Descent Chapter 4

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#4 of Jason Wolfe: Descent

**Chapter 4: Admitting You Have a Problem

Newroads, Wolfe Residence**

Jason was utterly dumbstruck.

There was a feral, primal, instinctive part of him that wanted to march straight to Connor's parents and tear them a now orifice while telling them just how wonderful and special their son was.

Then the rational part kicked in and told him:

a) He really didn't know the situation

b) It was raining hard outside and

c) He'd probably get charged with assault and go to jail

All of which conflicted with the last part of him - the hormonal - part that leapt up in joy and shouted at the top of its lungs, 'Yay! Connor is all mine!'

It took him a second to get all three parts under control. "Connor... Geez," he muttered. "You're soaking wet..." Wrapping an arm around his friend's shoulder, he took Connor's bag and pulled the soaking wet tiger inside the house.

He was lost for words. The classic thing to say was, 'I can't imagine what kind of parent would do that' but the truth was, he sort of did. Dan abandoned him when he was four on - supposedly - a similar premise.

So, instead he just said, "I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault, Jase..." Connor murmured, running a hand down his arm. "I was just... A little stupid."

"Jason?" Dan called from the dining room. "Who is it?"

Jason ignored his father for a moment. "Stupid? Why?"

Connor's face looked about ready to crack as his shorter friend tried to break into a cheery smile. "Remember when your dad told me to take a shower before I left here yesterday?"

Oh yeah...


Oh yeah!

Connor never did take that shower... So he went back home stinking of sweat, sex and wolf...

Jason's mind double-backed and came to the crushing realisation that it was all his fault. If he hadn't completely lost it when Connor told him he couldn't stay, his boy-


Now's not the time to be arguing semantics!

Long story short: Because Jason had lost his temper, Connor left the house in a rush... and arrived with evidence he had sex with another man.

It's my fault...

"Jason?" Dan emerged from the dining room and his eyes went wide. He looked a little silly with a half-eaten kebab in his hand. "Connor? My god! What happened?"

"Sorry to impose, Mr. Wolfe..." Connor murmured, smiling meekly. "I got that shower you told me to take..."

Dans eyes widened even further and he dropped the kebab in his hand, rushing forward and grasping Connors shoulders. He was just as speechless as Jason. Evidently, actions spoke louder than words and Dan hugged the soaking tiger tight. Only then did Connor let the tears out.

Why didn't I think of that...?

Some boyfriend I turned out to be...

Oh damn I just said-

Jason mentally kicked himself.

Shove it, brain! Focus on Connor!

"You can stay here as long as you like," Jason offered.

"Just for tonight if that's okay," Connor said, ceasing his tears and smiling. "I called my uncle in Westmoor and he's going to pick me up tomorrow."


That's two counties away!

Will he even be going to the same school!?

Dan held Connor at arms length and stared into the young tigers eyes. "Connor, son, listen to me; youre not moving again. You've got a life here. You've got friends and you've got people that care for you despite whatever you may think. All of them are right here in Newroads."

Connor looked away. "I can't, Mr. Wolfe... I-"

"I know about your situation, son. I'm the one that handled your case."

The tiger instantly spun back to face Dan, eyes wide. "So... you know...?"

"I know," Dan responded, smiling consolingly.

Suddenly, Connor was buried into Dans huge chest again, sobbing uncontrollably. Dan patted Connors head gently while rubbing his back to bring back warmth into the freezing tigers body.

Jason felt a pang of jealously watching them.

Is it me or does Connor only ever cry when my dad is around...?

Wait... Is that why he's been going after me...? To go after my dad?

Jason recalled Connors thoughts when V10 had relayed them to him. Connor had specifically mentioned Dan was 'smoking'.

"I'll go put this stuff in the spare room," he muttered coldly.

"Jason - "

He wasn't sure if that came from Dan or Connor but he swiftly disappeared up the stairs and into the spare room opposite his dad's. Apart from a bed, it was otherwise barren. It reminded him of what his bedroom looked like before he unpacked.

Jason threw Connor's belongings onto the bed with a loud huff and marched back out, rage starting to creep into his system.

Would Connor really do that...?

Would he seriously just sleep with me to get to my dad!?

What if this is all a ploy to get into dads bed?

I mean, is it even possible that his parents only kicked him out this evening!?

All of Connor's luggage seemed hastily packed and there was at least a twenty-four hour gap between the time Dan dropped the tiger off yesterday evening to the moment Connor rang the doorbell. Each step Jason took began to grow heavier and heavier, verging on a rampaging stomp. He was seriously about the break the stairs banister when he heard his fathers voice drifting up from the dining room.

"... seriously walked all the way here!? What about the bus!?"

"I didn't have any money..." Connor murmured. There was a loud slurp and Jason guessed his best friend had just drunk something.

"God..." Dan gasped. "Connor... that's about sixty miles!"


It occurred to him that Connor's house couldn't be sixty miles away... He remembered going to the quaint single storey building a couple of times during the summer to pick up Connor as they headed to the theatre or some other place to hang out. It was walking distance from this house. He had to get Jen's older brother to drive them from Newroads City when he lived with the duo. But one of the positives of moving in with Dan - initially - was that he was closer to Connor.

"I... I had no choice..." Connor choked. Jason heard a soft bang and almost leapt into the dining room but he held himself, perking his ears to catch every word. "M - my dad just took me to the cathedral and... and he shoved me at the priest telling him to 'cure me'..."

Cathedral...? He doesn't mean Newroads Cathedral does he...?

Now that was sixty miles away...

"Told me to pack everything I had and thought that the cathedral was a seminary or monastery or something..." Connor continued. "He wouldn't let the priest tell him otherwise and left. The priest was kind enough to let me stay but I left this morning before the police got involved."

"Why didn't you let the police investigate?" Dan asked. "I'm sure they could've found better lodgings for you not to mention drove you here."

"My mom and dad have a record with them..."

"Oh... Right."

Jason vaguely remembered Dan mentioning Connor's mom was a hypochondriac and his father was a drunk.

"Mom started taking drugs... The last couple of months... She keeps complaining of back pain and she's been taking some pretty heavy pain killers... She OD'd a few days ago."


It was like the universe was conspiring against Connor to make sure everything that could possibly go wrong with his family did go wrong. Alcoholic, abusive father... insane, drug addicted mother... and an evil supervillain as a grandfather.

"I heard about that," Dan whispered. "I also heard your father said it was an 'awakening' experience for him. Said hed stop drinking."

"That's just what he told the press and his parole officer. He's just been hitting the bottle harder than usual."

Jason heard his father sigh very heavily and there was a long pause. All he could hear was the soft clinking of cutlery. He assumed that Connor was eating. He partitioned part of his brain to do a few calculations.

The average human or Animarian could walk up to three miles per hour at a casual pace.

If Connor had to travel about sixty miles that would mean he had been walking for up to twenty hours!


"You should've known better than to just keep all this bottled up," Dan said sternly.

"What was I supposed to do!?" Connor demanded with suddenly ferocity that surprised even Jason. There was a loud bang and a clatter of plates. Jason assumed Connor had slammed the table. "My mom is in the hospital and my dad is all I've got! If I tell someone, they'll probably end up arresting him and I'll be put into a foster home! I don't want to move again! I dont want to move away from..."

Jason leaned forward.

From...? FROM!?

"What about your uncle?"

"I don't have an uncle."


"You already knew that, didn't you?" Connor asked softly. Jason knew his dad had nodded because Connor just continued. "Thanks... I didn't want to worry Jason..."

"He's a tough kid but he worries needlessly sometimes. On that note, however, he cares about you very much. When I look you home, he threw those pizzas on the floor in a tantrum and broke his door."

"He did?"

Jason sank back a little and wondered if there was further merit into eavesdropping.

"Sure did," Dan chuckled. "And I know you care about him as well. What were you going to do after tonight?"

"I was just going to go to some unemployment agency... find a job..."


"The park can be pretty warm..."


"I thought I'd just start begging until my first pay check... preferably somewhere far away..."

"And your education?"

"Down the hole."

With each word Connor spoke, it felt like a new, rusty knife was being thrust into Jasons chest with the words, 'It's your fault' engraved on the side in Connors blood.

This is my fault... If I hadn't...

"It really isn't, you know."

Jason froze.

He instantly spun around towards the stairs, his heart frozen in a solid block of ice.

R3 the Writer of Reality sat on the top stairs, one leg casually over the other and leaning against the banister. In one hand, he held a large, white tome trimmed with gold.

The most powerful No One was a regal and majestic being dressed in full white, gilded armour much like T13. However, a cloak that looked like a constantly moving view of space complete with galaxies, nebulae and star clusters hung over his shoulders. His features were concealed by a thick helm of similar design to his armour. A golden crown sat over the helm, a large vertical spear rising from the forehead and each of the temples. His helm had a 'T' shaped opening but it was impossible to see anything inside the helm - regardless of lighting - just like S-Zeros hood save for R3's alien, sapphire-blue eyes with pupils shaped like eight-pointed stars.

"What do you mean?" Jason whispered, aware his father and Connor were still talking in the other room.

"It wasn't your fault that Connor's parents reacted the way they did," R3 explained. "Nor was it your fault that he returned home smelling of you."

"But - " He stopped there. Jason was still a little shaky on how R3 would react to him being gay... or that he and his father were very... intimate with one another.

"Just like S-Zero or many of the No Ones, I do not care," R3 answered, snapping the book in his hand shut. "However, I do care that you are tearing yourself apart over something that was never in your control. In fact, the alternate reality is that you forced Connor to stay, you have some rather steamy celebratory sex and then Connor's parents come bursting in just as you two reach your respective climaxes. Then, Connor does blame you for his falling out with his parents."

"So when you think about it, this reality is far better."

Jason wasn't convinced.

"He doesnt blame you," R3 said, staring straight into Jason perhaps into his very soul. "There is no reason for you to blame yourself. The best you can do is to be there for him in his time of need."


He turned around as Dan poked his head around the corner.

"Dad!" he exclaimed, leaping in front of his fathers field of view. Even if he knew his father couldn't see R3, he was still a little self-conscious especially when Dan's brow furrowed and he peeked around Jason's shoulders.

"Were you eavesdropping?" Dan accused.

"Erm..." He dared a glance over his shoulder.

Strangely, R3 was still there but the No One was ignoring him and reading his book again.

"A little..." Jason admitted, blushing.

Dan sighed. "Jason... He needs you to talk to him. Don't mention anything about his grandfather. Just... Keep it simple. I don't think he can handle any more drama tonight."

Nodding, Jason said, "Okay."

Taking a deep breath like he was about to plunge into an ocean of subzero waters, he stepped into the dining room and mustered up his best, warming smile. Connor took one look at him and gave a small, sad smirk.

"You are such a bad actor."

Shot down.

Jason dropped the facade but tried to keep the mood light. "Really? Am I that bad?"

"You could pass off as a superhero with such bad acting."

Okay... that hurt.

"That's not funny."

Connor laughed and it seemed genuine but there was just something about the way his eyes didn't sparkle like they used to that didn't convince Jason.

The tiger regarded the food before him, smiling. "You're a pretty good cook, huh?"

"Had to learn how to take care of myself when I was couch surfing in middle-school."

"Can't believe you had to do that when you were so young..." There was an almost... jealous look in Connors eyes. "Wish I was that strong..."

Jason decided hed take the plunge.

He pulled up a chair and sat down next to his best friend, wrapping his large hand around Connors'. "I'm not going to go all sappy, Connor, but if it helps, I think anyone who can live with a drunkard of a dad, a crazy bitch for a mom and manage to come to school every day with a big genuine grin on his face is way stronger than I'll ever be."

Those big, emerald, green eyes turned to him.

Heart-Melting Emerald Eyes Stare!

Jason had to fight every ounce of his being from leaning over and ravaging Connors mouth with his own.

Time for seriousness not sex!

"You think I'm strong?"

Jason grinned a little. "Hey, my dad comes back after ten years and from day one I break down and bring down the wrath of hell on everyone around me. You've had to live with all that crap for years." He made an exaggerated gesture of taking off his hat and bowing. "My hat off to you, Stripes."

Connor giggled and leaned over, giving Jasons cheek a tiny peck.


"You know I don't blame you, right?" the tiger asked as he pulled away.

"I gathered as much, yeah."

Sighing, Connor leaned back in his seat and reached down his shirt, pulling out his grandfathers dog tags, staring at them thoughtfully. "Thing is... I don't think it was the sex that got me kicked out."

Inclining his head to the side, Jason asked, "It wasn't?"

"No... When I arrived back home that night, my dad just blew up at me before I could even get a word in. It's like he already knew... When I spoke to him over the phone, he was really pushy about coming home... And that got me thinking..." Connor's eyes locked with Jason's.

Heart-Melting -

Aw, shut up...

"Remember that girl I told you about that I slept with a while back to prove I wasn't gay?"

"Which one?" Jason responded a little too bitterly.

Connor's lips tugged up at the sides slightly. "You're cute when youre jealous."

"I'm not jealous!"

Leaving the topic behind -_ thankfully_ - Connor said, "The one that told everyone and got me into a whole lot of trouble with the football club."

"Oh yeah... her."

"Her name was Robin Clearwater. Now, I'm not saying anything here but she was one of those types that really loved attention. She got everyone in the cafeteria to look at her just by shaking her hips."

"She was that hot?"

"Not really. She was scary."

Jason's eyebrows shot up. "Your-own-grandmother-naked-scary or end-of-the-world-scary?"



"She had football jocks bending head over heels for her," Connor explained, grimacing at the memory. "She dated every jock, burned them for all they were worth and then left them smouldering but wanting more. I swear, people spontaneously combusted with her stare and if I didn't know better, she had superpowers."

He winced and wondered how Connor could ever go for a girl like that. "Dude... No wonder you turned out gay..."

Connor chuckled and rubbed Jasons palm thoughtfully with both his hands. "I guess it was my mistake... But it was like she had it in for me from that day on. She kept telling everyone whether they wanted to hear it or not. And when the whole 'gay thing' got old, she found out other stuff about me that would always make me the centre of attention. It got worse when I started dating other guys. They got burned with me."


"So did you go back in?"

Jason got a confused look for that. "In where?"

"The closet."

Connor rolled his eyes and kissed Jason, on the lips this time and a little longer. "Never was a closet," he whispered. Pulling back, Connor continued his story. "Now, I'm not sure if I was just seeing things or not but I swear yesterday we went to see the movie, I saw her and I think she saw me... But it was from across the street and I think I was just being paranoid..."

"Good. Being paranoid and neurotic is my job," Jason said, wrapping his arms around Connors shoulders and holding him tight. "Let me worry for the both of us. You just keep smiling and warming us both up."

Connors soft giggle was more genuine this time. "I thought you werent going to be all sappy?"

Jason leaned over and pressed his nose against his best friends, a lewd smile crossing his face. "Want me to fuck you silly instead?"

"Not right now," Connor answered, smiling and pushing him away. "I haven't eaten all day and I want to try some of that ham."

"Want me to feed you? I'm got some other red meat I could stuff in you."

"You are just terrible."

Both of them were laughing a short while later.

Their laughter, however, was interrupted by the doorbell.

Jason was instantly on edge.

Whoever that was, they weren't invited and he had the sneaking suspicion it would be either Connor's dad or - by some crazy coincidence - Connor's _grand_dad. If it was the latter, Jason resolved hed try to buy his best -

Aw, who am I kidding?

...his boyfriend as much time as he could. Connor had suffered enough tonight.

He got up from his seat.


"Stay here."

Slowly, he stalked over to the front door, fists clenched and hackles raised. Dan was standing at the base of the stairs, looking worried. Jason reached for the doorknob... and gave it a tentative twist... slowly pulling it open.

If blood starts seeping through, shut it tight and tell Connor to run.

No blood.

He pulled the door open.

A teenage human girl about his age but a lot shorter than him stood there with a little, white umbrella over her head. There was something about her cold, black eyes that made him freeze. Her features looked like she had tiny Botox factories embedded beneath her skin, permanently giving her that sleek, unmoving porcelain appearance. The silvery hair that hung down past her shoulders seemed oddly natural.

"Good evening," she said in a calm, collected and yet strangely intimidating voice. It was the tone of voice that suggested, 'I'm a nice, sweet, little girl that's going to kill you while you sleep.'

"My name is Robin Clearwater and I'm the one that told Connor Stark's father he is gay."


Jason glanced up at the ceiling.

"Thank you."

He seized Robins shoulder with one hand and punched her with his -



His knuckles each one about as big as one of her eyes stopped within an inch of her face!

Robin remained frozen in place, unmoving.

She didn't even blink!

Dan and Connor were both holding Jason back, their hands pulling at his arm with all their might.

"Robin," Dan said, wrapping an arm around his son's waist and pulling Jason back. "What are you doing here?"


Does he...?

Jason lowered his arm and turned to Dan. "You know her?" He was vaguely aware R3 was still sitting on the stairs and just turned a page in his book.

Dan looked unsure. "Uh..."

"Go ahead, Mr. Wolfe," Robin said in her same, cold, arrogant drawl. "You worked so well today on my case I don't see why you cant brag about your phenomenal effort. You can tell Connor's boyfriend."

It felt like a ten tonne weight had fallen on Jasons head and it showed when he flinched at the name.

"You are Connor Stark's boyfriend, are you not?" Robin asked, one meticulously maintained, arched eyebrow rising.

Jason realised this was exactly the spot he didn't want to be in. Between choosing to tell this nosy blabber mouth his relationship with Connor and thus compromising his social standing - as it were - or denying it and breaking Connors heart.

In the end, he decided Connor didn't need someone to stomp on the shattered pieces of his heart.

"Yeah, I am," he announced proudly. "And you better give me one good reason why I shouldn't pound you into the ground right now!"

Robin's lips curled at the edges and Jason could feel himself start to spontaneously combust. "Because I am a super."


Okay... Wasn't expecting that.

Connor took a step back in horror and Dan gave a resigned sigh.

"May I come in?" she asked.

"No," Jason snarled.

"Sure," Dan responded.

"I suppose so..." Connor added, regarding Dan.

"It won't do you any harm," R3 shouted from the stairs.

Three against one... Two technically...

Robin took a step forward but Jason barred her path, growling and baring her fangs. She held his gaze and gave him a dainty smile.

"Excuse me." She folded her umbrella and shoved it into his chest. The wind instantly rushed out of his lungs from a force he couldn't have imagined came from someone three times smaller than him.

The intruder swept into the dining room and took up Connors seat. Jason growled and made to shut slam the front door.

"Jason," his father reminded him softly, "you already broke one door this week."

He went easy on the door but not by much. The doorknob still cracked a little.

"Why are you here, Robin?" Connor asked, standing a good distance away from her but still within view.

Robin picked up Connor's fork and absently began picking at the ham on Connor's plate.

That's Connors ham!

Jason's growls were growing louder and he didn't care who heard. Dan held his right hand, trying to calm him. Connor held his left.

"I've come here to apologise," Robin answered in a dismissive tone. "So... Sorry."


"Forgive me if that doesn't sound convincing," Jacob sneered.

"Was I talking to you, dog?"

Connor was right.

She's a cold, hard bitch.

"Show my son respect, Robin," Dan warned, glowering.

Robin actually backed down and there was a flash of emotion in her coal-black eyes. Whether it was fear or some degree of recalculation, Jason couldn't fathom.

"He's your son, Mr. Wolfe? Can't say I can see the resemblance."

Thats it!

Jason advanced. "You little - "

Suddenly, R3 was right in front of him, barring his path towards Robin with a single arm. He guessed it mustve looked stupid how he was just charging one second before jarring to a halt with a stupefied look on his face.

"Patience is a virtue," R3 said calmly. "Forgiveness is divine. Breaking out of your comfort zone is hell."


Jason retreated.

"Good boy," Robin said, smirking.

I swear... I'm going to rip that smile right off her face and make it kiss my ass!

R3 moved away and leaned against the wall, returning to his book.

"Enough games, Robin," Dan said, keeping his calm... barely. "Say what you have to say, stop insulting my son and Connor then kindly get the hell out of my house."

Robin looked up at Dan with amusement in her eyes. "Such anger is unbecoming of you, Mr. Wolfe."

Dans eyes narrowed and Robin actually swallowed loudly. "Very well," she said, lowering the fork - Connor's fork. "I can see I am not welcome here."

"Ya think?" Jason spat.

"Jason!" Dan snapped.

Alright... Alright...

He never took his eyes off the frosty bitch.

"As a super I have an obligation to society to aid all its inhabitants," Robin said, examining her manicured nails. "I felt it was my duty, after discovering Connors sexual orientation, to inform society of his true identity and coax it out of him so that he would cease lying not only to himself but to those who truly care for him."

Wait as second...

"Are you saying you were trying to help me?" Connor asked, his voice rising. The rage on his face was so alien. Jason had never seen Connor mad and it was like the person standing next to him was someone entirely different.

"You are most welcome."

"I got kicked out of home!"

"And your boyfriend finally admitted that he is your boyfriend and you are now living with him. Does that not warrant thanks?"

"Are you kidding me!?"

Jason briefly thought he should reign in Connor in an almost ironic twist of roles but, frankly, he felt it would be more fitting if both he and Connor ripped Robin Clearwater to shreds... as a couple, of course.

It could be their 'thing'.

Dan seized Connors arm and pulled the tiger back. "Connor. Give me a second."

Connor obliged but he was staring daggers at Robin who looked mildly amused. That amusement faded the instant Dan took the helm.

"Robin," the big wolf said calmly, "I know you. You are a psychotic, manipulative harlot who has a warped sense of reality where you believe destruction paves the way for progress. With your powers, you seek to destroy people emotionally so that they can be as cold, hard and calculation as you are. You have this idea in your head that you are the 'perfect specimen' that everyone should aspire to be and the only way to do that is for them to be broken down into their most basic state before being built up again in a world based entirely on their sorrows."

R3 was bobbing his head in agreement.

Geez... She sounds more like a supervillain than a superhero...

"However," Dan continued, a small smile crawling onto his face, "beneath that cold exterior is a little girl who has been hurt so many times all she needs is someone to tell her they care about her and to promise they will never hurt her. These attempts of rebuilding society are really you lashing out and begging for someone to help you."

Robin shrugged but didn't utter a word.

Dan placed his hands on the table, leaning forward so that he was almost nose-to-nose with Robin, an evil grin on his face. "And it's just killing you knowing that these two" - Dan hiked a thumb at Jason and Conno-r "now know."

She was silent, just staring impassively at Dan.

"Don't think I didn't see behind your transfer application either," Dan continued. "You wanted to transfer to Newroads High for the sole reason that Connor was there. Of all the people you've had relations with he seemed the most alive since he was the only one capable of resisting your charms. You see..." Dan glanced over his shoulder at Jason and Connor, smirking now.

"Robin has the power to manipulate peoples attention. She can direct your eyes and other senses anywhere she wants. If she wants them on her, that's where youll look. If she wants your eyes on a particular part of her, that's where they'll look. If she wants you to be looking at the pretty bird in the sky while she picks your pocket, youll never even know even if she shouted in your ear.


Possibilities of just how to use the power over attention flooded Jason's mind. Supervillains could easily be blindsided or ambushed. Robberies and burglaries could be prevented if the criminals just never paid attention to the things they were stealing and just ended up robbing a trashcan instead.

Then again, there were also possibilities for villainy...

"The one weakness of that power, however," Dan said, turning back to Robin, "is that you can't control the content of a persons mind. You can make them look at something but you can't make them think about that something." He tapped the side of his head. "So when you thought you could seduce another jock, which was Connor, you could just add another notch in your belt. You used every trick you could on him but he just couldn't put out."

"You just don't have the equipment," Jason scoffed.

Connor giggled.

Dan didn't even bother scolding them both. "So, after it became apparent that all those people you slept with were just empty husks who never really cared for you and were just there because of your powers, you decided to turn to the one person who genuinely felt something about you, even if that something was disgust and loathing.

"Connor Stark."


Jason took in all that his father had said...

... and had to admit, he was impressed...

Even more impressed if all of that was true.

He stole a glance at R3 for confirmation and the No One nodded.

"You are good at your job, Mr. Wolfe," Robin said at length. "A pity that talent does not run in the family."

What the - ?

How'd I come into this!?

He growled.

Dan held up a hand, demanding silence. "Robin," he said softly, "there are better ways of attracting someone's attention apart from using your powers or manipulating someone. You were not doing Connor a favour. He didn't ask to be forced to come out to his father."

"He shouldn't lie about himself," Robin answered sternly.

"He wasn't lying. He was just waiting for the right time to say something." Dan straightened and folded his arms across his chest. "For someone capable of altering peoples attention, you can be rather blind yourself. If you had seen the problems Connor's family faced, you wouldn't have gone to such extremities to gain the sliver of friendship you so crave."

"Friendship!?" Jason roared. "You think well be friends with here after what she's done!?"

"You can and you will," Dan answered.

"What!?" both he and Connor exclaimed.

Dan sighed and turned to them with a slight smile. "Because whether you admit it or not, this turned out for the best. Connor is out of his father's abusive reach and with you now, Jason. I don't agree with Robin's methods but..." He glanced back at Robin. "There is nothing we can do now but move forward." He held out a hand to Robin. "I was debating whether or not to approve the transfer but now I see you need this as much as my boys do."

"Dad! You can't be serious!"

"Jason, you need someone to curb that temper of yours and stop you from flying off the handle. It seems that Robin might just be that person. And Connor, you need to learn to be a little more honest. Stop internalising all these emotions. Robin appears to be the only one capable of coaxing those emotions out of you."

Dan grinned slightly. T"hink of this as a symbiotic relationship. Robin gets to learn what its like to be a normal person and you two get the same."

"I don't like it," Jason snarled, his ears flattening against his skull. "I get this feeling she's going to backstab us at one point..."

"Only when it is for our mutual benefit," Robin answered haughtily.

"No," Dan snapped firmly. No more making decisions on behalf of people. "You want to interfere, you ask. No one has the right to mess with another person's life without their permission."

Jason wondered if - considering R3's presence - that last sentence could be considered a pun... or some sort of clever, coincidental arrangement of words...

"Very well," Robin said, finally taking Dans hand and shaking it a little stiffly. "This arrangement is agreeable." She stood up and dusted herself lightly.

"I don't suppose youll be staying with us, will you?" Connor asked. His voice was even and calm but his eyes were still burning.

She flicked her hair. "Live in a house full of horny, gay men? I think not. I have my own lodgings. Good evening and I hope to see you when school starts again." Robin strode past them but glanced at Dan with a faint smile. "A fabulous meal, Mr. Wolfe."

Dan returned the smile with a sarcastic edge. "Jason cooked it."

Her black eyes turned to Jason, unimpressed, as she pulled open the front door and collected her umbrella. "Really? I would never have guessed."

Rage overload.

"Yeah!?" Jason roared, rushing after her but stopping at the doorway. "Well fuck you!"

Robin opened her umbrella, unperturbed. "Your boyfriend already did."



Jason slammed the door... hard. "I swear... One of these days..."

He became aware that Dan and Connor were watching him carefully. Seeing the rage flood out of Connors eyes and be replaced with worry doused the flames of fury in his own heart.

"Jase... You okay?"

"Yeah..." he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Just need time to cool off..."

Connor turned to Dan, worry still on his face. "Mr. Wolfe, was that really smart?"

Dan nodded sagely. "Robin may not seem like it but she is very much like you, Connor. She was hurt by her parents long ago. Treated as a freak because of her powers. She often used her abilities to hide herself from her abusive parents. That caused her to develop a cold exterior and this view that other people are imperfect and need help. I've been working with her for a few years now and only recently started breaking through that shell.

"She just needs friends."

"Where is she living now?"

"In a cold, hard grave where she belongs," Jason muttered, heading back into the dining room. Dan and Connor followed him.

"In a facility run by the company I work for," Dan answered. He placed a hand consolingly on Connors shoulder. "And hey, just call me Dan."


The events of the night played over and over in his head and Jason couldn't help but marvel at how quickly his life had turned upside down. First, he finally patched things up with his father and then he had jumped out of the proverbial closet and right into his best friend's - now boyfriend - pants. Connor got kicked out of home and was now living with him and they were forced to have a super as a friend.

Jason rolled on his side, pulling the sheets of his bed over his shoulders. He vowed to look after Connor no matter what life threw at them. On that note, he also vowed to keep an eye on Robin. While his dad may trust her, she looked like a soul-sucking corpse come from the grave ready to devour their very essences when their back was turned.

Closing his eyes, he felt strangely empty...

"Could it be because you feel Connor still isn't overly honest with you?"


He rolled back onto his back.

R3 was standing by his door reading that book again.

"Why haven't you gone yet!?" he whispered harshly.

"The world I'm supposed to be in is currently being fumigated."

"Wha -?"

Jason put two and two together...

World... being... fumigated...?

"Oh..". He shuddered.

"You and Connor have moved quite fast," R3 commented. While you have been friends for a while, it is only recently that you have become intimate with one another. Your relationship with him has skyrocketed exponentially and while you could take the sudden influx of drama from his life as him keeping a lot of secrets from you, you should also take note that he chose to confide in you... to some degree.

"He went straight to you instead of just knocking on some strangers door. He didn't want to worry you either. That should speak volumes on how much he cared about you."

Jason glanced down at his hands and noticed that they were shaking. A tear rolled down his cheek, dissipating into his fur before it hit the sheets.

"I've been an ass again..."

"A _dumb_ass."

"What's he thinking now?" he asked.

R3 looked up from his book. "He's worried. He's aware that his life is full of drama and that he has kept a lot of that from you. Seeing and experiencing how you react to situations that catch you off-guard such - as your father's reappearance - he fears you might start raging again and shut him out of your life. He cannot fathom a future without you, be it as a lover or a friend."

"Why would he think I'm so important to him...?"

"Could it be that you have already forgotten who you were before your father re-entered your life?" R3 asked. "Remember how, despite all the tragedy in your life, you were the bright, sunny star that lit up the entire room. A cheery, joyful young man capable of putting everything into perspective. Connor faced much tragedy in his own life but seeing you and how you reacted to tragedy, he took you on as his example.

"You became the shining pillar of hope which he climbed."

Jason chuckled as he realised the irony. "And now he's mine..."

"You are each others. A single pillar alone cannot hold a roof... well... not very well, anyway."

Jason leapt out of bed and quietly slipped out of his room, being careful not to break his door any further. He snuck down the hallway and stopped right in front of Dan's door. Peeking inside, he saw that his father was fast asleep. That soft snoring told him they wouldn't be disturbed.

He turned around and gently knocked on Connor's door.

"Connor?" he whispered.

"Jase?" came the reply from inside.

Slowly, Jason pushed open the door and poked his head inside. Connor was on the spare bed only in his fur and looking like an angel come for a midnight visit. In the gentle moonlight, he simply looked divine. Even the slight wetness from his tears gave his face a glimmering halo that just took Jasons breath away.

Oh... and...

Heart-Melting Emerald Eyes Stare!

"Can we talk?" Jason asked softly.

"Um..." Connor wiped his cheeks, sniffling slightly. "Y- yeah. A - about what?"

Jason shuffled inside, leaving the door slightly open should he need to make a hasty escape for whatever reason. He sat on the edge of Connors bed, close enough to be within arms reach but not close enough to cuddle up... yet.

"About us."

It was the classic 'I wanna break up' starter line and Connor knew it. Just as expected, however, Connor internalised any pain and merely smiled. "Sure..."

Jason took Connor's hands in his. The words that came were instinctive, no stammering and no doubt. For once, all the parts of his brain were working in tandem. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't know if it'll be as a boyfriend, _bene_friend, a lover, a husband or just a friend but I want you there beside me no matter what. But for that to happen, we've got to start communicating better. I mean, for a start, we should get you a phone."

Connor laughed, the pent-up tears pouring out. "Yeah... My dad was too much of a deadbeat to get me a phone and my mom was obsessed it'd give me brain cancer." His emerald eyes locked with Jasons' sapphire-blue orbs. "But... you're right. I'm sorry I kept so much from you... Hell, I'm sorry I dragged you into this. If it weren't for me, Robin wouldn't be badgering you."

"I think she wouldve been badgering me anyway," he chuckled. "Remember, my dad was working with her. And speaking of my dad..." His tone grew grave. "Tell me straight up, you didn't just sleep with me to get to my dad, did you?"

Horror filled Connors eyes.

Oh crap! He di -

"No! How could you think that!?"

That cry was honest and came from the heart. Jason gave his boyfriend - yes, he was freely admitting it now - a sheepish smile. "Oh... I dunno. I caught you stealing a couple of glances here and there."

A light blush touched Connors cheeks, contrasting against his beautiful, glistening eyes. Jason didn't think it was possible but the tears, the moonlight and just the perfect stripes that crowned his face made Connor look all the more stunning.

On hell of a sexy angel...

"Hey," Jason said, reaching over and gently cupping Connors cheek. The tiger looked at him, a little awestruck." It's okay. Hell, I think my dad is damn sexy." He hadn't even noticed had close they had gotten. So when he leaned over and pressed his nose against Connors, it was only a slight move. "Heh... and between you and me, I wouldn't mind if you, me and my dad got into bed one day and... you know."

Connor grinned and reached around Jasons waist, pulling them a little closer. "My, my, Jason Wolfe, I do believe I'm corrupting you."

"No complaints here."

Jason angled towards Connors neck, taking in that musky, peppery scent and letting it fill every fibre of his being. A soft growl lifted up from his chest as he felt Connors growing arousal start to poke his abs.



"What if... What if Robin is in here... Or if shes watching and she's just using her powers to make herself invisible?"


Way to kill the mood...

Suddenly, all parts of his brain jumped at the same solution.

"Let her," he whispered, a grin slipping onto his lips. He pressed his lips right next to Connors ear. "She might learn something about how to get you off."

He could feel Connor blush and his boyfriend's body heat rise at the thought. Grin growing broader, Jason licker Connors ear and pushing the tiger flat on the bed. His slick, wet tongue ran across each of the stripes along on the tigers fur, taking every inch and sending shudders through Connor's body. With one hand, Jason unbuttoned his shorts, hooking both it and his boxers in one hand and pulling them off deftly. His hard cock slipped free into the space between their two defined abs, running up the rigid valleys like an ultra-sensitive mallet riding up some extremely sexy xylophone keys.

"J- Jase..."

Jason ignored him. Nothing was going to interrupt them now. He could tell Connor was loving this too. The evidence was jamming itself into his left thigh.


He pulled away slightly, pressing his nose against Connors. "Aw... What? That soon? I was hoping to get a good hour or two out of you."

Connor was grinning a little sheepishly." Y- Yeah... But... But what if someone is watching?"

Jason wondered if R3 was still around and became temporarily self-conscious... Then he remembered the No Ones were always watching and didn't care.

"Then let's give 'em a show."

"Even if that someone is your dad?"


Jason sat up completely and spun towards the door. A slight 'eep' slipped out of his lips as Dan stood at the doorway, leaning casually against the doorframe in nothing but his fur, those huge, glorious muscles of his and a raging hard-on that looked more like a third arm dripping with seminal fluids.

In the back of his mind, Jason envisioned he was in a plane that had lost all engines and was crashing into the ocean.


There went his libido.

"H- Hi dad..." he stammered.

"Dont worry about me, son," Dan said, grinning from ear to ear. "Though, do you mind if I join in?"

The answer was instinctive.


He could feel both Connor and his dad deflate. Jason actually watched the blood start to seep out of his dads thick, pulsing cock...

A light metallic smack echoed in his ears and he glanced briefly to his right. R3 was standing there and it looked like the No One had just face-palmed himself. The No One quickly pulled out a crystal multi-colour pen from beneath his coat and scribbled someone on his book. He showed the contents to Jason.

"No I mean yes," Jason read.

"Huh?" Connor asked.

"Whu?" Dan echoed.

R3 scribbled something else.

"I mean, no I dont mind," Jason read. "So yes please, join us."


"Are you sure, son?" Dan asked, it appeared he was back at full mast. "You sound a little shaky there."

"We don't have to do this if you dont want to, Jase... "Connor whispered, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Jason glanced between Connor... and his dad... The two men he loved most in the world...

Then he glanced at R3 who just shrugged. "I'm not here."

Grinning, Jason turned to Connor and pounced on the tiger, causing his boyfriend to give a slight squeal of shock which quickly turned to a gasp of pleasure as Jason ran his tongue up from Connor's manly abs, over his rigid pecs, around Connors throat, along the tiger's jaw line and ending in a passionate kiss that sent Connors eyes boggling almost out of his head.

Jason pulled back a second later, letting Connor breathe and leaving the tiger dumbstruck. He gave his dad a lewd smile.

"What are you waiting for, old man?" He roughly grabbed Connor's waist and pulled the tiger on top of himself. The result was Connors rear was pointed directly at Dan, tail up. "An invitation?"

Dan grinned and stalked up towards them. Jason saw Connor gasp in both awe and horror as he realised just how huge the big wolf was. Connor began drooling as his eyes ran up Dan's enormous thighs, ridiculously defined abs, bulging pecs and biceps the size of watermelons.

Jason realise at that point that Connor never had eyes for his father.

How could I ever think he wanted to go after dad when he's this awestruck...?

Another chilling realisation hit him.

Now he had to outperform his dad!

And he's already got size over me!

Growling, Jason yanked Connor's face back towards him and shoved his tongue down Connors throat. His boyfriend melted into his arms and the tiger's well-practiced hands slipped under his shirt, running over his chest and twisting his nipples. Electrical bolts of ecstasy shot up Jason's body as his shirt was slipped over his head. The second where his lips were forced apart from Connor felt like an eternity but the moment they touched again was heaven.

He angled his head slightly downwards, gently gnawing at Connors lower lip, sending his hands to physically memorise every bulge, every mound and every curve in Connors angelic body. Suddenly, Connor moved forward a little, forcing Jason to start running his tongue along the tigers collarbone. That musky, peppery scent filled every brain cell in his mind and all he could think about was Connor.

Then Connor lowered himself back, gasping in pleasure. Jason mirrored that cry as he felt the tip of his nine inch cock prod Connors tight ass. Jason couldn't help the stupid, hormone-charged grin on his face as he watched his angel of ecstasy lower himself onto his cock. Watching Connor's mouth slowly slip open and those heart-melting emerald eyes shine with every inch of he took sent Jason's mind into an almost out-of-body experience.

He imagined the scene from somewhere else, feeling a little like a voyeur. Inch by inch, his cock would slip further and further into Connor and the warmth that wrapped around the pulsing organ made him feel complete, whole... and one with Connor.

"Ah!" the tiger gasped, reaching the base of Jasons cock. Then, he grinned behind him. "Your turn, Dan."

Suddenly, a huge, imposing shadow loomed over Connor and all Jason could see were those shining, blue eyes.

Oh wow...

Dans massive muscles clenched and flex as he placed one hand on Connors shoulder and the other around the tigers waist. Jason's jaw dropped open as he felt his father's thick, pulsing dick press against his and slip inside Connor. His mind was filled with visions of last night when Dan had seized both their cocks in his hand.

Paralleled with the day before that when he had shoved his dick into Connor and it was the perfect fusion of both experiences.

He felt Dan's dick rub against his as his dad entered Connor. The tiger cried in a strange mix of joy and pain as he was pushed wide open. Jason didn't want his tiger to be in agony.

He couldn't bear it.

He reached up and pulled Connor closer to him, hugging his boyfriend tight and kissing him passionately. Connor moaned and gasped down into his throat with every passing second. Jason could feel his dad's progress, feel the warm rod shove into the same cavity as his. The space inside Connor suddenly grew tighter, squeezing his dick hard against his dad's and pushing him further and further to climax.

The weight on top of him suddenly increased and he felt huge hands rest right next to his head. He opened his eyes, seeing Dan grin back down at him. Jason's eyes travelled down from his dad's rough yet devilishly handsome face, along those rigid, neck muscles, over the huge, broad shoulders, over the mounds of those biceps, along the pulsing veins in his dad's forearms and finally to those titanic hands.

Dan reached over, gently pulling Jason away from Connor and leaned close.

Jason's heart fluttered when his lips locked with his father's.

An odd sensation started around his cock... like someone was massaging it. He could feel Connor move only slightly... so it must've been Dan. Instincts took over and Jason mirrored his fathers movements. He was a second late so every time Dan thrust, Jason was pulling out. It kept Connor in a state of constant impalement.

The tiger was gasping, giving 'Ohs' and 'Ahs' with every thrust and jab. Jason had his tongue wrapped around his father's and the two of them were sharing the same breath as well as the same man. Connor had started bouncing with their movements, his slick, hot dick bouncing on Jason's abs and coating Jason's jet-black fur in a fine coat of pre-cum.

Jason lost track of time.

All he felt was his and his father's pace rapidly increasing. His knot began forming and there was nothing in the world he wanted more than to shove his entire dick up Connor's ass and fill his boyfriend with his very essence.


Jason just missed one second as thoughts of tearing Connor wide open with his and his fathers dicks shoved up his ass filled his mind.

He didn't want to hurt Connor.

He would never hurt Connor.

Jason let his knot form well outside Connor's ass but he kept pounding, kept building to that glorious climax.

His mind was starting to fog over.

The warmth wrapped around his cock...

Jason moaned, the sound reverberated down Dan's throat...

... the constant pressure of Dan's dick against his own...

Connor gave a cry...

...the sensation of Connor's tight, athletic build pressed against his own...

Jasons back arched...

....The hot... passionate, everlasting kiss he and his father shared...

It was too much!

Jasons moans ripped through his lungs as he tore away from the kiss and howled. His cock was rocked with spasms. Each one shooting a load of hot, sticky, seed into Connor's ass. At the same time, a tremendous roar rocketed out of Connor's chest as he sprayed his own seed onto Jason's chest.

The two, tremendous sounds died and Connor collapsed onto Jason, both boys panting with exhaustion.

There was an instant where their eyes locked...

The kiss was mutual... loving... passionate.

But something's wrong...

He tore away and glanced at his dad who was sitting awkwardly on the bed, smiling down at them.


He realised that his father hadn't climaxed...

Maybe hes not gay after all...?

... Nah. He enjoyed last night... I guess he's just got better control than we do...

Then memories of last night filled his mind.

... Or does he.?

"Hey Connor..."


"You take the left. I got the right."

Dans smile faded. "Jason... Don't..."

Jason leapt straight out off Conno'rs arms and rammed right into his father, pinning the bigger wolf to the bed. Connor did the same. Dan let out a cry of horror that quickly turned into one of sheer pleasure as Jason began assaulting his father's right nipple.

"J- Jason!"

Connor grinned and followed Jason's lead and Dan was just too paralysed with ecstasy to do anything else.

His father was close, Jason could tell but not there quite yet. He wrapped his hand around his fathers huge cock, stroking it fast and hard. Connor ran his expert hands over Dan's chest, finding all the sweet spots and teasing them.

"Oh god!"

Jason felt his father's knot form and he pressed it with a finger, coaxing every possible sensation out of it. His tongue swirled around Dan's nipple, occasionally nibbling at it. With his free hand, he felt all over his fathers god-like body. He was like a blind man having found buried treasure. He wanted to feel, touch and manhandle every inch of this transcendent find!

"Shit! J- Jason! C- Con - AAAAAAAAAH!"

Dan's entire body was racked with shudders as he blew his load. Jason angled the throbbing cannon straight at his face, pulling himself away from his father's nipple and opening his jaw. Hot, steaming seed shot into his mouth, shooting down his throat and warming his insides. Some splattered all over his face and he revelled at the touch.

Jason had to swallow twice before his father finished cumming.

Jason and Connor collapsed onto Dan's muscular chest - using the bouncy pecs as pillows- just grinning stupidly at one another. Dan's heavy breathing was a gentle lullaby and the big wolf's arms wrapped around their bodies were a father's, loving embrace.

"Welcome to the family," Jason said, winking slyly at Connor.

"Glad to be here," Connor answered, smiling like he smiled before.

"Hey, Jason."

He glanced up at his father.

"Yeah, dad?"

"Hold still."

Dan bent over and ran his tongue along Jason's face, collecting every bit of semen on the younger wol'fs fur. Jason felt a little cold when his fathers tongue left him but that was quickly banished with Dan pushed their lips together. Dan's tongue snaked out and rubbed the collected semen all over the inside of Jason's mouth.

Jason just melted.

Dan pulled away, smiling from Jason to Connor. "I love you guys."

"I love you too, dad."

"Same here, Dan."