Cody's Love: Part One

Story by SlyLemur on SoFurry

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Cody Graham opened his bleary eyes to the sound of his blaring alarm clock.

He slammed his hand on the alarm, instantly silencing his small room. He murred happily as he stretched his arms and legs, his toes pressed against the wood paneling on the wall. When he returned to his normal position, he sighed contently. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the warmth of the morning sunlight on his fur. Opening his eyes, he looked at the thin sheet that covered his body; which was tented badly. "Ignore it," he thought, trying to resist the urge of pawing off.

There was no use, there was no privacy in his house. Eight nosy foster kids and his foster mother, Cynthia Nichols, made it impossible to enjoy most moments of solitude. It also didn't help that she busted every lock in the house.

Once his morning wood was gone, Cody sat up on his cot and stretched his arms once again. Suddenly, his bedroom door opened and light from the hallway flooded the room. A auburn wolf in a tight, red bathrobe stood in the doorway. Cody wiped his eyes and stared up at his foster mother;

"Good morning," he said tiredly.

"Good morning, Cody. Did you see Ian come in last night?" Ms. Nichols often did this. She would come to Cody asking if her kids had been obeying curfew. Since he was at the house nearly all the time, he would be the first person to know. Even if they did come in late, Cody covered for them; it wouldn't be worth the fight if he didn't.

"Yeah, he came in at around nine."

The canine narrowed her eyes, "Alright, hurry up and get dressed. The school bus will be here soon," She turned around and closed the door behind her.

Cody sighed as he stood up and opened his closet door. He picked out what he normally wore, a graphic t-shirt, and black skinny jeans. He looked thoughtfully into the full-length mirror nailed to the back of his bedroom door. His fluffy, lemur tail swished back and fourth behind him. His brown head fur he took time to straighten before he went to bed the previous night was mainly unchanged. His bangs laid over one of his sapphire eyes in a mysterious and nearly seductive way.

He grabbed his backpack from his closet and slung it casually over his shoulder. He checked his appearance in the mirror one more time before he opened his door and walked into the hallway. He cursed to himself when he noticed how long the line to the bathroom was. Cody figured Ian was probably wasting everyone's time admiring himself in the mirror.

He was Ms. Nichol's only child and he was the classic jock. He was muscular, good-looking, popular, he was the kind of person everyone else wanted to be. After what seemed like and eternity, Ian emerged from the steamy bathroom. He only had a towel wrapped around his muscular form. His brown fur seemed to glisten in the morning sunlight. He walked past Cody, briefly brushing shoulders with him. His eyes followed Ian's body the way to his room, where he saw Ian remove his towel. He was given a small glimpse of the wolf's perfectly sculpted ass before Ian shut his bedroom door. Cody shook his head and tried to take his mind off of the peep show he had just received. Another child rushed into the bathroom and the line became just a little shorter.

"This is going to be a long morning," He grumbled to himself.


Alex Bailey's mouth hung open as he snoozed through his Algebra 2 class. The Artic wolf was beginning to drool onto the previous nights homework when he felt a sharp jab in his ribs. With a snort, his head shot up and looked at the person next to him. It was a lemur with brown head fur and shockingly blue eyes. Alex rubbed his weary eyes and looked back down at his homework, which he had spent most of the night before trying to finish. His teacher, a red-tailed hawk he knew as Mr. Buteo, walked up to him with a stride in his step.

"Good morning Alex, I'm guessing you didn't sleep well last night?" He said in a sarcastic tone only a teacher could produce.

"No...Not really," Alex said, running his paw through his own snow-like fur.

"Did you at least get your homework done?"

Alex's eyes lit up when he could say something Mr. Buteo actually wanted to hear, "Yes I did, I got it right here," He said quite confidently as he passed Mr. Buteo his work.

"I see..." He mumbled to himself as he looked over the paper. "Everyone, pass up last night's homework so we can get on with our lives," the class chuckled at his comment and passed their work up to the front of the room.

"Thank you. Since there is only about ten minutes left until class is over, you can chat amongst yourselves." Mr. Buteo droned on about how they should make classes longer as Alex turned to the lemur next to him.

"Hey dude," He said casually, "Thanks for waking me up, Buteo would've been pissed if he had to wake me up."

The lemur eyes seemed to wander across his fur, he looked like he was admiring it. Before Alex could say anything, the lemur looked up at him and moved his hair out of his eye.

"It's no big deal, you don't really have to thank me..." He looked down into his lap and twittled his thumbs.

"I never noticed you before, what's your name?" Alex asked, tilting his head in the perfect canine stereotype.

"Cody," He extended his paw to Alex and gave him a friendly smile.

"I'm Alex," He grasped Cody's paw in firm handshake.

After the handshake Cody walked away to talk to an otter sitting at another table. Alex sat alone and looked through his textbook. When the bell rang Cody came back to pick up his things and he left the classroom. Alex stayed close behind him, he was about to leave the room when Mr. Buteo called him; "Alex, can I talk to you for a sec?" Alex cringed a little before he turned around and gave his best fake smile.

"Sure, what's up?" Alex sat down, his face may have been calm, but his body language told a different story. He constantly tapped his foot and his paws were tightly packed together, sweat was starting to become slightly visible on his fur.

"I want to talk to you about your grades," Mr. Buteo said quietly, so students in the hall couldn't hear.

Alex gulped and pulled at the collar of his shirt, "What about them?" His voice cracked.

"They need to be improved. I'm ecstatic that you're doing your homework, but most of the answers are wrong. This is hurting your grade, if you can't do the work, how can you pass the test next Friday? Do you see what I'm saying Alex?"

Alex's ears pressed close to his head as he listened to Mr. Buteo's comments. "Y-yes sir, I need t-to get my grades up," He stuttered.

"I suggest you get a tutor, it's easier than just studying by yourself."

Alex nodded, "I understand, thank you Mr. Buteo."

"Alright, you can go now."

Alex stood up and hurriedly left them room, nearly dropping his books in the process. Once he was in the hallway he noticed Cody, the lemur, at his locker. He walked up next to him with an almost pleading look in his eyes. "Hey, uh..."


"Right, Cody," Alex rubbed the back of his neck as he blushed, "Would you mind doing me a huge favor? I need a tutor for math, 'cause I'm failing. Would you mind doing it? I could pay you if you'd like."

Cody continued putting things into his locker as Alex started to beg him. "Alright, I can tutor you. Can I get your address so we can start tonight?" Cody said casually.

"Yeah sure," Alex ripped a piece of paper out of his spiral notebook and pressed it against the wall of lockers. He took out a pen and wrote down his address and slipped it to Cody.

"We can start whenever you get to my place, sounds cool?"

Cody nodded, "Okay, I'll see you after school," The lemur walked off down the hallway, his tail swishing like a flag. Alex followed it with his eyes, and before he knew it his own tail was wagging frantically. When the bell rang he let out a yelp, nearly dropping his things again. He took off running to his next class, making sure to adjust his sudden erection.


Cody nearly bounced in his car seat. His paws tapped out his favorite song which was playing loudly over the radio.

"Hey Jude, don't make it bad," He sang along to the mellow tune, "Take a sad song, and make it better."

Cody had been following Alex's directions to the letter, making sure he wasn't lost and on time. When he got home from school hours earlier, he practically stared at the clock waiting for it to go faster. Thankfully, he didn't have to baby-sit that night like he normally did. One of his sisters got caught sneaking into the house after curfew and was stuck doing the chore.

"Remember to let her under your skin," His soft voice echoed Paul McCartney's , "Then you begin, to make it better." Cody moved to the rhythm as the chorus kicked in. He jumped as a car from behind him honked it's horn, the light he was waiting at had turned green. He turned down the radio and pressed the gas pedal. He pulled out the crumpled directions Alex had written from his pocket. He looked at the paper and quickly looked back up at a street sign he had just passed. He missed a turn.

"Damnit!" He growled.


Alex stared at the clock that hung on the wall. The second hand seemed to drag slowly across the surface. He had already set up everything he needed to study on the coffee table in his living room. He even ordered pizza for Cody and himself. His parents, both being some of the most successful surgeons in the country, were on a business trip. Alex, being seventeen was trusted to watch over the family manor. He was just about to dial Cody's number when the doorbell rang. He jumped up and ran across the house to get to the front door. When he got to the door, he wrapped his paw around the handle and threw it open. "Hey! I'm glad you could make it!"

Alex heard someone clear their throat, he looked up and saw the pizza delivery man. The short and stubby rat rubbed his snout and said with a snort; "That'll be $15.50"

Alex looked at the rat with surprise before running off to grab his wallet. He looked around the coffee table looking for where he had placed his wallet. He pushed textbooks and papers out of the way until he found his wallet on top of his laptop. He then padded back to the door, sheepishly looking down at his wallet. When he got to the door he mumbled an apology as he pulled out a twenty. He looked up to see Cody holding the pizza box. "This yours?" He asked jokingly.

"How did yo-" Alex began.

"He was just standing here, so I thought I'd cover it for you."

"Eh, thanks. Is there anyway I could pay you back?"

Cody walked past him with the pizza and snatched the twenty from Alex's paw, "That'll do."

Alex chuckled, "So do you want to eat first or should we start studying?"

Cody flashed him a smile as he flipped open the pizza box. The fresh smell of cheese and tomatoes hit his nose. "No sense in letting this get cold, it is my favorite after all."

"I guess you can't go wrong with extra cheese."

Cody set the box down on the coffee table and carefully looked at the assorted supplies. "Looks like your ready to go," Cody motioned Alex to sit down on the couch next to him. When Alex sat down, Cody grabbed a piece of pizza and took a small bite. "So what are you having trouble with?" Cody asked with his mouth full.

Alex shook his head and mumbled, "Everything I guess. I just need to know what's on the test next Friday."

"That test is mainly on fractions, so we'll start with chapter eleven," Cody said as he flipped through the textbook. "Why don't read the first page by yourself and we'll start there."

Alex simply nodded and placed the textbook in his lap. His eyes carefully went over the words as Cody's went over his body. Cody flicked his tongue across his nose as he stared at Alex. He didn't even realize he was doing it, his eyes hovered over his snow-like fur. It looked so soft, just like a cub's. He wanted to run his fingers through it, he wanted to sink his muzzle into it and smell it.

Cody looked up at his eyes, which were ice blue, like his own. Alex was on the baseball team, that was the only thing Cody knew about him before that day. His body was slim and sleek, yet toned. His muscles were invisible until he flexed them, then they became irresistible until they sunk back into his soft, white fur. He was wearing a loose jersey with his last name gracing the back, and his number on the front. On his lower half he was wearing a pair of fitting gym shorts. They were black, which was in high contrast with his white fur. The dark color nearly made him miss the bulge in his crotch. Cody swore he saw it twitch slightly.

"Cody!" Alex said for the third time.

"What?" Cody snapped out of his lustful haze.

"I finished the first page, what's next?"

"I-I," Cody stuttered as he rubbed the back of his neck, "We can go over the practice problems on the next page."

"Okay," Alex said quietly as gave Cody a strange look from the corner of his eye. Cody leaned closer to Alex to point out something in the book, "As you can see, number one is asking you to..."

The lessons went on for the next week. Over that period of time Cody began to have feelings for Alex. He realized that besides being a jock, he was still sweet and was a good listener. By Friday Alex and himself had spent hours studying together. Although, Alex did more studying, and Cody did more observing. As the week went on, Alex began to take notice.

Alex sat at his desk and eagerly waited for the bell to ring.

Mr. Buteo was grading the tests rather quickly at his desk, wanting to finish before class was dismissed.

Cody sat in his seat with his head low, he fiddled with his pencil until the bell finally rang. Mr. Buteo stood and held up his hand, stopping students from rushing out of the room. "Hold it," he said in a stern, powerful voice, "Come pick up your tests on the way out."

When Mr. Buteo sat back down, the class went back into full motion. The furs rushed past Mr. Buteo to grab their tests. When Alex went to grab his, he found out it wasn't in the pile. "I wanted to give you your test personally," Mr. Buteo said proudly as he stood up from his office chair.

Alex bounced on the balls of his feet, something he only did when he was very excited...Or nervous. "W-what did I get?"

Mr. Buteo held out his talons, Alex's test in their grip. "B, plus," He chirped, "I'm glad you took my advice Alex. Your grade will thank you for this."

Alex snatched the test and stared at it with disbelief, "Really?! A 'B'?"

"Good job, Alex. You're free to go know."

Alex bounced in place and nearly howled when he ran into the hallway. He looked up and down the hallway until he saw Cody trying to open his locker.

Cody hissed at his combination lock as he banged the locker, "This thing keeps getting jammed," He mumbled to himself. He had been very angry today, he didn't quite know why. The day before was the last day of his sessions with Alex. He had grown fond of the Artic wolf, wanting to hang out with him. Unfortunately, Alex was in a different league than himself. Alex was a popular jock, everybody liked him. Girls sometimes beg to get into his pants. He could be in the middle of study hall and have at least five phone numbers shoved into his pockets. Cody on the other hand, was in the school's orchestra. He was their best violin player. He normally spent time with his small group of friends at their lunch table. He would skip gym class to write stories and poems under the bleachers. There was no way he and Alex could be friends, or anything else for that matter. Suddenly Alex bounced up next to him. "Hey!" He barked.

Cody jumped and looked at him with widened eyes, "Hey," Cody took a second to compose himself, "How did you do on the test?"

"Awesome! I got a 'B'! Thanks to you!" Alex grabbed Cody by his shoulders and pulled him into a quick hug. For Cody, it seemed to go in slow motion. One second he was standing there banging his locker, and the next his muzzle was buried deep into Alex's neck. Cody inhaled deeply, his scent was covered by an expensive cologne. Under the artificial smells was the unmistakable scent of a male wolf. Cody whined, "Why am I doing this?"

Suddenly, Alex pulled away, still grasping Cody by his shoulders, "How about we celebrate? At my place? I could order another pizza and rent a movie!"

Cody stuttered, completely surprised by the sudden offer, "Okay, w-what time?" He said quietly.

"The time you always come over, eight o'clock," He yipped.

"Sure, I'll s-see you at -eight."

Alex ran off down the hall, meeting with a group of furs on the baseball team. Cody could hear bits and pieces of him excitedly telling them about his test scores. Cody looked back in time to see Alex point at him, which directed the entire baseball team to look in his direction. Cody blushed and shielded his eyes with his paw. He hurriedly paced to his next class, and managed to avoid the baseball team for the rest of the day. He was barely able to control himself for the past week of tutoring Alex. How could he possibly control himself when he is sitting on a couch, in the dark, while watching a movie?

"What have I gotten myself into?" He thought to himself.

Cody's Love: Part Two

Alex and Cody sat next to each other in Alex's living room. It was more like a home theater, the television was almost as big as Cody's bedroom, and the couches were so comfortable. He sunk into the soft suede, he wished his own bed was that...

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