Cinderfella, Chapter 4: A Chance Meeting

Story by Nate the Great1 on SoFurry

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#5 of Cinderfella

Hello, my viewers. I'm sorry I've fallen behind on keeping up with my writing, but with all that's been happening plus my job, my mind was elsewhere. But now, in honor of the most giving time of the year, and for those who are going through the struggles of the pandemic, I give you the follow up of "Cinderfella".

I couldn't have made it this far without the help of Wild The Dalmatian Lover

As for the story, our main dalmatian is busy doing laundry when he receives an unexpected royal visitor.

Chapter 4: A Chance Meeting

Pepito then gently fell asleep as he collapsed onto his bed.

The next morning, he was awakened by the service bells from his stepfamily's rooms. They were demanding their breakfast again. The poor pup got up and quickly rushed down to the kitchen. This time, he was determined not to let Tom get to Jerry again. When he delivered Cecilia's breakfast, she cautiously lifted her cup to make sure there were no mice. And there weren't. "You're lucky this time," she snapped but then gave Pepito a bag of clothes, "Now don't forget the mending. And don't be all day about it either." "Yes, Cecilia," sighed Pepito as he left the room with the sewing load and continued to deliver the breakfast trays as well collecting the laundry from the others. When he got out back, Pepito was left with a mountain of dirty laundry. He panted as he set it all down and wiped his brow. "Looks like I've got my work cut out for me," he said as he grabbed a bucket and went to fetch some water from the well.

He then worked the well and the water soon spouted out and lands into the bucket. He soon returned inside while Speedy and Jerry watch. Also looking out for Tom in case he was sneaking around.

It made the mice very mad to see the way Pepito had to work, work, work. "Ah, those step-tontos think they can boss our amigo around," said Speedy feeling furious, "Every time he finds a minute to relax, that's the time when they begin giving him more work."

"Yeah! If only there was a way for Pepito to get away from those yahoos and just live his own life!" Jerry agreed, hating the fact his new friend lived with this abuse.

"Sí, señor," said Speedy, "If it were only that simple." Pepito was just getting to the sheets when out of nowhere, a mud ball flew into them. "Tom!" yelled Pepito as the cat was by a mud puddle and Pepito looked at all the laundry to see mud spots on all of them. "You mean old thing!" yelled the dalmatian as he grabbed a broom and stalked towards the cat.

Tom perked his ears and then yelped at seeing the broom, running for his life, knowing his history of being beaten with a broom.

But just as Tom was running Antonio stepped in and that made Pepito stop in his tracks. Antonio growling at the smaller dog. "And what do you think you're doing you little bitch? About to beat my cat? While I don't think so. At least Tom has a good brain unlike you! Quit chasing him and get back to work!" He slapped Pepito across the face and backhanded the dalmatian. Always disgusted by how kind Pepito was and how prettier he was compared to himself.

Pepito held his face as he stumbled back to his chores and took down the dirty laundry quickly to wash them again. Jerry scowled at how the cat was laughing. He looked up and spotted a frying pan hanging on a wall hook. He scurried up a drain pipe, walked along the wall, lifted the frying pan off the hook and sent it falling down upon Tom's head. It landed with a clang and a tall lump appeared on Tom's head.

Tom then glared at the laughing mouse and growled, grabbing his own broom and began to chase Jerry, smacking the broom down as he chased Jerry.

"Tom!" shouted Pepito, "Stop chasing Jerry! Speedy, better go help him." "Sí, señor," said Speedy as he made a dash for it at the speed of light. Pepito smiled knowing he could always count on Speedy to be quick. He was about to get back to work when Felicia and Cecilia came out with more laundry. He sighed and set to work at once.

The poor dalmatian walked outside to hang the laundry up but then he heard some rustling in the grass and out came a strong but handsome looking bull, "Hello?" He asked. Then he saw Pepito, "Well hi there."

The little dog gasped as he hid behind some laundry. "If you're looking for the landlord of this area, he's inside," stammered Pepito as he panted from the rush. His heart was throbbing and sweat was starting to drip. He felt something grow hard in his trousers. Pepito gulped. Aside from being the servant of the family, he was also gay, which made him feel even more like an outcast. "Uh... Was there something you needed?" he asked the bull, who was stepping through the piles of dirty laundry and the lines of drying laundry.

"Uhh no sorry, I was actually hunting but I never knew my little journey would lead me her. I'm sorry if I feel like I'm intruding." The bull said to the dog.

"Oh, no. You're not intruding," said the teen pup as he poked his head out, despite being covered in dirt, he had a kind face that got the bull's attention, "I'm afraid I didn't get your name, sir." He slowly came out with some laundry in his arms. He thought if he had it in front of his erection, it would fool the bull completely.

"Oh, I'm...ummmm...Ferdinand." He said. He didn't seem to notice Pepito's erection which was a relief to the pup. Then Ferdinand noticed something, "How come you're out working, all by yourself? Shouldn't there be someone helping you?" The bull asked, noticing no one was around to help.

"Well, they said it's a good way to distract me from my sorrows," said Pepito, "I'm an orphan. I live with my stepfamily now." But as he came out closer to Ferdinand, Pepito tripped over a basket and he stumbled making him lose the laundry he was holding and his erection was in plain view. "Oh no!" he gasped looking at the spilled laundry before kneeling down to pick it back up again.

"Wait, let me help you out." The bull smiled as he kneeled with Pepito and helped the pup with the laundry, and gently picked Pepito up to get the pup back in his feet.

"Th-Thanks," said the pup stammering when the door opened up and Pepito gasped. "Hide," he whispered, "If they see you, then I'm in deeper trouble." He ushered the bull behind the well as he came back to find his stepfather waiting. "You wanted to see me, sir?" he asked. "I thought I made it clear that you were to remain with the laundry at all times. And why am I still seeing a pile in front of the door?" "I was getting to it, sir," said Pepito. "See that you do, because if you don't, there will be no supper for 2 weeks," said the stepfather before slamming the door behind him.

Ferdinand soon came out and was disgusted by the harshness by Pepito's step father, "Who was that crotchety old hag?" He asked.

"My stepfather," said Pepito letting out a sad sigh and lowered his head. He hated to think that this bull would see how worthless he was. He'd probably have nothing to do with him now. "I should get back to work," he said, but then something happened that he never would've expected in his life time.

Ferdinand placed a gentle kiss on Pepito's cheek and smiled, "I don't think you're worthless...I think you look absolutely beautiful and handsome. You shouldn't let that bastard get the best of you...someday you should stand up for yourself."

"Thanks... No one's ever been this nice to me... Well, other than the mice and the animals of the forest... You weren't hunting them, were you?" asked Pepito as he saw the bull's crossbow over on the side.

"I'd never harm sweet animals. It's against my nature. I mostly hunt for my own food." Ferdinand smiled. "And you're very welcome."

"That's good," said Pepito, "Because most of the animals here are friends of mine. My stepfather never lets me meet other people. Says I'm too dirty and too wretched to be seen." Just then, the door slammed open and there were the two sisters. "Ah ha!" declared Felicia. "Caught red pawed," snapped Cecilia as they grabbed Pepito's arms, "I said one hour on my laundry and it still not done yet!" "And I want my lunch made in 30 minutes or else!" barked Felicia. Then both girls turned to see the bull. They pushed Pepito off to the side as they swooned over the handsome mass. "Pay no attention to him," said Felicia, "He's just a dumb servant." "Yeah, why don't you hang out with a real girl, like me?" said Cecilia. "No, he's going out with me!" barked Felicia as the two sisters were yanking on Ferdinand's arms back and forth.

"Hey! Stop it! I maybe a bull, but I'm not a piece of meat!" Ferdinand snapped, snatching his arms away from the two annoying sisters, glaring at them. "And you shouldn't treat him that way...and like I'd ever go out with a duo of horrible people like you two. I don't like people who are rude..." Ferdinand said. He really disliked these two.

"What? And go out with that worthless piece of garbage?" giggled Felicia. "He isn't worth two pesos," laughed Cecilia as the two girls went back inside. Pepito heard them as he continued the laundry, but he was still in tears when Antonio was the next one to harass him.

Ferdinand was disgusted by how awful the girls were to Pepito and Antonio smirked. "Yeah, besides, have you seen the spots he has? Totally hideous. And those floppy ears, such a horrid sight." Ferdinand snarled and stomped his hoof hard making Antonio stop and flinch, "Why don't you shut up before I make you...and you should look in the mirror. Like anyone would wanna date that ugly face of yours." Antonio yelped and ran inside.

Pepito couldn't take it as he still heard his step family laughing at him. He burst into tears and ran into the forest. He kept on running till he came upon a small, stone bench beneath an evergreen oak tree. It was special to him because it was his mother and father's favorite spot. He kneeled before the bench and cried softly.

Ferdinand felt bad at seeing Pepito treated so poorly, he ran after him and kneeled to him, holding the pup close, rubbing the pups back and cradled him to his chest as he comforted the poor pup.

Pepito sniffled as he snuggled into the bull's embrace. "Thank you, Ferdinand," he sniffled with his tail between his legs and he almost let out a soft whimper as the tears kept on running.

Ferdinand smiled and held the pup in his arms, stroking his back comfortingly, and planted a gentle kiss on the pup's head. "You're welcome Pepito." He said, gently rubbing Pepito's back and nuzzled him sweetly. Showing that he was here for the pup.

"I guess you're just as good and kind as the prince is... But what are the chances that he would notice me?" said Pepito and that got Ferdinand's attention making the bull's cheeks flush bright red.

What Pepito didn't realize, was that...Ferdinand was actually the prince! Ferdinand blushed and cleared his throat, "I'm sure he'll notice you...i promise he will. Because he'd want a boy like you who's kind and cute as you.." Ferdinand said gently as he cupped Pepito's cheeks.

"You talk as though you know him," said Pepito with his tail wagging and the bulge in his pants poking the bull's leg. The pup gasped and turned away as tried to cover himself. "I'm sorry," he said feeling his cheeks heat up and tears starting fresh again, "I wanted to be your friend and now my own urges want to ruin the moment." He sobbed into his hands, "Why? Why do bad things keep happening to me?"

"No no no no...easy, I actually really like you Pepito...I really do.." Ferdinand said and then calmed the crying pup with a soft kiss to his lips and he squeezed the pups rump.

This caught Pepito off guard, but this felt like something that came out of a dream. He closed his eyes and moaned when he felt those big, strong hands squeezing his rear cheeks. His tail, which had been hiding between his legs, was now wagging at full speed to show he was loving this moment.

Ferdinand continued to kiss Pepito and then slowly continued to squeeze Pepito's rear and then gently rubbed it while he slowly began to strip, also stroking the dalmatian's tail.

When Pepito's shirt was slowly pulled down, the bull was shocked to see several scars and bruises. Some were faded, but some looked fresh.

"Oh my Frost...." Ferdinand was horrified by these bruises on this cute pups body. He growled, "Oooooh! I swear, I'm gonna teach those people a lesson!" He snarled, while Ferdinand was a peaceful bull, but rile him up or make him lose his temper, he'll get very aggressive.

"No, please," said Pepito as he held onto the bull's midsection, "If my stepfather finds out that I was gone, then I'd be in real trouble... Please, just hold me for a while longer... I don't want this feeling to go away."

Ferdinand calmed down and returned to kissing Pepito, kissing the bruises nice and very gently while he squeezed the pups rump some more.

Pepito sighed and panted as his tail kept on wagging and he slowly raised it up for the bull to get a full view of his virgin entrance. "This... This is my first time," he stammered while still in the heat of the moment.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle." Ferdinand smiled and he then gently licked his fingers and slowly pushed two of them into the pups entrance.

The moment he felt his tail hole get opened, Pepito shuddered and let out a small, whimpering moan. Even if it was just fingers, they felt so big.

Ferdinand was being really gentle as he was thrusting and pushing his fingers into Pepito's rump, also gently using his free hand to stroke the pups tail to relax him.

Pepito turned his head to kiss the bull. "Ferdinand... Please, let me face you," he said softly, "I want to make sure you're still there." He felt his own cock starting to grow hard and it was leaking pre continuously.

Ferdinand gladly turned Pepito around and slowly took his fingers out then gently pushes his cock into the pup's rear.

"Will it hurt?" asked Pepito, "I'm not saying stop or anything. It's just that I've always wondered what if felt like."

"It will for a bit but I'll be gentle, I promise." Ferdinand smiled as he gently pushes his cock into Pepito's rump and held the tiny pup close to him as he thrusts.

As soon as it was in, Pepito hugged Ferdinand and moaned softly as his own cock throbbed and his knot was starting to form and peak out of its sheath.

Ferdinand held Pepito in his arms and continued to softly thrust, making sure he was nice and gentle with each thrust he made.

"I... I think I feel something," stammered Pepito, "Go faster... go a little harder." The pup had never had sex before, so there was no way he could know what cum was.

Ferdinand began to thrust a bit faster and held Pepito close, growling and mooing a bit as he now went harder.

"I.... I think I can feel it coming," whimpered Pepito and he howled as white fluid shot out of his cock and in between their two chests.

Ferdinand panted and shoot his own cum into Pepito's rump and then pants as he held the pup in his arms. "T-That's your cum...."

"Oh... I've always wondered about that," panted Pepito, "So that's what making love feels like... I love it." He hugged the bull kissing him deeply. Just then, they heard the sound of horns in the distance. "What was that?" asked the pup.

That must be the royal gentry....but don't worry, I'll talk to just stay here...I'll be right back." Ferdinand promised as he gently settled Pepito on the ground and got redressed then ran off.

Pepito gasped. "The royal... Then that was... " Before he could finish, Ferdinand was already gone. The pup was planning to stay but then he heard his stepfather calling him. "The laundry!" he gasped and ran off as soon as he was dressed.

Ferdinand then ran into the forest knowing his father must've sent the guards to find him while he was away. "I seriously need a break from this..." he muttered.

At the palace, the king was more foul tempered than ever. "My son has been avoiding his responsibilities long enough," said the old bull, "It's high time he married and settled down." He was in his study and it was already in shambles from all the thrown books scattered around the floor. From behind a chair, the Grand Duke, a skittish chihuahua, poked his head out. "Of course, Your Majesty," he stammered, "But we must be patient." "I am patient!" roared the king as he threw another book and the duke ducked just in time.

"Actually your majesty, maybe we should throw a ball since you wanna have Ferdinand married and have every eligible maiden and or bachelor in the kingdom step up to be his bride or groom?" The Duke skittishly asked as he sat up to face his king.

"I just don't see how that's going to- Wait," said the king, "What if we throw a ball in honor of my son, Ferdinand, and have every eligible maiden and or bachelor in the kingdom attend it? It can't possibly fail. Can it?"

"No! Of course not your majesty! This will be the best ball for your son! It'll work!"

"Good," said the king, "And be sure to arrange it tonight. And see to it that every eligible youth is there. Understand?"

"Yes your majesty! Understood!" And with that, invitations were sent through to many kingdoms as possible. Including Pepito's place.

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