The Ottering Hole

Story by Angrynightmob on SoFurry

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A commission done for Bobert who wanted some action with himself and his big brother ott, Steve.

Bobert was out to find some hot guys at otter night to fuck, when Steve decides to show up and make a mess of his plans.

Story contains pec vore, public sexual action between otts, large muscles, anal vore, massive alcohol consumption, more sexual acts between otts, and big hairy otters

And dicks

And all the fun stuff you come to expect.

No one under 18 is allowed.

Bobert hadn't been trolling around bars for a pickup in a while, but every so often, the otter just wanted a quickie with a stranger to drain his nuts. He usually had his go-to sluts to help out with that, but sometimes the urge just struck him to find and fill some random big guy. Luckily, it was the middle of tourist season, and the local places were just full of anonymous guys who could supply what he was looking for. Though, when he got there, he found out that the bar was doing otter night. Everyone there was another otter.

It had been a while since Bobert had been out to the local establishments like this, so even while it was the middle of tourist season, this had been an otter dive bar for a while. He would have needed to go down a few streets to find more species selection, but this place would do nicely. Bobert knew better than anyone what otters could do and handle, and with what he had in mind, he'd be pushing them to the brink.

Everywhere the otter looked, there was one large otter after another, and in all shapes and sizes. There were some about as tall as he was, some that were over four times his size, some that could put a pro bodybuilder to shame, and some that looked like they were so round that they would start rolling if they fell over. There were hairy otts, clean shaven otts, and otters that looked like they were more hair than fur. It was like being a kid in a candy shop, with so many delectable sources and body types to choose from, and so many of them caught his eye.

Hell, because there were so many guys around the bar, Bobert didn't even feel bad if some of them were gonna turn him down. He only needed one, two at the most, and with so many fish in this sea, it would only be a matter of time before the tiny orange ott got a bite.

"Hey, you want to get a ride on this?" Bobert said, coming up to a pair of otters having a drink together in one of the booths and making lewd movements with his hands to his bulging junk.

The two stopped their conversation to look over to the otter that was addressing them so casually and crudely. One of the two looked outright disgusted, though the other went slightly wide-eyed at the sheer size of Bobert's junk bulging out his bulky pants. He turned back to his partner, but still gave the orange ott the side-eye. That was one he might be able to get later, when he could tear him away from his friend, but not someone who would be good for an immediate lay.

"Offer's open at any time." He said to the pair, sliding his hands into his pants pockets and pushing them forward, making his junk slosh about in front of them. He wanted to see if either of them really wanted it, cause he wanted to make them earn his cock. It gained him another quick glance from the one interested ott, but nothing more. He decided to write that one guy off, since he might take too long to get begging, though it would be really satisfying to make him beg.

Bobert looked around again. There was an otter that looked to be about three hundred pounds just in the gut region, and thick hairs visible on the underside of his gut as it was pulled barely over the rim of his domed belly, and thick seafoam green fur. Best of all, it looked like he was trying the same thing he was doing. He was going to random guys in the bar seeing if they wanted a hookup. Face could do with some work, but the body wasn't quitting, at least as far as he could tell. Though he seemed to be striking out as well. That was another good option. He was someone that the otter could really bloat out, and if he was trying to get a random lay, then they had the same end goals.

With a confident strut, the orange otter made his way over towards him, just as he was talking with another otter guy at the bar. He might have gotten a nibble, as the yellow twink otter he was talking with seemed to be looking over the round ott belly and liking what he was seeing. The yellow twink was starting to tent already, looking at the big round otter belly, and then looking up to his face. As Bobert grew closer, he could overhear the end part of their conversation.

"So how about I show you just how big I roll?" The green otter said, leaning an elbow up to the bar as he grinned at the twink, "Got nothing to do tomorrow, and we can go all night."

"Oh but you got plenty to do tonight." Bobert said, sliding up on the other side, looking over that big bellied otter, "You gotta get on your knees and moan for it. You gotta lift up that tail and beg for all this filling you up."

The two otters looked over towards Bobert, who was leaning against the bar as well and putting a lot of emphasis on his junk. The two looked him over, with the yellow otter whistling while the green one looked a bit more put-off.

"Find your own twink." He said, his grin turning into a frown.

"Wasn't looking for him." Bobert replied.

The green otter was taken aback by how up front Bobert was, and he took a second to collect his composure. He actually took a step back, and his shirt pulled up over his belly, exposing more of those thick hairs covering his stomach and the bristling it did along the cloth as it pulled. He turned red in the cheeks slightly, pulled his shirt back down, and then glared back at the tiny orange ott.

"I'd break you in half, little man." The seafoam green ott said.

"I've fucked bigger sluts, and you're a big slut." Bobert replied, "I see you looking over my junk. Come on and beg for it big boy."

A red blush on the green ott's face turned a shade of redwood brown as Bobert kept it up. He took a deep breath and shook his head, not used to someone else being this direct with him. If he hadn't been trying to get his own tail here, there was a very good chance that he would be begging for it. But, as it stood, he seemed to want a tiny guy himself tonight, not to be a tiny guy's plaything.

"I'm a top, ass." The otter responded, his shirt pulling up again with all the huffing his chest had been doing as he had been envisioning everything that the two of them might get into. His big round belly was shaking slightly, and Bobert licked his lips as he looked at it wobble.

"Everyone says they are until I get em." Bobert said, "I'll have you begging to spread your cheeks and take all this dick before sunup. I'll get your belly so filled up that you'll be tasting my cum for days."

The green otter scoffed, but there was a whimper to it as well. It had really been bad timing on both of their parts, because any other day of the week, Bobert would have had a new ass to unload in, and the big gutted green ott would be loving every second of it. Just looking at the bulge that the orange ott was having and realizing just how much more there was to it was making him drool. He raised up his arm, and the sleeve on his bulky bicep pulled back and tightened over the muscle on it as he wiped the saliva off of his muzzle. He had to get out of here and get with his own guy fast. He quickly shook it off the shock and overwhelming feeling from the direct ott and looked back to the yellow twink he had been talking to.

"Let's just blow this popsicle stand and have a night, what do you think?" He said, his cheeks red.

"Maybe all night and all morning big boy." Bobert said, sliding up onto one of the stools and reaching behind the yellow ott to grab a handful of his hairy belly in one of his paws.

Bobert really felt that belly up, rubbing his fingers along the fur and hair and pressed his thumb into that gut. The green ott yelped out as Bobert then climbed up onto the counter and scampered on it over to him. He wasn't letting go and instead reached up under his tight shirt to tease at one of his nipples under it. His entire face this time turned red as Bobert was being incredibly direct.

"Who even is this small guy being so direct like this?" The green ott thought, backing away and pushing at Bobert to let him go.

"Get off me!" He said, but he felt another pinch to one of his nipples before Bobert let go of him.

"Once you're full." Bobert smirked back, and pressed both hands into the green otter's belly to feel his hairs bristle and comb through his fingers. "With a belly like this I bet I could triple your weight and size."

"I...I..." The green ott said, once more staring down at the bulge Bobert was sporting with a deep red face as the orange ott was getting all up in his business.

"Hey, you know I'm still here." The yellow twink said, getting a bit upset that the attention was getting pulled away from him.

"Sorry, small guys aren't my type." Bobert said, looking over to him and giving him the most sour look he could muster. "Why don't you go find someone else, I'm taking him."

The yellow otter huffed and hopped off the stool to go somewhere where he was appreciated, and the green ott shouted out for him to stay and raised one of his hands, but Bobert was soon back on him, this time practically clinging to his front. The ott was gripping tightly on all the chest and belly that he could reach, and grinding his bulge along the green otter.

"Now, it's just the two of us, so why don't you say just what it is you want, big boy?" Bobert said, looking up over the round otter's pecs and sliding his hands under his shirt again.

The seafoam green otter gulped again, backing up away from the bar, but Bobert was still holding tight. He wound up bumping into a larger guy, who then pressed forward. Bobert oophed out as his back hit the bar, but he still held on tight, and looked up at who was there.

His mood quickly soured when he saw the large surfer otter up behind the green ott he had his eye on. The otter was wearing a tight black shirt that read 'come in me, bro' that was stretched out to levels unknown across his hairy chest. His thick black nipples were jutting out freely under it, as it was like he was barely wearing anything at all. His hair and fur continued unabated down his front, down to his surfer shorts that were far too small for him. That was evidenced by his soft cock hanging down to his knees sticking out of one of his legs, and he didn't seem to care at all that he was showing off all his parts at all.

"Steeeevvvveeeee!" Bobert hissed.

The green otter looked up and saw a vast valley above his head, with Steve's pecs above him. He leaned in more, keeping the seafoam otter caught between him and his brother, and grinned over at Bobert.

"Well, look what I found." Steve said, "What's my bro doing here?"

"Lay off, Steve!" Bobert said, "This one's mine! Why are you even here?"

"Oh, yours?" Steve said, pressing more over the green otter and looming to Bobert, "Who's here? And it's a public place, bro. I can be here if I want."

"Well leave me alone!" Bobert hissed again, "I'm trying to get a guy!"

The bigger ott leaned in more. The heft of his pecs crashed right down on the seafoam otter's head. Each mound was absolutely massive, as big as his belly was. The nubs on them were thicker than his head as well, and helped weight those massive chest muscles down. His back muscles had to be incredible to keep him upright with those large boulders he called pecs on his front, and the thick furry forest was messing with his hair and getting him all tangled up in it.

"What a coincidence, I am too. Trying to get a big guy to give me a good pounding and I happened to find one."

"Hey," The green ott said, "I know I'm big but you're gigantic and..."

He was ignored as Steve continued, "And you know how much I like that thick meat."

Bobert pushed back, Steve pressing on the green ott was still squeezing him against the bar. The heavy pecs on Bobert's brother kept weighing him down and he was getting squished between the ott pair.

"Quit being so lewd!" Bobert said, looking away from the massive otter in front of him, "And for fuck's sake, your dick's showing! Steve, you're so indecent! Go away! We're gonna get thrown out!"

"You like it lewd, don't you?" Steve said, leaning over more, "I heard everything."

The green ott whined and looked up, still thinking that Steve was talking to him.

"Steve, just fuck off already!" Bobert said, "I wanted to fuck this guy!"

"Him?" Steve said, "But he's so tiny! He's smalllllll! I know you like em huge."

Steve flexed hard, his massive pecs pushing out even more and further stretching his tight black shirt. The fabric was straining as it was pulled sideways, his chest bulging out further. The lettering was deformed sideways and Steve's massive nubs pushed down even further as that huge hairy chest expanded out in all directions. His thick hairy arms began to flex as well, making what was left of his sleeves strain and rip at the edges, and his thick neck muscles were absolutely destroying his collar. The bottom hem of his shirt pulled up even more, showing off more of his upper body, and veins popped along the surface as he let his muscles flare out.

Bobert pouted, watching his brother show off like that in front of everyone, knowing that it was trying to get him hot and flustered, and feeling terrible because it was working. He oogled those growing pecs, seeing the thick nubs jut, and the fur and hair on those huge mounds shake and wobble and bristle from all the movement. The sound of it mixed with the fur on the green otter, brushing along them both as he went limp, unable to resist the weight of Steve's pecs any longer, and just felt them crash onto him.

"You're being a butt, Steve." Bobert said, pressing and squirming against the green otter's gut as he pulled himself free from being pinned, but another flex from Stevel pressed Bobert flat against the bar and under the green otter.

"And it's all yours." Steve said, pressing his pecs together and the cleft of them squeezed over the head of the round green ott. "Lemme just take care of this first, since you seem to be stuck under it."

The huge pecs of Steve began to flex again, and the green otter felt himself get pulled back. He yelped out, realizing that those huge and hairy mounds surrounding his head were strong enough on his own to pull him back. He squirmed, and soon felt Steve gripping on the rest of him. The big bro ott's large paws pushed against his face as those pecs hugged the back of his head, and one reached down to hold onto his gut as well. Like Bobert had been doing, the larger otter was gripping and squeezing on him, teasing and feeling him up under his shirt as well, while still flexing his huge body over and around him. He could feel the pec hairs brushing along the side of his face each time those mounds expanded and grew, while Bobert kept pushing up and against him as this was going on.

"You like these big pecs, huh?" Steve said, "Big chest right here, so large that most of the time I can't see over the crest of it. Just how you like it, right?"

The gigantic otter pecs were flaring again and giving another squeezing pull down to the seafoam green otter. He whimpered out, the strength of which was actually pulling his weight off of the ground.

"Fuck, these two brothers are going to fuck me raw right out here in the open, aren't they?" He thought to himself, his face sweating from the heat of the big muscles squeezing over him.

His breathing grew more intense, realizing that wouldn't be bad at all. The smaller brother had gotten him really flustered after all. While he did consider himself a top, getting double-teamed by the pair didn't seem that bad. And from the sound of it earlier, the larger one was a bottom. Maybe he'd get some luck too? Still, the larger one was still gripping and squeezing along him and pushing him closer to his muscular body. And those pecs of his were still squeezing and pulling on his head. In fact, his vision was starting to go dark, as the outer ridges of those hairy, muscular pecs were boxing in his vision and his head was further slipping between them.

"Hey wait a minute, what's going on?" The green ott said, his voice getting kind of frantic, "What are you doing! Cut this out!"

The green otter started to struggle and fight a bit more to get out of Steve's grasp, but the bigger otter held tightly onto him. He was being treated less as an equal partner in this grind session and more of a tool to be used between them. Steve was now using the green ott to grind along his brother's package, getting that big expansive gut of his to rub along the bulging pants of the little otter. Bobert pushed up and pressed against the invading stranger belly, his paws sinking deep into his gut, and only helping further slide him up into the other otter as he did so.

"Damn it, Steve!" Bobert said, "Will you just cut it out!"

"No..." Steve huffed, his pecs now completely engulfing the green otter's head and each flex of his chest pulling him deeper into his mounds, "!"

The struggle between the three otters was getting a small crowd around them. A few had been watching intently, and now more and more drunk otters were gathering around, watching Steve go to town on both of them. As a loud flex, with the sound of Steve's muscles straining his fur and skin echoed through the bar, impressive whistles and cheers came from the small crowd that had been gathering.

Bobert still tried to push the green otter belly off of him, but he just kept pushing him in deeper. The green otter was still struggling, pushing back on both Bobert and on Steve. But he was still trapped. His struggles and squirms to try and pull himself out of the grinding and pulling otter chest, were just met with more gripping by Steve and his large hairy arms to keep him in this tight position and sliding up deeper into his chest. The flexing chest mounds were expanding and engulfing over the other otter, each gripping squeeze working him deeper. Steve's body was shaking and shuddering as the green otter was getting swallowed. The head of the otter had vanished, completely engulfed in Steve's chest. Now the green otter was getting worried, as his entire world turned dark and his ears were filled with the pounding sound of Steve's heart all around him. But Steve wasn't stopping.

While he had much more belly than chest, the green otter did have a decent set of pecs on his chest. But even they were starting to slip into the engulfing crevice of the larger ott's set. Steve grinned and huffed, his shirt straining even more as the chest of the green ott was slipping into his flexing set. The hairy mounds slapped and slammed together, with the pulling chest on Steve grinding hard over them. The thick shoulders of the green ott were engulfed completely as well, and any squirming that he was going to do was suddenly reduced in movement.

"Ngghhh.... Got him now..." Steve said, grinning towards Bobert, still trapped under the green ott's gut.

Bobert was still fighting, but feeling a bit more of the weight pulling off of him each time Steve flexed his pecs. Watching his brother do this was getting him to chub up hardcore and the hairy green gut of the devoured otter grind against his package wasn't helping matters at all. He still tried to get away, if only so he wouldn't have to deal with what he was going to have with Steve, but it honestly seemed like the surfer bro ott had planned for this exactly.

"I can feel you humping against his belly, bro." Steve said, "You're...loving this...almost as much... as I am!"

Steve huffed and began to grind harder over the green ott. Each grind worked over his body, each flex squeezed over him, and his arms and shoulders caught in those pecs and pinned to his side were going in all the way. Steve's chest was bulging out even more, the massive otter's features starting to bulge in his muscles as he engulfed him, and as he was doing so, the larger ott began to sweat. His shirt getting soaked by it, and his heavy scent filling the bar. He grunted again, flexing his chest hard, almost clapping them together as he started to work over the chest and the top of the big tum of the green otter into him.

More otters were gathering around. There was a crowd of a dozen now, all drinking and cheering as Steve kept sucking the green otter into his pecs. Some drunken shouts and words of encouragement were being said, but Steve paid them no mind, though they were getting the green otter flush in the face.

"Fuck, this is actually kinda hot." The green otter thought, his feet still kicking about, but his arousal was rock hard as he realized others were watching him get eaten. He pushed about along the inside of those hairy chest mounds, but every few moments, he was taken deeper into them, being worked over by Steve's gigantic pecs. He was breathing deep and hard, the sweaty musk of the bigger otter filling his sinuses and lungs, and he moaned out deeply at the big whiff he had gotten.

Steve grunted out, his chest heaving, and his breathing getting faster. He held the hold on the green otter for just a moment, reaching over to squeeze more of his squirming body. His large hands cupped and rubbed over him, and his hairy chest slowly started to heave again, slowly dragging him deeper. The otter gasped out, his cock flaring in his pant legs at this sensation, and he unloaded a gallon of pre onto the floor of the bar. The big green otter tum was spreading his chest apart so much that he had to squeeze his pecs together to make sure that he could completely and properly engulf it. But those wobbling and shaking pecs soon latched and gripped, the hairy mounds squeezing over that round belly and, inch by inch, dragged it in.

"Say bye-bye to the small man's tum, bro." Steve huffed, and the green otter's belly pulled off of Bobert.

The smaller otter pushed off and was able to squeeze out from under the devoured male and scurried a few inches away, but not turning his head. He watched and huffed, seeing the green otter he had been flirting and zealously teasing vanish into his brother's chest. He was only free for a moment though, as once he had gotten himself out from under the green ott, one of Steve's large broad paws came down on him. It wasn't forceful, but it was firm, and that big oaf was putting just enough of his strength into it to keep Bobert pinned to the bar under him, having to watch him still work his chest.

Steve was completely loving the sensation of it all. He was moaning loudly, drawing attention from the entire bar as his chest expanded and grew. The squirms from the green ott were sending shivers up and down his spine and the big brute of a beast was loving this feeling of his body engulfing and swallowing him down. He grunted hard, the widest part of the otter's belly now slipping into his massive chest, and he gave a deep moan again once they squeezed over the largest part of the dome. He leaned forward, huffing some, as the green otter was still squirming to try and free himself from the hairy chest prison he was finding himself in.

"Woo! Work those pecs hunger!" A drunk ott in the crowd shouted, now two dozen deep, as Bobert and his bro were surrounded by a gaggle of horny drunk guys enjoying the free show. More drinks were ordered and people were taking pictures and recording it, preserving Bobert being manhandled and Steve's ravenous chest on film.

Bobert was still getting hard, not just from watching his bro work, but from those musky paws all over his face. He still fought against it, but Steve was keeping him pinned, making sure he watched the rest of the show. His thick palms completely manhandling his smaller bro, and able to feel just how hard this really was making him as he gripped along Bobert's junk.

"Keep...watching...bro...!" Steve grunted out, ignoring the crowd and his pecs flaring out again. The green otter's cock had slipped free, and was now slapping against the underside of his own stomach while he was being taken. The grinding flexes were making him hard as well, and his throbbing dick rubbed along the thick and furry walls of Steve's chest. Each bouncing flex and pull rubbed along that green shaft, and the otter's feet and toes all suddenly pointed straight.

The otter hit his orgasm. He cried out, although his voice was muffled by the massive set of pecs he was being eaten by, and his green shaft shooting ropes out and upward. The ropes were splattering against Steve's pecs, coating the hair and fur of them in white shots across them. That didn't stop Steve though, who's chest then pulled in the rest of that big domed belly and began grinding and swallowing the otter's cock too. It was still shooting though, and the inside valley of Steve's chest was getting painted with hot otter cream as it took it all in, inch by inch.

Steve moaned again, his shorts ripping as his cock was getting hard. His dick was still oozing pre as the ejaculating green otter was pulled in deeper and deeper still. He huffed, the single leg on his shorts finally ripping off and his dick slammed against one of the bar stools and he leaned forward. His chest worked over the thick base of the green otters tail next, and began sliding over his thick thighs and upper legs. The green ott didn't stop squirming at all, though, even as he was being engulfed in pec mass. The fact that he was still cumming was helping with the squirms though, as his legs were gradually being clenched and squeezed into that massive set of pecs.

"Mmmghhh god, yeah...he'!" Steve said, gritting his teeth and huffing loud enough that furs outside the bar could hear him.

Steve's huge chest barreled out even more. The surfer ott's hand pressed a bit harder over Bobert's face as he reached under his chest with the other hand to hoist them up further. His vision was almost entirely blocked by his own pecs at this point. The rippling mounds kept shaking as the green otter's legs slid further inside. Cum was leaking out the underside of Steve's pecs from the ott still in the throws of orgasm, and it was dripping down his hairy body with every squeeze.

The green otter was in up to his knees now, and his legs and tail were still kicking and thrashing as the hairy ott chest squeezed and swallowed harder. His toes spread and curled as the thick legs sank into Steve's chest. The large ott was now gripping one of his nipples with his free hand, squeezing and pinching it as he clenched and flexed his chest. His other hand still gripped over his brother's face, and he began panting hard, a heavy sound of lust filled every pant.

"I know... you love..... this, bro." Steve said between huffing breaths, ""

Another powerful clench was getting the round otter's legs completely sealed inside. Just the noodle-like tail was sticking out of Steve's chest now. It flailed about rapidly as the green otter was squirming best as he could inside the massive boulders of Steve's pecs, but each flex of those huge muscles dragged it deeper and deeper still. Just a few inches remained, and between Steve's fingers over his face, Bobert could see it slowly get slurped up into those hairy mounds like a noodle.

Those beefy mounds clenched together, the cum-soaked hair and fur making lewd squelching sounds as they gripped and squeezed in the last bit of the otter. The green tail was down to just one inch visible, then half an inch. Finally, the last trace of him vanished into the darkness between Steve's pecs. He moaned loudly, his cock slamming against a barstool while he kept fondling his pecs and nipples with his free hand.

"There....we go!" Steve huffed before letting go of Bobert.

The smaller otter barely had time to move before his brother was upon him again. The larger ott soon had him prone on the bar counter, and giving him the biggest, wettest, sloppiest kiss imaginable. The thick tongue on Steve was all over Bobert's face and muzzle, and his firm grip on his smaller brother was keeping the little orange ott from squirming out of his grasp. Bobert was still trying though, and pushing up and flailing about as Steve kept up that wet and sloppy kiss. With that large tongue slobbering all over him, Bobert pushed up and rubbed. The smaller otter's hands were pushing and rubbing all over Steve's throbbing pecs, still involuntarily shaking after having devoured the round otter.

"Get offa me you big lug!" Bobert finally managed to get out while Steve was still kissing him right on the muzzle.

"I know you love big sloppy kisses." Steve said, "Really turns you on. And you being turned on turns me on. Just like how you're feeling up my huge hairy chest right now."

Bobert was still gripping and pushing along that bulky set of mounds over him, and could feel the otter in there still squirming and moving about. Steve moaned out as well, feeling him grind and hump inside his chest like that, but let his brother keep gripping and grinding along his chest like that.

"Fucking turned on cause I was gonna fuck him!" Bobert protested, "You ruined all that, and get some new damn pants, Steve! Your cock's out just like that!"

"You can still fuck him, bro." Steve said, gripping his chest and feeling himself up as well as Bobert gripped and grinded his massive pec muscles, "Just make sure your dick is large enough to reach my chest and you can fuck him all you like. That really gets me going too, bro."

The larger otter started moaning again, having Bobert feel him up plus feeling himself up was turning him on even more than before. The huge otter dick was starting to slide up his own front and the head began to grind along the underside of his chest, while a slow trickle of cum was still leaking out from between his mounds.

"Fuck...keep rubbing bro...." Steve said, "I need it so much...."

Steve was panting hard, with Bobert forcefully grabbing and squeezing at his pecs. He really started to grind and bury his muscles into his brother, with all the pre leaking from them and excess otter cum sticking to the fur and hair. He licked at his muzzle, grinning widely while Bobert worked his pecs in a grumpy huff.

It took some squirming, but Bobert was able to pull himself free, even with the sloppy tongue of Steve working him over. The smaller otter was covered in saliva and sweat, and he quickly tried to scamper off of the counter before Steve could get him again.

"Steve, get the fuck out of here!" Bobert said, "I need to get cleaned up thanks to you!"

The smaller otter rushed over to the men's room and slammed the door behind him. Every other guy in the bar had been watching. The assorted drunk otter group had let out a cheer for Steve, and the big surfer otter just grinned at the adoration. All the other guys in the bar had either overtly or through a side-eye, watched everything happen. They were gawking at the mess that was already left behind. Steve just stood straight back up and arched his back, feeling up his pecs for a moment and squeezing the nipples. A few other otters were getting in close to take selfies with the surfer brute.

"Can do, lil bro." Steve said.

Bobert had run into one of the bathroom stalls and had locked the door behind him. He started breathing hard, his pants straining tightly against the fabric. He waited a moment to make sure that Steve hadn't followed him, and when the door didn't open with the dumb lug behind him, he felt a bit more secure in the stall.

"" Bobert huffed to himself, somewhat pissed that his brother had gotten him so horned up like that.

The smaller otter dropped his pants and let his cock and nuts flop out. His shaft was throbbing hard and being manhandled like that had gotten him going. It had totally ruined his game plan for the night. Well, not entirely. Since Steve hadn't come for him, the surfer dude must have gotten the hint. He could just take this moment to freshen up and get back out there. He just had to wait for this boner to go down and he could go back out, strut his stuff, and do things the way he wanted to do them. The night was young, after all.

"Okay, just calm down, wipe some of his sweat off, and get back out there and strut your stuff." Bobert thought to himself, "So first guy got eaten by your dumb brother. Still plenty of guys out there that you can get."

The door to the bathroom opened, and Bobert groaned mentally. But, the steps he heard seemed too light to be Steve. It just had to be another patron there who needed to drain the lizard. He went back to deciding to try and psych himself back up to get out there and get him a big ass and tum that he could absolutely ruin.

The stall next to him opened and the other otter entered. But, Bobert then heard a voice.

"Need a good fuck?"

The otter looked over, and realized that the stall he was in had a glory hole in it. There was someone on the other side wanting to know if he wanted a round.

"I need to give a good fuck." Bobert replied.

"Fine with me." The other otter said, "I'm a sub. Gimme what you got. I saw how that big guy was manhandling you, but you got some good stuff yourself. Why don't you let me have it?"

Bobert stuck his tongue out and grinned before hopping off the toilet seat and lining himself up. He saw that there was a big hairy rump on the other side of the glory hole, and Bobert backed up a step to give him large junk room to aim.

"I'll give it to you good, slut." Bobert said, before slamming his cock into the hole.

A yelp came from the other otter, as he had severely underestimated just how big Bobert was from what he had been seeing in that drunk escapade. He bit at his lower lip and pushed his ass back against the stall wall, giving a slight whimper as that thick otter cock forced its way through and spread his cheeks. He huffed and clenched, but Bobert kept thrusting into him, working his dick deeper into his ass.

He had to brace himself against the opposite wall, pushing on it with both hands, and leaned back as he was being fucked roughly. He should have loosened up some, but the big otter cock sliding right into him was feeling really good. His own dick was flopped out, and each thrust Bobert gave him was making it bounce upward.

"Hoo damn, you're good at this." The otter said through the wall.

"I'm good with big sluts." Bobert teased back, and slammed the full length of his cock through the hole and into the other otter.

A deep moan came from him, and Bobert started to pull back. His length was wide enough that the hole was splintering slightly at the sides, but it held its integrity while he rammed him harder and harder. This wasn't the best glory hole sex that Bobert had, but it would do for a nice warmup for some main events later.

"Better than fucking Steve, I don't want to fuck my brother tonight." Bobert thought

As he pulled out and thrust in again, Bobert's nuts smacked against the stall wall, making it vibrate entirely, and he began picking up the pace. The otter's cock dove right in, further spreading and spearing the drunk guy's backside, and he kept going in deep. He started to really get into it now, going much faster as he flared his shaft and worked that hairy rump.

"Oh fuck...oh fuck...oh fuck!" The otter said, feeling his insides tense and stretch as Bobert really was giving him a hard pounding.

His own shaft was hard and he couldn't help but stroke himself, working his shaft with one hand now while continuing to brace against the wall. He huffed, clenched his ass as best as he could around Bobert's cock to keep it inside him. But, the hyper shaft kept slamming in and out, pounding his insides, and smashing his nerves with every thrust.

"Fuck... so close!" He thought, feeling those thrusts keep going.

Bobert was just now starting to get into a rhythm of pounding that big ass, when the drunk ott gasped out and completely tensed up. The telltale sounds of seed hitting tile filled up the bathroom, and the tight rump that Bobert was pounding was loosening quickly.

"Great fuck....great..." The drunk otter gasped.

"Dude, what the fuck!" Bobert said, "I'm not even close to completing! Are you that much of a lightweight? Come on! I barely got my dick wet! What kind of fuck is that, anyway?"

Bobert was pouting, but the other guy was completely spent. What was a short session to him was the greatest fuck the drunk had gotten in years. He was sweating hard and gasping, his had unloaded everything in that.

"You need someone that can really take your cock, bro."

Bobert almost fell over, but with his dick stuck in the glory hole, he could only flail and faff due to being locked in place. Steve was looking over both stalls, gripping onto the edges of them with his large paws and had been watching for god-knows-how long.

"Steve! What the fuck! I'm in a bathroom stall!" Bobert shouted.

"Whatcha doing, bro?" Steve said, "Not using the facilities, that's for sure. But if you need to keep going, I got your back, bro."

The big otter moved slightly over and gripped the top of the doorframe to the stall the drunk otter was in. He grunted slightly and pulled, yanking the locked door off of its hinges and looking over the smaller, bent-over male, with his bro's dick in his ass. Bobert's throbbing erection could still be seen through it, but with how tight the hole was, he wouldn't be able to pull free from the glory hole until he had unloaded. This was the best situation Steve could hope for.

The surfer otter was still dressed in the rags of his clothes that had been ripped off, and once he took over the stall, he tore the rest of them off his muscular body. Now, not even the slightest bit of cloth was covering him, and he turned around and raised his tail into the air. He reached back and spread his ass cheeks apart, and slowly started to take a position for the glory hole. However, the other ott was still there, and unable to get out from being smooshed between two otters, and could only look up as the engulfing ass of Steve was slowly coming down on his head.

"Fucking...fuck!" Bobert said to himself, realizing he was stuck.

The only way he would be getting out of this was to cum and lose his erection, so the only thing he could do was keep up the hard pounding on this smaller guy's ass, and hopefully get to completion before Steve got to him. He frantically began pounding hard, smashing his cock into the other otter. His pounding cock was spreading the ass of the other otter, but Steve's ass was spreading faster.

A squeak came from the stall, as Steve's massive bum came over the other otter's head. A few wet squelches filled Bobert's ears, and the mystery lightweight otter was getting his face and muzzle engulfed by the huge musky ass of Steve. With him still speared on Bobert's shaft, he had nowhere to go but up. The thick rump began to squeeze over him, the pucker parting, and he was being forced into it, not just from Steve sitting on him, but from the thrusts behind him as Bobert kept fucking him.

The walls of Steve's anus began to ripple around his head, and involuntarily clenches and flexes kept a tight grip on the noodle and grabbed a hold of him. The muscular surfer ott huffed just a bit, as taking this otter was almost as easy as taking his bro's cock, and he pressed further down, and didn't stop until his cheeks hit shoulders.

"Ooh, yeah, keep fucking him up me, bro." Steve said, "Can't wait for that thick meat in me."

The otter was wiggling as he was being fucked up Steve's ass, with Bobert trying desperately to get off so he could get out. The meat in the family sandwich began to push against Steve's all-encompassing rump, and gripped at those meaty and hairy cheeks to try and get him off.

"Hey!" He muffled out, "Rimjob's one thing, but this is too deep!"

Steve ignored him and spread his ass further apart. The otter, still in darkness with his head stuck, felt his arms pushing against the large otter's ass suddenly pushing into the wet, clenching tunnel. He shouted something again, but neither heard it, but his cock had suddenly gotten hard once more.

The large otter was now rubbing along his lower gut with one hand, still sinking his ass over the other otter, and felt up the bulge his head was making. He pulled, his ass clenching, and the otter felt the sudden force pull him off of his feet. His legs, just a few inches off the ground, kicked slightly, and another hard pound pushed him deeper inside. His arms were steadily being engulfed, and now his chest was sinking in. His shoulders had slipped into the musky hole with ease, and now there was almost no leverage he had left.

He squirmed and wiggled again, with Steve moaning out.

"Hooph, almost as good as a vibrator, but still not as good as your cock bro." He said, pushing back against the wall to suck more of the otter up his ass.

"SSSSTTTEEEEEVVVEEEEE!" Bobert shouted out, slamming hard into the hole, sweating all over himself, and pounding against the walls of the stall. He was humping harder and harder, almost trying to will himself to cum so he could get himself unstuck.

The big otter was still slowly working him in. The chest of the drunk was slipping up easily into his bowels and the big hairy rump clenched and clamped over more of him. Each pull sucked just a bit deeper, and he kept pushing back. He could now feel Bobert's cock inside of him from how deep he was fucking the guy. A grin appeared on Steve's face as he started to speed up just a bit to get more of his bro's cock in him.

"Feelin' ya too, bro." Steve said, "Just a bit more."

The drunk huffed, the heavy musk inside Steve's ass was overpowering. He was still kicking until he pushed back and felt his paws rub against the walls of the stall behind him.

"This is...way more intense than I thought!" He said, his voice vibrating along the rippling walls of Steve's insides.

He started to hump upward, his dick riding along the underside of Steve's body and slapping against the other otter's balls. He almost looked like he was burrowing into the dark hole of Steve's anus, but his actions were the least of the three forces pushing him deeper into the bigger otter. The constant thrusting from behind was working the hardest, as Bobert's cock slammed and pounded into him. He was gushing pre into him at this point, but now he was pretty much just fucking the guy into Steve's ass.

Another pull from Steve's ass and another pound from Bobert soon got the middle otter to just a pair of dangling legs sticking out of the butt of the surfer ott. He wiggled and squirmed and twisted inside the clenching tunnel, but now he was only going in. The belly of Steve was bulging out just a little bit more with him being pushed inside, but he was more concentrating on the powerful thrusts coming from his bro. He soon pushed his ass completely against the wall of the stall, and felt Bobert fucking him with the other otter like a condom.

"Oh yeah...that's it.... Keep it coming!" Steve said, giving his ass another clench.

Bobert huffed and grunted, trying to get out of this mess. He slammed and pounded hard, now feeling Steve's ass over his dick while he fucked the otter in deeper. The glory hole was cracking as Bobert's cock was flaring and bouncing. But each time he thrusted, he was just going deeper into Steve now. The otter's ass was pulling the otter off of his cock and working his thigh and legs into him. As much as he was trying, he wasn't going to get out of this without fucking Steve.

"Fine, you want it? Take it!" Bobert angrily shouted, and started to give it his all.

The thrusts were becoming more and more fierce and powerful at this point, and Steve moaned out. He pushed against the opposite wall of the bathroom stall, bending it from his strength while he braced himself. His thick muscles pushed against each other as they fought for room in the stall, with his dick smashing into the toilet, shattering the porcelain. Bobert pounded hard through the hole, his cock gushing cum like a lewd fire hose. He flattened himself to the wall and pounded in harder and harder. More cracks formed in the wood as Bobert's nuts swung and slammed into the stall.

He felt his balls start to tense up, and the small otter gripped the base of his dick and let the cock unload freely. The force of his orgasm was the last push needed to blast the guy completely into Steve's ass. The gushing cum flooded the cavernous rump of the larger ott, painting everything inside of him Bobert white. The pressure pushed the ott beyond the depths of Steve's bowels and pumped him completely into the hairy gut of the surfer ott.

Steve huffed and panted, slamming his ass back against Bobert's dick to clench over it and make sure that he got every drop of that wonderful cum inside him. He was in the throes of bliss, his ass spreading over his bro's cock, and the massive orgasm that was filling him. He felt every thrust and gush fill into him, and he tightened his ass even more, feeling like a vice now on Bobert's cock.

"Yessss....give it to me bro!" Steve said, "Gimme every inch and every drop!"

The larger otter was starting to outgrow the stall. His cock had already smashed up the toilet, but with his body filling up with Bobert's cum and another entire otter inside of him, his bulk and muscles were filling it out as well. More of the wood began to strain, the bathroom stall starting to crack, and water from the busted toilet pipes flowing out all over the floor. Steve kept growing through, fueled by lust, cum, and a squirming otter in this stomach.

"Morrreeeee!" Steve huffed, his ass milking Bobert's cock now. Each clench grew tighter and he pushed back against the glory hole. Each pump from the smaller otter's cock was shot right into Steve, and he aimed to drain Bobert's nuts dry.

"Fucccckkkk....Steveeeeeee!" Bobert gasped out, slamming more of his cock into Steve as the stalls were breaking. Wood started to bend and crack. The larger otter's body continued filling up with more cum, getting hairier and fuzzier. His belly started to bulge, wobble, and shake. Gallons of hot otter cream bloated it out, getting to a more fitting size for the expanding ott.

More and more cum was being pumped into the big otter, as Bobert's orgasm lasted for several minutes. The stall walls were further crumbling around them, with the barrier between them finally splintering into a mess of broken wood and bits of sawdust. The bathroom was flooded from the broken toilet, making everything splash about in water. The bulky surfer otter was still panting out, keeping Bobert's cock latched into his ass, with just the broken wooden circle around the glory hole still stuck around his cock.

"Go in deep!" Steve huffed. He gritted his teeth and leaned back, pressing his ass right to Bobert's groin. "You wanted to fuck that guy in my pecs, now's your chance!"

The gushing otter cock slammed right into Steve's stomach, making a very clear cock bulge in his belly, and jutted right into the underside of Steve's hairy and bouncing pecs. More gushing otter cum blasted and painted the inside of the muscular ott, but most of it kept pumping out Steve's furry gut.

His expanding belly began pushing the excess debris away from him, and he leaned forward, now letting Bobert get better leverage on his ass. The firm cheeks of his rump loosened up just a bit as the flow of Bobert's cum began to slow down. He had been pumping for a while, and the smaller ott was breathing hard, but soon had his cock soft that, even with Steve clenching on it and the broken wood around it, he could pull free from both traps.

He started pulling out, and his cock gave one more splurt of cum onto the hairy ass of Steve before his orgasm finally came to an end. The firm rump shook as the sudden hot shot splattered onto his ass, but Steve just shook it right in Bobert's face.

"I told you to get out of here, ya butt!" Bobert said.

"And I did." Steve said, "And then I came back, it's a whole new visit. You didn't tell me to leave this time."

"That's not how..." Bobert huffed, before Steve rolled onto his back. The light flood of water on the bathroom flower splashed as the bulky beach bum shifted. The move showed off his own monsterous cock and big bulging belly. Gallons of otter cum was stuffed inside that domed gut, and Bobert gulped once as he looked over it.

Steve grinned and swatted his belly once and it wobbled loudly. It was sloshing with all the cum that Bobert pumped into him, but still looked like it had more that it could hold. It rippled like a waterbed, and while Bobert was gawking, he felt something big wrap around his leg. Bobert was suddenly pulled forward to that huge gut by Steve's large tail gripping him and then pulling him towards his bro.

"Now," Steve said, now wrapping his legs and thighs around the lil' ott and squishing his face right into his domed belly, "How about you use talented paws of yours on my belly, bro? You were getting all huffy while worshiping my big hairy pecs, so how about giving my bigger hairy tum tum just as much love?"

"Damn it, Steve!" Bobert huffed, squirming about from Steve pressing his face into that big gut he was sporting now. He was exhausted and spent from having cummed so much, so his squirms to try and break free from his brother's grip were weaker. And Steve knew it. The larger ott was pushing and pressing him along just enough to keep him from sliding his way free, and every move he was making was just further pushing along that big sloshy belly the surfer otter had.

That's not to say Bobert didn't try though, and pushed and squirmed his way, trying to get out of Steve's grip. But that big, muscular, and super hairy arm on Steve was doing a very good job of making sure all of Bobert's squirms were pushing right into that big belly. He soon had his face pushed right down, going deep by several centimeters and making an imprint on the big sloshy tum. Even as he pushed to try and get his face out of his brother's dumb gut, it was just making more hand imprints along his belly, and Steve just gave a few grunts and sloshed it some more from Bobert's struggles.

"Mmm...must have cummed quite a bit before I showed up." Steve said, "Normally when you fill my ass, my gut's way more sloshy then this. Don't worry, I can fix it. I know you love a big sloshy belly. Want to make sure that it's everything you want, lil' bro."

Bobert's face was red, and as Steve got up, more of his face and head was being smooshed and engulfed in that big wobbly belly, and the broad, thick hand of Steve was making sure he was pushed right to it. Bobert kicked and flailed, but Steve's grip to keep him on his belly was also hoisting him up juuuuuuust barely off the floor. Most embarrassingly, Bobert's dick was dragging along the tile of the bathroom as Steve carried him out, his arousal bouncing about with each step while his legs kicked and flailed helplessly in his bro's grasp.

When the ott brothers got back into the bar, Bobert was cursing, but his words were being muffled by that big sloshy belly that was over his head and face. He still tried to squirm his way out, but he couldn't get any leeway out of Steve's grasp. At that point, he just decided to hang there like a grumpy noodle, and let the steps of Steve's walk slosh and jiggle his big hairy gut around him.

Bobert was doing his best to try and not enjoy this.

There was another firm hand gripping on Bobert's body as Steve got to the bar. With a huff, he hoisted Bobert up onto the counter, but before the otter could scramble off, that massive sloshy tum of Steve crashed down on him. The hairy, heavy gut pinned Bobert under it, and the smaller otter cursed out again while pushing against the furry tum that Steve couldn't help but taunt him with. His hands still tried to put it off, but it was like every time Bobert pushed against the big domed belly, more of it just molded and folded all over him, keeping him stuck under the noisy, sloshy belly.

"Barkeep!" Steve said, his gut wobbling with Bobert under it, "Gimme the biggest keg of booze you got, and then bring progressively smaller kegs, and don't stop until I say so."

The otter bartender raised an eyebrow, but Steve slapped a big pile of money onto the counter. Nodding, the bartender headed to the back and came out a few seconds later with a big metal keg full of booze. The surfer ott grinned when he saw it, and the bartender huffed to get it onto the counter. Steve took it once it was close and opened the tap, bringing it right to his mouth and started chugging it.

Loud gulps came from the burly ott, and his gut was quickly filling up with more sloshy liquid. His pecs pumped and bulged as his throat expanded with each gulping swallow. But all that booze was going down to the big belly of the ott, and further pinned Bobert under him. Bobert kept rubbing and pushing, the added booze making Steve's gut slosh and gurgle around even even more than it had before. He pushed up with all of his might, but with how wobbly the huge hairy tum was, all Bobert was doing was making deep hand imprints in his brother's gut.

"Get your dumb gut offa me!" Bobert huffed, feeling all that heavy belly weight further push and smoosh over him. He squirmed and pushed all the more, but Steve kept guzzling and drinking. Each gulp and each push by the otters only made that big belly slosh more.

The keg was already half empty at this point, much to the shock of everyone else watching, and the brutish ott could hoist it with just one hand, not even stopping to breathe. Using his free hand, he reached under his belly to find his brother. It wasn't hard, given how much Bobert was squirming about under there. When his large hand found him, he reached it under the other ott and pushed him up further, really making Bobert cause deep imprints as he played and rubbed along that wobbly, fuzzy gut.

The key was tapped a few moments later, and Steve dropped the empty barrel onto the counter. He then belched loudly, his tummy rumbling and rippling from all the booze in it. He patted his belly a few times, and loud sloshing from his booze-filled belly echoed into Bobert's ears as he pushed along some more, forced into it by Steve.

"Another." Steve said, "And a pitcher for my bro."

The bartender brought in another keg. It was smaller than the last one, but still plenty big. He then went to one of the taps and filled up a big pitcher full of booze and brought that over to Steve as well. The larger ott gripped his bro, still trapped under his belly, and pulled him out for some air.

"Thirsty, bro? Got you a treat, on me." Steve said, taking the pitcher and bringing it up to Bobert's muzzle.

The smaller ott gasped once he was given access to air again, only to get the glass rim of the pitcher brought right to his mouth. He tried to move his face out of the way, but the large fingers of Steve were still all over his face, mooshing over him. He found his mouth forced open, and Bobert was forced to chug the entire pitcher. No matter how he spat and struggled, he ended up having to drink every drop of it.

Steve then let Bobert go and the smaller otter flopped onto his belly and hiccuped.

"Fu...fucker..." Bobert said, grabbing the big hairy tum tum of Steve as he started seeing spots.

"We did that already." Steve said, watching the lil' ott grab and squeeze onto his belly as he grabbed the other keg and started to guzzle the contents of that one down too.

"Yoooooooou know what I mean..." Bobert wobbled, pushing more into the large gut. He grabbed at it, his fingers gripping at the hair and fur along Steve's tum. He further pushed his hands and palms into the sloshy belly of his brother, and rubbed along the wobbly belly. His vision was starting to have spots in it as the huge pitcher of booze began flowing through him, and Bobert's vision started to double, making Steve's belly seem even bigger than it was before.

The brutish ott was chugging down more of the keg, his belly wobbling and growing and sloshing about more as it spread across the counter. With Bobert no longer trapped under it, the smaller ott was now hugging and gripping onto the big belly as it expanded. He still mooshed and smooshed against it, hugging along the tum while Steve chugged away. Each new liter of booze wobbled the big belly he was sporting, causing more sloshes which Bobert rubbed and pushed his hands into.

"You big oaffaaaa..." Bobert slurred again, the booze he was forced to drink really starting to get ahold of him now, "Nowwwww yerrrr gonnagetit! Gongetit good!"

"Whatcha gonna give me, little bro?" Steve said, tapping the second keg and using one burly arm to push it aside.

"What yooooou deservvveeee!" Bobert hiccuped before getting back onto his feet and reaching up to grab the massive hairy pecs of Steve. His hands batted and grabbed onto the thick nipples jutting out of the larger otts chest before gripping and squeezing the nubs. The smaller ott lost his balance for a second and almost fell backwards, but kept his tight grip on the older ott's nubs, which caused him to tug hard on them. The action elicited a deep growl of lust from Steve, before Bobert wobbled and righted himself and pulled forward.

The smaller otter's actions brought his hard black dick right onto Steve's wobbling and hairy gut. Bobert started to rub and grind his shaft on the big tum, the thick hairs and furs on his brother's belly brushed along the surface of his meat. He squeezed more on Steve's nubs, making a honking sound as he did so, before jamming his dick forward, pushing it into the big sloshy dome of a belly.

Bobert's thrusting into Steve's gut was wild and erratic, but the smaller ott was going hard at that big wobbly stomach. His cock pushed further in, and Steve's stomach had plenty of give, and Bobert leaned in more, still squeezing at his brother's nipples as he went at it. Steve gave another lustful moan and growl and leaned more into it, smooshing Bobert with more of his gut as the smaller otter started to fuck the belly.

"Ooph, that's real good bro." Steve huffed, "You got this! Give it to me good!"

Bobert pushed more into that big hairy belly, his face getting right into the depths of it. He gave Steve's nipples another squeeze before letting them go and using both of his arms to grasp around Steve's belly as best as he could while he further humped hard into it. His cock pushed into it, and soon found Steve's belly button. The deep hole in the older ott's belly was wide enough for Bobert to get his large junk into it, and he quickly started fucking it harder.

The big otter's gut was shaking and sloshing even more with Bobert fucking it, and he made sure to lean in to ensure that his little bro's efforts were properly rewarded. One of his thick and hairy arms came up behind the smaller ott and supported him from behind as Bobert topped Steve's belly. The surfer bro's tongue hung out of his mouth as the enthusiastic humps and thrusts from his little bro were further wobbling his belly, the sloshes starting to get louder than the music that was playing in the bar.

Steve took another keg while Bobert was fucking his gut, and started guzzling it hard. It would be tapped out in a matter of minutes, but until then it would continue making his fuzzy belly bulge and swell outward, giving the smaller otter more padding to grip and rub and play with. Bobert leaned in more. His thrusting humps were getting faster as he shook that gargantuan tum, feeling more of the hair and furs brushing along his junk. He grabbed a handful of body hair on his brother before his back arched.

Several thick and hot ropes of cum splattered out of Bobert's cock. His thick rod jammed hard into Steve's belly, pumping loads of cream into the big dome of otter gut. The hot jizz gushed everywhere, sticking to Steve's fur, dripping off of his hair and fuzz, and leaking out of his belly button as the lewd sloshes were met with wet squelches from Bobert fucking his gut. The keg Steve had been drinking down was now tapped out, and he belched loudly. His gut gripped and rippled in the belch, causing his gut to squeeze over his bro's dick and clench it from the base to the tip. This action was milking Bobert's cock, and made even more otter cream burst free.

"Yeeaaaahhhhh..." Bobert slurred out, "My tumtum nowwwwwww..."

Steve smooshed more of his belly over the tipsy ott, still keeping him supported with that large arm of his. Bobert swatted at him feebly and fell forward again, still humping and making lewd wet squelches into that round, domed belly. His cum flow had gone for several minutes, and had started leaking out around his dick. The gushing seed was oozing down Steve's gut and onto the bar counter, and started making cum waterfalls down to the floor of the bar. Several more splurts gushed and Bobert pushed more along the wobbly tum his bro had. It felt good and soft, like a waterbed.

"Ooph, dat's the good stuff." Steve said, the booze starting to hit him as well, "I'mmmmm sloshed."

Both otters were incredibly drunk, with Steve almost as sloshed as his belly was. Bobert was still humping and grinding along the massive tum, and holding onto it as hard as he could. Steve backed away from the bar, and more of the seed was flowing down around him, getting his belly fur and hair completely matted with sticky cream. Rivers of white spunk were visibly flowing down his belly as Steve was a drunk, cum-coated mess, with his bro hanging onto his belly and still humping his navel.

"IIIIIII...should getttttt...... you home..." Steve said, his words pausing every so often as he slurred, "You'reeee drunk lightweight. Should have stopped two...or three...drinks sooner."

"Dat's your fault!" Bobert said, burying more of his face into Steve's belly while humping idily along his brother's tum and smacking into the back of Steve's belly hole with his large junk. He felt his shaft go all the way to the end of that tunnel, still wet and soaked with his cum.

The large ott held tightly with one arm to Bobert, further pushing him onto his loud, sloshy gut. Bobert pushed deeper into it, making deep imprints of his face and palms into the belly while still hanging off of the bigger male.

"I'" Steve slurred, starting to stumble and bump his way through the bar, crashing into other otters and having to grab tables to keep himself steady... "My ass is drunk!" He finally exclaimed with a laugh.

Steve bumped into a wall before pushing his way out the door, doubling over so far that his pecs hit the ground and further mooshed his bro into his belly. Steve held onto Bobert still, that big meaty paw keeping him from falling off, while Bobert was idly still grinding away into Steve's gut.

"Yeeeerrrr still a butt..." Bobert said, holding onto the larger ott while Steve stumbled and lurched all the way back to their home.

Trial Turnaround

Tris didn't know how it got to this point. The case had been going perfectly so far, with the defendant clearly guilty. His key witness, Oscar the otter, had provided what he had figured to be definitive evidence to the guilt of the defendant. But...

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Old 'n New Friends

"So I'll see you in just a few minutes? Okay, don't keep us waiting Raz." Zeryx, the black-fleeced ram, hung up his phone and put it on the counter. A large smile was on his face. He headed into the other room where a large Solgaleo was standing...

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A big special surprise

Raz the Lucario had just finished up a rough gym session and had gotten out of the shower. A deep blue towel was rubbing along his fur as he dried off. It was getting late, and most of the others had left, and he was wondering what he would do with the...

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