Adrian's Induction - Chapter One

Story by Troius Clawston on SoFurry

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#3 of Pierced Pleasure

It's only been a couple months since Eirjan and Marzo found one another, and formed a uniquely kinky bond that brought them together as boyfriends. And after gaining a large fanbase from their lewd livestreams together, the couple are recognized late one night while perusing a sex-shop. The lone clerk, a chubby deer by the name of Adrian Antoine, helps the two find some kinky gear for a meetup at a fetish club. But when the two realize he's not only a fan, but an eager little buck with a promiscuous side of his own, they decide to induct a little "test" to see just how willing he would be to join them for their next stream~

"Alright, here's your bag! Have a nice night, Sir."

Even though the clerk was giving a warm smile for the sake of customer service, the husky on the other side of the counter was blushing really hard and averting his eyes from him. Aside from an awkward nod of his head, all that the customer did was take his black plastic bag before making a beeline for the door. For most other businesses, a customer like that probably would've been seen as an annoying occurrence. But for the chubby buck still smiling behind his counter, all he could do was shrug his shoulders by the time the husky left the shop; after all, considering where he worked, that sort of customer was the most common, as well as the least confrontational.

"Hmmm..." With that last customer out of the shop, he had a moment to himself as he scanned the room with a contemplative hum. Under the fluorescent lights, he was able to see how clean the tiled floors still looked between the rows of shelves; and since so many of the aisles were lined with products of various bright colors, they helped to make each section uniquely tinted with rainbow-esque colors. Part of him wished that others could appreciate that kind of aesthetic, since it was one of the small details about his job that made it so enjoyable. Of course, since most of those aisles are lined with shelves of sex toys or porno DVDs, there were obviously much bigger advantages that kept him smiling for most of the day.

Since nobody was in the shop, he reached beneath his counter to pull out a small microfiber cloth. After giving a quick polish to the lenses of his glasses, he put them back on before wiping the plastic tag on his green work shirt. Even though the tag wasn't dirty, he still smiled upon seeing his name 'Adrian' in a stylish font above his right pec. On the left side of his shirt, just above the small pocket for his pens, the company logo was embroidered with the shop's name: Kinky Kelly's.

'Ding! Ding!'

Adrian perked his head up when he heard the bell above the front door ringing, indicating a new customer was coming in. He shot a quick glance to the clock on the back wall, and shrugged indifferently when he saw he still had fifteen minutes until closing. So instead of trying to close shop, the buck remained behind the counter and shot a smile to the two new customers. "Hello! Welcome to Kinky Kelllll...y's..."

His smile may have remained, but the deer's expression grew very flustered when he saw who entered the shop. A couple of tall, well-fit zebras walked into the store, clearly a couple from how closely they were walking side-by-side. The shorter zebra had red stripes instead of black, although most of them were covered by the baggy pink hoodie he was wearing. The taller zebra had classic black stripes which matched his tightly-fit tanktop; however, even though his muscles stood out prominently as an alluring feature, it was the multiple colorful tattoos adorning his arms that caught Adrian's attention. The clerk's cheeks grew a notable blush, but it was thankfully unseen by either of the zebras. Aside from a brief wave accompanied with a "Hello," the two zebras kept their focus on the merchandise on the walls instead of the chubby buck.

"Wow..." As the couple walked down one of the aisles, which happened to be full of high-quality BDSM gear, the red-striped zebra grew an impressed smile from the varied selections. "Heh~ It's so weird that I never came to this shop before. Some of these prices are pretty decent."

"Yeah, one of my clients told me they had good harnesses here..." The tattooed zebra smiled when he reached the back of the store, seeing that there was indeed a varied array of harnesses and straps hanging from the wall. Some of them were basic with brown or black leather as the primary colors, while others boasted different colors and materials like nylon. As the red-striped zebra stared at the selection with a small blush on his cheeks, his partner grinned when he saw a single rainbow-striped harness hanging from one of the racks. "Ooh! Talk about lucky!"

He pulled the harness off the wall, and held it up to inspect the size. He turned back to his friend with a smile, holding up the leather gear to see how it looked on him. "Hmmmm... What do you think, Eirjan? You think this would fit you?"

The red zebra took the harness with a curious smile, and hummed in contemplation. "Well, it has these adjustable straps on the side, so it probably would fit me..." After examining the attire for a moment, smiling when he gave the leather straps a couple of hard tugs to test its durability, he snuck a quick glance down the aisle to see where the clerk was at. Luckily for the zebras, Adrian was still behind the counter with a heavy blush, and looked elsewhere the instant Eirjan turned to his direction. He may have noticed that strange response, but the zebra was more grateful that he wasn't staring over at them.

"Hmmm..." Eirjan turned back to his partner, and then down at the harness he was holding. "You think there's a changing room for me to try this on?"

"Honestly," said the tatted zebra with a shrug, "I could probably stand as lookout if you tried it on now~"

Eirjan's eyes widened with a heavier blush across his cheeks. As he looked around the vacant storefront, he bit his lip in trepidation before whispering, "Marzo, are you sure? I mean... that can be kinda awkward to explain if that guy catches us."

"Not if we pay for it," noted Marzo with a more confident smile. "Besides, you can't tell me you haven't done kinkier things in public~"

Despite how truthfully Marzo made that point, Eirjan's muzzle wrinkled from how tightly it pursed shut. He may have not looked completely against his partner's suggestion, but there was still a slight look of hesitancy on his face. Unbeknownst to either of the zebras, the store was small enough for Adrian to overhear their discussion from the other end of the shop. However, instead of saying anything to confront the two, the deer raised a brow as he secretly listened to their discussion.

"T-That's not the point!" whispered Eirjan in a hushed tone. "Do you remember what happened when we tried that livestream at the park?"

"Hey, the cop let us go, didn't he?"

"Only because you convinced him my pup hood was for Larping! We can't exactly do that here."

"Well, it's not like I'm having you test a dildo. It's just a harness."

"Hmmm... Well, I mean..."

"Hey, c'mon, babe. You know I wouldn't let anything happen to you, right?"

"... Y... Y-Yeah..."

With that sheepish reply, Eirjan couldn't help squirming a little as he grew a nervous smile on his muzzle. Even though he and Marzo had only been an item for less than a couple months, both of them realized early on how well they worked as a couple. Aside from how compatible they were when it came to their shared kinks, the two ended up having a lot in common outside the bedroom as well. Not to mention, when their lewd livestreams became more popular with regular uploads, the additional income they received from donations gave a lot of extra incentive to keep things going. So even with his slight apprehension, Eirjan eventually gave in to his randier side as he sighed in acceptance.

"W-Well, ummm..." After a couple seconds of thought, Eirjan grabbed the bottom of his hoodie as he looked around nervously. "Hopefully we won't get in trouble for doing this."

"Eh, I seriously doubt it." Even though neither of them had visited that shop before, Marzo seemed confident with his response while shrugging nonchalantly. "I mean, this is a sex shop, after all. It even has Kinky in the friggin' name."

"Heh~ Yeah, that's a fair point." When he saw that the clerk was no longer visible at the counter, Eirjan saw that as the perfect window to undo his jacket. When he pulled off the hoodie, it was revealed that Eirjan was wearing a bright red tanktop that was just as tight as Marzo's. After pulling off his shirt as well, the thick metal studs pierced into his nipples stood out really well against his bare chest. He turned himself around after handing Marzo the harness, allowing him to help strap the garment on securely. "I gotta wonder though," pondered Eirjan while his boyfriend readjusted the nylon straps, "who do you think the 'Kelly' in Kinky Kelly's is?"

Marzo tilted his head casually. "Who knows? I wouldn't mind meeting her though."

"A-Actually, ummm..."

Adrian's voice caught the zebras off-guard, and they froze in place while the harness was only partially strapped over Eirjan's chest. The two looked over to see the husky deer, who was standing by one of the further aisles with a nervous smile. He didn't seem to be upset by the undressed zebra, but he kept his distance to keep from looking like a creep. Although, Marzo's eyes narrowed on him curiously when he saw how much Adrian's glasses had fogged up from his face being so heated.

"A'hem..." After clearing his throat, Adrian tried to answer their question for the sake of being friendly. "Kinky Kelly is actually a guy. In fact, his name is Martin Kelly. Pretty cool dude, though."

"Oh! Ummm..." Since the buck wasn't accosting them for trying on the merchandise, Marzo tried to respond with a friendly demeanor as well. "Thanks for telling us that, Mister..."

Marzo tried to lean in and get a look at the clerk's nametag. Fortunately, the buck took notice before he stepped in closer toward them. He brought out his hand to properly introduce himself. "Umm, sorry for intruding. My name's Adrian. Adrian Antoine."

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Mister Antoine..." While Eirjan was left standing awkwardly with his shirt off, his muzzle tightly shut in embarrassment, Marzo reached out to shake Adrian's hand. "Heh~ Sorry for the little strip-show here. I promise, we were planning to buy this anyway."

"Oh, that's perfectly fine," assured Adrian after letting go of Marzo's hand. He gave a sheepish chuckle as he looked around the vacant store, and then added, "The place was gonna close at eleven anyway, so I don't see the harm. I doubt anybody else is gonna come in to see you two like that."

"Hey, don't jinx us," jeered Marzo with a teasing smirk. "The last time Eirjan said something like that, it was right before a couple of cops caught us, ummm... in an awkward situation~"

Eirjan's blush grew heavier as he squirmed a little, and he tried to look away from both of them. Luckily by that point, Adrian was comfortable enough to give a more casual response. "Hey, don't worry, guys. Sundays are usually a slow night for this shop anyway. I'm just glad I'm able to do something right now."

"Hmmm..." Upon hearing that response, Marzo rubbed his chin while smirking at the chubby deer. The zebra's peculiar stare got Adrian looking timid again, and he bit his bottom lip while looking between the two. When he took notice of the undone straps on Eirjan's harness, Marzo motioned over to his mate and asked, "If that's the case, would you mind helping us out with this? I was trying to figure out how the straps worked."

"Oh! Sure thing!" Adrian might have looked a little flustered, but he was quick to go up to Eirjan and provide his assistance. As he got behind the muscular zebra, he went to work getting the right buckles in place across his bare torso. "Yeah, these things can be kinda tricky sometimes. I try to give pointers when I can, but a lot of customers get kinda skittish about asking for help with these things."

"Well, that's understandable," noted Marzo with a shrug. "Fortunately, Eirjan and I are a bit more... open when it comes to 'private' things~"

Eirjan tried not to giggle as he smiled guiltily from that statement. Meanwhile, the clerk had to keep himself from giving any visible response to what Marzo may have been implying. By the time Adrian finished securing the straps, he stepped back so Marzo could get a good look at the rainbow harness on Eirjan's chest. The leather-gear hugged across his chest and back symmetrically, adding a lot of bright color to his red and white form. Eirjan glanced over at a nearby mirror, and gave a piqued smirk when he saw how well it fitted him. "Oh, wow! This looks great on me!"

"Yeah it does~" purred Marzo, who went up to admire Eirjan's reflection right beside him. His arms wrapped around the zebra's body tightly, his fingers caressing down his well-toned abs. Even though Adrian was standing nearby with a flustered expression, Marzo didn't seem to mind his presence while openly fondling his mate. "Nff~ Damn, you're gonna look good at that party tonight..."

Eirjan giggled from his boyfriend's tight embrace, but he looked fairly comfortable with the zebra's tattooed arms wrapped around his torso. Adrian didn't want to be caught staring, but it was difficult for him not to look at their reflection with a slightly envious blush. However, when Marzo took notice of the buck through the mirror, he looked back at him with a curious smile. "So, Adrian," he asked while still holding onto his mate, "do you happen to have any other gear to match this harness?~"

Adrian let out a meager chuckle, and tried to look away from his bashfully before giving a response. "Well, ummm... We actually sold our last rainbow pup-hood last week, but I could special-order one for you guys if you're interested."

"Ooh! Do you have a picture of what it looks like?" Marzo let go of Eirjan, and went to follow Adrian as he made his way back towards the front desk. The deer tried to control his breathing, but it still came out rather shakily by the time he got back to his personal computer. Unfortunately, the buck didn't notice Eirjan's confused stare on him. Even though he was still shirtless and wearing the rainbow harness, he seemed more curious about the clerk's suggestion. "Wait a minute... How did you know I was interested in those?"

Adrian froze up, his blush intensifying greatly from that inquisitive question. Even though Eirjan technically brought up pup hoods while having that hushed conversation with Marzo earlier, the deer couldn't quite recall that detail as his mind ran a blank. Marzo took notice of the clerk's peculiar reaction as well, and narrowed his eyes on him with suspicion. "Uhhh... Actually, yeah," he said in agreement with Eirjan. "How did you know we liked pup hoods?"

The moment Adrian looked away from his computer to see the zebras' puzzled stares, it took everything in him not to wince in guilt. Despite knowing he could've come up with a believable excuse, the last thing he wanted to do was get caught lying to the two. So instead, the buck sighed with a shameful blush before motioning back to his computer. "W-Well, ummm... I... I may have seen a couple of your streams on PreyHub."

The instant he made that confession, Adrian looked away from the couple to try and cover his bashful expression. Part of him wished he could give a compliment or two to the zebras, since their vids were legitimately entertaining to watch on lonely nights (or occasionally, during slow shifts). But despite how starstruck he may have felt from seeing Eirjan and Marzo in the flesh, he felt more embarrassed than anything else. Fortunately, even with how flustered he looked from getting caught, Marzo and Eirjan just glanced back at each other with unoffended smiles.

"Is that so?~" Marzo was the first to turn back towards Adrian with a more devilish grin. "Hmmm... By any chance, do you happen to have 'Buck_Wild_KK' as your username?~"

Adrian reeled back with a sudden gasp, his eyes as wide as frisbees. "W-WHAT THE?!"

Marzo chuckled to himself in satisfaction when he saw that reaction, happy to have gotten his answer so suddenly. Of course, Adrian wasn't the only one gawking at Marzo in shock; Eirjan looked equally as befuddled as he stared at his boyfriend and asked, "Dude, how the hell did you know that?!"

"What can I say?" asked Marzo with a shrug. "I remember when he paid $50 during that one livestream to make you piss yourself in your jock~"

Eirjan winced as he looked around the shop flusteredly, just in case some unknown customer silently strolled in to overhear that. Fortunately, the three were still alone as Marzo turned his focus back to Adrian. "Plus, considering how you're a buck who happens to be working at a place initialed 'K.K.', it seemed like a fair assumption."

Even though Marzo's explanation was fairly easy to believe, Adrian was still blushing hard from being called out like that. "Heh heh..." He tried to shoot the zebra a meager smile while tugging on one of his antlers. "J-Jeeze... Maybe you should've been a detective or something."

"Actually, I'm a tattoo artist," he said while smiling graciously, "but I appreciate the flattery~"

Adrian had to reel away from Marzo's grin with a hand over his face, causing the zebra to chuckle in delight. Meanwhile, Eirjan was staring at the buck with a peculiar stare of his own. He blinked a couple times before growing an impressed smirk. "So... You were the one who paid for me to do that on camera?~"

Even though he was already overwhelmed, Adrian couldn't help chuckling nervously from Eirjan's question. "Uhhh... I-I just, ummm... I wanted to show my support for a couple of talented guys~"

Adrian kept his head hung low, but he managed to look back at the zebras with a blushed smile. Marzo leaned against the counter, and stared him down with a more intrigued-looking grin. Even though the buck had a couple of extra pounds on him, with the bottom of his work shirt hugging his gut tightly, Marzo seemed to enjoy the view as he looked him up and down. "Well, we certainly appreciate meeting a fan in real life. Have you ever... considered doing your own streams?~"

"Umm!!" Adrian pulled his head up as he froze from such a question. Eirjan was looking between him and Marzo in surprise, but didn't seem to be offended by his boyfriend's obvious interest in Adrian. In fact, he couldn't help getting a quick glance at the deer himself with a look of contemplation. Even though being ogled by two hunky zebras was more than a little intimidating (especially when they happened to be two zebras he masturbated to multiple times), Adrian eventually breathed out with a guilty sigh before looking away from them. "I, ummm... I really want to," he confessed while shrugging his shoulders meekly. "I mean, I have plenty of experience myself, but... it's kinda scary putting myself out there like you two have~"

Eirjan's brows rose up from the buck's intriguing answer, as did Marzo's. The two snuck a glance back at one another, giving a silent stare to indicate that they were thinking the same thing. When Marzo turned back to the timid-looking deer, he felt compelled to ask, "Experience, huh? Do you mean with products at this store, or... with other guys?~"

The question may have been perfectly valid, but Adrian needed a moment to recompose himself while giggling nervously. Even though he was worried about opening up while on the clock, Marzo's comforting smile was enough to make him breathe out comfortably in response. "Umm... I guess the easiest answer I could give is 'Yes.'"

Eirjan and Marzo chuckled from that cheeky response, which prompted Adrian to squirm a bit more notably. The buck may have felt more comfortable chatting with them out in the open, but he was trying to appear as confident as the answer he just gave them. After taking another breath, he made sure to add with a more determined grin, "Actually, uhhh... This shop used to have a private glory hole in the back room. Martin actually boarded it up when he found it, but... he never seemed to assume it was me~"

"Ooh!~" That detail piqued Marzo's interest tremendously. Eirjan looked equally as impressed, and reached his fist out for Adrian to bump in solidarity. "Nicely done!"

Adrian giggled nervously, but bumped Eirjan's fist with a thankful smile. However, Marzo's eyes widened when he glanced up at the top corner of the room, and saw the security camera pointed right at them and the register. "Uhhh... You're not gonna get in trouble for talking about this stuff, are you?"

"Hmm?" As soon as he noticed where Marzo was looking, Adrian sighed and shook his head confidently. "Oh, don't worry about that. The cameras out on the floor are all fake. Not many people try to steal from shops like this, since it would be really embarrassing to get caught. The only camera that's real is in Martin's office where the safe is."

"Oh, alright. Fair enough." Marzo seemed happy about that detail, since he didn't want their new friend to get fired for admitting his promiscuous behavior. However, after learning of the shop's lack of recording devices, his smirk became more curious. He turned back to Eirjan and leaned in, whispering something discrete into his ear. Adrian couldn't hear what the zebra was saying, but he saw how quickly Eirjan's eyes widened in response. His eyes darted between Marzo and the clerk for a moment, seemingly surprised by whatever it was his boyfriend said to him. After a moment of thought, Eirjan leaned in to whisper something back into Marzo's ear. As Adrian stood across the counter with a confused expression, he saw Marzo grow a satisfied grin before nodding back at his mate in affirmation.

"Hmmm..." Marzo then turned his attention back to Adrian, and pointed up to the clock on the wall behind him. "You said you're planning to close up shop at eleven, right? If that's the case... how quickly would you say you could leave this place and join us to a little outing?~"

Adrian's eyes shot wide-open, and he tried his hardest not to gasp from that open invitation. "W-Wait, what?! You... You mean..." He looked around the shop himself, before leaning in over the counter to ask Marzo discreetly, "What exactly were you thinking?"

"Let's just say..." Marzo pulled in Eirjan against his side, with the two zebras smirking at him without much subtlety. "The two of us were planning to attend a little... private soiree organized by a buddy of mine. It's supposed to be part of a special live-show we have planned, but... That doesn't mean we can't invite someone else to join in if possible~"

Adrian's blush practically exploded across his face, concealing his tannish-brown fur with a heavy shade of red. His eyes darted between the two zebras, but he could tell that both of them were serious about their offer. Eirjan even made sure to add in a suggestive tone, "I mean, if you need a moment to think it over, that's perfectly fine. We just figured it would be something you'd be inter--"

"S-Sure!~" Adrian didn't even wait for Eirjan to finish, and eagerly nodded his head while sporting an excited grin. "I-I mean... I usually leave this place right after closing up, so it wouldn't be any issue."

"Damn!~" Marzo leaned his head back while eyeing Adrian with a grin. "I didn't expect you to accept the offer so quickly."

"Well, what can I say? Heh heh heh..." Even though he was clearly frazzled from the sudden invitation, the deer looked rather giddy as he smiled back at the couple. "Your guys' work is absolutely fantastic! I mean, I've done some kinky stuff before, but you two take it to a whole new level! And, uhhh... if you two are serious about letting me join, then... I'm totally down~"

Marzo took a second to study the buck's expression, silently noting how bashful he was still looking behind his smile. However, even with how sheepish Adrian may have been acting, the zebra could tell that he was being truthful about his experience, as well as his enthusiasm to join in. As he smiled back at him, his muzzle skewed in thought as he hummed to himself. After glancing over at the front doors, which revealed nothing but an empty parking lot through the clean glass, Marzo got an idea while reaching into his back pocket. "Well... If you're really that antsy to join us," he said before grinning back at Adrian, "then maybe you wouldn't mind doing a little test to prove yourself?~"

Adrian's eyes widened a little, and he glanced back at Eirjan to see him crossing his arms over his chest. The red zebra looked just as intrigued as his boyfriend, and smirked as he stared the buck up and down. The clerk tried not to feel too paranoid by the zebras openly looking at him like a piece of meat; but at the same time, their attention on him was enticing enough to cause his blue jeans to start tenting a little at the crotch. Even when he saw Marzo pull out his smartphone, Adrian kept himself from covering his erection when he asked nervously, "Uhhh... W-What do you mean by a... a test?"

"It's simple," said Marzo while opening his phone to get to the camera app. "Since we were planning to be on camera, we need to make sure that you won't get any stage-fright. You get what I mean?~"

"Uhhh..." Even though he understood that point well enough to nod his head, Adrian's cheeks remained hotly blushed as he realized their possible implications. "I... I think I do?"

"Good~" Marzo pulled away from the counter, and motioned for Adrian to leave his register to follow. The two zebras walked over by the front doors, and stood against them so nobody could peek inside. Adrian eventually found himself standing across from the two, standing right in the middle of the store in front of the aisles of merchandise. He wasn't sure what the two were planning, but it seemed that they already had a good idea how to "test" the chubby buck. Eirjan giggled a little before whispering something into Marzo's ear. After the tatted zebra chuckled in response, he pulled up his phone to point right at Adrian. "Alright then... Are you sure you want to join us for our next live-stream, Mister Antoine?~"

Despite breathing out shakily through his blush, Adrian closed his eyes before nodding his head affirmatively. "Yeah," he said as he looked back at Marzo and Eirjan. "I'm sure~"

"Alright then..." Before he could begin his recording, Marzo shot the deer a sultry grin while motioning over towards his mate. "Since we already know of one thing you enjoy seeing from Eirjan here, I feel like it's fair play for you to do the same~"

The buck's eyes shot wide-open, and he looked over to see Eirjan nodding with confidence. "Uhhh... What now?" asked Adrian nervously.

"I think you know what we mean~" As Marzo turned on the camera's video function, with a small red light coming on near the top of his phone, Eirjan asked rather cheekily, "You watched me piss myself on camera, right?~"

Adrian's eyes nearly bulged out from his skull. He frantically looked around the store, even though he knew they were the only ones still present. Despite knowing that the only camera running was the one in Marzo's hand, he still looked rightfully nervous when he glanced back at them. "Are... A-Are you guys serious?"

"Absolutely~" Marzo made sure to zoom in on Adrian's midsection, cutting out his face and nametag from the frame. "If you're able to do that on camera, we'll see that as enough proof you're good enough for a live-stream."

"Just think about it like this," said Eirjan with a more reassuring smile, "If you can't perform for the two of us, how can we expect you to perform in front of thousands of viewers?"

Adrian tried to give a response to that question, but paused after opening his muzzle. After taking a moment to process Eirjan's statement, he eventually closed his mouth before shrugging to himself. "Well... touchè."

As he looked back at the two zebras, neither of which saying anything while staring at him in wait, Adrian sighed before closing his eyes. Despite knowing how ridiculous it was to comply with such a request, he was hopeful that the two wouldn't pull away from the front doors if anybody showed up at the last minute. He tried his best to control his breathing, but he found it difficult to try and relax his bladder while standing in the open with his pants still buttoned. He put his hands behind his back so he could better focus, but his muzzle skewed as he strained a little from the mental blocks in his head. "Nnnnghhhhh..."

"Just try to relax," said Marzo reassuringly. "The party isn't set to start until midnight, so we have plenty of time. If you can do this, we promise you'll have a memorable night~"

A shaky breath escaped Adrian's muzzle, with the tent in his jeans twitching quite a bit from Marzo's promise. Eirjan tried not to chuckle too audibly when he saw that, since he didn't want to break the buck's focus. Luckily, since Adrian was keeping his eyes closed, his body eventually tensed up as he felt the pressure in his bladder intensifying greatly. He may have been nervous about actually giving in, but he was also secretly grateful that he already had to go before they showed up.

"Mmmnnnnghhhh..." Adrian's muzzle tightened with a deepening blush, just before he let out a shaky sigh through his nostrils. Nothing happened at first, even though it looked like the buck was straining a little in front of them. But as Marzo kept the phone pointed at Adrian's crotch, his eyes widened when he saw a dark line slowly go down his right pantleg. That stain quickly went up towards Adrian's crotch, while the deer shuddered to himself with a bashful groan. Even though his legs buckled a little in embarrassment, it didn't take too long before his stream turned more natural inside of his jeans. And as Eirjan grinned in perverted delight, an audible hiss could be heard as Adrian fully soaked the front of his jeans in his own piss.


"Nnnnghhh!~" Adrian couldn't bear to open his eyes, and tried not to wince as he felt the gushing warmth trickling down his legs. Even though he never pissed his pants before, the taboo sensation made his cock harden immensely inside the tight confines of his soaked jeans. Soon enough, thick lines of his piss stains could be seen going down both legs, as well as a small puddle of urine that grew around his feet. As the buck whimpered to himself with a bitten lip, he could hear Marzo chuckling as he recorded the wetting from his phone.

"Ooh, nicely done!~" By the time the hissing sounds stopped, as well as Adrian's nervous groans, Marzo stopped the recording after getting a good shot of the clerk's piss-soaked jeans. Eirjan looked equally as impressed by the buck's display, and nodded in approval after seeing how much he let out. While Marzo went to save that video to his personal gallery, Eirjan went up to the clerk to help him feel less flustered by his wetting.

"Alright, I think I can say for both of us that you passed the test with flying colors~" When Adrian looked back up at him nervously, Eirjan was shooting him a warm smile. "And since you've been such a helpful store associate, we'll make sure to purchase several more products before you close up~"

Even though his pants were drenched in piss, Adrian smiled thankfully from that generous gesture. He may have already filled his sales quota for the week, but Eirjan's remark prompted him to turn on his customer-service demeanor. "W-Well, if that's the case..." Adrian groaned a little as he walked towards the front doors, feeling more piss trickling down his legs to leave a trail across the floor. As he went to lock up the front doors, he turned back to the zebras and said, "I'll be sure to find whatever it is you guys need~"

"Excellent!" Marzo handed Eirjan his phone, before walking off to find a mop. "I'll clean up the puddles on the floor. Meanwhile, you can get Adrian stripped-down so both of you can get suited up~"

"W-Wait, what?!" Adrian looked over at Marzo in surprise, not expecting to hear that strip-down part. However, his attention was soon brought back to Eirjan when he heard the phone beeping once more. He turned to see the zebra smirking at him coyly, with the phone's recording light back on to make another video.

"Oh, come on," he jeered with a teasing grin. "You already pissed yourself for us. What's the harm in getting naked too?~"

While he could've thought of several reasons why he shouldn't strip his clothing (most specifically, the fact that the glass doors didn't have any covers), he couldn't exactly think of a good retort while wearing his soaked jeans. So instead of arguing, Adrian merely sighed before unbuttoning his pants. While Marzo got a mop from the back storage closet, and Eirjan kept the camera pointed at Adrian's body, the chubby clerk blushed profusely as he slowly stripped off his clothing.

His sneakers and socks were the first items to go, which Adrian was grateful for since they were uncomfortably soaked in his piss. After that, he looked away from the camera sheepishly as he pulled down his pants, as well as his yellowed briefs. As soon as his bottom half was fully exposed, Eirjan let out an impressed whistle when he saw the deer's cock spring out from his jeans. The member stood rigidly at about eight inches, and carried a surprisingly thin shaft with a plump head at the tip; it may have contrasted greatly with Eirjan and Marzo's equine cocks, but it was still fairly impressive for a buck of his size. Even when Adrian pulled off his work shirt, which exposed his pudgy stomach and pecs, Eirjan smiled when he saw the deer's surprisingly muscular biceps. "Oh, damn~" Eirjan took a couple steps back with the camera, getting a full-body shot of Adrian fully nude in his erect, musclegut form. "I'm not gonna lie, you look really good, dude~"

Adrian tried not to cover himself while standing completely in the buff, but still blushed bashfully as he smiled at Eirjan's compliment. "Uhhh, th-thanks..." As he stood by himself with his dick sticking out, he was left feeling pretty exposed while staring back at the harnessed zebra. After squirming a little in apprehension, Adrian tried to ask, "So... Do you have any ideas what I should wear?~"

"As a matter of fact, I do." Eirjan took Adrian by the hand, and led him back towards the harnesses he and Marzo were checking out earlier. The tatted zebra got those puddles of piss mopped up without complaint, and even got a trash bag to carry Adrian's soaked clothes for later cleanup. Meanwhile, Eirjan hummed to himself curiously as he scanned the rack of leather gear hanging from the wall. "Hmmm... Do you have a preference in color, Mister Antoine?~"

"Uhhh..." Due to his place of work, Adrian didn't need to ask for clarification what he meant by that. Just like the notorious hanky-code in gay culture, the buck was aware that different colored harnesses indicated what kinks he was up for. Even though a few specific colors came to mind, he could feel his cock twitch from the realization of what was likely to come next. And since he wanted to make this experience with Eirjan and Marzo count, he was quick to reach out himself and take an orange harness from the rack. "I think this one will do~"

"Ooh, good choice!" Eirjan may have not been as experienced with harness application as the sex shop worker, but he still helped Adrian get the harness latched around his pudgy torso. "Heh~ So I'm willing to assume you'll be up for a lot tonight?~"

"Y-Yeah, I don't see why not. Heh heh heh..." He may have been blushing quite a bit, but he didn't try to dispute Eirjan's claim while getting the harness tightly secured. "I mean, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of some of the vids you did~"

"Oh, really now?" asked Eirjan curiously. "Anything specific?~"

Before Adrian could give any examples, Marzo came up towards them after finishing the cleanup. "Alright, I got the floors mopped up for ya. I also found something else to purchase for us~"

Marzo held up a small plastic pack he acquired near the counter, which happened to be a two-pack of jockstraps. Since his previous underwear was currently soaked and sitting in a plastic bag, Adrian didn't feel the need to refuse a clean pair of something more appropriate. Eirjan didn't mind those undies either, and shamelessly began to undo his pants to try one of them on. Much like Adrian, Eirjan wasn't wearing any underwear as his thick, ebony cock sprung out freely from the confines of his slacks. However, just as Adrian got the jock halfway up his chubby legs, he paused when he heard Marzo clear his throat. "A'hem..."

Adrian glanced up at the tatted zebra, and saw him grinning devilishly with a second plastic package in his hand. But unlike the jocks, the clerk gasped in surprise when he realized what else Marzo was wanting him to wear. "Wait, is... is that a... a chastity cage?"

Marzo nodded with a smirk, and pried open the packaging to get the tiny piece of shiny metal inside. Even though he had done his share of kinky things, the buck gulped nervously upon seeing that cage being brought into play. He snuck a glance down at his still-erect cock, unsure of whether or not it could even fit within the confines of that cage. However, that didn't deter Marzo by any means when he pointed out, "Hey, we gotta see how you perform on a trial run, alright? If you do well this time around, we might be willing to have you uncaged for a future live-stream~"

Adrian's brows perked up with intrigue, not expecting the prospect of this being more than a one-time thing. Despite how hesitant he felt about getting his cock locked-up by two zebras who were practically strangers, the idea seemed to be alluring enough to make his cock twitch antsily between his legs. After clenching his eyes shut with a guilty shudder, Adrian made the split-second decision to nod his head to such a kinky idea. "W-Well, uhhh... I suppose I'm already wearing the right color harness for this, right?~"

"That's the spirit!" Marzo looked pleased with that response, and got on his knees so he was right up against Adrian's twitching cock. Seeing the zebra's face so close to his member made Adrian clench his eyes shut, and he let out a nervous groan when he felt him grasp his shaft securely. Even though his waist was reeking of piss, Marzo didn't seem to mind as he carefully got the cage wrapped around his cockhead. Due to how cold the stainless metal felt against his cock, Adrian let out a surprised "Ooh!" while shuddering in response; meanwhile, the sudden bout of coldness helped to soften his length just enough for Marzo to push the page down his shaft. Just as the buck groaned out from the intense pressure and strain, Marzo managed to strap the metal latch around Adrian's ballsack before locking the device shut. And by the time Eirjan got his new jockstrap fully fitted, Adrian's eight-inch cock was tightly cramped within the tiny confines of that metal chastity cage.

"Nnnff!~ Now that's what I'm talking about!" Marzo helped pull up Adrian's cockstrap, with the bright-orange cup completely covering up that locked cock without much of a bulge visible through the fabric. Meanwhile, Eirjan admired himself in the mirror while wearing the rainbow harness on his chest, and a hot-pink jockstrap over his erect cock. His endowment made the cup protrude out quite a bit, with the base of his shaft clearly visible between the fabric and his waist. And with his bare ass still fully exposed, he knew he looked good when he glanced back at Marzo with a hungry grin.

"So, baby," he purred sensually towards him and Adrian. "Is there anything you thought of wearing?~"

Marzo pondered that thought with a brief pout, and hummed to himself in contemplation. Fortunately, even though he was wearing enough kinky garm to be mistaken for a customer instead of the employee, Adrian raised a hand and suggested, "Well... I might have an idea."

The zebras looked over at Adrian, who was smirking confidently before walking over towards one of the aisles. As he walked, he ended up gritting his teeth with a pained groan as he felt the pressure of his chastity cage with every step. But despite the lingering strain, it wasn't enough to deter Adrian's focus when he picked up a particular item from one of the clothing racks. When he walked back towards Marzo on bare feet, Adrian gave a friendly smile while holding up a unique piece of black leather. "Just so you know, these kilts are actually on sale this week~"

"Hmmm..." Marzo may have not been a kilt guy, but his brows raised with intrigue when he took the garment from Adrian. He held it up for a moment to examine the material, and shrugged with an accepting smile. "Well, this would certainly be a good excuse not to wear underwear."

Marzo shot a glance back at the still-vacant front doors, before undoing his pants like Eirjan and Adrian had. As soon as he was down to his own jockstrap, which was a black cup with a blue waistband, Marzo pulled up the kilt to test how well it fit around his waist. Much to his pleasant surprise, he was happy to find that the leather kilt fitted him comfortably well. The bottom hem of the skirt went down just past his knees, and he was left with an accepting smile when he admired his reflection in the mirror. "Wow... I'm not gonna lie, this is a great suggestion, Mister Antoine~"

"Yes!" Adrian looked happy with himself as he pumped his fist in victory. "God, it's been so hard convincing people to buy those! They're honestly really underrated clothing."

"Yeah, I like how it looks too~" Eirjan tilted his head while admiring Marzo's leather kilt, which went really well with his black tanktop. As he got up behind his mate, Eirjan giggled a little when he lifted up the back of the skirt to admire that bare muscular ass. "Nnnfff! Talk about convenient~"

Marzo and Arian both chuckled from that truthful remark, while Eirjan took a moment to marvel at that well-toned ass. However, when Marzo turned himself around from the mirror, it seemed that he got a new idea as judged by his flagged brow. "You know... I could probably think of one last thing we could include before we make our purchases~"

Adrian and Eirjan both rose their brows with intrigue, especially when they saw how mischievously he was grinning back at them. As he went back towards one of the other aisles, Adirna followed him to see where he was headed. Much to the buck's surprise, Marzo went into the aisle full of various sex toys and insertable products. After humming for a moment in contemplation, Marzo smiled while pulling two identically thick buttplugs off the rack in their plastic packaging. "Yes, these'll do nicely~"

"O-Oh!" The instant he saw what Marzo was planning, Adrian began to blush more profusely while biting his bottom lip. Eirjan's face lit up when he saw what his boyfriend had in his hands, and was just about to grab a bottle from the store's varied selection of lubricant. However, Adrian was quick to speak up while heading back to the counter. "Wait a minute, I think I have some lube behind the counter we can use..."

Eirjan and Marzo glanced back at each other for a moment, seemingly surprised that the buck had something like that in his place of work. Adrian tried not to feel too embarrassed when he caught his reflection in the mirror by the register, not expecting to be wearing something that skimpy while still on the clock. But since nobody else was present to see him in this state, he merely sighed before growing a more content smile. After grabbing the personal bottle of lube he had stashed under the counter, which was usually reserved for private wanking sessions, he went back towards the zebras and said, "I might as well offer you guys something without charge~"

"Aww, how thoughtful!" Eirjan accepted the bottle with a thankful smile, while Marzo pried open the plastic packages holding their plugs. Both of the buttplugs were solid black, and made of a firm, glossy silicone with thick bases at the ends. Adrian was impressed that he picked that particular brand from the selection in that aisle, since he knew those were the best quality products for their price. While Marzo used that bottle of lube to begin coating the toys, Adrian made a quick mental note of all the merchandise used already to ensure the sales would match inventory.

"Alright, I think we're good..." As he smiled to himself in satisfaction, Marzo glanced over at Adrian while holding up the first lube-glistening plug. "You wanna take the first fitting, or would you rather see Eirjan take it first?~"

"Nnfff~" Eirjan squirmed a little when he saw how thick that plug looked at its widest girth. Sure, he may have taken far larger things in their live-streams together, but knees still nestled tightly together as he stared at the plug enviously. "I already know I can take that~" he said with confidence. "But... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious how well he takes it~"

Adrian blushed with his head hung low, but he still carried an antsy smile while staring at the plug in Marzo's hand. He could feel his erection straining hard within the confines of his cage, causing him to groan in a mixture of discomfort and titillation. But even with how distracting the pressure in his cage was getting, Adrian didn't show much hesitance as he turned himself around. Marzo and Eirjan both looked impressed from the buck's fortitude, as they watched him bend himself over without much apprehension. "Uhhh... I wouldn't mind taking the first one," he muttered sheepishly through his blushing smile.

"Sounds good to me!" Marzo didn't mind the slutty deer's enthusiasm one bit, and quickly went up towards him with the first toy. Meanwhile, Eirjan brought his boyfriend's phone back up so he could record the process for their personal gallery. "Now then... how about you show me how you get yourself presented for a good cock~"

Adrian's smile grew giddier as he nodded his head, and he brought his hands back to grasp both of his chubby cheeks. The buck had a surprisingly plump rear, which caused his fingers to nearly disappear between the creases of his supple ass. As he kept himself bent-over, he closed his eyes with a faint groan while pulling his cheeks apart. Right between those thick, blubbery mounds was the buck's hole, which looked tremendously tight from Marzo's perspective. But despite how petite that pink pucker looked, all that the zebra did was lick his lips before going in.

"Man, you really are a slut, ain'cha?~" Marzo kept his attention on Adrian's backside, so only Eirjan was able to see him nodding his head nervously to that claim. As the phone's camera recorded the action from behind, Marzo didn't waste the clerk's time as he slipped the tip of that lubed plug between his cheeks. Adrian let out a brief gasp, and clenched his eyes tightly in response to that thick tip prodding against his hole. Even though Marzo made sure to generously lube the toy for proper usage, it was clear that its girth would cause a lot of resistance against Adrian's waiting pucker. "Nnnnfffff... You better not be lying about using glory holes, big guy~"

"Nnnghh... Nnn-Nnn~" Adrian shook his head while keeping his cheeks spread apart, and he tried to speak between deep breaths to help relax his hole. "I-I, uhhhh... I haven't had the chance to... t-to get many guys in me in a while..."

Adrian felt embarrassed to make such a confession, especially on camera, but that didn't keep him from savoring the tantalizing pressure of Marzo's toy trying to penetrate him. The zebra wrapped his free arm around Adrian's waist, keeping him tightly in place for better leverage. At first, all that Marzo felt was a tight bout of resistance as he tried to push the tip of that plug through Adrian's opening. Fortunately, as soon as he gave the base of the toy a brief twist with his wrist, he felt the plug push in an inch or so to make the buck moan out.

"Aaaaahhhh!!~" Adrian's grip of his cheeks tightened, allowing for them to spread wider apart for more of that plug. Eirjan held onto the phone with one hand as it recorded the clerk's eager stuffing; with his other hand, he reached down inside the cup of his jock to tease as his throbbing cock. Marzo was too preoccupied to tend to his own member, but the tent of his erection was causing the front of his kilt to pull upward from between his legs. And as the zebra groaned through his gritted teeth, the base of his plug pushed in deeper to make Adrian's moans intensify greatly. "AAAAHHH!!~"

The buck's eyes clenched shut, and he shuddered from the intensity of his hole being stretched open around the widening base. The plug may have been lubed really well by Marzo, but there was still a bit of resistance as Adrian's hole tried to clench around that glossy silicone. Luckily though, just as the deer felt like the pain might reach a level too much for him to take, a singular push from Marzo's wrist resulted in the plug's widest part slipping in with a wet pop. "GNNNGHHH!!!~"

"Oooh!~" Eirjan leaned in closer with the phone, getting a prime shot of the plug's base tightly nestled between Adrian's cheeks. As the buck's hole clung tightly around the toy, both Eirjan and Marzo could see the square base pushing in and out like that ass was trying to suck the remainder inside of him. The view was more than welcome to both of them, as Marzo chuckled in satisfaction from the tantalizing view. By the time Adrian was able to pull himself back up, his knees were wobbling badly from the combination of pressure against his hole and cock at the same time. His face was as red as a tomato, and sweat was beading across his forehead while he struggled to maintain his breaths. "I gotta say," said Marzo with a more prideful grin, "you're one of the most helpful sales clerks I ever met!~"

"Heh~" Even though his mind was rightfully frayed from everything he just did in the past five minutes, Adrian looked back at the two zebras with a gracious smile. "W-Well, uhhh... That's what customer service is about. Heh heh heh..."

"Man, I wish I had a job like this growing up," noted Eirjan, who was already turning himself around while Marzo got the other buttplug lubed up. "I never got customers like us when I was working at a clothing store..."

Marzo and Adrian both giggled from that truthful remark, with the buck stepping back to watch the second stuffing occur. Eirjan made sure to hand Adrian the phone, which was still recording the video of Marzo's plug-work. Unlike Adrian, who was tight enough to elicit a good amount of strain on camera, Eirjan merely rolled his eyes back with a hungry moan after spreading his ass apart. Marzo ended up being much more brutal with his boyfriend's hole, and prodded the tip hard between his cheeks. "Nnnghh!! Get in there~"

"Aaahhhh!!~" Eirjan didn't look nearly as overwhelmed as Adrian had, and took that toy like it was second-nature to him. Adrian's jaw dropped while pointing the phone at the teo, making sure to get a good zoom-in shot of the plug slipping through that slutty hole. After all the live-streams he watched of the couple, the buck was already aware of how loose Eirjan's hole could get. But even with the lack of surprise, he was still taken aback when he saw how effortlessly Marzo shoved the thick plug inside of his mate's hungry hole. With a singular slide of the toy, as well as a wet pop, Eirjan moaned out blissfully while the base nestled tightly between his cheeks. "Nnnnghhh!!~"

"There we go," purred Marzo with a satisfied smirk. "That'll help keep you loose until our little show..." He stepped back from Eirjan to turn towards Adrian, who promptly stopped the recording on his phone. He handed Marzo his phone back, and he smiled when he realized the leather kilt actually had a pocket in the front. He tucked his phone into the little slit, which was nestled right above his tenting erection. "Ooh! It fits perfectly~"

"S-Same here," muttered Eirjan as he pulled himself back up, and shuddered from the thick toy embedded inside of him. Adrian tried not to giggle from that response, but still groaned a bit as his cock strained hard inside of his cage. But since he wasn't particularly in pain at that moment, he was still smiling by the time the two zebras turned back to him. "So... Would you mind ringing us up?"

"O-Oh!" Adrian almost forgot that the two were technically still "shopping," but he was quick to nod before waddling back to the register. "S-Sure thing!"

Due to his kinky getup, as well as the additional toys that made him squirm with every step, Eirjan and Marzo looked equally as impressed with the clerk they defiled for their incoming fun. As the buck began to ring up the various items they were using, Marzo pulled out his wallet while smiling back at his mate. "Honestly, this might be the best shopping experience I had in a while~"

"Heh~ You can say that again..." Eirjan glanced back at the chubby deer with a smile of his own, and added contentedly, "And I have a feeling he's going to be a great investment for our stream~"

Adrian's Induction - Chapter Two

An Hour Later As he sat by himself in the backseat of Marzo's sedan, Adrian tried not to feel too apprehensive while clutching his phone. The buck's heart was thundering in his chest, and his bare fur was tingling each time he squirmed against the...

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Scar's Dumbest Idea

It was a dark, cloudless night as the stars shone brightly over the vast savannah. As a heavy gust of wind swept across the untouched plains, it glided past the tall fields of grass to cause large ripples that could be seen from above. However, since...

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Nick's "Big Boy" Yoga

"Oh, jeeze... Why the heck did I agree to come here?" The blushing fox had his muzzle skewed uneasily as he stood outside the ornate doorway. This may have not been the first time he attended the Mystic Spring Oasis spa -- even by himself -- but that...

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