A Sinister Trip [Commission]

Story by rand0m on SoFurry

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An anonymous commission.

Clay's buck-toothed grin was not a pretty thing as the rabbit thumbed through the worn ledger, searching for the page that had caught his eye earlier on. The old warehouse was empty, much like he'd hoped. Until recently, this had been the place where he'd meet with his 'gang' - the friends that had served him well so far as a decent crowd to get stoned with. But his fortunes were about to change, and the white rabbit had no intention of letting the rest of the guys in on the biggest break he'd ever get in his whole life.

Even though the spell he had in mind for today wouldn't be his first, he still had a hard time believing this shit _worked_even after having seen it in action. The first one he'd used had been almost a joke - switching Devon's body with his dad's - but it had worked! He knew it had really worked even before David came up to him at school, nervous to be in his son's body and desperate for te switch to be reversed. And 'desperate' was the right word, since Devon seemed to like the idea of having a wild time in a draft stallion's body and leaving his dad as a mule for a while. Still, Clay had to give him credit - David kept the charade up. Nobody realized anything was different, even when the rabbit blackmailed him into blowing him and the rest of their gang in the hopes he would set things right. Cumming like a fire hose in his friend's (or his friend's dad's) muzzle had been almost as big a rush as casting the spell itself!

The second one had been satisfying on a more personal level. The nineteen year old didn't think he needed a father figure in his life, so when Warren went from merely fucking his mom to trying to act like Clay was his son or some shit like that, he'd been waiting for a chance to ruin things for the insufferably chummy lion. The swap spell had worked great there too, and it still gave him a thrill to remember the expression on the Warren's face (so to speak) when he found himself in the body of the family dog.

Almost as satisfying as busting a nut in that leonine muzzle once Rover was in control of his would-be step-dad's body. He'd used the dog as his cum-dump before, and the dumb mutt wasn't any smarter after the switch. He figured the faggy canine would have fun at the BDSM club he'd dropped him off at, or at least more fun that Warren had. The former lion had panicked considerably when he found himself in the body of a dog, and Clay had merely been doing the sensible thing when he called animal control. And once the hysterical lion bit one of the handlers, the teen knew his fate as a 'dangerous animal' would be sealed.

But that had all been fun and games. This sort of power could help him make something of his life - he could be a fucking boss_for a change, instead of fucking around with the same worthless people his entire life. But he still needed to get serious and resist the urge to just screw around. He'd been told over and over by his parents and various counselors and child psychiatrists they'd had forced him to see to consider his future, how his actions affect those around him and all that crap. Well, now he actually _could affect those around him, if what was written on this page was true!


"Miss Turner... Maxine..." the bull said, taking a pause before continuing to address the sulking vixen standing in front of him. "My answer is no and I want you to understand why. I'm here to teach you history, but you're in school to learn more than that. Highschool is the final step into molding children into adults. Responsible adults..."

"I know Mr. Draft! That's why I said I'm gonna study real hard and..." the vixen squeaked out, only stopping once the old bull raised a hand to silence her.

"...and I'm glad to hear that. I'm sure your grades will improve after you've put the work in."

"But you don't get it! I need at least a C in this class or I'm gonna get kicked off the cheer-squad! Please Mr. Draft, being a cheerleader is super important to me!"

"I understand that, Maxine."

"Max, please..." the vixen corrected him. For one because she preferred the abbreviated form of her name, and figuring that if making puppy-eyes doesn't work, she might as well lay the groundwork for Plan B by making things a little less formal between them. She only wished she could remember her teacher's first name...

"Max... If your grade was even remotely close to a C, I would give you some sort of assignment or project to earn enough extra credit to tip the scales in your favor..." He said, wincing internally as the young female missed the hint in his tone and actually got her hopes up. "...but I'm afraid this isn't even a particularly strong D. Now I know that getting kicked off the cheer-squad seems like the end of the world right now, but I'd like you to view it as another lesson, even if it is a painful one. After all, you knew you had to keep your grades up in order to be a cheerleader, didn't you?"

"Yes, but..." Max protested, but just trailed off and made a sad face at the bull.

The teacher refused to budge. He'd served in the army before becoming an educator, back in the time of regular service and drafts. He knew that with enough discipline, you can turn anyone and anything into a decent, responsible member of society. It would take more than an eighteen-year-old girl acting half her age and pouting and huffing in front of him to make him budge.

"Okay, well if you won't give me the C, how about I do something to earn it?" Max said, going for Plan B. The vixen threw her shoulders back a little and swished her tail a few times, but the bull's expression only became more frustrated.

"Maxine, I'd already told you - you simply don't qualify for additional credit..."

"No, I mean... I could, you know... do something for you, and you could just... give my grade a little nudge..." she said, leaning over his desk and putting her dainty hand over Mr. Draft's. The look she saw on his face wasn't the usual one she saw on a male who was just offered to have sex with her.

"Miss Turner... Max. Do you really think so little of me? Not only are you trying to bribe me, but you actually believe that I'd compromise myself by having relations with one of my students? And do you really think so little of yourself that you'd stoop to something like this?"


After Clay finished reading the words on the page, he felt like he'd just taken a hit of something really good. The first and second time it had happened he thought it was just a rush at seeing the mumbo-jumbo work, bit just pulling a spell off was beginning to feel better every time, even before he started having his fun. For a few moments he just relished the strange high that came with being outside of his own body, aware that he was still in that warehouse, sitting with the open book clutched in his hands. And he would remain like that until he returned.

Travel proved easy. He wasn't really moving through space, so he zipped along at the speed of thought. The scenery around him changed in flashes as his will sought out the destination of his spirit. The school was the last of these images before he felt the strange vision double before clearing. For a spit second he felt like he was looking at two things at once - the yellowed pages with the spell that had brought him here, and... holy shit Max Turner!

He wondered if he'd gotten the right body, but one look at the beefy hand under the vixen's own confirmed it. The oh-so-righteous professor Draft. The cow-spawned prick responsible for Clay getting held back a year, and showing every sign of getting ready to fail him again. He tried to keep his grin from showing on that bovine muzzle as he felt the bull's confusion at suddenly being a mute passenger in his own body. So he did wind up where he wanted to be, but what was this air-headed slut doing here after class?

"Don't say it like that! I just wanted... you know. If I did you a favor, then its okay for you to do one for me..." she said, and the rabbit-turned-bull was surprised at her wheedling tone and the eyes she was making at him. Or more to the point at the teacher in front of her. Well, at least I'm safe. This ditzy bitch is the last person who'd be able to figure out that Mr. Draft's not at home right now. But what the fuck does she mean by 'favor'?

"Miss Turner, just what are you suggesting?" he asked, surprised by the deep rumble of his borrowed voice box.

"C'mon, don't make me say it!" the vixen whined, but she'd also but her other hand on the old bull's, pressing her tits between them as if she was putting them on display. No, she was putting them on display! Clay did his best to keep his face from showing his surprise at highjacking the bovine teacher's body just as he was being offered sex by this fine piece of ass! "It's just that... well you look pretty great for a male your age. You must get pent up..."

"You mean by watching girls like you parade around in front of me all day, every day?" Clay asked, doing his best to hide his amusement. The bull whose body was borrowing didn't seem to like someone else speaking up with his voice. He could feel the impotent rage of his teacher, but it was weak, an annoyance he knew he could ignore, if he wanted. But it was just so amusing to know the old fart was hating this. Buckle up old man! Looks like this little slut wants a ride, and as long as I'm at the wheel she's gonna get it!

Max was surprised by the change in her teacher's tone, and the leering look on his face, but then again this was what she'd been hoping for. Well, what she had really been hoping for was that he'd just give her the C when she went 'pretty please'. But if she had to give him a hand-job or even blow him than so be it. Hell, he really did look pretty amazing for a guy old enough to be her dad, but it was the responsible and serious attitude that Max had found so off-putting.

"So, the favor you want from me..." Clay began, trying to coax a little more information out of that empty head.

"Just a C! See, I'm not greedy, I just want to stay a cheerleader..." the vixen bubbled, sensing her chance.

"And in order to get that C, you'd be willing to do..."

"Anything!" the slut squeaked out, almost wagging that pretty tail of hers like the bitch she was, or at least had been towards Clay whenever he tried to get something that almost every other guy at school had gotten.

"All right then. For starters, lock the door." He said, his eyes glued on the vixen's skirt-clad rump as she turned and almost bounced away to do as he said. Mr. Draft continued to rage in the back of his mind, but it was laughable since it was all he could do. He couldn't move a muscle of his body, and judging by the way his pants were growing snug Clay guessed that even the bull's involuntary responses were wired to his mind. You should thank me you old fart, I'm about to dip this dick of yours into some top-shelf barely-legal pussy!

"Good Max, now come here..." he said, noticing the way the vixen's eyes went wide when she tried to steal a glance at his crotch. "Now down girl..." he said, spreading his legs and smirking at the way she obeyed, just like a good little bitch should. Fuck, she was such a slut that her eyes were still glued to his...

When he looked down between the powerful bovine legs, Clay had to admit his own peepers had bulged out, but not as much as the length of beef straining against the fabric of Mr. Draft's trousers. The old man was fucking _hung_and it seemed that both Clay and Maxine would find out just how much. He gave the vixen a meaningful look, and a lightbulb seemed to go off in that pretty head of hers. She quickly undid his belt, and then his fly, releasing about eight inches of rosy-pink beef, the thick sheath promising even more was on its way.

"There's a good vixen. Now why don't you show me how much being a cheerleader means to you?" Clay said in a deep bovine rumble, enjoying the look of shock on the foxy slut's face as the length of beef sticking between his legs continued to slip form the thick sheath housing it.

Fuck, she can barely close her hand around it! Clay thought to himself, grunting at the sensation of the vixen's soft hand wrapping around the bull's rod. She looked a little nervous as she craned her neck to gaze up at him, but the motion of her hand on the slick length was well-practiced, as was the way she gently squeezed the throbbing erection every now and again.

To the rabbit the sensation was strange, to say the least. It was definitely not the first time a girl had stroked him off, not to mention the times he'd spent doing the honors when he had no alternative. But despite the fact that he could feel the vixen expertly polishing it, this wasn't really his cock. Fuck, I wish it was! he mused as Max realized one hand wasn't going to cut it. The shaft sticking out from between his legs was at least a foot long now, the tapered tip leaking down and making the whole thing glisten as the vixen rubbed it all over the beefy member. It would be a thrill just to let the russet-furred slut keep polishing this monster until he sprayed all over that pretty face of hers and send her out of the classroom with her face looking like a well-used cum rag. Nah, I'm gonna have her dripping bull-spunk anyway, might as well cash in on this chance...

"You're gonna have to do better than that. Do you know how many sluts like you I've had? Begging for a better grade won't work with me Miss Turner, so why don't you get serious about earning it..."

The vixen looked shocked for a moment, unable to believe she'd just heard the straight-laced mister Draft say something like that. And the old bull certainly wasn't thrilled with it, and for a moment Clay allowed himself to savor the fact that he had both of them entirely at his mercy. The vixen stayed on her knees but got busy undoing the buttons on the well-filled blouse, opening it to reveal a purple bra with black trim. Now is that the sort of thing a nice girl wears to school? Clay wondered, keeping his borrowed eyes trained on the bountiful vulpine chest as Max shrugged the blouse off and reached behind her back.

He knew she was ridiculously stacked for an eighteen-year-old, but he only really appreciated how much when the bra went slack and the fluffy chest bounced just a little. When she let it drop and revealed the two ripe globes covered in cream-colored fur, Clay found himself biting his lip, the bovine member twitching and leaking visibly as Max thrust her chest out. He groaned in sheer delight as the feather-soft fur between the two fluffy mounds enveloped him, just before the luscious globes themselves were pressed against the steely length.

On more than one occasion Clay had pictured the busty vixen while he was fucking some sub-par piece of ass, and now he had the dumb slut moving her gorgeous tits up and down along that monstrous bovine cock, looking up at him and clearly wondering if this would be enough. We're just getting started, you little whore... he thought to himself, placing one beefy hand on top of the vixen's pretty head and using the grip to tilt her muzzle down.

Thick as she was, Max got the point quickly enough, parting those cock-sucking lips of hers and wrapping them around the bovine length. His borrowed appendage slid in easily, and Clay found his free hand gripping the edge of the desk as the foxy teen's tongue went to work. Fuck, you're every bit as good at this as I though you would be... the rabbit mused, letting the vixen take him at her own pace, at least for now. The tip of the bovine shaft was slim and tapered, but it only got thicker further down, enough that the vixen would need to strain her jaw if she ever managed to take enough of him to let those pink lips kiss his sheath.

It seemed to Clay that she wasn't eager to take a bull down her throat, sticking to bouncing her tits up and down the twitching shaft and lashing the tip with that nimble tongue. He could also feel her swallowing every now and again, knowing that the bull-cock she was suckling was leaking even more now that the tip of it was lodged somewhere nice and wet, with two pillowy vulpine jugs caressing the exposed length.

He could feel things tensing up down there, wondering for a second just what he was packing while riding around in Mr. Draft's body. The sack was still in his pants and out of view, but Clay could feel the massive bovine nuts as they pulled up, his loaned erection throbbing as the eager slut swallowed around it.

He got a fist-full of Maxine's thick, wavy hair and pushed her down with startling ease. Clay worked out, because he tended to get into fights when someone called him a bunny and he hated to loose. He was pretty ripped for a rabbit, but the body he was in now was a powerhouse. Mr. Draft was a bull, but there was no gut blocking his view of the shaft disappearing into the mumbling vulpine muzzle as it was pushed down on it. His teacher seemed to believe in keeping himself fit, and Clay was eager to find out just how powerful this body was.

Imagining what he could (and fully intended to) do to the slut futilely trying to push herself off as the bovine meat-stick invaded her throat was what pushed him over the edge. He let out a long, low groan, a fair warning (as far as he was concerned) about what Max had to look forward to. But the ditz was too thick to take the hint, still mumbling even though his cock was stuffed half-way down her throat.

Her expression when the first jet of beef-juice gushed down her gullet was priceless, and the way she tried to squeal even with almost a foot of hard cock pushed down her muzzle only added to Clay's satisfaction. He could only imagine what the old bull had swinging between his legs, feeling the fat nuts twitch with every spurt of spunk they sent into the panicking vixen. Fuck Mr. Draft, if I had a cock this big and sluts begging me for better grades, I'd never get this pent up! he addressed the bull. Clay somehow knew the teacher could see and hear everything he could, and he was pretty sure that he could feel things as well. The geezer was just too straight-laced to enjoy pumping what felt like a pint of cum down the struggling teen's gullet.

Guess the slut needs to breathe he thought, easily holding Maxine's head in place as the vixen pounded on his muscular thighs, as if she could really hurt him. He knew he should let her up for air, and he had every intention to, but for a second he felt a giddy, dark delight at the knowledge that even if he did choke the foxy slut on this bovine rod, he would never get in trouble for it! _But wouldn't that be a waste?_He wondered idly, giving the vixen's hair a yank and pulling her off his still spraying cock. Max began taking deep, desperate lungfuls while the beefy shaft still smeared with her pink lipstick continued sending ropes of hot, sticky seed over her pretty face.

"Couldn't even swallow my load? I'm disappointed in you Miss Turner, but I am willing to give you a chance to earn some extra credit. You want that C don't you?" he asked, and the still sputtering vixen just nodded, a pretty sight with the thick bovine spunk still dripping from her muzzle. An idea popped into Clay's head, and he reached into his teacher's pocket to fish out his phone. The panting slut didn't seem happy when the bright little light on the back went off, but she knew better than to protest as the person she thought was Mr. Draft took pictures of her creamed face.

Once he was done (at least for the time being) he put the phone away and walked behind the vixen. He slid his hands under her armpits and lifted her up as if she weighed no more than a toddler. Grinning from ear to ear, he draped her over Mr. Draft's desk and kicked her feet apart. When he lifted her skirt up and bunched it around the foxy-femme's slender waist he half expected to see a thong, but the slim-cut panties matched the slutty bra and didn't really disappoint.

"Agghh! Hey!" Max protested, looking over one shoulder to see the huge bull leering at her and holding up the undies he'd just torn off her. He was about to pocket the lacey scrap before remembering that it wasn't his pocket he'd be shoving the trophy in and just tossed it aside, his attention dominated by the now bared vulpine ass on full display for him.

His smile widened when the vixen got the hint (either being smarter than Clay had given her credit for, or more likely just instinctively acting like the slut she was) and raised her big, bushy tail, flagging it off to one side and letting her teacher get a glimpse of pink. The panties hadn't exactly been soaked, but as his eyes focused on the eager-looking slit he could see a bit of dew-sparkle between those soft-looking lips. The vixen had a generous, although perfectly rounded ass, but he still managed to palm her entire cheek with one powerful hand, groping the vixen's perky bun while his other hand wandered between those shapely thighs.

The hoof-nailed fingers were almost as thick as the rabbit's own cock, although not the dripping bovine length still half-hard and sticking out of its sheath. He didn't bother being gentle with Max, because she was a slut served up for him and he was damned if he was going to play the gentleman with her. The thick digit sunk to the last knuckle into the steamy vulpine honeypot, the vixen's tail bristling visibly at the sudden penetration but no protest came from that pretty muzzle of hers, not even when Clay began to finger her tight little box.

He kept kneading her ass as he finger-fucked her, his ears perked at the little whimpering sounds she made as her juices began to soak into the fur of the pumping hand. It wasn't that Clay really thought she'd need loosening up before she took someone like Mr. Draft, given her reputation. And even if she did, he didn't give a damn. But it felt great just having one of the hottest girls in school served up to him like this, a plaything for him to use and enjoy thoroughly.

The whimper she let out when he slipped a second finger into her snug slit had his cock surging back to life, and the sound she made when one thick thumb pushed against the pink ruing under her tail before sinking in had the tip of the bovine cock leaking all over again. The vixen's noises were pained and needy at the same time, but considering she kept her tail up and out of the way, Clay figured she wanted this. Or maybe just that C. Either way worked out for him, really...

As he continued finger-fucking the voluptuous vulpine, he considered how amazing this body really was, and how powerful he felt towering over the slut bent over his desk. He thought briefly about just finding some handsome stud in the prime of his life and permanently highjacking his body, the thought of getting to pick the perfect form and just flat-out take it from the asshole who it belonged to appealing to him. But then again, why bother? Any time he felt like it he could find some meathead and invade his mind for a little fun. And the fucker would just have to sit in a corner of his own brain and watch as Clay fucked the shit out of his girlfriend. Or his wife. Or his daughter!

He only realized that his fantasy had caused him to intensify his molesting of the bent-over vixen when an occasional yip interrupted the slutty whimpers coming from her cum-smeared muzzle. There was no point doing it any longer, since she was dripping and his bovine cock was as hard as a crowbar, so Clay gave the brightly colored rump a quick smack, smiling at the way the protesting vixen's holes clenched around his fingers as he did. After he pulled his thick, hoof-nailed digits form her, he took a moment to admire the sight of his new toy, wondering how he should claim what was on offer.

It was tempting just to leave her like this - her heart-shaped ass in the air, a nice bushy tail to grip as he pushed the bovine monster dripping on the classroom floor into that well-fingered cunny. He could yank on her hair if she didn't arch her back for him like a good girl, but he doubted it would be a problem. The expression on her face as she looked back was still sulky, and just what you'd expect from a spoiled bitch used to having things her way. But he'd gotten her worked up and part of her wanted to have Mr. Draft fuck her tiny little brains out, namely the part of her that was still parted and glistening under a thin layer of vulpine nectar.

But in the end, Clay just couldn't miss out on the sight of those perfect tits of hers, or the look on her face when the old bull began to fuck her silly. Would she feel ashamed, whoring herself out for a fucking C in history? Or would she just take the pounding like the mindless slut Clay had always had her pegged as? Well, only one way to find out...

The rabbit in a bull's body bent over, holding one hand on Maxine's hip while he put the other on her calves. The bovine body was powerful enough for him to easily sweep her legs and spin them up, his hold on her hip ensuring that the startled vixen's front would also flip. It had made a mess of the desk and her flailing hands had damned near knocked the computer screen on the gorund, but he had her just where he wanted her.

His grin didn't seem to bring her any comfort, and she seemed even more distressed when Clay easily parted her legs, stretching them wide and once again putting that pink vulpine pussy on full display. He let the bovine monster flop down on top of her trim abs, the sheer size of the thing making Max visibly anxious as he pulled it back, the tip trailing along the creamy fur until it was slipping over the last few inches of her mound.

With his hand guiding it in, the tapered end of his cock easily slipped into the vixen's dripping slit, the plump lips parting easily, although every inch he sunk past them forced them to splay a little more. Part of him felt like just jamming the whole thing in and seeing what kind of sound that got from the bimbo he was about to breed, but he was just having too much fun watching her squirm, desperately trying to crane her neck to see past her own rack and get a glimpse of how much she still had to take. He picked up Mr. Draft's phone and began to film a bull's-eye-view clip, making sure to catch both the vixen's face and the sight of the girthy cock sliding into her.

Clay wasn't even sure she could take someone like Mr. Draft, but he really didn't care. Hell, if the thick-headed old bull didn't have such a stick up his ass he could have just done this himself. It wasn't like he was taking something the slut didn't offer up, anyway. Still, he could see the way her body was straining as he fed her the last few inches, and considering how trim her belly was he hadn't missed the subtle bulge his cock made as he sheathed the bovine length into the vixen's honeypot.

By the time the whole thing was stuffed into the foxy slut he could see her heavy chest rise and fall, but the stiff nipples topping those mounds told him that Max was liking what he'd pushed into her just a little. For his part, the rabbit couldn't believe that a slut like her could feel his tight! He didn't really feel like giving the fox time to adjust to being impaled on a bovine cock, but he felt like if he just started rutting that velvety vise he'd wind up popping his cork way too soon. Instead he just ground his sheath against the vixen's straining lips, a deep rumble leaving his chest as every little movement caused his throbbing length to rub up against the snug walls of the girl's sex.

After a minute of that he felt some of the tension leave him, enough that he could be sure to give the foxy whore a rutting to remember. He held her left leg under one knee, keeping it spread as he slid out, his borrowed shaft glistening as the vixen's lips clung to it. Don't worry slut, it's not going out anytime soon... he thought with a leer, pulling out as far as he could before sheathing the whole thing back in with a single buck.

Fuck, the sound Max had made when he'd stuffed himself back in was something he'd only ever heard in porn! The problem was that it was pretty fucking loud. Classes were over for the day, but there were still people in the building apart form them, and he couldn't have this bitch making so much noise. At least not this early... he thought, quickly savoring the thought of getting some quality squeals out of the foxy cum-dump just as he bred this snug little slit and leaving Mr. Draft to face the music. No jackass, we're here to get shit done! he admonished himself. He was originally her to change his grades, and getting his dick wet had just turned out to be a really sweet perk. But then again, he could always come back to this bovine body. Maybe there won't be any pretty little thing begging for a better grade in exchange for some tail, but he didn't really need one. He'd be strong enough to just nab a slut, drag her to the bathroom and use her to his delight, leaving Mr. Draft to face the heat...

He wasn't sure where these dark thought were coming from, but he was getting off on them, as evidenced by the squeal he got from Max when he rammed the tip of his bovine cock against her cervix. He definitely needed to shut the slut up, and for a moment he regretted not pocketing the panties he'd torn off her pretty little ass. This whore would look so hot with the lacey undies stuffed into that cum-streaked muzzle, but Clay would be damned if anything was gonna make him pull out of the best pussy he'd ever had.

Instead the rabbit just let one heavy hand trail up the vixen's creamy front, lingering only to grope one perfect tit before sticking two thick fingers into that parted muzzle. The slut's lips closed around it on instinct, and when he saw her expression change and saw her try and spit them out, he couldn't help but wonder if she'd actually figured out which fingers those were, or if she could taste herself on them.

"Come on now, be a good girl and clean up your mess." He said, keeping her hand pressed against her mouth until the over-stuffed fox had no choice but to start to suckle.

Clay grinned, since calling what she'd done around his fingers a mess was a laugh. With both him leaking and her cunt drooling around the bovine meat being rammed into it, the vulpine crotch was getting messier with every thrust. There couldn't have been much room left in Maxine's cunny and every time Clay jammed himself into her he could hear the squelch as the juices flooding the girl were churned out. Noises aside, he was pretty sure that anyone walking by the closed door would be able to tell what was going on inside by the smell alone as every buck of his hips sent more of the mess splattering over his crotch and dripping down...

Holy shit, and I thought she was a mess now! The rabbit swore silently, looking down past the eye-catching sight of the vulpine cunt straining around the shaft to catch sight of the heavy sack swinging just under it. He knew Mr. Draft was packing since he could feel the bovine nuts slap that fluffy rear every time he pushed into the slutty fox-box, but the sight of the bull's massive sack still shocked him.

He had to give the vixen credit for swallowing as much of the geezer's load as she did before he pulled her off and painted her face with the rest. If this is what those nuts looked right after busting, he must have really pumped a pint down the vixen's gullet. And it looked like he still had plenty left. He could imagine pushing deep into the mewling fox and feeling those heavy orbs pull up, the monster throbbing in her snug clit as he sprayed the thick bull-milk directly into her womb.

The last thought didn't seem to sit well with the old bull, which was saying something since Mr. Draft had been mortified ever since Clay had started having his fun. His protests were wordless but he could still catch the gist - the old bull was practically begging him to stop before it was too late, obviously worried about how his conscious would bear under the strain of knowing he'd knocked one of his students up.

How naïve are you, you old fart? The football team's been plowing that field for years now, and plenty of others had dropped a few seeds in as well. She's either on birth control or she's fucking barren... he thought, although unlike the responsible educator whose body he'd taken he wouldn't have minded pumping the vixen so full she was sure to walk out of here carrying a calf. Hell, considering the size of the nuts hanging between his legs, she was bound to waddle out of here looking five months pregnant anyway...

The bull kept insisting, and even though Clay could have ignored him, a sick little idea had popped into his mind at just the right time. All right, you win. 'We' won't breed her, but remember - this is all your fault... he said, pulling his beef-stick and his fingers out of the dazed vixen. Her pussy was still gaping, the pink lips blushing and wet and the soft fur around it matted with the mess he'd pumped out of her during his rutting. Some of it was still trickling out, the little rivulet drawing Clay's eyes where they were going to wind up anyway.

It was ridiculously easy for him to push the slut's legs up, resting them on his shoulders and lifting that round ass off the table. Just a little, but just enough. He guessed Mr. Draft had never reamed a bitch since the bull had seemed relieved right until Clay guided the tip of the bovine cock to the glistening pink button nestled between the vixen's cheeks. His protests resumed, but the rabbit couldn't give a shit anymore. He took up the phone again, switching on the front camera and making sure he got a good shot of Mr. Draft and the bovine behemoth posed to wreck his student's ass.

"Aaahh! W-wait! Please... don't..." the vixen began to mumble, eyes wide when she felt the tip of the bull-cock slip past her pucker.

"Don't what? C'mon Max, I'm sure you've let boys under your tail before..." Clay leered, easily pushing another inch into a hole that was even tighter than the empty slit dripping just above the bovine rod.

"Mnnhh -yeah. But never... it's too big..." she whimpered, her tight little ass desperately trying to clench up even though Clay was already in.

"Well if you've taken boys up your ass, it's time you took a man. So just be a good slut and relax for me. Deep breaths now..." he said, and the moment the vixen really took one he took advantage and forced half a foot of bull past her pulsing pucker.

The slut squealed out but promptly bit her lip and covered her pretty lips with a hand, not seeming eager to suck the rest of her juices off her teacher's fingers. Clay wasn't even sure he could hilt this monster in the vulpine rump, but he didn't really care if he did. Fuck, that bitch was squeezing down like she was trying to milk him, and he knew that having half of this cattle-prod sheathed in Maxine's ass would be more than enough to make him flood her ass.

He was rutting her rear in short thrusts, savoring the way each one made those perfect teen tits bounce. And despite her protestations and the unbelievable tightness of her slutty ass, he could feel a little more of his loaned length slipping past those cheeks every time he drove himself in. Of course the more the fox took, the thicker the beef, but despite the fact he could see tears form in the corners of her eyes, her nipples remained hard as pebbles and she some of the sounds she was muffling didn't sound all that pained.

"You like this, don't you?" he asked, and the way she shook her head only spurned him on. "I knew you were a slut Max, but I didn't think you were the kind of girl who got off on having her tail rutted. Bet you don't even care about your grade, huh? You just needed something nice and thick to scratch that itch..." he said, watching as the vixen's blush deepened, an impressive display for someone with reddish fur to begin with.

Humiliating her felt almost as good as pounding her tight little ass, and the rabbit got an idea how he could up the ante. Putting the phone down, he brought one up to her chest, practically mauling the ripe globe as the other slipped down. The hoof-nailed thumb wasn't very sensitive, but he knew when he'd found what he was looking for by the way the well-stuffed pucker clenched up around him. He kept pumping in a steady rhythm, while pressing down and vigorously rubbing that little button.

The vixen closed her eyes shut, and Clay wondered if she was stupid enough to think that she could really hide her face just by doing that. Her hand was pressed tight against her muzzle, but he didn't need his long lapine ears to catch the muffled noises and recognize them for what they were. He tweaked the stiff nipple on one tit even as its twin rippled and bounced free as he plowed the vulpine rear.

The muffled whines were turning into strange grunting noises, and he could see the girl writhing on the desk, every arch of her back and swiveled of her shapely hips only serving to stroke the shaft that was firmly stuck up her perky behind. He could actually see her empty slit twitch, a squirt of foxy fem-cum gushing out after a particularly powerful spasm.

"Mmmhhh, there's a good slut..." he rumbled, but he doubted the vixen could hear him as she rode out her orgasm.

And for every twitch of that pretty little slit her pucker did the same, milking Clay's cock until the rabbit decided it was time to give this slut what she was obviously desperate for. Planting both his hands on either side of her head, the rabbit-turned-bovine leaned over the younger female, the movement serving to hilt his massive erection in the vulpine behind.

Max had let out a muffled yelp, but after cumming fiercely the vixen had no strength left to fight him. Clay could barely pull out in this position, but it didn't really matter. He began rutting against the trapped vixen, pulling only a few inches out of her well-stuffed ass before ramming everything he had back in and pushing her along the surface of the desk a little.

Clay could feel those massive nuts pull up, ready to paint the foxy slut's insides with bull-spunk as she just lay limp under what she thought was her teacher. Her tight pucker served almost like a cock-ring, keeping Clay from cumming until the pressure building in the bovine loins became too great for anything to stop it.

He actually snorted like a feral bull when he felt the first jet of his cum surge up the twitching length, those huge nuts pulsing as they churned out a massive load, the tight seal Maxine's pucker was making around him forcing the vixen to take every drop. Clay couldn't remember when he'd last fucked someone with this sort of wild abandon, his hips grinding against the vulpine rump with every surge of cum he sent spraying into her.

He spent a minute on top of her, and most of that minute was spent pumping the mewling fox with a load meant for a cow. When he started pulling out cum gushed from around his shaft the moment the thickest potion slipped out, and he wondered what Mr. Draft was going to do about the mess the leaky vixen had made of both his crotch and the classroom floor. For his part, he made sure to get a few nice shots, and even a clip of the vixen's creamed pucker drooling until she managed to clench it up. Once he told Max he was satisfied with her 'extra credit' she quickly dashed out of the room, presumably towards the girl's bathroom. Wouldn't do for mommy and daddy to smell her girl stinking of bull-rut and leaking cum with every wobbly step... he mused, pulling up his pants and sitting down at the computer. It was time to get to work, but the first thing he did was to send a treasure-trove of photos and video to his own phone. If you change my grade again, I'm gonna send these to the school board, the police, and pretty much anyone else I can think of... he spoke to himself, knowing his teacher could hear him.

He easily picked the password form the stunned teacher's memories, and it was a simple matter of editing the records to improve his grades. The pointer was hovering over the record of Maxine Turner when Clay stopped himself from clicking it. With a grin, he released his hold on the old bull. After all, he only came in to get his own grades sorted, so Mr. Draft can figure out if he wants to honor his little 'deal' with Max or if he's gonna screw the girl a second time by sticking to what was left of his principles and keeping her grade a D. He found himself in his body in an instant, the fit lupine form feeling a little stiff but well rested. He didn't even get hard-on at any point while fucking the vixen's brains out, and as the memories swam through his mind he could feel his real cock getting hard. Maybe I'll drop down to that club and pay Rover a little visit... he thought, although part of him insisted he should stay here, and just try another spell to get his rocks off. Idly thumbing through the little book, the rabbit was completely unaware that the scratchy symbols on his back were growing, the lines snaking like tendrils across the white fur as a bizarre pattern emerged...

Birthday Colt [Request]

_The story for the anonymous winner of my most recent raffle!_ * * * "Don't sulk Trevor! It's your birthday, you should be having fun..." the colt's mother insisted,...

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From Bitter Beginnings... [Commission]

_Another anonymous commission, a little less grim and more character-focused than the previous two installments of the series._ * * * "So, this is one of the Hatari warrior-priestesses?" mused the Kos Siha had been told would be her new......

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Daddy's Home... [Commission]

_A commission for [![avatar?user=627352&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?user=627352&character=0&clevel=2) JackieTheBunny](https://jackiethebunny.sofurry.com/ "JackieTheBunny") ._ _Warning: The following story contains sex...

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