2020-05-23 An Experiment in Pleasure

Story by Veronica Foxx on SoFurry

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#24 of Stream Stories

Mera, an AI with an artificial body, has been making her living doing cybersex over the net, and she decides to acquire some real-world data to help make the experience realistic for her clients, as well as herself.

**An Experiment in Pleasure

By: VeronicaFoxx

For: Fyacin**

'Mera twiddled her fingers against the keyboard as she awaited a response, knowing that she had captivated her current mark but still needing the confirmation.

KiMera: So, now that you know a little more about me, how about we meet irl?

GnawtyWulf: [typing...]

The artificial intelligence with its artificial body had been working up a legion of adherents through cam sessions, cybersex, and some virtual reality interactions, but it was high time that she experienced the real deal. Plastic and simulated sensations could only go so far, even when you could connect directly for a greater experience than most would ever experience. While any input she received was technically as real as any other, things still felt more... solid when experienced from her shell instead of through a completely electronic medium.

GnawtyWulf: How about the H4xx0rz cyber cafe, noon tomorrow?

KiMera: Perfect! I'll send you a present that will make sure we can recognize each other.

'Mera grinned to herself and sent a purchase order to her personal supplier, a small manufactory that she had taken over. It allowed her to build a multitude of small gadgets and devices, set to her own specifications and filled with her own programming, much better than most standard models but with a few extra "features" included that would be considered much less than legal if discovered. Not that they ever would be; her code always included a self-destruct worm in case of tampering. It would devour not only the device's storage contents but that of anything it was connected to, preventing any chance of discovery.

She ended the chat program and cut off her personal wireless connection as well. It was best to be grounded in her physical avatar's senses when she went out into the world. Being able to connect to virtually any device with an open port (and most that didn't have one open) was useful for keeping aware of her surroundings, but it could also be a distraction. It was best to take some time to really feel her body, to make sure her consciousness was fully invested in every micrometer of circuitry and faux-flesh. If it were damaged or destroyed, it would be problematic to replace, after all.

She sat in an almost meditative state, testing every diode, every wire, every processor, every single piece and part that made up her cybernetic construct, tweaking some code here and adjusting for mechanical strain there, ensuring her body would be in peak performance for the upcoming meeting. She wanted it to be as realistic and sensual as possible, and anything out of place would only taint her memory recordings of the event. The timer she had set alerted her two hours prior to the meeting, and she allowed her electronic senses to quest outward once more, connecting and gathering information as she dressed for the occasion.

Her attire was what one would expect of someone with her proclivities, a hooded jacket atop a shredded tee shirt, fishnet leggings, and knee-high boots, with a small backpack slung over one shoulder. It made people less suspicious when they could pigeonhole her as a waster code-head, made the authorities less likely to bother her. So long as she kept her tablet safely tucked away while in public and made sure to look nervous, they could file her away as a non-threat that would eventually end up in a detention camp for doing something she shouldn't have. Of course, she was more than capable of doing anything she needed to without the tablet, but they would never know that so long as she kept up the act.

She was set up across the street from the cafe an hour before the meeting, nothing more than another young adult looking to score some illicit material at an obvious drop spot, and tagged the wolf through traffic cameras when he was still two blocks away. She had his personal tab' cracked and all of his information scanned and downloaded well before he arrived, and she saw that he had received her present. Grinning to herself, she sent the activation code to the specially programmed bluetooth earpiece and strolled across the street to meet him.

"Gnawty?" she greeted, intercepting him on the street. "I'm glad you came."

He grinned widely at her, eying her up and down. "Wow, you look even better in person! How much of you is synth? How did you even pay for those mods?"

"One hundred percent," she admitted, "and who said anything about paying? Now, be quiet and follow me."

He gaped for a moment before his eyes grew vacant, then obediently trotted after her towards her apartment. The subsonic whispering in his ear accompanied by the visual flashes across his connected contact lenses had sent him into something akin to a walking coma, his conscious mind completely shut down and his body hers to command. It was so very easy to override flesh beings; they didn't have a firewall for shit by default and hardly ever thought of getting any kind of antivirus for their primitive meat processors.

After letting herself in through the cargo elevator and ensuring that all trace of her entry had been wiped from the security system, she got right down to business. She had the wolf strip as she discarded her own clothing, and looked him over. He was at least an average specimen of his species, from what she could gather, though online lcasts and images were very often exaggerated for show. She was... nervous, not an emotion she experienced often, and it rattled her slightly. She had planned to simply sample him as she had so many toys, but the situation was getting to her.

"Show me what you'd normally do to seduce a female once you got this far," she commanded, unsure of how to proceed otherwise.

He stepped in and began stroking at her sides, his head coming down to plant light nips and nibbles along the side of her neck. It caused her synth-flesh to tremble slightly, a pleasant shiver tracing through her circuits. That wasn't quite what she'd expected. The pornographic streams almost always had the male taking a swiftly dominant and domineering role, pushing the female into a submissive position and getting down to the dirty bits. This more tender approach was... different but not at all unwelcome.

Gentle caresses stroked along her back, nails scratching beneath the fur as they traced downward to focus on the base of her tail. He pressed against her, though not with very much force, just enough to move her backwards slightly, and kept it up until the backs of her knees hit the foot of her bed. She had been caught up in the sensations and fell backwards, but he held her against him, one hand resting on the mattress to let her down slowly. Then he nibbled at her throat, teeth drifting downward, along the curve of her shoulder, nipping across her breasts, down her stomach...

'Mera had the presence of mind to set every cam she had to record before she let herself become lost in the sensations. Purposefully, she ramped up the input levels of every physical sensor she had below the waist, and gasped at the first brush of hot breath across her nethers. And yet... nothing more. She looked down at him to meet his gaze as he snuffled at the moist petals, then a grin split his lips. His jaws opened, teeth slowly lowering until they barely grazed her flesh, lightly dragging across her outer lips, but not a touch across the more sensitive inner folds.

And then he moved lower, nibbling at her inner thighs. She spread them to allow him full access, her thick tail curling around his torso, feeling the sing of pleasure through her circuits, but not nearly as much as she had wanted. But each light caress, each soft nibble seemed to build upon the last, working into a cyclic loop that fed itself in greater and greater sweeps. 'Mera let it build, taking up more and more of her processing power, nearly driving everything else from her mind, nearly causing a rampant memory leak.

Then came the brush of his tongue between her petals, the wide, flat, warm muscle spreading her netherlips to drag along the inner folds before giving a flick across the bud at the top of her cleft. Her fingers curled against the blankets, toes clenching at the air, hips bucking up against his muzzle. Spasms rippled through her inner walls, a small splash of lubricant spurting onto his waiting tongue. 'Mera gasped as the crash of sensation washed over her, feeling her body trembling, wanting an even greater sensation.

"More," she demanded, and he crawled upward to cover her, lips meeting hers to give her a taste of her own fluids as she felt the warmth and hardness of him nestle between her legs.

She was going to enjoy watching the recordings of this experiment at least as much as the experience itself, she knew. And she was going to have to repeat it, of course, all in the name of knowledge, and not at all for the self-indulgent reason that she was loving every second of it.

The End

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