Mix And Match

Story by Cyniras on SoFurry

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Flame sighed. He was laying in bed next to Ember, staring at the grey granite that made the caves walls, every crack and bump was noticed by his eyes but his mind registered none of it. He was fidgety and restless lying there, he had sexual cravings but he was unwilling to try anything with Ember. He loved her but they had a problem. They had become bored of each other in bed. They were both very sexually motivated during the early times of their relationship; of course at the time it had been a wonderful experience but now they knew each other's moves and had become bored of them, their bodies were so resistant that it wasn't worth trying anymore. Being faithful to the other, neither of them had anywhere to learn new things, and so it was that they spent their nights pent up and unable to sleep well.

Flame sat up in bed and looked over his mate, desperately wishing for some way to bring spice back into their relationship and release their tensions. He watched the gentle rise and fall of her steady breathing, the small wriggles she did as she acted her dreams and the way the morning sun lit up her rose pink scales. He sighed again and slowly got up.

Leaving the cave, he headed outwards, taking a short stroll in the mellow morning light, listening to the calm collective chorus from the early rising birds and feeling the slightest moist breeze trickle in through the trees. He shut his eyes and stood still, allowing for calm and happiness to settle over him like a warm duvet on a wintery afternoon. Nothing was around to disturb him. No stresses. No agitations. Not a care in the world.

"Hey buddy." Came a cheery voice from behind. Flame did not have to look to know who had accompanied him this morning.

"Hey Spyro." Flame turned to see the purple and golden glisten of the legend dragon's scales. He smiled in natural response to his friend and slowly padded over to his side.

"What's got you up so early, couldn't sleep?" asked the purple dragon.

"Yeah, something like that. And you?" Flame answered nonchalantly.

"Nothing much, just out and about and thought I might see if you were awake." Spyro replied looking more at his paws than at Flame. Flame knew something was troubling his friend but was unsure how to go about asking him about it.

"So, everything ok with you lately?" Flame asked.

"Yeah, no complaints over here." came the awkward response followed by the nervous laugh that Flame knew all too well.

He lifted his paw and softly patted Spyro on the shoulder reassuringly, looking him in the eyes and smiling softly at him. "Well, I'm here if you ever need me Spyro."

Flame's paw was soon joined by Spyro's in a comforting touch of their lifelong friendship and a gentle smile sealed the deal. It was a picturesque moment in the brisk romance of night and day, to the sound of frost thawing and the witness of the stirring woodland creatures, their friendship was strengthened.

Flame sighed, he knew Ember would wake soon and would worry about the gap at her side. He looked at Spyro one last time, and removed his paw.

"Ember will probably wake any minute and wonder where I am so I'd better head back home." he told Spyro. He could tell Spyro still had something on his mind that he was not letting on.

"You sure your ok buddy?" Flame asked, his voice rich with concern for his pal.

Spyro paused for a moment not looking directly at Flame. "Yeah, you know, it's just...a thing."

"A thing? What thing?"

"Well it's not so much as a thing as 'the' thing." Spyro looked at the red dragon as he answered before looking back to the patch of dirt under his claw.

"The thing?" Flame was starting to wonder what exactly could put the legendary dragon in the thick like this, a dragon who fought off many foes and that the world that he lived in would have been very different without.

"Well...it's like this...Cynder and I have reached a point in our relationship where we want to take it a step further but we aren't sure how."

Flame looked at his friend, quite clearly confused at the comment. "You mean sex? You don't know what sex is?"

Spyro recoiled at the response and quickly stopped the accusation "Nonononono, we know what sex is, we just aren't experienced at it and have no idea how to make the best of it for ourselves and each other. And since you and Ember seem to know more than anyone else I know, I thought maybe, you could teach us? If you're ok with that." Spyro was now looking everywhere but at his friend, feeling silly and childish for making such a comment about something so adult.

There was a pause. A deep resounding silence that filled the atmosphere with stomach gripping tension. It seemed as though the animals and the elements themselves had stopped to see the reaction.

Spyro felt a soft paw rest on his shoulder and he looked up, expectant but afraid too of the answer he would receive.

"Sure thing buddy. I got your back." Flame said and strolled of into the bushes towards his cave.

Flame, blissfully unaware of the visitor just inside the cave, strolled slowly towards his home. He was still off with his head in the clouds and his mind far away with the tree-tops when he was abruptly woken from his daydream by a sleek black dragoness leaving his cave.

"Cynder? What are you doing here so early?"

Cynder stopped; caught red handed at the scene of the crime left her no choice of escape. "Oh nothing, just came by to chat to Ember. I have to be off now though so bye." With that she scrambled off into the bushes and away a bit too quickly for an innocent departure.

Flame smelt a rat, and he didn't like rats. He wandered inside the cave; stealthily and gradually he scanned every surface of the cave, making sure nothing strange or out of place was there. He couldn't see anything suspicious so he walked further into the cave, scouring ahead so as not to be caught surprised by anything.

He felt a grab at his shoulder and he jumped quickly round, squealing unusually high for a male his age.

"Geez, you nearly gave me a heart attack." He huffed at the familiar set of pink scales that stood beside him.

"Well I'm sorry if you didn't expect to find me in my home." Ember fired back.

"It's not my fault, Cynder put me on edge, did you know she was here?"

"Yes she and I had a chat and a drink and then she left to go see Spyro."

"What were you talking about?"

"None of your business yet, but I'll tell you what is your business, catching us some breakfast, I'm starving this morning." Flame sighed; he should learn not to open his mouth sometimes.

Ember purred and leaned onto Flame, her day had been mostly uneventful and now, as the sun lay low in the sky, she and her lover was watching the last few rays of pitiful light fade before the moon awoke. She felt Flame sigh deeply looking lost in the distance.

"What's wrong honey?" her voice rich with concern.

"Well, I've been meaning to tell you something," he sighed; he knew he couldn't hold it up for long. He sat straight and looked her square in the eyes, "When I was out this morning on a walk I bumped into Spyro. And he said that he and Cynder were looking to learn how to get the best out of their sex life, but neither of them are very experienced so I sorta said that we could teach them. You know, I wanted to see if we could add a little spice into our relationship and maybe learn some new things." By now his eyes had dropped to his paws that were nervously playing around in the dirt below him.

He heard a small giggle emit from Ember before she lost control and burst into fits of laughter. Flame sat still, unsure of what he had said that was so amusing to Ember. He was sure it was a serious matter and was surprised how more unnerved he felt by Ember's almost manic laugh.

She finally caught her breath and wiped a small tear from her eye, patting Flame's arm softly. "I know you had best intentions honey, but what did you think Cynder was doing round here earlier?"

"I don't know, you told me it wasn't my business." muttered Flame feeling rather embarrassed now.

"Awww, don't be that way honey." she leaned against him softly, hugging his torso affectionately. "I just assumed you'd put two and two together. Anyway seeing as we are both onboard for this then how about we go find Spyro and Cynder and have ourselves a little fun tonight" She giggled and pulled him gently.

He smiled at her and nodded, he stood up and they both took off together, banking east towards Spyro and Cynder.

Flame and Ember hurried into the cave finding Spyro and Cynder waiting for them. They all exchanged pleasantries and began to make plans for the night.

"Well," said Spyro "I think the best way would be for me to go with ember and learn how to give as much pleasure as I can to Cynder, and Flame go with Cynder to learn how to pleasure me."

They all nodded in agreement finding that it was most likely their best option.

"One question. How far are we going with this? Is it just talking or is it going to be a sorta full on sex?" Cynder asked, looking Flame up and down slyly. Flame saw this and tried to move his legs nonchalantly to hide his slightly swollen sheath causing a knowing smile from Cynder and an elbow from Ember.

"Well as long as everyone is ok with it, I'd prefer to go the whole way because I think we could all learn some new moves so to speak." Spyro said giving a nervous chuckle at the end.

Again they all nodded eager to explore each other's fiancées closer and quite happy with the idea of sex after long last. Soon after they split off into separate rooms to begin their night of wondrous and relieving sex.

Cynder was the first to make her move, slowly strolling her way towards Flame and rubbing her paw gently over his stomach, circling it low on his belly, gradually nearing his crotch. She had a playful and sly grin on her face, doing her best to turn on Flame. It was evident that it was working as Flame's paw lowered and blocked his crotch as he tried to hide his obvious arousal. She smiled gently at him and placed her paw on his.

"You've no need to hide that from me. Tonight I will hopefully see a lot of it and I hope I can please it as much as I'm sure you will do me." She giggled and rubbed his paw up and down, forcing his paw against his bulging sheath making him pant slightly in lust. He heeded her words and removed his paw and stretched his legs wide showing her his limp cock starting to rise from his sheath.

Cynder's smile grew as she saw the hardening rod of dragon meat protruding from the end of his yellow sheath. She looked at Flame's almost desperate face and leaned in towards him. Her paw gripped his cock and slowly squeezed it, feeling the hot shaft harden in her grasp. She looked at him innocently.

"Is this how I should go about pleasing Spyro?"

Flame leaned his head back and murred to himself, nodding slowly because in his current state he didn't trust his tongue to do the work, at least not yet. His cock slowly hardened to its full length, causing Cynder to move her hands a lot more to cover all of it as she played with it.

"And what else should I do to keep him happy?" She asked playfully. Flame couldn't respond, he was too caught up in arousal that he had desperately been begging for, for a long time. "Very well, I shall play it by ear."

She lowered her muzzle towards the tasty meat shaft that hung in front of her, her hot breath sent waves of unimaginable pleasure through Flame. He had no idea why but the fact that he knew it was not the same person who he had been with so many times just made him so needy to cum and to play. Her soft moist tongue darted out, flickering across the tip of his needy cock. She teasingly ran her lips all the way down the underside of his thick cock, never opening her lips or licking at his cock. She felt him buck and moan above him, sensing his libido and desperation.

She smiled to herself and began to push him, slowly taking small licks and placing gentle kisses on his cock, edging him ever slowly towards his orgasm, but she would not let him cum yet. She was just getting started. Her teasing and stalling was getting to Flame, getting inside his head. He wanted nothing more than to just thrust deep into her muzzle but he couldn't, not with Spyro next door and he wouldn't risk hurting his friend. Instead he sat whimpering and moaning, taken down by the simple pleasure he had nothing left to do but beg.

"Please," he whimpered through gritted teeth "I can't bear it anymore."

Cynder smiled she was going to have a lot of fun tonight if it was this easy.

Spyro took charge in the other room, hearing low moans through the walls, letting him know that all seemed to be well in the other room. He looked over the pink dragoness. He hadn't noticed much about her before, his eyes often drawn to Cynder but now as they were alone and exposed to each other, he couldn't help but notice every little detail. The smooth bumps that seemed purposeless but seemed to change her physique so much, the way her scales changed from a deep pink into a rosy pink as the light reflected from her scales. He also noticed how coy she seemed without Flame at her side, sitting silently and slightly covering herself. Spyro smiled and walked over to her.

Despite knowing tonight was not supposed to be about love or intimacy, Spyro leaned in and placed a soft calming kiss on Ember's lips. The surprised dragoness soon calmed and began to push back with her tongue figuring that leading by example was the best way to go. After a long passionate minute of tongue lashing, Ember lay Spyro down on his back. She leaned in close to his ear and whispered in it "You'd better hold on tight, because I teach quickly"

With the words still ringing in his ears Spyro was forced down roughly onto his back as Ember reared up, and began to slowly grind her soft under scales against Spyro's sheath. It quickly bulged with the satisfied murr from Spyro, a small dribble of clear liquid emerging as the first signs of his shaft began to poke through. Ember smiled slyly as she placed her paw on the top of his sheath and pushed down on it, making Spyro experience a lot of pleasure but his long dragon meat was unable to escape his sheath due to the pressure at its exit.

He wriggled and whimpered, helpless to the pleasure but desperate for release. Ember grinded her paw around the area, never letting off of Spyro's sheath in the slightest until he gave in and couldn't hold back any more. He humped up into Ember's paw, urging at her for release and finally she granted him it, gently relieving the pressure and watching the pink shaft slide effortlessly from its prison. She smiled and rubbed it gently with her paw, making him twitch and murr in response to her playful and loving hand.

She let him go and lay down on her back, spreading herself and beckoning him in with her finger. Spyro didn't need any more encouragement and was close behind, rubbing his muzzle gently up the inside of her leg, the hot breath sending a resounding wave of pleasure in her. She purred deeply and scratched softly at the back of his head. "Good boy, now the reason you are here is to learn how to please Cynder, so I suggest you make good use of that tongue."

She giggled as she saw him blush slightly as he took the hint. She laid her head back and reached down with one of her paws, spreading herself wide for Spyro to get a good look at the dripping pink flesh that lay before him. He licked his lips and leaned his muzzle in, brushing his nose gently against her fold, the scent of the female staining his mind and playing havoc with his control over himself.

His tongue snaked ever so slowly from his mouth and began it eager dance over the outer lips of her pussy. As he lapped franticly and happily at the sopping wet cunt, Ember was moaning, her head thrown back in lust as she was eaten out by the dragon of legend. Spyro could hear his rose dragoness moaning in ecstasy above him, his tongue wriggling and inside her tight opening, feeling the tight moist walls clamp around it and try to squeeze it out. Playfully he pushes against it, wiggling his way further in and hearing his mentor cry out.

He felt her soft and caressing paw come down to settle on his head and apply pressure to it, forcing his muzzle tight against her cunny lips, making his tongue dive deeper into her tasty cavern and her scratch relentlessly at the floor. His tongue found the jackpot as it wiggled around in her, hearing a loud burst of moans he figured he had found her G-spot. Concentrating hard on this area he lapped back and forth over it, ravishing at it with his unrelenting tongue feeling the pressure on his head grow.

She cried out and shoved his face hard into her cunny, her inner walls contracting around his tongue and dripping her juices onto his muzzle and into his expectant and willing open mouth. She lay panting and slowly let his muzzle go, tired from such a fierce and needed orgasm. Spyro lifted his head from his meal and looked Ember in the eye. Feeling her cunny juices drip off of his muzzle he began to scoop them up with his tongue and empty it into his mouth, happy to clean himself up. They both looked at each other and smiled.

In the other room Cynder had stopped her incessant teasing and had started to pleasure Flame like he had been desperate for. Her tongue was now out of her mouth and was wrapped around Flame's long rod of meat. She dragged it up and down hi full length feeling the male shudder underneath her, occasionally she would bring her head down further taking the head inside her mouth as she toyed with his libido. She giggled at his moans and whimpers and small purrs at her tongues fluent movements.

She rearranged herself and placed two paws either side of Flame's hips and readied herself. She removed her tongue to the accompaniment of a sad whimper from Flame before lining herself up and lowering her mouth slowly over his pulsating tip. She took around half of the length directly into her mouth, suckling it gently and letting her throat adjust before she lowered herself even further, almost reaching the bottom of his cock. While she was down she took the time to wet his cock, lubing it so that it would slide easier into her throat and hopefully not gag her. Her tongue swivelled madly against Flame's hard on, sparking a long droning moan to pass Flame's lips.

Cynder closed her mouth tightly around the shaft and slowly brought her muzzle back off of the cock with a loud slurping noise. Flame bit into his lip as he knew he would not last long, Cynder's pace was quickening as she bobbed her beautiful dark muzzle up and down over his soaking cock. His cock was already spurting madly inside of Cynder's mouth, the rich salty pre-cum being lapped instantly from his cocks tip and swallowed. Once again, Flame was helpless to resist. He passed into a trance as he felt Cynder's head bobbing up and down on his shaft, his hips moving with her and gently humping her muzzle, not even the moans next door could stir them.

What did wake Flame from his trance was Cynder's claw which had found its way down to his tailhole and was beginning to prod at it and slowly poke inside. Flame gasped as he felt his desperation to cum shoot up, he growled slightly under his breath and whimpered out to Cynder "Cynder....I'm going to cum." He held back as much as he could but he was unable to buy himself any time and as Cynder went down on him one more time, taking his cock to new depths in her muzzle, he spewed his thick seed into her. She sucked and swallowed franticly to keep up with his powerful and plentiful spurts of cum as it fired into the back of her throat and oozed into her stomach with the rest of the spurts of semen.

Flame lay exhausted on the bed, feeling Cynder pull off of him and lick his sensitive cock clean. He sighed happily and felt the curvaceous body of the dragoness slide up on top of him.

He giggles as he felt her slide over his penis and felt her breath on his chest.

"Did I do good?" she asked slyly

He murred and kissed her softly. "You did excellent."

She purred happily and rubbed herself against him more, causing his deflated cock to resurrect. "Then how about we move on to the next lesson."

He looked at her with wide eyes, his cock was still only half erect and he wasn't sure if he had fully recovered, still it seemed Cynder was not deterred. She used her saliva slicked paw to grind his cock slowly bringing it slowly back to full hardness. She smirked as she played with it, carefully caressing its hot sides as her damp paw massaged the now hardened tip.

She turned back to face him and pointed his cock at her wet cunny. She lay on top of him and rubbed her pussy lips against his cock head, teasing him, daring him to enter her. Watching the expression of his face turn and set in one of pleasure and lust, made her slide back slightly, pushing him slowly to no other option.

He grabbed her hips and humped upwards, diving his cock in deep to her wet fold with a loud sloppy squelch. He drove himself deep, nearly hilting in her first time, this made her squeal and moan in pleasure as he ravaged her body and slammed himself into her. The soft slapping sound was the only sound that could be heard above their symphony of moans and gasps, their grunts and whimpers. Flame had his paws glued onto Cynder's hips and was slamming himself home to the hilt now with each hump. His pace was fierce and steady, regularly slapping his balls against Cynder's thighs.

She had her arms wrapped around the back of Flame holding on tight in fear of being rocked about roughly, not that she minded too much at that moment. She had never thought she would experience sex like this, she never thought it would feel so good, but she couldn't want anything else at the moment then for that cock to slam deeper and harder into her. And so far she was getting it.

Flame had tremendous power in his hip and was able to get deep into the folds of Cynder, rubbing all the pleasure points she wanted, all she had to do was lean slightly in one direction or another and he'd slam his way past another pleasure point in her pussy. It was a moment of pure ecstasy for her whenever the long shaft dug its way through her folds and slid all the way back out.

She gripped onto Flame tighter, feeling her loins start to heat up and her orgasm loom over her. She moaned one last time and dug her fingers roughly into Flame's back before slamming herself deep onto flame and spewing her runny juices down his cock onto his thighs. Her tight cunny walls clamped and contracted tight around Flame's rod and forced him over the edge too, holding tight onto Cynder he shot six long strands of dragon semen straight into her. Together they rode out their orgasm and lie on top of each other, panting and gasping for air, but relieved. All the pent up stress and sexual energy had been shot out of them that night.

They left the room and headed to the showers, turning it on they heard two others enter. It was clear by the look on their faces, they too had had a very good night.

Ember walked over to Flame happily and cooed at him "I hope you've learned some new moves honey, because I have and I'm dying to try them out on someone."

Flame smiled as he felt the old vigour he had return to him, but he knew that it was a new vigour, a new lust, to see how many noises he could now make from his dragoness.

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