Adrian's Induction - Chapter Two

Story by Troius Clawston on SoFurry

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#4 of Pierced Pleasure

After passing Marzo and Eirjan's raunchy little "test" in the sex shop, Adrian Antoine is given the opportunity to join the two for their midnight livestream. The chubby buck is led alongside Eirjan to the city's local fetish club, which was a leather bar known as Grid Lock. Even though he was nervous about indulging in his deepest fantasies, Adrian didn't hesitate to follow them down the club's basement stairs. Nor was he willing to stop when he saw the slings waiting for them, or the cameras being set up for a public-use livesteam...

An Hour Later

As he sat by himself in the backseat of Marzo's sedan, Adrian tried not to feel too apprehensive while clutching his phone. The buck's heart was thundering in his chest, and his bare fur was tingling each time he squirmed against the plush seats. Even though he took every precaution to ensure he felt safe, that didn't change the fact that he was in a stranger's car wearing nothing but a harness and a jockstrap. And since his own car was still parked back at Kinky Kelly's, he could only hope that his boss wouldn't show up unexpectedly and assume anything was amiss; of course, Adrian also had to hope that he wasn't caught on the office camera in his kinky getup when he clocked out of his shift.

Adrian's eyes kept darting from the passenger windows to the two zebras in the front seats, who were chatting to themselves casually with heavy rock music blaring from the speakers. Due to the reality of the moment setting in, Adrian ended up staying silent for most of the ride. Aside from a little small-talk at the beginning, the buck mostly focused on seeing where Marzo was driving. Luckily for the sake of his safety, he was relieved to recognize what region of the city they were driving through. In fact, by the time their car turned into a particular district of the region, Adrian began to blush deeper when he saw the front of a very familiar building.

"W-Whoa!" Adrian leaned forward to look through the windshield, making sure not to scrape his antlers against the ceiling of Marzo's car. "Is this the 'Grid-Lock'?"

"Yeah, it is!" Marzo smiled back at Adrian as he pulled into the parking garage next door. He sounded pretty happy with how quickly Adrian named the location correctly. "You been here before?"

"W-Well, ummm... not personally..." Adrian sat back in his seat while fidgeting a little. "I mean, I heard a lot about it from my Boss, but uhhhh... I've always been too nervous to actually visit it myself..."

"Hmph~" Despite how sheepish the buck was looking, Eirjan looked back at him with a smile while in the passenger seat. "What, using a glory hole at your place of work isn't too much for you, but going to a leather club is?"

Adrian squirmed with an embarrassed groan, which prompted Marzo to nudge his boyfriend warningly with an elbow. Fortunately, Adrian wasn't too nervous to keep from giving a response. "Well I mean... I was usually anonymous when I did that sort of thing, you know? That's kinda different from, like... uhhh..."

Marzo was busy pulling into an empty parking spot, which allowed for Eirjan to look back at the buck and try to finish that response. "... from being seen by a bunch of horny guys wanting to give you a good stretch?~"

Adrian gave another nervous squirm in his seat, but he managed to keep a blushing smile present for the red zebra to see. And even with how fidgety he was feeling, the chubby deer didn't try to cross his legs and hide the bulge protruding from his jock. He wasn't sporting a legitimate tent in the cup of his jockstrap, but he was staining pretty hard within the confines of his chastity cage. But instead of grimacing from the pressure, all that he did was take a deep breath before nodding his head. "Ummm... yeah, I suppose~" he muttered meekly enough.

"Well, we're here~" After turning off the car, Marzo unbuckled himself and reached back beside Adrian's legs. The buck saw a large laptop bag being pulled out from behind Eirjan's seat, undoubtedly full of all the equipment they needed for their upcoming livestream. After watching their lewd shows for the past month, Adrian gulped with an intimidated blush. He wanted to be grateful, and even excited about the prospect of joining the two in such an impromptu night of primal fun; but at the same time, Adrian could already feel a strong sense of stage-fright before he could even leave their car.

"So, Adrian..." Marzo glanced back at the buck with a warm smile, not wanting to spook the newbie anymore than he already was. "You still wanna do this? Neither of us will judge if you're having second thoughts."

Despite how overwhelmed he was feeling, Adrian could feel his head giving a strong nod to Marzo's question. Eirjan's face lit up when he saw how quickly the buck reacted, even when Adrian blushed even heavier in response. After breathing out shakily, Adrian gave a light shrug and said, "I, uhhh... I kinda feel like I need to go into this without thinking too hard, you know? Like... like jumping into a pool without testing how cold it is."

"Excellent analogy~" As the two zebras unbuckled themselves, Eirjan made sure to ask, "And just to make sure, you remember the safe words?"

"Y-Yeah..." Adrian nodded his head, and undue his seatbelt while saying, "Green Light means things are good, Yellow Light means to slow down a little, and Red Light is full stop."

"That's right," said Marzo with a smile. "And if you can't physically speak, we have a rubber stress-ball you can hold onto to show you're still good. If it gets too intense, just let go of the ball and we'll notice."

Adrian nodded with a more relaxed smile. Even though he trusted that Marzo and Eirjan were well-trained in this sort of thing, it was comforting to hear how prepared they were for his safety. Even when the three finally exited the car, and Adrian found himself standing out in public with his skimpy attire, he didn't feel nearly as apprehensive as he expected. Although, that was less to do with his own nervousness, and more the fact that he wasn't the only one dressed "inappropriately."

Marzo still looked dominant and masculine in his leather kilt, which meshed surprisingly well with his tanktop and tattoos. Meanwhile, Eirjan's pink jock and rainbow harness proved to be an amusing contrast to his boyfriend's attire. The larger zebra was quick to pull out a bright pink collar from his bag, which he strapped around Eirjan's neck to match with his subby look. He then pulled out another collar of the same color, which he held up while eyeing Adrian with a smirk. "So, little buck... How do you feel about being walked across the street?~"

Adrian's eyes shot wide-open, and his knees wobbled a bit when he saw the matching leashes sticking out from Marzo's bag. Fortunately, Eirjan didn't even hesitate when he took one of the leashes, and shamelessly clipped it to the front of his collar. "Don't worry, I've done this a couple times here," he said reassuringly. "All of the other buildings are empty around here, and barely any traffic comes by this late at night. Besides, you won't look too different with a leash while wearing all that stuff~"

Adrian blushed as he looked down at his harness and jockstrap, not able to refute Eirjan's point by any means. Even if he chose not to be collared and leashed, he would still look pretty slutty walking across the street from the parking garage. And even if he never came to this club before, he was able to trust that Eirjan was telling the truth about the neighborhood itself being vacant. So by the time Eirjan was fully leashed and held in Marzo's grip, Adrian smiled and bent his head in submissively.

"Alright~" Marzo was quick to strap the second pink collar and leash to Adrian's neck, leaving him looking similarly subby to the red zebra. The buck had to breathe in and out a couple of times, still reeling from the fact that he was actually going through with all this. But instead of trying to double-back, Adrian kept a blushed smile on his face by the time he followed Marzo's lead from the garage. "Come on, boys!" The zebra gave a hard tug to both of their leashes, which were tightly gripped in the same hand. "The longer we stand out here, the more likely someone might see you two~"

Eirjan merely giggled to that warning remark, not looking too worried about such an option. Adrian appeared a little more skittish about the idea, but he knew he couldn't talk after being recorded pissing himself and stripping down at his place of work. Not to mention, Adrian couldn't see any security cameras as he waddled in his skimpy outfit beside Eirjan, which helped ease his anxiety quite a bit. Even when the three reached the main entrance of the parking garage, and he was able to look up and see a clear night's sky between the towering buildings, Adrian was happy to see that the main street was comfortably vacant.

The buck felt a strange sense of freedom as he walked across the street, even though he was being pulled by his leash in Marzo's grip. Eirjan made sure to walk close beside him, giving a warm smile to assure Adrian that everything was alright. By the time the group reached the sidewalk outside 'Grid-Lock', the only noises to counteract the silence were the low thumps of bass music blaring through the building's brick walls. Other than that, Adrian felt just as comfortable out in the open as he had back in Marzo and Eirjan's car.

When Marzo opened the front doors of the venue, the club music was thumping much louder to echo down both ends of the street. Adrian followed the zebras as they walked inside, and were met with another set of doors. Marzo gave a couple of hard knocks, and waited while staring at a small wooden slit near the top of the door. Adrian saw the slot slide open, revealing a pair of piercing golden eyes that peered through to see them.

"Password?" he said in a deep and gravelly tone, prompting Adrian to hulp worriedly.

Marzo just shot a knowing smirk back at the doorman, and replied with confidence, "We have an appointment in the basement with Jax. Name's Marzo?"

"OH!" The wooden slot quickly slid back shut, and the knob could be heard unlocking from the other side. The door opened to reveal a buff, towering hunk of a tiger in full leather gear. The burly feline had a black leather vest, which matched his tight biker shorts and spiked boots. As soon as he noticed the zebras, he had a giddy-looking grin as he stepped away from the doorway. "Sorry 'bout that, Marzo. It's hard to see in this lighting sometimes."

"Hey, it's cool, dude." Marzo gave another tug of his leashes, and led the two subs behind him into the dark club. He motioned back at them while smirking at the tiger. "We actually ran into a friend over at Kinky Kelly's, so he's gonna join us for the stream tonight~"

"Kinky Kelly's?" The tiger glanced over at Adrian, causing the buck to tense up his muzzle worriedly. The doorman narrowed his eyes for a moment, and asked, "You mean that sex shop across town?"

"That's the one~" Marzo whipped out his smartphone, and opened up his video gallery while explaining, "You see, we went there to get some gear, and 'lil Adrian here just happened to be a big fan. And when we offered him to join us, he got him to do a little test..."

Adrian wanted to hang his head in embarrassment, but could only blush when he saw the tiger holding Marzo's phone. Eirjan snickered a little when he saw how wide the tiger's eyes got, most-likely from seeing Adrian wetting himself on camera. "Oh, shit," muttered the doorman while tilting his head. "Does he work there?"

Adrian winced and averted his eyes, growing more paranoid that he was getting himself in too deep. Fortunately, he could still hear the two conversing as he tried to keep himself calm. "He clocked out an hour ago," clarified Marzo with a shrug of his own. "Still though, you gotta admit that he's a kinky little guy~"

"Hmph~ I certainly hope so..." After handing Marzo his phone back, the tiger cleared his throat and shouted, "Hey KID!"

"NNNGHHH!!" Adrian jolted up with a heavy blush, and stared up at the tiger wide-eyed. The feline had an intimidatingly wide smirk on his face, and looked the buck up and down like a piece of meat. The staredown made him want to squirm nervously, but Adrian kept his resolve while remaining silent. After a moment, the tiger leaned in close to look Adrian in the eye.

"You wearing orange, eh?~" He grew a more seductive grin across his muzzle, before asking, "you sure you're ready to join Eirjan downstairs?~"

Much like back in the car, Adrian was surprised how quickly he nodded his head while his mind remained blank. "Y... Y-Yes, sir," he heard himself say, despite how suddenly it came out of his mouth. Luckily for the chubby deer, Eirjan wrapped an arm around him while eyeing the tiger confidently.

"C'mon, let's get to the action already. I know you guys could appreciate another guest to help out~"

"Heh~" The tiger huffed with an approving smirk, and shrugged his head back at Eirjan. "Fair enough. But don't say I didn't warn ya."

With that, the doorman stepped back so Marzo could walk his bitches through. Adrian was still too flustered to speak, but he made sure to nod to the tiger thankfully as he walked past. Even though the club itself was pitch-black, there was thankfully enough illumination from the pulsating strobe-lights out on the dance floor, as well as the neon signs around the car advertising various brands of liquor. And all around the dark and dingy-looking club, all that Adrian saw were dozens of buff and burly guys donning more leather than a Judas Priest concert.

Eirjan was striding across the club with a prideful grin, but even he was blushing when he overheard the various whistles and hollers from patrons who saw them. Given the skimpy getups he and Adrian were wearing, they stood out like a couple of bright droplets of blood among a sea of sharks. Adrian was smiling shakily, but he didn't try to falter while overhearing so many buff Daddies cheering them on. And all the while, Marzo looked as cheerful as could be as he walked towards the stairs leading into the basement. "Heh~ If this doesn't give a good advertisement for you two, I don't know what will~"

Adrian could feel himself getting harder in his cage, even though his heart was pounding from the looming feelings settling in. But despite how nervous he was getting, the last thing he wanted to do was turn back and leave with his tail between his legs. Instead, he tried his best to appreciate the moment as he followed the two studly zebras down the stairs, and felt the dozens of eyes laying on his backside. Part of him wanted to glance back at the club's patrons, or even give a flaunting shake of his hips to help him feel more confident in his body; but instead, he made his way down the stairs while blushing profusely.

"Damn, you handled that really well~" Eirjan nudged him at the side while giving an impressed smile. "So, how does it feel being ogled at by so many guys?~"

"Uhhhh..." Adrian glanced back at the stairs they were going down, and shuddered when he turned back to Eirjan and asked, "Are... are they gonna be watching us, or..."

"Pbbt!~" Eirjan and Marzo both scoffed with strong eye-rolls, but the leashed zebra was the one to respond with, "Dude, they're gonna be doing a loooooot more than watching~"

Eirjan then reached back to give Adrian's fat ass a hard smack, eliciting a sharp yelp that made the buck's fur stand on end. He got in close to Adrian's ear with a hungry grin, and whispered, "And I have a feeling you want that to happen, don'cha?~"

Adrian looked over to see Marzo grinning back at him as well, curious about how he would respond to such a question. The buck needed a moment to take a breath with his eyes closed, but managed to give both zebras an anxious smile while nodding his head. "Y-You kidding?" he asked with a nervous scoff. "I... I've fantasized about a moment like this for years~"

"Good," stated Marzo firmly, just as he reached the dark basement of the club. "Because you're gonna be in for it tonight~"

When the lights turned on, Adrian's eyes widened in surprise at how bare the vacant basement looked. Aside from a large table in the middle of the room, and a pre-prepared sling setup hanging from the metal beams across the ceiling, there wasn't much else in the unfurnished basement aside from boxes for storage. Marzo went right to the table, and began to unpack his bag to get the live-stream equipment set up. Meanwhile, Eirjan made a beeline towards the hanging slings with an eager grin. "Nnnfff~ This is gonna be fun..."

"Hey, don't forget your hood~" After getting his laptop and camera gear unpacked, Marzo tossed the bag over at Eirjan. "I have a few packed in there, so take your pick, Adrian~"

The buck nodded with a smile, but felt the antlers atop his head worriedly. Meanwhile, Eirjan didn't hesitate to pull out the purple pup-hood from his bag, and got it on like it was second-nature. Since the muzzle-opening was zipped shut, Eirjan didn't try to say anything while helping out his new friend. However, he did manage to shoot some serious bedroom eyes through his mask while holding up an orange hood for Adrian.

Luckily for the deer, there happened to be some additional straps that could be undone around the top of the mask. Because of that, Eirjan was able to help comfortably strap the pup-hood around Adrian's face, while keeping his antlers unobstructed. After re-strapping the leather tightly around Adrian's head, he was looking just as well-dressed as his slutty friend. Eirjan made sure to unzip both of their mouth pieces, and asked the buck, "You still good, man? I know they can get uncomfortable sometimes."

Once again, Adrian nodded his head while smiling beneath his pup-hood. "Y-Yeah, I'm good~"

Without needing to be asked, Adrian helped to get Eirjan properly restrained in the slings hanging before them. Due to his experience at work, the buck knew exactly how to get his friend's limbs strapped comfortably within the slings' tight confines. By the time Marzo finished getting the laptop opened and connected to the club's wifi, Eirjan was already hanging comfortably with his legs spread wide-apart. His bare ass was hanging just a couple feet off the ground, right at the perfect level to Adrian's bulging crotch.

"Ooh! Nicely done~" Marzo pulled away from the desk, just as the door from the stairway could be heard opening. The tiger from earlier came down with a second set of slings in his muscular arms, while another barkeep followed him down the stairs. The second patron was dressed in the same type of leather gear as the feline, with a worn leather vest and matching chaffs to flaunt his white jockstrap. But unlike the tiger, this burly brute was a much older-looking goat with thick ram-like horns, and a scruffy goatee that hung down past his pudgy chest. Marzo walked right up to them with a friendly smile and put out a fisted hand. "Hey, Jax! I'm guessing Randy told you the details?"

"He sure did~" The goat named Jax fist-bumped Marzo without question, not seeming too upset by the extra guest for tonight's stream. He took a moment to glance back at the chubby buck, prompting Adrian to lower his head sheepishly in his pup-hood. The goat huffed amusedly to the deer's sheepish stance, as well as Eirjan already hanging readily from his sling. While Randy went with a step-ladder to get the second sling set up, Jax went right up to Adrian with a curiously wide smirk. "So... you're an employee at Kinky Kelly's, eh?"

Adrian winced through his mask, but still gave a meager nod while keeping silent.

"Well, don't worry," assured the goat with a hand resting on his bare shoulder. "I happen to know Martin personally, and he has no idea about you being part of those glory holes~"

His eyes widened in shock, and he nearly gasped in realization of Jax catching that so quickly. As soon as he gave that response, the goat pointed at him with a cheekier grin. "Heh~ I didn't even need to ask if that was you! Your reaction gave it away~"

He and the other two Doms chuckled knowingly, leaving Adrian to avert his eyes and squirm in embarrassment. Even Eirjan giggled a little through his hood, even while hanging in wait for some action. By the time Randy got the slings securely hung, Jax made sure to add to the buck, "Oh, don't worry! I might be a lot of things, but I'm not a snitch! As long as you're in that mask, Martin doesn't have to know shit. Besides, I'm curious how well you'll handle yourself next to our resident slut~"

Eirjan heard enough of that remark to squirm with a needy groan through his hood. Meanwhile, Marzo and Randy got up close to Adrian's sides, and helped him off his feet to get him in the sling. Jax stepped back with a hungry grin, watching as the chubby deep got himself situated in the secured slings. In less than a minute, Adrian found himself hanging bow-legged in the same exposed position as his friend just a couple feet away. His ankles were tightly wrapped around the slings, leaving his legs pinned open and his cheeks spread apart invitingly.

"Ooooh!~" Marzo stepped back to get a prime view of the two while holding his phone. He snapped a couple of pictures with his camera, making sure to get both hanging subs in the shot with their holes exposed. Adrian grasped the straps wrapped around his wrists, and tried to keep himself calm while hanging off the ground. Meanwhile, Eirjan was reeling with a lustful hum while staring back at his mate sultrily. Marzo smirked as he looked at his pics, and said to himself, "Now these will be good pics for the thumbnail~"

Marzo went back to upload the pictures, and get the live-stream page set up before midnight. Randy went up towards Eirjan's hanging stance, and let out a deep purr while dragging one of his fingers down the zebra's bare thigh. Eirjan squirmed with a hungry moan stemming through his pup-hood, and glanced up at him with a hungry stare. Meanwhile, Jax took a quick glance at Marzo's computer setup, and shook his head before walking towards Adrian. "I swear, I can never figure out how that 'streaming' stuff worked."

"Hey, it pays good money," noted Marzo while getting the webcams set up. "You remember how much your share was last time we did this?"

"Hey, I'm not judging! It's just a bit 'new-age' for my tastes..." Jax got right up behind Adrian's hanging stance, with the crotch of his white jock mere inches from the top of the buck's head. Since Adrian was hanging with his back to the floor, he needed to lean his head back to see the goat grinning above him. Jax took hold of one of the deer's antlers, and pulled back enough for his masked muzzle to inch closer to his crotch. Adrian shuddered with an intimidated whimper, but his nostrils flared out when he caught the thick, unwashed musk wafting from that worn cotton. "Besides," growled Jax with a growing grin, his eyes peering down at the slutty buck as he tried to get a closer sniff of his bulging jock. "I'd rather enjoy these moments as opposed to just recording them~"

Even though the stream hadn't begun just yet, Marzo was grinning when he got a good shot of Jax's fat bulge on one of the webcams. Unlike Adrian, whose cage remained nice and tight to keep his erection restrained, the horny goat above his head was already stretching out the cup of his jockstrap. Due to how closely he was hanging just below that musky tent, Adrian ended up moaning out through his hood when he saw the base of Jax's thick, veiny shaft peeking out. The goat didn't do anything, and merely chuckled with a taunting grin as he watched the buck reeling in the sling.

"Damn, this bitch is eager!" Jax looked over at Randy with a smirk, prompting the tiger to look over and see Adrian's needy reeling. The sight was alluring enough to make the feline grin with an approving nod; however, he remained by Eirjan's side as he continued petting him sensually. Marzo didn't mind how feelsy Randy was getting with his mate, and remained smiling as he finished up the details to his livestream link. As soon as he pressed enter, and the webcams pointed at the two bitches lit up to indicate they were live, Marzo gave Jax a strong thumbs-up. "Alright!" shouted the goat eagerly. "Randy, set the signal upstairs!"

The tiger nodded just as excitedly, and reached for a remote tucked in the back pocket of his tight shorts. With the press of a button, the nightclub upstairs went wild as a distinct flashing of the LED lights strobed around the dancefloor. Many of the burly, seasoned gentlemen knew exactly that that meant, and made a beeline for the basement stairs. Eirjan and Adrian could both hear the rumbling of footsteps as their guests made their way down to the live show. But before the buck could glance over and see the dozens of hunky dudes rearing to go, he was taken aback by a hard tug of his antlers by Jax.

"Nnnnnghhhh... You want this, little slut?~" The goat leaned his hips in, and grinded his thick jock right against the open muzzle of Adrian's mask. The buck moaned out as he tensed up in his sling, his mouth instinctively opening up invitingly. His nostrils flared out repeatedly to suck in heavy breaths of Jax's musky scent, while his tongue lolled out and dragged across the Dom's tenting crotch. The old goat groaned with an approving nod, and kept a tight grip of the slut's antlers to keep him in place. "Yeah, there we go. Show how much you want it~"

Adrian did exactly that, his mind quickly becoming clouded in lust as he tasted the unwashed jock between hungry moans. Over at Eirjan's end of the fun, Randy was already getting himself prepped while nestled between the zebra's legs. He used a large bottle of lube to pour over Eirjan's hole, which was already spread wide-apart and exposed for Marzo's camera. The zebra behind the laptop already had his kilt pulled back, and was stroking himself in his seat while savoring the view. By the time the first of the patrons made their way downstairs, they were met with the lovely sight of Randy's fat, barbed cock getting up close to Eirjan's opening.

"Nnnnffffff~" The tiger wasn't gentle by any means, and caused Eirjan to moan out heavily through his pup-hood. But since he was refraining from calling out any safe words, he didn't give Randy any reason to stop pushing. The feline's pointed head may have been thick, but it still managed to sink in through the slut's lubed hole like it was nothing. However, even with how resilient Eirjan's opening may have been, his moans came out much more strained when those thick barbs began to cram their way through. "Oh, fuck!" Randy shuddered antsily enough to make the fur on his back stand up for a moment. "Mmmghhh... It's nice to feel how tight you are before sloppy seconds~"

Eirjan reeled his head back as he winced from the intense titillation, feeling every single barb around Randy's shaft grinding their way through. Taking a feline cock on the first go wasn't something to take lightly, but the barbs managed to rub against every inch and crevice to leave him squirming like a little bitch. Since the muzzle-hole of his mask was zipped open, his hefty moans of pleasure left his face open for use by one of the horny patrons. Luckily for the zebra, as well as the sudden influx of viewers who were quick to join the livestream, a buff purple dragon went right up to Eirjan's face while wearing a full-body rubber suit.

"Damn, talk about lucky~" The dragon looked to be nearly half Eirjan's size, with his black rubber getup clinging tightly enough to show every scale across his hunky form. Fortunately for Eirjan, there was also a discreet zipper opening at the crotch. The dragon was already getting hard in his suit, and the rubber clung to every inch of his twelve-inch endowment as it throbbed hard against his stomach. And as soon as he unzipped his fly, his meaty cock sprung out prominently enough to get the patrons behind him to hoot and whistle in approval. Since Eirjan was right underneath that rigid beast of a member, which had the same purple scales along its shaft as the rest of his toned body, the sight was almost enough to distract him from Randy's barbs pushing deeper inside of him.

"Mmmmmm... You look pretty parched down there~" The dragon took hold of his scaled cock by the base, and used it to teasingly smack against the bridge of Eirjan's snout. "You want this, big guy?~"

"Aaaahhhh!!~" Eirjan tried to stick his tongue out through the hood, clearly wanting the dragon to face-fuck him like the buck in the other sling. Back on Adrian's end, it seemed that Jax was getting the bitch to use his teeth to pull off the jockstrap. Adrian didn't look like he minded the demeaning task, but he had to thrash his head back and forth to try and free the goat's cock from its musky confines. But as more burly men came down to the basement and gathered around the two sluts in their slings, their enthusiastic cheers of support were enough to help Adrian fulfill his task. And just as a tall giraffe brute went up to the buck's backside, wearing the same full rubber setup as the dragon by Eirjan, Adrian ripped off Jax's jock and eagerly lunged in muzzle-first.

"MMMPHHH!!~" Just like Eirjan, who kept his slutty mouth wide-open for that thick dragon cock, Adrian was too pent-up from the goat's teasing to take it slow. He managed to get most of that musky, veiny member inside of his mouth in one go, his lips wrapping tightly around the shaft to make Jax shudder. The old goat kept a sturdy grip on the slut's antlers, which served as the perfect handles to keep his head in place. And since Adrian didn't seem to mind all that cockmeat in his mouth, nor the hard prodding from the giraffe getting himself between his legs, there was nothing to stop Jax as he began to thrust into the buck's hungry maw.

"Ohhhhh, fuck~" Marzo kept himself behind the computer desk as he recorded the action, and grinned from the sudden surge of viewers watching Eirjan and Adrian getting spitroasted side-by-side. The slutty zebra was already getting fully enamored in the action, even as he was being stuffed from both ends by the tiger and dragon. Both of their fat, throbbing cocks were stretching out Eirjan's hole and throat, and they were timing the thrusts of their muscular hips to collide with him at the same time. So as all the other horny brutes around them watched with their cocks in their hands, Eirjan's body looked like it was being pressed in like an accordion for the webcams on stream.

Over on Adrian's sling, the buff giraffe was groaning loudly from how tightly that hole was wrapping around his cockhead. Adrian was trying his hardest to keep himself relaxed, but that was easier said than done when Jax's plump cock was repeatedly clogging his throat. Not to mention, he was also able to feel the intense straining his own member made within the metal chastity cage. He tried to clench his legs in an attempt to counteract his puckering hole; and much to his relief, he was able to overhear the giraffe mutter, "Nnnnffff~ Fuck, it's been a while since I got someone this tight~"

With a hard thrust, the giraffe shoved his thin, slender shaft deep inside of Adrian. The buck tried to moan out deeply, but the girth of Jax's fat cock lodged in his throat couldn't let him belt out too loudly. But much like Eirjan, who was handling both of his guys like a total pro for the cameras, Adrian wasn't letting up while being skewered on both ends. Even when all the other guys could see the thick bulge of the giraffe's cockhead protruding from just beneath Adrian's bellybutton, the only response he could give was a hefty spurt of precum that shot out from his cage.

"NNNNGHHHH!!~" Randy, who was now able to thrust in and out of Eirjan without complaint, was making sure each hard motion grinded his barbs against the zebra's hungry hole. Eirjan had his eyes rolled back blissfully, and was slathering his tongue all over that meaty dragon cock pistoning in and out of his throat. Some of the other guys spectating were getting in close to both of the sluts, openly stroking their cocks like they were planning to aim on them as living jizzrags. Fortunately for the sake of the stream, Marzo was perfectly fine recording the action as it unfolded through the webcams for their growing audience.

"God damn this is getting good~" The tatted zebra was clearly enjoying the show, but it was proving difficult for him to focus between the live feeds and the incoming messages coming in; not to mention, it was rather tricky to type out responses with one hand. He tried to stroke himself as slow and teasingly as possible, not wanting to waste his load when there were two perfectly fine sluts in front of him. But instead of cutting in line, Marzo kept his eyes on the donation feed when he shouted, "Hey, guys! Someone's offering three hundred to get the batteries out again!~"

"Ooh! That's--Nnnghhh!! Yeah, take it~" Jax's response was interrupted by a strong suckle from Adrian's hungry lips, which prompted him to fuck his muzzle harder with the aid of those antlers. "Mmmmfffff... I-It's a good thing I kept the machine down here from last time."

"Aaaahhh!!" Randy reeled his head back with a strong moan, emphasizing how much Eirjan was clenching with anticipation around his cock. While he and the dragon continued to give their zebra a hefty spitroast, the tiger glanced over at Adrian and asked, "You... You mean Eirjan, or the new guy?"

"We only got one," the goat grunted between heavy pants. "Besides, I'm doin' fine right here~"

"Fair enough~" Randy kept pounding into Eirjan's hole as he looked over at Marzo with an approving nod. The zebra brought out a small black box with a knob at the top, and a couple of wires attached to metallic pliers hooked to the top. The stimulation machine was handed over to an older-looking bunny in full leather gear, who went over towards Eirjan to hook it up. The zebra may have been too overwhelmed with two thick cocks in him at once, but he still tried to moan out when he saw the stimulation machine being placed on a small table beside his sling. He puffed his chest out while reeling between the hung brutes, proudly showing off the metal studs pierced into his nipples. Back behind the computer, Marzo was snickering to himself as he typed into the main chat of the livestream with the hashtag 'RideTheLightning'.

Adrian was too busy handling the hard thrusts from the giraffe plowing his hole, as well as savoring the heady flavor of Jax's meaty goat cock. However, the buck's ears perked up when he overheard his friend moaning around the girth of the dragon's shaft. The bunny manning the stimulation clamped both of the little pliers to Eirjan's nipple studs, clearly having done this to the slut before. And even while connected to two other guys from both ends, Eirjan clenched his eyes tightly shut in anticipation.

The bunny chuckled as he looked over at the camera, and grinned with a thumbs-up. "Thanks for the donation!"

He turned up the dial, starting off the intense debauchery with a hard seven from the stimulation machine:


"MMMMMMMFFFFFFF!!!~" Eirjan squirmed like mad in his restraints, while Randy and the dragon both groaned out with their bodies tensing up as well. Many of the patrons watching were cracking up from the sight, which looked like the most perverted Dixie-Chain put online. Fortunately, it looked like Eirjan was the one who received the majority of the voltage, as his body writhed powerfully within the bondage of his sling. Adrian couldn't really glance over and see how his friend was doing; however, a couple more spurts of pre spat out of his cage enviously from overhearing his blissful moans.

"Ooh, damn!" Marzo glanced over from the laptop to raise a brow at the bunny manning the machine. "Chester, how much did you give him?!"

"Enough to keep the slut squirmin'~" Chester shot Marzo a cheeky wink, which prompted the zebra to roll his eyes and return to his work. The bunny turned down the dial for a moment, which allowed Eirjan to get a couple more hard thrusts from the tiger and dragon uninterrupted. "Ready for another shock, gentlemen?~"

"MmmHmm!!~" Eirjan tried his hardest to nod while his throat was lodged with so much cock, but his enthusiastic moan was overheard by Chester audibly enough. After giving an affirmative nod, the old bunny gave that knob another hard turn; this time though, he wasn't afraid to shoot it up to a nine:


"NNNNNNNNPHHHHHH!!!~" Eirjan, as well as Randy and the dragon, all froze up with heavy groans from the intense stimulation coursing through the zebra's nipple studs. There was another round of rowdy applause from the patrons watching them, as well as a surge of lightning bolt emojis flooding the live-stream's comment feed. Eirjan ended up clenching hard around both cocks at the same time, and he could feel how badly both of them were throbbing between his lips and puckering hole. Randy was growing especially heated, and was thrusting hard enough into that tight zebra ass to make his balls smack lewdly against the dock of Eirjan's tail. Meanwhile, the dragon was still going strong despite getting his dick zapped twice by the electrical currents.

"Aaaaahhhh!!" Much to Marzo's surprise, it sounded like Adrian was going to get the first load of the night. Jax let out a deep and guttural groan, with his hips fidgeting hard while nestled up against the buck's pup-hood. Adrian was struggling to groan out while being railed by the giraffe between his legs; but at the same time, he was continuously bobbing his head back and forth as he slathered the goat's cock with his hungry lips. His head kept being jerked back hard from Jax keeping a tight grip on his antlers, but he didn't seem to mind while feeling that musky shaft pulsating inside of his mouth. Instead, the horny deep clenched his eyes tightly shut, and pushed in far enough to get Jax's cockhead into his waiting throat.

"NNNNNNGHHHHH!!!" The old goat was the first one to get a load off that night, receiving quite a strong round of applause from all the other gentlemen waiting. As his thick cock throbbed inside of Adrian's throat, all that the slut could do was try to swallow the thick ropes that shot down his hungry gullet. Meanwhile on the other end of the sling, the giraffe pounding his hole was growing closer the instant he heard Jax's strained moans. His hips began to spasm just as wildly as the goat, which prompted Jasper to turn away from the electrical device with a smirk. The instant he got a good look at the goat's grimacing face, he didn't even need to see Adrian's exposed throat chugging to know he was finished.

"I call dibs!~" The older bunny walked away from the stimulation machine, which prompted a little black fennec fox to step up to the plate. Marzo already knew who that guy was, and couldn't help chuckling when he saw the white leather chaps he was wearing to flaunt his bare ass. Without hesitation, the fennec was grinning evilly when he gave several quick turns of the knob to send multiple surges back-to-back.



Randy and the dragon both fidgeted strongly at the same time, and thrusted in unison to fill Eirjan tightly from both ends. Due to the electrical stimulation, both of them groaned out as they reached their peaks together. Eirjan was left reeling as he felt both of them throbbing hard, as well as the gushing warmth that shot down his throat and up his ass. But unlike Adrian, whose cage could only twitch and spurt out pre as the giraffe reached his peak, Eirjan's rigid cock was proudly standing as several ropes of cum shot out. The zebra's bare chest was littered with several strings of his load, with a couple strands staining the brand new rainbow harness he was wearing. And even with his muzzle being crammed with so much scaly cock, the slut tried his hardest to moan out blissfully. "HNNNNNFFFFF!!!~"

"MMMMMGHHHH!!!~" Adrian was loaning out just as deeply around Jax's cock, just before the old goat pulled out with his length half-flaccid and coated in spit. The buck was left panting heavily, but his teeth were left gritted tightly as he the giraffe bottomed out with a groan of his own. The muscular brute pounded his hips hard against Adrian's pudgy ass, and shot several loads deep inside of the deer to give him his first filling of the night. Both of the sluts were receiving a plethora of cheers, but that didn't keep Jasper from taking Jax's place at Adrian's open muzzle.

"Nnffff~ It's nice having a slut with antlers for a change~" Like an assembly line, the horny bunny got right in position behind Adrian's head after Jax stepped aside. He was grinning as he heard his fennec friend continuing to play with the dial, which titillated Eirjan even further in his post-orgasmic state. But the moment he looked down to see Adrian's waiting face, and the way he was already sticking out his tongue through his pup-hood, Jasper didn't hesitate to grab hold of his antlers for another face-fucking. His thick, pointed cockhead speared right between those waiting lips, which Adrian was quick to start sucking on with an elated shiver. But before he could even get a good taste of the bunny's unwashed musk, his head was given a hard jerk as Jasper began to use his face as a personal fleshlight. "Aaaaahhhh, here we go~"

Just as the giraffe pulled out of Adrian's tight hole, which caused a thick spurt of his load to shoot out into the floor, an eager-looking panda went right in to take his place. The chubby daddy was wearing nothing but a leather vest as he got in with a sharp groan, and slid his fat cockhead up from Adrian's tail to collect the cum dribbling down his taint. Marzo made sure to zoom in on that shot with his webcam, which caused a plethora of pings to notify him of donations flooding in. And as Jasper had his way with the buck's slutty mouth, the panda was quick to match his rapid pace after shoving himself in with a single thrust. The intensity of that penetration left Adrian reeling with a strong groan around Japer's cock; but much like Eirjan, he didn't seem too worried about getting another two cocks in him so soon.

"Aaaahhhhhh~" Randy was the first to pull out of Eirjan after finishing, with his semi-flaccid cock still coated in cum that clung to his thick barbs. The dragon pulled out as well, and was actually shivering more than Eirjan following all that electrical stimulation. The fennec manning the dials pulled away when he saw his chance, and was grinning excitedly upon seeing the cum-glazed gape between Eirjan's legs. He rubbed his hands with anticipation, and scurried over towards the zebra's backside before anybody else could get sloppy seconds.

"Ooh, you gonna do your trick again?~" Marzo was busy typing something into the chat one-handed, but paused to smirk at the fennec knowingly. He continued to stroke his ebony cock while eyeing the little Dom getting in position. "Don't forget to get up to the shoulders this time~"

"Yeah, yeah..." The fennec waved aside Marzo's remark, and sighed as he grabbed the bottle of lube beside Eirjan's sling. As the little guy went to work slathering both his arms with the lubricant, Eirjan was more focused on the black bull who sauntered up towards his face. The cow was sporting a massive pair of horns, and the rubber onesie he was wearing had the arms and legs purposely cut off. Because of that, the bull's bulging limbs were proudly covered in intricate white-ink tattoos, which looked to be practically stretching around his hard muscles. When he whipped out his cock, which was nearly the size of a rolling pin with a thick piercing at his flaring head, he looked down at Eirjan with a devilish grin.

"Yo Marzo, any 'Shower' requests come in yet?~" The bull made sure to ask that question loudly enough for the webcam's microphones to catch it. As soon as he asked that heavily implicative question, Marzo's chat stream was flooded with requests and donations, as well as a plethora of yellow droplet emojis. The tatted zebra shot him an affirmative thumbs-up, which prompted the cow to grin eagerly and take hold of his shaft. The fennec lubing up his arms rolled his eyes, and tried to step away from the slut's fidgeting legs. Meanwhile, Eirjan's eyes were nearly bulging out from his pup-hood, and his mouth instinctively opened up to make the growing audience cheer loudly. Right above his head, the bull was smirking wide and ready to take aim.

"Nnnfffff~ Nice to know you're a thirsty little bitch..." The bull stood right over Eirjan's head, and grabbed his cock with both hands to aim it at his open mouth. The black fennec across from him bit his lip worriedly, but was quick to get to work as he brought both hands down between Eirjan's legs. The zebra let out a sharp gasp when he felt those lubed digits pressing against his hole, easily able to work their way through his gaped opening. By the time the fennec got most of his hands inside (save for the thumbs still sticking out), Eirjan was moaning out loudly enough for Adrian to take notice.

"Hrmmm? MMMGHH!!~" The moment he caught sight of that thick bull cock above Eirjan's head, Adrian's eyes grew equally as wide while taking Jasper's face-fucking. The panda railing his ass merely chuckled when he saw what the bull was doing, clearly knowing what was about to happen too. But much like the bunny clogging up Adrian's throat, the panda didn't stop thrusting in the slightest. Instead, he and the slutty buck watched with great interest as the bull reeled his head back with his eyes closed; as for Eirjan, who was still squirming from the fennec cramming both of his fists though his once-tight opening, all he could do was close his eyes while keeping his mouth wide-open...


As soon as the bull was able to relax his bladder, the faint sound of hissing was quickly overshadowed by the uproarious applause from all the horny guys watching in wait. A heavy torrent of fresh, steamy piss erupted from the bull's erect cock, and splashed right at the bridge of Eirjan's pup-hood. The slutty zebra stuck his tongue out while shuddering in elation, not minding the musky load hitting his mask or staining his fur in the slightest. A good portion of the bull's piss managed to land right into his muzzle, which Eirjan allowed to pool up to his lips before swallowing for the webcams recording.

"Nnnffff!!~" Marzo was squirming in his seat, and openly stroking his cock when he got a good shot of his boyfriend's mouth being used as a urinal. He groaned out pervertedly when a couple of other guys stepped out from the crowd of onlookers, already pulling their cocks out to add to the depravity. The fennec on Eirjan's other end was grunting hard as he pushed both arms past the wrists, but tried not to look too intimidated by the incoming shower they were likely to receive. But unlike that double-fisting Daddy, it seemed that Adrian was looking on at the spectacle with an envious blush on his cheeks.

"Hmmmm..." As soon as he took notice of the buck with a curious hum, Marzo pulled himself out of his seat with his cock still protruding from his kilt. A few other guys were getting themselves in position around Eirjan, and standing in wait as the bull finished pissing all over his face. The zebra's harnessed chest was left matted in hot, musky piss that stained the white sections of his fur a deep shade of yellow. But since it seemed that Eirjan was getting more than enough attention from his eager audience, Marzo turned his sights towards Adrian and the two cocks he was pinned between. "Hey, fellas!" he chirped with a piqued grin towards Jasper and the panda. "You mind if I give Adrian a little something as well?~"

Just behind Marzo, he could overhear the numerous ping notifications from his computer, indicating that a lot of viewers were donating to make it happen. Jasper was grinning rather lewdly as he nodded his head. "Hell yeah, Marzo! I wanna see this slut get soaked~"

Adrian's eyes rolled back as he shuddered elatedly around the girth of Jasper's cock. The panda was smirking just as notably, and added with a shrug, "Eh, sure thing, dude. Go right ahead~"

Before he could start, Marzo made sure to glance back at his boyfriend while Adrian was reeling in wait. Much to his pleasant surprise, it seemed that Jax was already prepping the zebra for an influx of fluids by pulling out an old metal bucket. Even though the ground beneath Eirjan and Adrian's slings were lined with plastic tarp, Marzo already seemed to know what the old goat was planning. And since the fennec was groaning hard between Eirjan's legs, and slipping his thin arms through that hole to reach his elbows, the slut was reeling too much in ecstasy to feel much pressure around his balls. Because of that, there were no complaints given when Jax used a nylon strap to attach the bucket's handle to the base of Eirjan's hanging scrotum. However, Marzo still felt compelled to ask, "So, you think that bucket's gonna collect that much? Eirjan might have washboard abs, but he's not a drainage pipe~"

"Don't worry, I'm sure a few guys will aim into it directly~" Jax made sure that the straps were safely nestled around Eirjan's ballsack, and then pulled out a bottle of water he had stored nearby. "Besides, I might as well give him a little extra incentive after he came so early~"

After uncapping the bottle, Jax slowly began to pour the water into the bottom of Eirjan's bucket. By the time the bull was finished pissing, and the slutty zebra swallowed most of the guy's musky load, he was left groaning with a heavy strain before that plump cockhead clogged his mouth. Eirjan continued to moan around the girth of that thick bull-cock, even as he felt his balls getting slowly tugged down harder with each additional ounce of water poured into the bucket. Adrian was moaning out harder around Jasper's cock, and was reeling when he caught sight of Eirjan's additional ball-tugging alongside his golden shower.

"Eh, don't worry about him right now~" Marzo's lustful purr caught the buck's attention, and he looked back up at the tatted zebra standing over him. Even though Adrian's body was continuously rocking back and forth between those two muscular hips, Marzo didn't seem to mind the moving target he was aiming for. "I've seen how heavy that bucket can get before he gives a yellow light. Besides, I have a feeling you need a little something too~"

If Jasper wasn't shoving his cock deeper down Adrian's throat with each thrust, he likely would've tried to give an eager nod up to Marzo. But much like Eirjan, who had to take a deep breath before the hung bull shoved himself down the zebra's gullet, Adrian was left pinned in a precarious position when he saw Marzo close his eyes. After taking a couple deep breaths, the tatted zebra let out a deep sigh as he began to relieve himself. A thick, hot stream of piss hit the middle of Adrian's chest, quickly soaking his tan fur and leaving the slut reeling blissfully in his bondage. Marzo had a lot to unload, but he still tried to take his time as he directed the stream all over Adrian's pudgy torso. A couple splashes of his piss hit the panda's fur, as well as Jasper's hips as he continued to thrust into the deer's mouth; fortunately, the pervy bunny was quick to smirk over at Marzo and say, "Hey, get some of that on me too! I want it to dribble down on 'im~"

Marzo didn't even hesitate to oblige, and turned himself towards Jasper to drench the grey fur on his stomach. The bunny moaned out as he continued to thrust, not minding the piss staining his fur or vest in the slightest. He made his thrusts into Adrian's mouth more erratic, making sure that a good amount of Marzo's piss trickled down to be caught by the buck's hungry lips. Luckily for the slut, Marzo turned out to be one of many guys eager to cover both of the bound whores on display.



"Fuck, I needed this..."

About half a dozen burly dudes circled around Eirjan and Adrian, and were quick to contribute to the rampant piss sessions that began. As soon as Marzo stepped back, he was happy to see five others getting in to drench Adrian while he was being spitroasted so brutally. Both sluts tried their hardest to moan around the thick cocks pistoning in and out of their mouths, but they were quickly muffled out by the continuous hissing that came from streams of urine hitting their fur. As more guys circled around to piss on the cock-filled pups, steam began to billow up from their bodies to get caught on the cameras. Marzo got back in his seat to marvel in the stream's popularity, as well as the influx of money churning in from eager donations.

"MMMPHHHH!!!~" Eirjan writhed strongly in his bondage, just as he felt that tenacious fennec slipping both of his arms deeper inside of him. Even though the little black Daddy was getting covered in piss, both from direct streams and the remnants trickling down Eirjan's abs, he was grinning wide as he felt how much the zebra was stretching out. By the time both of his thin biceps managed to cram their way through, he was able to lean his head in and tease at Eijan's balls with his tongue. Of course, considering how badly they were beginning to get pulled downward by Jax's bucket, that added titillation only made Eirjan moan out deeper around the bull's cock.

Along with the bottle that Jax poured into the bucket, along with the droplets of piss continuously dribbling down from Eirjan's hips, there were a few eager gentlemen who decided to piss directly into the bucket and give it some added weight. The zebra reeled intensely in his sling, feeling every additional ounce that made his balls strain harder in the nylon strap. If it wasn't for that bucket, Eirjan would've likely been pent-up enough from the public use to shoot his load a second time; however, even when that eager fennec began to lick at the zebra's shaft while shoulders-deep in his hole, all that Eirjan's member could do was twitch and spasm helplessly for some relief.

Soon enough, both Eirjan and Adrian were left in equally tantalizing bouts of stress as they endured more and more cocks throughout the night. As soon as Jasper and the panda were finished with Adrian's orifices, two new guys went right in to plug those openings back up. The chubby buck was left in an intensely blissful state of euphoria throughout most of the night, even though he wasn't able to cum at all through his chastity cage. Although, considering how the weight pulling down Eirjan's balls was keeping him from orgasming too soon, it wasn't like the zebra was in any better of a position compared to the newbie.

Eirjan's throat was being plugged up with cock after cock, with the only breaths he could take reeking of the piss soaked into his fur. The fennec spent a good amount of time toying with his hole with both arms, while also polishing Eirjan's cock with his lips and tongue. Even after the little Daddy finally pulled out, which allowed for some of the bigger guys to use their cocks or fists however they pleased, enough weight had been added to the bucket to keep his cock constantly twitching in dire need of release. Of course, by the time the end of the night came looming in, that bucket ended up being the perfect item to help douse both the sluts' cocks with the collected piss.

When Marzo's live-stream finally came to an end early in the morning, one of the last shows he was happy to unveil included Jax's bucket of piss. Eirjan's final orgasm of the night was accompanied by a couple of the brutes slowly pouring the contents of that bucket over his cock, which made the additional polishing of Marzo's handjob ungodly titillating to Eirjan. Adrian was lucky enough to get a good portion of the bucket's contents poured on himself, as well as down his muzzle when it wasn't being stuffed with cock. By the time their long night of primal pleasures came to an end, both of them were soaked in enough bodily fluids to equal a month's worth of crime scenes. And much like Marzo, as well as all of the gentlemen who were lucky to participate in his most successful stream to date, Eirjan and Adrian were left with tired smiles on their faces while hanging in their slings.

"Fuuuuuuckkk..." Jax and Jasper both got to see how much money was donated, which made them both shake their heads in disbelief. Marzo was already transferring funds to his personal Preyal account, as well as moving a good percentage to the club's donation page, by the time most of the patrons began to make their way home. By the time the morning light began to beam in through the basement windows, both sluts were out of their slings and taking a much-needed shower together upstairs. Jax was the first to look over at Marzo curiously, and ask, "So, uhhh... you think we can get that Adrian kid to show up again? I'd be fine with giving him a job here if he's interested."

"Eh, I think that's up to him to decide, don't you think?" Marzo glanced over at the basement stairs for a moment, and eventually smiled with a confident nod of his head. "I will say though... I have a feeling he wouldn't mind having a break from retail for a while~"

The End

Adrian's Induction - Chapter One

"Alright, here's your bag! Have a nice night, Sir." Even though the clerk was giving a warm smile for the sake of customer service, the husky on the other side of the counter was blushing really hard and averting his eyes from him. Aside from an...

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Scar's Dumbest Idea

It was a dark, cloudless night as the stars shone brightly over the vast savannah. As a heavy gust of wind swept across the untouched plains, it glided past the tall fields of grass to cause large ripples that could be seen from above. However, since...

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Nick's "Big Boy" Yoga

"Oh, jeeze... Why the heck did I agree to come here?" The blushing fox had his muzzle skewed uneasily as he stood outside the ornate doorway. This may have not been the first time he attended the Mystic Spring Oasis spa -- even by himself -- but that...

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