Shaking Tail

Story by Sanada-mutt on SoFurry

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Shaking Tail

by Sanada


The neon sign flashed once, twice and flickered out before igniting in a brilliant, almost stinging shade of pink. A mixture between eye-catching and eye-sore, the sign lit up the street like a beacon in the night. Which was exactly the point. Lulu Gaddi's wanted the attention and the stares. What better way for people to ask, 'what is that place' than with a big sign that screamed, 'look at me!'

Tracey leaned up against the dashboard of his car, gazing dreamily across the street. The flighty fox's tail swished behind him through the specifically crafted hole in the car seat, allowing it to brush gently along the floor. The vulpine watched the line out front of the place diminish, only to grow again and repeat. Lulu's was the most popular gay club in town and Tracey knew that he wouldn't have to wait in that line. He was on the list, just like he was on the list at So-ho's Maison and the Steam Room. A delightful smirk flashed across his muzzle when his eyes found the bouncer at the large double doors.

Rule, an alligator of about thirty-odd years of age. Big, tall, rugged and built like a truck. Oh, that Rule was a handsome cut of scaled meat. Tracey blinked, scanning over the buff gator's body, mentally undressing him with his eyes: first removing that tight wife-beater and seeing the firm, toned lines of his pecs and chest before getting rid of those ever-so confining jeans. Tracey already knew what was under there; a straining jockstrap holding in another piece of meat he had become acquainted with on a few occasions. Rule was enough of a man to put those early escapades at the mall to shame.

"Maybe later," Tracey said aloud while tugging his keys from the ignition and slipping them into the pocket of his tight blue jeans, vintage wash as always. The fox pulled off his sunglasses and neatly tucked them into the compartment to his right, snapping the lid shut and getting out of the car, polished black leather shoes unsettling the pebbles on the ground.

Slipping a paw into his pocket, he pressed the lock button once and again until the vehicle beeped securely. Satisfied, Tracey turned towards the street but stopped a second later, catching his reflection in the side mirror.

"Tch, this won't do at all," he fretted, bending down to see the unsettled strand of headfur between those two cute, perfectly symmetrical ears. Symmetrical aside from the three silver hoops hanging in his right ear.

Licking a paw, he flattened out the offending strand and did a quick check to see if everything else was in order. Content with his look, Tracey quickly adjusted the snug shirt he wore. The material was tight and not quite long enough to cover him, showing just a hint of white underbelly. Tracey was fine with that. He already knew that the barest hint of midriff drove some horny guys wild. No sense letting a tactical advantage such as that go to waste. As if that weren't enough, the shirt itself was a soft shade of violet; not enough to be irritating, but enough to stand out. Written across it in bold, white letters was the phrase, 'He won't do that, but I will,' with an arrow pointing to the left. Just another detail on the pile that was the fox's game.

A quick glance down either side of the road and the fox went, broad smile across his ebon muzzle and a happy flick to his tail. He had lost count how many times he'd been to Lulu's, enough that he knew he was considered a regular. Enough that he had already slept with the owner.

Idly, the fox wondered just where he would end up tonight as he walked down the line. He took due note of the heads that turned his way as he sauntered by; a paw in his pocket and the other swinging lightly off to his side.

Wouldn't mind some of that, he thought to himself when his eyes met with those of a tiger's. The striped feline reminded him of that clerk from the clothing store today; young and impressionable and having that boyish charm, while still remaining confident enough to know what he wanted. Tracey knew what he wanted, and his smile grew when he seductively flicked his tail, placing his paws on his hips and cocking his head to one side.

He could almost feel that tiger's pants tighten, and when the vulpine looked back, the stripy cat was eagerly whispering away to a friend of his in line.

Haven't even got in and already the boys are swooning. Good start, Tracey chuckled to himself as he rounded the end of the line, coming face-to-face with that hunky stud of a bouncer. Rule turned to him, a wide, toothy grin upon his snout.

"Now here's a sight I haven't seen in a dog's age. Trace, long time no see," the brawny alligator said, extending a claw towards him. Tracey smiled slyly, gripping the offered appendage and shaking firmly, though not as firmly as Rule. The scaled male was strong.

"As if I could stay away from this place any longer. I can feel that floor calling out to me," Tracey joked. "It's only been two weeks Rule. Have you missed little old me that much?"

"Well, it's certainly not as...exciting here without our resident queen," the gator replied, adjusting his belt. He turned away for a moment to check the ID of a squirrel next in line and after a few seconds waved the long-tailed male inside. "Gio's been wondering where you've gotten off to."

"Y' and there. This isn't the only club that I go to you know."

Rule nodded, folding those near tree-trunk like arms across his chest and giving him a playful grin.

"Too bad for that. I wouldn't mind seeing a little more of you, just like old times."

Tracey smirked playfully, placing a delicate paw on his arm as he slinked by. He could feel those corded muscles tense under his soft touch and he offered the big bouncer a wink.

"Is that something I should look forward to?" he asked. Rule fired a look back that spoke of things to come; narrowing his eyes just a smidge and adjusting his belt again.


"I hope that's a promise!" Tracey laughed before waltzing inside the music-filled antechamber.

"I'll see you later Trace!" Rule called after him, but the fox only batted a paw into the air. Tracey was well aware where he would see the gator. It certainly wasn't an unpleasant thought. Just remembering the last time Rule had taken him sent shivers up his spine and a pleasant tingle surging through his loins. He didn't let those teasing thoughts take hold however; no use getting a hard-on in a crowd. Not yet anyway.

The music was thumping and pulsing, sending vibrations running from ear to toe. Tracey grinned, taking in the sights of his former home away from home. The decor, the sounds, the smell of nearly a hundred or more males mingling in the air; it was just as he remembered. The fox placed a paw in his pocket as he walked by the mishmash of furred anthros on his way to the bar, passing the red-cushioned booths off to the side, where some could engage in some relatively hush-hush conversations or otherwise. On more than one occasion, he had seen a particularly lucky guy getting a hand job or blowjob at those tables. Hell, he'd done so himself before.

Beyond the booths was the dance floor, far to the back. The writhing, grinding bodies of a few hand fulls of hot, sweaty male bodies pressing against each other was a sight the flighty vulpine wished he'd never forget. Oh, there had been many a good time on that floor; especially when the fog machines were on. Nothing hardcore, but he fondly remembered the time when a handsome young cougar had shoved a paw down the front of his pants and got him nice and hard before taking him off to the bathrooms. Tracey smirked, but continued on his way. First things first, a drink was in order.

The heavy dark wood bar rested on the far side of the building, opposite the entrance. Most of the red seated, gold-plated stools were occupied already, but the intrepid fox spotted an empty one beside a pair of wolves; one grey and one red. They wore matching green shirts with three symbols on their backs.

Oh, frat boys, Tracey purred to himself as he followed the long line of occupied seats towards the opening. His attention was quickly taken off of that lovely pair of lupine muscle when he spotted who was tending the bar, or at least one of the men.

Tracey's playful smile was genuine as he watched Gio set a pint of beer down in front of a black wolf before leaning over and whispering something into the ebon lupine's ear that had him blushing, at least as far as his expression went. That shepherd sure was a sweet talker and knew just what to say to get the guys going. Not as well as himself though.

"Gio, Gio, Gio...making your customers feel welcome?" Tracey laughed, setting himself down lightly beside that towering red wolf. The two lupines beside him looked over at him, the crimson furred one even leaning back enough to give his ass a quick check before they turned their gaze to each other and then back to their drinks. Tracey grinned, but paid them little heed. The german shepherd was his focus.

Gio turned about fully, ears flicking at the fox's words. Tracey licked his lips ever-so slightly when the dog flashed him a disarming grin; confident and self-assured. Just as Tracey remembered. He was already well-versed in that look, and of how it usually ended up with his muzzle between Gio's legs.

"Only making them comfortable. You know, like yourself when you used to tend," the black and tan furred canid replied, showing just the barest hint of fang. "I'm just...a little more subtle."

"Of course," Tracey smirked back, flicking that pierced ear of his, the three hoops jingling together. "Because we all know that subtle is dragging new people down into the cellar for a quicky, right?"

The dog blushed hard as he wiped a glass with a rag, ears folding back against his head. Tracey yipped a short laugh and he could hear those wolves snickering as well. Gio was so easy to tease, but he knew the dog took it all in stride.

"I'm just kidding," Tracey said innocently, offering a playful wink. The fox propped his elbows up on the counter and plopped his muzzle into open paws. Gio just waved a paw at him dismissively and reached up to pluck a wine glass from the rack overhead.

"Yeah, yeah. You want the usual Trace?" the dog asked, regaining some of his lost composure. Tracey took note of how his ears had unfolded and how Gio's tail had started to wag about, a little more excitedly than before.

"Merlot, yeah. Filled right up!"

"Sounds like a certain someone that I know," Gio barked in laughter. Again, the two wolves snickered but Tracey ignored them.

The shepherd set the glass down in front of him, Tracey placing a paw on the rounded bottom, watching as the bar keeping dog thumbed through the assorted bottles behind him. The fox grinned and looked down at the empty glass, catching his own reflection on the translucent surface.

Ebon fur covered most of his visible body, with the exception of a white underjaw. That patch of ivory ran down his chest and between his legs, a nice, almost seductive contrast on his fur. The tip of his tail was also white, as if it had been dunked into a can of paint, snowy white standing out against the rest of his obsidian coat. He was thin and lithe, much like the rest of his species and if it weren't for the three silver hoops dangling from his right ear, the fox might have even appeared generic and common amongst other black foxes.

Except he was far from both of those things. He didn't have a lot of time to contemplate himself however, for Gio was back then with a bottle of his wine, already uncorked and ready. The dog placed the lip of the bottle up against the rim of the glass with a clink and let the dark, crimson liquid splash into the clear bowl.

Tracey watched as the vibrant red juice emptied into the glass, splashing around the sides and carrying a nice oak and fruit aroma. The fox licked his lips again, eager to take a sip of the fine nectar.

"Enjoy," Gio said with a smile before moving off to go replace the bottle where it belonged. Tracey didn't waste anytime, snatching up the glass and giving it a swirl. He brought it up to his nose and took a sniff, catching that almost heavenly bouquet in his nose like a proper connoisseur, or a complete wine-fag. Whichever he felt was more appropriate at the time.

Tracey took a slow sip, savouring that wonderful flavour. It had been a long time since he had gotten a good glass of wine. The other bars he had been to didn't carry merlot and he had to settle for pinot noir on occasion. Not a terrible substitute, but the fox liked what he liked. Gio knew exactly what he liked. When the dog returned once again, Tracey tipped his muzzle in a nod, quickly swallowing the wonderful stuff down.

"You always knew what I liked," the fox purred, smiling at him. Gio grinned, wiping a new glass with the dishrag again.

"I worked with you for three years. If I didn't know what you liked by now, I don't think I'd be running this place half as well as I do," Gio replied, to which the fox nodded again. "Where have you been hiding? We missed you on drag night."

"Puh-lease, I'm not going to wear one of those stuffy old dresses and itchy wigs again. I think I'll stick to being a man, thank you very much," Tracey laughed, taking another slow sip. Gio flashed another grin. "Besides, you've got plenty other queens at your disposal."

"I'm just yankin' your tail, Trace. Just haven't seen you around is all. It's funny how you don't really notice someone until they don't show up anymore."

The fox put on a look of mock anger, placing a paw against his chest and scuffing.

"You forgot me? Oh, dare you! The very notion!" he snapped playfully. He did his best to keep a straight face, but it wasn't possible. Halfway through the tirade, his expression was already cracking. "I've just been busy. Like I told Rule, this isn't the only club that I go to. I like to mix things up."

"I'm sure you do," Gio grinned, setting the glass down and giving the vulpine a once-over. Tracey could see those eyes moving along his body and he couldn't help but blush. He had known Gio for years and the two had only fooled around on a few, semi-rare occasions. So on those uncommon times that he felt Gio's eyes upon him in more than just a friendly manner, he couldn't help but become giddy. The dog was quite a looker; fit and toned beneath that fur of his. He also knew just had good of a lay Gio was. The dog had quite the piece on him and knew just how to use it.

"Well," Tracey said with a shrug. "You know me! Can never stay in one place too long. Though Lulu's will always be my home away from home. Been itching to get out on the floor for sometime now. I haven't had a good dance in weeks."

"You've come to the right place then," Gio laughed, leaning up against the counter. "Though, when you're done with your wine, there's something I want to show you. I got it shipped in last week and I need your eye for it. Fresh keg of brew from Germany. I know you've got a taste for alcohol so I want you to judge it for me, if that's okay with you?"

The shepherd offered a not-so-subtle wink and Tracey knew that look for what it was. Gio probably did have a new beer or wine or whatever it was down in the cellar. Yet, he knew that the dog didn't have any intention of getting him to judge it. Tracey chuckled, taking another sip from the glass. He was willing to play along with Gio's game. After all, some easy tail was part of the reason why he came out tonight.

"I'm sure I could spare a few moments," Tracey answered, a devious smirk spreading across his muzzle. "So long as I get a taste of it. Right from the tap."

Gio's broad grin was priceless and the fox knew he had hit the nail right on the head. Gio was easy to read. Most of the guys he knew were. The two chatted a little while longer, Tracey sipping his wine and the dog moving off to serve some customers before checking up on him.

Eager tonight, Tracey thought to himself.

When he set the empty glass back down on the counter, Gio was quick to place it in the sink underneath the counter. The dog held up his index finger, telling Tracey to wait for just a moment. The fox watched him move down the line to one of the other tenders; Jerry, if Tracey remembered correctly. The hot, young, flamboyant panther had started just before he quit. He didn't know much about him other than the fact that he was a bit of a queen and frequently participated in the drag shows. Gio whispered something into the black feline's ear. A nod; another exchange of hushed words that the vulpine couldn't hear and Gio was heading back towards him.

"Alright, come on. I'm getting Jer to cover me for a minute while I show you the stuff. It's thick, kind of heavy. Hopefully you'll like it," Gio grinned, meeting Tracey down the end of the line and opening the side panel for him to get through. "Come on."

"Your innuendo could use some work," Tracey chuckled, noticing how Gio tensed up when the words left his mouth. "I thought you were supposed to be subtle."

"Dealing with you? Subtly goes out the window," the dog replied, craning his neck about to toss the fox a toothy grin.

"Hon, you know me too well," Tracey laughed.


The cellar was cool, though not enough to be uncomfortable. The smell of dozens of fermented liquids hung in the air, so thick that Tracey could almost taste it through his nose. It was a nice smell though, one he missed when he used to work here.

Rows upon rows of carefully assorted bottles lined the floor, each categorized and labelled to perfection. Argentinean wine? Not a problem. Third row on the right. Canadian beers? Far back on the second shelf of the long refrigerated alcove. Nothing was where it shouldn't have been. Isles upon isles of pretty, sparkling bottles of various shapes, sizes and colours. It was almost beautiful in a sense, and certainly enough to bring even the stoutest of AA members to their knees.

None of it mattered though, not to Tracey. The fox's vision was obscured by the thick patch of tan fur before his nose as he hungrily suckled at the shepherd's sac. Gio had a paw placed firmly on his head, between the ears and now and then would give the ruff of fur on his head a good, nice scratch. Tracey's smile was broad, the corners of his muzzle-lips turned up as he licked and sucked on those strong, musky orbs.

"Mmm, always knew how to tease a guy," Gio panted, leaning up against the wall. Tracey responded by reaching a paw up and running blunted claws through the canine's exposed chest fur.

The vulpine pulled off of the well-licked set of balls, grinning up at the other male before nosing at that oozing shaft. Gio smelt like every bit of the man he was; strong and unyielding. When he felt the dog's claw hook around one of his earrings, Tracey knew exactly what to do. His supple pink tongue stroked over the tip of Gio's sheath and upon the salty flesh of his cock, slowly licking upwards to the very tip and getting a nice taste of precum upon his tongue and lips.

"God, you're such a good little cock-sucker, aren't you?" Gio barked quietly, tugging on his ear. Tracey whimpered, playing up his role as submissive bitch to perfection. It was all an act between the two, for their mutual pleasure. The fox always loved how the dog got a little rough and certainly verbal when it came down to business. "Gonna suck my dick like a good little fox?"

"Uh-huh," Tracey whined, forcing a feeble smile onto his muzzle before letting his tongue swirl about the fat head of Gio's dribbling shaft. His lips parted when Gio tugged him closer, letting that thick, slimy shaft slide along his tongue and into his muzzle. A soft, almost pathetic whine escaped his muzzle when Gio pushed him down right to the root, forcing his dick deep inside.

"Nice fuckin' wet muzzle," the dog cooed, letting his tongue lull from the side of his open maw. Tracey whimpered again, bringing one paw down to the canine's sac and holding it firmly, giving a bit of a pull. "Make my dick all nice and wet."

Tracey moaned around the mouthful of warm, dribbling dogcock, sucking and licking that shaft as he knew how. Feeling Gio's strong paws upon his head sent shivers rolling through his thin little body, and the fox gave that furry sac another gentle tug, pulling a grunt out of the mutt. In response, a set of nails dug into his fur and forced him down harder. Tracey huffed through his nose as he felt that fat cock-head press deep into his muzzle.

"Aw fuck...that's a good bitch," Gio growled.

Tracey's tongue flicked and curled over that hot shaft, flavoured further by the ever-constant oozing of precum. If the fox knew anything, he knew that he loved dogs. That constant flow of juice spilling onto his tongue was a turn-on, and he resisted the urge to reach down and jerk himself off right then and there. At least for the moment.

When Gio's paw let up, Tracey didn't even bother to come up for air. Oh no, the sultry little fox-slut kept himself in place sucking on that dog-meat, saliva washing over the flesh as he bobbed up and down slowly. No use tiring himself out and ending the fun so soon. A nice, steady pace was what he knew Gio liked; to tease him along until he spilled salty cum all over his tongue.

Tracey gave another tug on the shepherd's sac before letting go, placing his paw on his hip for support as he forced himself all the way down to the root once again. The dog growled low, panting when Tracey started to undo the button and fly of his tight jeans, fishing his own foxhood out from behind the material. The strong scent of fox musk intermingled with Gio's own and Tracey inhaled deeply as he let himself get turned on further, stroking along his shaft.

"Mmm, Trace. Good to see you haven't changed a bit," Gio chuckled, bucking his hips forward. The fox didn't respond, though he knew what Gio was referring to. Tracey simply kept right on busying himself with getting the dog off, letting his muzzle glide up and down along that thick, canine shaft. "You always knew the right way to suck a dick."

At that, the fox did pull off of Gio's cock, letting a thin line of saliva hang from his lower lip to the tip of Gio's shaft cutely. Tracey winked, letting his white-tipped tail brush along the cellar floor.

"Hon, you know how much practice I've gotten," he snickered softly.

"Uh-huh," Gio said with a flash of his fangs before placing a paw back on Tracey's head and pulling him forward again. "And I know how much you love having someone shoot their load down your throat, like a good little fox-slut."

Tracey's ears folded back voluntarily as he parted his lips again to let that slick shaft push into his muzzle. Already his tongue flicked against the underside of that hot cock, painting a fresh coat of spittle and saliva over it. Placing a paw firmly upon the shepherd's leg, the fox used his other paw to continue stroking his own drooling dick, milking precum onto his fingers and the floor. He didn't care, and he certainly knew that Gio didn't either. It would dry.

Tracey just occupied himself with that thick cock and the incessant drizzle of pre that followed, slurping it down greedily as his muzzle slid up before getting buried nose-first into the dog's crotch. As the minutes slipped by, Gio's panting became more needy, and soon enough his knot had begun to form. Tracey pulled off just long enough to give the orb a few teasing licks that got Gio to tug on his ear.

"Fuck having my dick all nice and wet. Come on Trace, make me cum," Gio bade. Tracey was only too happy to do so.

Gio roughly took hold of his head and forced him back onto his dick. The fox whined in mock protest, but allowed the mutt to muzzle-fuck his face. Gio growled, more loudly this time as he thrust his hips forward, keeping Tracey still as he slid his dick in and out of that hot, wet passage the fox offered. Just as Tracey wanted. The fox whimpered some more, feeling his orgasm quickly building as Gio did what he did best, make a good bitch out of him. The dog's panting was music to his pert little ears and when he felt that knot bumping up against his lips, he couldn't hold back anymore.

Tracey whined, squeezing his own knot as he came, spitting ropes of vulpine seed all over the floor and his paw, thick strands of white splattering against the concrete. The smell of fox-cum overpowered everything, enough so that when he felt the warm, salty tang of cum upon his tongue, he snapped back to his senses and swallowed obediently.

"Aww, fuck!" Gio barked. Tracey grinned as he drunk down the dog's seed, the heavy, musky ropes spraying over his tongue and against his throat in rapid succession until the mutt was spent. Gio let go of his head, pulling his soaked member from Tracey's muzzle and giving the fox a playful bop on the nose with it. "Still as good as ever Trace."

The fox chuckled, wiping the back of his paw across his mouth.

"I try, honestly," Tracey grinned, wiping the last of his own orgasm on the inside of his underwear before getting up and tugging his pants back on. "I couldn't pass up a chance to fool around with you. It's been awhile Gio."

"Certainly has," the dog chuckled, tucking himself away as well. "Not since you left anyway."

"I hope you don't think that's why we haven't," Tracey said while giving him a playful elbow in the chest. Gio smirked, shaking his head.

"Nah. I know you're just really busy and...occupied a lot of the time. Still, it's good to see you again."

Tracey rolled his eyes, smiling at him playfully as they started back towards the stairs. "Why does everyone sound like they haven't seen me in years? It's only been a few weeks."

"We just like you is all," Gio said, giving him a firm clap on the ass.

"I can see that much," Tracey shot back, slapping Gio's shoulder playfully as they ascended up the stairwell. "Alas, I hear the floor calling me though."

"No time for another drink?"

"So long as it's the kind that will get me drunk."

"In that case, I've got this bottle of Merlot I got in the other week..."


One bottle of wine later and the flighty waif was out on the floor, tail swishing about and ears flicking to the sights and sounds of Lulu Gaddi's. A delicate smile splayed across his muzzle as he twisted and gyrated upon the floor, that white-tipped tail flicking and curling around his own leg or that of other males. Not a one said a word, even when the subtle brush of a tail turned to an out-right crotch or ass grab, Tracey's small paws snaking around a waist or down the length of someone else's tail.

It was acceptable, and the sultry little vulpine knew that all too well. Besides, it wasn't like he was doing all the work. On the contrary, he had counted at least almost a dozen different paws upon his body at some point over the last half-hour.

Music blared from the pair of gigantic speakers sitting on the stage, loud enough that Tracey couldn't hear a thing unless someone shouted right in his ear. It didn't matter. All that did was having a good, carefree night to do as he pleased. Namely; drink, dance and flirt just like always.

Tracey's hips swayed back and forth, bouncing on the balls of his feet to the latest piece that sounded out over the floor. He bumped and he grinded along with the masses, sliding his body along the groin of a strapping young weasel, only to flit away a moment later to, whom he believed to be the tiger from outside. Then he was gone again, making his way through the crowd and knowing full well that he had gotten at least a few people worked up with his precious little game of 'grind the ass against the sheath'.

He smiled a happy smile to himself, eyes flitting about this way and that as he shook his hips and pumped his legs. Yes, it had been far too long since he had last gotten to break in a dance floor. For a fox like him, two weeks was quite a long time. It all came back on its' own though; the rhythm, the feel of the beat as it pumped through his body, the familiar steps and turns and twists. Dancing, to Tracey, was like riding a bike; or riding something in any case. He'd never forget how. He wouldn't let himself.

So engrossed had the vulpine become in his own private little world upon the floor, that when a pair of strong, firm paws gripped his hips, the black of his fur would most assuredly have turned a stark white if it were possible. Still, he managed to keep his wits about him enough not to yelp in surprise. The fox relaxed somewhat, more when he felt that hot breath against the back of his neck and his ears.

"What's a hot little number like you doing on the floor alone?" asked the masculine voice of whoever stood behind. Tracey cocked his head back, and was only mildly surprised to see that grey wolf from the bar. He didn't have the frat jacket on anymore. Instead, Tracey got an eye-full of the silver-white fur poking up over the lip of the wife-beater he wore.

"Hon, I wouldn't consider myself alone when I've barely made the rounds to everyone just yet," Tracey replied with a knowing grin. The lupine snickered.

"Everyone, huh? Haven't passed by me yet," the wolf replied, letting his paws rest upon the fox's dainty waist. Tracey just winked.

"All in due time," came his flirtatious reply. For effect, Tracey even wrapped his bushy tail around the bigger (both in height and girth, and probably other things too Tracey thought) male's leg, up high enough so that it could sensually brush against that fabric-covered groin. The move did not go un-noticed.

"You're the playful sort, huh? Like that."

"Same here bro," came another voice. Tracey turned this time, though he figured who it was already. The red wolf, with much the same build as his 'brother', big and bulky.

"Well, I wouldn't call this very fair," Tracey said with a mock whine as the two big canines pressed in on him from either side. The flirty fox wasn't going to complain though. Sandwiched between two strong males like this was something he wouldn't willingly pass up. Instead, he simply did what he did best in these situations; turn his back to the grey wolf behind him, letting that tail brush along his legs while his paws slipped to the waist of the one in front. The motion made the crimson-haired canine grin down at him.

"Certainly seems like the sort Tig," the red wolf said. A chuckle tickled Tracey's ears.

"The best kind. So foxy, Gio took you downstairs did he?" Tig asked while swaying and bouncing to the music. He let his paws drop from Tracey's slim waist.

Tracey shrugged and offered a seductive smirk.

"He said he had to get a drink from the tap. I'm sure the dog and him had a good time," Red added.

"You boys are hardly giving me a chance to defend myself," Tracey giggled, swishing his hips from left to right, letting a paw slip under Red's tight tee to brush over the coarse fur beneath.

"Considering how much of Gio's scent you've got on you, I don't think you should be surprised, right Jonas?" Tig asked, leaning down and giving the tip of Tracey's pierced ear a gentle lick.

"I bet he gave you a mouthful too," Jonas snickered.

Tracey, for the first time in a long time, managed a genuine blush. He didn't sense any malice from the two canids. Quite the opposite in fact. It wasn't until he had a gander down low did he see the rather good impression Jonas was leaving in the front of his khaki shorts, thick and hard. The fox smirked to himself before tossing his gaze back upwards. Jonas was grinning at him, flashing those pearly fangs of his.

"Like what you see?" he asked, sliding a little closer to the ebon vulpine. He crossed his arms over his head and thrust his pelvis forward crudely along with the beat of the music. Tig was snickering again from behind.

"That's...a loaded question," Tracey said slyly, taking a step back to rest against Tig's broad chest. In a not so subtle fashion, he let a paw slip behind him, coming to Tig's navel before drifting lower. Unsurprisingly, he felt much the same.

Trapped between two hot and horny wolves and the night has barely started. Oh Tracey, what have you gotten yourself into, the fox giggled to himself.

"Loaded like a certain fox just got?" Jonas barked with a quick laugh. Tig laughed again, dropping his muzzle onto Tracey's shoulder and brushing his nosepad over his neck.

"Totally wouldn't mind getting' some of that. A hottie like you shouldn't be out here alone when you've got two, perfectly good wolves to keep you busy."

Tracey turned back, offering a sly look to the grey lupine. It certainly was a tempting offer.

"Hmm, neither of you know me that well, hmm?" he said with a playful inflection of his voice. Tig grinned, already grinding his crotch against the fox's rear. Tracey ignored it, for the moment. "I would be ashamed of myself if I let something as good as this pass me by."

He gave the paw resting on Tig's groin a firm squeeze, milking a soft, low howl out of the wolf's muzzle. Jonas licked his lips hungrily, taking hold of Tracey's waist and rubbing his own crotch against him.

"Maybe you should give us a bit of a show. Been a long time since I had a piece of vulpine ass," Jonas growled. "And I've been itching to get you on all-fours since you hit the bar." Tracey cocked his head to the side, offering a suggestive smirk.

"Is that so?" the fox cooed, placing a single finger beneath Jonas' chin. "Are you boys dying for a piece of fox?"

Jonas flashed his fangs, reaching down and slipped a finger into the waistband of Tracey's jeans, giving them a firm, forceful tug.

"Better believe it. Interested?"

Tracey mulled it over for a few seconds, though he couldn't actually concentrate with Tig's warm breath and hot tongue upon his neck. Not to mention that pair of firm paws that ran down along his back to his rump.

"Interested?" Tracey echoed in response, giving a short laugh. "Honey, I'd be lying if I said I weren't. There's just one little problem that'll make your plan a teensy bit...hard," Tracey said, making sure to add some extra emphasis to that last word. Jonas raised a brow. "Where?"

"Mmm, that's easy enough," Tig muttered into his ear, using his tongue to play with the hoops hanging from it. "Back stage, behind the curtain. No one goes back there."

Tracey smiled a knowing little smile to himself. Fond memories of the times he had spent backstage doing just as these two planned. Beyond the curtain which, unless some kind of event had been planned, was largely unused. Not even by the staff of the club.

"I guess there isn't a problem then," Tracey said, holding out his paw towards the red-furred canid. "Shall we go my dear?"

Jonas was quick to snatch that extended paw up, and the trio set off towards the stage.


The stage was fairly sparse tonight, as it normally was when Gio didn't have a show of sorts going on. Thick panels of heavy wood made up the floor boards, which creaked now and then, though the thunderous beat of the loud speakers practically drowned out any and all sound. Even the muffled grunts and groans of a certain fox-slut and a pair of horny wolves.

Tracey busied himself by burying his muzzle down over Tig's veiny shaft. The long rod of flesh pulsed and throbbed in his maw, and the fox cradled those heavy silver orbs in a palm as his lips slipped up and down along the length of slick wolf meat. Tig was panting, and that meant he was doing a good job. Oh, how he loved the canines.

"Oh man bro, this one sucks cock like a fucking pro!" Tig exclaimed, though he had to shout somewhat to be heard. Jonas just nodded, busy squeezing the condom down over his own dribbling shaft.

"I'll bet he's got an even tighter ass. S'good thing we came prepared, eh?" the crimson wolf snickered. Tig bobbed his head in a nod.

Tracey found the conversation between the two a little amusing, if not hot. They way they spoke to each other, about how much they wanted a piece of his ass. Oh, how it seemed so much like his day at the mall, getting ravaged in that security office. Just another pair of horny guys needing to get off. For them to get off: that was exactly what the devious little flirt wanted.

There was a snap. Tracey knew that sound well as latex snapped over Jonas' cock. Probably stretched to the limit too, he thought to himself. The snap was shortly followed by a cool sensation upon his pucker, which sent a shiver rolling along the length of his body.

That's a good wolf, lube me up and then get that fat dick in me, Tracey mused to himself with a devilish smirk. Another shiver rolled through his lithe frame before a paw smacked hard against his rump, though the sound was muffled by the beat of the music not so far away. Still, the sensation was enough to draw a short yip out of the fox's maw.

"Bitch is gonna get fucked nice and hard," Jonas promised, leaning over top of him. Tracey moved to respond but the bigger lupine placed a hand on his head, roughly turning him about to come face-to-face once again with Tig's drooling, saliva-coated member. "Open up and keep sucking."

Tracey whimpered audibly around the mouthful of stiff wolf-cock, obediently following Jonas' command. Wet smacks and slurps followed the motions of his lips as he slid his muzzle up and down along that shaft, Tig reaching down at one point to brush a paw along the ruff of his cheek. Tracey nuzzled the open palm as he slid his maw down all the way, nose pressed flush against the grey wolf's crotch fur.

Tig's paw shifted to the top of his head, replacing Jonas' own and Tracey felt those blunt claws digging through the fur between his ears. The gentle caresses were quickly replaced by a forceful dominance the vulpine very quickly found himself craving.

"Ah, yeah. Get right down on it. That's a good fox," the grey lupine growled, pushing Tracey back down to the root of his shaft again. "You just love sucking cock like this, huh?"

Tracey didn't respond, not with the dick in his mouth so occupying his thoughts. The hot, slobbery piece of meat slipped up and down between his lips, but his ears twitched attentively, showing he was paying full attention to Tig's words. The wolf chuckled, giving his hair a rough fuzzle before placing his palm behind his head. Tracey knew he wanted him to stay down there.

His mind was split: half on keeping the wolf before him satisfied by sliding his muzzle along his slick shaft. The other half was focused on Jonas, whom was starting to ease himself against his puckered entrance. Tracey grunted when he felt Jonas pushing against him, barely giving him time to adjust. Tig allowed him to slip his muzzle free, though the fox was wise enough to keep a paw on that firm, rock-solid shaft.

"Gonna stuff a fox?" Tracey purred seductively, giving his tail a flirtatious little wag. Jonas rewarded those words with another swift smack on the ass, getting another yip out of the fox's mouth, before roughly taking hold of that bushy white-tipped tail and hiking it up and out of the way. Taking that as a 'yes', Tracey went back to stuffing his muzzle full of dripping wolf-cock, much to an appreciative Tig.

"That's right, keep your mouth where it should be," Jonas barked, giving Tracey's ebony rump a squeeze as he sunk more of himself into that warm passage; tight, constricting and infinitely pleasurable.

Tracey winced when he felt that shaft stretching him. Jonas was bigger than he thought, though certainly not unmanageable. The red wolf wasn't even stopping, and when he no longer felt any more extended pressure, Tracey knew that the lupine had hilted himself. He groaned, but kept on hungrily slurping along Tig's shaft. To be like this, taken by the two frat jocks, both strong and masculine was just the thing the flighty fox needed for a pick-me up partway through the night.

He felt Jonas starting to pull out, the pressure inside him easing up, only to return again with a bit more force this time around. Idly, Tracey thought that the events earlier in the day were quite possibly a good thing, to prepare him for this. If he hadn't had fooled around with the store clerk or the security guards, he might not have been able to take Jonas at all.

Tracey whimpered delightedly around Tig's cock, happy being the fox-roast between a lupine spit. Firm paws grabbed a hold of his rump, and he could feel Jonas' sac slapping up against him with each thrust, the wolf growling as he thrust hard and fast.

Oh God, Tracey moaned blissfully to himself, gripping the base of Tig's sheath as he bobbed upon his member.

"Fuck, this guy sucks cock like a fucking master," Tig muttered between soft pants, running his fingers through Tracey's short hair again. The fox's pierced ear twitched and the lupine fingered the rings idly as he watched his 'brother' pumping in and out of that fine, vulpine rear. "Yeah, fuck him bro."

"Christ he's tight," Jonas grinned savagely, bucking his hips back and forth. The pink of his cock slipped in and out of that hole with ease, and whenever he pulled out entirely, Tracey whimpered; as if he needed it back inside desperately. Jonas was only too happy to oblige.

The air around him was filled with subdued pants and grunts from the two wolves. Tracey smirked to himself. Oh yes, these two were definitely good and well worth getting dragged behind stage with. The only concern in the fox's mind was of the mess they would inevitably leave behind. Gio was going to be pissed. Then again, the shepherd needn't ever know. If his muzzle wasn't filled by a thick wolven cock, Tracey would have laughed. Instead, he just kept on sucking, whimpering now and then as Jonas ploughed him from behind.

When Tracey heard Tig panting faster, he knew the grey wolf was getting closer to blowing. The prospect of having that warm wolf cum splash over his tongue was tantalizing, and Tracey was quick to step up his efforts. His tongue swished this way and that along the underside of that hard cock, tasting the drooling pre upon his tongue, gulping it down eagerly. Tig growled above him, gripping his head and forcing the fox along his shaft.

"Aww fuck, gonna make me cum," he rasped almost breathlessly between pants. Jonas looked up; slumping forward to lean partway over Tracey's back, grinning at the other male. Tig smirked back, switching tactics. He placed that controlling hand on the back of Tracey's head again and met Jonas' muzzle with his own, their tongues flicking against each other's.

Though he couldn't see it, Tracey knew exactly what was going on. Knowing that the two wolves were making out while fucking him was pretty hot, and Tracey was quick to get the front of his pants undone, his hard member spilling out of the opening; rigid and drooling with precum. He kept himself steady with a single paw on Tig's thigh, slumping forward a little, ass in the air while his other paw worked diligently at stroking himself off. He could just barely make out the groans and pants above his head, the flick of tongue and the pleased grunts. Still, it caught him by surprise when something salty and warm splashed over his tongue and he knew that Tig had gone off. The wolf was panting hard in the make-out, and Tracey felt a dribble of saliva drip onto his head as he eagerly gulped down the hot fluids straight from the lupine's member.

"Aww, fuck man!" Tig groaned, gasping as he came. Jonas cocked his head to the side, snickering.

"Already?" the red wolf asked, Tig nodding.

"He's a fucking great cock-sucker," Tig explained, looking down and ruffling Tracey's headfur some more. The fox was still buried nose first in the lupine's crotch fur, tickling the softening flesh before finally pulling off. He yipped when Jonas smacked his open paw against his rump again.

"Still got me left foxy," the crimson-furred wolf bade. Tracey nodded, but Jonas had other ideas.

He pulled out, living Tracey filling empty. The vulpine gave him a curious look, one paw still gripping Tig's leg and the other holding his cock between clenched fingers.

"On your back," Jonas instructed, and Tracey knew what this muscular piece of wolf was plotting. He did as he was told though, flipping over and instinctively putting his legs in the air just as Jonas took hold of them, shouldering the weight. He was quick to reinsert himself back inside Tracey's worn passage, and the fox watched as Tig shifted behind the crimson wolf, running his paws through Jonas' chest fur.

"Yeah, fuck this bitch's ass. Make him blow all over himself bro."

"You don't need to tell me twice," Jonas said with a devilish grin. Tracey knew what that look meant and he silently giggled to himself. Oh, how he was going to be sore in the morning.

Jonas was thrusting with a renewed frenzy, forcing quiet squeaks and moans out of the fox's muzzle. Tracey reached back, taking hold of the lip of a crate behind him and curled up a little further, giving the taller lupine easier access. He watched with rapt attention as Tig brushed his tongue along Jonas' neck and ears, while the other male concentrated solely on fucking, pumping that big cock in and out of his hole. The force of his motions was enough for Tracey to lose his grip, but he ignored it, focusing on getting himself off instead.

"Yeah, jerk that dick. Let's see you make a mess of yourself," Tig purred. Tracey could already see the grey wolf's sheath tightening again, the supple pink tip of his maleness slipping forth again. These two were certainly a horny pair.

Between the furious motions of his paw and Jonas' thick cock slamming deep inside him, it didn't take Tracey long to do just that. The fox yipped sharply, panting hard as he came all over himself. Sticky white semen clung to the exposed fur of his belly and the black of his paw, clinging to the fur. His tongue lulled from the side of his muzzle just as Jonas pulled out, stripping off the slick latex and scooting over to his head. Tracey gave him a curious look, but he didn't have time to question Jonas' motives when the wolf took hold of his neck and pulled him close, the other paw quickly finishing himself off.

"Fuck yeah!" Jonas growled as he came, warm cum splattering over Tracey's cheek and muzzle. A thick strand went higher, falling over the ebon fox's snout before the rest sputtered onto his shoulder and the floor. Jonas growled as he milked the last of his seed from his spent shaft, Tracey teasingly licking at it before cleaning his own lips.

"Nice shot bro," Tig barked with a laugh, looking down at Jonas' handiwork. The crimson wolf grinned back at him, before standing up, extending a paw down to the prone fox. Tracey took it eagerly, looking around for something to clean himself with.

Inside the crate were a few old drag costumes, one of which Tracey recognized as the one he donned the single time Gio had convinced him to get on stage. With a mental shrug, the vulpine pulled the ugly old yellow dress out from the box, using the silken sleeve to clean his muzzle and shoulder, as well as his chest. It was a dingy thing, having sat in that box for at least a year now, dust covered and a hole torn in the back of the train. Still, it was fun getting up in front of all those people. Not to mention when a vivacious snow leopard had him pinned down against the dressing room counter, dress hiked high as he sunk a warm cock deep inside him.

Tracey shook the pleasant thought away though, remembering where he was and whom he was with. Jonas and Tig were already busy redressing themselves, slipping their jackets back on and zipping up their flies. Tracey did likewise, casting appreciative glances their way, which the two wholeheartedly returned.

"Damn fox, that was a hell of a ride," Jonas whispered into his ear as they slipped out from behind the curtain, off to the side of the stage.

"And you've got one fine muzzle," Tig added. Tracey only shrugged at the compliments, a wistful smile upon his muzzle.

"Look me up again boys next time you're in the area. I'm sure I can make some space for you...perhaps both at once next time," Tracey cooed, making a beeline for the bar.

The two frat brothers looked knowingly at each other before following the flighty fox back to the busy counter.


After ditching the two wolves at the bar (and grabbing another glass of merlot), Tracey found himself wandering towards an empty, cushioned booth. The plush, red velvet of the seat was comfortable, and provided him a nice, relatively quiet spot from which to observe the on-goings at Lulu's.

Although less crowded than it was when he had first arrived, the club was still fairly full and the music was as loud as it had ever been. Bodies bumped and grinded against the floor, people mingled with each other at the bar and out in the lobby. Others sat having hushed conversations or necking in booths to either side of him.

With a content sigh, Tracey brought the fine glass to his lips, peering over the rim to see a familiar form stalking towards him from the bar. The ebony fox set the glass down on the counter with a light clink, the dark crimson liquid sloshing about the bowl as Rule made his way through the throng of people over towards him.

"Mind if I have a seat?" the gator asked, though he was already sliding onto the cushions before Tracey even had time to respond. The fox just smiled, tipping his muzzle in a nod and took another drink. Rule clutched a beer bottle in his scaled hands.

"Off work?" Tracey asked, drawing a nod from the burly male.

"Yup. Tito's taken over the door until closing, so I'm free for the rest of the night. Thought I'd grab a drink and then I saw you sittin' over here by your lonesome. Havin' fun Trace?" Rule inquired, giving him a toothy grin. Tracey shrugged his shoulders in a typical response that, to Rule, indicated he had already scored at least a few times. "I should have figured."

"Boys just can't keep their paws to themselves. Can you blame them though?" Tracey snickered softly. Rule just flashed his teeth again.

"Nah. I'm sure you would have had a lot more if you stayed on the floor."

"Perhaps. Though, I think I tire of the dance for the night," Tracey muttered, throwing another glance back to the busy floor. "Maybe I've just had a bit too much to drink."

"Gio was saying how you knocked back a bottle pretty quickly. You eat anything today?"

"Not so much. I suppose that would be where my problem lay," Tracey admitted, again shrugging his shoulders and offering a wistful little smile. His pierced ear twitched and the big alligator reached a hand over to give him a firm pat on the leg.

"Ah. You should know better than that Trace. Should eat somethin' before coming out. Then the wine won't hit your body so hard. I mean, if you were my size, you might not have as much as a problem."

Again came the shrug. Tracey didn't really mind. He had a nice buzz going on, though he knew if he kept going, or kept dancing, he would probably lose all that alcohol over the floor eventually. Better to quit while he was ahead. Tomorrow was another day after all.

The two sat there talking for sometime, catching up on what the other had been doing the last few weeks. Rule was, perhaps the only bouncer that Tracey actually liked. The others were too pig-headed, dumb and rough. Good for a fling, but not to have an actual conversation with. Rule, on the other hand, despite being big and beefy like the others had an intelligence to him that made him such a joy to talk to. He was deep, and somehow, he reminded the fox a little of Gio. That confident gleam in his eye and the way he carried himself. Rule knew what he wanted and when, though he was always a little too polite to actually go for it. Not unless Tracey made the first move himself.

Which is precisely what he did. The fox slowly slipped over beside the stronger male, leaning up against Rule's side. The gator smiled, wrapping an arm around Tracey's waist and pulling him close. The vulpine could smell his cologne, however faded it might be, masking his true scent. A scent that the flirtatious little fox had become accustomed to on several occasions over the years.

Gingerly, he placed a paw on Rule's leg, and got an affectionate squeeze of the shoulder in response. Tracey looked up at him, and Rule just kept on grinning. Tracey stuck his tongue out at him and shifted that paw a little further to the center.

"You ain't had enough fun yet?" Rule playfully chided. Tracey just shrugged his shoulders again, shaking his head and causing those hoop earrings to jingle about.

"Me? Oh, honey. I've never had enough fun. Not when I've got someone like you sitting beside me," Tracey said, giving that crotch a firm squeeze to emphasis his point. Rule growled, that confident sparkle in his green eyes coming to life, one that Tracey knew promised of good times to come.

"How long has it been?" Rule asked suddenly, and Tracey stopped his teasing grope fest to ponder the question.

"With you?" the fox asked to clarify. Rule nodded. "Probably a month or two at least."

"You don't come around that often anymore."

"I was here two weeks ago," Tracey protested, reaching up and slapping his scaled shoulder in mock anger.

"I haven't been working," Rule explained, leaning down and reaching one of those thick, trunk-like arms between the fox's legs. Tracey sucked in a sharp breath. Just thinking about fooling around with Rule had started to get him hard for the third time tonight, and when that probing claw reached between his legs of its' own volition, Tracey's arousal jumped a level higher.

"Oh," was all the black fox could mutter as the other male quickly undid his pants in a (not so) subtle manner, though it was evident to him that not a single person had noticed, not even when Rule's hand slipped underneath and gently caressed that sensitive flesh.

Despite his disposition, and the fact that Tracey knew just how rough this gator could be, Rule's foreplay was always so gentle. He liked to picture him as an elephant tip-toeing through tulips. Though, that image was usually replaced in all haste when Rule had him face down in a pillow, ploughing his ass for everything it was worth. An anomaly. One that Tracey just couldn't seem to get enough of. The fox felt bad for a split second, guilty that he hadn't stopped by when Rule was working. The thought was gone though almost as soon as it had entered his mind as Rule continued to molest him under his pants.

"Maybe," Tracey purred, giving Rule one of his famous little winks. "We should go somewhere else. Eager tonight?"

"Maybe just a little," Rule admitted. He withdrew his hand from Tracey's pants, the fox quickly doing them up again. "Out back; my truck?"

The fox cocked an eyebrow, but he had to admit, the prospect of getting nailed in Rule's ride was more than a little hot. Before he knew it, his muzzle was tipping up and down and the gator was leading him outside.


Rule was hard and at attention, a thin skin of latex hugging his short but fat cock, jet black in colour. If Tracey had thought that the escapades at the mall had been a warm-up for Tig and Jonas, than those two certainly had been for Rule. Despite having only an average size, Rule's dick was more akin to a plug than anything, meant to stretch and fill rather than long thrusts. One of the other things Tracey loved about him, especially so when the gator got into it and started humping away with all the roughness of a tiger pinning its' prey.

Tracey took hold of it happily, a paw stroking slowly along the shaft, up to the fat head and back down to the very slit. Rule's appreciative growl was music to his pert, triangular ears and Tracey gave a gentle squeeze before leaning back, grabbing the bottle of lube sitting in the passenger's seat.

Leave it to Rule to come prepared, Tracey snickered to himself as he popped the cap and squeezed a dollap of the gel into an open palm, slathering it all over that thick, ebony shaft. He worked some of it over his already worn pucker. The vulpine didn't think he'd need it, but it couldn't have hurt in any case.

"I've been itching to get in that ass for weeks now," Rule whispered into his ear, cupping the side of Tracey's muzzle with a hand. The fox nuzzled those scaly digits before crawling over top of him, straddling the alligator.

"I'll bet you have," Tracey replied with a knowing wink, taking hold of Rule's maleness and easing himself ever downward, until he felt that head rubbing against his lubed up passage. The fox let out a shallow gasp as he sunk himself down further, that ebon cock pushing inside of him. The gator just placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, keeping him steady.

"Fuck Trace, your ass always feels so good," Rule muttered into the relative quiet of his truck. The fox grinned, leaning in and giving that scaled snout a lick before sinking that shaft in some more. It didn't take long to have the entirety of Rule's length inside of him, and Tracey sat there for a moment, letting himself adjust to the width of it.

"Damn," the fox whimpered, his ears folding back as he bounced on his knees, feeling that thick, fat meat sliding between his buns. He kept just the tip inside of him before easing back downward. Rule gripped his hips, both to keep him steady and to add a little more 'umpf' to it by thrusting into that hungry fox-hole. "Oh god...feels good hon."

"Uh-huh," Rule muttered, more intent on stuffing that warm passage with his dick than in having conversation now.

Tracey placed his paws on top of those broad shoulders, blunted nails digging into Rule's shirt as he bounced in the gator's lap. Soft pants escaped his muzzle and his tongue lulled from the side as the feeling of being filled and emptied over and over again overtook him. Rule grunted and groaned every now and then, matching the fox's squeaks with intensity.

" that fat dick...," Tracey moaned, leaning forward and resting the bottom of his muzzle on Rule's shoulder. The gator flicked his tongue against the jingling earrings in Tracey's ear, thrusting his hips up and deep into that vulpine pucker.

Their mutual pants and gasps intermingled, and Rule's hand found Tracey's dribbling cock shortly after, pumping along the slick flesh in long, slow strokes.

"You gonna blow all over my shirt Trace?" Rule asked, flashing his teeth in a grin and the fox nodded, thoroughly enjoying the dual-sensation of having his dick played with while getting fucked hard by the burly anthro.

It was a good thing the lot behind the club was deserted, save for a few other empty cars, because with each thrust, the truck groaned and squeaked, shaking in protest against the rough motions going on inside.

Eventually, Rule's grunts turned into an outright groan of ecstasy, and Tracey knew that the big man had unloaded deep inside of him. The fox smiled seductively, could almost feel the throbbing of Rule's cock deep inside of him as it spurt.

"Awww, fuck yeah...," Rule grunted, clenching his eyes shut and burying himself deep as he unloaded his juices inside that vulpine rear. Tracey rubbed a paw over his head teasingly, before reaching down and pushing Rule's hand away. The gator looked up at him, but the fox just stuck his tongue out cutely as he continued to jerk himself off.

"Keep on fucking me sugar," Tracey cooed, and Rule complied eagerly, thrusting and bucking his hips hard and fast while Tracey pawed at his hard, drizzling shaft.

Tracey moaned, throwing his head back and yipping loudly as he came, hot liquids splattering against Rule's shirt, some even reaching high enough to splatter against his chin. Tracey panted, watching his handiwork as sticky white cum coated the gator's chest in thick ropes, Rule's constant thrusting milking him for all he was worth.

"Mrf...made a mess of your shirt," Tracey whispered when he had finished, slumping forward into Rule's chest. The bigger male chuckled, dragging his claws over the vulpine's back.

"Don't care. I can always wash it," he grinned, petting through Tracey's fur gently. Tracey offered a wry grin before resting up against Rule's sticky chest.

The minutes ticked by, but neither seemed to notice the time, sharing in their mutual after glows. Eventually, they got their pants back up and Tracey wondered if he should even drive tonight. He was sore; satisfied, but sore and had just a little too much to drink to be safe. The fox turned to Rule, grinning.

"Wanna come back to my place?" Tracey chuckled. Rule's grin was all the answer he needed.

Round four sounded very appealing, and with a bed supporting the hot and heavy thrusting, Tracey knew that both of them could probably go all night long.

He could always come back for his car in the morning.

Alabaster and the Ring of Winter - Prologue

**Alabaster and the Ring of Winter** **Prologue** by Sanada \*\*\* Snow. As far as the eye could see. An entire plain of the white powder stretched for countless miles in all directions, a veritable wasteland of tundra. Few traveled this...

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Alabaster and the Ring of Winter (excerpt)

Note: This is but a very small taste of what I've been planning and working on these many months. The ideas for this story were forming while I was working on the now defunct 'Heist' and I've only recently started putting them to words. This piece...

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Shopping Mauled

Note: I'm bored, so here is a story about a super fabulous fox and his favourite place in the world: the mall. This is a very dirty story. \*\*\* **Shopping Mauled** by Sanada "Oh, home sweet home!" Tracey said with outstretched paws as he...

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