Faux Pregnancy

Story by Guri on SoFurry

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When a fennec is taken to a fertility clinic by her stallion owner, the result isn't what she expects.

This was a commission, written by (aka FA: kalansphantom ) for me.

Faux Pregnancy

The doctor's office wasn't packed, it was too late in the evening for normal visitors to be here, but this was when the more sensitive appointments were made. The small fennec fox was perched on the edge of the chair with a nervous flick of her broad ears that went down flat to her head. Her nose was working, twitching just a little bit as she tried to make sure that she didn't draw too much attention to herself. They were supposed to be quiet and well mannered in public, something that she had been trained in quite thoroughly once she had been initiated into the reform program.

Shaleen's debts had grown too deep, there was little she could do to pay them unless she wanted to live on little more than beans and rice, in a hovel in the worst possible section of time. It was easier to pay off her debts by joining the financial reform program. It was an easy program, where one could wipe the debts clean by signing on into legalized slavery, taken on by the wealthy rather than being forced to live in poverty. It was an extreme that she had been pushed into it, selling her body and freedom to someone that had enough money to pay her debts.

Her eyes slid towards where her owner was relaxing in a more comfortable chair, it was plush and designed for comfort, unlike her own hard bench. She was lower than he was, but slaves were meant to be lower than their masters. Erras was relaxed in his chair, the golden dapples brushed to a glossy shine and his mane had been braided along his neck by her clever fingers. The pony stallion was barely five feet tall, but that was still a full foot taller than she was, though he was not unkind, he was daunting. It wasn't simply the fact that she was his slave and served his desires, it was that she was designed to increase his status.

He had a harem filled with mares, most of them were ponies, a few full sized, but he kept them pregnant a good deal of the time. Stallions were designed to have harems, bands, their virility flaunted in a way that was commonplace. Any female in his harem was supposed to be pregnant at least once, if not more, it was a show of how virile he was, though there was no way he could impregnate her. Not that he hadn't given it a good try or two, but they were two different species, for pregnancy, he was going to have to seek medical means.

She wasn't entirely sure what that meant. She had been told that she would be pregnant by the time they left this appointment, a fact that had aroused the stallion a great deal. He seemed to appreciate the pregnant form a great deal, which made her feel a little twitch in her stomach. She didn't want this life, the stallion wasn't at all terrible looking and he wasn't unkind, but he viewed her as something he owned. Her feelings, her emotions, nothing mattered besides the fact that she did what she was told and how she was told to do it.

She pulled her tail into her lap, half covering the silk that she wore as a loincloth. The clothing was meant to show herself off, especially the intricate dyed pattern that ran along her navel in a trail that ran up to her neck. The decorative pattern of vibrant blue and green against the gold of her fur was lovely, but it was also patterned with his name and a stylized number that was her slave registry. It was refreshed monthly, the colors picked by the stallion to make sure that it was elegant looking.

"Erras?" The name made her head jerk up, her nostrils flaring open wide.

"Shaleen." The stallion said with a lazy drawl to his voice. "She's been scheduled for impregnation." He said as he closed his book and stood up with a slight toss of his head.

"Yes, of course." The nurse, a sleek little doe, offered a smile and then gestured. "We've got the room set up if you will follow me."

Shaleen wanted to run, the very idea of going into the clinic to be 'impregnated' terrified her. She didn't want to have any offspring, especially when they would be the stallion's as a matter of course. He would own them, they would either be sold back into slavery or they would be freed depending on the master. Her nostrils were flaring a little bit wider, shivering with a little as she stood up with her tail dropping down behind her. The bells that he had worked into her tail bounced and the stallion let out a rumble of appreciation. There was no way to say no, no way out of this, this was her life now.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Erras watched his slave as she stripped down in the doctor's office, though the office was less blank and white looking than most. The room was designed for comfort and even a bit of luxury, but that was the way it was supposed to be. He paid a fortune for this service, more of one for silence from the staff here. He relaxed back into the chair and let himself admire the sleek soft furred fox that was being revealed. The white underside of her breasts, the peaked pink nipples, the trim belly and the swell of her hips that caused him to lick his lips.

That long fluffy tail was swirling behind her as she got ready and her ears were pricked up high in the air. They were broad and twitched

playfully back and forth. The movements were delightfully erotic to him, which was why he had purchased her, but after nearly six months, he had begun to grow frustrated at the lack of pregnancy. Trying to impregnate such a different species was nearly impossible, and he had no real desire to spend that sort of money to make sure that it would take, there were other options out there.

There were artificial wombs that could be used to open up the girl's belly, causing it to swell open in a parody of pregnancy. It wasn't an easy procedure, but it would be a mark in his favor when she began to have her belly swelling open wider and wider. More to the point, the fact that she was a fox would enable him to make a few deals to purchase slaves that were still virginal, ones that were born to the life rather than selling themselves into it.

The fennec bent over and he felt himself starting to swell a little in his pants, making him toy with the idea of being able to enjoy the girl here. He did his best to resist it, after all, he wasn't paying the money he was just to fuck the girl in a doctor's office. He gave his ears another swing to the side and he leaned back before there was a glide of the door. He turned his gaze to the larger stallion that walked in, the doctor well groomed and mild looking, taller than he was as the friendly face swung towards him.

"Ahh you do have a lovely one here, a fennec, quite exotic." Dr. Salas murmured softly, his voice warming ever so slightly. "It's been an age since I've seen one."

"My current prize." Erras murmured with a slight smile on his face. "I'm glad you had an opening."

"Always a pleasure." The doctor swung his eyes towards the fox who was watching them with wide nervous eyes. "So small, a challenge, but a good one. Would you prefer to help restrain?"

"I wouldn't want her to feel any fear." The pony stallion purred those words, though it wasn't meant to be reassuring.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Shaleen squirmed, her bare body stretched out on a padded reclining chair that was uncomfortable and reminded her of visits she had made to the OBGYN. It was designed to lift her legs up high in the air with stirrups that split them as far apart as they could possibly go. The position was humiliating and made worse by the fact that they chatted with one another as if she didn't exist. She wasn't given any sort of hint as to what was going to be done to her. In the past, she had always known what would happen to her at the doctor, had control, now, it was all the pony who helped drag her hands up above her head.

The medical scents made her wrinkle her nose slightly while her tail was dragged downwards. The forceful pulls made sure that there was no way for her to actually free herself while her tail was locked into a set of restraints used at the base. It made sure that her sleek mound was bared, shaved down smooth thanks to how the pony preferred her, the lips pursed together snugly as the doctor moved between his legs. There was a slight swing forward of the hips and pull that made her yip in response.

"I think we'll have to adjust the device for her, size will be a bit of a problem." He commented even as her legs were swung open wider on the device. "It's always so interesting to have such small creatures, she's like a little cat."

"I prefer vulpines to cats." Erras drawled out and reached out to drag her arms up high above her, pinning them down firmly. "The mares are easier though."

"But more status to have such a fox such as this swollen with foal." The doctor commented and she couldn't help but let out a squeaking noise.

Shaleen shuddered and folded her broad ears back, her breathing came out a little bit of a breath that made her nose twitch upwards slightly. She hunched her belly upwards a little bit, tightening as the doctor sat down on a rolling chair and moved down with a light touch that brushed against her shaved vulva. The drag of the fingers pulled a little bit, tugging to either side of the fat puffy lips open with just enough of a touch that she bunched herself up even further. Her eyes squeezed shut in reaction to the feel of the fingers pushing forward and prodding her slightly as he did so.

The sensation of the digit pushed forward with a stretch that opened the lips a little wider. The sensation wasn't entirely medical, he lingered overly long before the fingers pushed forward and suddenly began to push against the narrow wring. The prodding touch caused her to tense and jerk a little bit in place, her tail trying to yank before the finger began to wedge forward. Thanks to the way the stallion had been using her, she was opened up a bit wider, stretching just a touch as the first knuckle pushed forward.

The pony wasn't the longest equine, but he was thick, which made her more easy to penetrate as the doctor got a feel for her. There was a slow movement that drew backwards, withdrawing smoothly after a few moments so that she gave a little jump in place. She tried to not make noises, but the grip on the wrists kept her from squirming all the way off the chair that she was pinned to. The finger pulled backwards after a few moments, slipping free, drawing out with a little bit of a tug that pulled against the outer lips again.

She craned her head up to watch him as he moved to one side and picked up a small packet of lubricant, the corner torn open to reveal a blue colored spill of liquid. It squirted it out onto his fingers, coating them, rubbing up and down, smearing them back and forth until they were smeared so thickly that strands clung between the fingers. The hand that wasn't so thickly covered pressed against her stomach, the other fingers pushed back between her legs again with a cold smear of the lube.

She twisted a little bit, whining out in reaction with her jaws opening out wide as two fingers began to rub inside of her, smearing in and out, coating her messily. The strands of lubricant worked in deeper as the doctor pressed his fingers with a bit more force that flexed downwards. The thick heavy fingers pushed in deeper, nearly bottoming out inside of her as she curled her toes and let out a shrill noise. Her jaws closed tightly and she squeezed her eyes shut with a little jerk as the stallion gripped her wrists just a bit harder.

The doctor worked that lubricant as deep as it could possibly go, the thick strands of it coating heavily towards the outer edges, dribbling down towards the curve of her ass. She couldn't help herself, her balls contracted down tightly, squeezing tightly in reaction while she started to pant out shallowly. Her tongue lolled out slightly, just barely spilling out from her muzzle as she whined out in a short

panting burst. She felt wet and slippery, her body shivering a little bit as the doctor withdrew his digits entirely and then pushed away towards the set of drawers that were set against one wall.

The silver speculum was something she was familiar with, but what she wasn't familiar with was the fact that it didn't end bluntly the way the ones she was used to seeing did. There was at least an inch of slender metal jutting forward from the tip of the speculum, something that made her stomach muscles tense up just a little bit before he felt a little bit of a swallow. The doctor moved forward to slide the fingers to either side of her puffy vulva and pressed the cold metal tip against her before starting to sink forwards.

The force slid right into her passage, opening her wider and wider, her lips swallowing down along the length of the speculum so that her hips writhed a little bit. The moment she began to move about she was pressed down tight with the broad hand on her stomach to keep her from struggling to get free. Her nostrils flared open wider, gulping down a breath and then let it out with a little burst of noise. She tried to move again as the cold metal pushed in deeper, spreading wider as it slipped inwards with the strange slender protrusion prodding inside of her.

"Ahh ahh don't squirm, you don't want to have me miss." The doctor commented worriedly and the fingers flexed a bit. "So very hard to find the right mark when you are so small and slight."

She hissed out a little bit before there was another push forward, the tip of the speculum pushed forward to nudged upwards. It prodded firmly, gliding and pushing lightly this way and that. She felt a small cramp rip down along her body, the small movements worked through her muscles and pushed forward with a bit more force. The slender tip pushed forward with a gliding pressure that began to grow by the moment so that she was starting to bunch up her hips a little bit. Her breathing came out in a rush, whimpering before there was another push forward that caught the slender tip right against her cervix.

It was a prodding push that made her whine out with a little bit of a hissing sound as the tip started to push forward. The pressure of the blunt tip began to grow by the moment as the stallion put more weight behind the press. The sharp immediate pain made her gasp out and she tried to draw her hands down, but her master gripped her roughly, the fingers digging down against her. The sensation of pressure grew worse, sharp and immediate, causing her body to tense up to the point that she could barely think.

She let out a choked noise as her body reacted with a powerful contraction rippling through her lower belly. She jumped upwards and the moment she did she felt burning pain forming low in her gut as her muscles instantly began to contract. Her walls closed down tightly, the movements squeezing with an effort to push it outwards as the slender tip pushed in deeper. The taut ring of her cervix began to open up wider, straining and pushing down over the line that was opening her up wider and wider.

Her body reacted with cramps that rippled through her lower belly, jerking and making her entire body seize up in reaction before the next spasm hit her. The stallion kept her stomach still, refusing to let her jerk free while she jerked her legs, trying to free them from the restraints that forced her to remain in place. Her nostrils flared open wide, gulping down a breath and then the tip wedged further, prodding and causing her to let out short shaking noises. The panting breaths came out raggedly and she felt tears spring up to her eyes in response to that pain.

"S-sir... it... it hurts." She managed to get the words out while Erras flexed his fingers against her wrists.

"Ahh but it is a pleasure to serve me, even in pain, Shaleen." The pony stallion murmured, pinning the wrists together roughly, squeezing with enough force to make her choke out a guttural call. "You should have been trained better than this."

She tried to open her mouth to say something, but it turned into a high pitched cry as the speculum finally drove home. The feel of the handle pressed against the swell of her ass before the stallion let out a sound of satisfaction. The throbbing pain worked through her, spasms were rippling through her and causing her stomach muscles to bunch up slightly. Her body was trying to eject the penetration through her cervix and she gave a wild jerk upwards, stomach muscles quivering and spasms rippled through her.

She didn't get much time to brace herself before the speculum began to open up wider, spreading open with a few clicks. Her skin immediately started to stretch open, the burn ran through her as her narrow walls were stretched wider and wider. The times she had had a speculum in her there had been pressure and the slow stretch that opened her, but nothing at all disturbing, just a slight feel of discomfort, but this was entirely different.

It was a surge of pressured strain that burned worse and worse, the sharp spasms that hit her caused her stomach to bunch up again. Her body was shuddering as she tried to find a way to relieve that pressure as the doctor forced the walls wider apart. It wasn't that far apart, her actual channel wasn't forced to gape that wide at all. It was her cervical passage that was being made to open wide, stretching and gaping her so that she experienced sharp spasms that hit her again. The small contractions only made things worse, the slender tips that had been inserted inside of her channel began to bruise her tender flesh.

There were a few clicking sounds, the slides and twinges that just worked through her and suddenly there was a lock that made her suck in a breath. She was stretched open wide, it felt as if she were strained open to the point that a fist could have plunged into her passage with ease. In reality, she glanced down to see that she had only been opened up by centimeters if that. It caused her to shudder slightly, the ache and burn throbbing through her as the doctor rolled back and pulled out a white paper and plastic package, shaking it out with a few snaps.

"We'll start out slowly, of course, we need to make sure that things are going to go according to plan." The doctor said as he undid the package, opening up a white silicone looking bladder.

"I figured three months to start with, given her slender form, she will be incredibly obvious." Erras answered with a lazy tip of his head, kneading the wrists firmly. "I think that you'll want to make sure that she's not full to bursting, at least."

"That will be later." The doctor agreed before the bladder was compressed, sliding into something like a tube.

Shaleen had barely any idea what it was that they were doing, but her confusion was only mounting with her fear as she felt her legs flexing again. Her legs twitched a little in the stirrups before the tube was inserted right into her opened passage, feeding up along the length of the speculum. It pushed through easily at first, but when it came to the slender tipped points of the cervical opening she let out a hiss of pain. The fox bit her lower lip so sharply she nearly drew blood as the ache grew and reached a peak of pain that nearly blinded her.

She felt the length of the silicone bladder pushing through her and tears welled up, rolling down her cheeks. She felt it pushing through and into a part of her that should have never been touched from the outside. It ached in time with her heartbeat so that she couldn't think past the next surge that made her jerk her hips upwards. Her rasping breath came out again in a painful tremor that came with the way that she was swelling open wider and wider. It was glutting her as the soft material was being pushed through her.

She felt her stomach muscles bunching and there was a quiver that ended with her whimpering out softly. Her eyes flashed a little bit and she squeezed them shut again while whatever was filling her uterus to the point that she felt another stomach cramp in her. It made her ball her fists up, trying to lift upwards in the air, but there was absolutely no moving her master's grip on her wrists. She was left pinned in place while the doctor adjusted the bladder again, the tug pulling against her taut ring.

The fennec's tail tried to twitch as there was a pull, a drag of the speculum that slipped out with a wet sound, but her cervix didn't close down again. There was something from the bladder that was left gaping from her cervix, holding it just barely open and her lower belly felt strangely full. She let out a breathy little whine, the sound bursting free from her parted lips. Her eyes jerked up to her master while the doctor slid another speculum inside of her, one that was normal rather than designed to pierce her cervix.

He used it to spread her open and then pulled out the slender rubber tube that was hanging from her cervical passage. She let out a whimper, her breathy sound came out with a shivery burst. She gave a little bit of a writhe in place, her toes curling a little bit further. She was outside of her depth, there was no way for her to know what they were doing. This wasn't about impregnating her, there was no way that they were going to be able to impregnate her with the bladder in her womb, but it made no sense.

She was given another pull, the tug started to draw the length of the tube outwards before the doctor picked up a large blue ball. She blinked at it, unsure what she was looking at before he used it to suction up fluid into it. It ran into the ball to fill it, making her blink her eyes a few times wildly. Her nostrils were flaring wide, sucking down breath after breath while the liquid gorged ball was drawn between her legs so that she gave a little startled shiver. She half expected to feel the liquid squirting over her puffy cunny or into her passage, but there wasn't.

The slender rubber tube that was jutting from her cervix gorged open as the liquid was forced through it to fill the bladder in her womb and she was treated to the startling of experience to feel the weight opening wider and wider. It was opening up wider, flushing through with a stream of warmth that was starting to stretch her open and her lower belly began to open wider. She squirmed a little bit, twisting her body back and forth as the ball was depressed, filling the bladder up quickly so that the silicone began to bloat her lower belly.

It instantly started to stretch her wider, bulging upwards to fill and spread outwards. Her breathing rasped out raggedly, escaping her lips before he pressed down harder and it bulged further out from her lower belly. The sensation of being opened up had her balling her fists up tighter, her breathing wheezed out loudly, panting into a rasping burst. It hurt, it was an ache that was blossoming wider that was pushing her stomach out, almost like a fist that was stretching wide open inside of her.

Shaleen tipped her head down to look at herself as she heard Erras rumbling out a sound of amused pleasure, a noise that disturbed her as the doctor removed the ball. He didn't remove it for long, instead, it drew more liquid from the small container open wide once more, filling it to the brim before he went back to his work of filling the bladder in her swollen uterus with another flush of roiling fluids. She let out a squealing noise when the bladder bloated her further open once more and this time it was stretching her untried uterus out.

She had never been pregnant before, not even a scare, her body hadn't been trained for this and now it was pushing outwards as the fluid was surging and twisting through her. It was sloshing slightly as she gave a little whining sound from low in her throat. She tried to struggle as the doctor dispersed another rush of that fluid, it was swelling through her, bulging to the point that she could actually see it rising up in the air.

The liquid was warm, but that was a dim sort of pain as she let out a whimpering call in a short high pitched sound. It hurt, it was like a strain and kick in the gut, the burning ache had her shuddering as the liquid was used to swell the bladder in her uterus. It was something that was designed to force herself open, form fitting her lower belly and taking that tender flesh was forcing itself to strain to the widest possible point. Her stomach wasn't bulging as if she had eaten a large meal, it was only the lower portion, as if she really were pregnant.

There was a pressure that pressed against the back side of his cervix, bulging it outwards and then the doctor filled the bulb a third time. It was pouring into her, perfectly mimicking the start of a pregnancy just at the end of the trimester. She swiveled her ears back and then they lifted up again, they were trembling slightly as the tip of her tongue spilled out from her small vulpine lips. Her stomach muscles felt bruised from the inside, her breathing hissed out again.

The way that she was working with her muscles bunching up against her lower belly, the cramps making her ache, hurting her to the point that she felt another roll of tears escaping the corners of her eyes. The stallion let out a hot snort above her, his head tipped down so that when her eyes opened she saw her master watching her with an edge of desire in his eyes. It made her want to shrink away from his attention and his hold, but she wasn't able to do anything against it as her skin began to ache.

Her tender skin made her whimper out again before the doctor drew the bulb backwards, the fingers playfully patted against the line of her hip. The light touch brushed through her fur before he gave her a firm pat as if she were some sort of dog. She bit her lower lip and the doctor let out a pleased sound before pulling the bulb back, as well as withdrawing the speculum as well, though it left her cervix to clench down to seal the narrow rubber tube that was left inside of her.

"This should work well enough to make sure that they view her as being pregnant." He commented and plucked up a small bottle and opened up a syringe. "This hormone will mimic the other effects, so you're going to want to make sure that you keep her well dosed with them."

"Easily done. I want to make sure that everything is perfectly mimicked." Erras murmured smoothly and his fingers lifted up from her bruised feeling wrists. "I want this to be as perfectly realistic as possible."

"It will be, I think we will take her inflation slowly." He said as the syringe was filled and she finally realized what it was that they were doing. "As small as she is, she will need to be carefully handled."

"I... I'm not going to be actually pregnant?" She asked, her voice high pitched before letting out a bit of a yip as the syringe sank into her hip.

"Hardly." Erras whickered laughter before the fingers moved to slide down her body, caressing her bare full breasts.

The fingers were gently kneading, working upwards with a teasing squeeze that made her withdraw a bit further in an attempt to get away from the attention. The fingers caught against her full squeeze that nearly bruised her tender flesh, making her head tip backwards. She writhed under the sensation before the thick nails ran up against the thick ridges and dragged backwards. It made her nipples tighten further, panting out with a ragged noise that whined from the back of her throat.

It was obvious that he was aroused, the way that he was handling her was obscene, rubbing back and forth as he leaned forward and she was aware of the fact that there was a bulge in his pants. The arousal made her flush, her ears going a deep dark red in misery. Her stomach was aching, feeling aftershocks of cramps hitting her as the water filled bladder fit entirely naturally inside of her belly. It was exactly what they wanted, her body showing every sign of being successfully impregnated.

"I'll let you two have a good time, you've still got the room for the next hour." The doctor said, the laughter knowing and deep as her master answered with a slide of the fingers moved towards her rounded belly. "I'll have the nurse schedule you in for the next round of hormones."

They're going to keep inflating the bladder, making me look ever more pregnant. She thought even as she let out a cry when her master moved his body, rolling her slightly so that she was made to reach out for his pants as she had been trained.

She didn't know if this was better, or worse than what she had thought was going to happen to her. All she knew was that it was going to be an aspect she had never considered and he had obviously been planning for quite some time.

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