long was i in there? Felt like an hour."

"Yeah, 'bout it." Dan said looking at his watch, hidden under his fur. "Fastest time would be a couple of minutes when he's macro. Then it's really loike a water slide!"

"I'm down with that, but we'll save that for later."

"Ready?" Ryan said, his cock back up to full hardness again.

"Oh, yeah." i replied as he gently sat me down on his length.

"Yeah, this is about to get good." the bear literaly spoke with his ass before opening up as ryan gently pushed me into the bear's ass as it pulled me in with little trouble as Ryan pulled out of me, pumping his cock in the bear's butt as Horscht stopped pulling me any further. I felt Ryan go faster before he hilted and howled as he flooded the bear's heinie with his seed, the pressure forcing it up my ass as Horscht clamped down on both me and Ryan, and out of my mouth like last time. Ryan made sure no cum leaked out of the bruin's hole as he pulled out and replaced his cock with a dildo that had a knot on it. "Don't you dare pull it out, mate. just clamp and shake!" i heard Dan say outside, as Horscht clamped down above my head and on the dildo stuck in him, and opened up the area i was in, allowing me to move around a bit. 'Dang, if only i had night vision.' i thought, trying to hold my breath in the jizz.

For some reason, i felt kinda funny, like i was gonna change or something. I felt Ryan's cum coagulating around me, making it stick to me, before i felt it connecting to my head and forming my ears as my human ears receded, then it conformed to my whole body, creating my fur. 'maybe the first time through the bear was enough.' i thought. I usually had a knack for taking things a bit too far, but then i remembered the 'MythBusters' motto- 'If it's worth doing, it's worth over-doing'. I thought about that for awhile, letting myself wonder about how i'd look after this, before i heard ryan say "I think he's had enough now. Mikey, you okay in there? You want out?" i wiggled a bit letting Horscht know. "He's saying 'yes'."

"Okay, let's get'im outta theah." Dan said, removing the dildo my feet were touching. "Slow or fast?" horscht asked, Dan replying "Fast, mate, fast!" I felt the bear's guts squeeze around me, forcing me out with all the force he could muster, landing me in the pool of slime. I rose up and said "Horscht, for doing that..." The bear looked afraid, fearing he did something wrong, before i continued. "I thank you." He let out a sigh (or a belch) of relief, his giant bear butt shrinking. "Awesome. I thought i accidentally-" he said before Ryan cut him off. "Okay, bear. My turn!"

I got out of the slop and shook myself off as best i could, getting some on the bear on purpose. "How do i look?" i asked.

"There's a mirror on the door if you wanna check yourself out." Ryan said as he was picked up by the bruin. I walked over to the house, looking at myself in the mirror. All the change i saw was just the fur and ears, if nothing.

"Mission control Houston, i think we have a problem!" i shouted over to Ryan, who was waist deep in the bear. Hearing this, he tickled Horscht's uvula any way he could, before Horscht spat him back out, shooting him out like a cannon with just enough force to let Ryan do an effortless backflip before landing on his feetpaws. He then walked over to me and asked "What's up?"

"Man," i said, "i thought i was gonna change into something more like you. Now i just look like the '41 version of 'the wolfman'!" i pouted, another thing i barely do.

"Or the new version." Kraig said trying to cheer me up. Dan raked his mate with a puzzled look. Kraig noticed and said, "I saw the movie while you were gone, hun."

Ryan and i stared at each other in the mirror when Ryan said "It's okay, you still look handsome to me."

"Jeez, Horscht, what'd you do?" Dan asked the bear.

"Nothing, really." he replied as Ryan walked over to the two.

"Just how potent are you, really, Ry?"

"You mean my right hook or-"

"Yer sperm, mate." Dan whispered.

"Trust me, it's enough to convert anything." then he leaned closer to Dan and whispered "Look, i'm holding back until i'm sure if he's comfortable about going through with it. Right now, i'm giving him a little... taste, if you will."

Dan licked Ryan on the nose, making Ryan reel back in half-shock at what the dingo did. "Gah, your breath smells like-- "



The Dream That Turned Real, Part 3

The Dream That Turned Real, Part 3 This part resumes in First-Person, meaning i'm writing from my point of view, but from a third person angle. I woke with a start, as i heard the alarm go off at 6:00, spazzing out and landing on the floor on...

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The Dream That Turned Real, Part 2

(REVISED 8-10-11) The Dream That Turned Real, Part 2 By Triple xXx Werewolf For Second part of my 'Adventure'. Rules from the first part apply here. Time in-story, right after part 1, is 7:58. We were still hugging, kissing, and...

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The Dream That Turned Real, Part 1

(REVISED 8-10-11) The Dream That Turned Real by Triple xXx Werewolf for Note: the characters in this story are mine, no ripoffs, or i'll eat you. It was 6:00 at night and i had just downloaded a 'Garth Brooks' album off the 'net. I...

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