Slag ND7 : Zombie Bite

Story by randomman29 on SoFurry

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So here's the last of my random idea for a while, this one I got part from watching :

Slag looked at the glitch in the hologram generator program annoyed, he poked the zombie and it wiggled in the concrete it was fused with. "Computer end simulation." The armored dino ordered.

"Acknowledged!" An electronic voice said.

"Oh you're no fun." Mosk taunted holding a small camra, "I wanted to see you attacked by the hoard his Hip-notic dancing was attracting."

The gargoyle in the red armor growled at the dragon then said, "This isn't for me, it's for my daughters."

"You have daughters?!" He shouted shocked.

He gave another growl not wanting to play into his hand; after all he had publicly announced that he did have daughters shortly after they hatched.

A month ago

"You could have told me a little sooner that you had given your mother permission to see MY daughters." Clarice said angrily looking though the glass into the room they were in.

The room had a classic kindergarten design, a dark blue on the ceiling and upper walls, green everywhere else, with flower, birds, clouds, ladybugs, and stars scattered around on top of the two colors. There was the one-way-mirror they were looking through on one wall and across it a monitor, for newly hatched to watch or be watched. She started to get angry as his sister played with them as the human female on the monitor watched happily.

She watched the red gargess playing with her daughters and it made her blood boil, she couldn't let go of what she did to her, she put her claw on the glass, "I'm going in there I don't care that you were human, what your mother would think of me, or what your sister would do to me, those are my children in there and I will be with them."

"Okay." He said calmly, "I have something I should do for them too. Just don't do anything rash you do all want what's best for them."

She wanted to hit him for that but she also knew he was right, "Okay, I'll be good for my daughters." She said and let him leave.

He didn't want to be around if fighting erupted, he didn't want to be forced to pick a side since there were no sides to be chosen if they did argue.

He sat down in front of his main computer, "Computer give me the odds of the hatchlings survival for if I announced their existence and vowed to protect them and if I did nothing."

"Acknowledged!" An electronic voice said.

He already knew that their odds were better if he announced their existence but wanted to see the actual numbers for himself.

"They have an hundred percent of survival if you announced their existence and vowed to protect them and a if you did nothing it's ninety-nine point nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine."

"Thank you, computer." He said knowing it would just keep going.

He thought about it for a bit again, obviously everyone would be too scared by him to consider harming them and putting more fear into those that would dare would stop any plans they had involving them.

He hit the communication master override button then waited for the count to get to zero. "Greetings world I interrupted your normal broadcast for a very special message from yours truly." He said then gave the classic pose with his thumbs on his nose and pointer fingers tapping each other. "I am confirming the rumors that I did indeed father two children. I'm also going to add that anyone that thinks about harming them or using them as bait for a trap will only receive my full rage. That is all, you all have a good day now." He then gave a long maniacal laugh as the screen slowly faded to black.


"They're growing quite fast." Slag said calmly, "And they'll need training soon so I'm trying to set up a few different scenarios for them to get a feel that anything can happen."

"So then did you want that to happen too?" Mosk asked as he crawled onto the concrete ledge and leaned close to the face of the undead.

"No, I was still adjusting the image layout when this happened." He said as the zombie disappeared, as did the platform the dragon was keeling on.

"Gah!" He said than flailed in the air for a bit.

"Would you stop that, I do want to reload the simulation soon." He said looking into a device in his hand.

"Oh you need to lighten up." The white male said then rolled over and started doing a backstroke though the air.

"Oh I have, I haven't kicked you though the room." Slag said then turned his head toward the dragon swimming in the air.

"Okay, I know when I'm not wanted." Mosk said then vanished.

He turned the simulation back on a few minutes after his friend left and the zombie that was fused earlier tried lunged at his arm. He lifted his arm up, in an attempt to dislodge it but it held on tight, "Well it's certainly improved." He said looking at the ghoul hanging onto his arm with just its mouth.

Slag ND 6: The hatching

"Um my lord I'm still grateful for all that you've done but it's a bit creepy that you've been staring at me for the past three hours." Clarice said cuddling her eggs. "It's not going to make me use the names you wanted." "Sorry I was just thinking."...

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Slag ND 5: Kidnaped

So this one I put in a sex sceen and added a group that let their pride get the better of them. In a castle invisible to all males, Clarice lays shackled to the floor in the middle of an odd pentagram. "You dumb bimbos!" She yelled, it was...

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Slag ND 4: Superdick.

Slag sits in a large chair; it has to be to support him as he talks with an aged human female on a medium sized TV screen, "I told you I'm not going to force her to meet you." "Why not?" She asked, "Last time I checked she was your slave. "Now Go...

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