Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep12
Lemme go pick out a good song," panja said as he went over the karaoke machine and checked out the songs list available.
Aggretsuko After Work
Haida and fenneko boisterously entered the karaoke bar and asked for a room already before a sheepish retsuko entered behind them.
My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 9
But anyways, the fellas are inviting me to go on a karaoke party! that's so cool!
JTB ch5: Crossroad
Seiya: "karaoke! let's got to a karaoke place!" jun: "of course that's what you pick!" seiya: "ah, what's wrong with that~? you like karaoke anyway, yeah?" mitsuki: "and junjun's a really good singer.
Charm City Champion Chapter #1
It started when two navy veterans had retired and after coming back home, wanted a place to relax and do some karaoke after having been stationed in japan.
Karaoke Night - Chapter 10: Conclusion
#10 of karaoke night sonic the hedgehog and company sing songs during a karaoke event in a mobian teahouse. chapter 10 is written from the pov of the unnamed emcee. "such an awesome last song, eh? this concludes our event for the evening.
Chapter 12:Answers and Field trips Part 2
Ian teased (in a friendly way) ian and luan walked to the public restrooms that are behind the dinning hall talking about karaoke night.
Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 10
Now on to karaoke!" she picked up her pace and started to drag sage heart along until he caught up to her pace. the karaoke bar wasn't nearly as packed as most of the places they had passed along the way.
The karaoke bar, in contrast, seemed too much like the closed-down deli.
Musical Revelations
Retsuko entered the karaoke bar, the same one she went to, the same one she'd wailed screaming lyric after lyric.
To Wish Upon a Star ~ CH 2
It got quieter downstairs, in the lounge area of the club, where there was an open bar and a karaoke station set up in the corner. having already lost track of kerry, brian sat himself down on one of the lounge couches, listening to the karaoke singers.
Friends LIke These Chapter 5 - The Karoke Party
#5 of friends like these tje slow burn begins it wasa cool evening for once aftera heat wavepummeled the midwest. all six of them were on the bus heading to their favorite watering hole for karaoke night.