Massive Energy
Zahn was a large German Shepherd with a mix of white and blue fur. His eyes were heterochromatic, between green and grey, and he naturally stood at a very large eight feet, six inches tall. He had a well defined body, but there was always a desire for...
Bigger Bad Rap
"The object should be somewhere around here!" The trio of Raptors, Bad Rap, Haxx, and Spittor were looking about, attempting to find an ancient artifact that the purple Raptor had uncovered in some research. It had been written that it would make...
The Ottering Hole
Bobert hadn't been trolling around bars for a pickup in a while, but every so often, the otter just wanted a quickie with a stranger to drain his nuts. He usually had his go-to sluts to help out with that, but sometimes the urge just struck him to find...
Apex City - Hero Practice
Pyctoral strode down the hall of the League's headquarter building. Even though it was a secure facility, it was still customary to stay in mask within, so the muscular wolf was wearing his customary silver domino mask and his snug bodysuit. The red...