Sonic Forces Three-Way Fun

Story by DarkWolf79 on SoFurry

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#23 of Story Commissions

While the rest of the resistance is away, Charmy and Ray need something to keep them entertained. Lucky for them, Tails is still around, and Charmy knows from personal experience that the fox is more than willing to have some fun, even if he doesn't want to admit it.

Commission for MobianBirb

"Come on, Tails! We're bored!" whined Ray.

"Yeah, come on, man. Take a break and come play with us, the game works much better with three people."

Tails waved them off, eyes still focused on his computer screen

"Ray, Charmy, I really don't have time for that right now," he said typing away at his keyboard as he spoke. "I have to finish setting the parameters for the next round of simulations. If you're that bored go find something else to do and let me concentrate."

"Seriously, buddy, do you ever stop working?" asked Charmy. "Lately it seems like if you're not out in the field on a mission, you've just stayed locked up in your lab working day and night."

Tails sighed. "Look, it's not my fault you two were told to stay behind and it's not my job to keep you entertained. I told Sonic that I'd do my best to come up with a way to counter the Phantom Ruby, and I'm going to make it happen. Unless either of you want to risk fighting someone who can alter our perceptions of reality with no way to stop him from doing it."

That shut the other boys up, even sending a shiver through Ray's body. The squirrel was especially fearful of the effects of the Phantom Ruby, and its jackal wielder, Infinite. He'd had a run in with the villain, and while he had luckily escaped physically unharmed, it had taken him a couple of weeks to recover from the mental damage the jackal had inflicted. Ray refused to talk about what he'd been made to experience, but it clearly hadn't been pleasant. Which explained why he'd actually been the only one of the three to volunteer to stay behind. Something that Mighty had been all too happy to agree to.

The Resistance had gotten word that Eggman had launched another attack on a nearby city; Infinite had been spotted there as well. Most of the senior members left to try to put a stop to it. Tails had tried to go with them to back up Sonic, but the blue hedgehog had insisted that Tails stay behind. The fox might have been the most experienced of the younger members, but he was still too young for Sonic to be willing to let him risk going up against such a dangerous enemy. Tails had protested, but Sonic had asked him to stay behind, to help protect their base. Tails was the most familiar with the base's automated defenses, having designed many of them himself. If they came under attack while the others were gone, he'd be needed more here than in the field. Reluctantly, Tails had agreed, having learned a long time ago to trust Sonic's judgement when it came to things like this.

Charmy, on the other hand, had put up much more of a fight to be allowed to go into battle. Vector and Espio had said much the same thing Sonic had, that Charmy was too young to fight Infinite. Though no one said it, it was clear that what had happened to Ray had affected the older resistance fighters, and they weren't willing to risk their young friends' safety by sending them into battle with the ruthless jackal. Charmy's anger had devolved into a full-blown tantrums which did nothing to help his case. Vector and Espio had to threaten to lock him in a cell if that's what it took, and eventually the bee did as he was told, however unhappy he may have been about it. It probably helped that Tails was staying behind as well - if the experienced fox was being told to stay behind, he didn't feel quite so bad about missing out on the action himself.

Of course, it didn't help when they received a call from another town not too far away that was in need of aid, though thankfully they weren't under attack. Amy and Espio, along with Cream and most of the other younger members went to help the town, while Sonic, Vector and the others made their way to the city to deal with Infinite and Eggman. Charmy was once again denied a chance to go, but this time Espio told him that, because this situation would likely be far less dangerous, it was a good opportunity for the younger members to get some field experience, which the bee, fox, and squirrel each individually had more than all the new recruits combined.

And so that left the three of them alone to watch over the base until the others returned, doing their best to stave off any worry or boredom in the meantime. Tails had retreated to his lab to continue his research, and Charmy and Ray had tried to occupy themselves with playing whatever games came to mind, but they quickly grew bored of being stuck here alone. That had led to the pair storming the fox's lab, demanding that he join them so they'd have more options to keep themselves entertained.

"Alright, fine," said Charmy. "You make a good point. But do you seriously have to spend the next who knows how long cooped up in this lab."

Tails typed in the final series of commands, leaning back in his chair as the program began running simulations, compiling the data for him to review when it was complete.

"Charmy, it's going to take at least a few hours before these simulations are finished."

"You mean you're going to have to sit here and watch a screen that entire time?!" exclaimed Ray.

"Of course not," said Tails. "That would be super inefficient. It'll keep running by itself until it's finished. Which will give me time--"

"To play poker with us!" said Charmy, grabbing Tails' wrist and pulling him out of his chair, stumbling along in the bee's wake as he was dragged out of his lab.

"What? No! I was going to say that will give me some time to work on--"

"On keeping your friends entertained! Come on, a little time out of the lab with your buddies won't hurt you. A little socializing will do you good," said Charmy.

"You and I both know I socialize plenty," snapped Tails.

"Then a little more won't be a problem. Right Ray?" asked Charmy.

"Right!" said the squirrel.

"Okay, okay, fine!" said Tails, pulling his wrist out of Charmy's grip. "But on one condition - when we're done, you guys have to let me get back to work in peace. Deal?"

"Deal!" Said the bee and squirrel in unison.

Making their way to the bunk room the three boys shared, Tails sat on the floor, leaning back against his bunk as the other two sat across from him. It had taken some additional convincing to get the two-tailed fox in here, but he'd relented once he'd been allowed to patch the security feed into his small workstation in the corner to let him keep an eye on things and make sure their secret base wasn't discovered by any uninvited guests.

Charmy shuffled up the cards and started dealing, and soon their game was underway. They didn't have much money to spare for bets, but they made do with what they had, mainly time spent on some of the more boring and tedious chores around the base that no teenage boy would want to do even at the best of times. This continued on for a while, but there was only so long the three of them alone could keep the game going before it started to lose its appeal. At least, that's what Tails had been thinking, right up until Charmy opened his mouth.

"Enough with all these chores," said Charmy. "Why don't we really make this interesting?"

"And what exactly did you have in mind?" asked Tails.

Charmy grinned impishly. "Now we'll play some strip poker instead."

"What?!" exclaimed Ray.

"You can't possibly be serious," said Tail. "Don't you ever think with anything besides what's between your legs?"

"Sure I do, but right now I'm bored, I'm pent up, and I can't think of any more games," said Charmy. He looked from the fox to the squirrel and back again. "What's wrong, boys? Afraid you'll lose and be stuck in nothing but your fur 'til the others get back?"

"What do you mean 'until the others get back'?" asked Ray. The squirrel's yellow fur had shifted to a brilliant pink at the strength of the blush burning his face at what the bee was suggesting.

"That's the rule for tonight. We'll still keep betting like before, but if you lose the hand, you lose some clothing. And anything you lose stays off until security spots the others coming back. You boys in?"

Tails shook his head. "Charmy, you can't be serio--"

"I'm in!" said Ray. At the sight of the look of disbelief Tails was giving him, he blushed even harder. "What? It sounds like it could be fun. You've got to admit, seeing the losers stuck being naked for a while would be pretty funny."

"Well, we'll see if you still feel that way when you're the one left with his ass hanging out," said Tails.

"Does that mean you in?" asked Charmy.

"If I say no, is there any chance you two will leave me alone so I can get back to work?"

"Oh, I think we both know the answer to that," said the bee.

The fox sighed heavily. "Fine, fine. Deal me in."

And so the game was underway. Tails lost the very first hand, and with it his first piece of clothing. Unzipping the blue coverall suit he'd been wearing in his lab, he opened it down to his waist before pulling off the plain white t-shirt he'd been wearing underneath, tossing it aside. Amazingly, Charmy lost the next two, losing his bomber jacket and the orange shirt he wore under it until only his black pants remained, leaving both the bee and the fox bare chested. Apparently, this was too much of a distraction for Ray, who lost the next hands back to back, losing his shirt and his jeans, leaving him in nothing but a pair of tight purple boxer-briefs that hugged the curves of his legs, and left very little to the imagination with the way they snugly cupped the bulge in the front of his underwear.

"Careful, Ray," teased Charmy. "Lose another hand and I'll be staring at that cute yellow butt of yours for the rest of the night."

"I haven't lost yet!" said Ray. "And hey, aren't you cheating? You're wearing more clothes than me and Tails were."

"How do you figure that?"

"You've still got you pants and you underwear, and you've already lost twice!"

"What underwear?" asked the bee. "I'm going commando."

"You are not!"

Charmy smirked. "Beat me in another hand then and prove it."

But it was Charmy who won that hand, but rather than Ray, it was Tails who wound up losing his coveralls, leaving him sitting there in nothing but his red and black plaid boxers. And despite a valiant effort, by the next hand, he'd lost those as well.

"You know Tails, if you wanted to get naked that badly, I certainly wouldn't have stopped you," said Charmy, as the fox got to his feet. "You didn't have to pretend to go along with the game, you could have just whipped it out in your lab."

Tails shot Charmy a withering look as he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his boxers and shoved them down and off, tossing them with the rest of his clothes. But if Charmy had been hoping for a show, he was going to be disappointed.

"Uh-uh, hey, not fair, man!" said Charmy. "Stop covering up with your tails, that's cheating!"

"No it's not," said Tails, sitting back down, his twin fluffy tails wrapped around him and resting in his lap, blocking his most interesting bits from view. "The rules were that I had to get naked. We didn't say anything about letting you take a peek."

"You just embarrassed that you lost."

"I am not."

"Well, I know you're not covering up because you've got a problem with me seeing you naked. That's never stopped you before," said Charmy.

"Before?!" exclaimed Ray, looking back and forth between the other two boys. "He's seen you naked before? Why?"

"Correction - we've seen each other naked," said Tails. He turned to Charmy. "Stop trying to make me sound like some kind of pervert."

"And to answer your question, Ray, we've seen each other naked because growing boys like us have needs that we can't always take care of by ourselves."

Ray's yellow cheeks burned pink as he blushed at the realization of what Charmy meant, his own fluffy tail wrapping around him.

"You mean... y-you mean the two of you have... have..."

"No, we've just helped each other out a few times. Just jerking each other off, you know, nothing that major."

"You should hear the sounds Tails makes when he cums," said Charmy. "Foxy over here can be pretty noisy in the sack."

"I told you to stop trying to make me sound like some kind of pervert, Charmy," said Tails. It was clear from the way they were twitching that his tails would have been lashing around him if he weren't using them to cover himself right now.

"Nothing wrong with enjoying having your dick played with," said Charmy. "And quit trying to act all innocent, Tails. You and I both know how perverted you are when it matters."

"No, I'm not!"

"Really?" said Charmy, smirking. "Say, you got any new footage we can watch?"

The bee's words were enough to stop Tails in an instant, a bright blush spreading across his face as he glanced at Ray, hoping the squirrel wouldn't ask the obvious question.

"What footage?" asked Ray.

Damn it.

"Why, from the hidden cameras, of course," said Charmy. "Our little voyeur over here installed hidden cameras in the showers to film his own little peep shows."

"That was your idea, not mine!" snapped Tails.

"True, it may have been my idea, but I don't remember hearing you complain the other day when you were cumming all over my hand watching Sonic work one out in the showers." Charmy tossed down his cards. "In fact, all this talk of cocks and cumming has me hard. Why don't we watch some of the footage we got?"

Tails sighed. "What the hell. I'm in. At least that way I won't be the only one naked. Hard to feel embarrassed when everyone else loses their clothes too."

"Embarrassed, right. Keep telling yourself that, foxy." Charmy turned to Ray. "Well, Ray, you in? Nothing wrong with some friends getting off together, right?"

"No, I guess not," said the squirrel nervously.

"Good," said Charmy. "Course, that'll be easier once you take off your underwear."

"You first," said Ray. "Or is this just a trick to get me and Tails naked?"

"It's not a trick, though I absolutely want to get you both naked," said Charmy getting to his feet. "Besides, these pants are getting a little tight."

Unbuttoning his pants and lowering the zipper, Charmy quickly shucked off his pants, revealing that he had, in fact, been going commando during their game, his semi-stiff cock springing free and quickly rising to full erection, the black length standing proudly, Charmy showing no hint of shame or embarrassment at the pair of eyes locked onto his cock. Now that he was no longer the only one naked, any problem Tails had with being seen seemed to fall away, just as his tails relaxed, falling away to reveal his own erection.

Ray got to his feet as well, his large tail still wrapped around him, but Charmy stopped him before he could reach for his underwear.

"Not so fast, Ray" said the bee. "Get your tail out of the way so we can see the goods. It's only fair, since you can't seem to keep your eyes off of ours."

Blushing furiously, Ray hesitated for a moment before giving in, his tail moving out of the way to reveal the tent straining the front of his boxer-briefs, the purple fabric pulled tight against the head of his cock.

"Well, someone's more excited for this than he let on," said Charmy. "But your dick has the right idea, Ray. No point in keeping him cooped up when he's ready for some fun. If you're nervous, we'd be happy to take them off for you." The bee grinned impishly.

"No! No, I-I can do it."

Hooking his fingers into his waistband, Ray pulled them down, getting a grin from Tail and Charmy when his penis sprang free, slapping against his belly before falling back to stick out in front of him as he stood up, each boy eyeing the other two. Tails and Charmy, being quite familiar with each other's dicks at this point, focused on Ray, while the squirrel's eyes danced between the other two. He was glad to see they were all the same size, about five and a half inches, a respectable size for boys their age. Besides the color, their cut lengths looked very similar. Tails and Ray were each an enticing candy-pink, the foxes white-furred balls of a similar size to the yellow-furred orbs of the squirrel, while Charmy's penis and sac were both the same black that covered so much of his body. Each boy's hand drifted to their dicks as they looked each other over, thinking of the fun they could have with each other now that Ray knew about what Tails and Charmy had been getting up to behind closed doors.

The trio moved over to the other end of the room, where a couch and a small entertainment center were set up for use on their time off. Charmy flopped down on the center of the couch, and Ray sat on his left side as Tails pulled up some of the video they'd captured and set it to play on the tv, sitting down to Charmy's right as it started to play.

"Oh, this is a good one," said Charmy, already reaching for his stiff cock as he watched the action play out on the screen.

It started off with a view of the empty shower room, but it didn't stay empty for very long. Vector walked in, a towel wrapped around his waist that was quickly discarded, tossed casually over a hook on the wall off to the side where it could stay dry and out of the way. All three teen cocks grew even harder at the sight of the naked crocodile, Ray even gasping quietly at the sight of the bigger male's cock, and the way the crocodile stepped under the steaming water while unashamedly jerking himself off with smooth, steady strokes, working himself up to full erection before really starting to get cleaned up. The sight of the baked hunk jerking off and running his scaled hands all over his body had the three boys stroking themselves as well, eyes locked on the screen, not wanting to miss a second of the action.

Vector was partway through his shower when someone else walked into view of the camera - it was Silver, the pale furred hedgehog stopping just outside the showers, wrapped in a towel and blushing. Vector turned to greet him, a sly grin on his long muzzle as he nodded at Silver's towel and said something, while his erection pointed straight at Silver. The hedgehog removed his towel and hung it next to Vector's, and as soon as he did the reason for his blush became clear - the silver speedster was sporting and erection of his own, similar in appearance to that of Tails and Ray, though a bit bigger thanks to the age difference. When Silver hesitated, Vector stalked over to him, grabbing the shorter male's penis and using it like a leash to guide him over to stand under the shower head, getting the hedgehog thoroughly soaked before picking him up and pressing his back to the wall, Silver's legs wrapping around the crocodile's hips as Vector kissed him so hard he was practically shoving his tongue down Silver's throat, the crocodile moving his hips back and forth, grinding his soapy cock against the hedgehog's, making Silver squirm and moan.

Moans that were echoed by the boys as Charmy reached out and wrapped a hand around each of the stiff, pre-leaking cocks on either side of him, grinning as the fox and squirrel squirmed in pleasure at his touch.

"Ah, nothing beats having a pair of juicy cocks to play with," said Charmy, thrusting up his hips and drawing their attention to his own aching length. "Come on, you two, don't leave me hanging here. There's plenty of me to go around."

Tails rolled his eyes, but reached over to cup and rub the bee's black balls, leaving Ray to have his first experience with touching another boy's cock as he wrapped his fingers around Charmy's penis and started stroking him, hesitantly at first, but with growing confidence as the bee moaned and thrust into his touch.

The boys' stroking and teasing only grew more intense as they watched what had happened in the showers. Vector had spun Silver around, his large scaly hand wrapped around the hedgehog's waist, as he impaled the smaller male on his cock. Silver's back arched as he threw his head back and moaned, his body rocking and pressing into the wall's cool tiles as Vector starting humping him, pulling that toned runner's ass back to meet his hips, their balls slapping together with every thrust. After a few minutes of this, Vector buried himself balls deep in the hedgehog before twisting Silver on his cock, turning him onto his side and raising one of his legs over Vector's shoulder, wailing in bliss as the crocodile grabbed his pink penis and began to furiously jack him off, hammering away at his ass as he did so, grinning wickedly at the way the smaller male squealed and squirmed as he was brutally, thoroughly fucked by the big, buff croc.

With a final cry, Silver came, his cum coating Vector's fingers as he continued pumping the hedgehog's cock, milking every drop he could out of those silver-furred balls. The tight ass milking his cock pushed Vector over the edge, and he came as well, hilting himself before pumping the pleasure-drunk male in his arms full of hot crocodile cum, his load spilling out onto his hips and over Silver's ass, being far too much for his body to hold.

Being covered in cum was a problem the boys soon had as well, the sight of two hot men in the throes of orgasm triggering their own, their hands, chests, balls, and bellies covered in cum as they emptied themselves to the pleasant stroking of each other's cocks.

"Damn, I needed that," said Charmy, wiping the cum off his hands and onto the other boys' bellies. It wasn't like they weren't messy already. Glancing down at the other two, he saw that they were all still hard. "You know, our little home movie gives me an idea."

"Do I even want to ask what kind of pervert thoughts you're thinking?" asked Tails.

"I was thinking, how about we have one more hand of poker," said Charmy. "For the ultimate stakes."

"And what stakes would those be?" asked Tails.

"Simple," said Charmy, grinning a wolfish grin. "The lowest hand puts out for the others. I don't know about you two, but I think it's about time we got to feel something a little better than our hands wrapped around our cocks. What do you say?"

"You mean... if I lost, I'd have to suck your dick?" asked Ray.

"Damn right you would," said Charmy, waving his cock at the squirrel. "But on the other hand, we've each got a two in three chance of getting a blowjob. Better odds than going out and looking for one from somebody else. What, you two aren't scared of sucking some cock, are you?"

"You know what, fine," said Tails. "This time, I'm calling your bluff. You want to gamble for sex, then let's do it. But when you're on your knees sucking my dick, I don't want to hear any complaining."

"Like I'd ever complain about getting a chance to suck on that tasty looking cock of yours, foxy," said Charmy. "But that goes both ways. Neither of your boys better whine, unless of course it's because you don't want me to stop."

"Shut up, Charmy." Tails snatched up the deck of cards, quickly shuffling them and passing them to the squirrel. "Here, Ray, you deal. I don't want bee-boy over here trying to pull anything just so he can get his rocks off again."

Ray quickly dealt out the cards, the squirrel every bit as eager as the others for a chance at sex, his erection throbbing in time with his heart as he picked up his cards and took a look at what he had to work with. Their final game didn't last long. With nothing left to bet, they only had one round of swap-outs before a winner was decided. It was pretty damn close - two of the boys each only managed to get one pair, but one of them had a pair that was just a little bit lower, and now it was time for him to pay up.

"You've gotta be kidding me," said Tails flatly.

"Looks like fate has spoken," said Charmy, clapping Tails on the back. "And fate says it's time for you to suck some dick."

Knowing that there was no way in hell Charmy was letting him get out of this - not with the prospect of getting his first blowjob - Tails sank to his knees as Ray hurried over to join Charmy, his hard cock bouncing as he moved. Having had more than enough experience with his hands to know what felt good, Tails grabbed each of the other boys' cock, stroking them slowly as he decided how he should start.

Tails leaned forward a gave the head of Charmy's cock a lick, cupping the whole thing with his tongue before slurping over it, making the previously cocky bee gasp as Tails worked his tongue over the black length before moving back to the tip and swallowing the bee's cock. He was surprised to find that he was able to take most of Charmy's length into his muzzle, leaving only an inch or so outside to be squeezed and stroked by his hand.

Tails bobbed on Charmy's dick a few times, pressing his tongue firmly against the underside as he did, before he slid the now spit-slick cock out of his mouth and turned to Ray, giving the squirrel's delicious pink penis the same treatment he'd given Charmy's. Ray was even more vocal, moaning loudly at the feeling of a warm, wet mouth sliding over his cock, and whimpering in disappointment when Tails stopped and returned to servicing Charmy. The fox continued alternating between Charmy and Ray, stroking one cock while sucking the other.

While Tails couldn't deny that he was quickly falling in love with the taste of cock, his own was begging for attention, stiff and throbbing between his thighs and completely ignored until he'd finished paying off his bet with the other boys. Getting an idea, Tails gave Ray's cock a parting suck before pulling back, but when he didn't immediately go down on Charmy again, the bee was quick to speak up.

"Hey, why'd you stop?! You're not backing out of the bet now, are you?!"

"Relax, Charmy. Don't you think if I was going to back out I'd have done it before I started sucking you off?" asked Tails.

"Tails, please," whined Ray, his blushing face and leaking cock only adding to the neediness of his voice. "Please don't stop yet, I'm so close."

"Turns out you're a natural cocksucker, buddy," said Charmy, thrusting into the fox's grip a couple of times. "With a mouth like yours, it won't take much longer to get us off. Unless maybe you're enjoying yourself so much you want to drag this out?" He added, smirking down at the fox kneeling before him.

"To tell you the truth, you two do taste pretty good. And don't think for one second you won't both be paying me back for this later. But I don't have all night, and sucking you off one at a time isn't going fast enough for me. So how about we try this?"

Using each boy's penis like a handle, he pulled them closer together and turned them to face each other, so that their cocks were pressed together, before Tails opened his mouth as wide as he could, and somehow managed to get the first couple of inches of both cocks in his muzzle at once, suckling and slurping at them with his tongue while his hands furiously pumped each slick length as quickly as he could.

"Oh, shit, Tails! You really are hungry for cock, aren't you?" moaned Charmy.

Tails responded by running his tongue over the heads of both cocks in a series of furious licks, suckling on the leaking cocks while he pumped the shafts with his hands. Stuffing as much into his muzzle as he could, Tails sucked hard, moving his hands down to cup both boys' sacs and tease between their legs with his fingers. That little extra step was enough to set both of them off, the pair crying out as their balls jumped in the fox's grip.

Tails' mouth as quickly filled to capacity, and he pulled back, swallowing the generous load of their mixed cum, Charmy reaching down and grabbing both his and Ray's penises, pumping and milking them to paint Tails' face, leaving the fox covered in streaks of warm, white cum. When they finally stopped, Tails leaned forward, kissing the head of each boy's penis and licking it clean, getting the last drops of their cum for himself.

"Oh my... wow," said Ray, panting for breath after his orgasm, his knees shaking just a little.

"Shit, you've got one hell of a mouth on you, Tails," said Charmy, scratching the kneeling fox behind the ears. "Can't wait to find out how good your other end is."

"What?" asked Tails, looking up at the bee.

"You heard me," said Charmy. "Why don't you turn around and lift those pretty tails of yours so Ray and I can find out how nice that foxy ass of yours feels? And don't try to tell me you don't want to try riding a dick," he added, as Tails tried to protest. "I know about your secret stash of toys. If you've been playing around with dildos that big, you can definitely take us."

"Wait, he has what?!" exclaimed Ray.

"Oh yeah, foxy here has quite the collection," said Charmy. "Is that why you went along with hiding the cameras, Tails? To get so footage you could use to make toys based on our friends." He turned to Ray. "I know for a fact he's got one he modeled off of Sonic. Walked in on him using it once. And you should have heard the things he was moaning while he was bouncing on it. 'Oh, Sonic, you feel so good. Please, fuck me, fuck me harder!' It was adorable."

Tails' face was redder than Knuckles' fur, and the fox looked like he was about to die of embarrassment.

"You promised never to tell anyone about that!" shouted Tails.

"I won't tell anybody, Tails, I swear!" said Ray. Though the bee's story had easily raised the blushing yellow squirrel back to full erection.

"Yeah, Ray's a good boy, he'll keep his mouth shut. Especially if you let him try out some of your toys," said Charmy. "But first, I think the best way to keep us quiet will be to let us help you try out the real thing."

Recognizing that there was probably no good way out of this, Tails took a deep breath to steady himself before getting to his feet.

"Fine," he said. "But only on one condition. The two of you are going to help me out with some of my research when we're done. And we won't utter a word of this to anyone else in the base. Do we have a deal?"

Ray nodded his head eagerly at the idea of getting to have sex with the cute fox. At this point he'd be willing to agree to just about anything.

"Deal," said Charmy. The bee moved over to sit on the couch, spreading his legs and patting his lap. "Now why don't you come over here and go for a little ride."

His ears pressed to his head in embarrassment, Tails walked over to the couch, but before he could climb into Charmy's lap, the bee grabbed his hips and spun him around, spreading his furry cheeks with his thumbs as he guided the fox down, the tip of his cock pressing firmly against the fox's pink tailhole before starting to sink in, gravity and his arms working together to do the job of working him under the other boy's tail until his crotch was flush with Tails' cheeks. Leaning back, Charmy wrapped his arms around Tails' waist to pull him with him, the fox's white furred balls resting on top of the bee's black ones as Charmy pulled him down to grind into the fox, enjoying the tight feeling of another boy's ass gripping his cock for the first time.

Charmy's moans were echoed by Tails, the fox whimpering in pleasure as he finally got to experience a real cock inside him. Not one of his toys, as impressive as they were, could match up to the feeling of hard, hot flesh stretching him open. But if he thought this was the extent of what he'd be feeling tonight, he was wrong.

Tails squeaked in surprise as Charmy grabbed his legs and pulled them up, leaning the pair back until the fox's knees were at his chest, exposing his tight tailhole stuffed full of the bee's black penis.

"Come on, Ray," said Charmy. "There's room enough for two."

"Wait, WHAT!?" exclaimed Tails, as Ray stepped forward and knelt down, pressing the head of his cock against Tails' stretched ring.

"You said it yourself, buddy. We don't know how long we've got until the other's get back. And you promised to bottom for both of us. So unless you want to risk getting caught, this is the quickest way to pay up on your debt," said Charmy. "Besides, the two of us can't be much thicker than that Vector toy I saw you using last week."

Tails tried to think of something to say to protest, but any words he might have said were lost to loud moans as Ray pushed forward, slowly building up the pressure until Tails' body could fight him anymore, and his slipped inside the fox's tightly stuffed tailhole, sinking in until his balls were pressed up against Charmy's, and Tails' cock was matting the squirrel's belly fur with pre. The pair gave Tails time to adjust, but soon they started to move, slowly and steadily, thrusting in and out.

None of the boys had ever felt anything so intense. For Charmy and Ray, the tight foxhole squeezing their cocks would have been bliss enough, but the feeling of their cocks rubbing against each other as they moved had them leaking heavily in seconds. For Tails, it was almost even more powerful, the feeling of two cocks stretching his backside, alternating their thrusts so that one of them was hilted under his tails at all times, pummeling his prostate without a break.

As inexperienced as they were with actual sex, none of them lasted more than a few minutes. Tails was the first to reach his peak, the constant assault on his prostate and his own long ignore erection being tickled by the fur on both his and Ray's bellies soon had him covering both of them with his cum, throwing his head back and yiffing loudly as he came, writhing in pleasure between the other two boys.

The sights and sounds of the fox coming undo, coupled with the way his ass clenched down so hard on the pair of cocks inside him pushed Ray and Charmy over the edge. Hilting themselves inside Tails, the pumped the squirming fox boy full of cum, each of them emptying their balls until they had nothing left to give, the three collapsing into a panting, cum-soaked pile as they tried to recover from such intense orgasms, their hearts racing as they enjoyed their afterglows.

"Shit," said Charmy. "I knew that would feel good, but... just... wow..."

Ray raised his head wearily. "I don't think I can walk. My legs feel like jelly."

"Imagine how I feel," said Tails, his head resting against Charmy's shoulder. "But a deals a deal. So you two better rest up now, because as soon as I get the use of my legs back, it's time for you two to start paying up."

"Already eager for more, huh?" asked Charmy. "Don't worry, Tails. I think I speak for both of us when I say you can use are cocks as much as you want."

"Good to know," said Tails. "But after this, I'm going to want a little more than just your cocks."

Charmy chuckled. "I think that seems fair. So, what did you have in mind?"


Charmy moaned into his gag as he Vector thrust into him, his small as stretched to the limit by the thick length of crocodile cock ramming into him. The bee squirmed in the croc's grip, those large hands wrapped around his waist, pinning his arms to his sides as the big green brute used him as little more than a cocksleeve. His feet kicked in the air below him, toes curling as Espio swallowed his cock, that long tongue wrapping around his black length and suckling him slow and hard.

The trio weren't alone in the showers. Nearby, Ray was getting a similar treatment. Hands cuffed behind his back, a ballgag kept his moans and whimpers muffled just like Charmy's as he was bounced on Knuckle's cock, the squirrel's knees held to his chest by the muscular echidna. Ray's squeals grew even louder, despite his gag, as Knuckles reached down with one hand and grabbed the boy's penis, milking it with expert skill until Ray came yet again, painting the wall with his cum.

The older males were merciless, and their stamina had no limits. The boys had lost count of how many times they'd been made to cum, but it never seemed to be enough for the one's ravishing their young bodies, each orgasm just driving them to push the boys that little bit more they needed to cum again.

Sitting in his favorite chair in his lab, Tails sat back gently, his ass quite sore from the unexpected pounding he'd taken, but he grinned to himself as he watched the feed play out on the monitor, enjoying watching his friends living out their fantasies of getting ravaged by their older teammates.

And it was a fantasy. A fantasy Tails had full control of thanks to the rigs each boy was currently strapped into. An energy field kept them suspended in the air, their positions matching those of their virtual selves on Tails monitor. A VR rig has secured over each boy's head, and a ballgag had been stuffed in each of their mouths to keep the noise to a minimum. Not that Tails didn't enjoy the sounds they made, but it was much easier to work without hearing them begging for more or for mercy, as the case may be. A dildo was working under each boy's tail, and a tube had been secured over their cocks to collect every last drop of cum as their penises were milked with steady, gentle suction.

Watching his friends moaning and squirming and cumming was bringing life back to Tails' penis. Standing up, he ignored the ache in his backside as he walked over to Ray, pressing a button that retracted the arm holding the dildo and removing the tube surrounding his dick, Ray whimpering as a feeling of emptiness filled him, before squealing and trembling in pleasure as it was quickly replaced by a hot fox cock buried balls deep inside him, Ray's plush tail tickling Tails' balls.

Tails played with the other boy, gently stroking over his furry sac and running a hand over his belly as the squirrel panted, his heart already racing from the machine's attentions.Tails loved the way Ray's bits twitched at the feelings he was giving him, and the way his tailhole squeezed down on him as the fox ground against him. His hands soon dropped to the squirrel's hips, gripping him firmly before he started to move.

Fucking another boy's ass was even better than Tails had imagined it would be. He started off slow, watching his cock disappear into that firm yellow ass, before pulling and back and watching all over again. He quickly started to pick up the pace, using his hands on Ray's hips to bounce the squirrel on his cock, enjoying the feeling of a tight, hot ass around his cock, and the way the other boy's penis waved in the air and slapped against each of their bellies in turn as he moved.

Much like his friends earlier, Tails wasn't able to last very long. The feeling of another boy's tight ass around his cock was just too good, too incredibly pleasurable for the experience to continue anywhere near as long as he would have liked. The boys came almost at the same time, Tails burying himself to the hilt beneath Ray's tail, pumping the other boy full of his seed before pulling out and milking his cock, adding his own cum to the mess Ray was currently making of himself.

"Oh man, Ray, your ass feels even better than I thought it would," said Tails, pumping the other boy's penis with his hand, the other moving to play with the squirrel's nipples, making the oversensitive cutie squeal around his gag every time Tails teased the head of his cock. Turning to look at the bound and helpless bee, Tails added, "Don't worry, Charmy. As soon as I'm done with Ray, I'll fuck you, too. But when it's your turn, I won't be taking the dildo out. We're going to find out if you can take it as well as you dish it out. Doesn't that sound like fun?"

The fox's words seemed to cut through the immersion of the simulated fucking, Charmy moaned in need, his body jerking as he came once more.

The boys were in for a long night. One that they would never forget.