The Royal Bed Bunny

Story by Derpy Space Carrot on SoFurry

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#1 of The Royal Bed Bunny

His father ignores him. His brother is an asshole. He's a tad confused about his sexuality. But then everything changes when Prince Ernest meets his Bed Bunny.

I've always found my royal obligations oddly exhausting. It's like at some point in the evening, my social battery just runs out and suddenly I want to curl up and die. I don't actually dislike it-- I find people extremely interesting and I like to hear the latest going-ons in the world. A prince should be aware of what is happening in his father's kingdom, after all. The gala starts out great, I'm all smiles and small-talk, but after the sun sets and the feast is still going strong... I just kinda mentally check out.

Father probably would not mind if I retired to my chambers. He asks and expects very little of me, which is good because that means I usually avoid the brunt of his wrath. But I'm too proud to go to bed until the very last guests have left-- that's as much due to my brother as it is my father, though. My brother, Griffin, is everything I'm not. His fur is a darker, richer red more characteristic of royal blood. He is the epitome of a strong and healthy fox. He excels in everything he does. The public adores him, and although he receives more shit from Father than anyone else, at least that shows Father cares about him in his own way. As far as I'm concerned, he's the perfect heir. Next to him, I'm just Little Prince Ernie. Short, impressively weak, often described as "cute" rather than manly. I tried to artificially darken my fur once, but I messed it up and ended up looking more like a dog than a fox. As my sixteenth birthday approaches, I've basically given up trying to be the man my father expects. I'm ok being cute. My brother can have all the glory and the burdens that ruling a kingdom includes. I'll just keep being me.

I looked over towards Griffin now. He was chatting to Lord and Lady Cotsmill over by the entrance, exulting that sort of swarve, effortless charisma he was well known for. I looked away just as the pair burst out laughing at one of Prince Griffin's hilarious jokes.

"Ernest!" my brother called, and instantly I shrunk inside.

I turned back to him and flashed the best smile I could muster, feeling like a little bit of my soul was dripping out of my ears. I walked over to my brother and held out a paw to his guests.

"Nice to meet you," I said, blushing as the lady curtsied. Lord Cotsmill grabbed my paw and gave it a shake. Father always said that a strong, firm handshake was the only proper way to greet someone and establish dominance. I felt Lord Cotsmill's stronger canine paws crush my fingers a little.

"Your brother was just talking about how you-- " Of course. Of course, he was talking shit about me. What's he said? Joked about how pathetic I was during last season's hunt? Or how he almost sliced my snout off while we were practising sword fighting? "--you've quite taken to playing the violin."

At once my ears perked up and I smiled so genuinely that it surprised even me. I looked to my brother who smiled back, and then he bowed to the lord. "Anyway Sir I must get back to..." my brother continued some pleasantry and then left us. I wasn't listening, I was ecstatic. Then I proceeded to ramble, for who knows how long, about my music and the chords I was learning and the songs I was writing-- and Lord Cotsmill seemed keenly interested! He said that he had a daughter around my age who was quite gifted with music, too.

We spoke for what must've been an hour. By the time I said goodbye the hall was clearing out, and even Father had retired for the night. For once my day at court had flown by, and I felt a sort of happy kinda exhausted. This was quite the contrast to the normal sort of "dead inside" kind of exhausted I was used to. On the way to my bed-chambers, I ran into my brother and smiled at him gratefully.

"Thanks for inviting me over to talk with Lord Cotsmill. He was super interested in my hobbies and said that-- "

My brother chuckled. It was not a friendly sort of chuckle, but darker and smugger like he had just pulled a prank. I stopped speaking. "Cotsmill's been desperately trying to marry his crippled daughter off to someone," Griffin stated. "Only reason he was here and pretending to take an interest in you. He was trying to shill his broken goods onto me, so thank you for distracting him while I took my leave." Griffin stood close to me, a full foot taller than I was, and patted me on the head. Then he stomped off down the hall, leaving me sad and embarrassed.

Yep. That sounded right. This is more what I was used to in my day-to-day life. Nobody cares about the King's second son unless they want something. Nobody cares about my personality or my music. I'm just the cute little fox kid, who was nothing compared to his brother. With my tail dragging along the carpeted halls I returned to my room. I wanted to disappear, but I couldn't do that. So instead I decided to jerk off until I stopped feeling so sad and then sleep, hoping I wouldn't have to wake up.

I entered my room ready to strip naked and flop on my bed. But I could not do that. There was someone in my room. There was someone in my bed. My first instinct was to scream for help, but something stopped me. They smiled at me. Not the sort of fake smile I saw plastered around the castle every day, but a shy, sweet, heart-melting smile.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" I asked. I tried to sound stoic like my brother or father, but the swelling fear caused my voice to break. She was a rabbit. Somewhere around my age. Small, too. I wasn't a tall man and she wasn't a tall woman. She wore worn, cheap clothes that looked like they hadn't been washed for a while. The fur on her face wasn't ladened with the heavy makeup that I was used to girls wearing. She almost looked like a boy, but the swell of her chest (which I spent a few seconds longer than I should've been staring at) said otherwise.

She stood and bowed. "H-- hi Prince Ernest," she said, politely. "My name is Rose. I'm your Bed Bunny," the white rabbit said. She spoke with the accent my father says exists for us to identify the poor folk so that they could be more easily avoided. But the way she said her words were quick and articulate, like someone who had received an actual education.

I approached her, my retractable claws extended. If I were my brother, it would've looked rather threatening, and she would've been cowering in fear. "Bed Bunny?" I asked, trying to make sense of what were two quite simple words.

"Please sit down, Sir. I'll explain," she said with a pleasant smile, patting the bed next to her. She seemed no threat to me and I was still trying to pretend that strangers didn't terrify me, so I sat next to her. At once she slid over so we were side-by-side, the fur of her bare leg touching the silk of my trousers. "What I'm going to tell you is not to be discussed with anyone else, ok? I'll explain why."

"Ok," I said, fear replacing itself with curiosity rather quickly. I loved learning, and it seemed like the strange girl was about to teach me something new. "I was hired by your father. I'm a servant, but not for the house, but for you," she said.

I shrugged. "Ok? Like someone to carry my things? Thanks but no thanks, I'm good just to-- "

Rose cut me off with a laugh. She brought a paw up to cover her mouth but struggled to suppress it and blushed in embarrassment. It was really cute. She looked at me, maybe expecting that I would be offended, but when she saw that I was nonplussed she replied. "No, not like that. I'm instructed not to stay here, in your personal chambers. You're at that age now where you're going to be wanting to stick your dick into something-- " she said, bluntly. I blushed and subconsciously inched a tiny bit away from her. No lady of the court would usually dare use such language in front of a Prince! It didn't bother me, just surprise me. "I'm here to make sure you don't stick your dick into anything... politically complicated," she added.

I gawked at her, suddenly unsure what to say. "What do you mean?" I asked, at last.

Rose smiled gently, before flopping over and resting her head on me. She was touching me. She was on me. "Every single highborn male gets a Bed Bunny. When he was your age, your dad had one, too. Your brother got his a few years ago, and I'm sure she made him as happy as I'm going to make you," she said.

I was stunned. "Aren't men only meant to bed their wives?" I asked.

She laughed, but not in the condescending way that my brother laughs. "The Good Church's teachings never stop young princes from taking what is their's by right. Parents cannot stop their sons from engaging in these simple pleasures. It's much more proper for them to simply assign a woman to keep them satisfied, don't you agree? Better than them to be seen around whorehouses or knocking up all the serving staff."

"So... you're a whore?" I asked. I had seen them in the city, but I had never spoken to one before. My father called them piss-stained street rats.

"Not quite!" she said, stroking the bristled fur of my leg. Her paw was warm. "I have a little experience with sex, but I was never trained to please men," she said, blushing. "Is that ok?"

I gulped. "Look. I appreciate this whole thing but I don't think I'm comfortable just-- how much is Father paying you?"

She looked away and spoke quietly. "I get bed and board, but that's it. This position is voluntary. Sometimes Bed Bunnies get tips or gifts from their charge, but that's all."

"Why did you volunteer?" I asked.

"Life down in the city has never been kind to a girl like me. Please don't be concerned with the bruises on my body, my Prince. I never had a family and I've gotten quite used to suffering over the years. Then I thought, perhaps I could take a risk, and my life would be better for it. I've seen you in your pavilion travelling through town or sitting by your brother's side at the tournaments. I guess I've always had a little crush on you-- and you looked as though you would treat a bunny kindly," she said, rambling a little.

I'm not usually into the whole "personal contact" thing but as though it was natural I drew her into a hug. She was so soft. I felt her melt into the hug and my day's anxieties seemed to fade away. I have always been somewhat aware of the privileges I hold. Royal status comes with some challenges, but I have never been starving in the street. There are no bruises bleeding in from behind my fur. I would never need to have sex with strangers to survive. My problems are real, but they are not life or death. They're not the same as Rose's. I have a father who ignores me. My brother is an asshole. I'm a tad confused about my sexuality. Nobody takes me seriously. I can't control the negative thoughts in my head. But I am not fighting for survival and I will never have to.

"Please don't do anything you're not comfortable with," I asked. "I don't need a Bed Bunny. You're worth more than that. I can give you money, and you can forget you ever volunteered for this job and slip away, back into the night."

She didn't respond immediately. I suddenly felt extremely awkward and ended the hug to instead try and gauge the expression on her face. Her nose twitched, and whiskers bristled. Her bunny ears flopped, covering her eyes before she jostled her head to get them out of her face. "I get that you don't need me. Your offer is very kind, but, could we try this whole Bed Bunny thing out anyway?"

I nodded, my mouth suddenly dry. We chatted a little more that evening. After her initial spiel, she seemed to avoid talking too much more about herself, keeping a level of privacy which I was happy to respect. I talked about myself a little bit too, but avoided anything too personal. That night, I went to sleep with my arms wrapped around her. Despite her job and my simmering horniness, we didn't do anything. We just cuddled and enjoyed each other's company.

"Remember," she whispered, just after we had settled down. "It's taboo to discuss me with anyone, especially your family. Highborns turn a blind eye to the Bed Bunnies and pretend that we do not exist. Use me how you wish, but never mention me to anyone. I'll be fired, or worse." Despite the warmth of our blankets, I felt her shiver. I nodded.

Rose was already awake by the time I woke up. Still sharing my bed, she had turned from our spooning position to face me at some point. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I was happy. Oh, and also horny as fuck. I'm not sure if I was horny because of her but it does seem possible. I'm not even sure if I'm attracted to girls in that way, to be honest. I think I like boys and girls, but there's no word for that. The Good Church is pretty clear that a man either likes women and that is good and pure, or he likes other men, and that means he's gay and a sinner and going straight to hell. It was quite a while ago that I first started feeling attracted towards boys. For the first year, I couldn't directly think about it without it hurting my head and making me feel dirty. Father is rather pious but doesn't talk about the Good Church's teachings much. I once overheard Griffin saying that he didn't really believe any of "that horseshit". I don't really know what I believe, but I know that I'm tired of feeling ashamed for something I never chose.

So when I'm alone I masturbate a lot, usually doing it at least once every morning and every night. I try thinking about different things to see if I am attracted to them or not. I know that I like boys but that's about where my certainty ends. It's strange sharing a bed with a girl who I have express permission to fuck. Explicit permission from her, implicit permission from Father, the entire affair was truly consequence-free. A fox can't get a bunny pregnant, either. It felt wrong, like an abuse of power, but I pushed that feeling to the back of my mind. She wanted to be here. She wanted this. Did she want... me? If so, I could do with figuring out if I wanted her, too. And I was already hard...

"Hey so," I started, trying to figure out how to best word it. My brother probably would've just demanded the bitch to get to work, but I'm not my brother. That said, we both knew why she was here. "Do you think we could... you know?"

She somehow managed to shrink shyly whilst grinning mischievously. "My Prince," she whispered. "For me to do my job I need to know what you want. I'm happy to please you, no matter what it is." Her reply was formal to the point that it sounded fake. I grimaced.

"Ok but, Rose, are you actually ok with all this? As I said, if you're just desperate for money, you can have it and leave. I don't need a Bed Bunny, my paws work fine."

She was silent for a minute.

"But I could always use a friend," I added.

She blushed, shuffling closer to me. "I want to be your friend. And I want to be your Bed Bunny. If I don't like it, I'll tell you and you can stop, ok?"

"Ok," I replied. A friend who keeps my bed warm and balls drained. Maybe this is what I want. Maybe it doesn't matter that she's a girl?

"So what do you want?" she asked, the blush spreading across her face sharply apparent on her short white fur.

I didn't have to think for very long. Unsurprisingly, I have had minimal experience in the world of sex but I have fooled around a little. Last season I was dragged along on one of Father's famous hunts. Most men are super horny to go and shoot some innocent beasts but, me being me, I wasn't too into it. I spent most of the time exploring the woods or hanging out around the convoy. The hunting party was like a small town which roamed the forest from place to place. The Royal Alchemist's son had been dragged along too, and we spent most of the time sneaking off together. His name is Aaron, he's a cat. He's kinda nerdy but really cute. I'm not quite sure how it had escalated, but after some awkward conversation and fumbling touches, we did some unholy acts together.

He sucked my dick. And I sucked his. A lot. I enjoyed it. A lot. Giving and receiving. I wanted more of it and I wanted to try it in every possible way.

The shame didn't hit until I had returned home. I take very little of the Good Church's teachings seriously, but if anyone ever found out about the gay shit we had done... well quite frankly it wasn't my life on the line. I'm too royal to be hung or get my dick chopped off for consorting with men. I really liked him, loved him, maybe, but for Aaron's sake, I've avoided him. On the scale of "things a Prince shouldn't stick his dick into", another boy is very high up in that list. I think about our nights in the woods at least twice a day. Usually while masturbating as aforementioned.

I was thinking of Aaron when I told Rose what I wanted. "Use your mouth?" I asked, avoiding eye contact.

She nodded. She sat up and then knelt on my bed, peeling back the blankets. My erection was pressing against the front of my silky pyjamas. I don't think I'm big but I have a good couple of inches more than Aaron, although it's not fair comparing a fox to a feline. I don't actually know how well I stack up, but who cares. Rose murmured something and then went to free it at around the same time I went to pull down my pyjamas too. Our paws brushed up against each other, and together we pulled the waist down over my dick. I was so hard my dick looked kinda threatening. A shaft of shocking crimson red, throbbing a little, with the knot already swelling.

"You're beautiful," she stated. She shuffled her head closer.

"Thanks," I replied.

She traced her tongue along the side of my cock. "My Prince..." she said. "My Master."

I instantly reacted to the word, shooting a driblet of pre onto her tongue. "You're my bunny. All mine. My little... bitch," I said, trying out the word. I'm not a dominant kinda fox, I know that much about myself. I don't crave control or authority. I'm usually happy just to go to the flow. But, ermm, if she's gonna play the submissive, guess there's nothing wrong with letting the power go to my head. One of my heads, at least.

She licked my cockhead, meeting my gaze with a look which mixed innocence and mischief. I smiled lovingly and planted a paw on the back of her head. Her fur was so unbelievably soft. My first sexual experience with a girl couldn't have been much different than my first time with Aaron. His fur had been rough and coarse, and it had been long enough to get a real good grip on. We'd done it out in the forest-- it was dark and cold and rushed and primal. It was saturated with the emotional messiness of two virgins having gay sex, in a world where they could never be together. I didn't take long to cum and as soon as I did, I got right onto my knees and returned the favour.

But right now I was in the comfort of my own room, surrounded by pillows and warmth, with a cute bunny girl worshipping my cock. It wasn't rushed, it wasn't messy. It was glorious. Rose took me in her mouth and I was afraid I might melt into the sheets. I gasped and my grip on her stiffened as she took me deeper, humming as her lips stretched wide. Her buck teeth skimmed me but they were so blunt it just added a frilling coolness.

"Good girl," I muttered. "Fuck. You like this huh? You like being my Bed Bunny?" I asked.

She hummed an "uh-huh" and did her best to nod despite the fox shaft lodged in her mouth.

"Me too," I agreed with a needy gasp. I'm not sure if I meant I liked her sucking me off, or if I liked sucking dick too. The answer was, of course, both. It's ok to like both having adoring girls worshipping you in bed, and cute boys treating you roughly in a muddy forest, right? I just wish there was a word for people who liked both. People like me, you know?

For now I pushed my internal conflict to the back of my mind and just enjoyed the moment. Rose was enthusiastically bobbing her head up and down the first two-thirds of my inches. It felt wonderful, even though she hadn't deepthroated me at all. Part of me wanted to force her, I knew that she'd be into it. Everything about her body language right now screamed submission; from her twitching nose as she took in my scent, to her ears, which were now relaxed and lay flat along her head, drooping down either side. Between her legs I spotted her paw, desperately itching at her own private parts. I could easily grab her ears and drive her like a horse-- give her face a proper fucking. For now, I decided not to. I'd rather just let her do her thing and enjoy a lazy morning. The service she was providing was incredible and they'll be many more mornings and nights for me to try out different variants.

I let her work and I didn't regret the decision. She was clearly talented, enthusiastic but inexperienced. There's an art to this, a mastery in the speed, the suction and how the tongue moves. She had her own distinct style, and the result felt so good. A moan ripped through me. At first, I did my best to stifle it and make as little noise as possible. But then again, would anyone give a shit if they knew what I was up to? Surely I was just yet another spoilt prince fucking his Bed Bunny, something that has apparently been a common occurrence for generations. Hell, the high priest of the Good Church itself would surely turn a blind eye to this behaviour-- there's nothing unholy going on here, folks! So I let myself be a little bit louder than I am when I'm jacking myself off. It felt so good to let loose.

Speaking of letting loose, I was about to let loose into the serving girl's mouth. I spent a handful of moments just to savour the feeling. I didn't deserve this treatment. No mere mortal could deserve this level of pleasure. I shall do my best to pay it forward; one way or another. My mind felt fuzzy, my paws were balling into fists, my hips were jutting forward gently, my eyes seemed to be crossing. Just before I came I looked down at Rose and the adoration in her eyes was just-- it was too much. "Get ready Bitch Bunny," I mumbled, squeezing my eyes shut as everything came to a peak. My first jet of cum shot straight down her gullet, where I heard her gulping it hungrily. The second and thirds splurts fired out of me while she was on an upstroke, and they quickly filled her mouth with my sticky stuff. I kinda like the taste of it, and it seemed like she did too, because I felt her suck and gasp and try and drink it all down. I was past her buck-teeth just as I was finishing, smearing the last squirt onto her lips and cheek.

I panted, exhausted. And happy. Exhausted and happy. I watched her rise and then finish herself off with a paw-tip furiously drilling down on her clitoris. Right in front of me, she brought herself to her own peak, her ears suddenly jolting erect as she shivered and sighed. seeing this, I realized something that, in hindsight, was really really obvious. I like girls. I like boys and girls. I snuggled with Rose and we exchanged some mutterings. They mostly centred on how good that felt, how thankful I was, and how much she liked being called a Bitch Bunny. This still didn't feel real. I've grown so used to being downtrodden that I couldn't wrap my head around the possibility that this could become a normal thing. A part of me insisted that this was a dream, or some convoluted prank my brother was pulling. But nah, I have a Bed Bunny now, and my mind was buzzing with the things I wanted to try next. That was until there was a knock on the door, and I was summoned for breakfast.

As I was getting dressed, Rose had a favour to ask of me. Now that I knew I'd be keeping her, I needed to go speak to the Head of Staff, Clare, and get her officially placed under my employ. This gave her the benefits servants of the household got, such as meals and a uniform. Despite Rose insisting that this position was voluntary, I asked Clare to put Rose on the payroll, too. Clare seemed a little confused by this "unorthodox hiring decision", and asked me what Rose's responsibilities would be. Of course, I had been warned about the incredible taboo around talking about Bed Bunnies in polite company, so I said that she was to be my personal maid. Maybe Clare knew what that meant, I don't know. Nor care, to be honest.

Father always made a point of eating breakfast together as a family. I arrived with a spring in my step, exhuming that obvious aura of someone who just got laid. I sat across from my father and brother, hoping they couldn't smell it on me. Although, despite being someone who very often cared about what they thought, I didn't care what they thought. Sat next to me was my sister, Elisa. She's a year younger than me, but I've never been very close. She's much more concerned about her she looks and what she wore than anything to do with me. Opposite her, next to Father, was mom's empty chair. No one's allowed to sit in it or move the chair. I tripped over it one and sent it tumbling to the ground. I have never seen Father so angry. He would've hit me if Griffin hadn't grabbed him by the arms and held him back. The other side of the table there was all of our cousins; six foxes of various builds and stature. They all shared one thing in common though, each and every one of my relatives had darker fur than me. My pathetic shade of orange made me the outcast amongst my family, as it's thought the true mark of the royal bloodline is fur that is dark and rich. My father exemplified this, as except for the greyness that was now speckled in due to age, his fur was as dark as ink.

A servant, an old feline who's been working here for who-knows-how-long, brought out a platter of fresh bread and a puree to dip it in. It was real good, real tasty stuff. We chatted pleasantly about last night's gala and our plans for the day. Today was my free day, unburned from work or schooling. My only plan was to "fuck my new maid until I pass out", but I could hardly say that aloud. Instead, I said I was going to spend the day in my room practising the violin, which was an easy way to ensure nobody asked any follow-up questions. I often feel like I'm invisible and I've gotten pretty good at exploiting that. Once I had eaten my fill of warm bread and hummus I asked Father for his leave. He nodded, not even bothering to look up from his food. I rushed back to my room, near-sprinting around the corner and up a flight of stairs-- and I ran straight into someone coming in the other direction.

I stammered out a string of apologizes as we both climbed back to our feet. He smoothed out the creases in his shirt and looked up at me at around the same time I looked at him. Our eyes met.

"Aaron," my mind screamed. My mouth clamped shut. My face was burning red, clear embarrassment even beneath my gross orange fur.

"Hey Ernie," he said, with a weak smile. I wanted to reply-- really I did-- but I just couldn't move my mouth muscles. His smile faded and the wide eyes, characteristic of his species, narrowed. "Don't worry Ernie, we're cool. It hurts that you've been avoiding me... but I get it." He picked up a heavy alchemist's tome which I had knocked out of his paws and then turned to leave. "It was nice seeing you," he stated coolly. I wanted to say something, really I did, but I couldn't even stammer. By the time my mind caught up, he had disappeared down the staircase.

When I arrived back at my room, my heart was still racing and I was out of breath. Rose was curled up on my bed, dressed in her new uniform with a book between her paws. She looked up, and her smile was quickly replaced with a look of concern.

"Are you ok?" she asked.

I staggered over to my bed, collapsing backwards onto it. "No," I replied.

She sat up and stroked my fur. "It's alright. Want to tell me what's wrong?" Rose asked, sweetly.

I spoke some words that I have never told anyone before. "I think I'm in love," I said. I felt her freeze up. I could hear her heart beating faster. Shit. Did she think I meant her?

"Oh," she said. What do I say? Do I tell her the truth? She looked at me, and before I knew it, she had drawn me into a kiss. I've never kissed anyone before, not even Aaron. It was long and passionate, and even in my confused state, I found myself enjoying it. Our tongues fought for dominance and I think she was winning. After half an eternity she pulled back and smiled. "Me too," she said, at last. Next thing I knew, she was kneeling between my legs, undoing my belt with her fluffy white paws. She freed my dick and I was already so hard. She nodded approvingly, and then she sucked me off for the second time today.


Well fuck.