Nightwalkers, Part 5

Story by Darkfang Magus on SoFurry

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#5 of Nightwalkers.


By: Darkfang Magus

Part 5


Night 6

At the bound woman's feet, a dark form sleeps, if you could call what the shadow does sleeping. Writhing amid strew boards on the cold grimy concrete, he intermittently spasms letting out tortured howls. All parts of his body are burned, some places down to the meat and bleeding where cracked skin had given way. The man, the animal, seems to exist in a state of perpetual agony.

Through the long daylight hours, she had remained bound in a standing position with hands above her head, limbs long since gone numb. Muddy water runs down from the warehouse's rafters as a storm rages outside. The water leaves dark streaks on her despondent form and mats the shadow's remaining fur where he lies. Claws raking the air wildly, he sits upright as she stares with terror stricken eyes. His own seem milky and blank in their sockets a product of the extreme heat he had endured the night before.

Seeming to smell rather than see her, he faces the cringing woman. No words come from the shadow's mouth, but her mind is filled with his agonized screams nonetheless. Is it a form of telepathy? She cannot be sure, but feels as if each moment of the sound is breaking what sanity she has left.

The shadow's mouth bends in a monstrous grimace as he studies her. What side of him that might have held reason is unable to penetrate this horrific pain, nor the hunger which eats at his belly. Only the feral animal stands before her. Wounded, burned, beaten, and shot, the animal refuses to die even when his humanity has regressed to near nonexistence.

He pads toward her, licking his chops, tail swaying smoothly-ears laid back. His teeth shine even in the dim lighting available. Long fangs, the teeth of a tiger. Another step and he is close enough to touch her. Still able to see partially, he gases at her slender throat bared above naked breasts. Blood pulses strongly as her heart races. Panicky she kicks at him.

Deftly he dodges, a low growl of displeasure rolls in the otherwise silent room. Icy shivers go down her spine as she hangs helpless before the beast. The growls are low now; gleaming eyes track the rocking movements of his prey. Hunger, it must be sated. This the animal knows all too well. His tail sways once more before he lunges.


The clumsy rustle of squeaking rats wakes the stranger from his slumber. Their ropelike tails grase his cheek. A tightness in his abdomen makes him curse while rising. Brushing the dirt from his nude form he examines the room. Soon his eyes are drawn toward the skittering vermin. Several fat stinking rodents crawl among the pieces of flesh that lie in a pool of blood beneath the still wet carcass above them. Though the body is no longer recognizable (god no, not again), he can identify the victim nonetheless.

The stranger splays shaking hands over his eyes, let it be a dream, just another horrible nightmare, but the evidence is all too real. I have no love for them, but... Only a monster could do such things... Only I. The stranger's cracked nails bite into the still tender burns on his face

"Animal! Monster!"

The stranger peeks between scarred fingers, and knows she speaks of him.

"You have no place in this world."

He knows she speaks, though the lifeless body has nothing resembling a face.

"Would be better if you were dead!"

The stranger falls to his knees, "no, please" his voice small-childlike.

"I and so many others would be alive, happy, and raising families."

"If I hadn't lost my family this would be different", he protests.

"How do you weigh your one against the many? You sick freak!" She seems to scream at him, though he knows she cannot--dead bodies never speak to people, only to him.

There are pistols scattered on the floor. The stranger picks one up and holds the grip in his hand hard enough that it squeaks. Still, he find no comfort, there is nothing here that a mere bullet could hurt.

"Leave me alone!" he turns to run. Without direction, he charges from the warehouse just wanting to be free of the insinuating voice, but it follows him. No matter how fast or far, he knows running from one's self to be an impossible task. Mockingly the yellow moon laughs at him.

He becomes the shadow now, running hard--running till his chest seems ready to burst and still he goes maniacally. Overcome by the stress and pain of it all, he falls hard. Violently ill he retches, and then gasps for breath while his paws flex involuntarily showing their claws.

Amid the bile, he sees what could only be a painted fingernail. Sickened, he crawls to the other end of the rooftop before falling flat on his back. A light mist of rain peppers his face as the clouds move in covering the moon's mocking face. Yeah, go ahead and hide, I'll be right here when you want to take me on, he shakes a clawed fist toward the sky as the last sliver of moonlight disappears in black clouds.

The pistol is still in his hand. He stares mesmerized at the cold blued steel. He is so afraid, so confused. Right now though, he is much less afraid of death than living this hell. Slowly, the stranger cocks the hammer on the gun. So easy. His hands shake slightly. He turns the gun and aims it at himself. A sparkling raindrop splashes on the barrel and he looks into the depths with wonder. He is too afraid. So long has he lived this life. Not even much of a life, but rather a half life. It is the dark side of him that always comes back into control, this part, the old him, is but a small piece of the whole. This piece, the stranger, the one who has time to think about the consequences of his actions. This part was crippled and has been dying since his family was taken away so many years ago.

The stranger is tired, and finally sees how to end it. He is the one, the only one who can bring justice to the shadow. He has the power. The shadow, the wild and violent part of him; the animal. How many had he killed? It is time. It must end.

The stranger breathes softly. He has accepted his fate; it will not be much different to be dead and lying still or to be dead and trapped in a body you cannot control. I am sorry, Kitty. I know that every part of me loves you, but this shadow which consumes me only intends to use you. I wish I could be there for you, but I cannot trust myself. The stranger knows that whether this is right or wrong it makes little difference, the world will go on. He has nothing more to add. At least I can make this city a little safer by removing one of the dangers.

The stranger sees a hint of the accusing moon through scattered clouds. Emotionless, he slides the gun between his teeth and turns it upside-down so it points slightly upward. Better do this right, don't want to have to pull the trigger twice. The barrel is cold in his mouth and the taste of gun oil sickens him. Under that taste, there is the taste of steel. It tastes very much like blood. The rain is getting harder. Perhaps this storm will be able to wash things a bit cleaner.

With a soft exhale, the stranger wraps his finger around the trigger and squeezes. He does not hear the gunshot. He does not feel the pain. It is over in an instant. Easy, perhaps humbly, the stranger dies.

In the coming day, some vagrants find a warehouse that they describe to the authorities as something out of a horror film. Three mutilated bodies and an assortment of guns are analyzed. The incident is attributed to organized crime. In response to questions about the state of each body, wild dogs are quickly assumed to be responsible.

In their current safe-house, Kitty and Quicksilver lie low. They have no reason to fear being found, but it is obvious that they cannot stay near the city perpetually. For the time though, they hide amid their pursuers, a place Quicksilver believes the agency least likely to look.

"Silver, do you think we will make it?"

"I don't know, I just don't know."


Night 7

The Shadow awakes. His life is agony. Every moment is composed of pain. He cannot see, but he can feel the sting of heavy raindrops on his chest. Coughing wetly, he tries to inhale. It is a laborious effort but he tries again. Just as he gets a good breath, his body convulses in torment. The sound that escapes his lips is somewhere between a scream and a roar.

The shadow opens his eyes, and can faintly see out of the left one. Gasping, he sits up. The world spins and he digs his claws into the cement to stay steady. He can vaguely tell that he is on a rooftop. Reaching around, he finds a metal object. It feels like a pistol but he can't see well enough to distinguish it.

Hacking and snarling, he spits congealed blood from his mouth, along with several temperamental insects. The dried blood coating his fur makes it stick up unnaturally in patches. The inside of his mouth is torn, and his head is pounding. By blinking twice, his vision is cleared somewhat. The smell of blood is overwhelming, and as he breathes a trickle more runs from his nostrils. The shadow looks down at his body where red blood practically disappears into his dark fur.

Still confused, he looks back at the gun. What the fuck? Did somebody shoot me and run off? It doesn't matter though. The beast does not have time to wonder about the past right now he needs to focus.

Standing unsteadily, he limps along. Who did this? There is only one target that makes sense. The people he calls "The Agency" the ones who had been hunting him for years. Angry and trembling with animal bloodlust, he begins to focus. Kitty, yes. I must find her; they are after that girl as well as me. It is time, it is time I hunted them...

Coughing, the shadow walks over to the ledge.

"Yes, must keep her safe. That would be good. That might keep me sane long enough to finish this."

He sniffs the air, nostrils flared in flehmen. The aroma is weak perhaps a mile away. He takes one step then stops, she would be better off if our pursuers were slightly misdirected. He looks over the edge, watching throngs of people mill about. If I catch one of those spooks, I might even be able to figure out where the whole lot of them is holed up. He smiles ferally; everyone is in for a big surprise. In his twisted psyche, all thoughts of his earlier transgressions are forgotten. The smile widens and his eyes glow a soft red, let the fun begin.


Kitty hums happily as she brushes her hair. The television remains set on CNN as per Quicksilver's orders. Kitty would much rather be watching a movie, but her companion seems determined that the NEWS might help them survive. "Quicksilver, can I change the station for just a wee little while?"

"No", the lioness' answer it flat and final. The kind of reply that doesn't leave time to argue.

Kitty figures she will try again in the next ten minutes, her resolve can't last forever... I hope.

Quicksilver busies herself by setting out all their supplies. Each gun is soon cleaned, and oiled. Quicksilver is getting the gun oil out of her nails when Kitty pipes up again.


"Leave it alone Kitty."

"I think you should see this."

Quicksilver turns around. The little jaguaress is pensively staring at the broadcast.

*Though no official report has been released, on the incident at this time, our office has received one amateur video. We have no idea what to make of it, be warned, the scene you are about to witness may be disturbing to our more sensitive viewers.* The anchorman cuts away and then a home video is shown, likely from some hand-held camcorder, due to the shaking. A small crowd of people waits at the bus stop with the cameraman and someone who seems to be his girlfriend.

The scene explodes into violence when the bus is bodily lifted from the street and flung into a nearby building. Over thunderous explosions and shattering glass, the cameraman's girlfriend shrieks at the creature that stands before them. His body, seeming to be made of an anti-light, is illuminated by fiercely glowing red eyes. Thick trails of smoke roll from the monster's nostrils as he growls. The video is cut off at this point, presumably due to the cameraman's attempt to flee for his life.

"My god... was that Shadow?"


Far above the chaos, a man's kicking feet dangle. The shadow holds him around the neck, claws biting deeply.

"WHERE ARE THEY?!" His voice is inhuman, each word seeming to be formed from a roar.

"I'll tell you okay." Trembling hands grasp the shadow's outstretched wrist. Never looking his captor in the face, the agent reveals all the knowledge he has.

The beast grins wide, fangs bared. "I suppose you want me to let you go now".

"Yes, for the sake of all that is good."

"Who ever told you that I was good?" his voice is without emotion. The tiger shoves his arm forward letting the agent's throat loose. Curiously, he watches the ever shrinking form till it comes to rest a hundred feet below. Rage begins to fade along with the glow in the twisted creature's eyes.

"You can't resist it".

The shadow doesn't even look toward the disembodied voice behind him, "it wasn't for me. It was for Kitty".

"Don't delude yourself. How can anyone not crave such energy?"

"There is a difference between craving and giving in." His arm begins to tremble slightly.

"Continue to resist and it will mean your death."

The shadow's dark fur fades back revealing his normally gray underbelly as he steps further from the edge. Tremors course his body now, making him unsteady.

"Use this gift before it is too late."

"What you call a gift, is a curse. To die now would be better than to live as that mindless creature."

"Don't delude yourself about who the creature really is." The voice then becomes silent; much to the shadow's relief.

"I have to finish this. After that. Nothing matters." I just hope I have enough time left. Still unsteady, he heads toward the stairwell. I should destroy the office right now, but... I'll just make sure Kitty is safe before I head out. A couple hours spent helping her might just give these fools enough time to get organized back at their base of operations; making them that much easier to round up.


Ears twitching attentively, the shadow breathes deep, testing the still air for Kitty's scent. The skies are now calm, though rivers wash out every gutter in the city. Her aroma hangs heavy in the air, drawing him as unrelenting as if a cable were tied around him pulling ever closer to the succulent feline. The shadow absently digs at his fur, like dandruff the bits of his once burnt skin are flaking off leaving a fresh layer underneath. Though in the meantime, he looks mangy and miserable. The shadow, conflicted as he is, abhors the condition of his fur as only a feline could.

Perched on the side of a large hotel, shadow approaches ihe balcony to Kitty's room. As he nears, the scent of Quicksilver becomes apparent as well. His claws flex eating at the block wall. If she is protecting Kitty, she must be trustworthy. BUT SHE SHOT ME. He carefully peeks between the curtains to find them both sitting on the end of a bed. Though the television is on, they seem to be conversing with each other.

Agitated, the shadow flicks his tail back and forth. The cold concrete under his paws is uncomfortable. He is not afraid of being cornered up here, but rather likes the freedom. Small raindrops patter his nose and he grins. At least with these rainclouds the moon can't watch him. Screw it; I cannot sit here another moment. Moving like liquid black oil, he slips over the side on the balcony.

Upon entering the room, neither of the occupants take notice. He does find it somewhat puzzling that they are both nude lying on the bed. "Quite careless don't you think".

Quicksilver whirls into action before Kitty even realizes what has happened. Her gun, which seemingly has come from nowhere, is leveled at the shadow's face.

"Gonna, try shooting me again, see if it works better this time?"

Quicksilver can feel the words reverberating in her head though his mouth never moves. Her natural suspicion causes her not to lower the weapon.

"I wouldn't mind really, just make sure to use plenty of bullets. Waking up with a shattered face tends to leave me in a foul mood."

Quicksilver watches with curiosity as a trickle of blood leaks from the corner of his mouth.

Kitty squeals with astonished surprise at the sight of shadow, but is immediately sobered by the extent of his injuries. She rushes forward, "you're hurt."

The tension broken, Quicksilver lowers her weapon. "Glad to see you survived."

"Yeah, thanks a lot for leaving me to barbeque."

Quicksilver notes that Kitty doesn't seem to hear the mental conversation he is having with her. He can control the projection. Impressive.

"Ah, a compliment. How nice." He smirks. The shadow breathes deeply, feeling himself immersed in the attractive scent of Kitty, and something else. He narrows his eyes toward Quicksilver, and a deviant smile curves the corner of his mouth. "Well, Miss Quicksilver, it appears that Kitty isn't the only one in heat."

Quicksilver gasps, but retains her composure.

"You're covered in blood", Kitty exclaims laying her hands on his chest. "We need to get ya cleaned and bandaged."

"Forget the band aids", he strokes her hair, "But a bath would be nice."

She eagerly leads him past Quicksilver who has now lain her gun aside. Quicksilver stands silent for a moment and decides to leave the two of them to whatever they want. Right now she needs to think. Head spinning, the lioness sits pertly on the side of the bed.

Ten minutes later, Kitty is leaning over the side of the tub, a big smile on her face. Shadow himself is feeling a bit strange, he supposes that it is happiness, but the concept has such an alien quality.

He growls in a soft pleased way whilst leaning back into the tub and having Kitty gently massage shampoo into his fur. She is certainly enjoying herself, and he finds himself studying her soft lips. He wants to kiss her. No, he wants more than that, he wants to lick her all over and tackle her into a passionate embrace.

He relaxes back down as she cups water in her hands and showers it over him. Once that is done she instructs him to lean forward while she uses a brush to scrub his back. He just does as instructed, enjoying her doting over him.

When he seems cleaned, she drains the tub and Shadow stands. He remains there, tail swaying happily, while she rubs him down with a towel.

"Shadow" she exclaims softly. He looks down to her and sees that she is staring at his very erect penis. The animal urge in him says to take her right now. Hard and fast. He needs it and she wants it. Still, he doesn't move just yet.

Kitty licks her lips, and her hands tremble slightly. He can smell her. It is a sweet smell, something that only the Catrai could detect. Subtle as the scent might be, it has an incredible effect. She looks up at him and he can see a burning need in her eyes. She wants him, more than words could describe.

Full of yearning, he leads her to stand in front of him, and takes her into his arms. They kiss hungrily, and at first Shadow is surprised that he can taste something new on her tongue. It could only be a flavor from the lioness, and as curious as that may be, he hasn't time to pursue it at the moment.

Kitty pulls back slightly. "Silver is right in the next room."

"Don't care" He growls, pulling her back into the kiss. Her body, at first so tense, melts into Shadow's strong embraces. Her lithe form feels so right pressed to his chest. "We are fugitives, animals, hunted, but we are alive. Forget it all and just embrace this."

Before she can reply, he lifts her bodily and steps out of the tub, setting her on the sink. They kiss fierily, long feline tongues intertwined. Starting to breathe heavily, Kitty rakes her claws across Shadow's back. He pushes his knee between hers and she instinctively spreads her legs. The tiger rubs his cheek against hers and hungrily licks the soft fur of the jaguaress' neck.

Kitty mewls low in her throat and flicks her tail about expectantly.

"Shadow... please I don't care, just take me." She wraps her legs behind his back in a desperate attempt to pull his body closer. Shadow does not need any more invitation though; His hunger is one of an animal. It's nothing but a deeply basal desire, something simple, like needing to breathe. He needs to mate with her.

Burning with lust, Shadow thrusts forward. Kitty takes a sharp intake of breath as the tip of his member comes into contact with the soft outer lips of her vagina. She is incredibly wet, and the tapered shaft slides in easily. With a growl, Shadow pushes himself to the hilt within her body. As he embraces her, she finds that she is no longer sitting on the counter but he is holding her in the air whilst they mate.

As they dance, there is no shortage of growls and moans, both from Shadow pumping himself into her hot depths, to Kitty's pleasured mewls as his slightly barbed feline penis pleasures her to extraordinary heights. Bodies tight together, fur to fur, in this moment the rest of the world doesn't matter. They are like animals, but in a pure sense. Right now, they are not simply enraptured in sexual pleasure, they are mating.

Kitty knows she is receptive, she knows that neither of them is using any sort of protection. The jaguaress also knows something else, she doesn't care. When Shadow begins ejaculating into her body, she growls back at him with pleasure, and a sense of happiness. Right now, tonight, she is loving life, and loving her mate.

From the hotel room, Quicksilver glances in at the lovers. She almost feels jealous, but Kitty looks so blissfully happy that the lioness just smiles.

Kitty is still clinging to Shadow as he carries her to the bed and lays her down gently. At this point, neither of them care that Quicksilver is right there. Shadow dismounts and rolls to the side of the jaguaress, then begins methodically licking himself back into his sheath. Still feeling numb, Kitty turns to look at Quicksilver. She puts her hand in the lioness' hand.

"You don't mind do you Silver?" In response, Quicksilver simply shakes her head side to side.

"Hush kitten, just relax for a bit." Feeling warm and happy as she is snuggled up between Quicksilver and Shadow, Kitty purrs and closes her eyes.

Done rearranging himself, Shadow wraps a strong arm around Kitty and holds her against him. Her body is warm and soft, lulling Shadow into a false sense of security. She trust's the lioness. This I can at least tolerate, but if Quicksilver should cross me... No one can be trusted at times like these, not even my own self.

Several hours later, Quicksilver stands at their window. The blinds fail to block the noontime sun which peeks out every crack. Immobile, silent, she considers their situation. Her silhouette leaves a shadow over the far wall. The muted sounds of cleaning crews can be heard through the room's thin walls.

Shadow wakes to the feel of Kitty's face curled under his jaw. His claws extend reflexively to the sensation of someone in the room with him. Breathing slightly heavily, he calms taunt nerves, realizing that Kitty and Quicksilver are not his enemies. The small edge of a smile curls the corner of his lip as he listens to Kitty purr.

Light clicks are heard as Quicksilver lays out her equipment. Curious, Shadow climbs free of Kitty's grasp, much to her discontent mewls as she curls into a ball of fluff on the bed.

"Where did you get all this stuff?"

Startled, Quicksilver drops a handful of .45 rounds. Brass casings ping off the wooden counter before coming to rest mutely on the carpet. Her body becomes transparent; not like glass but like mist.

Shadow stalls when the hand he meant to place on her shoulder passes straight through her, She's not just invisible. She's barely even here. I bet a bullet wouldn't even hurt her.

"Foutre!" she scoops them up.

"we could do it right here".

Quicksilver turns quickly, silver-blue hair whirling past her shoulder.

"So, how bad is it now... The craving."

Quicksilver hears him, but the tiger's lips never move. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!"

"I would if I could see the truth. But you hide your thoughts so well. All but the carnal ones, those are instinct and too powerful for even you. What side are you on?"

"I am helping you and Kitty. Is that not obvious?"

"Show me what remains hidden."

"Will that make you trust me; make you stop flipping through my mind like a paperback?"

"You want peace? Fine, but let me see."

Quicksilver slams the cartridges on the table, and then stares at him. She feels him going places she had thought no longer existed within her thoughts. The urge to resist causes her fingers to clench. Shadow stands closer, laying a hand on each of her shoulders. His eyes have that same eerie fire in them that she once saw on the television. Quicksilver feels faint as their foreheads meet. Her eyes remain locked on his, unblinking. Dizzy, and a little afraid, Quicksilver sinks only to have his iron grip hold her up. Every moment of her life blazes in fast forward. The parents she never knew, the orphanage she hated, and in vivid clarity the first kill. Each sound, smell, and drop of blood lost is relived.

Then it is over. Exhausted, she falls against Shadow, seeming to be no more than a feather in his powerful arms. Quicksilver's hot breath moistens the fur across Shadow's chest, as her heaving breasts push vainly against his rigid abdomen. The heat between them is immense, and under it all is the aroma of Kitty's sex, Quicksilver's sex, and Shadow. Shadow's testicles swing to the beat of her breathing against his body. Gasping slightly, he murrs when the end of his distended prick brushes her soft belly.

Quicksilver can see what is happening, but is too enthralled and confused to resist. They are male and female, at this moment nothing else matters. She hesitantly touches the tip of his barbed shaft; I wonder how that would feel inside me? Quicksilver brings her soft lips close. As her legs spread, the pungent scent of pheromones becomes ever more apparent. Kitty rolls onto her back, purring contentedly to the sensation of semen in her fertile womb.

Quicksilver kisses the tip of the tiger's shaft; Kitty could wake at any moment. Her extended tongue caresses the underside, I have to stop. His balls feel heavy in her hand, she licks them as Shadow pets the back of her head, but I need it so bad. Going back to the top, she gets her first taste of feline precum, and feels her hungry vagina spasm.

Licking the last of it from her lips, Quicksilver stands to her feet. Embracing tightly, they sink into a kiss. Lifting one foot back, she grinds against his groin. Shadow's pulsing cock pushes against her crotch stimulating Quicksilver's vagina. All at once everything feels so wrong but right. Quicksilver doesn't make a sound as her lover breaks the kiss and lifts her up aligning their genitalia in preparation for coitus.

Shadow lets Quicksilver's weight bring her down. His lustful growls are muffled by Quicksilver's desperate hands.

Shadow's rod like a hot piece of steel, penetrates her precious confines. Quicksilver bites her lips suppressing a scream of pleasure. Her claws become wet and red as they dig into his shoulders. His member pulses alive within her as their pelvic bones meet. The wetness around Quicksilver's vagina coats Shadow's skin and drips from his balls.

Gritting her teeth, Quicksilver stares at Kitty, so innocent looking. "I can't", she pulls back, dismounting. Before Shadow can speak, she rushes to the bath slamming the door behind her.

Kitty stands bolt upright at the sound, "what happened? Where's Silver?"

Shadow pets her head, "don't worry love. She just needs some time to think". He leans down kissing her deeply. Kitty can taste Quicksilver on his lips, but doesn't question it as she sinks into his embrace. They roll in wild carnal pleasure tousling the sheets. Kitty's tail moves to the side giving her lover an open invitation as he enters her. His already slick penis easily penetrates Kitty's moist sex.

Kitty mewls loudly, "oh god Shadow".

Curled in a ball and hidden beside the bath vanity, Quicksilver holds her hands to her face. "Why can I not control this? I am nobody's puppet". Sounds of the couple's lovemaking permeate the walls, driving the bathroom's single inhabitant mad with her animalistic lusts. Quicksilver's vagina clenches tightly each time she hears Kitty moan. Tears of frustration run from the corners of her eyes, "Why can't I win?"

Mad with the feelings coursing in her body. Quicksilver brushes her clitoris with a trembling fingertip. The feeling makes her grit fanged teeth, and suck in a sharp breath. Head raised slightly, she watches as one then two of her soft white fingertips dip into the hot folds between her legs. "I need a cock, pulsing with blood and pounding the sense out of me." She make's do with her fingers.

On the bed, Shadow can sense all that Quicksilver is doing. A smile which is more of a snarl, leaps across his face as he pounds Kitty pussy even harder. Kitty's sumptuous breasts knock the headboard with each thrust Shadow makes. Her cheek is then pressed tight to the wood and her fangs flash as she lightly licks the cool surface. Shadow grips Kitty's curvaceous hips tightly as he fucks the jaguar hard.

Quicksilver's hips buck as she delves into the once unknown interior of her sex. Her tongue lies slightly out on her bottom lip, becoming dried with each heavy gasp. The lioness' fingers soon move in time to the sound of her companions' headboard pounding the wall. It is shameless autoerotica, but the only release she can allow.

A vainly suppressed moan slips forth from her lips as their peaks bring her own rush of pleasure. Whether it is Shadow or her own inherent connection to them, she cannot tell.

Hours later, Quicksilver lets the water course down her back as the shower washes away her shame. I am better than this. I will not succumb, not again, not ever! Her mind seems tied in knots, no thought reaching its destination before becoming entwined with another. She cracks the door, cautiously scanning the room. Shadow and Kitty are sitting on the bed, eating something. Otherwise the room is much the same as before she went into hiding.

"Get some food." Shadow yells back, never having seen the door open, but knowing of her entrance nonetheless.

Quicksilver cringes, feeling caught, and briefly fades invisible.

"You can't hide from me. And a little fingering isn't going to hold you back forever."

Get out of my head. I thought we had a deal.

"Would you rather I talked to Kitty about it?"

Quicksilver digs sharp painted nails into the sides of her head, "Argg".

Kitty turns quickly, "Silver!" She joyously leaps from the bed and hands a parcel to the silver furred lioness.

Quicksilver opens it cautiously as Kitty beams. Inside is a large roast beef sandwich. "Where did you get this?"

"Shadow told me it would've been OK for me to getcha something!"

Quicksilver contemplates the dangers of someone spotting the girl, but remains silent. "Thank you Kitty".

The Jaguaress smiles proudly as her silent friend eats.

To Quicksilver, every bite is like the ash of betrayal on her lips.


Over the next day, Quicksilver gets information on the building where Shadow claims their enemy lies. Her mind is trained well for this kind of work, and at times her worries disperse. She goes over the basics of their plan while her companions ready their equipment. "Kitty, do not forget to bring the binoculars. Without them, you will be of little help to us."

Kitty pouts again is response to her part in the plan. "Why do I hafta stay and keep watch?"

Quicksilver rubs her face, drawing long catlike whiskers out straight. "Because that is where we need you. You are our eyes. And, if you even think about leaving your post for a moment, remember that we will be blind." She hands Kitty a clacker, "When I tell you to, use this to set off the distraction explosive I will place on the roof. And please be careful not to use it while I am holding the device." Quicksilver places a larger long range detonator in her own satchel, for use with the real explosions.

Kitty bows her head slightly. Her voice is small, "It still isn't fair."

Quicksilver turns to Shadow. "Got your charges?" She checks his belt, "Good". "Remember, I will set the columns in the western sector, while you take care of the eastern. Once complete, we will regroup in the central air duct. I have no wish to blow you up by setting everything off before you are out because we lost track of each other." She takes a moment to check the charge level on their headsets.

"Quicksilver, could you run it by me again why we don't just give you all the explosives. Then you could turn invisible and walk right in."

"I cannot project much more than my body. Two bombs max. Have you any idea how long it would take to set the whole building at that rate. Someone would find out." She closes her eyes letting a deep breath into her adrenalin filled lungs. Her reflective eyes gleam as the painted lids open.

"It is time."

To Be Continued...