Part 7: The Grand Melee

Story by Andre Valias on SoFurry

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#7 of A Bloody Name

I'm officially back on schedule, so here is Part 7 of 'A Blood Name'!

After the Emperor decreed the Argonians must fight for their lives in the arena, Bloodies swears to his egg-kin they'll survive and protect each other. But can they hope to compete against the trained warriors waiting for them in the pit?

'The Emperor had a priest of Akatosh beaten close to death? That's... Unthinkable!'

Bloodies put his cutlery together on his polished-off plate and set it aside. 'I thought so too, especially when we had been taught that we must "serve and obey the Emperor",' Bloodies responded solemnly, 'I didn't know how Cirro felt in his faith, but I-- I faltered... I was angry at Akatosh because I believed he let Leovic hurt Cirro, and that he protected Leovic from justice.'

'Is that what drove you to fight? Out of spite for a god?'

'I couldn't bring myself to pray to Akatosh afterward,' Bloodies replied, 'and the more I fought, the more I hated him.' He took a swig of his goblet this time and exhaled. 'I guess you're right; I fought that day like nothing else because I believed Akatosh had left us to die.'

'Good citizens of Cyrodiil City!' Emperor Leovic began his address. The people in the stands stopped conversations as though the Emperor commanded the very power to compel them to silence. 'I wanted to thank you all for coming here today, for you will all be witnesses to a grand spectacle. For the next three days: you will witness carnage, you will see blood spilled upon the sands, and you will observe as your great gladiators compete for the highest honour,' the Emperor continued, 'the triumphant victor of this competition will receive not only a generous battle purse from the Imperial Treasury, but more importantly they will receive the great esteem of being named a champion of the Ruby Throne!' The crowd cheered at this moment. 'So, let your voices be heard. I, Emperor Leovic, bid you all welcome to my Coronation Cup!'

As the start of Emperor Leovic's address could be heard through the grates, Bloodies and Gaius carried Brother Cirro and laid him upon a bench where one of the physicians assessed his condition. As they left the physician to his work, Bloodies stepped in Gaius' way.

The stern Blademaster did not push through him this time, but his stoic expression accommodated Bloodies' insolence. 'What do you want from me, Redface?'

'You could have stopped this,' Bloodies accused.

Gaius' frown dragged at the corner of his mouth. 'I wasn't going to risk losing my head for some priest,' he replied, 'it may surprise you but the only things I worship are blood, battle and money. Remember that, kid.' He immediately barged Bloodies against a column before passing by and out of the bloodworks. Bloodies leaned with his back to the column, looking toward Brother Cirro lying on the bench. He thought about what Gaius just said; the way he looked as well when he was around Emperor Leovic, and then the way he held his voice to tell the Emperor that he had an engagement. Bloodies couldn't help but feel like Gaius, for all his unflinching demeanour, did actually care. After a moment, he went to go check on Kero.

Bloodies remembered the first time he and Kero talked. It was years ago: Gaius had told Kero to move boxes of gears down into the bloodworks, but because Kero was not as big or strong he was having trouble doing so. Bloodies came over to help him, and even bore the brunt of Gaius' tongue lashing afterward. Kero had asked Bloodies why he helped move the boxes.

And Bloodies remembered his answer. 'Because you looked like you needed help.' While not as close as Fleets or Lulu, Bloodies considered Kero a friend and Kero thought the same of him. He still called him 'Blood' though because it made Bloodies look tough.

'Kero...' Bloodies murmured as he approached. Fleet was there cradling and consoling a sobbing Kero in his arms. It was looking on him there and then, Bloodies realized how Cirro had taken the brunt of a beating that would have destroyed Kero. While Cirro bore injuries sustained by plated gauntlets, Kero only suffered the Emperor's bare hands and still his scales were bruised. His tears streamed through particles of dirt he was forced to pick up on his face when the Emperor cast him down like a rag.

'I-I... I'm n-not ready, Blood...' Kero stammered, 'I-I don't wanna fight.'

Bloodies knelt and laid a hand on Kero's back. 'It's okay, Kero. Everything's going to be okay,' he reassured him, 'I'll protect you.' Kero sniffled again but he stopped himself from crying by wiping away his tears. Bloodies then looked at the other Argonians, who looked scared themselves. Even Lulu had a seldom-seen look of concern. 'We're going to protect each other,' Bloodies added, with even more confidence this time. He could see their worried faces ease as he spoke and Bloodies smiled.

The other Argonians stayed with Kero while Bloodies and Fleet went to find Gaius. They entered the armory where he was putting what looked like scrap pieces on the arming table.

'What are those?' Fleet asked.

Gaius turned his stony gaze to them and shrugged. 'They're your weapons.' Upon closer inspection, they did look like they were once weapons, but they were chipped and battered. The Argonians were to be given the broken weapons they normally had melted down.

'No way,' Bloodies responded, 'you have weapons and armour you give to regular pit dogs, you're not sending us up there with this garbage.'

Gaius' brow furrowed like normal but Bloodies could see his head stagger slightly. 'And why shouldn't I?'

Bloodies grinned. 'Because you worship only three things, remember?' he replied, 'Blood, battle, and money.' Gaius tilted his head now that Bloodies brought it up. 'You send us up there with good gear, and we'll be your underdogs for the gamblers.'

Bloodies and Fleets learned plenty about how the arena bookkeepers played their games. Whenever they or the other Argonians were sent up to help the betting table collect money, they were always witness to how they calculated odds. While numbers were not familiar to the slaves, the way the bookkeepers spoke about the battles and who they wanted to win was perfectly clear. And they knew the arena loves a good underdog.

Gaius' expression shifted in a way that was akin to a smile crawling onto someone's face. 'You know that only works if you know what you're doing,' Gaius said, 'otherwise you and the rest will end up dead, and we lose money while I have to fix whatever you break.'

Fleet walked over to the weapon rack and pulled out a sword. Gaius backed off, reaching for his own sword, but was too slow. Fleet held the tip of the blade at Gaius' chest with perfect balance.

'Trust me, I think we'll manage,' Bloodies retorted with a laugh.

It did not take long for Gaius to relent and give in to Bloodies' request. A little while after, the Argonians were geared up in leather armour and were each given a broadsword and round shield. Out of their rags, the muscles they built up from years of training and manual labour showed. They were no longer the small hatchlings they once were. Bloodies and Fleet took them to the training area, for which Gaius gave his express permission, and they wasted no time getting back into training. Bloodies checked his friends' sword grips while Fleet made sure each Argonian was holding their shield right, before they started revising on all they learnt.

It felt like too long ago they were all taking turns with two wooden swords in their room, but now each Argonian sparred with a training dummy like their lives depended on it. The dense weight of the wooden swords had prepared them for their iron weapons, and each Argonian settled quickly into their stances. Bloodies stayed with Kero and two other Argonians to try and help them catch up on training they had missed, while Fleet managed the others who had been training.

At some point, Lulu came to join Bloodies and the novices.

'Hey Lu, what do you need?' Bloodies asked. He stood by Kero as he swung his blade at the dummy.

Lulu looked at the novices, then back to Bloodies. 'I wanted to ask you a question,' she began quietly.

Kero then got his sword stuck in the leather dummy and could not get free. 'Uhm...'

Bloodies shook his head and stepped in. 'You have strong swings, but you have to be able to control them as well or you'll get disarmed.'

Kero looked a little worried. 'Oh... I'm sorry.'

Bloodies then helped Kero get his sword unstuck. 'It's alright. Try again.' Kero nodded and went back at it with more controlled strikes. 'What did you want to ask, Lu?'

Lulu stared at the novices, and then looked at Bloodies. 'Nevermind. It's not important.' Before Bloodies could ask, Lulu walked away and one of the other novices got his sword stuck.

Bloodies sighed. 'What did I just tell you?'

An hour passed and Gaius returned to the training area. 'Alright, finish up. The Grand Melee starts in ten minutes,' he told the Argonians. Bloodies looked at Gaius upon hearing his voice--it was not his usual gruff voice filled with impassion. There was something about it, but he could not tell from his expression because it was the same as always. Gaius then left them and Bloodies looked to Fleet. He then looked at the other Argonians, and there was that same worry from before.

'We've got a plan, okay?' Bloodies told them, 'so listen close and we'll make it through this...'

Ten minutes later, the arena's own 'tribe' of Argonians were walking out of the gate and into the arena proper. They had their swords sheathed at their belts and held their shields in their off hands. The crowds were especially noisy today, and it was jarring for all the Argonians who only ever heard the cheers and the action through the grates. Most of the Argonians shielded their eyes from the sunlight, and spent the next few minutes just trying to accustom their vision.

The arena itself seemed so much larger than ever before, standing in the pit where battle was worshipped by adulating crowds. The masses crowded the stands and Bloodies admitted to himself it was much different to when he served snacks to them. The ring itself was an open field of sand heated from the summer sun. Though they wore sandals and greaves, the Argonians could feel the warmth of the ground on their foot claws. As their eyes became accustomed to both the heat and light, they could see silhouettes of other people in the pit with them. Bloodies turned to Fleet, who only smiled. Bloodies hesitated smiling back, but he saw the other Argonians and forced himself to smile for them. Their spirits lifted instantly.

But Bloodies was just as worried as any of them.

'Look at these little scaly runts.' Bloodies turned around to come face-to-face with one of the other combatants. A gruff voice to match his brutish appearance, the beefy Orc draped in bone and hide looked down on Bloodies and his tribe from his impressive height. 'It'll be fun smashing you all into the ground.' The Orc chuckled as he slapped his spiked maul that was as large as a child. Bloodies' brows deepened as he stared the Orc down, but the Orc just snorted and turned away.

Bloodies then felt a hand on his back and he looked back to see Fleet. He was not smiling as much, but his expression still somehow soothed Bloodies. They both lead their tribe to the side where they looked at the competition. Beside the Orc and his few kin, there were the gladiators they recognized from the bloodworks, but also fighters from foreign lands. Bloodies spotted Redguards with curved swords and a spear, and Breton knights with swords, shields, and claymores. He swallowed a lump in his throat and took a breath.

'Good citizens of the Imperial City,' the announcer's voice boomed, 'welcome to the arena!' The Argonians, along with the rest of the combatants, looked up to the Emperor's box where the announcer was speaking. 'You've come today for the most brutal spectacle of the Coronation Cup: The Grand Melee! So, are you ready to watch as these brave warriors spill blood in glorious battle for your entertainment?' The crowds cheered in response and Bloodies' hand hovered close to his blade.

'I can't hear you! I said: are you ready for a blood bath!?' The crowds cheered again, this time reaching a loud cacophony that echoed through the arena. 'The crowds have spoken! Combatants: ready your weapons!' At this moment, all the other warriors drew their weapons. Bloodies and Fleet followed suit, and so did their egg-kin. 'When this horn blows, the combatants must fight and kill other competitors to survive. As soon as the horn blows again, everyone must put down their weapons. Until then, there are no holds barred!' Bloodies could see across the other combatants already there were going to be groups banding together. 'Ready combatants...'

The crowds quelled themselves with anticipation, and for a few nerve-wracking moments one could hear the wind in the air. Then the announcer put his lips to the horn and a bellowing noise erupted.

Bloodies saw all chaos break out before him and he stepped back with Fleet immediately. 'Now!' he shouted to his egg-kin. Together, they lined up tight and put shields together in front. Bloodies and Fleet kept their shields low to see what was coming their way.

When he spotted one of the Redguards coming at them with a spear from his side, Fleet called out.

'Hold!' As the Redguard lunged forward, Fleet broke from the wall and swatted away with his shield. With the Redguard's spear cast off course and balance thwarted; Fleet leaned into his next strike. As he returned to the shield wall afterward, the Redguard crawled away with a gashing cut across his chest.

'It seems the Argonian pit dogs have made a shield wall!' the announcer called out over the noise, 'it looks like we have our very own metal turtle, folks!' Laughter lingered amongst the roaring crowds but Bloodies ignored them. He looked down briefly to check on Kero and the other two novices, who were crouching behind the shield wall. Bloodies then looked back and his eyes widened.

'Shields or not, I'm going to destroy you!' the tall Orc boomed, charging forward with maul in both hands.

'MOVE!' Bloodies shouted. He panicked as the others took too long to respond, so he leapt forward. As the Orc raised his maul, Bloodies threw himself shield first at his legs. The Orc shouted as he tripped over wood and metal so suddenly. Bloodies then gritted his teeth and heaved on impact, launching the Orc clean over him as his tail thrashed with adrenaline.

Bloodies stood back up and turned to check on his friends. They had moved aside as the Orc flew toward the wall. Blood sprayed as a spike jutted out of the Orc's back and he hung there choking on his own blood. Bloodies took a moment, as did some of the others closest to the dying Orc, to breathe.

'Red!' Fleet called out. Before he knew it, Bloodies was hoisted through the air and thrown to the ground. He grunted as he pulled himself to his knees and then held his shield up instinctively. A strong blow clashed against his defence. Then Bloodies groaned as another two blows rattled at his shield.

'You killed Graam!' the Orc behind the blows shouted, 'By Mauloch, I'll smear your innards on the ground!'

The blows kept coming and Bloodies could not find an opening. He winced every time his shield was bashed, and his arm ached under the strain. He turned his head to look back at his tribe one more time, his breath tremoring with fear.

'Agh! Get off me you little shit!' The assault ceased for a moment and then Bloodies could hear a loud smack that ended with Kero crying out. He swiped with his shield, smashing the rim in the Orc's knee and he yelped as he was brought low. Bloodies did not let his opponent recover and as he stood, he plunged his sword through the Orc's chest. He then bashed the Orc's skull with his shield as he withdrew his blade.

'Kero... Kero!' Bloodies called out as he ran to his egg-brother's side. Kero coughed as he sat up and Bloodies was thankful when he saw he was not injured. 'Come on Kero, on your feet...' Bloodies took Kero in his arms to stand his egg-brother back up. He then checked on Fleet with the others. The tribe's shield wall still held only meters away, but with all the fighting in the way they might as well have been in another land. As the shattering noises of battle and the subsequent roar of the crowds rang through his head, Bloodies tried to come up with a way he could get Kero and himself back over there--and in one piece.

'R-Red...' Kero coughed.

'I know Kero, we're gonna get back to the others--' As Bloodies looked at Kero, he saw it in the corner of his eye. Bloodies put himself between Kero and his assailant, shield raised across his own chest. The thud of metal on wood heralded a narrow block. Bloodies then strained to keep the weapon locked.

'Well, if it isn't Redface!' Bloodies looked up and recognised the gladiator in front of him. Suddenly, his shield was ripped to the side. Bloodies raised his sword when a fist smashed into his gut. He was then thrown across the sand, his shield knocked out of his hand, and the wind throttled from his lungs.

Before Bloodies could try to stand back up, he felt something heavy land on his back and he cried out in pain. Looking over his shoulder, he could see torn brigandine armour and blood dripping onto the sand from a warrior's corpse that now pinned him down.

'Oh, I'm gonna savour this moment,' the gladiator hissed as he closed in. Bloodies looked back up at him with gritted teeth as he struggled to heave the corpse. 'I hope you enjoyed some of that juicy tail,' the gladiator gloated as he held out his gladius, 'because I'm gonna put you down like the dog you are!'

Kero stepped forward and slashed at the gladiator's leg suddenly.

'Ah! Fuck!' he growled. He then turned to Kero. 'You'll pay for that you little runt!'

Bloodies struggled more than ever to get free. 'Kero, run...!' he tried to shout, but his lungs only permitted a strained grunt. Kero backed off, but then he raised his shield up and took a stance. As Bloodies continued to heave, he watched with bated breath.

The gladiator lashed forward with a few frenzied strikes. However, Kero stood his ground and weathered the flurry. The gladiator then reached out with his free hand to grab the shield. Kero, learning from his foe, darted backward out of reach. As the gladiator tried to regain his balance, Kero stepped forward. Bloodies watched as his novice slashed with control and put the gladiator on defence. As the gladiator stumbled, Kero leaned in and twirled his blade. Suddenly, the gladius was freed from its wielder's hand and Kero slashed down.

Bloodies' face lightened as he saw Kero triumph. The gladiator recoiled and fell to the ground, clutching at the cut through his armour that Kero had made. Kero checked his surrounding before looking back at Bloodies. The young Argonian beamed at his mentor, and in that moment Bloodies beamed back. Kero took a step forward when Bloodies saw it.

'Kero, wait--!'

The gladiator, feigning mortal injury, drew a dagger from his belt. He turned around and Bloodies' eyes widened as his breathing shuddered. The hidden blade ran though soft neck scales and Kero dropped his sword and shield as blood splashed onto the sand. Bloodies could only watch as Kero's formerly triumphant expression shifted into one of fearful horror; his mouth hung agape as he clasped his hands over his throat in a futile attempt to stop the bleeding. As he lost all strength, Kero fell back onto the sands and convulsed as he held onto his life now draining through his hand claws.

'KERO!' The gladiator turned when Bloodies bellowed at the top of his lungs. Heart now pounding like a drum, Bloodies twisted and used his hip as leverage with a groan. He then shoved the corpse off him and rose to his feet.

The gladiator chortled and the very sound boiled the blood in the Argonian's veins. 'What, was he another lover of yours?' the gladiator mused derisively. Bloodies bared his teeth in response as a flash of rage crossed his amber eyes. The gladiator must have witnessed it, for his smirk faded when Bloodies ran forward.

The gladiator raised his arms to defend himself, dagger out. But Bloodies just seized his main arm with his free hand. He twisted it behind the gladiator's back and kicked the back of his cut leg. The gladiator screamed as he was brought to his knees. Bloodies flipped his broadsword into a reverse grip and plunged it down with a roar. The gladiator's screams were silenced and replaced with gurgling as he was force-fed sharp iron. A few seconds passed as Bloodies held him there, panting heavily to catch his breath, as fights raged nearby.

Bloodies pushed the gladiator's corpse to the ground and fell to Kero's side.

'No, no, no, no, no!' Kero was still struggling weakly as Bloodies put his hands to the bleeding throat. 'Hold on Kero, just-- Just hold on!' Bloodies begged. Kero's mouth was open but he could not reply. Only the bubbling of crimson beckoned and Bloodies did not know what to do. 'K-Kero...' One of Kero's hands slipped free and he reached out. His hand weakly slapped against Bloodies' cheek, covering his red face markings with real blood. There was a faint spark in Kero's eyes. But as quickly as Bloodies saw it, Kero let go and his head rolled onto its side; his eyes glazed and unmoving.

Breath quaking and tears welling up in his eyes, Bloodies slowly let go of Kero's neck. The bleeding slowly ebbed into the sands below as Bloodies looked at his hands, covered in the blood of his fallen egg-brother. His vision blurred and so he screwed his eyes shut as he doubled over. He let out an agonizing scream as his tail curled.

Bloodies gasped sharp breaths after. 'I wasn't good enough,' he whispered, 'I wasn't strong enough...' He could still feel his dying egg-brother's hand on his cheek as he laid his head upon his chest. 'I-I'm so sorry, Kero...'

'Forgive me...'

Part 8: Our Tribe

_'First assaulting a priest of Akatosh, and then "actually" throwing younglings into the arena? By the Divines, that's... That's madness!'_ Bloodies said nothing for a little while and finished what was left in his goblet before pouring more wine....

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Part 6: The Longhouse Emperor

'_Astounding--oh, thank you.'_ Two plates of Colovian roast turkey were set down by a server, who excused herself and left the room. '_So, the Face of Akavir was a Dragon Knight?'_ Bloodies had already started eating and swallowed his first bite...

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Part 5: The Face of Akavir

'The Face of Akavir trained Fleet and myself,' Bloodies explained as he paced with goblet in hand, 'first in how to use a blade without hurting ourselves, then actual swordplay and stances. The next night, we would stow away a training sword to teach...

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