Lust in the Jungle

Story by Fenryx on SoFurry

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Lust in the Jungle

"STOP! THIEF!" A gorilla folk or kong wearing a blue tabard bellows as he chases a gray furred raccoon folk or kuna in leather armor as he chases him through an open air bazaar in a city built in the branches of mighty redwoods.

"Not a chance," the raccoon mumbles back as passes a brown furred male timbers wolf in studded leather armor and green cloak; quiver at his side along with a large satchel, twin sickles and leaning on a quarterstaff that the kuna says: "'Scuse me, boss," as he runs past.

"Roscoe, Roscoe, Roscoe," the wolf says ruefully as he shamefully shakes his head, "Whatever am I..." Then he sees the black bull in the dark steel chainmail of an Inquisitor of the One True God and does his best to fade into the shadows and hope he wasn't spotted.

"John! Peter!" The bulls calls to a pair of crossbow wielding goats who look to him expectantly, "Come HERE!" He orders and indicates his own position. "I think I just spotter our quarry: Cullen Dogwood, one of the last surviving Green Knights. Time to put this threat to our Holy Church to a proper end."

"Yes, Boss!" The twins say as one.

"Excuse me, ma'am," Cullen says to a young Okinawa she-wolf in the red and white dress of a shrine maiden and Shinto priestess.

"Be careful!" The woman snaps as he shakes her lantern staff at him.

"Got you!" A Komodo dragon in the armor of a samurai shouts as he begins to draw his katana. "By order of our Lord Misoto Tanaka, I declare you, Megumi Nikkiyama an enemy of the Jade Dragon Empire..."

"Not so fast, scaley," Cullen growls and strikes the Komodo's head with his staff. "The lady is not without those who would defend her."

"I can take care of myself, gaijin!" Megumi growls to Cullen until the dragon is joined by a trio of frilled lizards or Haezoo in the lesser armor of Japanese militia and carrying yari. "On second thought perhaps the kami are trying to teach me humility."

"Out of our way, foreigners!" The bull orders with a growl. "I, Tomas de Torquemada, Inquisitor of the One True God claim this kaenyd as a heathen!"

"The male kaenyd has chosen to oppose us," the Komodo samurai retorts with a snort, "But my Lord has decreed that all wolves must die and it is my honor to carry out this task. Do not interfere, gaijin."

"Waste this infidel!" Tomas orders as the twins fire their crossbows.

The Militia lizards form a pike hedge in front of the samurai and take the bolts meant for him. The goats switch to partisans as Torquemada draws his sword and sets his shield for protection. The wolves look at each other and slip away together as those that would mean them harm fight amongst themselves for the honor of killing them.

Knight clashes with samurai as the canines they have been tasked with killing abscond while they fight to a stalemate. But then Cullen sees that the section they are fighting on is held up by three key ropes which gives in an idea. The staff changes to a longbow as Cullen fits an arrow with a "V" shaped head to the string and takes careful aim.

The bull and the dragon are too busy trading blows and insults to notice the first and second shots until their footing gets decidedly less sure as Cullen takes out a support rope with each shot. As he lines up his third shot, Tomas realizes what he's doing and starts to retreat praying "Oh, God, please don't let him release it!" as Cullen lets the shaft fly. Despite the fact that the platform is swinging wildly, Cullen has no trouble cutting the last rope to send all his enemies crashing to the forest floor below with a single shot.

A reptilian roar makes folk scatter as a tyrannosaurus rex can be seen approaching the spot where the warriors went down. The kong who was chasing the kuna smiles at Cullen as his people have been exasperated dealing the arrogance of both teams. The wolves bow and run off as some of the other minions in the form of frog folk or Phynee ninja and assassin squirrels, a strain of the Hoegarth race, come at them throwing knives and kunai furiously.

Both teams of little killers, if you think of the kaenyds or wolf folk as being human sized both the phynee and the hoegarth only come up to groin level, and some hoegarth don't even get that tall, of the pair chase after the kaenyds independent of one another. What neither team realize is the kaenyds have friends as they start swinging from tree to tree. The kuna from earlier emerges from hiding and starts squirrel shooting with his own bow.

At the on set of this the phynee are laughing at the hoegarth for the sheer number of them dropping first the kuna, then a vixen and a lop or rabbit folk and other members of Cullen's outlaw band turn the swing lines into a shooting gallery. But when Cullen swings in to decapitate a phynee with his sickle it's the hoegarth's turn to laugh. It doesn't take long after that for a phynee to toss a kunai at a hoegarth and break the truce of non-interference and like the bull and the dragon the frogs and the squirrels start to fight amongst themselves while the outlander bandits continue to pick them off.

In a secluded alcove in one of the tree houses the outlaws are using as a hide out Cullen takes careful aim with his bow while whispering a sacred prayer to the Lord of the Hunt for the accuracy of one shot one kill. A white stallion in white leather swings by bellowing a challenge to Cullen while waving a sword belligerently. Cullen's eyes glow as he takes a single shot with which to put an arrow in the head of the stallion paladin right between the eyes as the screaming laugh of a pack of velociraptors sounds in triumph.

Megumi stares at Phelan with an open muzzle as he sighs and steps back. Reluctantly she follows him across a rope bridge until a bull moose in the armor of a knight and wielding a two handed sword steps in front of them as a pantorum or big cat folk, a tiger in this case, monk with a naginata blocks their retreat. Cullen draws his sickles and looks at both opponents.

"Not good," Cullen growls, "I can take one or the other but not both at the same time."

"Sato?" Megumi says in shock. "You too? What about..."

"I have little choice, Megumi," Sato Mitsubishi states grimly, "I love you but my temple comes first and by their decree and the decree of our Daimyo, you must die."

"How well can you swim?" Cullen asks.

"You're not serious!?!" Megumi thunders as both attackers advance as the waters surge below, "Then again, I don't feel like dying today." They continue to advance on the wolves, "I can swim well, what do you have in mind?"

"Wait for it..." Cullen cautions as he lets them get closer. "I need to time this just right."

"You're mine, Dogwood!" The moose yells as he starts to charge.

"Just what I was waiting for," Cullen says with a smirk as he cuts the ropes on either side which causes the bridge to disintegrate and drop everyone into the river due to the weight and stress on the structure.

The moose's armor drags him to the bottom where he starts to drown as the others are swept along. The trip along the river's current takes them through the upper forest of the volcanic island on which they are currently situated until they come to a whirlpool. This is where Megumi truly questions Cullen's sanity as he swims towards the whirlpool and Sato hers her there hoping to drown them.

Under the whirlpool is a pool and channel to the outside with a lava lake near by behind them. Cullen situates himself in the shallows near the lava and waits for the others to arrive and when she does, Megumi gets hauled to safety by Cullen as Sato has to right himself; using the polearm to help him stand. Megumi does the same with her staff as a tense moment of expectant silence ensues.

Sato yells and moves to strike Megumi who raises her lantern staff in defense. Megumi's staff holes the blade away from herself as Cullen takes out his sickles and moves to attack Sato. Cullen is serious about defending Megumi as he rushes to slash the tiger.

Cullen scores a deep slash in Sato's side which forces the pantorum to back off. Sato flips back to avoid further attacks so he can switch weapons. He chooses wind and fire wheels to fight the kaenyd as he surges forward.

Wind and fire wheels lock with war sickles as the fight begins in earnest. Megumi sighs and leans on her staff as she watches the duel unsure of whom she wants to win. Cullen will wants some reward for his service, maybe even a carnal repayment, a prospect a part of her actually welcomes, but Sato will probably kill her as proof of his temple's loyalty to the Empire. A female rabbit and a vixen join her shortly and they watch the fight eagerly after nodding to the she wolf.

Off-handedly the new females introduce themselves as Wilhelmina Scarlet and Lorelei Dunkirk. They are members of Cullen's outlaw band. Megumi wonders what else they give him as a lady skunk, the raccoon she saw earlier, a lion, a turtle, a lynx and a few rats and ferrets also join them. Mina remarks to Megumi that they are all members of Cullen's gang.

Megumi asks, almost as an after thought, why Cullen fights with twin sickles instead of a proper sword. The answer she gets back almost shocks her as learns the ranger is a full fledged adherent to the Green Faith and thus has sworn off using swords of any type. However, he is well versed in the use of the ax and sickle, weapons of the Green recognized as signatures of the faith throughout the Western Lands.

Sato throws Cullen towards the lava as he starts to utter a powerful prayer in Gaelic to the gods of nature. Wilhelmina makes a few gestures and speaks words of power that causes a stone tiki statue to rise out of the lava and bringing up stone platforms with it. Megumi leaps onto and over the platforms to get a look at the stone tiki with three other females, the witch-sorceress Scarlet, the rogue Dunkirk and the skunk alchemist Barabarella Pasteur, joining her shortly.

Roscoe Cooper, the raccoon picks up a staff along with other male members of the outlaw band to delay Sato from getting to their lord too quickly. Sato growls at them to get out of his way but they refuse. Enraged; Sato eviscerates Roscoe and the others to get to Cullen, cursing tem as he goes through them as rebellious peasants who should just obey their betters and let him pass.

When Sato gets through he is battered and bruised by the ordeal but unbroken as he leaps from platform to platform till he gets to the one Cullen is standing on. Cullen heard Sato's curses all too plainly and thus attacks the tiger as soon as he lands on the second from the top platform on a kind of stone stair to the idol of the lava lake. Sato curses Cullen for his species and vows to kill him as a result.

Unfortunately for Sato he still was the notion that he's facing a farmer or similar peasant. As a ranger-knight of the Green has the level of martial skill is more comparable to that of a samurai. Megumi realizes this as she watches the fight from her perch of safety.

Cullen is also something of a noble scoundrel and thus very willing to get his hands dirty through the use of underhanded tactics. Case in point is the tumble toss where Cullen intentionally drops; they tumble and toss for a bit before Cullen throws the tiger against a rock wall hard before the feline falls to into the lava. Sato only has seconds to regain his monastic composure to withstand the intense heat as he develops an intense hatred for this particular kaenyd.

Sato still thinks Cullen is his inferior as he clambers up the first stone platform and then leaps to where Cullen is all too willing and waiting to resume the fight again in earnest. The second time he's thrown into the wall it breaks through to open a window to the outside whereas he is at the apex of a sheer cliff face above a swift flowing river of black water. Cullen knows the region better than Sato and the smirks as he moves to attack the cat with a flying kick that the kaenyd hopes will send the pantorum to his doom by the deadly denizens of the Thousand Jaws River.

Caught by surprise the tiger falls a thousand feet into the inky waters below. Bubbles can be seen on the surface where Sato hit the waves,. However, it's only a skeleton that surfaces to be carried away by the current.

"What just happened?" Megumi asks. "Is Sato...dead?"

"River of a Thousand Jaws," Wilhelmina observes through her crystal ball, "The flesh-stripper piranhas are fast at reducing any living thing to a skeleton."

"Don't be so quick in calling yon monk among the dead, mon ami,: Barabarella says as she sees Sato's skeletal corpse climb up out of the river and then up the cliff face, "He resolve for killing is too strong it would seem."

"We're not done with the kitty yet, boss!" Lorelei calls to Cullen.

"I can see that, Lore, "Cullen says as he switches to his quarterstaff and shakes his head, "I You are one determined monk, I'll give that but you're not getting her or me!"

Skeletal Sato says nothing but the pinpricks of fire in those empty sockets speak volumes. Behind them the stone tiki flares to life so to speak as its eyes "open" with great light. All who live are fixated on the glowing eyes as Sato leaps onto the platform where Cullen stands and moves to attack.

Poles of stone carved in the Moai tradition cage the combatants as bongo drums and war chants start to play along with an ocarina playing somewhere just before a booming voice issues from the stone tiki:

"It has begun! Once more the conflict between Order and Chaos is waged in single combat. Even the grave demands a re-match! Sato Mitsubishi, a paragon of law refuses to admit defeat from a champion of chaos even if the champion is only a champion because he opposes unjust law. But Cullen Dogwood is a champion of Good in his actions to defend a female he only just met. One does what is expected as an upholder of ultimate law versus one who errs on the side of what is righteous. Ethics versus Morality; whose spirit is stronger? Let the challenge commence!

The fight begins in earnest as Cullen swings his staff with all his might and cracks Sato's skull as his first attack. Sato tries to rake at Cullen with his claws but is frustrated by the kaenyd's use of his staff. An attempt by Sato to outright break Cullen's staff ultimately fails as the staff has bands of metal on which are inscribed runes of mystic power that reinforce and protect it as well as making it more effective as a weapon of war.

Cullen smashes several of Sato's ribs while Sato scores a deep gash along Cullen's thigh. Sato's skeleton tries to lick the blood as a way of intimidating the peasant into submission but ends up with a smashed claw instead. Enraged at the temerity of this peasant Sato tries to kick Cullen in the groin only to have the attack turned away.

Sato still has not learned his lesson and thinks he's going to be giving a beat down to an unruly farmer who does not know his place. Megumi adds further insult by calling him a fool outright which deals his ego a blow as even a priestess from his own culture is against him. Of course the fact that he's going to kill her might have something to do with it.

Unfortunately for Sato, Cullen is now more determined than ever to send him onto his next reincarnation. He twirls his staff like a wind mill faster and faster as a show of prowess. Being just a skeleton may alter the way Sato fights but it doesn't necessarily alter the way Cullen fights.

Two quick strikes with both ends of the staff shatters a kneed joint just as quickly deprives Sato of some mobility. Sato fails to compensate with a double claw lunge and winds up on the stone floor as a result. A powerful blow shatters Sato's skull and ends the fight.

The poles disappear as the tiki goes back to sleep. Megumi smiles as Cullen jumps over the platform where they are; she gives him a kiss when he gets to her. Inquisition agents traveling by barges pass by the window on the River of a Thousand Jaws which provides Cullen simply too tempting a target to pass up.

As Cullen strings his bow, Barbarella presents him with some special arrows she's made. The purpose of the arrows becomes abundantly clear when the first shot explodes upon hitting the target. Native drivers leap to safety and the leave the church knights to sink as Cullen destroys the barge with his new toys.

The screams of the dying are as blood curdling as they are brief. Zabu, chimpanzee folk, river boat men scurry up the trees and watch the spectacle of their exploding barge in relative safety Instead of blaming the bandits the chimps discuss how they are going to bill the Church of the One True God for the destruction of their bat as the perpetrators could be anyone to their way of thinking.

Once the coast is clear the five of them go back to the pool and go through the waterfall. The view is amazing is amazing as they step out into a flowing pool that is part of a cascading waterfall with a few more pools below then leading to one of the many swamps in the area. In fact the pools are only shallow along the edges as Megumi finds out to her chagrin.

The pool directly under the pool the five come out into has a rope bridge attached to the side leading to a tree fort used by Cullen and company as a base of operations. Outside of the automatons Barabarella built to maintain the building the place is deserted. Although there is a kong warrior present looking for Roscoe for earlier.

The region is a haven for those wanting to get lost so others will not find them but the Merchant Princes demand a high price of dissidents. A price the gorilla expects to collect for his Revulkhan masters. Barbarella presents him with a bag of coins from the lands they come from as a payment which satisfies the kong and sends him on his way.

"I though we were short this month?" Cullen asks seriously of Barbarella to which she just smirks. "You did your usual 'Fool's Gold' trick didn't you?"

"Partially, there's also a faerie lure in there," Barbarella returns as she maintains her knowing smirk. "I know the Fey Queen prefers pyrite actually. Especially when it's stolen..." The sounds of cursing fill the air as the kong goes chasing pixies flying off with their payment. "And thus we make two payments with one bag of gold."

"Not so fast," A voice calls behind them, "I want something else in addition"

"What do you want, Maya?" Cullen asks calmly with numerous possibilities running through his head.

"Oh, nothing much," the gorgeous Pacific Islander elf woman in only a grass skirt says with a smirk. "Just some entertainment," she reaches into a seashell pouch before tossing some glittering dust into the air. "Please don't resist too much."

"What did you do, kami?" Megumi asks as she breathes in the dust and then feels for her crotch. "I feel funny, like I need...something"

"Oh," Cullen says as he starts to strip himself, "I know what you want but who and whom?"

"Or are you not that picky?" Lorelei asks excitedly as she helps Cullen undress so she can suck his cock.

"Shall I get my special harness?" Barbarella coos with a giggle.

"Not especially," Maya speculates aloud with a smirk, "But I do want to see some pack action."

"What does she mean?" Megumi asks before Cullen starts to fondle her breasts, "This?"

"Barbie, please do get the harness," Maya says. "Lori, Mina, attend me."

"Yes, Fey Queen," Lorelei and Wilhelmina say as one.

Wilhelmina and Lorelei each lick one of Maya's breasts while allowing her to finger their groins. Cullen licks at Megumi's breasts even as she massages his scrotum. Barbarella disappears for a few moments only to return dressed only in a bondage harness complete with strap-on.

Maya gives Barbarella the "Come Hither" sign and the skunk knows exactly what the nymph wants of her. Barbarella uses her strap-on to fuck Maya to her heart's content. Megumi lays down on the furs that have been set there as a makeshift couch bed and spreads herself for Cullen who very quickly follows her down.

Cullen takes Megumi up on her invitation while Maya positions Barbarella so she can better watch the wolves. Maya reassigns the girls as Cullen and Megumi get more intimate and passionate as he pounds her with authority; much to her delight. Lorelei is eating out Maya as Wilhelmina eats Lorelei while Barbarella positions herself to fuck Cullen.

Barbarella can ell Cullen is coming close to knotting with Megumi as she reaches around to cup his balls. She then lines up her faux phallus with Cullen's tail hole and thrusts it in. Cullen takes I in stride like the man that he is, of course the facts that is nothing new for them makes it easier to keep on pumping while he is getting pumped as both Maya and Barb get off on the action.

The effect of the dust starts to wear off on three of the four females as Maya intends. Barbarella, Lorelei, and Wilhelmina snap out of their sex crazed trances and become embarrassed at what they've done. All but Wilhelmina meander off to something else as Mina finds a place to secretly watch and seethe in jealousy.

Wilhelmina understands the dynamics of the pack all too well despite the fact that she's a fox. For the longest time the alpha female of this group was her. Megumi is in a faerie dust induced state but that changes the situation very little as far as Mina is concerned.

Megumi has a better shot at getting pregnant than any of them and that will cement her as alpha female. Wilhelmina silently sobs as she consigns herself to being the beta female, or one of them anyway. Barbarella is busying herself in her laboratory as Lorelei presses her boobs into Mina's back as she fondles the fox.

"What's wrong, Mina?" Lorelei asks of her friend and sometimes lover. "It's not like the Eastern she-wolf is going to be joining our little band after Maya's influence wears off."

"Isn't it obvious, Lore?" Mina growls. "I'm going to replaced as Alpha. She'll join us for own protection if nothing else."

"She has retainers," Lori presses as she licks at Mina's neck, "Including a cute rabbit samurai I've been passing time with. She's just holding out until the Emperor realizes what the crazy daimio is doing and puts a stop to it."

"That tiger has already killed most of them," Mina retorts, "including your samurai; her one retainer has been poisoning her and betraying the others."

"How do you know?" Lorelei demands to know as she squeezes Mina's tits hard. "I know you're paranoid about losing status with Cullen but are you THAT paranoid that you..." Wilhelmina hangs her head in shame. "You want to get knocked up that badly? Or is it you think Cullen will pay more attention?"

"I can't go back to what I was, Lori," Mina says. "We've been severely reduced by that pantorum. You, me and Barb are the only ones left."

"And Cullen doesn't want a harem," Lori says with a smirk. "How long till it breaks?"

"Who knows, he's gotta be knotted by now," Mina growls and then they both watch both wolves regain their minds.

"What? Where am I?" Megumi asks and then realizes she has a knotted cock between her legs. "Um, can you get out of me, please? We've hardly met," Then she looks over at the masturbating nymph, "Enjoying the show I take it?"

"Immensely," Maya states with a big grin that makes Megumi uncomfortable. "But as son as Cullen finishes he can deflate."

"You're too kind," Cullen says sarcastically, then howls his climax. "OK, I'm going to have compy cubes, a flagon of mead and relax for a bit if you will excuse me." He disconnects from Megumi before nuzzling her and apologizing: "I am sorry to have taken you in such a manner, Miss Megumi, I beg your forgiveness."

"It's alright, Cullen," Megumi says as she blushes with embarrassment, "I don't necessarily mind, I just wish we could have gotten to know each other better mentally."

"Sato has killed most of your retainers, Priestess," Maya reports once Cullen is out of ear shot, "Cullen is of the Green Faith, in fact he is a fully accomplished Ranger-Knight of that church. He was going to ordained a Lord when he was forced to come here actually."

"He's a Ranger-Lord?" Megumi asks to which Maya nods. "I don't feel as bad then. They're almost samurai aren't they?"

"In many respects, yes," Maya admits, "but also like Sohei. Cullen is at the point he can cast quite a few spells."

"What is his relationship with the other females?" Megumi asks.

"Depends on the female," Maya answers coyly but honestly. "Your serious competition is the vixen as the other two only occasionally what him."

"I need to have a talk with Madame Scarlet then," Megumi says with a smirk as she licks her muzzle. "This could be fun."

About an hour later, Megumi finds Wilhelmina camped out in a room overlooking a trade road with Cullen dozing in a hammock. Mina is nude and watching Cullen swing with his sheath and scrotum exposed along with the rest of his body. Megumi has not bothered to redress herself as she walks over and fondles the fox.

Oh, hi!" Mina exclaims as she sees who is molesting her, "When did you get here?"

"Just now," Megumi purrs and then moans when Wilhelmina fondles hr groin, "What feels so nice, you're not worried about us being discovered?"

"Not really," Mina says with a smirk, "Unless you would object to him joining in."

"Why do I get the impression you are more experienced at what you're proposing than I?" Megumi asks with a smirk. "What is your and the other's relationship to him?"

"Lori and Barbie are more friends with benefits," Wilhelmina relates between licks of Megumi's breasts, "Lori was doing a male samurai of her species until recently but still had fun with Cullen from time to time. While Barbie usually spends so much time in her lab that she's almost asexual."

Almost on cue, Barbarella comes out fully nude with a jar of some sort of cream. As the canines watch, the lady skunk applies the cream to the male's nut sack which gets him hard without waking him. She then proceeds to ride his pole as he sleeps. Megumi is watching all of this unfold with an open muzzle.

"How?" Megumi asks in a dumbfounded manner as she points to the scene going on in front of them.

"Barbarella's taking a fuck break," Mina explains. "Cullen will just sleep through it, he won't even knot."

"That's rather one sided," Megumi observes. "It's like fucking a sleeping male with morning wood."

"That's exactly the point of it," Mina admits as they watch Barbarella get her rocks off and then head back to her lab; leaving Cullen with a hard on. "Oh, this has potential."

"You can't be serious!?" Megumi exclaims in a whisper. "He's still asleep!"

"And you've already had a ride," Wilhelmina retorts as she impales herself along his length. "My turn!"

"Just out of curiosity," Megumi inquires as she positions herself behind Wilhelmina so that her back rubs against the she-wolfs tits as the vixen rides the wolf's pole," Does the skunk have just the one harness?"

"Oh she makes the harnesses herself," Wilhelmina coos. "If you're going to join our little band of miscreants she'll gladly make one for you. I have one that let's Cullen fuck me as I fuck somebody else."

"Does everyone have the same sleeping arrangement?" Megumi asks to which Wilhelmina just giggles. "And what is so funny?"

"Oh, nothing," Wilhelmina starts to say before howling in pleasure herself. "That's it! Please, Cullen, flood my womb!"

Wilhelmina goes limp against Megumi as Cullen begins to stir. He snorts his amusement as he begins to wake up enough to get out of the hammock. Cullen moves to a master bedroom with both the bitch and the vixen following behind. The chamber features a king sized be with hidden extras only the fox and his vixen know about.

Megumi is strangely hesitant at this point. The first mating could be written off as magical compulsion but if she commits this time it will be totally of her free will. Her people have a stigma against those who willing share themselves with gaijin.

Playing with Wilhelmina is one thing and Megumi can do that without fear of reprisal from her temple. Cullen is a male in every sense of the term and that scares Megumi in more ways than one. Sato was a eunuch as a Priestess she was his last time before being ritually castrated which is one reason they were so close.

Sato was never much of a lover even before becoming a eunuch and thus making further relations between them strictly platonic. Cullen however made her feel different even when under the influence of the dust. What would he be like now?

The fact that she would be sharing him with Wilhelmina concerns Megumi as well. She always had her duties as a shrine maiden to busy herself away from the sexual duties some of her sister clergy embraced as they offered themselves with the samurai and daimyo and even the Emperor himself if he asked. Now there is no shrine to attend and even if there was her own body is begging her to do this.

She looks at Cullen and realizes for the first time he is a handsome man of her general species. Her body tells her having sex with this man would be an honor. But another part of her warns her that she risks being tainted if she does this; she risks exile from her homeland as her return would be deigned too dangerous as her heart and mind could become too alien for her society to handle and thus it would be better for the Empire for her to remain forever apart from her family and friends lest she contaminate them as well.

Phelan gives Megumi a passionate kiss that simply melts her resolves even as the part of her that is dedicated to being a dutiful daughter of the Empire shouts at her indignantly. She goes down on him as Wilhelmina eats her out; fingering her tail hole eve as the priestess isn't sure what to do. Megumi gasps as she licks at Cullen's scrotum whilst Mina stretches her virgin tail hole.

Megumi cries as she sits down on Cullen's phallus; taking his length in her anus as Wilhelmina licks her vagina. It doesn't take long for Megumi to switch holes which provides the vixen with an opportunity. Wilhelmina dones her special harness and takes the priestess where she decided she didn't necessarily want Cullen.

She whines when Wilhelmina takes her, groping her breasts from behind. Megumi collapses on top of Cullen, gasping in pleasure as he pumps her with his cock in her pussy. Cullen's knot begins to fill her which causes Megumi to smirk as she mentally opens herself up to being impregnated by him.

The morning finds Cullen and Wilhelmina in bed naked as Megumi in her kimono wheels in breakfast. Her remaining retainers have been recalled back to the Empire as the danger has passed. Megumi however, is now an exile of her own choosing.

For better or worst these lands are now her home and Cullen is her Lord, Master and Mate. Megumi smiles as she greets Cullen with the news of acceptance of her fate and that he is to be stationed here officially as the Green Faith's Lord of the region and chief agent. Cullen takes in all in stride, he has two mates in Megumi and Wilhelmina, an official designation from his superiors and the cat of the mater is that there is so much more ground to explored that life is good and adventure has only just begun.

High Jinx

"High Jinx In the command camber of the shark shaped submarine, the Dark Shark, which now has a dark gray cloud of fabric above it so the craft is, for right now, a zeppelin, an eerie silence hangs over the gathered. "We're...not falling?" A tiger...

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U.S.O. A dark house boat-yacht cruises the waters of the Pacific somewhere near Hawaii in international territory. A red haired Caucasian woman and an orange tabby cat woman, both in string bikinis sunbathe as a red and black German shepherd dog man...

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Moon Shadow Issue #2 Weaver Alone

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