Can't Spell Assassin Without...

Story by Bootleggz on SoFurry

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#4 of Monster (Hunter) Shots!

If you have any suggestions for a future one-shot involving anthro Monster Hunter monsters, let me know in the comments!

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The job was supposed to be simple: take out a Zinogre that's been causing trouble in the Guiding Lands and leave without a trace.

Zinogre themselves were a rather hostile kind, but they kept to themselves in their respective encampments. However, on occasion a Zinogre would leave their boundaries and attack others in a fit of rage. Why? To let off some steam, of course. Zinogre especially were quite rowdy during their heat season, but without a mate a Zinogre had to find alternatives to calming themselves down. There wasn't much stopping them from destroying settlements, attacking denizens and plowing ass as a form of stress relief.

One such Zinogre decided it would be a good idea to invade a sanctuary of Kelbi and make their home his own. Much to the relief of all, no Kelbi were harmed when he attacked or when they evacuated. However, the Zinogre was adamant in keeping the area for himself, scratching and ruining more of the locale as he desperately tried to cool his heat down.

In cases such as this, employing a professional wasn't a terrible idea, and none were quite up to the task as much as a Nargacuga. With scales and fur as black as night and eyes that could see in the dark, Nargacuga were built for stealth and hiding in the shadows. There was little doubt that one such monster could eliminate the Zinogre problem.

There was just one tiny issue...

"G-God, I'm so fucking wet..." Nargacuga silently huffed as she gently rubbed her dripping wet pussy and felt her sticky juices between her fingers.

Nargacuga were unique in that each member of their species had a different heat period. Some were in the summer, some in the winter and so on. Unfortunately, their heat periods also came entirely randomly. Never was a period quite the same for any Nargacuga. This Nargacuga had been feeling fine as she accepted the assassination mission, but as the days went on while she tracked her target, she began to feel the need to breed swelling up inside her.

She had been doing so well too; Nargacuga spent days lurking in the shadows, patiently stalking her prey and watching his every move. She made sure she knew everything there was to know about him; what he ate, where he liked to sleep and what his favourite pastimes were. At long last she found a perfect opportunity to strike, and that's when her heat period finally hit her like a truck, causing her dizziness and stress. No matter what way she looked at it, she couldn't possible work like that.

She was clinging to a tree as she sighted her target from afar, trying to focus on the mission at hand but finding herself unable to with the intense lust overpowering her senses. Nargacuga grit her teeth, trying desperately to ignore the powerful surges coursing through her body. Try as she may to ignore the feeling, her sweating body told her another story.

Though at last she could no longer resist the urge to do something and found herself rubbing her clit as a means to try and calm herself. She did her best to multitask, watching her target stumble around at night as she latched onto the tree with one hand and rubbed her aching, desperate cunny with her other, letting out a heavy breath with each rub.

"F-Fuck..." Nargacuga quietly winced, "Why now? Why- *unf*... now of all times?"

The wet sounds of her soaked pussy that hit her ears only seemed to fuel her desire to mate with someone. Every rub, nudge or press of her clit sent a shiver down Nargacuga's spine and it took every fibre of her being not to let out a moan every time it did so. She made the unfortunate mistake of pinching her sensitive spot, causing her to let out an audible whimper.

"N-No!" she growled, "I'm an assassin! I can't... I can't keep..."

And yet she continued to rub it out, faster and faster with every pass of her clit. She started with one finger before moving onto two and then three as her hand covered her gaping wet hole and she used her palm to stimulate every inch of her vulva.

"F... Fuck it!" Nargacuga winced, "I can't focus like this-!"

The black cat wyvern let go of the tree she was grappling on to and silently fell back down to the ground, letting the foliage beneath her break her fall and making very little sound as she rolled through the greens and lay on her back. With little hesitation, she once again placed her hand on her clit and began to stroke it intensely.

"Mmhmm~!" Nargacuga bit her lip as surges of pleasure shot through her body, trying her best not to make much noise, "F-Fuck, I needed this..."

She felt her hand getting wetter and wetter as her pussy continued to leak juice from its folds, but soon enough she realized simply rubbing her sensitive spot wasn't enough anymore. With haste, she plunged her middle and ring fingers into her gaping cunt and rubbed the inside of her vagina. Her back arched up to the sky as she felt her warm juices drenching her fingers.

"Mmmfff~!" Nargacuga whimpered, holding back a moan as she tried to pleasure herself.

With every beat and flick of her fingers, she could hear her pussy's juices sloshing around inside her. She went to grab one of her pert little breasts, and while there wasn't a whole lot to touch, especially with her on her back, she made an effort to pinch her increasingly hardening nipples.

"C-Come on, already!" she growled as she continued to rub herself, desperate to cum and get her heat overwith, "Just do it already!"

At last she finally felt something welling up inside her. Her hand beat faster as she urged her body to release.

"F-Fuuaaaaaahhhhhh~!" Nargacuga muffled herself to reduce her volume as she finally reached her climax.

She pulled her fingers out of her cunt with a soft pop as her juices exploded onto the forest floor, every burst of pleasure pumping out another load of clear femcum. She fanned her clit with her fingers, maximizing her euphoria as she sprayed droplets across the ground, turning the area below her to mud. Even after her orgasm subsided, she laid there on her back, silently quivering from the incredible feeling.

"By... the dark gods..." Nargacuga huffed as quietly as she could.

She slowly reached up and felt her forehead; she noticed it immediately: Her heat had died down. She could still feel her lustful desires deep within her core, but they weren't nearly as overbearing as they were before she relieved herself. More importantly, her mind cleared enough that she could once again focus on the mission at hand.

Nargacuga slowly got up, wiping any juices still on her hand on her waist. It took a moment with how much there was, but she spread enough over her body to reduce the stickiness and give her hips a nice sheen to them. She groaned, realizing the glare would likely give her location away if ever the moonlight hit her scales. Under any normal circumstances she would have known better, but she was just about ready to be finished with her mission and her heat. Besides, she's tackled way worse in the past.

How bad could one Zinogre be?

"Alright, let's get this over with."

With a quick stretch, Nargacuga decided it was best to finish her task that very night. She had already done too much to potentially expose herself thus far, but really she just wanted to go home and rub her heat away. She didn't really mind not having a mate to help her relieve herself or really care to have children; after all, it was hard to do your job with a big pregnant belly in the way. Still she'd admit it'd be nice to have some way to blow off steam that didn't involve her fingers.

But she couldn't think about that when she still had a mission to accomplish. Not wanting to waste any more time, Nargacuga slid back into the shadows and began her approach on the invading Zinogre.

It was too easy.

That was only one of Nargacuga's thoughts that raced through her mind as she at last found his bed and slowly approached him to deal a killing blow in his sleep. After he was dealt with and his body was disposed of, the people of the Guiding Lands would once again flourish. Of course an elaborate lie would be made to hide the dark truth behind his disappearance, but more importantly to protect Nargacuga's involvement.

And yet as she prowled his claimed home, she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread and unease, even if her scales hid her body in the dark of night. The sheen of the juices on her waist wasn't nearly as bad as she had believed, and for only a moment she thought she could salvage her job. Of course this belief didn't last long when she found it relatively easy to sneak up to the sleeping Zinogre.

Nargacuga were well known for their stealth and acrobatic abilities, but Zinogre were the perfect antithesis to them. With power that could rival even a horny Tigrex plus a symbiotic relationship with fulgurbugs that allowed them access to electrical abilities, the canine wyverns were far from average adversaries. Even the most skilled warriors in the land had trouble with them, and they'd make for perfect guards were it not for the fact many Zinogre liked to be lone wolves.

However, it was their keen sense of smell that the Nargacuga feared. Stories of how Zinogre could smell fear weren't entirely false; more accurately, their keen senses could smell the pheromones produced by fear, among other things. It was why Nargacuga trained for years to control their emotions, something that only an active sexual period could overwrite. And as said before, Nargacuga could never plan around that.

But there were other thoughts swirling inside her head as she realized how simple her task was despite her various flubs.

"...Shit," she huffed as Nargacuga began to feel rather woosy.

Heat periods came and went like ocean tides, especially in a Nargacuga's case. Sometimes the feeling was miniscule and easily dismissable, though there have been times when the drive to reproduce nigh broke minds. The only permanent cure to it was to properly mate. Masturbation could help for a short time, but only the snug squeeze of a pussy or the feeling of being filled by a cock could die it down until the end of the season.

Nargacuga hadn't expected her heat to return so quickly to her, or so powerfully for that matter. Still, she couldn't back down now; her target was in her sights. She had to power through the intense feeling, lest she face the wrath of her higher ups. She shook her head clear of her dirty thoughts and focused on the task at hand.

Nargacuga looked over the sleeping body of her prey; curled up by a dying fire on a bed made of straw and pillows made of feathers within a small alcove. She watched him sleep, waiting for the perfect time to strike. During this time, she realized how cute the Zinogre looked as he slumbered; his tongue sticking out just a little from his mouth as his limbs lay strewn about the ground. More importantly, she noticed how well-built he was; his muscles far larger than her own which caused her to blush.

"What a waste of a man," Nargacuga shook her head, unsheathing her claws from her fingers as she waited for the perfect moment to strike, "But you brought this upon yourself, heat or no heat."

At last the time came to deal a single strike to her target. As soon as an opening made itself available, she plunged her claws deep into his neck and tore it to shreds, killing the Zinogre instantly.

At least that's what she had believed would happen.

No, instead she found herself flying away from the Zinogre's sleeping body, having been decked in the face by the canine wyvern's long tail with incredible force. She rolled along the ground before using her claws to stop herself, scraping across the dirt the rest of the distance.

She growled as she looked up and saw the Zinogre standing before her, his back to the fire and making his body appear as though a silhouette. His appearance was imposing even to her, but Nargacuga never let her guard down even as he slowly approached her.

"You shouldn't wake someone trying to sleep," Zinogre said, "Rude one, ain't ya?"

Nargacuga said nothing, remaining on her guard.

"Aha! You're a Nargacuga!" Zinogre realized, "Guess I really have been causing a ruckus, huh? Too bad this place is perfect for my new stomping grounds! Once I'm done here, even those Kelbi girls will want a taste of my cock."

Still Nargacuga remained silent, earning a rather disappointed look from her target.

"Nothing, huh?" he sighed, "Fine, if you wanna party, let's party!"

With a powerful howl, he stomped the ground and called forth hundreds of tiny balls of light to the fur on his back. Fulgerbugs, a more powerful species of thunderbug, were what gave a Zinogre their powers; they got to feast off of a Zinogre's dead back scales which shed often due to their fur and a Zinogre was able to harness their energy and turn it into their main form of attack. It was quite the impressive relationship, and at that moment Nargacuga was about to face the full wrath of a fully charged Zinogre.

Even with all her speed, she couldn't reach him in time before he burst with power, his fur standing up straight as electricity coursed through each strand and glowed a light blue colour. Even as Nargacuga pounced on him to attack, Zinogre's lightning fast reflexes, pun intended, allowed him to quickly pull his arm back and give his attacker another hard hit, this time to the gut. She was pushed back only a little this time, despite feeling like her insides were rearranged.

"Nice try, pussycat," Zinogre laughed, "Gonna have to think of something a little more creative than that."

Realizing a frontal assault wouldn't work, Nargacuga quickly devised a plan. Wasting little time, she dashed around the side of her foe and scraped up dirt with her feet, kicking it into Zinogre's face.

"AUGH!" he cried back, clutching his face and reeling back, "What the hell, you bi-?!"

Before he could even finish, Nargacuga raced up to his staggered body and leaped onto his shoulders, locking her legs around his neck and using her entire strength to flip the canine wyvern into the air and slam him into the ground. A cloud of dust rose up from the impact, surrounding Zinogre as Nargacuga looked on, still on guard in case her attack couldn't quite finish the job.

"We're done," she said as she watched the scene for a moment longer to make sure the Zinogre stayed down.

That's when she felt it once again: A surge of heat swelling inside her. She grasped her head, her legs starting to feel weak as she staggered away from the fallen Zinogre; she overexerted herself. Nargacuga knew this would happen while she was still in heat, but she took comfort in knowing her mission was soon to be finished. All she needed to do before she could heat home and relieve herself was dispose of the-


She didn't even see Zinogre coming at her as the dust around him finally settled. Her attack had scared away all the fulgurbugs and discharged her target, but that also meant his fur no longer glowed a bright cyan and she couldn't quite make out his body. Combined with her heat ache, she couldn't even react in time when Zinogre launched out and pinned her to the ground, his hand firmly around her neck.

"I've heard stories of the Nargacuga before," Zinogre growled at her with a grin as she struggled beneath him, "They're supposed to be agile warriors of the night with reflexes faster than lightning, and yet you're all distracted. I didn't know why until I took a good sniff of your cunt before you tossed me; you're in heat, aren't you?"

"G-Get off me!" Nargacuga shouted.

"I wondered what that strange smell from the forest was," Zinogre laughed, much to Nargacuga's embarrassment, "I never sniffed one of you in heat before, so I thought it was just a bunch of horny animals. But I gotta say, pussycat, you smelled damn good..."

He leaned in closer.

"Wouldn't mind blowing off some steam..." Zinogre got nice and close to her ear, " blowing my load into you."

It was at that moment that Nargacuga realized something, her eyes widening as a fantastic idea suddenly popped into her head. She hadn't known if it was simply due to her cleverness, or maybe she was just really pissing horny at that point, but she gave Zinogre a rather sly grin, confusing the canine wyvern. His smug look wiped off his face as he continued to choke hold her.

"You know what?" Nargacuga chuckled, "Fuck it."

In an instant, she wrapped her legs around Zinogre and flipped him onto his back. In his shock, his hold over her loosened, allowing her to grab his wrists and grip them tightly, digging her claws into the ground beneath them to hold him in place. She looked over the role reversal, licking her lips as she scanned every inch of her prey.

"I'm really fucking horny, y'know," Nargacuga lustfully explained, "The heat just won't go away and it's starting to affect my job. You're gonna help me get rid of this goddamn feeling, because at this point you don't have a fucking choice!"

"Now you're talking my language! I fucking love it when they fight back," Zinogre grinned at Nargacuga's sudden assertiveness, "Then maybe we can help each other, huh? A little I do you and you do me?"

"How about you shut the fuck up and take it, bitch?" Nargacuga snapped, her heat having fully taken over her sense of restraint.

"Gonna have to make me, pussycat!" Zinogre snarled.

Without warning, Nargacuga pushed her face onto Zinogre's, her lips locking with his and pressing down hard on them. She released her grip on his wrists to grab his face and use her hands to pull his head into her own, making the kiss they shared even rougher. To her surprise, he didn't immediately resume dominance, instead opting to reach down and firmly grab her ass, giving each cheek a hard squeeze.

Moans from both parties emanated from their kiss as their saliva mixed together and made a mess around their mouths with every new embrace. At last their rough making out came to an end when Nargacuga felt something hard slapping against her pussy lips, their tongues sticking out as they finished and a strand of spit connecting them together still. Nargacuga laughed as she felt the throbbing member on her rear.

"Excited, pervert?" she asked him, a lustful, almost deranged glint in her eye.

"Can't help it, baby," Zinogre chuckled, "Your body's too good. Lacking on the tits a bit, but goddamn does that ass make up for it."

"Then let's give you exactly what you want!" Nargacuga grinned.

She then sat up on Zinogre's body and pushed her rear into her prey's large doglike cock, knot and all. It slid right between her cheeks, snugly throbbing against her asshole. Nargacuga then reached her hands around and pressed her ass cheeks together, wrapping them around Zinogre's shaft completely.

It was then that she began to bob up and down.

Zinogre's cock twitched between her cushions as she stroked the hard flesh with her soft body. She could feel his prick against her anus, pulsing with every stroke and stimulating her. With every bounce she let out a quiet moan, licking her lips as she looked behind her to make sure she was doing it right.

"Damn fine technique," Zinogre praised, absolutely loving the sensation, "Never seen it- *unf*... until now. Guess you Nargacugas still got some tricks up your sleeve."

"You could- *hah*... say that," Nargacuga huffed as she bounced, "Now shut the hell up and take it. I'm gonna do this until you cum and calm the fuck down."

"Aw, but that ain't fair for you, baby," Zinogre laughed, "How about we flip the script a little?!"

In a flash, Zinogre grabbed Nargacuga's waist and flipped her on her back. Though instead of pinning her to the ground, he used this opportunity to get off her and allow her to pounce on him to try and take control again. Fully expecting this, he managed to stop her and grab her head, slamming it into the ground and pulling her ass up into the air with his free hand.

"Stay right there, pussycat!" Zinogre squeezed her head a bit before letting go, trusting she'd follow his orders, "I'm gonna help you with your little heat problem. But first, I gotta try that thing you did to me!"

"Then do it, prick!" Nargacuga shouted, "Help your fucking self!"

"That's what I like to hear!" Zinogre grinned as he grabbed her ass cheeks and squished them together once more, shoving his cock right between them, "Awww yeah, that's the shit!"

He thrust between her ass over and over again, each push sliding across her asshole just like before, only now it was much faster and rougher than when she did it. There was something about her plush body that really did it for Zinogre, pressing him to continue grinding his shaft between her cheeks.

Nargacuga was in pure bliss. Having never done such acts with a partner before, this was by all accounts her first time having sex. Was she scared? Absolutely not, she was a Nargacuga; a warrior of the night, trained to endure all hardships. Of course "enduring" wasn't the word she'd use to describe her predicament as she huffed with every grind of her prey's thick, throbbing cock.

And yet despite them both clearly enjoying the act, neither felt any closer to being relieved of their heat. That was when Zinogre came up with a brilliant idea.

"Guess it's time for the main course, huh?"

"You gonna fuck my dripping wet cunt, huh?" Nargacuga asked, almost snarling at Zinogre, "Gonna pump me full of your baby batter and knock me up, huh?!"

"Hell no!" Zinogre laughed.

He gave his partner ass a nice hard smack, causing it to ripple a bit. With his other hand, he groped the other cheek firmly and tightly, squishing it down. Nargacuga let out a loud moan at the sudden spank as she bit her lip to vainfully contain the sound, feeling Zinogre rub his hand over her other cheek to prepare it for yet another hit, this time a little harder than the last. Once he was finished, a red mark could be seen clear as day on Nargacuga's butt burning with pain that aroused her for some reason. She stuck her tongue out as she heard her partner start to laugh again.

"That's for even thinking I'd breed a slut like you," Zinogre growled with a grin, "Now how about you be a good girl and I'll think about going easy on you?"

"How about you just fucking dick me already, you bastard?!" Nargacuga shouted, "I've been such a dirty little girl, I deserve to be punished~! So punish me already, fuck face!"

"Then I'll hold absolutely... nothing... back!"

Zinogre then took his dick out from between his partner's ass, using a hand to gently rub it as he used another to smack her again. Though the hit wasn't nearly as hard as the last two, he knew her ass was still sore from his spanking and even a gentle hit would sting, much to Nargacuga's enjoyment. Letting go of his cock, he used his thumbs to spread out her cheeks and reveal her needy, twitching anus. He opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue over the hole, letting his spit drool over it, surprising Nargacuga.

"C-Cold!" she winced, "Thought you were gonna punish me."

"You kidding?" Zinogre finished up his drooling before he answered, sliding his thumbs across her asshole to spread his spit as he spoke, "I don't wanna fuck a dry hole, slut! That shit hurts! I don't give a damn what you feel, but my cock is my business. Got a problem with it?"

"I've got a problem that you're a total pussy," Nargacuga smirked.

Her smirk was quickly wiped off her face as Zinogre pressed his thumbs into her hole, pushing his saliva to coat her insides. She let out a surprised cry as she could feel his claws scratching her insides, and she just knew that a huge grin was on his face as he heard her moan. It wasn't long before he finally finished his work and firmly grabbed her ass cheeks, pressing his shaft against her anus; she could feel it throbbing as it prodded her, eager to enter.

"You sure make a lot of noise for a quiet assassin," Zinogre noted, "Now let's see how much more noise you can make when I-"

"JUST FUCK MY BRAINS OUT ALREADY, YOU FUCKING COCKSUCKER~!" Nargacuga demanded so loudly that she was certain the entire Guiding Lands could hear her.

That was all the invitation Zinogre needed.

With no more hesitation, he pushed his prick straight into her ass, hilting at his knot immediately. Nargacuga cried out again as she felt his warm member inside her, arching her back and pounding the ground with her fist. It didn't take very long for Zinogre to start moving, pulling his dick out before ramming it right back into his partner.

His cock felt absolutely massive to Nargacuga. With every thrust, she could feel her asshole stretching wider than she ever thought possible. She never imagined feeling something long, hard and thick inside her ass could feel good, but to her surprise she was absolutely loving it. She huffed with every push of Zinogre's shaft, feeling his knot pushing against the sides of her hole with every hilt and his balls slapping against her wet pussy and squirting her juices everywhere.

"Y-YEAH! That's it! Fuck me!" Nargacuga demanded.

"You're one crazy bitch," Zinogre noted as he continued to pound her, "But goddamn if I don't find that fucking hot! Now how about you scream a bit more?!"

He spanked her again, causing Nargacuga to let out a cry that slowly faded into a whimper.

"You got a nice ass, pussycat," Zinogre smiled, "Nice and smackable! Feels good to squeeze too," he did just that, groping her ass with his fingers, "Can't imagine how someone like you sneaks around packing all this behind you!"

"Y-You talk too much!" Nargacuga shouted, "Less talking and more fucking!"

"Then let's up the ante!" Zinogre howled.

Nargacuga looked on as fulgerbugs flew over her head and towards her partner's fur, latching onto him and charging him with their power. It wasn't long before Zinogre's fur was covered with the electric insects and it sent his body into overdrive, releasing a powerful shockwave throughout his body. Every inch of him crackled with the powerful thunder element.

Every inch.

Nargacuga could feel it inside her the moment he charged up; electricity coursed through Zinogre's cock and directly into her anus, causing her entire body to shake from the electrical current. The spit inside her only proved to increase the electrical current, zapping the entirety of her hole. It hurt a bit to feel such a powerful energy entering her body, but Nargacuga would be a liar if she didn't admit she liked the intense feeling.

"F-F-Fuck!" she cried out between her spasms.

"Like that?" Zinogre grinned, "Then how about... THIS!"

Zinogre thrust into his partner again, filling her insides with his electrical power. He didn't hesitate to continue the rather fast speed he was at before, plowing her ass and feeling her anus grip his huge dick with every thrust into her. His balls continued to slap her pussy as his thighs hit her cheeks with every fuck, making a loud slapping sound that reverberated throughout the area.

"G-G-God YES!" Nargacuga huffed.

"Glad you- *unf*... like it, pussycat!" Zinogre laughed as he continued to thrust into her, "But I think it's time to wrap this up!"

"W-Wrap it up?" Nargacuga asked, feeling something swelling inside her as well, "Th-Then in that c-case, l-let's d-do it r-right!"

"What are you-?"

Zinogre hadn't realized how much control Nargacuga still had despite him dicking her this entire time, certain that he was the one dominating her. He was so certain that her mind snapped that his grip on her loosened a bit as he fucked her. His greatest mistake was to underestimate what a Nargacuga could do, even in heat.

In an instant, she tripped him with her legs and pushed him down to the ground with her feet, using her arms to propel her into the air and land above her partner, a foot right over Zinogre's throat and threatening to choke him. She leaned down and smiled at him, a lustful expression complete with a blush across her face. Despite being completely driven by her sexual drive, she was still able to overpower Zinogre quite easily.

"H-How did you-?" Zinogre stammered out.

"Just a reminder of who's in charge here,"_Nargacuga explained as she wasted no time in sitting on Zinogre's still crackling cock, feeling it fill her ass once more as she removed her foot from her partner's throat to sit more comfortably, _"And now, you're gonna give me every drop of your cum!"

"Heheheh!" Zinogre laughed, "Then do it, slut! Make me cum! Drain my balls and take it all! I'll be sure to give you every last drop!"

"YOU FUCKING BETTER!" Nargacuga shouted as she rode his shaft up and down.

She clenched her asshole down on his member, trying to milk it for everything it was worth. She wanted his warm cum inside her as soon as possible; her heat was starting to get unbearable and she knew the only cure was both of their releases. Nargacuga stuck her tongue out with a smile as she bounced on her partner's dick, feeling it begin to throb inside her and adding to the already insanely intense feeling of his energy coursing through her.

"Oh yeah, I'm feeling it now!" Zinogre growled, "Gonna cum soon! Get ready to take it all, bitch!"

"I won't waste a single drop!" Nargacuga purred as she could feel herself getting close as well, "So give me everything already!"

"You know what to do!" Zinogre grinned.

Nargacuga knew exactly what he was talking about. With a final bounce, she slammed her ass down onto Zinogre's thighs and pushed as hard as she could. She heard and felt it; Zinogre's knot was eaten by her asshole with a satisfying *gulp*, filling her insides and locking them together.

That's when they both released.

Nargacuga could feel Zinogre's cum flooding her ass, the hot spunk giving her a sense of euphoria she hadn't felt before. She sat there on his legs, feeling him pump rope after rope of his warm semen deep inside her. She could feel it start to pool inside her, Zinogre's knot denying any of it from leaving her asshole and ensuring her "impregnation", even though his seed was technically wasted. It sure as hell didn't feel wasted as her partner's seed continued to fill her up.

Zinogre felt a similar sensation, albeit outside his body. Nargacuga's orgasm was intense, a torrent of juices exploding from her pussy as they came together and spraying across his belly and chest. Every burst of her warm femcum covered more and more of his fur, causing it to become matted and sticky. He didn't mind one bit though, loving the feeling of being marked by his partner.

But best of all was the fact Zinogre's body was still electrified even through orgasm, including his cock. As his thunderous sperm flooded Nargacuga's insides, his body reacted to his climax in a powerful way: A surge of lightning coursed through him and thus into Nargacuga as well, electrifying their orgasm to a feeling beyond euphoric. Nargacuga's insides tinged with pain, but the pain only caused her to cum even more.

As Zinogre's orgasm died down, so did his energy. The fulgurbugs flew away as he expended their power, laying on the ground exhausted from his intercourse. Nargacuga, still feeling the shock of his energy, collapsed on top of him, totally exhausted. Her juices splattered everywhere as she fell onto his body, covering her own belly and petite breasts as well. She could feel his knot still stuck inside her and keeping his load nice and safe inside her ass, causing her to smile as she lay on top of her partner.

"Well, that's not coming out anytime soon," Nargacuga noted, looking down as Zinogre's penis trapped within her hole, "Looks like we'll be here together for a while."

"You say that like you hate it, pussycat," Zinogre smiled, "But I know you love feeling all my seed inside you. Besides, you feel it too, don't you?"

"Feel it?"_Nargacuga raised a brow in confusing, but realized only a moment later that she didn't feel anything at all, save for the euphoria of having just cum, _"Aha! The heat's gone!"

"Sounds to me like we both did each other a favour," Zinogre laughed, "I don't feel like destroying nothing either. You were just too damn fine. Or at least your tight little ass was, pussycat."

He slowly got himself up, cupping Nargacuga's ass and holding her in place to make sure she didn't fall off him. To help him with his carrying, she wrapped her legs around his waist and kept herself comfy as she couldn't exactly step away from her partner at that moment. She looked up at Zinogre's face as she grabbed onto his shoulders to hold herself in place even better, looking deep into his eyes.

"...Glad I didn't kill you," she said with a sly smile, "It'd be a crime in itself to let a guy like you go to waste."

"Good to know I'm just a piece of meat to you," Zinogre playfully rolled his eyes, "That would make you my little cum sleeve then, huh?"

"I certainly can't deny your cum is electrifying," Nargacuga nodded, "Figuratively and literally."

Both shared a quick laugh.

"Hey look, the sun's rising," Nargacuga pointed out.

Sure enough, as the two looked beyond the horizon, they could see the morning sun slowly rising to grant its light over the Guiding Lands once again. They had been fucking for so long that neither of them realized just how long they'd been doing it. Regardless, they watched the rising sun as Zinogre continued to hold Nargacuga in place.

"Damn, we fucked for that long?" Zinogre laughed, "Guess time flies when you're fucking a nice piece of ass."

"Same to you," Nargacuga agreed, "However, I do still need to talk to you about something; regarding this area, actually."

"I know, I know," Zinogre sighed, "But how about I cut you a deal?"

"I don't think you're in any position to be negotiating anything," Nargacuga deadpanned.

"And neither are you, pussycat," Zinogre tugged his pelvis a bit, reminding his partner of her own situation.

"Touché," Nargacuga shrugged, "Fine then, speak."

"I can see we both have problems that need to be solved," he began, "Evidently, each problem can be fixed with a healthy fucking here and there. But of course with your random heat seasons, you'll need that more than me."

"Your point?" Nargacuga raised a brow.

"My point is that you need my help," Zinogre flat out said, "So my deal is simple: I'll stay away from this little community and make my stomping grounds somewhere else, and in return I get to get a taste of that sweet, sweet ass whenever I want! Plus you'll get to relieve yourself of heat whenever we fuck. Honestly, this benefits you more than it does me."

He gave her a smug smirk.

"So what do you say?" he asked, "Does my proposition intrigue you?"

Nargacuga turned her head away from him to think long and hard about his offer. On one hand, her duties would be complete. She could just tell the Nargacuga of her village that she slayed the Zinogre and disposed of his carcass and they'd be none the wiser. Plus she'd get to relieve herself properly whenever she wanted. Though at the same time, she knew there'd be no escaping from him, lest her secret be revealed. As much as it pained her to admit it, Zinogre could easily match her in a fight so she wouldn't have much luck in killing him to avoid his influence. She would be, as he said, his little cum sleeve.

But on the other hand...

Nargacuga glided a hand over one of her asscheeks, feeling how sore it was from Zinogre grabbing it and pounding it over and over. And yet she couldn't help but feel incredible aroused from touching it and feeling every bit of pain that surged through her body. With a quick pat and a quiet moan, she looked back up at Zinogre to give him her answer.

"As long as you can make my ass hurt like Zorah Magdaros punched my cheeks..." Nargacuga smirked, "Sounds to me like you got a deal, mister."