Chasing Tyr: A gay preg zoo fic

Story by Waspz on SoFurry

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#19 of Commissions

Chase the Tiger, a tall, incredibly muscular and handsome young man. Any girl would want him, any guy to be him. A pity then that he is a proud and passionately gay bottom slut. But how far can that pride take him when drunkenly challenged by his frat brothers to risk his body and possibly his future?

Commissioned by: Angel Demonheart

Warning: Story contains themes of gay sex, rough sex, musk, excessive cum, drunkenness, bestiality and male impregnation.

"I can handle anything!". A drunken boast to his frat brothers Chase was now actively regretting. He skirted the perimeter of a government complex in the dead of night and on a mission.

He had never made secret his homosexuality. In fact it was quite regular at frat parties, the large and burly tiger would get liquored up and actively suck off guys on camera; proud to let the entire world see the tall and imposing muscular stud with cum dribbling from his ass or lips.

And it was thanks to that he now approached a small unguarded chain link gate with sobriety setting in and a challenge from the entire frat he was obligated to fulfill.

"Not exactly how I expected to use my agricultural major..." he sighed under his breath and effortlessly scaled the barrier.

He had been here previously, the facility was in-fact an experimental government farm he toured recently after filling an application with hopes of working here. And thanks to that he had inadvertently known exactly where to enter and exit without getting caught.

He gingerly slipped into the barn, the pungent smell of moist hay, excrement and beasts meeting his nostrils as he scrunched his nose. Thankfully he knew just where to look and hurried to the stall holding his prize.

Tyr, a stallion as gorgeous and gentle as his namesake. He casually munched on hay, half-asleep as Chase approached and admired. His coat was a glossy chestnut brown with hints of auburn, his eyes a soft and enthralling amber that seemed to draw your gaze. In terms of height he was rather average, a few inches shorter than the tigers 7ft stature yet with the marvelous sleek and athletic musculature of a show horse and breeder.

He came from fine stock indeed, perfectly accustomed to visitors of all shapes and actively used to educate and train scientists and curious children alike thanks to his calm and sociable demeanor. He did little more than flinch as Chase brought his palm along the equine's black snout.

"Easy, boy. Remember me?" Chase hummed softly, rubbing gently as he unlatched the gate. Just stepping in with the stud was leaving him hot under the collar, looking over Tyr's figure as he pulled a 6-pack of liquid encouragement from his varsity jacket and polished it off while he shucked off his shirt and tight denim jeans. All that was left between him and any shred of modesty was the pink thong hugging his own generous package.

The warmth in his gut rapidly blossomed through his body once more, stoking the diminishing fires of inebriation to a roaring flame. He wasted no time in slipping to his knees, a playful drunken purr ruminating in his throat as he slid under the placid stallion to admire the beast's package.

His eyes drifted along Tyr's maleness, like all equines he was gifted where it counts. Two plump grapefruit-sized testicles hanging in a tight black leather scrotum, the wrinkled sheathe puckering and folded thickly at its end as beads of sweat and cum glistened over the ebony flesh.

His own felid cock rapidly stiffened, the lingering odor of equine musk, the stench of maleness staining his sinuses made him shudder with delight. The attendants were studious in grooming and washing him. Never more than a day's or two of filthy sweat and cum ever lingering on Tyr's regal form.

For his scent to remain so acrid and dense was the sign of a truly potent breeder. His musky aroma clung to the air as Chase approached, gingerly cupping each plump nut while his rough tongue danced along the loose skin of the sheathe.

A light knicker and huff followed from above before the sheathe began to swell, the skin pulling back as a broad pinkened flare slid itself out with strings of residual cum and sexual fluids.

The lucky stud was clearly used to this treatment, not quite for this purpose but it would do all the same. Chase eagerly gripped the firming flesh. The thick mottled pink and brown shaft growing in his palms with every throb and pulse forcing another inch to slide out glistening and dripping with lust.

He could hardly get enough, licking along his studs unwashed bestial cock, allowing the smell to violate his senses, the taste to stain his tongue as he suckled on each vein and cupped the growing spongy head drooling a slow but constant trickle of warm translucent seminal fluid.

It took all his mental strength just to pull back, the mixed taste of bitter lager and salty horse cock lingering on his tongue and staining each breath as he assessed Tyr's bitchbreaker.

3 feet of throbbing horse cock, glorious veins, a fat rubbery medial ring and a gorgeous colouration brought out further by the impromptu spit shine. Chase could feel his own length ache with excitement, gazing down to his own girthy 8-inch sable dick and fat oranges pulled tight underneath by his white furry sack.

His dick was right at home on a body like his. He was tall, incredibly muscular from years of passionate body building and ruggedly handsome. It was a pity, or perhaps ironic, he was such a huge sub figuratively and literally. The bulky feline simply loved dick, even when masturbating he would rather a nice juicy toy stretching his tailhole than pumping his impressive meat.

And speaking of impressive meat, gazing over Tyr's spear and magic helmet Chase realized he still needed a bit of assistance.

His hand brushed along the stud's side, the stallion letting out an impatient snort for release. Already his member was loudly slapping against his underbelly, only Chase's hand catching the bouncing tool and giving it a squeeze slowing him down as he scanned the barn for a quick fix.

By luck, or possibly something prepared for tomorrow, a small bottle with a green jelly sat on a wood shelf nearby. A quick scan of the label read "Birthing Fluid" and an experiment number. The substance or things like it were something Chase was familiar with. It was common lubricant with a few sedatives mixed in meant to help ease labor for distressed barn animals, perfect for the occasion.

He hurriedly emptied the gel into his palm, discarding the bottle and the overlooked warnings to not mix with alcohol. Kneeing beneath the horny beast once again he slid his slickened fingers into his entrance and eagerly stirred the solution around his insides.

"Ahh~" he purred, the gel far more slick than any sex jelly he'd had the pleasure of using before. The substance soaked into his walls, helping them relax as he shuddered and rimmed his winking rosebud before pulling back with an excess of the lubricant remaining.

"Looks like I overdid it~" he chuckled to himself, gingerly pulling the flare of Tyr's length to his lips as he began to rub the rest of the slick druggy goo into his lover's package. Each nut was cupped and fondled, the shaft shimmering from the affection as Chase saved the last for Tyr's engorged flare.

He looked ready to pop, his hooves scraping the stone impatiently as the burly tiger finally purred and turned to all fours. He gently gripped Tyr's reigns with a hand and planted himself with the other.

His phone was set under them, a bit off to the side. Just enough to catch all the action on video for his brothers as he pulled his thong to the side ready for the main event.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, handsome" his tender purr as the soft flare kissed at his slickened entrance. He reached back to guide him in, squeezing the spongy tip to aid in his entry.

With a snort, Tyr thrust forward. The thick plug forced inward, caving Chase's asshole for only a moment before the audible pop as he breached his slut's entrance and shot forward.

"Hnragh, a-Arrhh!" Chase cried out, both thankful and regretful for the excess of numbing lube as Tyr crammed 8 thick inches of cock into him without effort. It burned, even his experienced anus stretched to a thin ring as the cooling goo soothed his pain to a gentle warmth.

The fullness was intense, feeling each beat of the horse's heart through his straining walls. A splash of wetness made him quake and purr as the flare eagerly spat his copious pre adding to the excess of slickness.

"Hooh, good bo-NGH!", his compliment turned into a loud grunt as Tyr shot forward again, more equine cock violating his depths as Chase flashed his teeth and planted his hand to bear the strain.

8 more inches of wet horse cock plowed into him, a wet squish and slurp as the tumescent rod dominated Chase's innards.

He did his best to stifle a roar, his breath stolen from him as Tyr reared back, tugging himself to the broad flare and slamming back in to rock his mare on half of his enormous shaft.

"Hnh, ngh, arr..." each hard shove, each momentary pause and withdrawal milking a new submissive whimper from Chase as Tyr reamed his innards. It was impossible to stay quiet, each thrust forcing a wave of pleasure through his core, each shove and squish stealing his breath as he trembled with gasps of unbearable fullness and strain. He could feel Tyr stretching him out, shaping his insides, helping his new mare adjust to his shaft before tugging out and slamming forward once more to earn a whimpering roar of bliss from his captive.

It felt so good, too good. Chase had never been so overpowered, so dominated. Each thrust rocked his body, forced him to employ his generous strength just to remain on all fours as Tyr's mighty hips rocked forward threatening to throw him to the ground or pull him off his knees.

They were both rocketing towards climax, the drunken buzz only keeping his mind and body numb for so long.

The final straw was Tyr's great medial ring. The thick flesh hooked Chase's thong and forced itself violently against his entrance. A firm and aggressive snort from above came as his only warning before Tyr gradually increased the pressure.

Chase cursed and clenched as hard as he could to save his clothing and whatever consequences there might be of having it crammed into him. His efforts meaningless trying to resist the mercilessly thick intruder as the fabric pulled tighter and tighter in a losing battle.

"Ha-aahh. W-wait *hngk* b-bud, WAIT!" His plea falling on deaf ears. With a loud snap and wet squelching pop it was over. Chase's battered asshole gave way, locking them together as the loose fabric was stuffed into him alongside his new occupant.

"Huah, a-AAAAH FUCK!" His last quaking scream as he roared from the sharp spike of pleasure, the straining of his insides and scraping of soggy fabric sending tumbling over the edge. His fat black cock spat ropes of cum, his swollen orbs pulling tight as he spent himself over the hay-covered floor.

Seemingly satisfied with his final plugging of his slut, Tyr eased the rest of himself into his mate. Each slow unstoppable inch only extending Chase's orgasm, milking his juicy plums in loud wet splatters as he was violated.

A breathless groan escaped his lips as he watched the massive equine cock slowly disappearing into him, nothing else capable of stopping it as Tyr savored his conquest.

With the stallion's great orbs pressed firmly to Chase's hips he finally relaxed. A flood of hot equine sperm pouring into the drooling tiger under him as Chase collapsed, breathing a pathetic mewl as his midsection visibly swelled with each clench and tug of Tyr's leathery sack.

The tiger shivered with bliss, each pulse pouring a hot wash of seed deeper into his bowels. Each chuff, grunt and moan signalling the fresh geyser of seed painting his walls and settling in his depths until light pop made Chase shudder. His bellybutton pushed outward from the horse's vast emission, his proud abs vanished under the pressure and strain until the heated flood came to an end.

With an unceremonious grunt, Tyr pulled back, scraping Chase's insides with his engorged flare as his excess of sperm rapidly shifted to fill the void left behind by his retreating shaft.

It was over as quickly as it had begun, a wet pop and stream of cum pouring from the tigers gaping tailhole to pool under him as Tyr left his cock to sway and soften. His retreating cock spent the remainder of his seed over the barn floor as the large stud settled back into eating hay.

Chase was left a mess, his face buried in his arms as he rested on his elbows and caught his breath. Each grunt and flex forced a wash of spunk to pour messily from his swollen asshole, his ass and legs soon drenched in the pungent stink of horsey cum as he rubbed the feeling back into his hips and drug himself upward on unsteady feet.

He aimed his hot dribbling anus to the phone, one final shot as he playfully fished out the soggy remains of his thong. Thick ropes of opaque seed clung to the fabric, warm semen running down his thighs as he playfully flicked it to the camera.

"Can handle" Chase huffed, his breath ragged from the short yet intense breeding, 'Anything~". His smug quip to the camera and inevitably his frat mates before ending the recording.

Chase heaved a sigh, relaxing in his usual haunt at the campus gym. He lost himself in thought, casually pumping iron as he benched a massive barbell again and again while gazing at himself in a mirror.

It had been two weeks.

The challenge had gone off without a hitch. He had slipped from the barn, hopped into his jeep (with an excess of prepared towels) and made it back to the frat to show off his video and become a legend around campus with only minimal cum stains.

He retained the only copy of his video, happily showing off to whomever asked but retaining deniability if the authorities came sniffing around.

The problem now was sex, but the opposite of what someone would likely assume.

Sex had never been better, for him and his partners. He was incredibly sensitive down there. His tailhole so aggressively stretched that it had comfortably swollen into an enviable cushion of warm spongy flesh plump enough to part his firm ass cheeks. Furthermore, through the abuse or intense rutting, it seemed as if he had developed more muscle down there. He had greater anal and abdominal control than ever, able to milk a cock without even moving as his spongy asshole loudly sucked off his lover.

Problem was, though the sex was incredible, he was never satisfied. Even as he mewled or moaned while some horny male made him their bitch, even as he creamed himself stupid and purred their praises.

Something was missing. An itch wasn't being scratched and it was driving him mad.

He returned to his dorm, heaving a sigh as his attention turned to the shredded pink silk clumped on his desk. His obliterated thong, unsure why he bothered to keep it after his tryst. They had been his favorite pair, but the strap was hopelessly stretched and torn.

He brought the fabric to his snout, taking a long deep breath as he heaved a sigh of relief, a light purr rolling from his chest.

He had washed the cloth soon after returning those weeks ago, yet even now, clean and untouched, the dense fragrance of cum and equine musk clung heavily to every strand and stitch. It hadn't faded at all in the weeks he had been periodically huffing the cloth like an ether rag, letting the potent pheromones and pungent aroma of maleness soothe his nerves and leave his cheeks pulling tight with anticipation.

He had to see Tyr again...

He returned to the complex once more, parking his jeep in the brush as he skirted the perimeter and hopped over the gate next to the barn. The process took less than a minute. Sobriety and arousal good motivation for the task as he closed the door behind him.

He sucked a lungful of the air again, something new lingering that he couldn't place yet found welcoming. A loud bray caught his attention as he looked to Tyr's stall, hurrying over as he paused in shock at what he found.

It was Tyr alright. But different.

The young stallion had grown at least a foot in height, his fur had darkened from a gentle chestnut to a rugged oak as his sleek form now flexed with compressed and tensile muscle like never before.

"W-woah. What the hell are they feeding you, stud?" Chase chuckled, gently petting the stallion's snout as Tyr knickered happily before giving an impatient snort in response.

The sudden loud slapping echoing from between his legs as he flexed his haunches signaled exactly what he wanted. What they both wanted without question.

Chase swallowed a lump in his throat, his heart drumming with excitement as he hurriedly stripped from his clothing, not even bothering with underwear this time. He tossed it all to the side as he unlatched the heavy gate and stepped inside.

He hardly hard time to raise his arms, the second the latch clicked closed Chase was forced against it. Tyr reared upward, planting his forelimbs on the sturdy walls of his stall, his incredibly powerful form pressing Chase against it, pinning him firmly yet comfortably under the dominant stallion.

Their chests were pressed together, each able to feel the warmth and beat of each others heart between them as Tyr huffed a grunt and shifted his waist to slide his girth along Chase's thigh. His enormous cock thrust forcefully between his legs, pumping and shifting in a desperate effort to find his mare's entrance.

The horny tiger was given little choice, a chance thrust brushing against his asshole, nearly hooking the flesh and allowing the stallion entry. He would be speared on his stud's cock regardless, suspended by the brutish stallion's dick meat alone if he didn't act.

He swung his leg upward, hooking his shin over Tyr's thigh, doing the same for the other as he gripped his lovers powerful forelimbs and eased himself for the perfect angle of entry with the amorous beast pumping wildly in need.

With a single whinny and rear, Tyr slammed forward. He buried 2 feet of immense equine cock into Chase, stealing the Tigers breath as he craned backwards shouting a throaty moan of bliss.

Already he was stretched to his limits, Tyr's cock felt thicker than before. The massive flare was plugging and plunging his colon, the horny stallion pulling a backwards, threatening to take the tiger's insides with him from the suction alone before ramming in again.

Chase roared in bliss, intense strain rocking his core as he hissed and trembled under his breath. Tyr pulled back again, slamming half of his gargantuan shaft in and out rocking the helpless male under him as he howled and whimpered with delight.

It was unnatural how much cock he was taking, the thick medical ring wetly popping in and out of his swollen doughnut as Tyr's copious arousal added the glaze. It felt so right, feeling the outline of the flare pound into his sternum, stretching him out as Tyr grunted above him. Any sane or normal being would tear. But Chase? He was made for this.

The gate under them strained and quaked from the rough and dominant rutting. The sounds of creaking metal and gradually splintering wood punctuated with the hot wet passion of their gay breeding. Each wet slurp and squelch as Tyr worked himself deeper and deeper. Each stuttering purr, grunt and whimper as Chase moaned, supported helplessly on the bestial tool impaling him.

Every brutish thrust forced the helpless male to strain and accommodate. Every lurch of Tyr's flanks helping him conquer his mate's precious temple as he heaved gouts of steam from his flaring nostrils, plunging his voluminous output of heated pre seed deep into his lover.

"F-fuh-ah~!" Chase stuttered, mewling as he held on for the ride and coated their rocking abdomens in his own spouting felid seed.

"Di- *Arr*, did you-*ah* get b-BIGGER?!*ooohh*" his moaning query falling on deaf ears. His gay tiger cunt a virgin once more as Tyr used and bred him, raw wet passion wracking his body with new sensations as he clung to his stud and pulled tight. He pushed past the strain until the immense swollen orbs drummed against his thighs once more, his stretched anus kissing the base of his stallion's member.

They felt so much denser than before, Tyr slamming to the hilt and pausing for a moment to savor sheathing in his mate. Chase could feel the slick heaving sack smothering his thighs, clenching against him, smearing the rank sweat of a beast in rut until dripped off his matted fur.

Tyr pulled back, withdrawing half of his proud spire as Chase groaned with delight. The swollen flare pulled against so much, strained his walls as he clenched down begging for more and even watched the bloated plug traveling through his distended abdomen.

Yet even as Tyr crushed his prostate it wasn't enough. The persistent itch deep inside demanded more, and he did not have to wait long. There was no need to beg, Tyr rammed forward and pulled back, developing a rapid hammering pace with half of his tool persistently buried in Chase's stretch bowels.

He milked his mare, forcing him to spend every drop of his seed, to waste his useless cum and accept his stallion as he was drilled.

The great beast was so close, the thrusts gradually growing slower, more intense as inch after inch escaped Chase only to be slammed back in with greater force. Chase could feel the flare, each brutal shove and withdrawal soon ramming forward from crown to hilt in Tyr's desperate bid to bury himself again.

Each withdrawal was agonizingly slow, forcing Chase to savor each inch before a brutal thrust rammed the entire mass into him with a single bellowing grunt. His gravid orbs clapped against the studly tiger's cheeks with each thrust, an echoing slap and sultry groan before a pause and repeat. The beast was determined to bury himself in his slut, to feel his flare finally rooted comfortably in Chase's intestines.

Tyr loosened a heavy bray, snorting in triumph as his leathery sack pulled tight while he slid the last few inches forward, feeling their genitals form a perfect seal.

An eruption of heated cum pounded into Chase's innards, each flex and flare forcing a visible bulge of semen to flood inside him. Chase could only groan and bear it, heaving gasps and grunts as he felt the volume of a firehose pouring sperm into his colon and washing his innards in the dense virile slurry.

What little of his own seed was left spat weakly from his meaty feline sausage, going limp as the pleasure and intensity never seemed to end.

There was simply too much in him, too much cock, too much cum. He could feel it bubble into his stomach as his innards loudly gurgled in protest. His belly stretched once more, pressing tight against his stud as his button popped again, a light sting and quiver of tingling pleasure before the pressure surged up his throat.

His lungs burned as the salty and bitter taste of sperm hit the back of his throat. He gargled the watery slime, soaking his tongue and overfilled sinuses with the potent equine seed.

The seed pumping into him grew thicker by the second, the lesser spunk emptied into his bitch first to make room for the prized emission. Steamy gouts of opaque sperm poured from Chase's throat, rolling down his lips and neck as he gasped and strained struggling to keep the endless surge of viscous cream inside and failing miserably as visible gouts sprayed from his straining muzzle.

For a moment the surge slowed down, Chase tensing as he took the opportunity to regurgitate a deluge of the invasive liquid. A hot wash of the clinging seed pouring from his throat as he gasped and heaved, groaning through churning breathes as cum rolled down his gorgeous orange coat.

Tyr strained for a moment, an excited knicker and grunt. He pulled Chase close, embracing him gently. It was the beast's first truly tender action, Chase gently gripping the stud and catching his breath as he moaned and shuddered feeling Tyr adjusting himself in his feline cock sleeve for some unknown purpose.

"O-oh gods. Hngk, aAHnn~" a submissive and pleasured gasp rolling into a purring moan as Tyr seemingly found his mark. His great flare kissed against Chase's walls, sealing itself against something deep as a slow and steady stream of extra dense equid sperm poured into him filling whatever glorious pocket it had found.

Each flex seemed to steady a constant flow, the trickle never slowed or intensified, simply locking the pair together as they fulfilled their purpose and the tiger groaned in shock and delight.

He could feel that thick goo finally scratching that itch, dousing the burning heat that had plagued him as he clenched and milked the turgid shaft for salvation. Whatever had possessed the pair finally vanished with a liter of seminal putty settled comfortably in his gut.

It finally seemed over. Both males locked together as they caught their breath and rode the long-awaited release.

Tyr began to slide himself out, allowing all the viscous foal butter to settle in the vacant space left behind once more until his flare loudly slurped from Chase's ruined body.

The tiger slumped downward, his lower half no longer supported by a rigid horse dick as he sat on his knees and leaned against the gate. Immediately he could feel the warmth pouring from his gaping rear, a slow stream of cum rolling down his hips or dripping into the growing pool under him as any light flex earned a loud splatter and gush.

Tyr's broad snout soon lowered to his, a light snort of concern as Chase smiled and caught his breath. "I-I'm alright, bud" he heaved and blushed, rubbing the stallion's snout and leaning in to rest his forehead against it.

"B-better then ever~" he chimed as the afterglow and relief from his desire washed over him.

Tyr's broad tongue danced over Chance's fur, the tiger humming with a low and constant purr. He finally had a chance to look over what had ruined his body, shaped him to only be suited to horse cock.

Tyr had grown, his immense pink and brown shaft had swollen by at least 10%, a 40-inch monster with absurd girth and an imposing black and red colouring. The stud's hefty black scrotum now heaved two bouncing volleyballs, the skin shimmering with a glean of sweat as it pulled tight, forcing his still-erect shaft to spit streams of residual cum over his conquest.

The seed was warm and viscous, soaking into Chase's fur, matting it down and staining his skin with the stench of feral cum, Tyr's mark.

His hands roamed over his stud's lustrous blackened coat, feeling the tense musculature underneath and raw heat pouring from his incredible body. His muzzle pressed into that fine ebon coat, gentle breathes filling his lungs with the gamey and masculine scent of musk and hay before he pulled himself back to simply admire the fine example of a male that had rocked his world.

Tyr seemed a bit more tender this time, attentive as he sucked in Chase's own scent, something in his natural musk exciting the stud just as he could excite the submissive tiger.

It just felt right to be together. And having to eventually leave as the sun began to rise was harder than it should have been.

It was 2 months this time, late into November. Things had become troubling for Chase in his campus life.

He had been putting on weight, a taut and heavy gut had only grown more prominent over the months. No matter how hard he worked out or struggled to diet he only grew bigger. His appetite was out of control. Any weight he lost was rapidly replaced in his ravenous hunger for increasingly unusual combinations of food.

His frat brothers were teasing him daily, rubbing his gut and asking how the foal was doing.

He couldn't focus in school, he was relentlessly horny and thoughts of Tyr were steering dangerously into an obsession.

His rational mind knew something was amiss. But any time panic or confusion set in a wash of hormones and euphoria followed, staggering lust seemed to repress it until he sorted out the problem with his largest toy or found a willing stud eager to drill his ass or throat.

The more he thought about Tyr the more his mind wandered to the vivid memories of their taboo encounters. The scent and tastes so real, the warmth of their bodies and unremitting strength as Tyr forced himself upon the willing and submissive tiger.

He craved that contact just once more, it was consuming his dreams, building into an overwhelming need. His cravings soon focused entirely on his stud, his body aching to taste his seed and scent again as a compulsion drove him to return.

He was careless in his third visit, cradling his belly as he pulled into the same spot he had parked previously.

He took no note of the freshly cut grass and brush that seemingly awaited his arrival, nor the gate, conveniently unlocked as he hurried through, thankful he wouldn't have to scale anything in his condition.

He entered the barn, the warm humid air and scent of barn animals now filled him with gentle relief and budding excitement.

He heard Tyr's bray, catching scent of his mare before even seeing 'her' as Chase rushed to the same stall and found it empty. He followed the gentle whinnies to a much larger and more luxurious stall. The walls made of smooth steel, some equipment, straps, a breeding bench and furniture oddly set inside.

There was a viewing room behind one wall, not even one-sided glass, as the secure cell seemed to be some sort of breeding and viewing room.

A larger iron door and thick glass pane separated the pair, something he had no right even trying to breach. Yet again it was unlocked, and Chase stepped eagerly into the isolated cell without a sliver of concern for his luck or convenience.

He hurriedly shucked off his clothing, tossing it aside without a care in the world as Tyr rushed forward, bathing his mate in licks and nips, drinking in the scent of his pregnant mare and slapping his cock against his belly demanding his wife pleasure him.

Chase was all too eager to obey, his mouth watered as he nuzzled his marvelous stud and kneeled, gazing at the cock of his dreams. He slipped forward to grip the immense throbbing tool and glide his tongue along the smooth shaft savouring the long anticipated warmth and flavor.

The taste was orgasmic, exactly what he needed. He buried his snout in Tyr's orbs, rubbing his snout into the slick fur and leathery flesh as he sucked musk until his eyes watered and fat cock drooled.

Gods, everything felt so right.

He pumped his mate's enormous shaft, hearing the stud chuff and murr in approval as warm pre began to pour from his pulsing flare. Chase was quick to slip back, to lick up the rich milk he'd been craving as he stuffed the spongy flesh into his throat. He bobbed and purred as Tyr began to pump his hips and fuck his slut's willing throat, slathering his shaft in saliva and seed as Chase eagerly swallowed.

No drug could match the euphoria he felt in his current position, no buzz or high could match the warmth in his throat or the pungent musk stinging his nostrils. His whole body throbbed in relief and comforting bliss, a long-held tension decompressing as he melted into the instinctual release. He was meant to be here, this was his purpose.

His constant thrumming purr only furthered Tyr's pleasure, easing the stallion as warm gouts of his potent nourishing seed pumped into Chase's waiting tummy. He stepped forward, forcing more and more cock to slide down Chase's throat while he scrubbed his mate's esophagus.

"Having fun I take it?" a foreign voice chimed with bemusement. Chase simply purred and gave a light nod of affirmation before his mind managed to catch up.

He gagged and gasped, yanking off his stallion's pride with a long and perverse slurp. The warm sticky cum dribbled over him as he locked eyes with the facility director. A large and imposing reptile of a man wearing a lab coat and smirking through thin daggerlike fangs.

Chase merely swallowed the lingering cum in his throat, Tyr heaving a grunt of agitation and thrusting impatiently for his mare to get back to work.

"Oh god, I'm going to jail aren't I?" he stuttered with the weight of realization, the shock pushing back the euphoria just enough for a bit of rationality to slip in.

"Jail? What for?" the doctor grinned, turning his head slightly as his piercing slitted eyes dug into Chase's own. "Why, I believe your application to work in our fine facility has just been approved. Chase Collins~" as he pulled out a stethoscope and walked towards the stunned tiger, leaving him petrified from the full use of his name and feeling small under the older male's gaze.

He could feel the doctor glide the metal over his pregnant gut, his own reptilian cocks hanging out and drooling in the air as he hummed to himself giving Chase an examination while a moist and drooling equine flare smushed against his cheek.

"Hh-how long have you...?" he asked meekly, finding his tongue drifting to rim his lovers flare again as the presence of his mate helped soothe his growing anxiety.

"Known? Always. Security cameras are delightfully compact these days" the doctor chimed casually and stood upright. He gestured to a tiny black box set into the rafters that had a perfect view of Chase's trysts with the stallion.

"And now you have a choice, though in reality you have none" the doctor smirked, casually working his cock's and spitting cum onto the tiger's face.

"We're the only facility that can care for you and your budding foal. You've broken into a government facility 3 times on camera" he listed, "AND you carelessly lubricated yourself with experimental formula, and worse, mixed it with alcohol. Vastly amplifying the effect" he chastised.

"I've already gone ahead and approved your application. And considering your only other option would be imprisonment. I believe you assisting in our conservation and breeding program would be far more fulfilling, yes?" his tone rolling with confidence and demand, "We will even allow you to transfer your last year of school into work experience for that precious degree" he grinned.

Everything seemed to come at once to the young tiger. His mind reeling with the consequences of his actions, yet the shock and excitement at the generous and somewhat suspicious offer. He finally seemed to realize just why this isolated cell looked so cozy. Why there was so much sturdy and comfortable furniture and some electronics strewn about.

He was the intended breeding subject.

Still, he had little other choice, and if it allowed him to continue his education and live with his stud. Really, there were no downsides. Only...a single question.

"I...yes. I want this" he sighed, gently gripping Tyr's great shaft once more as he gently sucked along the length, his nerves tingling with a light shudder of bliss to so openly worship his husband.

"But" he paused, caressing the thick drooling flare, nuzzling the shaft as a purr rumbled through his chest once more, "how did..". "You end up pregnant, yes?" the doctor interjected as Chase gave a nod, increasingly distracted by his mate.

"I'll spare you the details" he hummed and casually observed the sight of the tiger lost in cock worship. A light dismissive wave of his hand as he retrieved a clipboard with paperwork from a drawer in the cell.

"To put it simply, that solution you so carelessly overdosed on refurbished your appendix into a functional horse womb" he answered calmly, "Admittingly not the intended purpose, but it's hard to argue with good results".

The thick flare was pressed insistently against Chase's lips once more, the tiger eagerly obeying his beastly lover as the tool slid back into his throat. He gave the doctor a weak affirming nod, signing the paperwork with minimal cum smears as he began his new agricultural career a year earlier than planned.


Chase moaned in delight, purring through grunts as Tyr fucked him over a padded bench. Thick leather straps wrapped his shoulders, anchoring his body as his feral husband wasted little time in breeding his wife hard and deep.

An audience was nearby, both in the viewing room and a few taking notes from the back of the pen as Chase happily let nature take its course. His own thick feline cock was soon spitting over the ground with each shove, the scent of his seed spurring Tyr forward as the great stallion reared and slammed deep, his gravid sack spanking against Chase's thighs as he gasped a hissed purr of pleasure.

He had finally birthed their foal not too long ago. His measurement of time was a bit skewed, but he knew it was early spring. Even now the young colt happily suckled from a bottle, a scientist calmly nursing the young stud as Tyr was in the process of pumping a new sibling for them into Chase's altered womb.

The release was no less voluminous than usual. Tyr's vast reserves of dense impregnating sperm flooding the tigers insides, testing his incredible strength and capacity as he struggled to stay upright through a loud and pathetic mewl of orgasmic bliss.

His cheeks bulged as viscous sperm packed his throat, spraying out in streams for all to see before he could purse his lips no longer.

A flood of rich virile equine sperm poured from Chase's maw, each new thrust and pump only adding to the quantity. His mate had only grown more productive over the winter as changes settled in both of them. Gouts of semen squirted and sprayed from his nostrils, a mindless gurgling purr popped with bubbles of fresh seed pouring from his blissful expression. He was forced to savor the mess violating and flushing his innards, a daily occurrence he now relished.

As the thickened gel of seed began to settle, each thick wad clumping deep inside to foster new life. Chase could only dreamily close his eyes, Tyr's seed pouring from his mouth as he blissfully envisioned the thousands of sperm attacking his eggs, sealing his fate as a broodmare.