Xenobiologist - Siphonophore Remora

Story by RabidRabbit on SoFurry

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#5 of Dr. Manny, Xenobiologist

Next Chapter in Dr. Manny's space adventures! Thumbnail art based on this pic drawn by FA Slug

Standard adult entertainment warnings here: please be of adult age and not to be offended by homoerotic acts or adult fantasy. If you are alright with that, please proceed. Constructive comments, grammar correction, and thoughtful suggestions are welcomed.

Dr. Manny Xenobiologist

The Siphonophore Remora

The doctor let out a long yawn as he stretched his arms out, popping several joints. The tanuki really needed some R&R between the Union missions and the search for Carter. His last vacation did not go so well when someone tried to release a bioweapon at the resort he was staying at. Since then, Manny would not let a certain leopard forget about it. After a while, Spotter was able to call in a favor. He was able to arrange a VIP vacation and spa package for Manny just to shut up the doctor.

Spotter had always been there since the interdimensional incident. The leopard was assigned to a Union patrol ship out in the Elysian system. Spotter was a lieutenant commander at the time and just started making a name for himself in the Union. The leopard was second in command of the Seranova and as luck would have it, his ship was in pursuit of several raider ships on the outer edge of the system on that fateful day.

The Seranova had chased three smaller raider vessels that decided to turn around and hoped their numbers would make up for their lesser firepower. Their attack was partially successful when they managed to bring down the Seranova's shields. Another blast had struck the bridge, knocking out the captain and killing the first officer. Command fell upon Spotter who also served as the tactical officer. Under his leadership, the Union ship destroyed two of the raiders. The last ship abandoned its partners and escaped.

The leopard's ship was too severely damaged to pursue any further and started to limp their way back to the Elysian station. That's when time and space cracked open and the resulting shockwave left their ship adrift. About a day later, Union vessels had reached their destination and began rescue operations. When Spotter and his remaining crew returned to Union headquarters, the entire incident was classified and the next day, the leopard received a promotion and offered his first command.

At his party, he caught the sight of a hefty tanuki perched at the edge of a barstool chatting with the fleet admiral. The tanuki was not in a uniform like everyone else. He seemed to stop mid-sentence and turn around, staring right at the leopard. Like any other feline, Spotter froze in place before the admiral turned and waved him over.

"Spotter!" the admiral called out. The old jackal had been a career officer for decades, white had begun to form around his muzzle. The rest of his jet black fur looked sharp against their white dress uniforms. "I'd like you to meet someone. This is Dr. Manny he was the head researcher at everything that was just classified," said the jackal as he gave the tanuki's shoulder a pat.

"Sir, I was informed there were no survivors at El...everything that was just classified," Spotter said. He reached out his paw and shook the doctor's hand.

"Yes, well as you know sometimes items get classified before others and it makes it awkward to talk about outside of the designated intel rooms. Due to recent events, the good doctor will be working freelance for us and you have been designated as his Union liaison and handler," said the jackal.

"Congratulations on the promotion, captain. Can I get you a glass of champagne?" offered the tanuki.

"Yes, thank you. I look forward to working with you," said Spotter as he took a flute of bubbly from Manny. The leopard's hand clasped against Manny's for a moment before the doctor expertly maneuvered the stem with his fingertips into the captain's paw and gave him a wink.

The big cat blushed beneath his spots. The young tanuki gestured to the empty seat on his other side. The admiral stood and gave them both a pat on the back. "You'll receive a formal report, but your first assignment will be to escort the doctor to the edge of Union territory. You are to rendezvous with a ship to pick up the doctor. This mission is also classified, and you are to remain under radio silence till Dr. Manny is off your ship. You'll have the mission details sent under priority one encryption."

"Yes admiral," replied the cheetah. The three spent the next few hours chatting away over drinks and winks. Manny found a quiet moment when the admiral went around to say his goodbyes.

"So fly boy, want to see some fascinating specimens. You seem like the kind of guy who'd be interested in my research," said the doctor, putting odd emphasis on his words.

"Oh, I think that sounds like a splendid idea," replied Spotter. He finished the rest of his champagne and followed the tanuki back to his quarters. Once the doors closed, Spotter caught Manny's lab coat as the tanuki shrugged it off while he moved to the back of his spacious room. The captain dropped the coat and was upon the raccoon dog's tail. His paws reached out to grab the round mounds.

The doctor suddenly came to a halt. "Here's my most recent project. This little critter metabolizes organic matter and a few heavy metals into starship fuel!" he said, turning around to show his guest his latest work.

The cat almost jumped out of his flesh as he looked up and pulled his hands back, "Wha...oh. Yes, of course. You meant your actual research!" Spotter sputtered.

Dr. Manny tilted his head and looked back at the cat. "Yeah, I thought you would be interested in my xenobiology research. It was one of your favorite subjects in the academy according to your file,"

The leopard turned beet red at what appeared to be an instance of gross miscommunication. The Union captain was at a loss for words before the doctor flashed a smile and took the leopard's paws. He pulled the captain over to his tables covered in scientific instruments and discussed various topics almost till sunrise. Passing out in Manny's bed, Spotter slept until the morning. Manny already had coffee brewing and prepared an elaborate breakfast.

The two ate quickly as the mission started in less than thirty minutes. Scarfing down their meals, they dressed and arrived upon the bridge of the captain's new vessel. The Alister was one of the Union's bulkier class of ships. Enhanced hull and shield generators made this ship incredibly resistant to all known forms of damage, and it had an arsenal to match. They departed for their destination to the edges of the Union's borders. Their brief but memorable night was one of many during their journey.

Spotter maintained a respectful distance during his duty hours. However, he spent most of his off time with Dr. Manny. The tanuki had grown quite fond of the model officer. The doctor shared with the captain some interesting holovids of some of Manny's personal experiments. Soon the leopard found himself volunteering to participate in such experiments. That is perhaps the oldest holovid in the perverted captain's vault.

Now it was time for the hard-working doctor to finally relax. The cheetah booked him an all-inclusive weekend stay at the Juniper Health Spa and Resort. Blue dropped Manny off at the landing pad and jetted off to enjoy its own vacation cataloging the species of a nearby moon. The tanuki looked through the list of specialties and various activities available at the resort. As he found a desk to check in, the system detected his reservation ID on the small card Spotter had sent the doctor.

"Welcome Dr. Manny to the Juniper Spa, your registration package is already set for the deep cleanse regimen. If you are ready to start your first treatment, please enter room number six in the hall to the left. Any luggage will be moved to your reserved quarters. Please enjoy your stay at Juniper Spa and Resorts!" said a lively automated voice response system. It appears Spotter had picked out Manny's schedule. He wondered what the deep cleanse treatment could be; it wasn't listed anywhere on the brochures.

He stood at the threshold of the steel doors with a large blue six painted on the reflective metal. The doors slid open and Manny entered. Inside was a simple wooden door and brass knob. In the middle was a table. Atop stood a small bottle with a straw and a note that read: 'Please drink this cleansing tonic to prepare for your deep cleaning regiment. Please disrobe and leave the empty bottle and your clothing upon the table and leave through the door.'

The tanuki did as the note requested. The drink tasted like disgusting plain tonic water. Stripping naked and tossing his clothes aside, he turned the brass handle and left the room. Suddenly he found himself upon a rocky plateau at a high altitude. Clouds drifted only a few hundred meters above and the air was crisp and cool. The warm sunlight flooded the rocky plane and led the doctor to a spot a small walk away.

The wind felt wonderful against the heat of the sun. The path ended at a small outcrop where Manny triggered another automated audio notification. "Thank you for choosing our deep clean regiment at Juniper Spa and Resort. Your specialist will be with you in a moment to begin your treatment. Please have a seat with your back against the outcrop and look up."

A bit of an odd request, but Manny shrugged and sat down. He looked up and waited for a moment. After a while, the doctor was about to stand back up when the automated notification chimed again. "By now our patented cleaning beverage should be in full effect. Its powerful mixture helps the therapist perform their job with ease. The added relaxant should last the duration of your treatment."

"Relaxant?" the tanuki said aloud before his jaw went slack and he was unable to move any of his muscles. He could hear a squishing noise that grew louder from above him. His 'specialist' arrived on the ledge above. Manny could see some gelatinous creature with a writhing mass of tentacles extending from one of its ends and stretching right towards the paralyzed doctor. The squirming tendrils twisted around one another and poured themselves right down the raccoon dog's open muzzle.


"Your treatment is now starting; 8 hours remain for your deep cleaning. Please relax and enjoy your stay," played the automated audio notification voice.

Some tendrils ran along Manny's gums and teeth, others massaged around his tongue and the rest started to push straight down his throat. The tanuki gulped down the squirming things that snaked deeper down the doctor's bulging neck. The creature kept feeding more and more of its tentacles into the spa guest. He could feel only an odd pressure as the flood of slithering tendrils ventured deeper into his guts.

All he could do was swallow and study the creature and what it appeared to be doing to his body. His mouth was slick as the tentacles were covered in some natural slime. The thinner tendrils in his mouth appeared to have covered every surface. It was like a remora fish pecking clean another animal, only more...intimate. He felt like his stomach was bulging as several tentacles pooled together like a large ball and wiggled around before pushing deeper into his intestines.

Time seemed to crawl as it took about a minute for another inch or two of tendrils to sink down Manny's gullet. Inside the doctor's guts, the creature's appendages split into smaller and smaller tendrils till they could push into the tanuki's blood vessels. Their micron thin filaments would clean plaque from his arteries. The deep cleaning was a very thorough process at the Juniper Spa and Resort. The doctor was starting to feel bloated as he was still force fed more of the writhing mass.

"Five hours remaining."

Three hours had already passed, and he could feel a most odd tingling sensation in his cock. It appears some tendrils have finally pushed deep enough into Manny to reach his bladder. Several tiny tendrils began to push at the exit towards his urethra. They nudged and poked, rubbing through the doctor's prostate and then into his hardening member. They crept slowly down the tight confines; a growing bulge formed along the underside of Manny's hard cock. After an agonizingly slow hour, the tip of the tanuki's cock stretched open and a blooming mass of slimy tendrils pushed out.

The entire experience felt like a slow-motion orgasm to the xenobiologist. He felt his cock continue to throb and ache as more tendrils continued to spill out from his stretched urethra. Another pressure started to push out from underneath Manny's tail. A thick bulbous tentacle plopped out of his ass, followed by a few of its smaller brethren. They stretched his ring as more tentacles continued to spill from his rear.

"Two hours remaining."

At this point the creature began to pull its mass back into its gelatinous body. Over the remaining time, the tentacles began to slip back down Manny's cock and up his ass. The creature slurped up its appendages, leaving the doctor to gurgle the last few feet of slimy tendrils. Manny started to regain feeling in his arms and legs and stood up as he coughed from the residual slime lodged inside his throat. His specialist started to crawl away, leaving the tanuki squeaky clean inside. After eight hours of being stuffed all the way through by some alien jelly, the doctor felt exhausted.

The audio notification system produced a whimsical chime and announced, "Phase two of deep cleaning regiment beginning."

With that, the creature had slithered down the side of the wall and crept between the tanuki's legs. Its mouth opened and the same mass of slimy tentacles shot out and pushed into Manny's sheath and ass. Too exhausted from the first phase, he resigned himself to his treatment. The spreading tentacles easily slipped inside the clean tanuki. The second phase didn't last but two hours before the tendrils spilled out from Manny's nostrils and mouth.

"Phase two complete, final phase begins. Thank you again for choosing Juniper Spa and Resort deep cleaning package. You will be awake in time for checkout," said the automated notice system.

The tentacles did not pull out of the doctor this time. Instead, the creature started to wrap more tendrils around his legs and started to drag the tanuki into its mouth. The alien stretched to engulf Manny's feet, and swallowed his ankles. The mass of tentacles pulled the doctor deeper, stretching more of the creature over Manny's body. Soon its opening finally closed around the tanuki's head, leaving him trapped inside the alien's jelly like body.

More tentacles inside of the alien began to probe and prod along the doctor's fur. He was assaulted by tendrils from all directions, inside and out. The sensation of being stroked from every surface was beyond relaxing. Dr. Manny passed out, trapped within a tight cocoon of slimy tentacles. By the time his weekend was over, the creature spat him out in a pool of sanitary goop and took its leave.

Manny never felt so relaxed and refreshed. He walked out onto the landing pad and returned to his ship. Blue welcomed the doctor back and was eager to show off its collection of specimens found on the nearby moon.

"You look like you're glowing," Blue said.

"Thanks, it was an awesome spa. Spotter really out did himself this time, I will totally come back for the deep cleaning special again," Manny said as he walked into the lab.

"No...Manny you're literally glowing," Blue said as he flashed a special dark light on the tanuki, his entire body lit up. "Also, this spa doesn't offer anything called a deep cleaning special. That's slang in this sector for a sentient siphonophore species version of oral sex."

"Wait...what?" said the doctor as he realized Blue was telling him he was covered in jizz.

"What says the slut," Blue quipped.

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